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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVSTMNG, FEBRUARY II, 1CC7. TODAY'S MARKETS 500 CARS -CODING FROJHW Great Amount of Potatoes on Their . Way to California Markets Reported. . J FUTURE OF PRICES DEPENDS ON RECEIPTS Farther Depression In Eggs Shown ' , Deenlte ' the Alaskan Business Poultry Market Higher on Account :;of Absence of Supplies. '.' Principal market features today: FurtuerepreMlon In egge. Some 10r order, at hop. Dceasrd meats ere recr firm, Speculation ee to potato prices. IUmiu arrive la good shape. Speculation aa ta rotate Trie. , ; "While alT local borers agree that the present price, nt potatoes la tola nirkrt la about aa fcrw aa they will d urln( toe present araana, eptnloa la mark divided a to what tho atarfcet will do later la tha season. Receipt! ha to beea quite liberal la San Preac-leee aad other Cell- forule markets of late en account of the release ef a lance namber of rara by the opening of -the blockade la tha Willamette ealley. where : moat of tba Oregon alilpinenta com from. On Tuesday 14 rara of potatoes are re recetred ta Saa Franclsee aad the same eTeoltif the steamer ' arrived from here and broorut la" about tba urn amount. Theaa shipment hare beea oa tba road fur aoma tlma and could bardie bt railed tba regular ontpnt from her. . The heavy arrtvale hare canaed a lower ranee of values . to rale there temporarily and fancy ee met atoek dropped from 2Sf to 12. 111. East era potatoes are Invading tba Pacific coast, and espevlsPy California nolaia. at a Heels rate, bat whether the shipments will continue la a a neat loo. The future of local prlcea depends absolutely oa what (meant of eastern stork comee to the mast. The shortage here, doe to the freealng weather, will bare bat little effect ape prlco siaklng. .. Knermeua Zaatera Shipments. . r-f- the Kaatarn attaatlaa the CMcage Packer baa this to ut la Its latent Isetie - "The potato market has behaved this week Just aa expected and a It alwaya does under similar conditions. Prlcea bore bare beea boosted ! arosmd the bait dollar point tee strictly, fancy a lock, and common etork raaitea around uc. Receipts hare beea moderate bat a little la en-ess of laat week ami ervn targ cr than the eorrespnndlng week a rear age, Potato men declare it la only a case where the weather has been too cold te do much busl-nesa-at loading stations with" what few ear -were evelleWe for shipping., it requtree little argument to ahow that the average dealer who baa pot a tore In a warehouse would like te de eoeie shipping at present prices, aniens bis hands were tied br the car ahortage and the extreme It cold weather, ranging from sere te 30 below at some northern points. Five Hundred Cars la Transit. .-. Ttie demand from rallfornla for potatoes baa been excellent and considerable business baa Ven transacted by uiioratoca at thla point ronaerra lively estimated that around GOO care of potatoea am now In transit to (.'allfornla, and thla has served te give some of the potate atea cold feel, aa they fear something will happen to the market when all of theae shipments are delivered. Bat It takes from 17 le 40 dare In lead a shipment front common pomta U HI miiU and Minnesota te Loo Ante lea. A good many potatoea taave been moving westward tat snore than a axon t a a on aoma euro aa. old aa hurb aa S1.4 oa the coast. ' Ijiat week It was reported la The Packer that about VI cars of Wisconsin sloes nan oeen ' sold at 4Mr f. a. h Other aalea of car lota for ehlomeat west are reported aa blxb aa BSC f o a Practically all of this stock baa moved via the southern route and baa gone In Los ' Angeles,' where they have been reahlpped. That . western business Is something new even to eld potato men.-and many ef them are ahlpplng on the highest rate tbey have ever need before. The rate to Loo An fries from Wisconsin com mon points la 73c, which le 45e pee bushel. Albert Miller . Co. had a ear shipped back from lee A axe lee to PaoenU. Ariaooa, making ' the frelcht rste about Stie per bushel, and the shipment leiaald te have been deUTered at a cbeaprr rata by going all the way to Us An grles and atiluplng bark to Phoenix: Ibae If It bad been billed In Pnoenlx direct . from the Initial point. ' "Seme potatoes era etlll held hi Wsahmtrtna and Oregon, alt bough It la reported there ere some Inqnlrlea coming front Seattle aad other bWlata. It Is eat Una ted that California alone - will eonsasae about IO.0UO baxs of potatoes ... per dsy." ' . " rartaer Senreasioa la Eggs. " Kgga show farther depreealon despite the fart that nealera were trying to nave the mar. ket from . striking a sower point. It la toe early for ruld storsge oners linos, ae the surplus mart be moved at any price they will bring. " A sale or tare of single ran lota were reported along the street this morning, buf some dealers were talking of offering at MVe. One dealer went at far aa te aay that he expected artee te break evea below that figure. , , . Poultry market la very firm, swing te the geaeral lark) ef arrivals. Prtcee a frertJoa up. There le no famine because the trade hi using eastern atork. '. Bria Vetea ef the Trade. Some new orders Um hops are reported la at 10c a iwund with no late aalea reported, fte ports aay that lie and- Ue kae been paid duriar the oast 2 hours on contra eta. All lines of dressed meats are fins with fsacy etaffjcprelnlly veal,, bringing s hlglier figure than lliat qootedT " - A ear of banasas artired to good aba pa from Central Aaterlca today. The trade nays the following prtcee to Front street. Price paid ahlppera are less regular couimtasvme: . Oraln. Fleer aad FaedV V GRAIN N AOS Calcutta, Be baying price: eelime. s4ttne, . , . WHEAT New dab. MQTOe; red Itasetas, - rl7'r luaateaa. Ilt72c4-xslley. gslnie uikN Whole, , HJ-ou; eraeaeg. Bau.iw peg '"BAltr.BT New-Mreed. 11 .e.00 lulled, 122 MI2S.60j brewing, f 2HXI0OZ2.UU. BTS gtJ per cwt. OATS New Pendncera' hrlra . Ne ' X hits. glW2a SO: gray. 327 27 TM r LOl li Kaatera Oregon patents.; atrslghta, $X60; export. 3; vslley ii.BA; granamTa. 33 30; whole wheat, 33-73; rye. Bus. 33 00- be lea, 31 T3. , . MILU'TTTFr'S Bran, IT.00 per ton; mk. dllnas. $23.00; shorts, country, $20.00; ete, 31H &0: elxm. SitlXIOtf 11.00. . H A I Producers' price Timothy, WITIametfe vslley, feecy, 111.004)14.00; erdinery, $0,009 l0u; eastern Oregon, $l.0n; mixed, $i0A(0f 10.30; cWver, $0.00; grala. $3.00l0.oo; rtaet. 3A.- . utter, Xggs aad Fealtry. UPTTPS F AT . a. h. rortlaad Sweet ereem. 3h'4hmcj sour. IIHt34e. BUTTKBV Cly creamery. eV27He: "outside fsn-y. &c: storage, itufeaori store.- !7ni7Vke. E.;;a Fxtra fan.-y. candled. 22e24e. t Htf.-New-Kail rreaat. fiala. lawaiOe; feong amertca, IBt,TlSe. !( I.TRV IJve -Mixed chirk ens, 13i4 p,r Jb; fsncy bona, J4r par lb; roosters, old, loe r-r lb: old stage, lie per M; (ryera. I4e per M; bcillera. 14c per lb; eld ducks. )3vt lb; spring doras. iSee per lb: geese, 31e per m; tur t . T 1 7 r per lb fnr old: dreaetd. fsacy," ge GRAIN CROPS NEVER . : LOOKED QUITE SO GOOD d (apeclsl rHapatch to The Journal.) ' e lleppner. Or, Feb. 14. As tnr e the wltewt 4rop, conditions were 4 never so favorable In Morrow e ifunt)-. The heavy and contln- e tied gnow has been ample protee- e tln for the rrop, and tits mola- tiire which lias gone; into tns ground srenlly" fcedg ths aveiage year. w DEPRESSION IN EGGS : H CONTINliES.VERY SEVERE per lb; armaria, $2.00 per doe; pigeons, 11.00 per uoa. ureeaee poultry iie per m Bigner, Hope. Weal aad Hides. HOPS JW crop, choice, 10UJI0e: prime te choice, lt W"ic; medium to prime, egSc; mrdtnm, So; contracts IKul crop, 12c.. K'vuir-im clip sue j. autfsici , oaetera Oreron. 20c. mom .11 K new. uosnmnw ,". .RHEtl'SKINS Shearing. 13tTlV each! abort wool,: 2Jj-ipi Biedlom wool, bOQlda eeehi long wool. 1K-rt.X ear).-- grease. 2M2V4C. jurrii.w n a nr. e tj v tor ear sate; amaO lots. ojs. Hires Dry, No. 1, 16 the and np, lv., TVae per lb; dry kip. No. 1, I to IB lbs. laet. try calf. No. 1, ender 3 lbs. ISe, ealted hides, steers, enead. 00 lbs end oeer. 100 lie: cows, nStAHc: stars and ball, sound. Ville; kin, IB to 30 lbs. Be; calf, aonad. antler III I he, llj; arean. ansalted. le lesa: mils. 1c nor lb keei borsr hides, salted, esrh, I.ZAI.TS; dry, each. ai.ouvi.w; con ni'ico, auaraur: goat aatna, ooaimon. each. 10jt 1 5c i aagora. each. SBcUBi, rratu aad 'ecstasies. POTATOES Baring price, eastern Mnlroo. ma a ana uafgamaa select, ai.etri.BO. aelllnr. fancy, l.b&1.7B: ordinary, buy lug, I1.2it l..V cwt: eweeta, SHtiee lb. ONIONS Jobbing pmce No." 1 Oreron. tl.M erico: re, a. eMicret.w. oarinar nrice. 7fiei 0e f. o. b., ahlpplng polau; garlic, 8eu per lb. - . , at-ruEn rsncy nona rtirer ppttseaberg and inpi. few towns. ,d.w: tancT TTlllsBDorte est. ley aad eonlhera Oregon, Bl.M)aL7Bs rdlaajr atork. f)Ocitl.2n. ritCSII KKI'ITS frrangea. new naval M SO lerouna, 4;t SO box; limes. Mexican, 1.23 per luo: plavapplra. H.oOsja.uo per aonm; grapes. Malaga. $ M -. per keg; peara. tl.Tft; pineapples, $3.00 per dne; poaiegrsnataa, SI.23 per -box; grspe frail. .79r - i VKCKTABI.KN TaratDS, new. Mtl sark! carrots. ;.Vri$1.0 per sack; beets, 1.SS per snck: radlahee. ass per do: cabbage, H.40iS.iai bell peppers. ( ) per lb; toma toes. Mexlrsn. 1 KI: narantna fMheltl: slrlne tteasajf-We ,-pet III, WTmnower.- f: SO" peT x; H-as, uci norsaranian. wejiue per lb.: amcboeee el 00 per doseai moash. TVfttl.OO oar boat celery, t'allfonila. per crate; pomp- kins. lUlHt; rranberrisa, t09 per barrel prmita. bt Uc per lb. . .. per lb. ukiki r-Kin apples, evaporated. tY, re per lb; apricots. 18Mja0e per lb; peacnea. e per lOj oarks, ,e par lb lese pruaea, , ecT He drop oa each 1-tO amallet re. California block. (flfUa nor lb! Ml te eO, Sl: California white. Q6He per Th: datea. goldt'n, box; faftla...40ttl.pO-awf.lS-rh bog. Oreoerles, Kuta. Xta, SnOAR Callroenle a, H.W.M.. tfNtlie 13. ,; powdered, oS.ISH; berry, riMHi dry grsnolated. B4.WH; Star, B4.72H; coof. A, M NHi extra B, UaIV,; golden C. 14 -0; D. yellow. 4.SCH4; beet grsnllatsd. B4 TJH- Weatern Cube. 33.27V,; powdered. fS.UM; dry gtaouiated. H M, P. 0. B4.82H! coat. A, 14. BSHI extra C, 34.42 Hi golden C. MJUM: D, yellow. 34.2iVk; beet granulated. 34.721,1 able, OUla, zaet bexaa. Sue advaaea aw sack la. ' .. . Above prtcee are M day net rash euota- HONRT $rA pee crate. COI-KEB Package brands. $!B.ei.S. HALT Coarse Ilslf groonU. lOus, $10.00 per tea; 30s, $10.50: table, dairy, 60s. $14.00: 100s, $13 75; balea, $1.05; Imported Uvorpool, 60s, 13.00; 100a, $17.00; 224a. $13.00: extra fins. able. Sa. Be, 10a, $4.MllrrS.a0: Lirernool k)ri;S rock. 30.00 pet too $10.00. , 50. lb rock, $10.50; 100a, tdbove Prtcee apple te Balsa ef ease tha a ear Iota. Oar lots at special prleen subject e KICK Iriperlal Jape a. Re. t. Sri Ho. 1 (Itei Mew Orleans, heed. Tel AJaa. 3c; Creole, BRArJe; Small $3. pink. $i.B0; hayos. $3.73; Usniaa, Bi,c; Meiiraa reds. 4c. r KUT8 Peanuta. Jumhe. He per lb; Fn-gnla. He per lb; roasted, lue per lb; Japanese. Bit $V,c; roaated77tse per lb; eoeoaaote, aatfme per doa) walnata, California, IS? per lb; French, IAe per lb: pinennta. 1415c por 10, Bicxary aora, iue per iti eneatnate, eaatern. lBUlSe per lb; Br.xfl nuta, lee per lb; fllberte. Iflc ner lb: faacr nacana. leI20et almonds, 10821 fee. . . Meats. Flak aad Previsions. rrtRKH 3JKAT8 Front Street nogs, fancy. (at Tvei. extra, ee par id ordinary, TSttSe per lb; poor, Sc, per lb; mot uttoa, faecy, l-jc per id. HA3IH. BAOON. TC SWtl.nA e.a n .n hams. 10 to 12 lbs. I6e lb: 14 to .16 lbs. inc. lb; 1$ to lbs. 18 Vie lb: break feet bacoa, IT SZtm lb; plcnica. lJo lb; cottage roll, 12e : reculsr short clears, nnsinokea. Hue Ihi smoked. lJt lb; clear barba, an. rooked. 11 He; smoaea, ut id; union botte, 40 to 13 I ha, an smoked. Sc lb: amoked. e lb; clear bell lea, en smokad. 13o lb; amoked, 14e lb; ebeuUera, 12c lb; nlrkled tonruea. Cue earn. LOCAL, LAUD Kettle leaf. 10a, 3 lb Be. U!e ip; 50-lb tine. KtVe lb: steam ren dered. 10a. 12fcc lb; 6a. P5,e lb; compouad. BANNED SALMON Columbia ftver. lib tails. 31.80; t lb taUa $a.7&i fancr. l ib flats. 31 KO; U lb fancy flats. 31.13: fane l.lh 32.73; Alaska tails, pink. KjM)o; red. $1.30: noeilnal. 2a. tall. $3.00. riNll Bock cod, 7g per lb: flounders. Re per lb; halibut, Sc per lb; era ha, $!&!. 50 per dneen; striped ha. I2ve per lb; cat flab, 10c lb; aalmoa, fresh ColumMe river sllverslde, 10c; t roses salmon. SU.2c lb: herring, Sc lb; soles. ae per. it; an rim pa, loe per lb: parch. Be per lb; black cod. Te per lb; romrod, Te par lb; .iitvt sineii. 00 per id; matters, too pec lb; reeak mackerel. Sc re- lb: craw flab, toe per lotcn: stnrgron. loe per Ih: b'ark bean. 20e per lb; Columbia river amelt. He per lb. Or RTF. Kg mi oa I water bay. per gallon. 32 50: ITS-aJi6 '"" r talleSi at- iW$f" fsst- -f tr' Ih arnf fK W' TO. ii.AHH ii.rdabell.. per btrx..$200; raaot cla me, $2.30 pec bog. r Paint, Oesl OIL Kte. BOPR Pars Manila. Ific; etaadara. 13ci alaal. lie. "COAL OIL Pearl er Astral Caaae. 13He per gallon; water wUlte. Iron bbie, 14c per gallon; wooden, 17c per gallon; beadllgbt, ITo-deg.. Caere, tlfee per galloa. ASOUNR-aegeeana.;4He per gallon. BKNIN-o3 deg. caaoa, tSe pec galloa; troa hhla. lHc per gallon. . TUBPENTINR la casse. Sue per gal! aroodea bbls. :tc per galloa. , WHITE LE Al Tea lota. 1 per lb; 300-lb Iota, (te per lb; leva lota. $Ue per lb. rVIRB MAILS present basis at $2 30. ' LINKRED OIL Pa -e raw. In 3-bbl lota, 30c; 1-bM let. 33c ; cases. $80 per gal; geaalne ket tle boiled, essee, sue per gel; B-bbl lota. 34c; l-bbl lots, aoe nee rati wmnmA . 1.., JU per ton; leaa than ear lota. $30 per tea. NORTHERN CITIES ARE . BUYING VALLEY HAY ' tilpeclal. THspateh to The JournaL) Salem. Or.. Feb. 14. Marlon countv bar 6j tn demand la the north ami many tone are being shipped from here hy boat to Portland to rill tlie beery deiusnil for forage. The limited snnpllee at sound points Is due In a large mee are Jo the rar shortage and most of the hay has come from points acceaalMe to water com mnnlcatloua. The firm of Tlllerei A On, has been handling orer no tons of clover hay the peat week for the northern market. The same firm has been sending BurlMtik potatoee to many California points, even where the famnne wla- ar.l Piirkank originated the tubers that beat kia name. . A carload of Oregon prunes left tbht morning for ew Turk. where tbey will tickle the pa'ate of New Torkera. They were nicely perked, aad the smeller boeae were of eight pnnnrta. for which there la considerable demand 1 or some nee. - - . . OBTLAirS BAXX ITATEMIXT, fVsrtnrs today . . , . Clearings year age. ;..!. IST.SJM. 04 ... T74.72A.21 (laid today .... ..$ 421.1341 .. ., 04.040.09 Bslsncea today ... . Balances year age.' TTeralgn Zxvjtange Sates, ' rr-u. 1.. nirnini; ireman-l, 44 4erN4.M: Ml n.ra 4WI.2.W l0 40: cshlea. 4C.l.-ilta:..yil; fiaoia. 8JWV. leaa mark a. SlfARPRECOVERY IN THE WHEAT Chic aso Market Acts Better After an Early Break Which" .'. Hurt the Price. RECOVERY OF A CENr v, . MADE LATER IN DAY Values Close Within a Fraction of ' the Top on Ball Orders Keports From India Not Encouraging to "Bears. - " RRT.ATlTn WHSAT TAI-PBS. Feb. ix. cntr lor Msy July ...... -c .TH1 .! ,nx -;e4 September Chicago.' Feb. 14. After as early break. wheat had a full cent recovery and ckwed rlthln a fraction of the top. The early sell na by beers was the cause of the tnltlsl de- preeelon. but tha wheat went late strong hands on resting orders. Then the market had a nstnral recovery. Home doubtful reporte are coining from India and aoma Americas states glee oat the santie newe. The country caunoe asove core as account ef the car ahortage and ahlppera are therefore enable to fill contracta. Tba moment the earn market started ap May oats climbed te die with the market ae strong as ever. " " Official Quotations br Overbeck. Starr ft Cooke company; .. WHEAT. ' '' X !" ' ' Open. High. May ............ 7 791 July TS'i - TO' September TSH "" 76 - CORN. May -44 4T July September fsy July September 4314 ' 4n' 4MH4 47V4 . -OATS. - - e0 41 imp. iftt 311 82 POBK. t7nn 1732 3Jj ' 172 I.ASU. May .. SOT ions ,.107 ' l'f ,.11110 1017 SHORT RIBS. July September May , , 5I ae wa out July ...... LITIRP00L OlAXaT XAJUTXT. larerpool, Feb. 14 Official prices: WHEAT. , Open, Close,' Feb. 18. Gala. V 5J March ....... .Ss tc,d Aa 7 d e May ,os BHd oa sd as shs CORN. March ........4a $',d 4s i 4a BHd Mar 4a 4i 4a d 4e ii COLUMBIA SOUTHERN SIXES LOSE $20 TODAY There has beea a very weak feeling among holders f Columbia rtoutbera Irrigation bonds. The Oa of the company have beea held firm at $ufl on the local exchange, but today the aaked price waa cut $20 to $75 with no bide. Today1 a' aalea: tine thousand British Tekoa at 24e, 8 Vaaulua Hay Telephone at $3 and Leea ( reek woM at zc. , . . OfflcUl prlcee: ' BANK STOCKS. Bid. Ask. Bank of California... $363.00 $ Haakera' a i-umnermen a.,.7.. 103.00 Merchanta' National Oregon Trust A Karlngs. Portland Trust Co. ....... L nlted Statea National... 173 00 183.08 ... 123.00 120.00 sno.oo LIHTKD SKCt'RITIES (BONDS.) American Biscuit Co. oa...-, 86.00 100.00 02.00 7S.00 7.30 City Muburhsn 4a ..... Columbia Southern Irrigation 3a. Home Telephone se. J. C. Lee Co. us , SlnO 1110.00 O. K. K. Rr. 4s S0.00 O. W. P. A Ky. fls imoo 101 .00 10S .00 KlO.llO 100.00 Pacific Court Hleeult 6a. 05.00 Portland Ky. 3a x, MIHCKl.LANEOCS STOCKS. Associated Oil . 43.00 46.30 Home Telephone 30.00 30.00 J. C. Lee Co ; J . . 73.00 Pacific mates Telephone 103.00 linoo Paget Sound Telephone.,.. 60.00 MININO STOCKS, . flatewood c... .30 Xt Lakevlew . .20 Ieea Creek Oold.. v ' British Yukon .24 ,.23 North Fslrvlew : . .03 Manhattan Crown rNrhrfc rri-iTiT .14 .13 - Waabongal Kxtenslon 24H UNUMTED STOCKS. Oregon City Mill A Lnmber..., 4.30 33 .00 .12 .0.1 .OB) JW , .27 . JWi .13 .0414 .121 .18 Vsquina Bay Telephone.. ...... 3.00 Alnaka PetroVeum .12 0I1 .03 .13 .02 .10 0:14 Blue Stone British Columbia A real Caeradla (old field Tmt let ..rear nortnera.,....,... 31imtng Htandard rcjiaolldated Tacotna Steel ....... 1 - COEI B D AI.ENB DISTRICT. Copper King .IS " .OS .08 14 .33 t3 .08 VS Happy lsy JO .OH ' .33 $ Of, oa. Park Copper , Snowshoe Knowatorm O. K. CoueolMoted. NEVADA MINING STOCKS Valuos Ot'norallr-Mr'ltinir-IeSur Dit- Ion Irown 2c Share. Saa Franclaeo. Feb. 14, Oen'eral tradlne la slow on the mining exchange with values gen era i ly melting. ioa union ta sows ac. Official bid prices by Overbeck. Starr A tmote mmpsnyi Belmont ,.s..,,$S.S7tt Ophkr . .... Mexican . .. Caledonia , Exchequer , NorcroHS . . Oold Crown tlrest Bend ...$2Sf i$ .30' ... .33 ... .10 ... LOT vean twy ....Ml .11 Golden Anchor. J .40 Home . .10 7 J Ira Butler .. 1.0714 kiscNsmera .. ..200 .. 8.80 . ., .33 .. .IS Midway' . ,. Montana ,, lia'wWM se.eaaeeS BUck Butte Eg, .IV .13 MTU North Star nhlo mid Con. Tonopah ICxten, 4.73 Montgomery Mt. Sunset Heeptre Manhattan ' Hurler .Humprey. better Iranny Held Wedgd ... ijtms Stsr . . ., Ot. Bend Eiten. nt. Bend Annex. Crescent .37 n evade Weet Knd ...... 1.KJ .14 .42 .13 .10 .32 JtXA .13 -14 -13 .22 .21 ' .H4 Adume . , Atlanta , Bluebell . Booth SO Columbia Mt.... 1.00 Con. gnarry . ... .21 Inemoudfleld . 30 Mile , Ooldfleld .... . .14 . 1.40 . 3 en . - .12 Jnmla , , Jumbo Btten.. i'nwhoy v jrT lienrer Anneg ,, .2S Keodell ...... Lsrnna Blsrk Bock .., N. r. Consol... Manhattan Coo l.lttle Joe May Flower- . ., Jumping Jack . Red Top Kxtea Mustang .OS .10 A .S3 - .08 .30 .SO .42 .. , .23 .13 .10 .. $no . .71 . 1.40 . 1:30 ; .M . .04 May Oneen . , Mohawk ..... Red Ton , .... Kaailatorm Hlirer Pick ... St. Ivee .20 National Bank Bnll Frog Mln.e JI.1 N era da Oold , Oold Ber .... Trlsngle .31 Bine Bnll ...... ..27 No. star Wonder .2L lou Plllna .20 Pine Nat 24 . 1 . 22 Mi O. Bnll Fmg.. .21 . .2.1 , .OS Stelnwsy Con. CaL Vs. Liverpool Cot toe Market. .Irerpoi.l. Feb. 14. Cotton fnturea . ehwed steady, S In 4 points kVwer. , a ' Kew Terk-Lenden Silver. New York Irk. 14. Bar allrer. SSVa: Lon. Low. Close. I T8Z TO"? T8 78. 4H 4TU 401 40, w " eOtA SOU : 2i4 aJ 1TS8 1T40 , 1160 1T031 OPT 1000 I 1007 1007 - WT 3J soo woe February Shorts Are Sending In OrqVs for Hops to This Market at Ten Cents a Pound Contracts Are Steady at a Higher Figure. BEST STEERS FIRM ill 84,75 TODAY Low Point Is Now th High Fig- ure for Choicest Stocks of Eastern Oregon. ALL LINES ARE FIRMER "iT IN LOCAL STOCKYARDS Boca. Hold Closer to the Top With No Change. In Values Sheep Ar . Firm but SUUonary Other Stock . yard Notes. . Portland mioa Itorkyarda, Feb. 14. Llre- sca . esesipmi Hooa. Oattto. Sheet Today ..................... ItM 60 rto,.(,. S3 50 .,. Veer aao iHi I'rCTloua year 1M . . 43 , aog A better tone than that today ruling In the Portland livretork market would be very hard to find. Every line showa a greater firmness thsn ever, but nrlcea are alreedr at such high llmlta that it wUl be somewhat difficult to put them up. -Thla m true eeneclallv rn the hoe? market. although- some Interests are ef the opinion that the market will ahow a. higher trk at ao distant date. Today's price for beet hoes rules between $7.23 and $7.50. hut tha latter price Is the one obtalaed la most Instances. 8 rant trangUta Cattle. -A greater degree of etreturth Is today showa la tba cattle market and best Steers are firm er at $4.75 rut. This Is practically aa ad vance of SSe the or h-e beta mo Ted up that amount from the sow point. Cows and heifers do not arrive) la very good condition at thla tlma ef the year and the lately advanced quota. Hons la that Una cannot be maintained at the top. - . .. Kbeep are firm for the few arrivals coaling. Prlcea are held within former limits. A year ago: Nominal arrivals with all prlcea maintained St tba sharp advance of the proTloue day. . ' - ttrnctai uveetorB snrer! - - Hoge Beat eastern Oregon, IT 284tT.nO: stock- era and feeders, $9 73; China fata, $3.73, - Cattle - Beet eastern Oregon steers, $4.78; best cows and heifers. $.1.30)3.78; Blockers and feedera. 3.1,75: bulla, $2.30. - Bheep M lied, 3 V, U 3 5irilwr ewee, SHei lamba. oatidc. mi. wethofs. $HCc; EASTERN LIVESTOCK Hogs Ar 10c Lower In iChlca(ro : Others I Are Firm. " . Chicago, Feb. 14. Livestock receipts: . .... . Hogs. Cattle. Sheen. Chicago ..23.000" - B.btiO 14.000 Kanaaa City ,V...........ll.ono : fi.ois) B.OOO Omsba S.000 2,000 $.BtW luge are 10c lower, with 12.000 left ever. Receipts a year age were 28.000. Prices: Mixed, $; good. 37.0BCT 17H; rough and heavy, $,8Bf -M; light, $A.86if T.l. . .. .' Celtic Strong. . Sheen Steady. . ' H NEW YORK ' STOCK MARKET General Decline la Values Today Money Is'Up. " T - ' KET LOSSES. Amalgamated ..... 1M, Oreat rtorthera. . . . I Car A Foundry A i Mo, Faetric x, Nstlooal Lead .... lS'N. V. Central. ..... m,: Nor there Paclfle,.. 1 locomotive Sngsr Smelter .... Anscouda ' Atchison ... Baltimore Brooklyn ... Canadian ... St. Paul ... Chesapeake . Colo. Fuel .. Erie Wabash, pfd BSi Pennsylvania Heading IS Republic Steel .... 3, Rock Island 1 4ooihern Pacific... ta!4nithrra Railway.. talt'Dloa Parlfie VV. S. Steel 'a I do preferred .... 'HI ' There was s general decline In New York stocks today with asoney rates advanced. Official a notations br Overbeck, St.rr- A Cooke company: '" - -- -'- Open. Amalgamated Copper Co..... 114 American Car A Foundry, common. 44 American Car A Foundry, preferred .... Clone. American Cotton oil, common .. American lioeotaonlve, common.. American Sugsr. common American Pmelter, common ..... American smelter, preferred ... , Anaeouria Mining Ce American Woolen, commos ..... Atchison, common Atchison, preferred Baltimore A Ohio, common Bsltlmore Ohle, preferre .... Brooklyn Rapid Transit Csnsdlan Parlfie, common i ,. TS , ..IMtA ..1434 ..115 ..ST .. 3fit. ..104 V .. T3!4 inn , f'entral leather, ronson . Central lather. preferred Chicago dt tireat v, enter n, comroou in Chicago, Milwaukee a Bt. rani Chicago It Northwestern, comas Cbeaapeake Ohio Otlorado Fuel At Iron, common. Colorado Southern, common . . .. Colorado Hon there, 2d pfd , Colorado Southern. 1st pfs .... Peleware A Hudson , Denver A Rio tiraade, common., Denver Bio Oraode, preferred , .isott 1 " ism .. 31 .. SOU 4ft .. 834 " 3B ' " 8T ..214 til ,. .... Tl'4 ,. 81 S3I ..' .... . o .. loOtf Erie, common 87 F.rle, second preferred Erie, flret preferred .............. .... Illinois Central .ii:; lymlsvlMe Nsahvllle .....13314 Manhattan Railway xte.leee Pentrsl Hallway 2S 113 144 24 uiu.n-tinnr4 Tessa, common 41 4tt Planners J...... I()S . Oreat Northern 'Si's Mleaonrl. Kansas jexaa, pin.... i"-n i" Mlaoourt Pacific i... ........ K ! nz-ii T4V4 '72V, .1204 , 12SI era......... 44 vi National Lead ,' Vnek t'entral.. K. Vara Ontario A W cetera Veih American ... .............. . .... S3 Noetheeu Pacific, common ....133W 1M14 f.trie Mali SteanwhlD Ce. ........ .St. ' 34 Pennaylvania-llailway ,, t .v-jjfi I'enpie a aa. i.tani at . ... Pressed Steel t'sr, common 38 . Pressed Steel Car, preferred .... no v nil. Ins 124 v SO so ss.vl - 21 3x14 . 41 Heading, common .I1 Hearting. 2d prererreo Bending. A preferred.'. .... Republic Iron Hteel, common.... SU Republic Iron Steel, preferred... 03 Rock Iiland. common. 27 Bock Island, preferred 'J at tnta a, San Kranctaco. 2d pro. .... St! Ionle A San Franclaeo, lat pfd. dT nt. I xn ta at eininwrwn enmmon. . ' S.1'4 preferred 33 V 33 xj. S34 . S4VJ He. Lamia a southwestern, aMthera 1'. rifle, common Southern Psrlfle. preferred 117 117 Hon t hern Rallwsy, common ....... . 27, 234 Hoot hern Railway, preferred., Tennessee Cost A Iron .... Texsa Pacific 34 Toledo, Mt. Louis A Western, com., .... Toledo, St. I mi Is A Western, pfd.. Cnlon Fsclfle, coinnaoo.... 173V4 I nlted Htstse Rnhber, enmmon.... .... 31 '4 130 2'4 2(1 V4 30 1TB 14 31 1073, 43V4 104 l is4 4 32 V4 22 Vt 4 34 fnited States Bobber, prererreo United Statea Steel Co., common. 43 U 1'nlte.l Ststee Hteel Co., preferred. 103 V4 WalHiah, common .... Wahaah. preferred .... ,,,, Western Union Telegraph.. Wisconsin Central, common W aconaln rentrai. prererreo. Virginia Chemical U Hf T01K COTTOaT aUSSZT. . - Feb. Open. nigh. lee, 14. ., Ml Mil set t,g ... ... SIS ., W73 p2d SIS ("2.1 ., PHI . S3.1 SIS ..Ml M K18 42 , SS ,.. 3X1 SM" MS M ., S14 SM PM S H ., S.-.1 SM P4S ' p.t .. 072 S74 S70 7S .. SMI Be.1 Ml OiO Feb. 13. SOS January Fehrusry March ., April ... Mar .... SIR l SM 1 S43 SM i ' SM , SA3 ! BVI June July .... August . . September October .. B72 I lieceniber 73 i TTTTT " a v- , COLLEGE MEN IN MINES STUDYING DEPARTMENTS (Special Dispatch to The Joerual.) Granite 111U. Or., Fvb. 14. Ten stu dents from the departments of mines of ths Stats university at Kugene, accom panied br Professor TerrllL are u In Urantta Hill camp making; a study of tho mlns and mill. Ths students ars here to sain practical experience and ars atudylns every feature of tho miner's art. from ths lower lever stoper to ths mill amalgamator, Ths 'American Gold Fields management hag given them per mission to so at will Into ths rains and mill and to use the workings as snucb as they deslrs. Ths students ars meet ing their own sxpenses, snd thts trip to ths mines lg tha first of a series that will be taken up by tho mining depart ment of ths college. " tnriTED itatxs orxanrraT boatm. New Turk. Feb. le. Official prlcea: , Data. Bid. Ask. 1064 l log lot ioiii 1014 180 1,40 103i ltlfiW HBVi Twos, registered ".",.". T.;..l Opt. loV4 So eounnn Opt. "fttt Threes, registered Opt. )n de eotiDou Out. KHU. Small bonds 1"24 fours. regUtered 10OT " l"l i do coupon 10i7 101 i Foura. regiatered IM 1-tt do coupon , iVJ6 120 Psnaa-a as. , ..." KttK do coupon .... 104K ntatrlrt of Columbia.... ' 114 if Philippine da luUli Wm hav purchafdtkm PRESCRIPTION BOOKS of th PFVMDER DRUG STORE. 3rd amd it " ... . . -r sTI as Rubber has a standard value, and when you buy a piece of rubber goods of .us we give the largest percentage of rubber in proportion to the price, and guarantee the article to give the best service for the amount expended. We buy often and keep our stock fresh, thereby insuring longest life in the hands of our . customers. CANADIAN MONEY TAKEN AT FULL VALUE ' RUBBER GLOVES. ...... ,'HOT WATER ; u 1.4 gs, 3 a. t f ys ika JEOUNTAiN SYRINGES, : 3-qnart, maroon 0 COMBINATION BAG and SYRINGE ELASnC STOCKINGS FOR ROLLER SKATERS If you have tired or weak joints or muscles, from any cause; an elastic bandage will furnish -support and relief. We sell the goods of C. W. White. Co, the best made. Silk Wristlets ........ f 1.00 Anklets t ........... . $2.00 Knee Caps ...........82.00 Garter Lieirine :x i . $2.00 - , Garter Hose Knee 'Hose Thigh Hose ,. 151 THIRD ST, NEAR X en " I a SKIDMORE d e ' SheEinniai . IT vIS A TAGT -THAT a successful business can .only be attained through honest dealing, prompt service . - and 'indefatigable attention to detail. , " . , ' . . T THAT no permanent success has ever been attained through trickery and aubterfuee. - THAT quality wins first, -.THATthere.are.someJ'ianos much-better than others THAT the Steinway is the THAT it is our policy never to, misrepresent anything, nor allow our salesmen to do so. ' 'THAT; we know thi to be a good policy, because through strict attention to these methods! ; our business is growing rapidly.-----.'.i-v.',"'';;.' . -v , THAT it means a great deal to have our statements about the quality of otrr Pianos fully . ..-. . t T : . , . -- J -oacKa-tip- Dy-tne-r HAT the Pianos you purchase from SHERMAN, CLAY A CO in any of our large stores iin the Pacific Northwest are Ihe highest quality that we, with years of experience in choosing, can buy. - ,, ; ;;v.- , - '-. ; THAT in selecting a Piano you should choose wisely. If you buy at "The House of Qual ' , . ity" you make no mistake. - . ; ". -.--i.- , . . . THAT reliability, honof,: reputation of the firm, and quality, name and workmanship of the ; Piano should be considered. ' : , . -. . ; T- d customer is the best advertisement !n the customer, is thehest advertisement in. the . 'world. .":.: '. . , , THAT thousands of satisfied customers testify to the fact' that ourPianos are good, our business' method square, and our easy-payment plan satisfactory. THAT we are the largest and strongest Piano and Organ House on the Pacific Coast. THAT we are Pacific Coast distributors of Victor Talking "Machines and Records. , STONWAY DEALERS The House of Quality" COR. SIXTH AMD Portland ' .' Seattle ; At School Again. . Allan O. Myers, for years well known as aa Ohio politician and nswspapar man. ta now at ths ass of 6$, a "un dercrad" In Ihs agricultural collets at Ohio stats university. . OSTEOPATHY " TOM A UOTSB TXaOl 012.00 Per Month ! - Klrksvllls Infirma ry of .Ostsopathy, room IS Grand The atre building, Wash ington and Park. Pr. Bommer, grad uate in medicine and ostsopathy and formerly professor at ths 8 till College i' Sh aaff aaaAFaaa t K maaaXl. 71 iwttmn t c-, Z. waw oring yrurrrwicrtpTiOnTo u ro naom Our Specials lor This Week Are: ...... ...... 44e 'aad 66c r ' T ; . Regular. "" Special. BAGS. . I9-. 3-quart, white...... .......... FOUNTAIN SYRINGES, CI OC rn..rt ' t1Ur 9Ut0 tJvn i tHfl'"tf1'f''' a-- , $2.25 !.BA,.....:; ,...$2.00 Sheeting, i r 3.00 eral line of Requisites, t- , . 5.00 ...... . .$10.00 uanuages, MORRISON last and .always..'. .. ,'V. DRUG world's standard of piano excellence. , lartos - tnernseiTes; - K (lay & Co. MORRISON STREETS,. OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE - Tamoma , Everett '"r v. Bellingham Spokane TKAXSrOIlTATIOX. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Dsloa Depot lew re, aVMtva. Foe aiari.ia. Ealater, Cla te kaala, VV eatport, CUttoa. ae- ( torta, eVarrentoa, Fiavel, Uammoad, Fart fieveaa, OeaJ- 1 hart Pack. SoasAie SiO est lliHM Sstorta aad Seaabers. sapreas . dally fiOOaaa :$$ All trains dally. f. ft 344 TO, 0. F. snd P. 'A., Aewjrin. Or. 0. A. STS W ART, lommaraatl Agwat. S4g Aides street. Pheae Mala Sud. Worth Pacific iS.Co.Y STEAMSHIP ROAHOKE Sails for Eureka, Ban Frencieou and Lrs Angslss TUKSDAT. FEBRUARY it.-at i p.-m. S, i GEO. V. ELDER. Sails TTJE8DAT. FEBRUART 1. at p. m. Ticket offlcs ltl Third Bt. near Aider. ', Phons it 1114. ,. M. TOtrsTw, Agwat, xnim rmjiuma. . . . , . vvv QCf JtJV . $1,63 ?L44 G00DS OCR 'RUDDER ARTICLES ARE TOO ND1IER0US TO UENnOS Air Cushions. Invalid Bed Rings, Rubber Urinals, Stomach Tubes, Rubber Drinking Cups, Rubber Tubintr, all sizes: Rubber Rubber Diapers, Rubber Com- TJ t n.Ai o o - eel piexion jsrusnes, xvuoDcr oponges, opongc Bags. '..,"',.... . --"" i Special- mention may-be made of our getr-X- Atomizers, Bulb Syringes, Baby X Complexion Bulbs, Bands and . . ... ...e. etc. ; v - - RALPH CRYSLER, Prop. m ;". 'X.v .' " .The Housa of Quality" CO. HMtn l-U. won. ei ia-iuu .. r.. ..t., a 1" J.