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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1907)
THE OIvEGOII SUNDAY.. JOUr.IJAL, FOITLAND, . SUNDAY LIOXHIKG, FEBRUARY 13. 1SC7. MSilli Selling Records WtfW GIMfiESf 5 MS We Capture Mblber Sloclt and IPs the Greatest Yet 1 Mm WPJW lui-Jiiijir 50,000 yards of finest $1 to $2 silks at 49c The entire surplus stock of Strahn CSi Hammond the .well-known New York importers, captured at 38c on the dollar--Its a silk sensation "of importance to every woman in Portland--Silks were never;sold so cheap be foreSilks of all kinds, plain, fancy and novelty silks, black and colors all $1 and $2 qualities, 'and some worth even to $2.50 all go afithe one price of 49c a yard for your choice and pick of the best j..c,;' SEX THE. MONSTE.R WINDOW Six of our great wiridows--the entire .Third and Yamhill cof ner; completely filled with silks. ItV a sight worth coming miles to see and weU worth a trip down town today just to get posted, on the immensity of the bargains- ; . y .' 7 T P0HTHI1D5 fll7: BEPMTIIEIlf STORE 20 Extra Salespeople to Wait on the Crowds Apply before 8 tomorrow morning to Superintendent. , Makes no difference whether you have experience or not, as every one can sell silks at this price, but, of course, preference will be given to experienced people. - v: ';? At 8 tomorrow morning the selling commences and continues until every yard in this monster purchase is disposed of, and we especially Invite other stores customers and those who are not familiar with the sensational doings that are a part of this store to attend the sale, for at he price this stock will be sold at we ought to sell every yard of silk bought in Portland for the next ten days. Never before, probably never again so stupendous and reckless ""a slaughter a sale" so" great as "to" be almost' beyond belief . ButcomerancNee f oryourstlf the" bargains"are everi"greaterthan advertised, . ... anrl tm mattM how rrreat vour txnectations wa rwomise thev will he more than realized. yy , . . y ( - ; - ,;-: , ; ; - These are but a few of the thousands of bar gains. Just read the list was there ever big ger, . greater or more , sensational bargains? Yard wide black Taffeta, worth up to $2.00 yard. :r.r.r.rr.7. $1 to $2 Fancy Pongee Silks, Afn black and all colors. . .' -Black and coIored24-4nchPeauQ A de Soies, worth to-$200 ;Tr.2f V JReg. $1.5pand $2 black Ob-Qrr erty Silks and Satins, yard . . . "r 27 to 36-inch white and colored Of., Jap Silks, worth $1.50 yard... Best ed Peau 24 . to . 27-inch . black . Satin Duchess, worth $1.50 yard. . . And silks of every other kind till you can't rest, but come and see for yourself. At 8 tomorrow the selling begins, and you. want to be here. imported $1 to $2 import An 'eau de Cygnes, yard.. .""!!. 49c i Black and -Colored; Plains, Fancies and Novelty Silks of Every Kind :1. ; ' y- t y Y . - ' .- - :: ; 'V VV. .-.Y. "t-y- , ' Y' 'y . , Y Y ' ' Y. : -v. :" . ' . Y11 Y- : . mMis Wortfe $1 and Up to 12 arid $2.50 a Yard The. finest of Imported silks for waists, dresses; trimmings, underwear and every other purpose. The best and finest silks you ever saw, -' - all pure silk, full pieces and mill ends 1 to 20-yard lengths, all at 49 for choice 300 yards fine Yard wide all pure silK black taffetas . . $1,50 and $2 fancy plaids, dotted and striped n 27-incK pongee silks -24 and 27 inch, all 3ilk peau de soie 24-inch, crepe de cliine-rBlack and colored LibertyJsatiii 24bJ56dnclfinestJapnks27!d Black shtin Duchess Twilled Indias and lO O other kinds Its at once a silk sale of the greatest magnitudejindjthejralues areso extraordinary that the store should be packed when the doors open at 8 tomorrow morning and no one who values money or who will have a silk want to suppjyln the nexTyeafcah afford to miss this the most stupenduous sacrifice Portland has ever known-!-Silks of every kind for every imaginable use is here in endless variety new perfect goods the entire surplus stock of Strahn & Hammond is thrown, out in the sacrifice and for every dollar you spend you get two, three and four times your money's worth See them in the windows, view the great display more kinds and more styles than you ever saw before at once at 8 tomorrow morning the greatest of all great silk selling events begins all in one great lot choos6 the best pick out the finest ojf $2.50 novelty and flowered silks or choose yard wide black taffetas it's all the same The whole entire purchase goes at the one priced-choice 49c yard. , ; :': 77':."" '"T "" "... .7,-;;'' ' ',. " " -: -: - COME DOWN TODAY AND SEE IDE GREAT WINDOW DISPLAY r And just as you see the silks in the. window so theywill be sokj in the store, and "here's where we're different from v, all other stores any piece that's in the' window wilf betaken"but for you if you want it; ; ' SALE BEGINS M0M)AY KOIftTCG . AT8 0aOCK F.1AY LEAVE A FEW OF CREW HERE Japanese Steamer Hat a Small -! Army of Sailort on '' . -' . . Board. i - COULD GET ALONG WELL WITH HALF THE NUMBER ImmlgraUoa Inapectora Wan Cp- tain Aalniit Allowing Men to D aert. Although He Can Le Them Go by Paying $2 Per ITead. ' Not Vic th North Grmn Lloyd tralnlnc ahlp Hroln Cecilia aa her everal yara ago baa thara bn a voa pvl in thla harbor with aa lira a craw an. tha Japaneaa . atamr Kotohlra Mru which arrtad Friday ntght from jUomran via Ballnaa Cma. All told ah 'carrlea II man,, althounh an arartri rraw for a vaaal of har dlmenniona If about 40. . Tha Kotohlra Mara U oMcrd an4 manned hjr Japaneaa, throushout. The captain la a little brown tna and ao are the enlnera. He hea been warned by tba Immlfratlon offlclnla not to let hi nan escape, but avea if b did It would only coat him a Una of II a head. So far none of tha man haJ escaped, but it quit positbla that halt Of th larva craw will be found wanting when tha freighter la ready to atart for homo with her Xlour cargo) tor which aha ostensibly cam here. Tha steamer could aaally get back to Japan with half tha nnmber of aallor and Jlrotnan that war brought hare and thla la glTlng tha Immigration offlnera causa to watch tha crew closely. They are unabla to prevent thara from going eshora or ataylng ashore, howerer, un less tha captain poata thara aa deaertera and aaka to have them arrested and re turned to 'the ahlp. . In place of doing thla he ca almply pay tha II One and return to hls,ntle land with lees men to fead and pay. 1 Tha Kotohlra Maru brought ISO Japaneaa laborera from Mororsn to Ballnaa Cnii In addition to tha large crew. The manifest .ahows t it among tha men brought here ara Jo cooks. 10 cabin boya and a number of steward s asslstanta, While their aerrloea ware much In need coming east thara will be little for them to do going west, alneej there will be no hungry Immi grants to look after, and hence tbay can aaally be spared. Tha Japanese steamers Bhlbata Mara and Ooto Maru, which sejjed hence dur ing tha past two months after having ttlled their holda with breadstuffs. de- a btxtox nr ma Will sure nine. So will a bottle of Ballard's Horehnnnd flyrub always kept on hand aava many a spell of slcknaea. A sure cure for Coughs, Cold. Uron (aills and Whooping Cough. Mrs. 8, H"i Springe, Ark,, yrttear - "l keep a bottle of imllerd'a Horehound Pyrup In my medicine" cheat, and thank my forethought many times. It hea pre vented mnny severe e pell a of atcknesA" So.u by ell druggists. , , parted with much decreased crews and for that re aeon tha Immigration offi cials will check up Very cloaely before tha Kotohlra Mant- I - permitted t leava. Thla will glva thara a chance to at leaat gat tha 11 head tax for every foreign aallor left here. . , GETS FUEL AT- LAST .", . v": ' Oriental. Liner Xloomodla Will Bail Monday Morning. ' ' The oriental liner Klcomedla will aall for China and Japan tomorrow morn ing. Bha haa bean lying Idle for several days In the harbor becausa of being ahort of fuel, bat tha Portland Aaiatlo Steamahlp company succeeded yesterday In getting 100 tops front Ta coma over the Northern Pacific. 1 Tha Klcomedla carrlea a valuable cargo, Including about tO.OOO barrels of flour. . Bha carrlea some machinery and general merchandise, Down deep In the hold la also atowed away a casket eon tatnlng tha remain of Lea Lung, a Chinese who died hera eorae tlm ago. - There la a 'probability of tha old ratea on wheat and flour to tha orient being charged again, beginning Juno. V. A cut of 11 per ton was made last fall to meat tha Japaneaa competition, . . , 1 AMONG THE COASTERS . Steamer , Roanoke) Arrive and th i Columbia Drparta. f Tha North Paciflo Steamship com. pany'a steamer Roanoke, Captain Dun hamv arrived In the harbor at i o'clock Inst night front Port Iia Angolea tit Han Francisco and Eureka. Hhe brought 111 paaaengera and 100 tona of freight, Captain Dunham report a fine voyage. The (team -. nchooner Yesemll waa apoken off tha month of tha river bound' for one of tha mill on tha lower Columbia. -', The Herrtman liner Columbia, aallad for Ban Francisco la at : night at o'clock, an hour lata.' Bha waa filled to tha hatches with freight and har paa- aenger list was fair. . Longshoremen went to work dis charging freight from tha Roanoke last night., it being tha Intention to here her get away for tha south next Tuea- day night. . r ALONG THE WATERFRONT Tha steamer Ban Mateo cleared for San Pedro last bight with 1,100,000 feet of lumber. Tha eteam achooner Jim Tit tier la at tha wharf of tha Willamette Iron Worka having her machinery overhauled.- Tba Butler la a new craft and tha machinery will be adjusted, now that It haa worked down to a smooth surface. The shipyards about tha city aspect to resume operatlona tomorrow morn. Ing. when tha water will have fallen sufficiently tu permit tha workmen to reach tha wa'ys, ' - The eteam schooner Northland la at tha Bupple wharf on tha aast side of tha river and will remain there until able to get through tha Madison bridge draw. Bha la ander charter to load lumber at the mills of iaman. Poulaea and company for Ban Francisco. ' The British- steamer Agapanthua la duo to arrive hero today aometlme. Bhe come under charter to the Paciflo K port Lumber company to load for the orient. The French bfcrk Warechael de Vlllara will arrlvw at Mersey dock thla morning with a general cargo from Kuropa. Bhe left up yesterday but made alow prog ress agalnat the heavy current. , The French bark .Vlncennea,. which waa chartered Friday to load at Glaa- gow for thla port., will aall about June I and arrive hero early In tha fall. MARINE NOTES" ' Aatoiia, Feb. . Arrived at T:00 and left up at 1:11 a. ataamar Roanoke from Ban - - Francisco and way porta. Balled at ?:10 p. m French bark Bay ard for United Kingdom for orders. Ar rived down- at 7:49 and sailed at 1:10 a. m.. gtoamer Charlee Nelann'for 8an Pedro. Balled at 1:10 a. m French bark Noeml for United Kingdom for ordera. Arrived at 1.00 a. m.. Brltlah ateamer Agapanthua from Comni, B. C Arrived at 1:14 a. ra ateamer J. B. Stetson from Ban Francisco. Balled at IrSO a. rrv, German ateamer Aragonla for Hong Kong and way porta.' Arrived at 11:40 a. m.. British ahlp Tola from Antwerp. Balled at 1I:1K p. m, Brlgenttno Lur line fo 6an Francisco. Arrived down at I p. m.. ateamer Maverick. Ran "Francisco, Feb . . Arrived. Bteamer Johan Poulaen from Portland. Balled. Barkentlna Makawell for Column bla river. Sailed last night, steamers Aurelta, tetania aad South Bay for Portland. Arrived at - 10:10 a. m ateamer CaaoaUa front Portland. Ban Pedro, Feb. I. Arrived, schooner Balboa from Astoria. ' aialng From tha Orave. Fertwell, of I.ucama, N. C. relates a most remarkable experience. He says: "After tnklnar less then tHr Imtt1a Klectrlo Bitters, I feel like one rlelng from the grave. My trouble la Bright a dleeaae. In the Dlnbetea atnge. I fully it-nr- r.iwiiriu xniiers wiii cure me rermananUy. for It has already stopped he liver and bladder complication bklrtk W.wa . ma r . . . . .. Ouarnnted at Bed Cross Pharmacy. i nn vaif, swuk CLEARS FIVE THOUSAND IH - LESS -THAN VEEK asBBBsaaaMeaaaaaaaal sBaasi aaaa Ready Sale of Alder Street Prop t erty Shows Activity pf : ' the Market. . " T. M. Baldwin. William Wanrwatlar and Albert Wuraweller, eastern Oregon capitalists, - purchased yesterday from Dr. XX W. Cornellua tha lot fronting 110 feat on Alder street and. 10 feet' on Fourteenth, for 111,009, ' Thla la . tha aama holding that waa bought by Dr. Cornellua earlier In the weak for 140,000. and la located arroaa Fourteenth street from the high school building. ,' i. Wright A Dickinson, proprietors of tha Oregon hotel, purchased yesterday from Carlson 4 Kailstrom tha lot at tha corner of Fifth and Couch streets known a the "Uacl 8am hotol" for 117.100. Whll tha property doean't pay a satisfactory rat of Interest on the Investment, the purrhasera acquired It aa a permanent Inveatment, and will later cover the piece with aubntantlal Improvements. M. C. Dickinson has sold his hotel at Belllngham to Captain J. L. Byron, the owner of the hotel building, and will hereafter devote his entire time to his Portland Interests. A. H. Blrrell sold during the week several valuable resilience eltca, among them being tha qusrter block at the southwest corner of Taenty-sncond en l ThurmSn streets, to K Htcin . ft ; a 11-room hmisw nti.l lt at 4'1 1 tt Twnty-ti.ir4 sir. ft to lira. fc.u.l t.ui- ehette for $4,000; No, 114 Eaat Thirty fourth street to Mra. W. B. orant. and tha southwest corner of Enat Ninth and Harrlaon to Mra. Mirth If rtn fV Tha fractional lot at the northuit corner of Fourth and Market street a haa been aold by F. O. Northrop & Co. to a local lnveetor for tlO.00. The kit la occupied by a good substantial two story apartment-house. R, L. Lampaoa haa purchased tha res idence at tha southwest corner of Yam hill and Seventeenth streets front C A. Cogswell for t.000. The sal waa ne gotiated by F. Cs Northrup and tha Hart Land Co., - PORTSMOUTH GRADUATES GIVEN A RECEPTION Tha February graduatea of tha Forts mouth Qrsmmar achoot were given a pleasant; reception by the school alumni laat Friday evening. Tha members of the class are; B'esl Walton. Hatiie Hilton, Uermonde Ketchum, Lora Tyn dal. Lucy Love, Nellie Cochran. 11 Stephens, Margaret McKenna, Au.t -t Woolery, Fred TarHe)on. K-iwanl Olegar, Fsy Duley. Carl Hen'-hf lH'h-rt Harris. Paul Cochran and C!yl tu eon. Tha alumni present were: M Jeaale Tyndul, Roie Cate. l.orn - . ... dnl, Nvlllo White, Hr-lcri fni-v. . i Lewis, Kosie (llbbe, Imwn -Nri, I i Hranl, Orce M !! . M.. . Iwnnl. Walkf-r ivo .. i, . Orover Vusiv, A t ! - . P.:il'h M i?.-h. 1. N - -. l'l'if nr en 1 ' ' " '!r ft hi t 1 I i 1 r