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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 14. 1907. 15 PHTER-IS' REFUSED $2,672 DELllD State Will Not .Refund Money to '' H. L Ricks, Invested in . . ''Land Certificates. 5 : , D. R. MURPHY PROVES TO BE ALIAS FOR SWINDLER Admfssloa Makes It Possible to Bo gin Long-IMerred Suit Against Fenwood Lumber Company of Minneapolis by State Land Agent. (Br a 8tft Correspondent.) " Salenj. Or., reb. 14. H. X Rlck of Eureka, California, brother-in-law of ST A. D. Pulerr-wtll-not receive a rebate of 0?7i from the state land board. ,for fZ money which he haa Invested In atate land certificates. The waya and mean committee OXVUt hQua9.andenate have aeeiaed that the client of Judge O Day th,VJ'1'ht to ihe mont ndlof the delegation reported favorably on V J. r" "T.-ry.ii tund.. where- It--now lav I. H. Murphy and 8. A. D. Puter are also one and the same men, according to the admission made by Judge O'Day, and It is now probable that the long , deferred suit against the Fenwood Lum ber company of Minnesota,, which has been an objective of State Land Agunt Oswald West for months, will be com ' ' menced. - v -. , The bearing held by the ways and . means committee, at which Judge O'Day : and Mr. West appeared to discuss tho , claim of R U Kicks for $2.7t. alleged to have been paid twice to the state I board, waa paoductlve of Incldent.After ' bearing, the discussions the Joint com mittee decided to not allow the claim ' and upon the request of Judge O'Day toe was allowed to withdraw iL The- admission of ,, Judge O'Day that the man D. Hi Mufnnt waa ana and tha same with 8, A. D. Tutor, euppXlea-et3lJt missing link long sought (or by the lsnd office and-1 nay be. the means of -"-starting 7 further -action- against Puler '. for atate land swindles. . Q.BRIDGE-THE SNAKE- State Appropriation of Twenty-Five '' ' Thousand Is Asked. (By a Btaff Corresnoadeat.) - , ' .' Salem. Or., Feb. 14. A atate appro , prlatton of $24,000 la asked for by a t bill Introduced In the house by King of Malheur for the construction of a , bridge serosa the Snake river at On tario. Tbo appropriation- la -made- con tingent upon the appropriation pf a like aura on the part of Malheur coun- t ir Th bill alaa nravMna fnr th an. rN4ntment of a commlaalon to be known aa the board of Snake river bridge com' mlseloners. and this body Is to have ; charge of tha construction of the bridge ., and we, expenditure- of the money ap - proprlated by the state and raised by the oouaty, ..-' , ' ' ' ' ; DEMAND INTEREST Salem Merchants Want State War. - . rants to Bear' Six Per Cent, : I (Br' a Staff Cor-eapMdrot) V 'Salem. Or., Feb. Hi-A bitter light - was waged In the house, ovsr a bill ra : ported by the ways and means commit tee and providing that an certificates of '1 debt Issued by the state in payment of v "I Con Cure Any Drunkard" Mr OoldeaTtemedy for the Whiskey bare win save yon WIU Save roar Husband, gtoa. Brother o rather - .Sraakard's Orava. X Will Kail Tree to AH Who Write a Trial Package la rials Wrapper. - I am saving thousands of drunkards every year and restoring them to their loving wivea ana ramuiea. 1 wui save many mor aa a result of this advertise ment. To all who write me, I will send Wonhlea KU Talae ftod, WaiakayWlfe la Tun CMldra alarte Boaie Ferrottaatu'e a liofrtit &ata Aa4 Prtak f It AU. : The Druakard Canaot Save - HiaiaaU Tea t ik Wamea Hurt D It Tar Bias. free by mail, In plain wrapper, so that - no one can know what It contains, a trial package of Golden Remedy for the Li quor Habit Though absolutely harm leas, it never foils to cure the worst cases of drunkenness, no . matter of how long standing. ' It can -be administered without the knowledge of the subject In coffee, tea, soup, milk, etc.. and he will be vtrred In a few days and cured so he will never drink again. Oolden Remedy contains no dangerous drugs or minerals. It does not ruin the digestion or destroy the tlssuee of the vital organs snd endanger life and health. It counteracts and expele from the system all alcoholic- poisons and puts an end to all craving or appetite for liquor. ITnder Its influence the , subject re gains bis health, will-power and self-re- ... II . m ivi - riennmna - Hrlffhft hla brain clear, bis step elastic, his vlgorl ' retvrns, and he once more' feels and looks like a man. r ' If you have a ( beloved niianand. son, brother or father who Is afflicted, send your name and addreas to me at once in 4 he coupon below. FRIC PACK ACt -COUPON If yaa fill not th blank lines Itelnw with yeer same and sli1re-. rnt out entinon an4 snd II m I eenrf ye atjonlul-lr frea. ay mall, la puis wrapper, a trial parkurr ol my fJnMen Beme.ljr. Yoe will be Uuiutf"! aa km lira Mint ymi did II A'lilreu "r w- Hslnia, RO04 Ol.liS .luiUiuau. wuitt. ... ... .... . mi' 1 salaries or in return for supplies fur nished the state and given because of any appropriation being hold up, should hear Interest at not more than pef cent until paid. ' The measure was called for by the busi ness men of Salem In particular, and ta made desirable by condltlona enisling many times In Salem. It haa happened on various occaslona that the state ap propriations have been held up for va rious reason a, and during the time that the leglalature had failed to provide funds the merchants of the city bad to accept the certificates of the secretary of state In payment of j all clalma against the state. Under the present law these, certificates bear no Interest, so that the merchants are simply ad vancing wtelr money on the paper with no return for the cash thus tied up, either In investment or in loans. The -Marlon county men fought hard for the bill, but it was defeated. later, however, by active lobbying the vote was reconsidered and the bilk Is now waiting for further action by the bouse. R0CU RIVER FISHING V... . Effort Made to Stop All Angling Ex cept With Hook and Lino. (Br I Staff CorreiqiorHlent.) -Bam, Or.. Feb. -14. K. IX. Hume and his salmon kingdom precipitated a fight In the house yesterday when the Vaw ter -bUl preventing flsolng in the Rogue river other than with a hook and line came back from the special committee T"mroH of the delegations from Doug las and Jackson count lea. The majority the bllU while Jewell, presented a ml- norlty report that the bill do not pass. The. effect of the bill would be to put a - serious damper on the - sal mon canning bualnesa of Mr. Hume aa far ss the Rogue Tlver is concerned by making ail those who are now supply ing the canneries on that riVer do their flahlng with hook and line, t . The bill has been introduced for the reason that the fishermen are fishing with nets where the fish have collected In large numbers at the dams now In the Rogue river and by this means are threatening to exterminate the fish in these places. Mr. Hume haa been lobby ing against the bill for some time, and the minority report of the committee was brought in, it Is supposed, in his interests, r . , . After a spirited fight the report of the majority committee ' wag adopted. thus allowing the bill 40 come up in order for final passage. HOUSE BILLS PASSED' Eighteen Measures Favorably Acted -tTpon-by ; IfapreBeuUtlvyr- ' 1 (By a Staff , Cerreeponaent.) . Salem. Or., Feb. 14. The following bills were passed by the bouse yester day: ,. ; ....... . - . , , R. B. 884. Ways sad Means CommltreeV-Ore-eral approprlatloo stu, carrying t2.8s?,070. - H. B. as, rreemae Defining duties of board Of equalisation. - a. a. - aa. rmnt-For a efflcteat ayaten for ass, suing bask stock B. B. ST, Frsemss Creating state board et tax eeoimisstooeTS. H. B. 88. rraemaa ror a store' effleleat astem for levy lag and eoilectiag taxes. H. B. 84,' rreeiaaa Tor a better system ror aasMalngtaxable ptoperty. . a. B. tux, lecee Bequlrlng school districts ,r?TW mt taat ontbe school to b entitled to eebool funds. U. B. gas. rraemaa PrevMlag far exeeattoa of aherlffa' deeds ta replace lost deede. H. B. S,Verkiaa I'roajbltlag sale ef trees aot true to game. - , , - H. B, 18,, Btnaaer- Preveatlag IsUaitdaUao of witness sa ta' criminal actions. H. B. Mi. Per Ins Alkowtnr eaaaty fruit laspaetars least aire, nve aesatue votea. , K. B. 2 Newell Repealing 1 poll tax. H. B. 7, Beats License of (73 a year ea corporations ea each (1,000,000 above fl.OUO.OOO capital. - ... , U. B. 4. Beverldre Kevlaing seaooi soda. H. B. X82,-' aeyoslda ProblMtlag salooos within two aiilea of Isdlaa aetmola. H. B. aVIO, Oarter AUowhif praclrcts te pre. aiblt stock at large by electioa. ,-. T LARGER LEGISLATURE Resolution Provides Hundred and , '. ; Five Members. s 1 (Br -a Btaff Cor fas pood set. Salem. Or., Feb. 14. A larger legis lature la called fer In a Joint resolution by JeweU introduced in the bouse. The resolution' calls for a senste Of tt and jig house of It members. It Is provided u" n"""r 'r b iu-1 creased. The apportionment is to be j made In the same way as at -present, I by. establishing a ratio between the white population of the sUte and tha numoer 01 me senate ana nouse. u is also provided that each county have at least one representative. 1 LIFE SENTENCES is to Babitnal Prisoners to Be Kept In Prison 'oy New Law. ' ' (By a Staff CerresanBdeat) ' Salem, Or., - Feb. 14. Life sentences for habitual criminals were provided by the passage of a bill Introduced In the houae by Coffey of Multnomah, The bill provides that men convicted of petty larceny the second time shall be sen tenced for grajjd larceny. ( When wnr inuiiiivu lur vrunv a flu i I m uia- covered that ha baa served time for a previous crime, he shall be served with notice) of such faot for tha information of the court. ; After a man has served two sentences in the penitentiary and receives a third he ahall be sentenced for Ufa. The hill received affirmative votes, i WIFE CAN TESTIFY Husband or Spouse May Be Wn nesaes Against Each Other. '(If i taff CorrasaoaeVnt , Cr Balem, Or. Feb. 14. A huaband or a wife may bo a witness against the other, aa the oa.-e may be, acoordlng to a bill passed by the housa The bill provides that tha presiding Judge shall determine-the admissibility of the evidence) and if it does not violate the conf Ideaoes of the marriage relation, ahall allow it The bill is an alteration of the pres ent system of evidence, and the point has been long considered one- of the foundations of trial evidence. The bill passed the house with tl - favorable votes Just enough to 'pass It. - FOR CHARITY CONCERTS -. . ,1 . , . . - . .v . . Ways and Means Committee' Pro vides for Public Institutions. , (By a Burf Orraapnwssht.t Salem. Or., Feb. 14. The ways and means committee of the house baa pro vided for the care of the various char itable Institutions In a report which was Introduced la the house, providing ap prnorlatlona for the maintenance of the different homes. These appropriations are as follows: Boys' and Girls7 Aid society, IS.000; Florence Crtttenton home, 14.000; Patton - home, $10,000; Baby home, 18,000; Oregon Historical society, 110.000. An appropriation of 125,000 waa also reported ..for. maintenance and better- menta of the slats fair grounds, pro viding for Improvements to buildings and grounds, s - - - - - Cnion county will spend U.OOO for rvtk ci u: !it mill road roller GIVES . RAILROADS RIGM-OF-MY : ' '-r' : ' : Bill by Cook Cives Property to Any Line Building Across v State in Future." ' BILL TO TAX SHEEP FOR RANGE, CRAZING' Malarkey's Bill Provides for. Ex ten sion of Bancroft Bonding vAct to Permit Property Owners to. Extend ' and Ojten Streets. ,', ' 1 I " '""(pjr a Btaff Cjrraanoauent. ' Balem, Feb. 14. Permanent rights of way across state, lands are aought to be granted to any railroad' building lines within the state by a bill Introduced In the senate yesterday afternoon by Sen ator Coke of Coos and Curry counties. The bill Is a short one snd states in a few 1 woi ds that right of nay across I state, lands Is granted to any railroad which may hereafter build a road with in, the-state, , Sixteen new bills were Introduced. In the Sonata yeaterday afternoon. . Nearly all of them were local measures affect ing only the districts of the members who Introduced them. . Seven senate bills were passed and sent to Jhe house, and a large number of house bills were I passed. - Most of the house bills increase the salaries, of the different county of ficials all over the state. " - - -'. Taxman Oraslaa; Sheep. . Hart's bllf providing for a license fee of 30 cents a head for erasing foreign sheep on the publio ranges of Oregon was passed. This bill was framed for the protection of Oregon sheep owners a rains t th flocks brought across 1 the Washington and Idaho lines "by non-rest-dent owners. Heavy penalties are pre scribed tor bringing diseased sheep IntcJ The bill authorising countycourts to fix .the "license - of Itinerant peddlers wa passed. This bill also was Intro- ducedJySoDatgr Hart. The Bancroft bonding act is extended to permit property owners In cities to use. It to open and extend jiew.atreet;!- by Malarkey's bill, which was passed-by the senate. Heretofore when a . new street has been opened it baa been neo essary for tho entire cost to be paid at once. By the extension of the Bancroft bonding act, property owners will have 10 yearaV time In which to meet these expenses, it is believed that this will havo a material effect In accelerating the extension of Oak street in Portland r from Seventh street through to Burnslde street.-1.- J. .. .. ... ....... Oouaty Oonxto Zmpowered. ' County courts are given power to fix the rate of Interest on county warrants below the legal rate and as low as t per cent by senate bill 190, which was passed yesterday afternoon. The bill as originally drawn gave the county courts power to fix the rate at any figure un der the legal rate, but this met with such strong opposition that the bill was amended to - plaee the minimum at 6 per cent. -. ! The bill providing for a board of trus tees for the A. R. Burbank trust fund for an orphans' home was passed. -The board is to hold the fund in trust ontll an . ornhanaf home la established. This bill haa passed the house, and needs ! only the governor's signature to become a law. . . .. . STATE UNIVERSITY Quarter Million Appropriation Pro- Tided by Successful Bill. ; - - (By a Btaff Correapoadeat.1 ' . -Salera, Feb. : 14. For maintenance for the next two years the University of Oreaon wlllr receive from, the state IK0. 000, unless the house bill making that annronrlatlon. which tuusad tha senate ycatearday afternoon. Is vetoed by the governor, xne appropriation out met with considerable opposition, on the ground that too large a maintenance (und was being-established. Borne of the senators believed that the university . should have aeneroua aneronriationa for all Its needs, but that part of the total sum should be devoted to betterment of the unlve rally and new buildings.. Senator Smith of Marlon county said that tho atate haa the beginning of a great educational institution at Eugene, and that if the state could afford It as much as $500,000 oaght to be given for the development of the university. He believed, however, ' that the appropria tions should bo segregated, . Instead of being voted in Sx lump sum. Senator Coke said: "We havo Just voted S37.S00 a year for the Agricultural college, which has more than S00 students. If the Agricultural aprts-1;coUer. with that number of students can get along with t'17.800 a year for maintenance the university certainly does not need H 25,000 a year for maintenance when it has less than half as many stu dents as the Agricultural college." , SENATE COMBINE Beach " Charges That Bills V Are J Smothered by Regular Schedule. (Bv a gtsff Onreesoondaot. I ' Salem. Feb. 11 Is there a combination In the senate that arranges programs by which bills are passed or defeated? Senator Beach says there is and that he knows the names of many of the sen ators who are la the combination. - He made thcaharge openly in the sonata - In order that the revelation would come properly. Beach said the course he would pursue In disclosing the combine would be to have an- investigating com mittee appointed and all the acts of the makers of the programs would be ad vertised. ' V 1 "I can name most of them, and 1 Will do tt If I think It may be of benefit to the senate," said the senator. "If I name them, I will name them aloud, sr. tha names can bo heard. The combina tion was - probably started before the senate was organised. It haa continued ever since, with slightly vsrying mem bership. A man Is picked up here and (there as he is needed and dropped when be is done with. Some of the members I stew n OX TXI KOUSTAnrS flallard'e Anew Liniment la prataed foe the gooJ it does.' A euro cure for Rheu matlum and all peine. Wright W. Lov Ing, urand janetlon, Colo., writes: "I used Hnllard's flnow Liniment last win ter for Hh -timatlam snd can recom mend It as the boet Liniment' on the market. I thought, at the time I waa t 'ten down with this trouble, that it would be a week before I could get aboirt, but n applying your Liniment vara I tlms during tne nignt I was about In 4H hours and well In three (nytt Bold hv alt nrurrlata c , , . ... The -Thirty-Tliird Year TTT ' , Remspglton V Shows an Remington Typewriter Company, New York and JREMINGTQ drop out for a while when the combine wants things the, members will not stand for,, but they come back after awhile. Perhaps part of the program as IV has been mapped out provides for the defeat ef the bill repealing all perpetual fran chises, and the passage of tha bill re pealing the gas franchise." : SENATE BILLS PASSED ManyMeaurea Sent iughTpper House Yesterday.. , ' (By a Staff Correspondent) Salem, Or., Feb. 14. The following bills were passed by the senate yester day:.. , S. B. ' 120. Smith ef Umatilla A revised la accepting the tanas of the Carey act. " H." B. a.. Sattlsmler Uonar licenses ant to be- granted parson wb serearter- violate tiquoc. an. ' , v i ..'it' B. 639, Barrett 'ef rmatHla rVobibittng riaioa sorees oa ouiewaise, . . H.- B. 118, glasher OherlnT of Morrow eoonty te retata feaa foe performing constable servicee. H. B. 211. UerVyman Balatag aalary , of school mpertntoBoent ta Klamath eooaty. 11. B. 343, DriscoU Tor boarding ef prlsosera at atnitaomaa eoanty. - r , ' H. B. 247, MeCee lastlee ef seeos aad con stable at Astoria to have salaries. H. B. tfW, Belknap Raising salary ef school saperlateadeat la Crook eoaaty. - H. B. got, Belknap Frond tag eepatlee for sheriff ead clerk ta Crook eooaty. H. B. SOS, Belkaas Batsaig salary of asses sor of Crook eooaty. - . . . H. B. (14, Drlscoll Derkisney asefeprlatioa kill. R. B. 817, PikeCreating the twelfth Jndt. rial dlatrtet. . .- ' H. B. 839, ' Merrymae Providing dapaty tot Klamath eooaty assessor. U. B. 830. Merry nan Tor Sepoty clerks at Klamath county. , U. B. 850, Merrymaa Raising salary , ef treaaorar ef Klamath eoanty . H. B. 8T0, McCalloB Ts pay expeaeas ef sheriff ef Polk eooaty. .. H. B. X, Cbapin Te eraete a railroad cosa- s U. B. 87, Kstoo Appropriating 1 128,000 in asally for state entvaraity. R. B. 33. Bart Te Uceoee peddlers. ( 8. B. 34, Hart Restraining . pasturage vof sheep from other states. . S. B. mi. MaUrkey Aatborlty te eat treat eeeaacertng electric railway wires. . 8. ti. Malarkey For epeslag ef streets. ' S. B. 190, dietary Committee PoraUttlns eoaaty eoarta te fix tattereat ea warrants at 3 per eent, 8. B. 87, KotrlagbasaAaatbortalag rallroaf ridge acmes Willamette sear Oawegaw H. B. 07, Steaa Beaatring that United State ' flas be dlaplayea ea public eebool build Inca. M. B. SI. Jones of Polk end Uaeola Tot I aohonl offk-ers' eonrentioao. - U. B. 143, . Oray To create A. S. Barbaak rmnt fnnd. . H. B. 185, King Fixing salaries ta afeutear ..eoaaty. - H. B. MS, King To fix salary ef ef Mai bear enooty. . - -B..B. TS. McCne Clerk for flak wardea. H. aV' 3W. Jaeaaoa Te protect -tnet - ta Cmpqna rtver. s ' ' H. B. 154. .McCsJ.ror proteetlna ef ealmoa. H. B. 300. Chase for protectloa ef craht hi Coos bay. B. B. lei. Baa Is To protaet salmoa ta Tills- took bay. B. S. 101. McOas Te provide patrol beats for the atsster Oak wardea. - TO TREAT TUBERCULOSIS Stats Commission for EgUblisblng t fianitorram'Prorlded m Bill: - ,i(Bf a Staff Corresoondent) -Salem. Or.. Feb. 14. A atate commis sion tor the treatment of tuberculosis is created for tha purpose of establish ing a sanatorium and providing for the treatment of tha tubercular poor by a bill introduced In "the senate yesterday afternoon by Senator Beach. An appro priation of 820,000 is made to carry the act into affect. ' ' Tne commlaalon is" to be composed of the governor, president and .secretary of the state board of health and four additionsl members to be sppolnted by the governor. It' is provided that ss soon as .practical after the act takes ef fect the commission shall establish two or more sanatoiiums, one- to be oast and 'the other to be west of the Caa fhde mountain1' . Persons making application for admis sion for treatment will be required to exhibit a certificate from the county physician-of the county In which they reside, showing that the applicant la a resident of the state aad s sufferer from tuberculosla .' .,' . .. ' i. Primary Law Unchanged. 1 (By a Staff Correspondent. I Salem. Or.. Feb. 14. "Tbia thing ws gotten tip simply to swing the old whip over the boys and bring them Into line again," declared Senator Nottingham, when . Bailey's bills amending the direct primary law were brought up for final consideration In the senate. Both bills ware kllle-d, and the primary law will not be amended by the present legisla ture . - . Increase in Output Typewritert corVie and typewritert go But the Remington runs on forever 1 ALL.: ODDS AND , i - Price w BROKEN SIZES in Men's $10.00 to $15.00 ' Suits and Overcoats, in neat dark patterns, , in wool and worsted, for.. . . ... . . . .$3.95 BROKEN SIZES in Men's $1.50 to $3.80 Wool pants, 79 pairs left, at... I . . . . , . . . $1.00 Shoe Selling MUi a fcngEce MEN'S SHOES, worth up to $4.50, in patent calf, colt and vicL for. ........ . . . . . .$1.95 " ' v " Boys' Solid Calf Shoes, $2.00 and $2.50 values, ' -sizes 2 to 5, for.,,,,, , ... i .$1.10 LADIES' COATS ' in plaids, plains and fancies, values $8.50 to $22.50, 11 LADIES' ALPINE GRAY SUITS, new - Eton jackets, satin lined, sold right along at $20.00. Out they go at, .......... . .$5.00 Cures Biliousness, Sick Headache, Sour Stom-; ach, Torpid Liver and Chronic Constipation. Pleasan to lake ' FRANCHISE BILL ASLEEP : r .' Slow In Emerging; Trom Commlttco to Which It Was lioferrrd. "JPT t SfafT CorreonudntJ .Z.77 Salem, Feb. 14. According to reports that are being circulated about tha ca pi lot building, thrblll repealing all per petual franchises may be slow In rmrt Ing from the committee to which It vn in the. History , ... .... 1 of 31 over the Previous Year IIS flakes No Difference Out They Qo! iS BOYS' OVERCOATS from regular lines up to $10.50, go for. .... ..... ,$2.45 .BOYS' 50c SCHOOL PATS..,......10f $2.00 TO $4.00 SAMPLE HATS, newest - spring styles, for. ................. .$1.00 $1.50 and $2.00 Girls' Dress School Shoes, sizes up to 3. . . .'. ... .............. t . .... .05f 65 For broken lots of $1.00 and $1.50 CH1- dren's Shoes, sizes up to 13. $2.00, $2.50 and some $3.50 values in Women's stylish Dress Shoes,' all styles and leathers, go for .......... i ............. . , . .$125 28 LADIES' $3.50 TO $8.00 DRESS SKIRTS, waist up to 28 only. Clean 'em up at $2.00 A FEW SHORT JACKETS, worth up to $20. for. . . .$5.00 for:.. STORE tloKtiiwtST Cobnut Yvrxt Atii eic:i 5rrs. Laxative Fruit Synip - roB SAxa bt axx, SBUoanrrs. referred. ' It is asserted that 'the prob able action on the bill will be to hold It In committee so long that It will be overlooked In the rush of the lAat days of the session, which sre fiat approach ing;. . ISut tho Multnomah 1 iHui nr, Intend that the crrimil f i an-ii:. 1.1 shall be held tw lore by the m !,: of laws eomnitt'ee. If r'",'.rt I- ' ma'lp i'inn a ri-n ? ' ' 1 ' the t i :it- r I i ." . , of the Everywhere ; ; ENDS .......... .;...$i.oo AJUVTED Cleanses the system thoroughly and dears sallow complexions cf pimples and blotches. It la guaranteed may become Imju'.iMva t and tile . ii, a a-:, t , pctlnn cf I'-i. r.n-n '-.j