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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, - THURSDAY. EVENING, FEBRUARY 14, 1907. 13 FOR BALE REAL aCSTATE. Rose City Realty. r?1"!' rrle, U xt to . trait, " . - T . "-'r,;" 'ar line; T-room house. 5xl baru. I row, calvce, bor, hsrness, hacks, hay, wood, chlckena, tools, grsvslrd l, $3.2jO. . - - ..MS seres, Ve timber, Vi nil railroad; . selling 43,-.. ' , 8 (la lots ml Belmont it.. Be car far. -2o4 Mobawk Wdg. . . l,$oo 8-KOOM home, full lot, with frolt trees, OBiUrand ave, north. ...... $4.3il F-legant brand-now B-room (trletlr mwiem hwnrslowt If you want eotiiethlng per . fart with about 1 3()0 nan. balance lu ault. . $2.250 8-rooiu modern home on Eaat Ella ' worth tad lUlb at.: $230 euk, balanc to . ' Mitt. : , , $2.000 T-roma boms, grouud 100x112, fruit e, nu perries, ram, chicken house, etc.; easy terme. $4.200 T-roonv elegaal .. strictly : ap-te-dste anvdern porn oil eaat All Ml J (t.J fl.UUU Caaa. , Balance to nlt. , ,. $7o Floe lot ea But YlwblUi sewer and . ' water. , . $ Fine V't o Eaat Taylor; aswer and . Water. j ' r. J. RTEINMET2 CO.. ' Tb Homeaellere. 1W Morrison at. The Best Snap on West Side 23-rou' rooming hmiac, location, th beat; v rent O. IC; price low, for cask. Hawthorne Realty Co. 239 Marguerite ar.. cornrr Hiwtltorn. rnuo tahor 01a. yni B Ol'fOBTCMTV .Vol lata, 0th at.i e. twMh llawtlKims iw, and Mwtlnai I.lna road, alt. Hwit Una! for a boui or Isroatmrnt; ' $100 down, balanc pymnta. Aditraa Own , r, 807 lata at. A NICK ft-mom bona. 907 Kaat 10th at., north. Cl.euO) tcrma. $.VM) down, 1 nw nonth. T fr rrot; trad with owner In feoua. . A COMl'I.ETB reataorant outfit for l or - ' trad fur real eaut. 806 Bnrnttd at Call .nuatatra between S and $ p. tn. . rOK SALE UeautltiU borne. 10 acre, 8H mile from VaneoitTtr: new bulMluc. O. A. for, Orehanla, Waab. . - .'.v. . A FINB nioder 8-room bona and fall lot on 2d and Haye ala.j tlila la a bargain: $7.lXM. Hllllana A Farraer. room SO Waahlnfton bid. ACKKAGR. , ' 'Tit beat rardeu aoll. eloa In and rloM to ear no brnab, level; Jnat tit plara for gar dening or chicken cattcli; $000 to $t90 per rr. . T. I. 8TBINUET8 ft a,.. 1, . ' Tb Koineaeller, 11K1 Morrtao at. Jl T think. 1.20 kit near Kalctn ear line, no farther than Ht. Jnbna, at $15 per lot. t $1 per month; level and good aoll. wit a already ther J on can't buy acreage . . nut there f.r luini aruimet; tbeae lota will h ralwd to $25 r lot en the ftrat of tb - month. Apply to oirnir. W. Keldt. room 11, . Waahlcgton hldg.. 27u',y Waahlngton at. , ,-,-. bARi;AIw; r"".T JtAST MK H0.MB. ' . $.1 ono wU( buy an H room modern bom anil a fnll corner kt on Kaat Aukeay a ear ltb at.J b1a la a rbolce locatkm and the bona la rapolled with nn-t-dat convenlent-ae; con crete baaement. good furnace, fireplace, bath : reomi-ee.-- Thle h truly t nn- n coma arte and e'iire hargalm James j. flvnn, , ' ;.,S1J Chaniber f Commerce. INCOME BKARINfJ flat on nay tenna 14--. txt IStb at., for flat. $74 pet month, por " relaln bath In each, cloee la, eaally rented: $2,000 caab, $75 nontlily lnatallmenta: In eom will pay th lnatallmenta. making ro- , itrfcatle Inreatment of amall capital. Mor- n, weet a tuapman. 211 Ablngto bid. on main auto. . . .Morebo p rreeeh. 167A I. ISr. ' tnmn netlworit T. Clt View Tark Iota. $373 and apt Itn ; Add 1 1 Ion lota. $100 and np; $.1 dowa and $6 a month. Home front $.'O0 to $S.O00. . Lota $200 and p. in all part of Hellwoed.J.ter year property with uai w will eell It. i , FOR BT t. NR Two new 7 room boaaoa, earner Raet "M and klaln a. tnr r.'. nace, flreplaiw. wootl-flhee plaeter. gaa. elec- tficltf. modern plumbing: bonaea tinted to ., antt. 0. U. Shay. u4 Ablngton bldg. Main una. . .... $l.nO S ACUE9, Wltk V'aoree cleared, good 4-ronm bonne, bivro.. wooilboua. chicken, 'honae: frnlt treea; on fin road Bear (arliue; : tbla la an tce!lent bom. BKOISTF.R eo., " ; 1074 Third t. WOK SALE $2,000. bit and two 4-roooi bonaee. T block a froai aew htgb acbool. Owner, 70J '. Eaat Htark. $2M CASH. $1S monthly, hnya a B room bona altaWd neat S7tn r near two cariine. etai hd CO.. 133H rrrat at. ALPINB RIAL RSTATS CO., tJi5H Moniaon. rooai 1: pbon Mala 1817 H block with 12 room bouae, ck In, $ll.r00. $ acre. room boo: eaay term; $2,290. ' roR flALK by owner modem S-room boo at 487 Tillanxxk at. Fine Vacant Lot $4,000 eOxtOO, North IHfh near Kearney. Tm yon want to build realdence or apart menta? Hvra'a year chance. Owner. Journal. - 'TO THB WORKINOMAN. . I-RF.B I.A.VI - - la eoatheaatera Oregon, prah-t bomeatMda; ' laat chance to aeenre 100 acre free. . . CALL 204 MOHAWK BI.IH1. 'V TOH RALR SOilon oa Hall at. l.Vt feet went ..of 14th et. $3.0110; KOxtoQ earner Hall and 14th. $j.7B0: aulrndld rlew wltboat - cllnb. Owner. 4 NO Hall at. ' - Attention, Advertisers! The large increase in the volume of The Journal's ad vertising during the past several months makes it nec-. essary to ask the cooperation fall advertisers in the ma t ter of favoring - The Journal with early copy every day in the week. for The Sunday Journal - i, -No - display,, advertisements, can be , taken after fiix o'clock Saturday' night, and to insure insertioa copy should be handed in as much earlier than this hour, as pos sible.' y r -T'-f;-, The' earlier the copy reaches The Journal the bet-, ter will be the composition of the ad and the better the position given it. ; - MORAL: Advertise ' irr The journal for quick re suits, the most results and the best results. ' Largest PaidCircula-; Hon of Any Daily Paper in Oregon FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. . Here's Scizstllas Gccl . $24,ftoo Pin niece property for autre or apartmente. .on.iblrd at. ear line and only t-xr mluute to Tblrd and Washington; over 24M-fi4t froiitag; some Income; ay pay utents. Owner. Journal. $230 $2"0 DOWN, balance Ilka rent; modern brand-new 8-roora lit Kaat Taylor. A. 1'. Hmlth, owner. 1MH V. Pari at. 6-KOOM bouse. $50 caab, balance installments; graveled street;- (aa In bouae, 838 fcaat CoaVh at. 5 l-3-ACRkl chicken ranch, clone to ear, $1,300; $MH eeeb, $13 per month. B 12(4, Journal. $123 CER AORH I tb price that bar on a 22-acr place, half cleared, good bona, orchard and llvkig water. ' near earlln. do In. i RKfllSTFR ft CO., ' ' , .' , "' lt7 t TlUrd t. n $2.70s-ao.M boot, modern: an 'exceptional bargain. W. t. I'eddlcord. Ht. Job, Or. ' TURNKR WALKRR. . Rami Batata. Parma and Htork Rfacbta. Kvchangea. lOSM Waahlngton at. ' ' i Special Bargains B- acre n-o. W. P. Uua.aeiur In. taat of Sollwottd. $l.i.V). ... 10 Krc northaat tronj MoutaTllla, aaly $2.i00. acre on pn1naul ear Una, only la.OOO. . 10 aere ontbeat ef Mount Tabor. Mar 1 -car Vw, tl.vm. T 77 - B. -wuivci iun, ) Monawc. - yoa. PALH r exchang for city property fin ranch of 827 acrea In Willamette ralley, ID) mllea tooth of Portland. Inquire 0. w. AttiThury, DO Bouth . Bceentb at., Blka temiale. . .: . FKNINSLLAB. Throe larg bualncaa corner and other - kta, beat location, aure to apeedtiy adyaaee; terma. W. U. Kuat, 20$. Portland bouleTard. Arbor IMlga atallon, et. Juhna car. INVEMTIQATK. '- aftilOO. lara new modern double ator. beat location oa penlnrala, $7,000; V caab; ran be rented at $ho per month) aaltabl f . grocery, drag or nieat market ; ouma oon. B car Journal. FOR SALE FAKMS. . . . AI.BERTA, CANADA. ' Join oor excursion to Alberta, Canada; fln eat wheat land In America. $8 to (13 per i a era. writ or can lor ruu particular. B. H. BAUNUH LAND CO., 214-215 Cbambar ot ComoMrea. Fort land. Or. FARMS. " $1,(100 100 acre near 5aatnn." l.i I.MJO 120 acre near McMlnnrlllet two 80 acre timber. Douglaa coontr. ' $4,400440 acre coal and timber. Coo couuty; good eperuintion. innuir - , . : , 200. FOL R1H -HI. ; B3 ACRK8, IB nllea- from Portland, rat la eoltlTBtkn. 40 acre eaally cleared, balance " timber. . running water, all lerel, pood soil; B mile from Oregon City; 1.J0; teraie to ault. Elmer .Cooper. Oregon City. PO-ACRR farm far aal en ay terma; mile . from Portland on new electric lino to Baler. Call 618 Commercial blilg., Portland, Or. TIMBER. . WANTBDj . TIMBER tAII)r: To the Owner of Tlmlier Land: We want alngle clalma. amall and large tract. If th price la right and th timber ' la good will Inreatlgato It at one. . Al waya aend tbe fnll deavrlptlowa and the kind of timber and tb guaranteed, ettlmaU If -Fa bar1 tt. " r- : CREOO BROS.. . 317 and 21$ Fcntoa Bldg.. Portland. Or. VKLI.OW pin claim. tn the claim; , come at once; claim are limited; local Ion fie 1W1; .lace money In bank on Ml eat la Ned: open for arrlctrt Inreatlgatltm; write, . telegraph or rJtone Immediately; don't loee your rlghta; delay 1 dangeroua; beat timber will aoou be reaereed and law repealed. . . . ALEXANDER LAND CO.. " C34 Blxtb, ear Pin. Pbon Pacific 23. TO OWNERS ef timber claim and timber Wa will bny for eaah any good timber tributary to Nehalem rlrer: will deal with ownera only; no othern need anawet-' Write. gl1ng , full partlcnlara, to Boa B. 0, P. Station. Portland, Oregoa. - CERTIFICn errtp. a y alxe. knreat prle. Q. Howall. VlA Chamber ot Commerce. AM atlll In timber land hutneaa. W. W. Cheadl, agent. South Bend. Waahlngton. TIMBER claim erutaed; eatlmatea guaranteed; fe reawmable. Hchuyleman ft Co.. 227 Vj Waahlngton at. . HOalMTEAP and timber land, acrlp, money to loao. 300 Commercial bldg. I II1VI 320 acrea timber to eell. will eat 10.000.000 feet, cloae to water atream; a map for enmaone; can be bonght eery reason able now. J. M. DennJa, Falla City. Or. EIRHT fine claim that will en from l.ono.ane to 3.OKI.0O0; dealrabl location, open to en try: thla w about yopr laat opportunity. - N. O. B., Journal. MORSES. VEHICLES, HARXESS. DORSES and baggie tor' rent by day. week and month; apeclal rat to bntnea aonae. Blxtb and Uawtnom. Eaat 7. WR bny, aell. rent, erebang aorae. warona, aaddlea. hernraa. Biibrrt ft BalL 2M lib at. FOR BAI.F1. cheap, good second hand top de ll rery wagon. Inoulre 420 Belmont at. FOR SALE- 6 beary draft 742 Beat tout si., aoniau FOR BAI.R Team at hern of M. O. Morgan ft Corr- Br Market;- hetwsea -tfnroa nd -ttrnd ate. , . FOR RAI.E Oorerrd light drlrlng buggy. Cell at ara Hood at. FOR SAI.B. CHF1AP l ioo-ponnd bora. S year old. Inimrr 420 Belmont at. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FRKRFI raw for sate, gentle, good nllkef, calf 2 weeka old.. lnrulra niReyer. t FRKSII eowa for Ml Saturday, Sunday and Monday at 248 Front at. . MllXfl row. good flow of milk, gentle. B20 Month Jersey t., Ht. Jbn. a BARTER-AND- EXCHANGE. FOR BALI! OR KXCHANOB One of tli finest farnia In Una comity, near Albany, I'M acre, all In oiltlratlon; rood hon, big bama, windmill, etc.; only $30 per acre; stab " at llsrtland property. BBtHRTER ft CO., ' ' '" . 107 H Third at. . rOR 8ALB OR EXOHANOB $7.B0O Well 1m prored farm of 107 acres, 7 mile from Van con eer, ea good graveled road. mile from railroad atatlon; 0-room bouae, bern, wind mill, etc, 03 acrea In mltleatlea, : ' 107 H Third at. " 440 ACRES coal land Coo ronnte, 30 acrea flu. her. Douglaa county 120 acres near McMtnn rllle. will exchange these for city property. ' Gordon, 208 Fourth. Pacific 2123. FIRST-CLASH furniture 8 roome for aal o txchanK tor real stav. Kaat 4.1T8, MIXES ANl INVESTMENTS. COl'FB P'AI.ENn and Nevada mining atocka. t hn alwaya la tb uarket to bny or sell ' any flrat -class . atocka or bond. Mat roar atocka with me: get my prices before bny 7 Ing or selling. Mien made on Hated securl- tle.' T. P.. Brown. 41 McKay block. Ml'SICAL INSTRUMENTS. WK BOI'OHT the piano tnre, B.V Alder at., , near Park; It Include many of flneat makaa;. your choice, bo cent on th ditllar; Imitall. menta like rent; latest piano-players for $103; . our rocipany Is owned by eaatern plan fao ' lorlea; . we aae you the retaller'e profit. Bced French I'lajit Mfg. Co., Blxtb and Horn- aid ata. VICTOR talking machine and records: Stein way land other piano. Hherman. Clay ft Co., Blxtb and alorrleoo, opooalte poatofflce. FOR BALE-M1SCELL.EQU3. FOR SALT-Plx' ftimtaad FrMTlNtT eloa ter hop roots. K. A. TV.,lg jr., 1101 Thirteenth, au, Vanconrtr, Wash. FOU 8 ILK M1SCELLAXEOC8. . Ycursfcr Style We mnat not lay off our help, therefor wa offer big Intlticemeuta; glee ua a cull. We bandi the bt lpioorted g.Kxla In the city. You can readily tell the dlffercuc hrtw.n gunuyaacka Uli4 flrat-clnaa eoata. All work B.Kle limtde; guaraiilecil: $4( ault $.tB. $10 aulu $2o. $2A aulla $20. Miller Tallorlnc Co., 73 North Sixth at. Bl'Y your furnltnre. both new and aecond-liaed, from barage ft I'eunell Fiiruluir t'o, 4r. 317 Flrat at., between Market and Mill. I'bone Taelflc ,100. W aell new furniture cheaper tban anybody in town. . BKKKN Rlectrle Wnrka, 10th and Waab. at. I'bone I'aclnc 1474. New and aecond-hand electrical good boogbt. aold and eicbanged. Foil 8AI.R. MKAI' 4 Inch Keyatooe water meter, piartkmlly new. Inquire H. Metager, 22K Front at. . . t : - BF.WINO ' MACHINK bonght, (old and . cltanped. $5 and up. . Weatara Saleag Co., 6i'7 Waablogtoa t. .' , 8JHIWCAKF.N,. eountera, flxtnre. bonght, gold or ectianred. Weatern 8alrag Co. tl - Waablniiton at. . 1'aclfle 703. ' FRKS FOU KVKRYBOI1Y King on Mtn 420 or call 21314 Front. W bny and aU furni ture, clothing or any old tblug. . BOI.UKN S KUKI'MATIO CITRR Pore rhenniatlam.: Bold Jy all drug!!.' for $0 BLK1IITI. r damaged eewlng-maehtnea at eery low prtceai blngrr. Wheeler ft Wllaon. Uomeatlr, White. BHMebold. Parle and otbera; ta.jgtiike room for aew. atock Wbei'ler , ft Wllaon and Plngera. t.. B. Blgrl. $Jo Mor rlaon at.. Maruuam Itldg. ' . SKLf-CHANCCMAKINU caab nglater for aal , cheap, zii rirat at. , FOR 8ALr-meamboat 14 feet beam, 48 feet long, capacity 14 toae, new; will aell cheap . for caab. D. D. Wood, 613 Oawgo at, St. John. Oregoa. FOR SALE Dairy, 80 eowa, horse, wsgoa, good route; BO mlnnte" drive from flue Iocs- tlon; part caab.-. Pbon. Mala 5082. - FOR BALE Chatham tnenbatnre and brooders, 84 day free trial. Oeo. W. Feott, 821 Kaat Uorrlaoa St.. Portland. - t- - WR print yovr -nam on m railing eerea. proper f alt and acyle. 83c; 250 hnalnesa card. $U A. W. Scbmal Co., 228 First, Portland, Or. BILLIARD AND POOL tables tar rent ar for sale on eaay parmenta. - THE BRUNSWICK-BALKR COT.I.ENDER CO. 48 Third at, Portlaad. t BECONO-HAND bar Bxtnr. pooltahle. safes, tables, chairs. Wsstsra Bslsag Co.. e2T Waahlngton St. 1I10WCA8F.S and flxture, new and aecood . hand. Curlaon ft Kallstrem,. 288 Coach at. WAN'TED loo men t wear oar celebrated $20 . made-to-order salts. ' Cnloa Tailoring Co., Btark at. Satlafactlon guaranteed.' FOR BALE One lot of old ahclslng. Inqutr Portland Gun ft Bicycle Co., 131 First t. FOR BALE Bargain In White. Blngra, Ds ns. Wheeler ft Wllwna. Hoasenolds and other slightly damaged machine. Tb Whit Sew ing Machine office. H. . Jones, 280 Xsmblll at., corner Fourth. ONE 10x18 6IDB crank throttling engine with leather belt and attachments: one 40x18 horl aontal standard tnbtilar boiler: alao a kand aaw. Apply to 492 Eaat 2Hth at. SCOTCH collie pupa, cbeao. P. W. Lewis. S3 . North Fifth at., corner Darls. i FOR BALE Pedigreed -Scotch collie pnp. mnuiba old: bred right. A. F. Prterson, 1312 Kaat Eighth St., north. FOR BALK Bmsll gasoline engine, 1-8 H. P., new. Address J 120. csr JournaL . . FOR BALE Keren stands of Italian ply 843 Kerby at., Station B. FOR BALE Shares In the Butte Boys' Mining . Co.; It's a home enterprl property In Gold- f yoa- know the owners gilt-edged Port- land raininess men gtlt-edtred pro. pert for gllt-edced mine. Bend for prospectus. 360 a.aai Aiorriaon ax. FOR 8AI.R A Kelson roadrart aa aood new. Phaeton front delivery .wsgoa. eleesnt F,n nan trap ana ether vehicles. 104 union ave. V PERSONAI.. MA8HACE for ladle and gentlemen; bot and cold baths, steam tub hatha, shower and ' aprny batlm, vihrator electric treatmenta and vibrator treatmenta by compreeacd air: will ; cure all nervous dlseaaee. rbeomatfam or any blood dlaease without medicine: 'manicuring. . .balrdresatng. We claim the best, up-to-date (..Triors In tbe cltyi ladle and gentlemen; s trained nnraea; we guarantee our work. 207 S Third at., upstairs, rooms 12. IS and 14. Main reception room 15.- - A GENTLEMAN of middle eg and business . ability wishes to correspond with lady; object, bualncaa and matrimony; good reference. Ad dress Q 181, care Journal. ' SrifiRlTORIES for aoarrled women: perfectly aatlsfactorv. Call or adress Mrs. II. C. Wilbur. Am Third St., near. Harrison, Port land. Oregon. BFIXIN'R PILLS core all forma ot nor ruu or . m nac la t weaknea. For men or women Price $1 a box, boxes $3, with fnll gnar - ante. Address or rail J. O. Osmeneoa, drag gist. Bemad and Yamhill ata., Portlaad. or. IF yoa have rbetrmatlam we wast to care pee. New Vork Medical A Surgical Institute, lear ner Blxtb snd 323 Washington ata. RI'BBIAN BATH. 207 Third St.. betwe Taylor and Salman. Swimming pool, steam sod hot air bath. Hoar Ladles, from a. as, to 1 p. m. : gents, from 8 a. n. to 12 p. n. GERMAN books msgssJnrs, novels, etc.; Ger man. English. French, Spanish. Swedish and Italian dlctlonarlea: foreign booka . ef - all Aind Sell male Co., 22S First a. MOLES, wrinkles, enperflnoaa bslr removed. No charge to talk It over. Mr. M. I. Hill. Room 330 Filed oer Bldg. Phone Pacific 183. DR. BIKU (IIOONO. Importer Cbtnea rnot medicines; aell Chines tea, certain cor for all diaeaeea, . IBI 2d. bet, Xsmblll and Taylor. DR. O. V, KETCHCM rnrea promptly privet . diseases, kfdney, - nervosa, aktn and apeclal female trouble. Cad or writs. Office 17" S Tblrd t, cor. TambIL Pbon Paclfl 222U. UTB pieaaad alill " wait.- 80. Ledls aktrta pressed. 80c. oilhert. 10014 Sixth at. : next to Quelle. Pbon Msla 2088. Tl'RKISIl BATIT8, 800 Orrgonlsa bldg. ladle uajs, gentlemen nigura. sisia twee. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberta' Nerve Globules. Oce month's treatment, $2; 2 months, $3; sent securely sealed by mall. Agenta, Woodard. Clarke ft Co, Portland, Or. B At ,M- Or-FTOIT ' foTTITrte-rrtisa: ?8 Kaat Belmont. Phone Eaat 4034. DISEASES OF WOMEN: nnfoitnnat girls and bablea cared for; privet hospital. Dr. Atwood. room 8. S30Vi Hoc. at. Tel. Parl8 1733. MRS. PR. MARY KRAMER, midwife; alee quarter for patients, goi Mlaalaetppt a vs. MRS. POTTER Masseuse, scalp, facial mas sage, chiropody. 2i4V4' Waahlngton at. BCITOOt. BOOKS bonxbt, sold, exchanged. Jones' Hooaatore, xui Aider sr. . MADAM VA8HTI. Maasense, chtropodlat and manlcartat. 2om Third at. , BEST magsitn chiha ever effered; send for prices; sgents wanfed. Jones' Book Store. 201 Alder at., Portland. Or. MIDDI.R-AOED worktngman. franger In city. wanta to meet Catholic lady; object, matri mony; working girl preferred. Adilreaa Y 131, car Jonrnnl. , A POSTAL card will bring representative of the W inona Mills with a full line or spring sad summer samples of their celebrated eeamlea hosiery and fin" nnderwesr. They wear: Order now. H. E. Martin, 811 Com mercial Mk. Pbon Main 4V.. . CORRESPOND with the opposite sex for matri mony. Address Box 244, Portland, Oregon. 0ENIT0-I R1NARY and chronic dlaesaaa of men quickly and permsnentiv ruren; electric treat, ment for diseases of tbe prostate. tVioauHa tlon free. Dr. W. I. Howard, Common wealth bltln, Willi at. OWL RESTAURANT, 3 Faet Morrison at. Meals lfw and so: snort orders, rreah oystsrs, J. L. Tstalaff. proprietor. 8V1F.DISII trained nurse. Ilelalnrfora graduate, cure nieumatlsm, stomach trowwea. nervons ' duavilers aad sprains by band rubbing, steam, sweat ani.lnb hatha. N-. 7 Ent 11th at Take East Anktny rar. Itona' Eaat 2a 1 1 " 1 ROSA VERA (lrtaPS Sold verywneTe, . H. II KITK ICMI r.R ft WIN, Maker. 738 Coroett at, v Pbon Pactfl 143.1, FAt K and scalp niaaaage glvva al 4-1314 Morrt- aua 8U auiia ana s. . TERSONAL. BEI.KCTIONS madr. Introductions given: booor. able ladles snd gestlemcu. Addre, with sump, aire. H. C. Wilbur, 4u0 Tblrd at., s.. near lisrrlaoa. . . HOI. I) ON There hi one thing that will rnre rheumatism. Atk your drugrlsl for hark tonle or addeeas or call J. i. Clsmeasua. druggbit, Portland. Or. MARIIIAtiH PAI'KR; highest character: Incor , tK.rated; rlerealh year: 2,000 members; 12 pairea, sealed; send 10c. L. L. Love, box ItiOO. Denver. Colo. . MANICl'lilNtl parlors for ladle, and gentle uien. 'AlitVj Morrison at., room 14. A WORKlvn man. aged 'do. would Ilk to 1 meet a rhriatlan-lady ; object, matrimony; no oblei'tloa to vblldreu. Adilreu 12, ear LA 111 EM: Dr. La Franco' a Cent looon'dV site! stieedy rerulatori 23 centa, druiglata or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Franco. Philadelphia, t'a, AfAMKY , FRANCES, the wonderful healer, la . heie a few days only, Olvoa mernetlc mss pige trcstiuents dully; cures rueuioatfom and bll nervous dlscaiee. If ion ure U"t feeling : -wcIL call. Hotel Oxford, corner Blxtb, aud- Onk ata., room 17. Phone 88. IT'S YOl'R OPPOHTI NITY to speedUy step . Into a faction. Address Butte Buys Mining - compsny,.i!VO East Morrison St. . KKCKNTLY opened menlcurtrrg psrlora; Isdlea and gentlemen. 831 H Morrison St., room 12. BUSINESS PERSONAIJ9. COMMERCIAL STATIONERY ft PRINTING CO. . Ofdcs supplies, loose-leaf system filing de. sices, typewriter ribbons snd cerhoa paper. . K. K. KL'BLl. Mgr., 228 Btark at INVENTIONS ROIKlHT AND SOLD. Ooicaaul Cuiiuail CO.. 4ll Flleilner bIJg. ' Main 2XBI. CHIMNEY SWEEP. . D. D. Wood. . Phone Main 1872. 48 Third at. THE OCKLSY ORKEN NURSERY has large fruit trees, fine shade and ornamental treea; - choice roses, ete. Come and see. ART. FREB LESSONS IM RmhroMcry Every Dy. THB NEEI1LECBAFT 8U0P, . 82 Washington St. B. H. MOOREHOH8R ft CO. Artlats'. nateliara. plctnr molding, pternre framing, etereoptl coua, lantera slide. 812 Alder at, . PROFESSOR R. MAX MEYER, 848 Alder St. ',Portrslt and' landscape artist and tsscher. ATTORNEYS. C H P100OTT AND J. A. FINCH . Practice la all eorrrta. 4 Mnlkey bldg.. corner Second aad Morrtaoa. AHSATERS. GARVIN CYANIDR EXTRACTION CO.. and Montana Aaaay Office. 1M Morrison at. AUTOMOBILES. PCLLMAN ACTO CAR CO Builder, dealgner and repairer of all xtiakee ef automobllea. ' Bodlea, top, fender, daahe. lamp, bracketa, running hoarda and glaaa fronta. Gera and all.parba of eato moblles made to order, 08-70-72-74 North Sixth" "at., corner" Everett. H. L. KEATB AHTO CO.: ATTTOMOBILES AND BITI'LIEB, Northwestern dlHtrlbtitors for Pope TTart fords. Pope Tribunes. Pope Waver Ira, Pope Toledo, - Thomae. - OldamoMIes, Frsnklfns, Bnlcks. 80-82 Portland. Oregon.'' HOWARD M. COVEY, Agent Pierce Great Arrow. Locomobile, Cad illac and Knox. Temporary location Clab Oarage. 13th and Abler ata. , H AYR . YOU BEEN BAKER ELECTRIC87 Capital Supply Co.. 493 Alder et. Phone Pa ' rifle P71. Demonetretloa by appointment. BLANK.BOOK MAKERS. noWFJilAVIS ft KM.HAM. lOP-lll Second st Blank book msnufactnred: egsnt for Jone Improved looae I ledgers; -see tb aew Kureaa fear, tb best oa th marker. , 1 11 'i'i.' 1 11 -tt-miaacrn's BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. BrTCTTRR BI7PPLIES S. Blrkenwsld Oa.. 804- soe Kveretr St.; isrgest ontcner supply bobs oa the coaat. Write for catalogoe. BtTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dekom. 131-133 Flrat st., carries a full line and com plete assortment at lowest market price. BATHS MASSAGE. RISSIAN baths, swimming pool, steam and bot air. Hours: Laillca. 8 a. m. to 1 p. " m.; gents, 8 a. m. to 12 p. m. Price 25c - 7 Third atl. bet. Taylor and Salmon. MRS. O'BROCK Is located at 188 Seventh at.. Is pleased to meet old patrons ss well aa new; reference ven. Phone Main 4008. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. r ' Always Consult 1h Beat. PROF. E. Kill MO, Area tret living aatral dead-trance clair voyant of the are; advlaer on bualneaa and all affair ot life: tell your full name and what you called1 for. whom yoa will marry, bow to control the on yoa love, even tbough mile awsyt reunite lh separated: give secret powers to control; no long delsrs In waiting. Honrs IO to 8, daily and Sunday Permnnerttlv located tn bts' own noma.. Fifth at., corns' Madison-at. EIN0A. F.0YPTIAN MEDICM, clairvoyant and palmlat. ha a removed to 304 Madleon at.: 39 cents snd ap, . . MRS. SOPHIA SKIP Circle Thursday. Friday, 8 p. tn.; readings dally. 302 Allaky bhlg. CAFES. THB OFFICR 2.i. Waablngtoa art, pboa Mala 771. Ssnioel Vlgneax. CLEANING ANT DYEINOV- Cl.OTHKS cleaned and pressed $1 per month. . Union Tailoring Co., 808 Btark t. H. W. TURNER, professlonsl dyer and cleaner. BOS Jeffersoa at Pbon Mala 2318. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning and Dvlng Worka. til Fourth st. Pbcns Pacific 8r7. ' COAL ANII AVOOD. PORTT.AND BAWDI'ST A SI.ABWOOD CO., , 8."3 Front, enccessisrs to Fulton Wimd Co.; fir. eek. slabwood, coal. Tel. Main Uttfl. FOR prompt delivery of alabwnod call Main , . ...uini t. ill u 11,, Bavier t. ORPOON FCEL CO. I now selling Wehih rn thraclte. beat coal oa tb market. 834 AJdar at. Mam OS. ALPINA FIIF.L C. Dealers In cord wood, eml snd green and dry slabwood. H. R. snd Alblna ave., 2 blocks seat of ferry. Eaat 871. SIBKL BRIDGE FL'F.i CO. Dealers In .eosU cord wood aad dry alabwood. Phone Eatt 424. WK8TFRN FEKD ft FCET,' CO. Hoaae sad blackamltb emtla. Phone Main 101. C RPET CLEA N I XG. STAN DA BD CARPET Cl.EANINU CO .Largest I, plant on tbe ont, lwltig and Harding sts, j telephone East SISO. Carpel cleaned, refitted. I srwi-d and Htm:- both steam and latest com. . preieed-alr proceaa;' renovating aiattreetee and featbors a apeclalty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, snetmn and mm pTsaaed sir combined: eerpera cleaned on floor wiiinnit 1 w ill , ' I . mmtu . . Ill svw. DANCING. OANCtNO lesson. 2V; rlsasee or privet: watts lug, two-step, three-atep, ete.; since dancing, buck end wing. clog, reel, skirt Spaol-ti. Highland (ting. te. Prof. Wal Wflaua, old est recognised teacher. Alteky bldg.. Tblrd and Morrison ata. WOODWARD DANCING KI HOOl Claas Moo, Tlmra. snd Snt. eve : anctat. fam-f end girp nenclng ' lanalii;" 8 asst. "leacliera: claaa and Erlvate leseotia dally. Weatern Acsdemr balL eeond and Mnrrlaon eta. Pacific lt30. PROF. RINMI.ERi Mfa Buck en rs ever l-sadlng school ; ballroom srltnette correct daaclagi cl. Tnee..Xat. ev. j rbllirree Set. p. m. prlvale Ivtsoua daUy, 80 Alder. Mala 1831. tPTERAXP BlILQERS. . A. M F.I. TON, the rarprftrer. va Fourtft et. more IIM 01 1 lev wv-a. eiam nil. l r 11 r CHIROi'OmSTS. CHIROPODY and Pedicuring. Mr. M. D. Ht!L Room 8.10 Fleldoer Bldg. Phone Pacific 133. PRESSMAKING. FLORKNCB TINULEY will be plrsaed to meat old and new customers: dressmaking and la dle' tailoring. Room 221, Uoodnough bldg. A GOOD dresmnaker wants sewing by th day. Adilreaa 11 las Tuouey, Alt. Tabur. Phone out of order. j MRS. MAY CItlPPKN. eastern dtessmsker. Monnsstes House. 2f3Vt First at TRY A Angels Jresamaklng, Parlor, 242 Fifth Msln. Fsclflc 8t- - and Main MRS. VACU11AN, drrasmsklng. 3Sis East Kitmalile St. l'boiw Kaat 4..'--, -ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. . M. J. WAUH CO., 811 Stark St. Electric and Oaa Klxturea and Supplies. - Msntela. Tiling. OraUa snd Doglruna. PACIFIC ELECTRIC tX) Engtneera. contrac tors, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 84 ' First, cor. Stark. Main 6S. B. H. Tate. mgr. WF.STKRN ELECTRIC WORKS, 81 Sixth at - CenrVaetors, elect rte supplies, motors snd dy Baiuoa; ws lnstsll light snd power plant. , MORRISON ELECTRIC CO., 201 Bast Morriaoe at. Flxturea. wiring, repairing. East 8128. BARRETT'S. 408 Morrteoo at. Pbon Main 122. Everything In electric wiring and lighting, a EDUCATIONAL. HOLMES BUSINESS Cpf.LEOB. Waslilngtoo end 10th ata.. Flledner bldg. ' Bookkeeping.- Shorthand. Typewriting and all English braocbea taught both day aad night. BEHNKE-WAf.KER PI SINFSS COLLEGE, DAY AND MCHT SESSIONS. Bprclal Clnaaee I German. French. Spsnlth. Elks' bldg.. Seventh snd Stork ata. "--' HOSB,CITY BCSINRSS COLLEOK., ' Pitman Hborthand bv Court Reporter, Bnsl- -nees Course. Special Beholsrablpsi loaltons Se cured. ComoHinwetiltb bldg., 6th snd Aukeny. MISS CALL, Individual and class Instruction. primary, grammar, high acbool grades, h&i East Burnable at. Phone East 2700. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORT! AND-WIRB ft IRON WORKS Second and Everett ata. Piion Main 2000.. GASOLINE ENGINES. OASOLINM engines, all sixes r.d styles, at lowest prices. Relrsea Macbtnery Co, 182-4-8 Morrison et," SHEFFIELD marine engine. Falrbenka, Morse ft Co., Flrat and Stark. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland. American plan, $3, $S per day. BBLVEDERR; Europeaa plant 4tb and Alder ata. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. anllclte opporton tty to qeot price. 74 Sixth at. Pacific 438- EVSURANCE.- IBAA0 U WHITE. Bra Insurance. 14. Sher lock bldg. W. U PA0E. Insurance! employer' llehtllty, nrty bonds, burglar and accident Insurance. Phone Main 328. 204 Falling bldg. JAB. Mcl, WOOD, employers liability and In dividual accident security hoods at all blade. Pbon a 47. . McKsy bldg. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for aale. All Irmde. tnrtndlng approven r or eat reserve scrip ror surveyea, an atfrveyed. timber and prairie government land. H. it. Hamilton. "Tbe Portlaad." PortUad. MACHINERY. B. TliCNKMAN ft CO Mining.' aswrnlU. log- ing machinery; hydraulic pipes, eaetlugj all lnils repaired. 104 North Fourth. A. J. PACL. 102 First t. Engine, betlera. sawmill aad cross arm mschlnery. , TDK H. C. ALBKB CO. Beeood-hand ehlnery. sswmllla. ete. 248 (Irand are. MONUMEliTS. NED ft KINOSLEY. JOS Flrat St.. Portland's leading marble and granite worka. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN 'On Improved city property or for 'buiifltng, for from 1 to 10 vesrs. tlni. with privilege to repay all or part of men after two yeer. - Loane approved from plana and money advanced aa bonding" progresses; mort gagee taken np and replaced. FRED H. BTRONO. Financial Ageat 212 Btark at - CONFIDENTIAL LOANS aa salaries, tnsarane policies, planes, fnrnltnee. warehouse recetpta, etc: eny deserving person may eerure lib ersl advance, reps ring by easy weekly or monthly lnatallmenta. NEW ERA LOAN ft TRDST COMPANY, 203 Ablngtna bldg. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Just on poor own name as other eeearltv; don't borrow ontll you aes me: aiy sv.tem te the best for railroad men. elerke. bookkeeper, streetcar men, and all ether employes: bn1- ' pees strict It eoafldentlsL P. A. Newton. 424 Ablngtna bldg. ' MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE end others arum their owe names wltboat eeenr- k . . .,,1 nr,ii ninr. piyinrn... - ht OO prtncrptT ell let ; save yonrssir money pt rerrmg our terms nrst. TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton bldg., 108H Tblrd at MONEY loaned tn salaried people Just oa year own name; don't borrow until yoa see me; my system. Is the beat for railroad men. clerka. bok keepers., streetcar men snd all ether employ;, hntlnees striotlv con fluent Is I. P. A. Newton. 422 Ablngton bldg. W A NTFD tNotra mortgagee -eg -contracts a any kind of real estate m Orearon and Waah lngton: second mortgages porehssed If well secured. H. E. Noble. 812 Commercial blk. ' EMPt.OYFS LOAM COMPANY 1 Inert to salaried people. Bnalnes trtetly conftdentlsj. Ease payment , plan- Pbon Main 224. 718 Deknm bldg. ' MONEY tn loaa tn swans to suit. 8 and 8 years. sa low as 8 per cent, oa Improved city prop erty. Monlton ft Srobey, 601 Columbia bldg, 803 Wash Itistoa at. DON'T borrow money on salary netfl .Hiittcn Credit Co. B13 Dettmn bldr Wr- , WARfV Ff,- AlWlir h!T,lrfTvr rift morta-ajtv tmii1n nllcll-e-l; ftHM: Ion mi ttionvr on mortxaig fi-oot $110 , Bp: Mtrnt. MOVRY M fnrriltiirv. plr and other irvirilFtM. w. A. Ilnt!'wiif , rra IO, H -tnjrton hhg. Phon Psirlflr, MONJvY , to loaa on city or well Improved proiierty. S-" Melvln or Armstrong. 3'2 Commercial bldg. MONPY to- man: lerge- biena sneclslty: also building loan: loweat ratee: fir laaaraeee. WIIImui O. Reck. 812 Falling bldg. CHESCFAT lOAN CO, 42 Mohawk bldg. Money to lend oh nw parment plan to wage esrners; strictly eonftdentlal. MONEY to loaa on all kinds of security. Willi, Hull, room 9 Washington bldg. TO LOAN Snm to suit oa chattel R. A. Frame, fit the llaniuam. nrtty. A LOAN for the ektng salary or chattel, Tbe Loaa Co., 410 Deknm bldg. . MONEY to loan on city property. O. A. John son. 313 Cominerclsl blk. Qt'lCK Joans en all securities. B. W. King, . 43 Waahlngton bldg. Main $100. M0N'F.Y to loan In amall amounts, aemrtd by real ealatn. (J I2, Journal. WIf.l. loan $4.f") or less real estate, per rent. 1 1 arrluiitoa, 813 Fcntua bldg. . BANKS. U2TITED STATU VAT10NAL BASK OF f 01T1AVD. 0HF.00. . , Northwest Corner Thlad snd ek Streets. ' , Trsnsscta a General Bankleg Dualnesa. DHAF13 I If II Avertable In '"' " tb Doited State, and Europe. H. nekong sndManlls. Collections Made e Fseorile T.ria President.. j g. AINSWOHTH 1 Caahler B. W. (M-BVt.HI Vlce-I-restdeut. ........... . R. I.EA BAKNbB t Aaalataat Caatiter , W. A-Hul.r Asal.tant Caahler. LADD ft TItTOW. BARKERS (Estahllshsd ha 1M.) , -Tranaaota Bensral Basking Buslnsas. Colleettnns muds al atl polste " ,f,TW: . able terma. Letters of credit laaned afallthl In Enron and all nolnt I the tilted State. Rl,rht Kvcbangs snd Telesrsnble Tran.f.r. sold on New York. Waehlnrton. Chicago. St Lent. Denver, Omaha. Baa Franeiacn aad aad Brlttab Coltirchla. Exchange sold on London. Paris. Berlin, Frsnkfoet. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila and H..n-ln. ; MEBCHAKTB' BATI0WAL BABK. POBTLARD. ORFOOW. i J. FRANK W ATRONl. , ... Preelrtent t R. I. DI'HH A V. ............. .VW-reatde . B. W. H0YT.1 Cashier I OEOROB W. H0YT........Asslstsnt Csahk- TranascU a General Ranking Bnalneea. Drafta aad, letters of Crerltt tasned Avxllable a , - . All Parts of the World. Collections Specialty. B AVKEB8' ft LUMBERMEN'S BANK Portland, Oregoa. Corner Record snd Btark street. Commercial and ssvlnrs department. Interest psld en savings accounts. Draft aad r-eteea ,,r er-'ll 1.. ... .11 ,t. n ,h. ...Ill roir. "l'TON President I F. VrVnU "' ROTTtrntLD. ..First Ylce-Prealdent I H JOHN a. REATtvn m. vi.ri.n I pi PEf.TON President I fpirE BANK OF CALlrOHSIA Established . , "" paid bnf. a. AnA nnA I J wenerai nanklne and ETchang Bualncaa Transacted. Int-rear. 00 pat i-po... v ; BAVINOS DEPARTMFNT Aceoanta may-be onened ef 8t and upward. - , , roniuna Brtn.-o tuamner or mmmi..-. emunni, ??iRlMjirRAl, ,. ...... Manager I J. T. BI'RTCHAEH Manage FIRST XA no If At BANK. PortUad, Orsge. Oldeat NsMobal Bank ea th Pctflc Cot; CAPITAL 'AND. SURPLUS $1,500,000.08. DEPOSITS $14.ft)) .000.00. i- b f.TT President I W. C. AtVORD. ........ ...Alle"nt ft: JW gWKf Rft 7 .Csshler I B. F. BTEVENB Second Atvtnt Caahlar , TRUST COMPANIES, ;2-L- -"- t) BIAriEfasjgi i.trtn as. . - aja irn butvtr)$i on tnUr bati.nH rf $MXt 11 y r,r If p.n f I ..cTJ. MBMItTfl parr of tbe world, a. n-fnr- Hfvontifn. T1m eertiacatea. twn or ever. 1U to 4 nee cent, tm'Tiea fluuer Tllltn and Oak ann'ela. II a rrtrate 1 r.xriiange . .-1 COF1EV President I n. i.r.w PAOET Rm.m1,, I ' rCTTR ITT SAVINGS ft TRTJbT COMPART 8 Merrlaen Btreel. Tortlaad. Oregoa. - r" I Jranaacfa a Oeneral Banking Bnslnese. SAYINr.S DEPARTMENT. A"e'iX7' . Tim and Barings Accounts. Acts aa Trustee for Faft.tee. Drafta and Lettera ef Cred't Aeall.tit . All r. W. ADAMS......,;....... President I A. L. MILLS Second Vice-President; i GEO. E. .RT'RKRLL ' NOETHWT.STFRH OtfABAHtTE A TRUST COMPANY Portlsad, Oregoa. . (, Lumber Exchapee. 8. . Corner Second snd Stsrk streets (second 8oor. , v . ' ' - " FISCAL A0ENT FOR -CORPORATIONS. . , ' Stat. County, Municipal Corporation Bond Bonght and Sold. Near Enterprise Organised , i- and Financed. Stocks and Bonds Cnsranteed. TITLE 6TARANTFE ft TRUST OOMPAWr 840 WA8H1NQT0B STREET. y10RTQAOB L0AN8 on Portland Real Ftte st Lowest Bata.;f J. TTtORRrjBS ROSS..... President GEO ROB H. HILL .Vice-President t BONDS AND M 0B8.IS BROTHERS Chambar ot Oonmeroa , Municipal, Raflrosd and Pnbllc Service Corpora tlon Bond. DOWHTBO-HOPKIKB C0MFAXT EstablUhad BT0CKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bought Private Wires. - ROOM 4 HAMBER s - t. i r-a e ..t.. r. UVCrUCw&a diair CZ UVwAC VU LOUIS t. WILDE HOME TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCKS. . .. , , --... ' Member Portland Stock'' Exchange. Corner Sixth and Washington Streets. Portland. Oregoa. - ; ' : HAIlf. PB0V7SI0W8, C0TT0H. STOCKS AWD B0KDB. ' - . WE M i STRICTLY C0MM18S10M BUSINESS. Contlnooua M.rk.ta by private Wire. Quick : MUSICAL. THE WEKRER BTC DID Mandolin, banjo, gat- tar Inatrnctleai uinaoa maaooiina. son Washington. PIANO, violin, mandolin, trombone, clarinet Professor E. A. Smith. ZM igtn. ant ton. OSTEOPATinC PHYSICIANS. DRS. ADIX A MlRTHRCP. 413-18-11 Dekum hli:g., 1 niru ami rv aeiiina.ov - . Main 84D. examination ire. PAINTS, Oil AND GLASS. F. K. BEACH A CO. Tbs Ptoaevr Pslnt Oe,t window glsas . aad glaring. . 130 ir ax. Phone lsn. PRINTING. A. E. KERN A CO.', PROMPT '"'... PRINTERS - SIS Second street Phone Msln B83T. mis irnnrni PBtNTEHY Artbtttc nrlotlng. 28 Rnasel bldg. Fourth and Morrison. I'bone . Pactac I02. KVrRYTHlNO IN PRINTINO From circulars to cstslognee and newspaper. Metropolitan Printing Co, 147 Front st. OGILBEB BROS., printer Cards, billheads, et. Phone Ham isos. no rwsi . PAINTING AND PAPERING. - P. A. DOANE. 28 Yamhill st, opposite Jour nal ef'lce. wail paper, painting ano Ing. Pbon as for estimates. Pacific 2238. FOR reliable work, reasonable price. Sbeehy Bros . 2S3H Tsmhtti. nesr am. ima ". PLUMBERS. FOX A CO. Ssnltsry plumber. 231 Second, bet Msln snd Snlmoa. - oregoa pnon stain e. DONNFRBI'RO ft B A DEM ACHE B, removed te No. 808 Bnrnsld st. RUBBER STAFFS P. C. STAMP WORKS. 248 Alder t, phone Mala 710: robber stsmpe. eei. stenctia; oeg. gags, trade checks; bras signs and plate. - ROOFING. TIN ROOF1NO. guttering, repairing and general Jobbing. J. tost, lg jerrerson sr, nr. REAL ESTATE. PARRISH. W ATKINS ft CO, (30 ALDER ST. H-nl e"''. eoii. loana ann inauram-e. . w auk a specialty of handling rentals anil proper! r for rcldenta and nun-real, den I a. Katabllsbed 1872. Pbon Mala 1044. GEO. J. RCHAEFER, real estate and firs tnturance, 317 (iismner or femmerce. 'COOS BAY NHXT." J. W. OGtl.BEK, real estate and loanai eetab llsbed loss, issta rirtx si, room - - --ir-RICHA-RDNr- RBAfl ESTATE AND MOKTOAOB LOANS. Pbon Mala 8308. 82 Chamber et Comma re. SPHINX AGENCY, dealer tn real rotate and rentala. 20&H Btark at Mara Bin. RUTHERFORD ft CO, BIT Fommerclal bldg.. Realdence property oar specialty. . FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. W W. FSPET. 318 Commercial bldg. STREET PAVING. WARREN Construction Co, afreet paving, slde- wslks and croaaings. Kit l-oraner bicnsngs. IHK Barber Asphalt Paving Co., of Portland. tunae o.,,, worceaier nis. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASFil of every description; bank, bar and atore nttur-e made tn oravt. lbs uttkt t -blannfarfurlng -tJe., Portland, I R. H. BIRDSAI.L, designer; agent M. Wlnt-f I.omber Co, 7 Hamilton bldg. Main .Vhl. w V- ,u "' ' " i".'.--r SIGN FAINT i2RS. FOSTER ft KI.KIMEII BltlSS. W hare built nn th largest also bnalea "In the city by nrwt-cltia work and keeping our promisee. Our prices ere right, lift - snd Everett sts. Phone gvchsngs A3. "SHINS THAT ATTRACT." Portland Blga Co, 27 Stark et Phou Psctflc 1808," W. P. BF.RGKK ft SON. Jit Yamhill at BlgM of all kinds. Phone Pacific r."12. ru;nxouonxES TIIR. WHITE SEW1NU JIACHINJ5 . AENCY.. 2.10 Yamhill St, t or Foortli. I'hime Main mot. Bargains In sll kinds of new and second ' bsnd aewtng mablnea; a few alurhtly rlain aged, gwd a aew, at greatly reduced prices. I'lltINN faclflc 373 and I personally will call and repair yoor aewteg machine: wotk iua;- auteed. 8. Bama, adjuatsr, $t)l Third t, . .,.A. M. WRK1HT F. C. MF t R9 ........ 7. .V. .... Caller , M. D pTOH FY ,,tKT.rr , .ee PLATT ft PLATT ..:..Qenerl Ceael ISO. Head 0ee. Sen Fiaitlao. Pal If sen Is. . ..K.l.. neilta 1 1 0 I'd 412 32 - .. taj- a ftwa saessa nt gallttfai a.frfOn nflllBirrai 1 wis tvr vwtil inv-x . - - - - - ,. or lttr $f " ert)flmtr. 8 t 4 Pr LV J b - - . s, ! r s r tTlfiVl rail for Book of PJ. f. .PTTTOCK.... ., vier-rreaioen, . . . AavMenf Becrettrv j O rtOf TR A t'arta nf the World, L. A. I.FWtS..,i B. O. JCRITB. ... .. .First Ftee-Preetdeht .......Becrststy As1tjnt PecTctarr JNO. E. AITClllsoN Beeretsrv T. T. BCRKH A RT. .1 .. ..Treeeerer , INVESTSIENTS. Building. , . . . 189 BROKERS. ' '' ,' and Bold lor Cask and en Margin. of COMMERCE.' "' ' Phone Vl St. nrembi 302Tbmit UsKsf Bldg, Portlaad. Oregoa. Berrlce, - RrERENCirs-I.aoO Tiiloa. SAFES.- PORTLAND SAFE CO.. sole agents for Herring-Hatl-Marvla safes and Manganese Steel Safe Co. s bauk safes; 20 second hand flreproni asfea and bank safes; vry cheap:, ae then or write aa. 82 7th at DIEBOLD Manganese and Ore-proof safe; lock- outa opened; metal Bxtures; vsult ssd Jail . worki Jacks. J. K. Darls, M Sd. Mala 18o3. EIGHT eecond-bsnd fl re-proof safes aad two eeciind-hand bank safes for sale tbesp, t 10 Sixth St.. Portland. Oregoa. TYPEWRITERS. i DON'T -.iy a typewriter unless ytm my th best. Tb L. C. Smith ft Bros.' Writing. n h'lcbt Typewriter Is tbe beat typewriter made. Also a Ha of slightly axed traded eut machines of sll makes at yoor own price. L. ft M. Alexaader; n. E. Memler. lanager. 170 Fifth at, opposite pos toffies. HEADQCARTERS for aew and rebuilt type writers of sll makes: see our window; If yoa - are going to boy a new typewriter are aa be fore buying; wa can ear yno money; ws bav parts tor repairing all machines; atata agenta for the Vlalhle Fox: we bay all kind of typewriters. Tb Typewriter Exchange, Inc.. K, J. tlllson. manager. 84 Tblrd at. WE aell Remingtons, Bmltb-Premlere. Deae , mores, etc, lower than any ether company; Investigate. Underwood Typewriter Co.. 88 8th. BLICKEN8DFRFER tvpewrltev. $40 and $W! supplies, repairing. Rose ft Roes. 2UIH Btark. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brash.! anap. $1 per month. Portland Laundry ft Towel Supply Co, Ninth and Coach. Pbon 410. - TRANSFER AND HAULING. THB BAOflAGB A OMNIBCS TRANSFER CO, cor. Sixth and Oak ata.: baggage checked from hotel er realdence direct te destlnstion ; ' passengers therefore avoid rah and annoy-. aoce at depota. Private Excbaag 88. SAFES, piano and furniture mo red. parked ready ror shipping snd shipped; an wore guaranteed; Urge 8 store brick 8rs-proot . warehouse tog-storage,- OfBes 200 Osfe at. Olsea ft Roe. Phone Mala 847.. . . C. O. PICK, of See 88 First St. between Btark' nd Oak ata.. phone (WWI: piano aad furniture tpoved and packed for ahlpntag; eemmodioos brick warrbooa wltk separat Iron room. Front and Clay ata. -. , ROSE CITY VAN CO.. of flee Ml First et. phone Main 8228, Furniture end piano-moving a sneclslty; w guaraate our work. NATIONAL TRANSFER ft BTOBAOB CO. 270 Osk st. Telephone Msla 4400. Transfer ring and atorlng. OREGON TRANSFER CO, 184 North Sixth. aTlWt sfTWFBBT INDEPENDENT BAOOAGE ft TRANSFER Ca Btnrsge. 334 Btark st Mala 407. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No. 200 H Waab- ' inrmn st. rnone Main anz. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. - Mt-A.-WONST ft CO, DISTRIRCTORS OF FINE ClOABS. PORTLAND. OREGON. BHERR. 0AZR ft GRAHAM ftnc.l Cmnmteetoa merebanta. Jobber of fruits, produce, etc I " consignment solicited. 12S Front . EVERHINn ft FARREI.L. produce and mlatlon merchants. 140 Front st, Portland. Ot. Phone Mala 178. . ORE'VIN FUPN1TCRB MANrFACTCRLVll C(. Mannfactnrera of furniture for tbe traie. Portlasd. Oregon. -,. W AD11AMB ft CO, wholessle gmeera, mtira- rscturers and commltstoa merckanta. Fourth and Oak ata. -' FCRTTTtTRE mannfacturfng and apecral nedera. L. Ruveneky e furniture rectory, 307 Front st. ALLEN ft LEWIS, rommlastou and produce me rhante, rrvat and Davis ata..- Portland, or. WHDI.F.SALR crockirv and rlnaawnre. , Prsel, lli'gete ( o, Portland, Oregon. WHOt F.S.M.R crockery and rlaaeware Peaal. lleeele fo . 1O0 to lll Vl't'i e. Xftrl at. OROVILLET DIAMONDS MAY RIVAL THOSE OF AFRICA (J iitrnel. Spectnl KcrrW 1 ." 8:in Krantlacu,. Kan ft M. J. Cmney, 8 tnlnlns entflin-or known In liolh :!! flr-M snd ' t.nuvllle, n.l Inf-r-mici In mining fnr thl rit 3 r-irai. IS I i pt-iri KtbiicIpcO buying tnnelitii-rp for tht diamond ntino ut Or hi-. , n wliii ! . Is lntr'lk v,tti tint otii.r Di't. Ciiortey )H llm tu ivllio (1'iimoiul n.tie howaniiinw Mf rlv.tmig ttio t ii(v... ,(. otiil fli t Is of Nmiih As'i It .w,- .1 men huve horn wurkitig mi f !. ( . - pect for lh Lift four rt.oriti. 1 i , i finiiwl Kim'u rlllo uri'li t "ji i svhlcVv I ronnU'eim 8 very I , Imlludtion. ' J