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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1907)
J THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY, EVENING, FEBRUARY 14, 1007. 12 and 16-Buttoii Length Chamois Gloves in -White and NaturalSec the New Nouvcautc en "R.ajah" Silks, Beautiful- Styles ; : ; ! : meier. a, frank's sooth friday surprise sale 2000 PaxrEcmg Silk; Gfoyes $1 m $2 ls. Mc M : A Friday Surprise Sale of Long Silk and Lisle Gloves .thatwill ttract great crowd of glove1 buyers-to" the store bright and early tomorrow morning A great special lot of 2000 pairs broken lines of different makes 12 and 18-button lengths A large ranges of colorings, including black, white, tan,- green. mode, light blue, pink, purple, champagne, etc. 'A; : All sizes are included in the various lotsGlovesf selline regularly at $1 to, $2, tomorrbw only, at t Yv ' , r : r-1 : ; AC The economical woman will anticipate her summer needs Plan to come early there'll be hundreds waiting for the doors to open. 76 MEIER S FRANK'S 690th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 35c Wash Goods at 15c a Yard Two sensational. bargains in fine Wash Goods for tomorrow, at the following unusual price reductions: Two thousand yards of Silk Ginghams, beautiful style and quality, in pink, blue, green, tana and 1 C gray. Regular 35c value, on sale at this special low price, the yard take advantage .......... MJ Two thousand yards of 32-!nch fine quality Scotch Ginghams, in very attractive designs and col-- 1 ti ering!. The best 25c values, on sale tontorrow only at this unusually low price, the yard .......I w Don't fairto see the Fifth-street Window display the best Wash Goods value of the season." " - ''"" MEIER. & FRANK'S 890:h FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE renchwrn Laces Vdsto $2.5aat83cD6z A great special purchase of 4094-dezrv-yards of Valencl ennes Laces from a large" importing house enables us to ffoffer the banner bargain of the year for tomorrow's 890th nday surprise bale- r rencn vais., Kouna-Mesn vais. and Mechlin Laces. Edges and Insertions from y2 to 2lt inches wide Very daintiest patterns in immense .-assort n ment Values up to $2.50 per dozen yards Buy all you want of them tomorrow at this ifC 4 'f marvelously low price, per dozen yards. . . . . . See Big Fifth Street Window Display No Mail or Phone 1 Orders Filled You'll Want These Pretty Laces for Trim - . , . ming Your Summer Apparel MEISTR. & FRANK'S fl90th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE Men $1.50 Shirts at 69c Each Tomorrow, a great Friday Surprise Sale of hew Spring Shirts for men Golf " Shirts and stiff-bosom Shirts, cuffs attached or detached; coat or regular styles, light and dark colorings and designs, in very large assortment. Black and white effects, stripes,- etc., etc.; all sizes.' Every shirt in the lot is regular $1.50 value. Your choice for tomorrow's Surprise Sale, at this unusual reduction .......O-JC See the big display in the Morrison-street show windows. Take advantage. Men's Furnishings fiept ill mm MEIER. (St, FRANK'S fl90th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE r Women's New $16.50 Coats - Portland's :Leading Cloak and Suit Store offers a sensational bargain in women's Coats for tomorrow's 890th Friday-Surprise Sale A great 'clean-up of broken lines selling-regularly at $15.00 and $16.50 each 34-length garments in tight-fitting and loose-back effects Checks, plaids and stripes in splendid assortmentAll new, up-to-date coats, many of them of desir able weight and style for spring wear All-sizesRegnlar 1 5.00-and-$ 1 fc50 values Your choice while they last to morrow at this wonderfully low price Th. MEIER & FRANK STORE Extra Specials the Art Department Special lot of stamped Corset Cov ers in eyelet embroidery effects assorted designs; 50c vals.33f Women's Stamped VValst Patterns, 3-vard lengths, on fine imported lawn; regular $1.15 val- flQj ties, on sale at low'price. "'.O Women's and children's Stamped Hats, assorted patterns; great special values, on sale, each. 43 Stamped Trrrtixr in endless t? assortments; greaTTVtrtsr-atrWC Ecru Tinted I.inen Centers, in conventional and floral ' designs; vais. up to 85c rT V Leather Goods Special lot of women's Handbags in black, brown and tan, fitted with coin purse, leather-lined. strap or. Vienna handles; $2.50 to $3.50 . values, , on, C 1 QO sale, each ,,i ....v W Women's and misses Peter Pan" coin purses, in alligator ALf or calf; assorted colors., Jv Special lot of women's Belts, silk pleated and stitched effects; blue", gray, green, tan, black Af and brown; vais. to 7Sc..rr4Sr Groeenes $1.25 Meier & Frank's celebrated Mocha jlind Java Coffee, the 40c . 01 grade, on sale at I GtsJ 2-lb. can Table Blackberries.. lOf yi can Lowney Cocoa at. ..20 lA can Ghirardelli Cocoa at 20 Griffon's Asparagus Tips at..25f 21 : lbs. Granulated Sugar.. fl.OO Mb." can of Walter Bak- 5 Q-, er's Powdered Chocolate. .UW 1 lb. Ghirardelli's Pow- dered Chocolate, per lb-.Vi 3 cans rioneer , Cream. sp'-US 6 pkgs. Birds Eye Matches.. 25 2 pkgs. Seeded Raisins at....25 2-lb. can Sliced Pineapple at. . 15f Durkee's Salad Dressing7p.lOf All Naptha Soap at, the bar.. .5 3 cakes of Wool Soap at.,..25 1-lb. can Shrimps, on sale at..lO H-lbv can Minced-tlams at. Gallon Log Cabin Maple Syrup, at"T7 Half gal. Log Cabin Ma- Iff pie Syrup, on sale at .....Of C Gal. Gold Medal Maple Syrup. 00 Log Cabin-Pinoche Syrup at..25f 3 cans of Campbell's Soups at. 25 3 cans Griffin's Soups at.. ..25 cans Gold Dust Tomatoes . .25 2 3-lb. cans of Solid Pack C Tomatoes, on sale for C & B. Malt Vinegar on sale.25f 2 jars Sayles'' Smoked Herring at this low price.. 6JW Y can Libby - Smoked 1 Cr Herring, at special price. . 1 VIC Gal. can Honeysuckle Syrup,45f 10-lb. sack Graham Flour for.23 10-lb sack Whole Wheat -'je Flour on sale at, sack..;.Vi 10-lb. sack Pastry Flour at.. 30 10-lb. sack of Cornmeal, sack.25f 10-lb. sack Farina, on sale at.35f l'lb. Royal Baking Powder.. 40 50-lb. sack "Victor" -Flour; none better at the price; ffl I t per sack ......... VI 10-lb box Maco Vermicelli at 45f 2 can Blue Ribbon Oysters. .25 Libby's Veal or Ham. Loaf.. 10 3 cans"Babt)rttTs X"ye"on sale.."25f 2 pkgs. Toasted Corn Flakes. 25 , cans Smith's Kippered (A. Herring, at this low price. JvC Custom Shade and Drapery Work Our Specialty Best Materials Utd Third Floor Artistic Picture Framing to Yonr Order New Mouldings- Lowest Prfces2d Floor . , ,;,".m '. ', ; ,,: - 'EkSyTliSi!igs,,atSp3CBal Prices Our Infants' Dept. -Second Floorlargest"and most complete v store in town devoted to the sale of "Baby Things" of every de scription -These special vais. will interest economical mothers Infants' Nainsook and Cambric Dresses, trimmed in dainty embroid- eries, laces, tucks and beading, made yoke style; full skirts and "wide hems; regular $2.00 values, on sale at this uu- 1 OQ usually low price, each ,.......;...,;.....;.,,,. .'. Jl 1 Infants' Nainsook Skirts, made waist style. tTimroed with dainty laces and embroidery and tucks; regular 85c values, on Q sale at the unusually low price of .... wjrU 'Infantst Flannel Barrow Coats, hand-herringboned; very" neat and' ; pretty styles. Regular 85c values,. on sale at this special iClf , bhi-nd-j Iqw price, each infants' white cashmere iNicniilluaif s. etriDraiuerea in white and ribbon bows; regular $175 values, on sale ; 0 1 at the unusually low. price, each V 1 Infants' hand-crocheted Sacques. with silk-crocheted, yoke and cuffs; ally. low price, each . ..(.... . . .. ..t.'. . V very- unusual tS'&M $ 1 .50 French Chemise 98c r Special lot of "women's hand-made Chemise, embroidered eyelets; drawn with ribbons and embroidered scallops around neck and , arms. " Very pretty styles; $1.50 values, on sale at this unusually QO low price take advantage . ..... . .... . . ...... -. . ...... ... .... . ..... .... ... .'OC Women's cambric arid 'nainsook Corset Covers, trimmed irt embroideries, laces and tucks,' beading: and . , ribbons; blouse fronts; all sizes; $1.23 and $1.50 values, on sale at this unusually low price; 0"J - each -take advantage j . . . . . ,...... .v, . . .. '...'. w Women's Knit Underwear Special lot "of women's Swiss Ribbed Vests, high neck and long sleeves, silk and lisle ma- terial, pink and blue; all' sizes, -r guiar :-$l-50-vahiesiorwaei Women's fine ribbed mercerized Undervests, pure white, high neck and long' sleeves; all . sites;: regular .75evaluesr7 Women's medium weight Cor set Covers, high neck and long sleeves; all sizes; best 35c val ues, on ;ale- at, each . , .270 Special lot of - women's fine ribbed white lisle Union Suits; high neck and long sleeves, an kle length; best 75c vals..63f Lace Curtain "" .- " 1 "' 1 ij- " ' 1 "" " " ' Sale 3d Floor 100 pairs of" white and biege Irish Point Lace Curtains, all over patterns of exquisite de- - signs, 50 inches wide, 3 yards -Jcttagregular-$5.50-t-$6.50; on sale for a few C 1 A days only at, pr. i. JJIJ J Special lot of 200 pairs of white ; Nottingham Lace Curtains, in ' floral patterns; 50 to 60 inches wide; very large variety to se lect from; regular $2.00 values, on. sale at, pair .j i . f 1.35 Custom Shade and Drapery Work our specialty. Best ma terials and workmanship, and the lowest prices always.i - 5Qc Veilings at 27cyard Great special sale of 3,000 yards of fancy dotted mesh Veiling, in .white, black and white, and white,; with black dots; very -arge-varietyrpeciaratT:27f -' DRESS TRIMMINGS Great clean-up sale of fancy Dress . Trimmings, including black emb. chiffons, black and colored appliques, bands, gui pures, etc. Very large assort ment to Select from; two lots: Values to $1.50 at. yard. . . 59 Values to $3 at, yard... .fl.l Bamboo Telescope, Lunch Bas kets at ...... 10; 20f Two extraordinary values in the men's clothing departmentStylish apparels Suits and topcoats at a priegjar below the manufacturing cost alone Thc great est Pdrgams ui men s apyaici wc ever oncrca await -xne shrewd buyer Second Floor. ; ,;. ; -,'. y c Men's Topcoats in black Thibcts, tan coverts and fancy mixtures; all the best fashions and materials; just the style and weight garment you want for immed wear $ 15 00 values Men's high-grade; hand-tailored suits in alj-wool fancy worsteds, cheviots and tweeds, America's leading makes in de sirable styles and pat terns $20 and $22.50 values at the suit AfJOTHER filYSTERY IS REPORTED French Captain Believes Italian Ship Was Crushed by , ' Icebergs. ' SAW CRAFT MANY TIMES ' ' . IN VICINITY OF THE HORN While Drifting About in Dead Calm Companion of the Emil Oallln IisHHar a If Swallowed by the fcea, ', ' ' .,''" , :'. :'' .:, If nn Italinn ahlp, turaa tip mUslnf ft-r a trm inonthi and beromti a fpa Kirn on th rrlnsumnc board thosa wlm rlnjr ti"' to arrlva will mora than lik. ljr bt out and in)urd, for acrordlnc a Captain Mrniiwtlot f if fttnrti ' lHi'K Kniille Onlllne. aa Italian ship. Ma rruhi4 Into tragmrntn by th lro pn IrohcrK" that drlftfd by Capn ilurlne tha month f Nvmlmr. . oirii y t. 'itl Mrnanrttt)!on rH l-iiifj itutliig v tn a rr" dlmatd bark wedged In an ImmenM loeberg not far from tha Falkland Islands, bdt it wa not until todny that . he made public the announcement that h had seen an Italian ahlp disappear In a moKt tnyaterloua manner among tha ice. Captain Warnandtixon waa very buy ynterday when ha cam ashore to look after the affairs of tha veaael and bar owners and for that reason did not go Into details concerning the eventful voynire of the Kmllle Oalllne from ten don to thla port. . Today he reported to the - representatives- of Ch. Farvaequt and company.airent!i du Comlte Central dea Armateura de franca, that he had seen an Italian ahlp disappear In the Ice and that ha fUmly bellevee that ahe was cruahed and lost. . The Emilia Oalllne waa In company with tha Italian for several day, larga Icebergs aurroundlnft the two reaael. Tha weather waa perfectly casm so that the, -yeaaela -almply- drifted with tha current. One evening the crafta were close torether, but in the morning not a algn of ttie Italian waa to be found anywhere. Captain Marnandtlxnn aaya It would have been Impossible for the ship to have sailed away because there waa no wind that night nor the follow Ing day and hence he drawa tha conclu sion that aha must have gotten Jammed between two bergs and ground to piece a. WELCOME TO SEAMEN Xew InnUtuto I Ib-lnff Xj.tablij.Iipd ' In r or t land. . The Portland Heamen'a Friend so ciety wilt establish an Institute for sen men at the corner of Third and Flsp der streets, so it ' was doclUed ai a meeting held by tha aoclety. and the quarters will be placed in condition at once. . Thla will mean that Portland will have two placea for sailors to spend their Idle. momenta while in port with out haying to patronize the publlo re sorts, where they are only wanted for what little money they might perchance get possession of. ).., ... 4 .E. II, Roper, who came out from the east seven months ago, wiU have charge ei the new Institute. Billiards and other game of jharmlees character- will be permitted 1n tha institute and Ujiil cost the atlor'a notBlng to enjoy the port " "'. - At tha annaal meeting reports from the president, treasurer and chaplain were read, and th following board of IS directors elected: For three years William M. Idd, W. H, Btbson, . Ij. frbett, J. Thorburn Roas, W. R. Mc Kenale. For two years R, LJvlngstona, W. B. Gilbert, J. E. W alone. For one yearW. A. Dempaey, B. Quackenbush, T. J. Armstrong, J. R. Gill and a P. lockwood. Tha treasurer's report for the year shows that th institute is In good finan cial circumstances, its aaseta being 110. $04.i, ; ,t . ALLIANCE IN PORT Will B Given Annual Overhauling on Ncit Vlalt. The Ktcamer Alliance a rrlved'Tiere last night from Coo bay, bringing a full cargo and a fnll list of passengers. Owing to the Couch street dock being temporarily in poor ahape on account of thr recent high Water, tho steamer burtuud at OrnalcU dock Xo. 2. h will sail for Cooa bay tomorrow night. - On her return from Cooa bay next week th Alliance will ba placed on th drydock for her annual overhauling. Heretofore it lias been customary : to send her to Ban . Francisco for the ra pair; but her managera have found that the work can be dona to better advan tage her. The shipyard In San Fran clnco are said to be rapidly and continu ally loalng their patronage because of the exorbitant wagea and arbitrary rule of the boatbuilding trade unions. . 1 1 - ia- reported tha t so fa r as - new work is concerned, the Bay City ahopa era practically doing nothing, where a short time ago there were more or ders than could be bandied. This atat of affair doe not work any particu lar hardship upon th mechanics, be cause they can follow the work which I being driven to this and other port In the Pacific northwest, where condi tions are still permitting of the work being carried on. ALONG THE WATERFRONT - Th oriental liner KtcomedU aalled at noOn today for Hongkong, via' Yoko hama. ' i Th steamer Asuncion and the steam schooner Homer will be In the harbor this evening. The Homer Isst silmrnef A stitch xm nin Will save nine. 80 will a bottle of Rallnrd's Horehound Bynin slways kept on band save many a,spell of sickness. AAsure ere for Couths, Colds, Bron chitis and Whooping Cough. Mr, ft ., Hot Springs, Ark., writes: "I keep a bottle of Ballard's ', Horehound Byrup !n my -medicine chest, and (hank my forethought many .times. It has pre venteth many Severe aiicll ot sickness." a,4 Kii 4,iimI.i. - - - .. .- 1 mada two trip from thla port to th pryblloff island. Her mission her thin time haa not yet been announced. Th French bark Emillc Qalllna la still in the atream. J3hc will probably ahlf t to the Mersey dock ; tomorrow morning. ,; ' ' ' ": ." The , steam achooner " Ban - Pedro cleared today for San Franciaco with 400.000 feet of lumber. 8h will all this .evening from th mill of the eastern and Western Lumber company. The steam aohooner Banta Ana cleared yesterday for Saa E-antlaco. Th British steamer uymerlo ta load ing wheat at Oceanio dock today and will probably finish tomorrow. N She goes to Siberia and North China, The lighthouse tender Heathey. I re placing tha buoya In the Columbia river and has proceeded aa fa a Rain ier. . The work will be completed In a few days. A compressed air alren will be installed st New Dungenesa station on tha Puget Bound aoon In plac of th l)-inch steam whistle, . MARINE NOTES " Ban Francisco, Teh) 14. Arrlvedr steamer Thomas L. Wand, from Port land. Arrived last night, steamer Norn City, from Portland. Astoria. Feb. 13 Balled at 12)45 p. m., schooner Ottllle Fjord, for Ban Francisco. Balled at2:25 p. m., ateamar B. Stetson, for Ban Francisco. Ban Franciaco, Feb, 11. - Balled, schoincr James Rolph, for Columbia rtrarr-Arrived at 4 p. m.; steamers Rosecrana and Ban Mateo, front Port- lfnl: . w4. Astoria, Feb. 1 4. Arrived down at a. m., barkC B. Kenney.- Arrived dnwn at :S0 a. m., steamer Hanta And. AT- rived at .40 a, in . steamer llomcr. 1 A Home-made Baker's Bread--- Eutter-Niit:BreaM Hat the goodness of the kind ' ''Mother qsed to make.' 5 ctnU per loaf ; at all Srocara. Look for th bl on vry - Loaf. sS!bs)IsiiS2I2s32sb See the new things In Fancy , Cakes at onr down-town store 145 Third St. m., ateamer Homer. ITt ti; at l'j ri., steamer Arceoiton. Illogu, I tb, It. Arrlvea prior t lith. from Ba n yranclsco, lf t UB at 11. jl -Norwegian, ateamer OhTistJarr Mtchsijeip m.. schooners Alpena and Dornr Bluhm. I from I'ortlnnd. ; - . ' brrt up at 11:10 a. Astoria, Feb.. 14. - Condition of th bar 'at t n.' 'in., smctflli, v'nl weather clear. .. "