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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, TORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY. 14. 1907. ir OPEII 16E-PUIIIT ill CAZADERO Electric Company Will Celebrate , the Completion of ;four v Year' WorkC ANOTHER PLANT IS . .;.'. PLANNED NEARBY a. A Second Rain and Immense Itaser- .volt Coetlag Another Million Dol lan Will Be Constructed Farther Vp the Clackamas River. With appropriate ceremonies the rreat Casadero power plant of the Port land Railway, Light St Power company will be formally atarted Tueaday, Feb ruary S. ' A'apeclal train will convey the city a distinguished party. In cluding Governor Chamberlain. ' Mayor Lane anfl flfhtr "tptt ffnrt ?"y r ciudi . . and officials Of the company. The plant has been four years in course of erection and represent an outlay of tl. 260,000. It normal ca , -pacity la 15,000 horsepower, which may be -easily Xncr eased to.-25.009. horsepower. The. plant. It Is expected, will supply the neceseary amount of Increased . power for the city for several years. Tested by the Flood. 1 ' During the recent floods it was sub ,'Jected to severe test, ss a result of . which the company feela quite confi dent of the giant structure. Over the crest of the dam thefe flowed a tor rent HH feet in helKM. Even with uoh enormous pressure and ao severe a strain the dam was la no "way dam aged and showed no effects of the test The gates are now open and the reser voir I being filled. ' - T. " Four miles beyond the Casadero ' plant tha company has begun the erec tion of another giant power plant. -The plan will cast 11,000,000 and will have . a capacity equal to that of the Caaar dero plant. .Four ,years will . be - re quired for,' Its construction, but when Completed, .it Is expected that' the two plants wllr be able to suppljra suf- t lolent amount uf power "for all " city demands for a number of years.' Extend Hallway Una. .' I - Orouad has already bean broken for. ,the new plant and gangs of workmen are clearing away the timber. -The -.nam of t thn new.-plant, will be made of concrete. Tha railway Una will be extended from Caxadero to the point 'where the new reservoir is to be con structed as soon' as -possible. When " the plant Is finally completed the road will continue to be operated, .as a logging Una " ' "The new plant will not coat quit so much "as ! the Casadero plant," said rrealdent Goods, "but it will have an al capacity and will be equally as large and durable. We expect, when the plant Is completed, to be able to supply the demand for power . lor .Jv $ral years to come.". - FIRE ALARM, BUT NO FIREMEN COME Given and AT THE THEATRES The Morale of "At Yale." "At Tale." which la te ba arodaesq with popular faul Ollmors ss Dick SsaliT and sea rorapatrut company at the llrllla lueaira uijnurrow (rriuar) ana Saturday nljruu, Pitbrnary IS and 14, with a ssatliiaa gaturilar, baa for Ita main story raal Incident that happrnad at ev""- TV., etury la taotarad tha atroka oar. man of tlia 'Tanltr crew Dirk Saslry. Heeler's chum, Jack Hand.ll, kas a atatpr. Oar Uarly la aa old New Xarkar and friend of tha Handalla. la.e baa fixed hla ere on tba Randall millions and emlea.nre to apnronrliite Mies DoroUir. When ha dis covers Uia Infatuation for Dick ba hires tha rblaf riahtaf lu Kear Have to corral Dirk on tba day of tba race and keep him fro a taking hi place la tba shell, thinking there by that ka would be glvea lllrk i place. Jim. aay, the telegraph Uy, orerheara tha Blot. stumbles bpon tba vary Blase where Virk ban bea tied and gar fed and cute hla handagre lu time. Tula vary Incident happened a good many years age at lain. . - - : - ;f-y- "UMtfr wrovrn" aie Tomorrow. Nett Hundag evening, Feoraary IT, at the HelJtg tbealra. "Buater Browa"- will bsla an entaarUMDt af Uiraa alfbu and e aiatlnee Tuoadajr, Scat aale opena tamorroW. . Now'g the Time to 8e "If f "II I War King" t continuing the am. one at the flrat week at tba Dakar. While the VKKlnrtloa' tha flrwt 1 weak evmd tba acuut of' flua (rtlng. tba emupaay baa nw barama abaolutely letter perfect and a little Dure, go tha remaining daya of thla week le the beat time Imaslnabla to aaa thla great Bothers play. Matinee Batnrday. ; fjaugha at Empire Next Week. . There'll be fna In plenty at the' Empire aext week. "My Vt'lfe'e family" will ba at this avar-nonalar theatre all tha week, ebm menHng with the Rnnday matt nee, and there'! nothlna funnier anywhere. If rna M i little groiKliy'or bloaT go lu-Uf rfnWT rtm1ly.' auuaeee waauesaay and Saturday. - , . "llamao HeaHs" a Great Play. "Hnmaa Heart" kas made a algnal triumph at the Kmplra thla week. There Is ao much In this sreat drama to Interest every one with a. drop of real red blood In hie or her veins Cbat tba entbnalaam never flags. Every krev of tha beat la American playa should sea. "Human Hearts." Ma tinea gaturday. , :. Army- Plajr Next Week. ; The roanantle storr ' of the life af John Hinds, a aelf-mada mas wb won promotlna ra tha IhHtlah array baeaose ef bis bravery, le the aaotlf of "Brother dfflcera." tba stir ring pley of army life which follows "If I Ware King" at tba Baker. The Sunday mati nee Is tha flrat performance. Matinees Wedneeday and gaturday. . ' ' . , Iloyt'g Bill Makea Hit. ' 'A Bunch ef Kays." Hoyfs famous farce. is maklBg a great hit at tha Lyrtc theatre this week. ' rrintrIttnrngla seen as Bnaggs and he plays It In a fashion calculated to bring out the 1 marlroum nam her of lan tha. Thera will ba a apeclal children's Dataure Baturday, f which seats Biay sow be ra surned st tba tbeatra box ollkf, The County Chairmaa" Coming. - "Tba County Chatrman" will be tba attrac tion at tha Met'lg theatre seat Wednesday eight, reonjery It). Next Lyric BUM Following "A Bunch of Keys" the bin al tha Lyrle will be the famoue emotional drama. "Uaop ef uild. Thla - play, wblcb created each a aeaaation In Kngland and the eaetera states. Is capttratlng la Its Interest from tha tint moment- of play. All tha favorite will ba In tha cast and there will be many novel scenic affects, "tfoop at Gold" opens Mon day matinee. At the Grand. V- ' Tandaville of the beat b'and I the-ekrtch of s'rauk Ceombs sad Muriel gtnns, "The Last af tba Troupe." which Is tbs headline attrac tion at tha Oread this week. Tbl set has received flattering notice from all tba crltl. cal papers of tha eaat and It glees Portlanders su Idea of wbat sort of specialties tbs a alt era vaudeville audtencsa meat enjoy. ;' At the Star. . ." Exciting every minute Is "Lost la Siberia." the aaw aielodrama wblch-tha Allen stock com pany Is. producing this week at tha 8tar theatre. ICvery one has beard ef tha prion af Klbttla. where the rasr ef Eussls sends his political enemies and those who are guilty of more serious crimes. This is tbs country In which tha atory Is laid sod tha plot tells ef whtit befell a man and woman wba ware on justly aecuaed. ' 13-CENTSFOR FROZEN SALMON Steelheads Command Higi Price ' When Ordered for Shipment -to Germany. A carload of ateelhead salmon. Just as they were taken from the river, wera shipped " to Hamburg, Ger many, today, bringing 13 cents per pound in Portland. This unprecedented price for froaen salmon is caused from a scarcity of all kinds of the celebrated fish. Dealers are pesfliminuo ana ao- clare the red-meated visitors from the sea are) decreasing very fast. That Elegantly Dressed Lady Bought that suit of ua Other styles ere arriving right along. Xt la now ac knowledged that tha latest fashions tha real amart gowns aro first to be famaa we,rf an d sflllsT anTgsla n T dfc Tfl.l Hl II TaftTTaHlj 175 Washington street, corner Park. s- Wronp? r 'Addresses v Tannery and Cammans1 Resi Cr ' 'dence Are Damaged. "On two ' different occasions yesterday firemen failed to respond to still slarma promptly, and In one caso did not .re spond at alL A fire broke out in Weber Brothers' tannery, on the Macadam road crglte . the Rlvervtaw cometery. t 11 ouock last night near tbs station of engine No. 10. This company and an- nlhee warat AnlTail hv 'tnlanhona. but two xnen who happened to be near the place extinguished the lire alter n naa at 'most destroyed the floor of tha build ing. Tha fire apparatus did not appears The 'cause of tha blame is unknown, and the , loss will ba somewhere 'between 1600 end 11,000. It Is stated by tha firs department that a call was received from 111 Mac- adam road at ll:0t 'clock isat evening by engine No. I, and another from 1412 Macadam road it 11:11 by engine No -10. Both, companies- responded. - but .neither could find the fire. Tha right 'location was not given. ' Fire broke out lata yesterday after-J noon in the residence or u. u. uamraana, law partner of IX Malarkey, and who .lives in a new houso Just purchased by htm at 771 Northmp street. The fam ily will be compelled to occupy tempor ary quarter until tha hoitse Is repaired.' The fire department was first notified by telephone, but not responding an alarm was turned In from box No, 49, which finally brought a company. The -fire-had, gnlned much headway, and the wntcr a sen to put out the blase consld erably damaged the house and furnish inga. - ..'.. SHIRTS THAT PLEASE THE PARTICULaAlV MAN Are Here 1907 Spring and - ! ;r Summer patterns are now on display at our 6hop. We have them In soft and "stiff bosoms, with cuffs afc-' tached; also soft and stiff bosoms with 2 pairs separate CUffs.. .....-'-..'-.:'- THET PRICE 1.30 ;: wCome(In and Let Us Show You the Line. DISPLAY IN WINDOW . 311 MORRISON ST., cppaPostofflca. .. -Tn OeatHIty Ihop ' ' . aou aoistts noi mats, iou aobstts Banrjajosr oivoma. SPORTING GOSSIP , . The Ave new directors of the Multno mah Amateur Athletic club. wjllba sworn Inthls evening and tha annual saw reorganisation of tha board win take ITanajJ. No one can tell what will be I dona at tha meeting as regards the else- I tion of officers, but from what osa be learned from members of the club It appears that Oeorge McMillan will be choaen as president. Mr. McMillan is one of the most popular members of ' Multnomah and is thoroughly acquaint 'ed with the workings of ths Institution and in full accord with the apkirlld policy of President Simons and the present board. Anyway, no matter who . ahall be elected, the beet Interests of ths club will be watched with great ears ' and Interest Multnomah has had a glo rious paat. but her future la as bright and a brilliant as the sua itself. . ' e e From time to time The Journal has 'published the nwa that Seattle was probably - I oat to the Paclflo Coaat league, and now the dispatches prac 'tlcally confirm tha predictions. Seattle .lost money in tha Coast league, and did not care to continue. The ball men of ' that city feel that Seattle rightfully belong In the Northwest league.' So 'long aa they are paying the piper, that city ahouM have any league it desires. The report state that Fresno will also drop out of the Coast league, aa It never )aws4 a paying city. it la reported that Hen Henderson. Portlands ' crack pitcher, has algned ' with Stockton of the California league. Portland will miss Henderson's services, as he was an all-round performer. x Milwauklo Country Club. - 1 Eastern and California racea Take Ball wood and Oregon City cars at "lret and Alder. W.H.V.ARE(ELL&G0. ; ; ' 1 121-12a GRAND AVENUE v 1 Friday Saturday Specials $6.00 Folding Go-Carls at $4.95 ; Folding, adjustable, reed front and back Go-Cart, with foot ; brake.: ' " . ' " ' ' ' ' ' SPECIAL Sample Lot of Cushion Tops AT EXTREMELY LITTLE PRICES 15 TO 50 " A great variety of-styles and patterns to choose from. - A SPLENDID SHOWING OF. . NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS 50, 65j, 75. 85, ?1.00, $1.Z5. Beautiful new patterns of the very newest shades. ' ' New Spring Shirt Waists C5 to 94.50 each. Very neat and extremely elaborate styles for your selection, in a wide range of prices. : The Barpain Store Sets the Pace for friday Bargain Giving These are the sales that are the talk of the town and' each succeeding Friday crowds the store from end to end v Tomorrow's offers the biggest and greatest yet Come with the crowds and get your share of the bargains. Mail Orders Filled From This Ad If sent at once satisfaftlon guaranteed or money back,-- PORTLMDiS IIE17 DEPARTIiniT STORE Vj-V ENTIRE BLOCK ON YAMHILL MOM 2ND TO Sft& Pictorial Review Patterns Are Best The one pattern that gives satisfaction all the - time. Prices 10c and 15c. 5EWSAflOWAIrBRGAINSIN-THFeL0AI 'w a. :al M Tt i. 4W VT After the crowds with the most sensational bargains Evory ltm at ja prica that should crowd this ction with buyers r WORTH UP TO S8 colon and black; also fan of Ureas Skirts, well made, Over 10O different styles and kinds to choose from.: The newest, latest models, plaited and fancy effects, made of Broadcloths. Cheviots. Panamas. Sicilians. Serces. etc. All icy shadow plaids, checks, stripes and mixtures. . All the best and finest 1, fashionably trimmed. . All samples, and every one worth $7.50 to $8.00. 500 Women's .Fancy Lawn Kimonos t25c All colors ' and all aizes, every one of Bargain Friday Women's $1.75 Fine Black Sateen Petticoats With 3 deep ruffles, some with 14-inch flounces and others -fancy tuckea, worth up to M OC $175. Choice .Pl.CO Percale Wrappers Ruffle and. fancy trimmed, all colors and 70 sizes, $1.50 values I sL Women's Finest $13.00 and $15.00 Lon Coats day 1 Fancy Maids and Mixtures, izes and all foC f E0RW0MEN'S $8 AND SIP SILK WAISTS $ Tomorrow, the last day of the sale. Made of fittest Taffetas and Pean de Soie. Plain colors pinks, blues, white, blacks, and also fancy plaids and stripee. Stunningly stylish garments, that you and every other woman will admit are the great est bargains ever offered. Plenty of the finest in the lot, and every one at less than the silk coat. Choice 0)M 22 Pounds Best Qranuliated Sugar $1100 One thousand sacks for this sale Fine grain Granulated Sugar. It's the very best, and not the coarse kind usually of ered at t : bargain sales; S3 pounds or 91.00. s -1,000 Dozen Women's Finesr-r And Every Pair Guaranteed 20c Vain or Your Mony Back - The best Hosiery bargain yon ever law or heard of Women's full fashioned , black cotton Hose, seamless, . made with ribbed tops, medium Weight Every pair worth 20c and not a penny less. Not over 6 pairs to a customer, as we don't wish dealers to buy them up to sell over again at two and three times this price. Prlday Sensation Price, pair.... 8 - Another Great Scoop of 1 ,000 Pairs ". T WoitM's$3.iSliC8s And When Wa Tell Yon These Are All $3.30 Valnei We Mean It " The finest of Dress Shoes at almost a dollar a pair less than regular -wholesale eostr for these are all the finest and highest class of Women s Dress Shoes, that are really wortn o.ou. . Elegant patent leather, vici ana French kids and gunmetal; the newest lasts and most exquisite models, French, Cuban and military heels; all sizes and widths. 1 day only A All $3.50 Values; palr..:u 35c Rolls Fancy Crepe Papfcr A thousand rolls only, and we don't expect a ainfrl nn a laft aftr tnnvir Si apM row. The finest of ' fancy I r Crepe - Paper, elegant designs M Lm t in all colors; full, length rolls; the -kind you've never known to sell less than 25c Special, a roll IOO Bolts White Z1 Colored Fine Imported Taffeta SUks And at 29c every yard should go tomorrow tint soft finisb laffeta bilk in white, pink, blue, red, navy, and 20 other shades, full 20 inches wide; all perfect; a grade worth 47e wholesale, retails - st 59c Friday bensatioa Fnce, yard 500 Women's Best 89c Hand Bags A bargain lot so great that they'll be gone al most before we know it Real seal and fancy pressed leather effects, also the F if new squaw leather, five differ- I 1 f ent shapes, fitted mirror, 1 I j comb and card case, riveted J I i v v frame, black, tan and brown. - rm All 89c bags, and but 1 to a J LI. M customer, 48f each A Handkerchief Sale That's the Greatest Ever Announced 10cl5c,20c Aucttonland'rcMs It's the greatest of the Friday sensations, and i( folks only, knew hovy "great a bargain they are crowds would be waiting for them when the doors open to morrow, ihe finest Women s pure-linen and linen cambric Handkerchiefs at 5 each, all with initials, each one heavily embroidered, wreath and other effects. An Importer's entire surplus which he sent to auction to raise money quickly. .Perfect new goods. Handkerchiefs worth 10c to 20c, and there's plenty of the 20c ones, too. One lot of them all Pick the -best and you can' choose all the finest ones,! you re here promptly at 8 o clock" when the doors open 5.000 Children's Handkerchiefs Fancy styles and colors: just the thing for school :1 use. All regular 3c Hand- 1 1 kerchiefs at, each v rfl P Two Hours Only, From 8 to 10 O'Cloclb 500 Women's Fancy Embroidered 15c and 20c Collars Invest tab effects, each one fancy embroidered, slightly mussed from handling. All 15c and 20c Collars. From 8 to 10 o'clock, and only S to a customer. Choice, each 2c Checked Apron GINGHAMS In large and small blue and white checks; made to sell at 8 l-3c. Bargain Friday, one day only, yard 6!c Best 50c Sheets Large Site, 72x90 inches; good muslin and best of 50c . J Sheets :..,tXW $1.50 Bed Spreads ' $1.19 500 fancy pink Bedspreads, fringed all around; $1.50 values Best 12Mc Towels zen lafge size Hnck Towels, f) I ted ends; best 12jc OlC He Men's Furnishings Men's heavy blue California Flannel Shirts, sins Is and doiibla-braasted, mads to CQ. sail at ll.SS, ehoioa..... .Ot Man's haavy Rockford mixed and fancy Hoae. worth lao, special, I pair for 25f, Or or, pair Odd lots of Men's tta and It soft bosom Draas Drras Shirts, all colors and 4Zf patterns . ..... ......... t .......... .TOW 500 good else Nottingham Lace Corlalns Worth $1JS pair 75c MlU Ends White Dolled Swiss Cheap at 35c yard 15c Tha ' Friday Sensation Bargains In the Cut Price Grocery 22, Lbs. Granulated Surjnr $1 ' 1.009 lbs. bast ISO Dried Apples Apples, extra fancy, one extra fancy. "one day only, out to..... Small White Beans, lo..4a J lbs. Fancy Dates. ..t&4 Rev. t lbs. for Sue Broken Rice, per lb. ....4e 10c TJma Baans. Ib.. ...5 Shredded Wheat Bis cuits . ...... .10 It, p. Breakfast rood... 8 Crr scant Wheat Flak as. Buckwheat Flour, J" pka;s... , .2S ..2c Famous Hammer Brand Lau n d 17 9 o a A soap sold all over at to. for . bar lOo Royal Baking Foardar, lb. ,,M'.-r.,(,-,iit,il40 lOo pko. Mince Maat..8) S cans Corn...... m S cans Peas InC I Cans Soup ww lto can Btrlne Baan.SlO 15o bottle Catsup ISO BhraaKled Codflah.lOt Candlaa, 4 for ....& S5o bot. Maple Full Cream Cheeaa, 11). 15 $1.50 Swiss Curtains 97c Deep ruffles, full slj;e and width; made to sell at $1.50; , pair lOc Curtain Rods 5,000 brass extension Curtain Rods, complete with fixtures. each ......... 6c 24-ln. Fancy Auitinris Odd tnts, mostly dark medium i " shades, cheap at 8 l-3c; C Basement Barnd::- 00 r. Je S-pt. nickal-pirttcd T.- and Coffee Tota -. t)o l-qt, yallow Mlxmar Towl SOu lnrae 10-ln-h fancy 0rmt t li't Salad Ilowls . 15o Japanned Iirrt and tMUr i'U'. ilo Tl CVliry ('.!. Slid ',mry Knife Kharpvnors , 13f) Inrga fancy t'n,l )rs. , 22z '.2lz 1 1