The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 14, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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Shit) Subsidy Advocates Will
n Probably Succeed in Passing
-'-V Present Measure. ! ;
' Mcanwhilj Ten Time m Much Com--;
wtx) Could Be loped In the
: t Orient Subvention Coined to
V Take the Place of Word 8utJdy.
i ": (Wukruto EirtM ef Tl JeeraL
I,-'; Washington, Feb. v Washing ton
' nd the nation' are hearlag much Just
now of the South American trade with
the rutted State; comparatively littla
ia said at tha Oretnetl commerci at
' thla country. Tel. Samuel Hill, one ot
-tha directors ef Harvard university, for
marly ot Seattle, ee demonstrated that
l about 6 .per Snt of tha world'a popula
tion lira south tram tha equator, fend
tha remaining 5 per cent Uvea north
- from that Una - - . '
5 :. The pending- ahlp aubsidy hill they
: raU it "mall aubventloa" -bringa forth
much debate, carried on mostly by New
Yorkers, and these controverslallets
" dwell on tha huge benefits which would
- Inure to tha nation were wa to eultl
' vate.tbe South American republic.
-wlille at the same time comparatively
littla ta aatd of the poaslbllltles of Be-
vetoplng with, tha trans-Pacific
' nation. ' ' -; ' 1 ' ... v ' .
- Opportunities ia Orient..' .
'-Tha department of commerce and la
: bor furnishes some figures which are
imely. and illustrate tha . wisdom of
listening" to the counsel of -James 1.
Hill with reference to tha extension of
-, the foreign commerce. Mr. Hill ' con
tends that In tha Orient ara Opportunities
paling Into Insignificance tha potenclea
- of the- Latip-Amerlcan countrtea aa
trade producers. It ia aet forth that
mora than half tha world'a. population
live on tha Pacific, and that exclusive
of the United Btatta, they occupy an
--are, -ef -i 7,S. -jure mlleer-and
number S94, 503,000 souls. ,
- These Orientals now have a trade of
1. SIS, 334, 00 annual imports, and $1,-
, 8,4J,00O exports. Of thla, trade, tha
. United States enjoys less than one-fifth
. or I718.00ft.009, of which - imports to
those eountrlaa ara ttf f.OOV.QQQ and
: S 352,000,00 exports. -,.:- .
..... Trade with South American countries
compared with these figures la mere
" ; 1A Barrett's Tart. ;.
J - John Barrett, now director of the bu---
. reau - f - American - republica,- formerly -minister
to 81am. Argentine and Colum
bia, and who traversed the world aa
commlsstrmer for tha St. LauIs Ioulai
1 ana Purchase exposition, .waa largeljrj
responsible for tha education of the i
.. Vnlted States In tha possibilities of 1
Oriental commerce, for when he went to!
81am he maintained a press . bureau 1
whence eama Information of trade p- -
portunltles which at first were scorned.
Later, tha government and tha transpor- I
tatlon masters such aa Hill and Harrl
man began to pay. heed, and It waa In
, large measure Minister Barrett's repre
sentations which aaslstad in turning at-
, tention to that part of tha world and
our national Interest therein. : ., . -
Nevertheless, Washington nowadays.
. talks of South. American trade to the
almost exclusion of the Orient, and Sec
retary. Root appears ta believe that the
: very life of the republic commercially ;
rests in tha development of trade with
, those southern countries.
Preaeat Ship Subsidy MIL ';
The present ahlp aubaldy bill Is 6-
signed largely-, to build up trade with j
inn uimrAinermiii, - f-rouaoiy. It will
. Pa. The advocates of tha measures
- have agreed to refer to it as "mall sub
vention;" when it waa discovered that
. tha votera were prejudiced agalnat subr
Idles, tha subsidised substituted In the
literature of the cult tha word "subven-
. . tlon." and eschewed "subsidy."
, However, , It la generally understood
'that the pending bill, which provides
fui only a boat t5.siMnajubsldIcs e
year. If passed,- will, be the entering
. . wedge, and that when tha people have
become accustomed to It. tha subsidies
, shall be increased not only In quantity,
but also in tha scope of their appllca
. tlon. Thus do the subsidy advoeatea
' plan tha federal treasury, little at
first, much later. . .,, T
- - - Jorl gptelal Bervlee.l -
New York, Ken. 14. Oblivious of tha
fact that their tenement anem destined
to ran before the march of progress at
no distant data, when the little con-
- rested quarter between tha Bowery and
- Mott' street will be cleared to make
; room for the East River bridge ter
rninal. the almond-eyed dnnlsens of
Chinatown are celebrating tha Chinese
new year. with much feasting and good
cneer. tor weeks past stores of good
things have been accumulating in the
littla shops In Mott. Pell snd Dover
streets, ready ror the Xcw Tear cele
.. kratlon. Now they have been brought
out to the accompaniment of. tom-toms
" and fforiga, and it will be 19 daya hence
before tha festivities are concluded.
Imrlng the celebration printed: new year
greetings ara paaeed about from friend
: to friend, and even the rival tongs bury
tha hatchet for the time being. Paper
prayers ara burned In tha Jose houses
-for the dead.' - Every household haa
. "lichee" nuta, preserved ginger , and
. other dainties for tha callers.
Persons Who Had Relinquished
Holdings Under Forest R
J ,s serves Recompensed.
' nraaklactoa Bsreaa of The Jeartal.)
. Washington. Feb. U Now that th
senate committee on publlo lands haa
voted to report favorably the house bill
granting lieu selection rights to persons
who had relinquished their land on for
est reserves, about 43.000 acrea and own
era thereof are to be affected and i
condition which "had wrought hardship
Is to be cared. The lands ara contiguous
to Portland and Spokane and Boise.
Several .hundred parsons bad rands
which' were taken for foreat reserves, re
linquishment having been made prior to
tha act of March t, in, and that tney
did not select lieu lands waa due not
to their fault, ibut'' to tha combination
of circumstance tauaed by Intervening
legislation which cut them rr rrom such
selection. .- "v..-.-- ? .":
The legislation now In process of en
actment will enable thorn to take timber
lands In place of those relinquished.. The
tXOM acres ia distributed to lota of from
40 to lOiiO acres held by the many per
sons and companies! ' .
. " (Joaraal Special Serriee.) .
" Grand" Rapids, Mich.. Feb. 14. About
TOO delegates were In attendance when
the Republican state convention ..was
called to order shortly after 11 o'clock
thla morning, by Attorney-General John
E. Bird, acting aa temporary tihairman.
After tha. opening addresses bad bees
delivered and a permanent organisation
effected the convention took a recess to
give the committees time to accomplish
their work. Upon reassembling this aft
ernoon the convention will proceed to
the nomination 1 of two candidates for
Justice of the' supreme court, two can-
didatea for regents of tha state univer
sity and a candidate for member of the
state board of education. Interest cen
ters principally . In the nominations for
regents of the state university, for
which places there ara several active
candidates In the field.
ulTcey favorite
Oregon Senator in Demand at
. Receptions, Pink Teas and;
..' Social Gatherings. "
Rumor Are That Matchmakers Are
Busy and I ro Some, Arrange
ment That Will Matrrlallx Alter
Senator's Future. , .,-
that a handsomer man has soldom been
honored by a constituency with mem
bership In the upper house, and tha
status of opinion smong the gentler
sex may be Judged by the fiivt that it
has been discovered here that. In addl
ilon to being a bachelor, with no known
attachment. Benator Mulkey la rich..
All lik&U. tha Junior senator haa cap
tured the women of Washington, and
there ara already rumors that tha match
makers are busy ahd purpose to make
some arrangements which will materi
ally alter the situation of tha handsome,
wealthy young man from Oregon, who
wears tha toga of tha United Btates sen
ate.. ; ;
wmnm day in
Unless There ; Is Unexpected
Clemency Three Whites and
v One Negro Will Die. .
noes Oaaaed
boo da.
(Wasoinftoa' Bsreaa et TW Journal )
Washington, - Feb. 14. Senator Fred
erick W. Mulkey has made a hit with
tha fair sag in the national capital. ' At
receptions, afternoon teas and other so
cial functions th new Oregon senator
has become th object of excited com-
men! by the women uf e m'luslte tlii'tt
who agree that few men have come to
the American bouse of lords who com
bine so many qualities flt to pleas
them.---.- -!.-- - r
Senator Mulkey has had th entree to
many delightful homes, and has been
escorted by his secretary, Barry Bulk
ley, who la a Washlngtontan and haa an
extensive acquaintance. Both belong to
the Cosmos club, sn organisation which
stands high her aa the gathering place
of men eminent In scientific and liter
ary pursuits, and Senator Mulkey had
been here only a day or two when he
waa besieged with Invitations from all
quarters. ,
Tbs women or the capital city declare
Alien 4k Lewis' best Brand.
(Journal BpecM Bervlee.) '
Boston, Feb. 14. Literary and his
torical societies throughout New Eng
land are busily engaged In preparation
for celebrating tha Longfellow centen
nial th last, of this month. The print
ctpal celebration are to be ' beld in
Portland, Maine, and Cambridge. Massa
chusetts, with which two cities the
great poet's life waa most elosely iden
tified. A special I.oSgfellow . exhibi
tion 1 to be held In tha Cambridge; pub
llo library and memorial exercises will
be held under tb auspices of the hia
torioal society of that city. The cen
tennial will be further commemorated
Two of the Men Were Partners in
Crime ' and " Narrow ly Escaped
. Lynching at Hands of Infuriated
Mob Ncro Beheaded Woman. ,'
Lexington, Ky.. Feb. 14. Unless there
Is an unexpected exercise of clemency
four man will die on the. gallows In
Kentucky tomorrow for crimes . they
have committed. Two of the men re
ceived the death penalty . for criminal
assault, while tha other two die for
throughout New England.
w prfltfia schools reorder Only oris vl the doomed men
treatment a company of stste troops
mas all that ssved beth men from being
lynched by a mob.
Huf fuller's crime was the murder of
a fellow convict In th Eddyville brsncb
penitentiary. With a knife he attacked
Hen Bhirly, with whom he bad quar
reled, ami killed him.
The negro Fltsgersld. with a negro
11 ' 1 " 1 1 ' '
woman named Amy Ilenson, killed Mr.
Martha Proughton in Knox county for
the purpose of robbery. They 'cut
head off. When they wer trailed with
bloodhound and arrested th woman
confessed. Tha Knox county Jail was
stormed - by a mob, but state troops
guarded the two murderers and brought
them to Lexington for aafe keeping.
" Tb XJmtt of ilfs. . ' . - : '
The most eminent medical scientists
ara unanimous In the conclusion that
tha --'generally accepted limitation of
human life is many years below the at
tainment possible with ' the advanced
knowledge of which the rare 1 now
possessed. The critical period, that de
termines Its duration, aeema to be be
tween 60 and 0; the proper rare of the
body during this decade cannot be too
atrongly urged; carelessness then being
fatal to longevity. Nature's best helper
sfter 60 Is Electrlo Bitters, the scien
tific tonlo medicine that revitalises ev
ery organ of the body. Guaranteed by
Red Croaa Pharmacy. SOo. .
ia a negro.
Guy Lyon and W. R. Fletcher are, to
be hanged at Ruasellville for criminal
assault. At the same, time and place
lies Huf faker -Is to be executed for
murder. At Tondon, Laurel county,
Jess Fltsgerald, a negro, I to be
hanged for murder. .
. Tha crime of- which Lyon and
Fletcher were convicted attracted wide
spread attention. About two years ago
they attacked tha camp of an aged Ger
man named Gladder, in Logan county,
and outraged th lS-y ear-old daughter
of tha aged man. Both the men were
married and had families, When they
were arrested and tha girl in broken
English told, tha story of fier brutal
Says I
to myself
says I
Says I to myself;
only cost
five cents ,
y ' iV:v'
rJoerul gMdal Kervlr.)
dacramento, Call., Feb. 14. By the
arrival of O. E. Tevltmoa. president of
th Exclusion league. In th senate the
Interest was revived In the Japanese
utiestlon, which Is pending before both
houses, but la held op awaiting action
Jn Washington.
- Tavitmoe's mission was to get lgls
lators to pledge themselves to bring ap
th bill providing for tha establishment
of separata -schools, unless United
States Attorney Ievlln consents to a
postponement of Aokl's case. . .
Detign No. 71302 ..
The only good light is the Web
bach light Welsbach burner,
Welsbach mantle, W e 1 b a c h
glassware, everything Welsbach.
Equally good on, natural or arti
ficial gas the natural gas ia fed
to burner in divided jets, mak
ing a better mixture of air and gas.
umsJesi gai aud gives- rnor
light than any of the imitation.
Each light in a'sealed box, bear
ing the Company's name, Wels
bach and their trade mark,' the
Shield of Quality.". V ; ;:"";;-; '
The Gai Company
'.. . and
All Dealers
fkeeelal niapatHi te Th Joemat.) -
0wgo. Or., i h. M. At Ha last
rrtulur roeetlnir fswego grshg No.
176, Talrnns of lluabsndry, passed a
resolution favortng-trta nwrr)ias by th
T-ierl snvernment of tha'locka In th
uumeHe river at Or(on City rrots
th i r-nent vwuera.
- We Sell
75 c
We sell the Welebaek SCaatlaa, -toe
less thaa tae etka feW
. ' lews.. W also sell ,:
' Aad aU klads ef aa and aleotrk
rixtnre. Boa t yoa bay till yen
talk wttb ns.
ivV The'-'--:
Lighting & Supply Co.
s nrao 4'araAB auw.'
Stock Will Ad Yaece to ' 85c
It Has More Than Doubled in Value in the Last Twelve Months It Will Soon Double Again
I have made millions of dollars for thops.ands of people by my patents. I expect to make millions
more. This stock has increased in value more than 200 per cent since September 1st, 1905. The
natural increase of business and inquiries for motors has forced the price up several times; it,will
soon go still higher This stock should make a life income for you. : ; v
a w w vy -;-.vii vvii)r- a,saw,,T. ivtivi
Woman in the AVorld ,
Says: 4.The Way-to Get
v Rich Is tq Invest in Ne-
cessities." A
Th Bidwell cold motor la one of th great necessities of the
twentieth century.; This stock has already -taken several
Jumps up. Now Is the time to buy. It will go higher In a
few days. The profit is yours. Don't speculate invest.
Here you have a necessity. Look at this list below. Every
one of these people made his fortune by supplying soma
Fete Cooper '
Senator Clark
r air bank
TaadertUt - ;
Karahan ateld
; XVeltar '
Arnoar . , .
win ."
rriek ;r.-,
Morgaa ;
. etaaf ord '
lnllmaa .
Hera Is the way manufacturing stocks In' necessities jump: '
;". - i . 1 V 'nrsrioM m voir n t
; The Xleetri Trust M .... . lea -' 1 - tnwTJM
Qnaker Oats, eommoa .......... 46 . . . tl4AJiO -
Amertoan jtadiator. oosamoa .... 3So 1100.00 ,
. Aaaerieaa Srmeltlng , 90O gl&S.OO
And this Is' only a few. Safe and surer than Ufa Inauranc
or trust stocks, All this a4vno has been made In ten years
and less.
r,- , ,' - ;-vr; 1 - ;
" 1. " - I
, t
f ', , I
" ; : 1 : . i
r . !
, .
L' , : i
'. ;
! 1 - .
The Bidwell Cold
It will supply th greatest necessity now known In bttsl
fit worlt). Tha daroand Is so large that it will make all cf
us rich. If you want to get In with me on this you will have
to be Quick about It. Tb stock IS soiling lik hot cakes ,
My Patent Will Double the
Capacity of Any Motor
t never mad an Unsuccessful Invention. II y
flrat Invention waa th electrlo fan. Just sa it
- Is run over th country In hot weather. 1
. didn't gat a patent on It, what a tre
mendous success It Is I - . -
I next Invented the trolley oar system. Jusl
aa It la ran today. I made It perfect and suc
cessful right from tha start. It . baa paver
been Improved sine I Invented it Look at
, th million of money' it ba made for tha
stockholders. Th stock of tha trolley manu
facturing companies sold below IS cents a
share in 18J and 1894. Poor men Could buy
that stock then. . Thousands of them Aid buy
' It, and every on who held ohto It is a rich
man today.
No Man on Earth Ever Lost
' a Penny He Invested
With; Me;' v.--
.JKext I Invented th railway car telephone
system. It Is a system by which passengers
or train craws, can telephone from still or
moving cara anywhere tha same aa If seated
In an office. : It la a mors perfect system In
operation than any other telephone you ever
saw. ' This la on-tharyoad toward -millions -for
the atockholdara. ' . . . . '
This Is My Greatest V r,
:.. Invention
Now I have Invented something bigger and
greater than either of the above. It I called
. th Bidwell Cold Motor.' It I guaranteed not
, to burn out and Is exactly th kind, ot a motor
the steam railroad people have been looking
-for.-- It will change alt the a team railroad
- systems over to electrlo roads, becaua It will
-be cheaper to run than ateam and can be run
faster and more safely than any present
method. ' h t- '. ' -
- The only drawback the railroad have had
' In changing ever to electricity haafbeen that
; ao motor s at present mad can b run lit
' miles at- SO miles sn hour without burning
, i out It would melt the vry wiraa. . , ;
By using a BldwU Cold Motor a train of cars could be run from Nw Tork to Han
Francisco without a stop at th rate of 60 or miles an hour and not even warm up
and without a hitch.- ,' v , -' ' " .! '
'"Besides running faster, they-would' be mora safe and aura than ateam, coat lass, to
operate and would last longer than any other motor now known. ' -
.The Bidwell Cold Motor Is the -greatest invention out sines I invented tha trolley car.
'.!;;:v;;.y:;;y:The.bpportun Lifetime K.'y
'I I want to give every man and woman a ehanoa to com In with m on tbls, for I
spent to make milllona for the stockholder out of thla new patent. . v
The stock will be sold on the squsre. J'here will be no hocus-pocus about preferred
or common atock. nor any other scheme," trick or wrinkle by which anybody can be
froten out.- ,.'.'.'.'..'..'.. ; '"
Every dollar invested will represent one hundred cent ef the best stock. Every
share will be atl? like . every other share. ' . The profits on every share will be th
same as the profit on every other share. In ahort, there. will be nothing: but a aquar
deal all round. , . .
I hava mads a lifelong reputation for antiare dealing. I wilt personally aea to It that
very stockholder gets a aguar deal on this. This stock. Is fully, paid and non
assessable. - ,.' . . f .''.
In order to make It possible for every men and woman to get In with me on this big
deal I have decided to sell 'the ntnek until Feb. t only at the following price.'
60 eh ares, calk S37.S0) 100 abares, aask f7s.0O; 180 shares, eask tliaOi 400 shaao.
ask 91S0.0OI BBO aharea, aask SX87.SO; 300 shares, eaab taSB; too shares, aask 370
XfiM abares, aab 1750.00; 5,000 sbarea, aask. B3.TSo.0o, - .', . .
.iTVora money is mad vry day by good judg
ment in investing money man oy au u taoor
and trages in th country. Baf and abrewd
Investment In this stock' wilt make fortanes.
Tou will nevet get rich on' wage. No oa
ever did. Every man In thl world yho aver got
big money got It either by speculation or Invest
ment Speculation la unsafe. To stand dtare
chance to loaa than you do " to maka. - Invest
meota are right th Other way. Maka saf in
veatment and It ! sore to bring yon returns.
Don't baaiut about thla stock. It la abso
lutely saf and sura. . .-. .
: - . , - i
Investor et lh Trollay Car Bytttm.
Zaveator of th BaUway Car Itle
r. phoB Vystaa,-
Xaveator of th Bidwell Cold Hotel,
Zaveator of tb Water Eletio Oaa
. - wrator. .;'';..' r';. ''' -I ;,'"-:' '
Our Installment Plan
., 60 abares,
SSO snares,
SOO sharea,
BOO shares.
1,000 aharea,
8.00 oaah.
13.00 aask,
18.00 ask,
93.80 eash,
BQ8.00 eash.
33-00 eash;
44.00 eash,
monthly -payment ef . . .
g monthly payments of . .
monthly payments of.,,
T monthly payments of . . ,
T monthly payment of. ,
' 7 monthly paymants of..,
monthly payment of.
B.M ack
1030 eaok
. . , sie.uu ea
m i.e saoa
9B4M aaok
a00 eaok
JB43.00 aaok
8,000 shares, 9400.00 eaab, 10 monthly payments of .... ....... .SaaOOO
;. jroi uoai txabt ,ooo bjkabzs oz.b to amt oira ratso.
70.00 essk, 10 monthly payment of . ..
Special to Electric Men and Manufacturers y
VV sre now prepsred to fill your orders In our own factory. . Wa are npw manufacturing
tha Bidwell Cold Motor. We ore taking orders for cold motors and col J gsnerktorg for
aro and Incandescent light on a guarantee not to burn out for three years. t , , - .
a : Safe and : Sane Investor
and Oct as Much of This
Stock as Your Means Will
Allow, It Will pay ,Vou a
Life Income In Handsome
Dlvldendsf ,,
Here Is a Vital Point to
.V. Remember . '.v..-.
Ther never has been a failure of consequence
In electrical' manufacturing. Stop and think ef
that, All ars Immensely suooessful. All pay
big dlvldenda and have mad their Investors
wealthy. .... . ; .' ' ,i' . ..
This company will 'soon be on of th btffrest
In electrical manufacturing In tb world. Thla
Is bonnd tot be so, because thera la not a place
now where a motor or generator Is used but It
will have to aooner or later change for tha Bid
wall cold motor or generator. Why T Because
wa maka something better than any other kind
now known.
v ' - , ' . - . - '.. . ' : 1 1 ' '' -
, These Are Cold Facts Yeu ,
Must Act Quickly i :
If you want soma of this stock at th present
low price you must come In now, Ther Is only
a mall amount to b sold at thla; price. - -
1 firmly believe that within ahort time this
atock will be selling at St a share. Thla Is
your opportnntty. It ! Cs of com Quick
or not at ajk : . ;
I J:
. Chicago
Th undersigned Is an authorised broker for
th sale of our stock in the West. Call and ae
m and let me explain anything yon do not
understand. . -
s ' ' ' : r -', ' J " ;'" 1 " :', ''''
Offices Open Saturday Evening
: Until 9 oXIock
If you cannot oall, writ and ask for our free
booklet It gives full Information, i Address all
orders and inquiries to v
: V Broker
?r 425 Plledntr. Building' r
Tenth and Washington Streets