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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 14, 1807. 12 NEW TODAY. rC2 SALE BY H. W. LEMCKE CO. Residence Property $SAFE INVESTMENTS ',- nZTl ITISIT. tSSOft Mocferln S-room houae, com. plele lot 1XI. MAX MT. OH XOWGE- jzZOHTC . ; $)8BH IrgY-double houeevlot 11x109. , . .' -,., . vnuuns mom. ' $5600 Pretty horn of 4 rooma, on Son 100 lot, construction the beat, ele gant Interior, built for homo. , 1 -' ''. ipmu mnsvr. , f75oo-Now modern flat, paying; over 1$ per eent. . - . ,, ' , k. rain ii, btbab obawd aybv ..' mka -flute and cottage, corner lot eOnlOO: worth of , furniture with It, mommy income pn. A8 An rrrnxM.',- . $8000 IeNtrabllo-anty, on a corner, llexlfiO. Anew, strictly modern $-room liouao. You can t Dim! Ita equal on .the Kant Sil for Hie - price. Price. . way down for quick aale. rBvnroTQy abb- iomt ad p. w huv. iuat received few of the choicest properties in these two beau tiful districts. Residences from .!800 up to 00. Borne beautiful lota that , are cheap buys. ' f - II. W. LEMCKE CO; nm abb wASnroo vn. Batty Second Tloor. , Malm 55a THIS A SNAP 33 1-3x100 feet. East Washington St, near'Thirty-sixth.: Owner will build modern cottage to suit pur chaser and do it on easy terms. , is-THISnap? MACKINTOSH & BIDWELL -420 COMMERCIAL T BLD Gv- ) PHONE PACIFIC 2514 GO SEE FOR YOURSELF slroom bungalow, 71 Patton Road, PnrttHnd, Heights, 'ono or two lots; key over front door. ,, ; . ,-, 2 New 7-Room Houses East 3!d and Main ntreeta; not quit 'completed. "Will Tiavs furnace, frrer-lar-ts, K8 and electric fixtures. Buy now and lmve houses tinted to suit. - , , . . . 7-ROOM QUEEN ANNE K. K. corner East !Sth and Main; brfflK two years ag-o. Thla la a beaatlfutf place. Don't bother owner by looking through thla bouae umesa you tninic it win suit you.-. XarfaiBS la Mouses, XrotA and Znooms Wro party, ."i - - C. C. Shay 504 AWnftoa Bide, 106H Third tttMi ' Mala 1045. - S-room house, - Bast Morrison street, west of Fifteenth AtreeL; corner lot. Hera Is a genuine bargain which can not be dupMcatedon the eaat aids. . Lambert-Whitmer Co. 2 '.' " 404 IAII AUEB T. ' Yamhill County FARM 14 S Acres, all fine land, nearly 100 acres rich bottom lnnd, well drained, be lane gently rolling; 130 acres culti vated, tt acres of which la In timothy; f arree lrt timber. 10 acres In pasture; running atreem of water, X sprlngja; all fenced and cross-fenced, most board and wire fences; good neighborhood; new house and barn, fronts on good road. 4 miles to good railroad town. In Yam hill county, Oregon. A very cheap farm at o per acre. . . f . i . unu kabkisobt, -, IT AWagtoa Bid. SNAP uovm, ss.tso. OKXZBT I ADOXTZOaT. - On corner, 116x100. on car line. Thla la a special buy. For quick a&U price Is placed 'wny down. H. W. LEMCKE CO. Sixth aad Waahiagtoa Rta. atala BSa Xatlrw eeoad Tloor. . Here's Something Good S24.SOO Flna piece property for stores or pnriineniB, on i mroj at. . car lino and. only few minutes to Third and Washington; over 100-foot frontage; soma income; easy pay ments. Owner, L 111 Journal.. Fine Vacant Lot ft lOOO'-SOxlOO, North lth " near Kearney. JDo you want to build real deuce or apartmentaT , Here's your chance. Owner, Al 111 Journal. Hirsi! iNvns r.vii'rNT That will Uw la re. 1 1 gallon., t have t 004 el, are. of elork In a kiral hlialneaa that I mne eanlfice I' caab. Aiklreas W s, JeurssL FOR RE1NT t per month, nest S-room cottage fi-i "H ear. Id minutes to Third and V BUhutiil'in. Al Chamber of Com, , NEW TODAT. BARQAINS IIN ACREAGE $3,500 10 Acres, improved; good buildings.- $1,600 10 Acres, partially improved. $!,050 7 Acres, Johnson creek , very de sirable. - Lambert-Whitmer Co. 404 EAST ALDER ST. 8 room knees sn East Irving St., last Atkeny or Monlnvllla ears. ITIoe KI.OOU. 6-roora houss and comer bt en- 4ncoover ava, 1 Murk from the "U" tim, Price $2,400, csah. l-raoai bonse oa Vimwnr sve.. Bear Hears, at.; now paying over 10 pe- cent MZS la rental; Jtut Uie place for worklngintn. Price $1,400, ' half caab. . A room house oa Sellwood t.. roaTealeot to the O. K. N. shone. Irlce half caab. a . Ituaaa- ami full ad un Bam tnih- at.. Brooklyn or R Ichroonil car: hoeae Is new aud modern and there are nearly 130 roaebseuci ' that will make tbl a pretty borne fur sorue one Beit spring: $2,000. Fine suburheo borne on Beeavolr Heights, one , block from earlloe. ft-moot cottars, new an) V anxlfra, aad a fall lou; easy terms; $2.ot). HART MAN & THOMPSON Chamber of Commerce. BEST MJTX XM CITT. 10 acres In Lenta, cleared ready for platting $230 an aero. - A chance to double your money. Inquire !08 4th .at WEATHER REPORT. An bnroens blrh pressure area overlies the weatera lialf of I be Inited Miatea. and fair weatucr. with temneraturea aonual, pre Talla reaerally wear of tus Mlulaaippl, rlrer. The Mlnneaota dlatnrbanco has increased in enerar and stored to tba lower take rerloo. It controls the weather in the en, tern at, lea, and lltlit a now baa fallen la the lake region and llKut rain lo the upper Ohio vallet and at scattered plaeea la the middle Atlantic statoa. The tenuieratnres hare rlaea decliledlr la the New Knrland and middle Athtutle states and allgutlr In toe south Atlantic and eaat ralf states. A new dlatnrbance bas made Ha ap pearaacs north of Montana, bat. as TeL ao I rain er (now baa occurred In that section. - t nm miiK-aiMina are ror reneraitr rair weaiser la this irratrlrt tonlaiit and Friday, wltb ao declned chance ta temperature. . .. , v - Teinp - Max. at In. Prerls. assae-Cits-Aiw gnei rienrer, fVilorado M ad .0 .0 .o .0 - .0 .0 T. Kansas t Itr, kftmnnrl iftrt North Heart, Waihlngtos... M ' 42 fort la ml, Oresoa. .......... IW .10 Soaebnrc Oraxun... ...... ,id. 40. Kan Francfacu. California. . ad . tit SnokaBe. Waahrnstoo 32 - 24 Tacooia. Washington 44 .1 Walla Walla. Waahhtgtra . . M ' SO MARRIAGE LICENSES. ft. W. Moyer, 24. snd Btbel Middnx, 10. M, Htephea McAUhiter, 38, and Mary A. Miller. S7. a Wedding Cards. W. O. Amltb Ai Co.. lagion bide., car roortb sad Wsablngtaa ats. Wed fling and calling rnrde ensTaeetf or printed 8. T. Uoabton. AOS otearns bkta. ' i lunnain ar to.. riA'mi. rum all ih. m ith w. TON8BTH At CO ri.ORIrs. FOR r LOWERS Clarke Be Florters . Tins floral dealest. tM MorrisDa at. Fall dress suits for rest, all a lass. Tailoring- Co.. Alia stark at. Unique DEATHS. PORTLAND, Or.. Feb. 14. 107. Notice: Death of R. L. Bothner. Rnnday. Feb. 10, 107. : Burled by the Cooka A Walters' onion, local No. 10, Feb. 14. 107. la Lone Fir cemetery. Chicago and Spokane papers please copy. OO.NOHOM Is this elry, February I4i 1007. Lonlae Kathertne Ionobne, aged 74 years and 4 dars. Notice ef funeral hereafter. TOCNdER Is this- city., st the family real dence, NUB East S2d St., William Voonger. - aged TO resra, t- months snd 1 day. ITkaklns At the Oosd Samaritan hospital, February IK, Mrs, Maggie L. Uasklna: eaose. pneumonia. . Blcpneoa ai 701 iiorejoy street, renrnary 18. Ha rah Florence Stepbras, aged S months and 10 days; eatiae, aiiaams. 1 UNDERTAKERS. Doanrnr, MeKatee A Ollhasgb. endertaten snd embaiaaersi modem Is every defalk AsTealh and i'lse. Hals 4M. Lsdy aaaUtaat. - A. B. Ha mat nek. snoer taker gad embalmer. Bast Ttitrteeath sod Lsistilla aes. Pneae Sell- Krtcksoo PndertiklBK Co.. and embalming. 400 AMer at, Pbene Mala A1XS. Lady aaaUtaat. I. P. Flnley A Rens. Third ssd Msdraoa st. Office ef coosty coroner. Pheae Mala 0. Edward Holmaa. asdensker. X20 Third st. fETERIES. RIVKR Tirw Hlngto araTea, (10: family lota, ?! to I.Oti0: the only cemetery la Port and whk-h pernetnally maintains and cares fiw Wita,i For full Information, apply to W, R. Mackentle. Worcester block, dir. W. M. J Ladd. president. ... ROf R CITT Single graves. 110; family rota, $25 te t7H. Bnperlntendcat at cemetery. eiM-n-r of Fremout at. and Cslly read, pbone Tatior t"l. For full Informs trea spplr to ' Frank rV-bletel.. 003 ComnwrcUl blk. Phone Mam 2x2.1. REAL ESTATE TR.NSEERS. Elmer end Aiiicrht-ttotr-tnr Ainmi 8 t ter. lots 0 snd IO, block 10K. Norwood. Clarence I. McCoy te W. H. Roberta, kit 4, block 10, Arleta Park No. 8.... W, II. and Alice B. Nnnn to W. H. and l.ydla L. Mallett. lota 10 and 17. block a, Illveralde addition te All.lna. . . . . . . A. A. snd Anns M. Kngtllert to Fred Brown, eaat 14 of kit 0. block IMS. zso too 820 Y Conch's sddltloa I.............. 1.800 Vsnlel R. Hawkins snd kata U llaw klns to Clara B. King, lola 4 and , block 10. Lincoln Park Annex Frits sad Helens I'nger to Frank S. Hal kick. 1st 1, block 13, Mnnnt Tabor Tills I'nlted Rtstes National nan, to J. O. Cbamhers and U. Will Mggles. eaat H nf kits S snd 4. block's".. Solilran i addition Charles H. sad Mamie Everett to Thad ens J. Hliorc, Ima and 10, block 4. Walt's Cloverdale add I 'too Llhble . snd t llntns Wagner to James TOO 320 000 1.000 l, Ilsrt, west 13 leet ef lets 7 snd 9. block li, e)ty ..116.000 jotis w. and nettle iireen to Hnniner eiewetrr Vir 4. bbick 21. Wemllswa. Nh-holaa Mattann to L. M. tarrler. lot A. block 12. Moaat Tabor Villa Annex. A. Thnmwaon to M. Florence Mcltnnell, kit X block 2.12. tew-h'a addition Daniel B. snd Kale L. Hawkins to Clara R. king, lot A. ska-k II. Lineal. Park Annex , I .mite Hawthvirne et si. te C A. Ksnpar. eaat S of kite I and 6, block 2.4, llnwtbornc Park sddlrton , William B. ned l-ottle Blancbe Wll llama to Relea M. Wlllianmvu. weat S if 111 4 and weat S of snsth 40 feet of lot S." bktck 0, Hanson's ad.ll- 12S J 00 J.SOO 500 1,050 Lou la P. Bene et si. to Nellie (Isrfehy. - weat 20 feet of lota 1 and 2, snd eaat 2' I feel et lot 0. block 17, Goldamlth s sddlllon Mata- end Llns JacotemB to Robert Ke land, lot 11. block 2. Miller's siMltlou to Hellwnnd Mlnule R. end F. A. Sn.ce te Mrs. M. A. Crelghloa, kH 2, - block 4. . Soots Sunsyalde .-M. aud W. J. Bntner to II. McN. Bd dlsge and I.. V. rK-hnele, lot ,1, block H. Dans's siMltioa ICdward and Annie I. Wall moo te August and Jolieum V. Rlrkaon, kH 4, .block Ad, Bcllwoo,.., 60S 10 (s too 1,400 too REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. s- , w ,.. - A, B. I: and Anna R." pea-ier to Rrnma 4- . .l'rdin4, 1 ara In-Kiiinlns at nmtn . eaat corner ot a lumt iraot knuwo . aa tlie tieoriilaniia alurrlaiM trai. In." e'tlUB Hi. limailp 1 uciria, rani;e I rant ; , 30 Emilia J. 1' lo Tlla R. Young. .Hil ftfi oraiuninr al a' pulnt In "'"WW t Pordaiid h-4lTnrd. l.Otl o f-t weat or Mi-Kir.. i tornrr of aouili- ' i ra.t of arfinn tu 4iM.ii.iiin 1 nurtlt. rat:r 1 caal '. '. 104 O. W. mid Nrlllo TarUw la Taylor W. FinrrMiu. I.. i l I i.i.u.a A arniin Munnr. aide ' , . BOO John and Sjhll M. Boln to Ida A. 1'b- dfrwuoit. 1. IB t U'llllaiua .A-nur a'ldlfton No. 2 Ailata I J nil rornimur to Nora J. Illllor, . lola ft anil in l.l.u.k III ArUra TarB v nx S 800 fjfNiraft ami M.r K Uhl! 4a J. H. aud M B. Mrul.le. lot 3. clock 4. lrtW... - 133 1. M. SKLaiirhlan. rlilrf of eolU-e. to J. K. Mir!, hli.a a f-antral adill. tine tat:aai For 1 1. nd ' ' 28 Sahina ('. and J. Norman Harvey t acdirlrk ami A mil H Rnnan. lola 20 and 21. block H. l.aurelwonil l'ark.. BOO Jolm and tlirlsttue Wolff to lliouiaa and f mil.. In.. a -A- U ..I t. '!''. laal 1'orllami 4,250 Otto Kraeiner r Martin KIckim.T. . lola A anil a hliM-to 1. Hon TiMi atlili. tlOA ........i.. i.500 Ok-aiis and Jennie lllllon to 1. L. t aron, - tola & and U Murk 1.T binlth'a adill- tloa .....7.......... l.0 John I. and N. Maliel Hewitt to r. J. : Dlacn. aontb 1 til lota 11 and 12. I bkk 1. Uuniialow tjladr ..-. IV wcorrn t. ana B.aia iiean u tin . . . Aiidcraom. lot U. hloi-k 1. antxllilalos ' of tract K. In af. I'atlon'a tract K0 Roawell B. Lauxoa et al . trnmce. to - Aiuit C. NcuHia, lot 14. block Oenj u tral Albtna tt?00 William and Annie Rolilt to J. N. Karla, - lot a. block I'd. Ilolladar'a adilltlou. ... A. 000 ri.ii ii ii l- ... i i .m i. r,.... ,.. AiiL-imt H. U. irlnir. lola 1 and 2. liloik 17, Mrland I .W0 1W Kalni to Jobs ft. . Ixmitnwker, ' . . Z-2U acre In awtloa towruuilp 1 noiitb. ranire 1 'eaat K. H. and Alma K. Ui'lmca lo 1, 1. Her. 3,100 nidila. low n and 24. block A. eoculc - a-buia- . .. ; T?5 James Kearney et al. to Andrew and Henry Kuurer, 't Vj or bits 0 asd n, block S, liavcnlMjrt tract Moore Inrestinent romiNiny to Wlllisna R. -Beckett, lot 2. block wO. Vernun G. W. Needlianj to ;bark-t H. Korell. : lots 8 end 4, block 2, auhdlrialon of west H of lot L, In M. Patton'a tract. George Tabllngwr to C. S. Huntington, lot 0, block H, Park View Bfcliard end Winnie Heranr te Hunan M. linrrls, lot S. block 2U, Lydls Buck, man's sddltloa Jatueal and Marraret Mnldnoa to William McImb. kits 1, 3. II) snd . blck 1, - aiibdlvlatoB ef lot C, M. Patton'a tract. I. P. (off man to Carrls B. Coffman, lot 4. block 4. town of Lents.. Lens M. and Morris li. Cox to Ilrnry. Tsubcnheinier, neat V, of lot 13. block 310, Couch's sihlltlon Nancy C. Doty In Jlertha Blsncharit, lot , block Ki. aunnj.l'le. ...... ......... Title Ouaranlee Ac Trnat eompany to liowall Bmllh, lot , block l.'l, ,tt. Jonas . AI"Ta Harold te M. It. Lnther, lot Stl. block 2, Pacific Coaat Auatract com pany's suudlTlnloa of lots US to 27, tUenharen Park 210 tots "200 S.000 A.C2S . too s.soo 00 sno D. M. Dnnangb to Bank of fletlwonrh-eeet- M ag feet of lot 1, block 47. and 10i:l eer ucgnininx ai norincaac comer vi ' brt 3. block 4J. Nellwood Clara A. and Frank K. Potter to James No. S 200 Heater A. snd I. W, l-swrence to W. H. - Metxrer, - 60x lOft-feet- in section -10. township 1 Anath, range 2 raat.. J. W. and Angle Powell to Ocean na loo - Baker, lot 2, block 4. Park View sddl- ' " tloa D. J. snd Nellie Ewlng - to Ocesnns Raker, lot 1. block 4. Park View ad-lt- tton ;v; .i."r. r. . . r. r.T.v. . . . r. . . . . . : r B. II- snd Aurora Bowman te B.'A. Wll- klne. lots B. A, I, 8 and . block 6. Taborslde Jolm M. and H. C. Plttrpger to R. F. Pacrlck. kit IB. block 1. Grecnrldee. .. 600 " t.000 43 200 Joseph H. and Alice J. Nan to Henry c. wuir, iota n, f. m ana a, ojocs o, Naaba First addition U R. and Helen Alfrlda Falrehlld te 7.000 Jeaalc -M lm Iny, Box 100 feet becln- , Fifteenth St.. 10O feet south from ln. teraectloa wltb south line of Belmont.. 2.100 M. i. MacMab to Edward K. l.von. smith -, of north H of tat , Oien- -wood Psrk .V 5.000 Holt C. and Fannie B. Wilson to John L. Hanna. kit 10, Mock 10. KpdII worth i 800 William and Amanda Mattiaon to B. W. . and Janet M. tirant, lot J2, block 10, ' 1 Park View Eltenaloo 1,589 Portland 1rnet Company of Oregon te C. Ben Riealand, eaat ot l.ri)xl.i0 , feet, commencing at a point l.ajo feet south sod 20 feet west of nortnesat corner of section 34. township 1 north. range I esst - 10 O. XL snd Annie gather to Louie l. Wralalad. lots 27 ant 28. block 11, Point View addition to fit. -Jouda 2.825 For sbstrsets, title msarsnce er mertgaee loaos. call oa Pacific Title Trust com psuy, 204-S-O-T Falling building. - Get yonr tnmrranee snd shetrsrts te rest sstats from tbs Title On. ran tee tt Trnat con. psny, 240 Washington street.-corner Second. NOTICES. IN THR district mart of the United Slates, ror tne aiatrict er Oregon in the matter ef '. Samnel Msrkus, bsnkrupt. Notice Is hereby . given that on the 311th day nt January, A. D. 1MU7, Hamnel MarktM of Portland, Oregon, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the ftrat meeting of but areilttors will be held st . rooms 204 S, Fenton bttlldlar. Portland. Ore goo, oa J tie 25th day of February, 107. at lo s. m., at which lime the said creditors msy sttend. proVs their claims, appoint s trastee, eismlne the bsnkrupt snd transact such other buslnees as msy properly eoroe hefiaw sack . meeting.- i The si-hednle filed d lac loses assets amount ing to 812.0OO. Dated February 11. 100T.' ' .. ' CHESTER 0. Afl'RSHT, . , '- - Referee In Bsnkruptcy. I YTfft district coort ef the I'nlted State. for the dlatrtct of tire goo. In the matter ef Stsr Bottling Works, bankrupt. Notice is batchy riven thst on the 2th day of Jannsry, A. D. Itsi7, Star Bottling Works of Portland. Oregon, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; sud that the first meeting of their creditors will he held st rooms 204-5 Fenton building. Port bind, Oregon, oa lbs 21st day of Fehmarv, 1IMI7. st 10 a. m., st which time the said credltora may sttend.. provs their clstma. appoint a trustee, e.aurine the bankrupt and trsnasct snch other hnalneaa as msy properly corns before such meeting. Dsted February 11. limT. . CO ESTER 0. MTJRPHT. Referee In Bankruptcy.' . SEALED BIDS will he received st the school clerk's office, city hall, up to February ;.. 1MI7, for s certain tract of land located In Stephens addition, city ef Portland, Iv-nnded lotion ai- Be- the font nem PieKle ewllrosd tracka, center lines of Kent Stephens St., Esat Third snd East Mill sis., lees the lot sold to Thomas Colllnson. Said tract of land Is owned" by "school district No. 1, M nit noma h county, Oregon, snd they will receive pro posals for ssme sa above tteted. A of 10 per cent will be reinlred wltb sll bids. Terms csah. The "school board reserves tbs right to re ject sny snd all bids. a. X. ALLEN. School Clerk. Portland. Oregon. Jan. 18, 1907. TBI STER S nM.ll. Seated bids will be received he the an demlgned for the stock of cutlery of the p.wtlsnd Cutlery company np to 12 o'clock, noon. Tuesday. February 19. Ilsi7. All bit's lo be accompanied with a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount bid. All bids enbject to r-JectioB by the referee. The In ventnry snd stock ran be examined br ap plication to the undcrnlgnd. , i HKiuir.nT marx. (rnatee la Bankruptcy of the Portland Cot lery Co., 827 Chamoer of Commerce bldg. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETINtl. The regular annual meeting r-f ttte stock holders of the Pacific Stslea Telephone A Telegraph company will he held st the office of the company, southenet corner of Weat Park snd Alder ata., Portland. Or., on Thurs day, the 14th day of February. 10117, t j .e'clork p. m., for the purpose ef electing- a roaid of directors to serve for th enaitlng vearj snd for -tlis tranaartlnn ef such other bualiiess as nasy coins before the meeting. F. W. KATON, Heretsry. PORTLAND, Or., reb. II. I.i7. The sunnal meeting of tbs stockholders of the Mount Baker Mining emntwirr will be held st Its office, comer of Ftmrrh end Oak am., IVe-t. lnnd. Or., st 4 p. iru m March ll. lisiT. for ths election of a board of directors tor I he ruiulng sud to Iranaert ancb ether liiiairtwas si may tircoerlr conie before the aieeihig. IIK.NIIV IIA11.N. PreeMlenl. KOTICB Is herein- given that the annual meet lug of the stockh'iltl-r nf the Oregon South em Railway coiniiauy will lie held nt the of fice of the romnaev, Portland. , Oregon. Mon day, March 4. Ili7. at .l.oCliik p. m.. f ie the pnr-oe of VU-ctlng a hoard, of dlryrtors . snd Iraoaactlrri auch other ho.ta.cex aa may k'ally euU'e before the tn-ellng. , W. R. LITZENUKIIU. Secretary, XOTICES. J, C. HI'TTOM of Waterloo, Oregon, has In - vented a voting marliliis which be believes la ttte beat, the enraiel snd the moat prac tical ejt.-ii In ue. it will any at fclupt of fraud at once. A full alsrd work-ins motlcl can bo ac-a si hla houae In Wa terloo be a i-Aanailtieo or any perann wtahuig to inre.ttiiut.. In giud fal'h. Why not baa ao oregou lnv.'ntiou. If it la aa good and - i i a j nm tHiiern r PORTLAND. Or., Feh. 11, IBtiT. The snnoal meeting of the ato. a lioMere of the Mt. linker lining will be held at Ita nfilcc, comer of Fourth and Oah ata.. Portland. Ore- ,: lull, at 4 p. ni , on Ulan-h II, 4W17. fi the election of s board of direclora for the eo aulng year and to tran-act am-li other bualtirae as may proiicrlr come hefors the aieetlag. iiCNHV 11AI1.V, President. NOTICE. I will not etsnd nmnonalbls for sny dsbts contracted br l.jnn - JOHN KDWAK1NS, S Conch str LEVI'S muitc hoove Is 'Burring to 120 Fifth St., opposite Olde & King. MEETING! "NOTICES. : ' 'MILrTART whlvt and danee. ' I aaaw" given by Welitoot camp's ' fif; j , cotupany. Cnlform Rnnk. la frlXZA w. o. temple, lat Jim It'k, f,. 1 1 ' St.. Ixlday erenlng. Pebru- ' IS (. sry l. 1U07. . Fine orcbes- mJTiiT ' trs snd refreshmenta. Al "roltjN ' frlemla ef the order 1 vited. Game called st 8:30 sbsrp. C. A. ELLIOTT, Captain. COLUMBIA LOIMIB NO. 114. A. F. A. M. . Special cimmunlcatliin ' this (Tburtulayl evening, 7:30 o'clock. Work in M. M. degree. Tl M. V. tmlleil B. H. PAUL'S, Secretary. UAIX'ARKES Portlasd Uniform Rank will gtvs s social nance this iiiiurMiay) evening in K. of P. iiallv 11th snd Alder sts. Friends sre Invited. - K. M. LANCK. Captain. ASTRA CIRCLE NO. 152 win hsve aa open meeting tonight In the W. O. W. blitg. Mem bers aud friends Invited to be present. M. W. A. BVEKOREEN Camp. 8.4n, meets Wedneaday evening. Allsky bldg.. Third and Morrleoa sts. . U. W. A. Oregon Grape Camp, No. 0.07B. Moa- csys. 17th snd Msrshall: eisltors welcome. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A bine enameled pin with ' gold out- lines snd the tetters "ii-i-A" scroas the face; owner will reward finder. Iteturn to Journal artist. - ....... , FOCNIt A place to have batr mattresses reno vated ana returned a, me any. . ra Ktoot st. lain 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory, H. Metager, proprietor. LOST Pair nt gold-filled glasses; please re turn te mteruatlonsl hotel and receive Al rewariL - K. Anonreon. . - - LOST Gold chain, key attached, between High u school and Fifth snd Morrison. : Ketnra to p vn, -cars Journal. - Keware. - . LOST Puree with $71 cash. Liberal reward (or return. J. A. Melton, 20 Fourth St. . THrT-psrty who- kst llielr Mr oa Stllweed ear pieaae call ror same sad ask sny question desired. IF TnB person who found lady's purse In Tnrne --Halle- -wtdneaaav- e-rentng will leave pnrae snd other contents st Inspector's win dow In O. W. P. waiting room. First ssd Alder, msy keep money. LOST -Foontsln pen, va tried ss keepssks. Be-M rnrn to journal. HELP WANTED MALE. 3 MISN , WANTBD Who hsve a common school education er bet tee, balwecn.ia aud 40 years of sie. to pre pare fis- cuat.Mua loHfieikor. or rsllssy aixil clerk In Portland; antat be strong and able to give good references; we Instruct by mall only. Now. If yon haven't a poelttoa, or yea sre dleeatlafted wltb yonr present employ ment snd will sccept s position with Cncle Mam st from IMO to 81.200 to start, let ns prepare you for trie elrll servtcs exsmustlon. .-i'onra very trnlv. PACIFIC HTATM SCrtOOIJI. -: -" Mcksy hldg., Portland. Or. '' WANTED AT ONCE ettsve-helt enrters. wsges 81.40 per cord; stesdy work. Apply Western Cooperage Co, Stearns bldg, , rertlsad, w Uooltya, Or. WANTKD AT ONCB Soand yonng men for fire men snd hrskeraen on lending western rail roads snd for new roads now being eom- - pletcdc experience unneceaeary ; firemen $lta per month, brskemen 7f.: posltlnos now open; write st once for psrtlculars. National Ball way Training sssoclsthm. T"I0 Pa i too blk., Omaha. Nebraska, er 631 Bidgs hldg, Kansas City. Mlssnarl. . FIREMEN and brskemen. Oreroa end ether rsll- roada; sge 20 to SO; over 140 pounds snd sv, feet; experience nnneeeaasry; -firemen. 8100 monthly, become engineers snd esra !'"; brskemen, $75, become conductors, esra $!.i0; nsme posit km preferred. Railway Association, : care Oregoo Journal. IMMRDIATH returns and furs re preferment era offered te a- few experienced life insurance agents, poasesslng smple grit. Intelllsence ssd ' detemilnatloB; mnst hsvs good sddress sod ths heat credent I. la. AddyM Msrk L Ksdy, SOS oregeoiaa bldg.. PACIFIC STATlONEBt A PRINTING CO. 200-207 Second St. Phone mala B71 We dralgn snd install the saoet Binders sad Improved Stifle- a rat a ma; complete line looes leaf filing devices. HAN wanted, steady snd reliable; one third inteyeat resf estate office; -experience iwt nccieaary; oldcat man retiring; eatabllahed office; price 123. Aiexsndet Land Co., 63 Se Sixth, near Pine st. OREGoy .CONTRACT CO. Grading work of all kinds; bear me nts a specialty. Call ap Main A GOOD eatrsmsn, experienced la ststlonery and office emipiies. csn rind exceptions! op- -tnnH y- wn gnnn prtispeci Djr8aureseing 12. care Journal. . WANTED Every man oat nf a pneltwa er dis satisfied with his present vorattnn. te take - a night course at tbe Ri-bnke-Walker But " rtess College, Seventh snd Htark sts. We will place yon In n position when competent. WANTED Two or three flrst-elees. stl smend machine men; permanent position, good wsgss. Oregon Purnltnre Mfg. Co.. Macadam road. j- 7 AGKNTS wsnted. Oregon. CsHfiwnle." IdahbTTTWO Tldli Waehtngton: health and accident Invnrsnce: eld reliable companr; .wid con t recta; refer ences rennlred. United States Health A Ae eldent Ineuranee Co.. 200 Alarqnem. $1.00 A MONTH PROTECTS YOrf ' Against sceldent, alckneae and destk. . Writs or coll snd Irveetlgnte. Northweatiw Health A Accident Aasndstlon. 008-007 McKay bldg. Agents Wanted. MEN AND WOMEN to lesra the hsrber trade In eight weeks: rrsdnates earn from 815 to t.'o wer-tcly; expert Inatruetora; cstslogoe free. Molrr Sr'tem of Colleges. 88 North Fsartb st,. Portland. WANTED Salesmen: many make 8100 to $ttM per monfbt some even mere; stock clean; grown en reaervstlon. far from .old orcbarda; eauh sdvancod weekly! eholce of territory, Addreas Wshlnrton Narsery sompsny. Top. penlsh, Waslilngtca. WS get work for ear. members; special mem bers. $2. T. M. C. A, Fourth snd Yamhill. MONKYI MONET! Advanced every week tn enr syeots; s fn line. Including np-to-date specleltlce. Write for free mnvsMlug outfit. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. COMPETENT ssah. door snd planing mill fore. man, hlgheat wsgce; comrrnnlcatlnns confl dentlaL Addreae W 121, cure JouruaL WANTED Steady hov. 10 per week to begin vim. b. noria jront f., rorner 1'svts. MEN of aidllty to eell tbs moat llhersl health mid accident Inaiirstice policy on the market. I'sciric Aid swoclatlon. Lumber Exchsnge Mdg Portland. Or. - - - "' t Tl It.NEIl wuatetL S72 Front St. WANTKD Butcher tmv to est and deliver lnet. Kj Urawk-k. 60S First at. ' . ' UNION HOTEL, : rails SI North Hlilh at. 1 Portland, Or. Free employment to all Its tioardera 5L.riO per week; rootue 2.1e and no; apedgi m-sitlily rule, given. Andereen, -proprletiw, t WANir.D I pliol.terer flntlier and csl.ine.- m.-iker; muei lie flratclrss. Apply J'iS - .- Height St. ' I ' V " ', ' . -' - HELP WANTEDMALE. WAN ltl A boy or an old man to do chorea; muni lie abjle to Aullk and care for buraea; . waxes 1B to tM pr mouth, board aud room. Audraaa F lS, cars Journal. WANTK1 Carpentering, painting, lathing, plaa tfrlug: (lit deullatry. tall rouo 0, S.j1 Washington st. WANTFII Immediately, yonug men, over . to prepare fve rlauiinatlon for cuatolue In afiector; lieruianent government pualtlona; fine aalarjea. Call this eretiliuj or tomor row. Mr. llcynen, Hi Oolumhia bldg. FEW more men wanted Immediately to pre pare for ciamlnatluo ' for ' railway mall , clerks at Portland. April 11. Many good aiipoliitraenta. ' Your- opportunity. Mr. liey pen. Kia Columbia bldg., dally I n) I; erva lna, 1:10 to tt. - ' "WANTKD Solicitors; good commlaaloa. ' 24. Hi-, North Third st. j Room WANTED Two flrat-rlaaa macblnuiu. Apply to tianllner Vurgers, itoi Wstar at. . AN exceptionally good opportnntty is offered , s wliteswake young man of about IS yearn of age; inuat buve good schooling; salary about 17.50 a week to etart. Adilreas X l-'T, care JournaLand glee pimuA..Miiriiliar.,jsIax. ences. etc. - . ONB HALF Interest in furniture repair and aee-ond-band bualncaa; s paying propusltlofl ta Ike right man. L 12 care Journal. WANTED A young men attending ecbool te work -Ir room snd board; siuat be sbls to aillk snd care for. herses. Adilreas F ,12a, cars Journal. - , BOYS with wheels. Wortusn A king. Apply st eoce. te olds. yOCNll mas for sselsUnt essbler; - most he careful and accurstsi writs good band snd . anderatsnd bookkeeping. Reply In own hsnd- writing, giving age. references snd sslary WANTED Salesmen: men with book er llfs ' Insurance experience. Room KtiO, Til ford bldg. . Chicago-New York Electric Air Ltue railroad. WANTED Tonng man, IS to 21 years, aa as- statant . bookkeeper . snd .collector; muat be good pe'nuian, quick and eccurats st figures. Answer with references. . Address M 120, care Journal. ... i WANTED Man to do chores snd saslst with milking on a small dairy fnrm; a good boine for sn elderly Dsn, ; Address D, K. Stoddard. Ji-fterBua. Or. WANTED A No. 1 'carpenter w.nts hooves te build by eoutrsct or day work; first -class work. N 120, Journal. T- . MEN snd boys -wsnted to learn pramblngt pins' tcring. bricklaying. . electrical trades; free i catalogue; po.itl.nia seen red. Coyne -Trade Schools, Nsw York sad Baa Frsnclsos. HELP WANTED FEJLALBv WANTED Every woman est ef a pnsttioa or dl-antiafled with bar present . vocation, to taks s night course st tee Ben rtke-Walker Riulseee College, Seventh snd Stark sts. ' We will place yon la a puelUua whea sonv -petent. ' " -.'-..- 0IML8 WANTKD Operators to work oa shirts snd overs us. l-eaaone given te laexperieocea. Apply st Standard factory Ne. A, taraad are, Sud East Taylor st. - . - HANSEN'S LADIES' - AGENCY. 8434- . Ingtnn st, cor. Seventh, anstslrs. Phone J)lsla atJUi- J enuue nelp- GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Fsctory No, 2, Orand avs. snd Esst Taylor st. WANTKD Educated -woman evsr 20- tor - re sponslbls poaltlon. Apply 2t Til ford bldg. WANTKD Middle-aged woman tor light konse- worki fnnilly of three, good home, good wax. ;' 00 allies from Portland; dty- coo Venlcnces. Address Box 811. Dallas. Oregon. EDUCATED . woman- tor regprmslbte posltioB. Apply IO to 12. S Tllford bldg. WANTED Good girl te saslst la kitchen work. Apply 104 North Seventh st. WANTED Lsdy cook for bosrdlng-konss. st 73 Church St. - . Call WANTKD , Middle-aged woman In tAka cars ai sa Infant: provided with good horns and fair wages. B24 jacaaon st- . WANTED Good girl for general koosswork. 821 Slxtk St., corner Clay. WANTED Meat cook. 88 Morrison at. WANTED Immediately, Beet respeeteble wom an as hooaekeeper for widower, 2. children; country. 2301 Yamhill. Maha 6413. WANTED 1rl to do chamber work, help wait - table. Apply at sees, ISO Fiftk St. Private hoarding -house. - SCHOOLGIRL te work for hoard -aad room email family; will Pay ear fare, 838 Esst S4th St. , LADIES to learn garment cutting snd tedlee' tsllorlnK: yoa ran make yourself a suit while learning. 84 Yamhill at. WANTED Girl to do chamber work, help wslt . table. Apply at once, 186 Fifth at. Private bosrdl ng -bmise. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wasted ana supplied, sills er remete. n. O. Drskev 2otH Wsehlngtoa St., Psrlfla 1870. WANTED A few good eolleifma" mals srH female; - beet pmpoattlon la Pertmad; good . money to the right parties. Pbone Sellwood 71. Corner Bast 13tb st. and Umatilla are. SITUATIONS WAN"TFT MALE. WANTED All kinds of gsrdea work, trim ming hrnbbrrlea. fixing np yards, slso reg ular hnoserlesnlng astUfsctorlly ' done. - Scnoger, P. U. box 88. POSITION with some good Implement or hard ware nonee; all-round aaleauian; refers ocse. Q 12U, cars JoornaL FOREMAN, or ss night watchman, by yonng maa aged 24. II 12u, care JournaL- MILI.WRIGHT, AI. wsnts work la city, by week, mouth or Job, D 117, esra JournsL WOOD-TURNER wsnta poa Irion; long expert rnce; good reference. w I'Ai. cars Journal. LOCOMOTIVE engineer wants job.- Member B. L. E, 485 I'nloa nve, noth. - 1 - 4- OorSE painter wsnts lob where be can learn paper haiigu.f. - V 1S2. Joarnal. - WANTE. I) A good srtlcle by ssleemaa for atda line. Addreae O 120, care Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG Finnish girl wsnts rises for general housework. S71 East F.verett St. -work aad dlaliweahlng. Apply at 10B North Ninth st. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OmCB - FOR MRN. 24 North Second st. . Phoaa Mala 1820k RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO ' Logging csmp and farm belp a speetaJty. to North Second St. . Phoaa Mala 62VA. Wt pay all telegraph charges. .' -. PORTI.AND EMPLOYMENT 0FFICB 205H Morrison st Phone Perlfte 2fl 87 North Second et .Tbone Pacific 13i)0 WANTED AGENTS. 100 HONEST men and women to giro nil r only wpsre time to ay medicine prnnoaltlon; good money and beat medicine. R. M. Plum met, 2H0 Third st. - WANTED Good salesmen to repreaent ns la choice terrllorles; liighrst comnilaalon psld; coh sdrviiccd tat expenses; everything for- - nlehetl. Aildresa Oregna Karsery company, - Haieoi, Oregmt. WE WANT live men to sell "hares in live mining proivialtlon : tnre winner. 800 Esst ' Morrfaon. Tel. Ksat 77.1. WANTED TO RENT. WANTKD Board sud roots for man snd wife , Cslth. hihy I . year ehlit refen ncee If de ferred: alitie lorailoo. prlc snd conveniences. Aildrcss Mrs. R. P. Lyre. A24 Minnesota sve., city. 1 WANTED TO RENT llotiaeei eoMatrea, ' etnree, efflcea. rnomlni .W'Saes, eta. fists. Last- ' l-irda will do well to rale on -POIITI.ANIt TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON i l lione Kt. 7X S. E. ler. 84 tsd Oek. CMTTAilR or anfnmhihed rooms, lower flora-; salklng dietsnce; atete price. 8 122. Jietmal WANTED -i RLN'T ll'Sliea, rnt'aires. flals. r-, rooming huuaes, off lis. . 204 Motiask blilg. ,. - WANTEIV REAL ESTATE. " UAVE I IO.OHt to Invest. Into . lncume-bearlug ptopcrty, trom ft.tfaj to i,. Want a corner lot en east side, frots lV0 to Il.mio. Jordss a tisrnaoe, ua " --" lilgliiS St. WANTED is, also small ranch, eksw In, for ca.u. iu, care journal. WANTKD Small piece ef ground In suburbs, owner only. Adilreas K 120. cars journal. tv- vnft't.r. Mr-i.r. vanv home or Inalds bus! ne nronertr. see or phone us. tluuie Laud Co., U.1V, First St. WANTED Ons Quarter block. Esat Morrison . vicinity (iraud ..; improved or uuiuiioo.j". W hat nsve vont No sucuta. P. O. Uil eo. WANTED 0 er T-room ap-tn-date houae, near school snd car; dealre to deal' direct with owner. - ArOnreas v i. jouruet. WANTED At ones; I wsnt to buy s Otoora . nouae; ess( siue prsierreu. .aiuuxrw " - -a JournsL ' I WANT to buy for rain from owners a J to . H-reoui nonee, oetweeu tiurusius ana . 1 . n , .k 1 am. , . .Id! ve kicSllcn, price and lull particulars iirei "Kit trr. AUiirena w --A-ii, cars eosrea,. WHAT have yon to offer In B or room honss not tixi tar out for f 3 0007 owners 01117 Or vacant lots, west aids. Address J 12U, care Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. - MAIN BASS. ' t: '- OASn AND UI'IS OF t .- -FOR FCRNITURB. v -. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOktS, , Sill L'lrat at. - MAIN BOBS. ' MAIN A05S. CASH for household goods. Ssvsgs A Psnaell 845-S47 First at. Phone Pacific 360. WE WILL BUT. BELL OR TRADB ANX OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., - g. 820 WASHINGTON. - PACIFIC T8A. WANTED Furniture and hoosehold goods ef . every description bought, sold snd exrhsngsd. The A. ii2 First st. Main it7s. HIGHEST rash price paid for alt kinds second saou geous. fuone fetaia Kill, aa n. Auiro. WE haul deed hnrsss and cattle free. Oregon , Fertilise Works, er notify Carney's VeterV nary, tonrth and Ullssa sts. msib jvos. WANTKI Cbildrea for motherly rarer reason stile. 22T Porter at. Hefcrencss given. WANTED M-ashing or cleaning, or wouM take a a urge psny. ,trs. gnucsiey, sua senium ana rara. . LADT who ran stve references desires cleaning, sweeping snd ousting, u. 11., care JournaL OARDENING done by expert workman; tress secured snd plan ted, lawns mewed. - t'nuas East 20S2. .- . WANTED A Billch gnat. Apply st stable, r. .1 . 1 mui nr. ana niwiimnir eo, or va ear, Davie, at telephone Mara 422. MARRIED Tady vmti ears of rooms for room rent, . Address O 130. care Joursal. WANTED One or a teen ef horses for the feed for light work the balance or tne win ter. Can st 444 East TSyror. f FUKXISHED. BOOMS JFORR EXT. THIC HTLAND, 4ts Morrison St.,- opposite high school Brick building, steam best. - newly fnrnlahed. best In city:, rooms resaonshlA, by ths day. week or month. - r " HOTEL OXFORD, Sixth snd Oak. will take a few awre permaneBt rooniers; an mooera eoa veeleucee; single rooeue A4 ap week. Spe cial rstee for sultca. - THR RICHRLIKO. WH North Sixth st Ele gantly furnlehea; eteara best and be the. THR GRAND. 4V North Third St. Booms for t gentlemen. AL23 per wVek snd ap. FOR on er two gentlemen,, parlor, furnace heat. pbone, bath, axo. 20a Eleventh St. FTRN1SHED eulte, half block from Hotel!ni!j,.ventn st NH'B sunny front rooms, fnmlshed. Montgomery st., bet. lb aad 7th. HOI, DEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sore ear for rheumatlaro. Sold by all drugrteta. THW- KXG Jefferson st between Fifth end Sixth sts. Electric light, bstk. Best; ' flrat-eleea and new; from 82.00 Hp. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEITNG. THE "LOWNSDALB" Large elegantly for--ntshed honseheeplng suttee snd single rooms; running water, gas range, 6o3ty Alder st. TWO neatly fnrnlahed connecting houeekeeplng rooma; wood or gas stores, shone. , 064 Sevier St. . $1.90 WEEK UP, large, eleaa, fnrntsbed bonse keeplng rooms, laundry aad bath. 184 bber tnan south. Port Is nd. 1 $1.28 WEEK UP, dean, farnlsbed beoee keep ing rooo-is. parlor, bath, laundry, fsroacs best. ysrd. SoSVk Stsuton. V car. THREE aafornlahed koosekeeplng-rooms, gned rived snd plessaat; bath and gas. ion aire ;? Sixth st, TUB MITCH ELI Booeekeening and transient rooms, reasonable. Sevrata and A'tandera. THREE completely fnrnlahed honsekeeplng moms, hot asd cold water, steel range sad gas, . baths and phone. Inquire 264 Jeffer- ' sop. Phone Pacific 2200. - 145 H SIXTH, corner Alder, one salts snd one . single housekeeping and fine sleeping and lent rooms. FOR RENT Uoasekeepiag rooms, lams svt. . Wll ROOMS AND HOARD. MINNEQUA INN. 87S Yamhill tt Nice rmome. a team heat, splendid meals. - day, week. aivntfl; new niaoagement; reaaonaDN) rsfts. FOR RENT nOUSES. WE are In seed of several tarnished tad aa faralahed hoeaea to satiety the waata of ear ' pntroBs. Pbone main 6101 er -call 720 Cbass, el ef Cot tne rce. - Da It rww $250 CASH, $18 monthly, bays a S-toobj hones bit East 87th st, near two car lines. Stats - Land to., nut yiret st. 2-8TORY honss ef 8 rooms (net modern), 23 North iiitn; jnst tbe pises ror worknTSn't . headouartere: rent rneap to flcalrahle tunent . See J. Kraemer. 84 Fourth st flVE ROOM house, kw 100x100, fine garden ST'.w "TT'" JLmZ?lZ,X:,v" t-hflnderii m It twrmrrow nmgr s Islort month. Owner, room 7, 823 Washlugioa st. I atar away., -p"" WE rent A Co. and pell pianos. , Sherman, Clay FOR BENT 8 -mora cottage, modern) never occupied; 212BO. 204 Mohawk bldg. FOR RENT la Sellwood, B room new houae near car line, $7 per month. Call SOS Fifth - St., near Taylor. FURNISHED HOUSES. FURNISHED -fconve, rooms, new furnltnre, eentrsl. rent $.10) cheap for csah. K 127, care Journal, HOU8ES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. 8-P00V bonse for petit,1 first-elate turn I furs fur sate. Including Smith's beat ATmlnater esrpets. $Bot): will erm.lder real tetatn. 772 Esst Tayk St. Eaat 457. WE need furnltnre at any price. Portland Aae tlon Rooms 211 First st. Main 6058. A BARGAIN st 137,1. fiirnlablngs ef A room eot tage. 447 Kaat Davie tt. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFftCE-ROOMS nnfnrnl bed enome and aain - ple-roonit for rent Goodooncb bldg. Apply elevator, . A FEW er.f-cl.aa Afflee-eonwie left st Bortheeat corner- Third asd Mndimiu at. Apply room No. S. PART of a nice store fn Flral at. rent cheap. 87 i FOR RENT FARMS. lAKw o scree,--.H-rhard. ' teres pinna lentl, I hoii,e, barns, etc-i 11 mll'-s fr,.m I'ArtlsuJ, ' teres pinna laniL i t-i per month., Inquire. I 4 First tt FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. lj A I.I. and ballroom, asperate ee together! sew sud with sll eonveutciK-ev, Phone Mala Sua. niSlXEKS CHANCES. ;Iere's Aiotler. :iapii Stable.'. A feci, gale aud livery stable, also dray- ' lug btuliiesa: S year leaae at very cheap rent! . flue loctuuui; lease will be worth price asked within two yesra; goods thst go with place worth mors than price ssked; owner has other business lniereat reeeua fur selling Now, this Is a susp, so you had better harry, because the place la clearing big uouey. Price 8.I.2M). , TUB VKTKHAN LAND CO, 1 ltlSa Third at. GILT-EDGED IN VEMTMKNTSbares In the Butte Boye Conaolldiited Mlulug company In- . eorporaU'il nnder the laws ot Oregon by Dr. , L U. McCorkle. George W. Bever. V. W. ' McKcchule. A. W. Iiuihert. 0. W. Weather- li . F. W. Fslrcloltrh and :harlaa i...... - capital et.wh l.tai.i.Hti etiaree $1 each; thui : wooiueiiie property, aieajiuieiy valuable, ' seaaye $24 tun sud will likely umke a great ' nilne. Bcud f. praapectus. Office 860 Esst : Morrison. Tel. East 778. 8 ROOMS furnltiH-e, ronmlng-boasa aesr ' Wsahlngtoa st., weet side; tide csa be ' heught vn Itiatallruenta; $luO down, bslsace vpryeMe monthly; the bouse Is vacant now wslring Air tvraut; half price for thla fur. . nlrure; culy $2&0; this muat be sold to morrow, .-- - , - ALEXANDER LAND CO.. v 88H Sixth, Near Plus. Phone Pscifla. 25. v- A Y0UKO msa wltb $1,800; half csah, Balance la trade If dee feed,- csa buy manufacturing buslnrss with everything ready; good stork. material! calamim tr.n with Address Q Hi, care JouruaL, FOR 8 A LB Good laundry with excellent trnat. neae la one of the beat towns In tbs Wil lamette vslley; owners must sell oa ac count of pour health. For particulars sd dress Silver ton Steam Laundry, SUvartoa, Or. FURNISHED bonse of IB rooms, near L'oloa de pot, good money-maker, for gale. Call 12014' North Sixth at. , $000 ART store and real estate office, er will trade for real estate. What have yoal C Arnold. St, Johns. Or. V . . .. , - THERE Is a good opening In Centra Point Ore- ' r gnn for a good ek-clm-; e homeopathic phyet claa and surgeon preferred; will famish com plete outfit If necessary. Addreae Q 128. care JouruaL -, . FOR SALE Half latereet la afore doing av erage lino a day bustneae; price $1,600 er , Invoice; terms, $t,floo cash.- balsnce to ault Purchaser. Bog 343. Bosebnrg, Oregon. GENERAL merchandise stock stage Una, hotel furniture, fyr sale, la good mining locality, , -nii7i 1.1 11. . 11 in. auiinee in noir creel. Or.; uoney-msksr. , Wilson Meg. Ca, Ls- - aanu, vr. BARGAIN -$ SA0 buys a restaurant, cost 81.800, dslly rcci-lpta . $-) to $1I0, 2 ysere' lease. Leek box 3M. knee burg. Or. - . , A COMPLETE rsstanrsnt outfit for sale er trsde,.8ifl BorridV.CsllBpsUlriTa Owl. 8 to 4 p. m. BAVB MOIST Anything ta prhrttng as Mad. ' dn. Odd Frllows' Tsmpla, First aad Aider sts.; apstslra. $4B0 BUYS 8-rooma. well fnrnlahed la gesd kv eatlty ;' west side; low rent. Hagegtaaa A - Blanchard. l Fifth at.- T PLACER gold mine: partner wanted ar wilt sell: mine tn Idaho; strictly high grade: - 110-yard diggings. W.-N. Bnbie,-Geldea. Oregon.' FOR SALE Brick botaL tkree-etory. 42x91 - 42 rooms, furnished: only flrst-clsst hotel In New berg; price $1.ofs tf taken at Addreae N. Welter. Newberg, Orrgoa, FOR SALE A clevr store- good location, neaapH t nee ire; price -aj. . n. ueisier, ivj -jayrrd at. , . . -. ...-.- I A LIMITED amount of shares for sale la a - well eatshll.hed wholesale rmalneee. toene- JxiM rear"bef of tistiH. lefneiw er shsiss $i8 - earn. Address T 1, cars journal. PARTNER to Inveat $tno D lerttlmata bael- neee; will pay $3 tovgiu dty; money eeeared. Address X 1.12. care JoornaL , IP YOU are looking for a good toeatloa for a meat market Lee mount acott ear te Nssbvills office of kf. 8. Brown, WILL sell some shares In a. well eatabllahed Bisnurartnring pnsinees, fin per snsre; good Investment; money goes Into bnstnesa. Ad dress T 1-12, JiramaL i , FOB SALE Stock Of groceries end fixtures, computing scales, show cases and Ice cheat; will sell cheep; reeson for selling going eaat. Price 1-JoO. Address K 131, Journal. A Bargain la a Restaurant And inorh counter; fine location ;. clearing hie money; slcknesa reesna for telling. Price $250, or will sell good maa 14 lutereeC Call 166 Third St., rooa A, . WANTED A paying livery and feed stable M nij. n Jt care eonraat. - - NICE ctrir store for sals; good batlaeaa, 182 trsBO sve. $1,000 WILL buy a small put elsaa stock ef groceries, win xjxturea, sores aao delivery wacoa, If taken laqatrs ef ewner, 42UVt JAorrtson at, - " . - , SAWMILL mat with a little mocev hi wasted . ss partner, sanrese st, nog n,. roste g, WotHlbnrn, Or. WANTED A 2 or A team rraatfer pwalasas for ' csah. Addreea L ISO, care Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. WEST SIDE SASHAIN. RESIDENCE PROPERTY. $4,500 buys a full lot oa Sherman at., aesy Fifth, with two honaea, one 8 rooms, the other 8 rooma; monthly rental $45; this la a bargain and mnst be told this week, JAMES J. FLYNN, 1 812 Chsaiher of Coaimerct. T $1,000 Bb'YS 4 large lota ea the. Eaet- Ankemy csrline, level, snd I bloek from tba ear. UE;iHTER- CO., '. 107 4 Third at BARGAIN for rash, beantlfnl location for tve cottages; South Sunnyslde; corner. Inquire - E. Lincoln, near Thirty-third tt your Last chance. ' - Only 40 lots left In Tllton addition, at half value, and they will be gone tq a week; home TIIOMPSON A OPEN. eOO Belrnpnt at. QUARTER block on Williams tn, near Broad. wty, cheap; terms. B owatr, roost 28 Washington hldg. FOR SALE A DESIRABLE BOMB en the ess ' side, within walking distance, between two esrllnes; 0 moms, modem; lot 100x115; lH.000. easy tsrms. Addrett owner, S 127, cere Jonrnal. A 4-ROOM hnngalow on Mount Scott ear, eon . rrete basement, porcelain bath, toilet, hot . snd cold water, wood fiber plaster, shingle sides; strictly modern la every, way. Price $1,200. 2 ktt on East 87th at near Hawthorne eve.; $doO etch. Lots In'Tremont Place for a few days only, $150. Adjolalng bus sre selling for $200.. I- I.. HARDEN. Boom 22, 13(1 First St A Snap In St. JcJuns Lets 1 Two nice lots, finely hi-nrrd, In St. Johns, close to etr line, pnlv $n,n foe both. The very heat buy In that vicinity adjoining kits sell tor $100 sud Hh) each; t few days only, W. J. DAT 5 CO.. 1 A3 4 Fourth Br. " . ton FARMS, email traett tnd lots; hargalns oa ' ip. r. r eietrtrte line, u, B. Addltoa. Lett a, Oregon. Take Mount Scott car, 6c. - 1 REAL ESTATE; i 7." S-room boimc. nivilern;" t- ktrgeua if Ihere la one In town. Mil J(.c-io mixlisi. renter. ;:"!- Ilnlf hloi-k Al htalneaa l '. $M,taa An block near city kttL . W. J. PEDDICORD, St. Johiia, Or. .. $2.2"J) -P1RST4 LANS room ben at ea Bitt n sin svt),, gge n reny yt-Wh - - IliXJlH IHTl'R A CO.. .--I -a a turn st, - " 1 ,i .1 BEAI IIFI L timrter tiT.K-k n Irvlngtosi , bonae ami lot on Willi. ma ate., near tteel - btiilts. . Inquire vf owner, Sit WllUams trt. '