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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNINQ, FEBRUARY 10. 1007. JIUIILAUD COATS TO THE DALLES Citizens Jubilate Over Reopening of River After Embargo , Weeks Long Strain brings first .--- MAIL IN WHOLE WEEK However,' It Can Go Eut No Farther - at Present-Eastern Oregon's Re tiring Hopea of Release Tempo 9 raHl Deferred. (SoeHal ftl.n. trK t- TV. Jnnnial.V ' The Dallas. Or.. Feb. I. A train from Portland arrived In thl city last night at bringing papers and mail. This was tha first malt from tha west for a "week. Peopla her were entirely iso- I - passengers are Mill here who oame through uat night, aa there are waah. outs east of here and brldces are a one. Tha tea la nearly out and the river la . cisar-oppoelts the city, though lodged " two ml lea below. There la no Chinook - but tha temperature la mild and the . anew la melting- and the river la rising. , . Tha ateamera Dallas City and Kellogg : arrived at this city at 4 o'clock this afternoon. Therlvela. .now -clear, of Joe and tha ertlsena are jubilant over ,'the opening- xt tha river. It having; been - closed longer than for 14 yeara. The Dalles City carried a full paasenger Uat ' and freight Tha Kellog landed euppllet . for the north bank railroad contractors. NEW TROUBLE EAST 'o Tralna From West at Pendleton . . for a Week, and No Mail. i- (Special Dispatch te Tee JoaraeL) Pendleton, Or., Feb.. . New trouble was experienced with Washouts between here and Arlington today. No trains ' from the weet have yet arrived. One Is expected Sunday- morning. It -" la not .known if It will be a mall train. ' Through tickets are now being sold to f "Portland from tbla point. . and there are . -"hopes of getting through soon, r' Many daaaea of supplies are being re " duced to a low limit In Pendleton. - If " ths tleup continues many days longer an .emergency order will have to be made ''for certain lines of groceries and sup- -"jiltes.--: - : h .- '. It la estimated that 1,900 men are work Ing to lift the blockade between here and Portland, besides hundreds on tha Waah- - tng-ton division, where the washouts are ' bad. There are no trains Into the state of Washington - from here. . Hundreds - are still waiting te go there. It Is the worst blockade since the early history of , eastern Oregon and Washington. 8hlp . ments of cattle and wheat cannot go . out, while mills are closing down for runt of cars."- - - : j TRANSCONTINENTAL GRIEF ' Both Northern Lines Piled High Yy '- Paaseng-er Have Feet Frozen ISeeelal Dtssaick te The Joareel.r ' t Seattle. Feb. . Seven trenacootlnen. Vital trains, three to seven days tatev ar Tina mvnn nuraiint bd -f vciuc this morning over the Northern Pacific '- snow slides have tied up traffic more severely than- at en y previous time In "", that road's history. - - - - The Great Northern overland service la still In a state of suspended anima tion In the Cascades. It will possibly be a week before trains can be got through over that road. , Northern Paclflo passengers tell of considerable hardships. A great many suffer from frosen feet. One will have to undergo - amputation. ' Food became scarce also. . The sit me conditions prevailed on the Great Northern, .Efforts- are being made to get food through te the stalled trains to keep paaeengers from want. Tha Northern Paolfle Is the first te recover, largely due to the assistance of the Burlington. The Canadian Paclflo has managed to keep the road open, but trafflo la about three days lat. how i;ev co::;.iissio;ier's - B RO 0:.l : 17ILL SWEEP Judge Ballinger Tells How He ' Proposes to Conduct Land 'i-" Office Affairs. f x -:, r (Specie! Dispatch te Tbe JfoarnaL) Seattle, Feb. . On the eve of his de parture for Washington. D. C, tomor row to assume the offlce of commis sioner of the general land office. Judge It. A. Bellinger, a future cabinet pos sibility, . announced his plans ' for the conduct of the pension office, . He ex pects to do much field work, and wiy be at all reeervatlon and land openings, , "I .will." he declared,- "reoognlss neither friend nor ' foe, I will shrink from no task, and neither political, financial 'nor other standing, of sus pected persons will cut any figure with me. , The policy- of the prealdent In ridding .-.the. puhllo - servloe t land thieves, perjurers and procurers Of false testimony will- be followed out with all the strength at my command. Judge Ballinger was formerly su perior court Judge of Jefferson -county, but has lived here since 18(7. He was mayor of. Seattle In 1(04 and MOB. and la the author of "Bellinger's Washing ton .Code.'"' -i (!- :t. Charcoal Stops Gas On Your Stomach ondrrful Absorbing Power of Char coal When Taken In the Form of. Stuart's Charcoal Losenges. I and c i"ee4e dl I g(T Charcoal, para,' simple charcoal,., ab , snrba, 140 times Its own volume of gas. -Where doea the aaa ga to I It la Just absorbed and there la left a pure, fresh, sweet atmosphere, free from all 1m ' .purities and germs. . V That's whAt happens In your stomach Twhen yon take one or two of fltnsrrs Charcoal Losengea, the most powerful purifiers science has yet discovered. Tou belch 'gas In company, some times, by aoclrtent, greatly to yonr own : humiliation. That Is because there Is a ' great, amount of gas being formed In 'your stomach by fermenting food. Tour . .stomach Is not digesting your food prop .erly. Oaa Is Inevitable.. Whenever this happens, lust take one Or two of Btu- 'art's Charcoal Losengea right after eat ing, and yon will be surprised bow quickly they will act No more belch ings: no more sour . risings. Eat all 'yon want and what yen want and then If there Is any gas going ta be formed, one of thee wonderful little absorbers, ' a Stuart Charcoal Loacnge, will take care of ail the gaa- And It will do more than that Every particle of Impurity In your stomach " and Intestines Is going to be carried away by the charcoal. No one seems to know Why It ooes mis, om n ones, and does It wonderfully. Ton notice e difference In your appetite, general feeling, and In the purity of your blood.-right sway. - Tou'U have no more bad taste In your mouth or bad breath, either from drink ing, eating or smoking. Other people will notice ydnr bad breath quicker than yon will yourself. Make - your breath pure, fresh and sweet so when yon talk to others yon wont disgust them. Just -one or two Stuart Charcoal Ixfcengee tm make your breath sweet and make you feel, better all over' for It. Tou can eat all tha onions and odorous foods yjro want " " one can tell the difference. . - Besides, charcoal Is tha beet lartflve known. Ton can take a whole boxful and no harm will result' It la a won derfully easy regulator. And then. too. It filters your blood every particle of poison or Impurity In your blood la destroyed, end you begin to notice the dlffeience In your face first thing your clear complexion. x Stuart's Charcoal toaengee are made from pure willow charcoal, and just a little honey Is put In to make them pal atsbla. but not too sweet They will work wonders la ynur stomach.' and make yon feel fine and fresh. Tour blood and breath will be , purified. we want to prove ell this to you. so lust send for a .tree sample today. Then after yongt it and use It yon will like thernjeo well that yon will go to ynur druggist end get " a ISo boa of the 8tusrt's Charcoal Losnsea Send US'" your name and address to day and we will at once send yon by mall a sample package free, Addreee F. A. Stuart Co., 14 Stuart Building, Marshall, Mlohlgaa. , SOUTH DAKOTA GOVERNOR DREW MONEY ILLEGALLY (Psbllsbers Frees by Special teased ' Wire.) Pierre,. S. D., Feb. 9. The Joint In vestigating committee of the legisla ture today, reported , that former Gov ernors Jtierreld and JSlroa have arawn several thousand dollars by means of a contingent' fund eatabllehed In direct conflict with the state constitution. In Oovernor Crawford's Inaugural message be. pointed this l out and declared he would Instruct lhe attorney general to have this money returned to the state treesury.-- --- Herreld la said to have taken II.tlT and Elrod IMOO. P. J. Rogde. attorney for the state railway commission. It la charged, drew St.Osi which be helped to appropriate as a member of the legisla ture in 18t. and being barred by tne constitution from such employment by reason of such membership. - D. C. Rtcker, as warehouse Inspector, drew 11.417 under aa office Illegally ereated by the railway commission, and contrary to law. The scope of this in vestigating committee - embraces not only state Officials, but United States senators and congressmen from this state. Congressman Martin wired to day that lie would appear to answer any charges sgatnst his official actions In congress. . .-. -', TERRITORIAL EMPLOYES - LOSE THEIR POSITIONS ,t- i'. '.. i in '' ft (PabHeherr- Frees by Special Leased Wire.) Hunts re, N. M Feb, t. After a Joint caucus of both houses) of the legis lature In session here, 17 , of tha ti employes on the payroll were dis charged summarily today and are being paid off. The young millionaire governor, Ha gerraan, vetoed -the payroll resolution yesterday on tha groundethat tha terri torial eecretary should draw the money, pay off employes and keep a record of the payroll for reference of the public instead of having . the . territorial war rants made payable to the president of the council and speaker of tbe bouse, Tha legislature- promptly passed - the payroll over the governor's veto. The discharge of the employes, which was advocated by Hagerman, resulted fli.OOS appropriated authorised . In Washington for sxtre employes and contingent expenses could not be ex ceeded by additional Appropriation. The legislature also paased an . additional payroll appropriating nearly 12.004 for employes for "five days which has not yet reached Ilagarman's aft lea. . ; . . PAUSE TO ADL1IRE PORTUDD Puget Sound Excursionists on ' Way to California Welcomed by Commercial Club. WARI-vT FELICITATIONS ARE EXCHANGED Secretary ; of . Tacoma Chamber . of - Commerce .Acknowledge Thrre ' Portland Men Years - Ago Deter mined Upon Name of Tacoma.' ALDRICH STRIVING TO . RATIFY NEW TREATY (hbUaaers Frees by Bpeetel Lasses Wire.) Washington, Feb. .Senator .Uriah Is exerting all possible pressure upon Senator Baoon to have, tha latter with draw his opposition to the ratification of tbe Santa Domingo treaty. He has taken a poll of the sonata It Is said there Is mora than necessary two-thirds Republican votes. The Republican lead er wlehee to avoid aa extra session of the senate, which - the president has said he will call If tha treaty Is not ratified at this session. Aldrloh lias no Idea that tha president will be abls to send to the senate this seeslon or at aa extra seeslon -a new - Japanese treaty. 1 ' . . ; ' , . MONEY MURDER CASE GOES TO THE JURY ( ere Press bf Bpeetel Leased Wire.) Oreenwood, Mlsa Feb. t. Tha case of J. D. Monsy Jr., charged with the murder of J. D. Henderson, was given to ths Jury Just before midnight after having been on trial during tha week. There la no probability of tha verdict being rendered until Monday. The ease has caused considerable In terest owing to the prominence of the parties and the etrcumstancee surround ing the killing of Henderson. Toung Money la It years old and a nephew of United States Senator Money and a cou sin of Oovernor Yards man, while Hen derson left a large and prominent family connection. . - MILD WEATHER REVEALS : SLAUGHTER OF ANIMALS t (FaMtabers Frees or Special Leaeed Wire.) Winnipeg. Man, Feb. . Mild weath er which baa at last come ta tha great Canadian northwest has caused the snow - to rapidly disappear from the cattle ranges,' revealing through the bringing to light of carcasses of dead animals the awful havoc wrought te the stock Industry by the' terrible cold and unusually severe storms of the past winter. From all Indications thou sands of cattle perished. The danger Is far from ever, as there Is a great scarc ity of food on the ranges It la feared that '.thousands of animals that sur vived the sold will now die of starva tion. ',:,' It was Washington day, at the Fort land Commercial club yeeterday. A delegation from- the Washington legis lature attended two sessions during the day with members of the Oregon legis lature and representatives of Portland commercial bodies to consldsr ways and means of assisting tha federal govern ment la ppenlng the upper Columbia. In the evening the club . entertained about IIS Washington people on the way to southern California on a pleas ure and promotion, trip. The evening function was one of the most notable since the people of the two states fraternised at the .Lewis and Clark exposition. Oovernor Chamber lain. MayoT-tAns-and- Preslduut- CW; Hod son of tbe club made welcoming addresses, and there were many happy responses from , the Tacoma and 6eat tie delegations. Refreshments - were served, and the young peopla whlled away an hour in dancing until It was time to leave Portland, on their special train for the south. ", Welcomed by overtM. "".". " . Tha governor gave ths visitors ' a warm welcome, and spoke of ths many ties of friendship' and commercial - In terests that bind the states of Washing ton and Oregon In a oommon union. Ha spoke enthusiastically , of tha com ing exposition at Seattle. , Mayor Lane delivered the keys of the city 4a a characteristic tallt and made every one feel that a real friendship existed between. the people-who reside on-tha opposite aides of the Columbia river.- He predicted that tha Seattle exposition- would do great good for -the northwest . - . Colonel Tlteuia of Waahlnaton. respond ing on behalf of the excursionists, said he had never seen a mora magnificent panorama - than they witnessed - today from Portland Heights. Ha paid a glow ing, tribute to Portland and Its sur roundings. He eulogised ths lata Sen ator John Mitchell, who, ho said, had en Joyed the friendship of many people In Washington, and, regardless of party considerations,' had done great" good for the northwest country. He said all the Paclflo coast states, having Immense In terests In oommon. should stand should er to shoulder In every movement that la calculated to make for the develop ment of the states of Washington, Ore gon and Idaho. There Is plenty, for all, and It ta only necessary for each to do its part in. tha upbuilding f the Pacific em pire. .. . ...-.,, . . j. Admiration of rOrtlaaaV ; v. I W. Pratt secretary of the Tacoma chamber of commeroe, waa Introduced as tha father otjhe excursion. He said: "It does me good to come to Portland. I bava been here before and have ax pressed myself In this club. I want to express now my esteem, respect and ad miration not only for tha beautiful elty and Its natural advantages, but for the broad minds and willing hands of Its business men. ' A Portland man. who set out on horse back to found a new city, located one on Commencement bay, and tnree men who met fa a room la -the. First Na tional bank of Portland named tha new ly founded olty Tacoma. Portland capi tal has aver been liberal In developing the railroads, flouring Industry and banking Interests of Tacoma." ir-ajrt rears Throngn Oregon. -Tom Richardson oloeed tha program with a short talk on the subject of the California, excursion. He acknowledged the eompllment paid by Mr. Pratt who said ths people of Wsshlngton had taken op the exourshon project as ths result of an axample set by Portland's California excursion organised by Mr. Klohardaon, The speaker said there was ana gratFl fylng feature of the Washington party's mission to the south, namely, that if they induced people down there to come to tha northwest the - newcomers must of necessity first pass 'through Oregon, and would necessarily sea Portland. Valentines gL Taleatane's Say win aooa be here. Upmaa-Wolfes are showlag ' the prettt est . alentUes In town. Tons eppor tranlty for first caoloe SPRINQ STYLES BUTTERICK PATTERNS 10c AND 15c liNsa Good Merchandise) Onljr Quality Considered Our Prices Are Always the Lowest. Wash' Stuffs Wew gprlng lOT waah atu3s ars now on d lev's., wbb;h for extreme SalBkiness - and novelty . task with lbs best sver F reseated, by this -store. Jill Clearance of Fancy Tailored $24 Suits and Reception Gowns 7 ? FQrty Swell, New and Charming Fancy Tailored Suits J .1 and Silk Reception Gowns Sold Kegularly at $60, toJOO $73, $80, $90 and $100--Only One oi a Kind , This is our Annual Clearance, oi highest grade Women's Apparel told regularly to $100 at one price so low that our figures are in many cases less than half the cost oi ma terials alone. The making always the biggest item in this class p costume is not counted at all. These are not ordinary shop-made garments, which you can tell as far as you can see them, but exquUite hand-toilored creations of style and beauty. There are Reception Gowns of Black Messaline Silk and Lace, Black HIflonaffetrnd Lace etc, and elaborately made Suits and D resses . for both street and evenings wear. The Reception Oowns are made of Black Messaline Silk, Chiffon, Taffeta arid Parmenticr Silk. trimmed with rare and costly laces, imported braiia"snd chiffons. The suits are mads in nu merous individual effects, the colors including pearl fray, Alice, sage green, reseda, Seville brown. pale blue,-champagne,- London amoker-atc Tha jnateriala are Voilcs Peine d'Henrictta, Chif fon Taffeta, Imported Panama, French Serge, Imported Venetian and Imported Broadcloth. The trim- roings are most exclusive and novel. Each suit ientire ly distinct and exclusive In style. The skirts are works of art and display all the latest wrinkles peculiar to tip-to-date skirtbuilding. For one day only IMPORTANT Nona on sale until 10 o'clock. Sale for Monday only. None reserved, none sent ' , by mail and none C, O. D. 'at this senaationally low price. Be on hand promptly. ; " $24.75 $24.75 Millinery- Exhibit New Spring Styles : Advance Spring "Styles," suitable' for present wear, of Lace and Silk Hats and Fine Braids. . All colors for street and evening wear. Paris smartnesa, erv-and -chleatand ont In every -alluring line and curve. "Prices? Say $9 to $12 PICTURE, SALE, A Oreat Annual Clearance of. 'our entire stock of -Pictures,. Including superb collections of soft, deli cate Pastels, dainty Water-Colors, choice Plati nums, rich somber Carbons, exquisite Etchings, fine , Photogravures. - Inexquisitely harmonising , frames. . All priced for, this sale t exactly '. HALF PRICE, Victor AT I Z M y Come in and select a Victor Talking Machine and 12 records that - - I - you like-for $1 Down and $1 a' Week Then you'll have something to enter tain your friends with when talking becomes tiresome. -Tho songs that it sings, the music that it plays,-are ?:athered from the whole world and rom all times, A theatre . in your , home. ..! h .--:-. NOJDECISION : . (Continued from Page One.) small one. considering that the number ot Japanese school children who wish to attend is .very limited, the Japanese government will in all probabllitjr e4 fuse to enter into aa agreement upon the ooolles. and the immigration will continue in Increasing proportions. ' - Mavor Schmtts assured ths president that the cool Is question largely over shadowed the school Question and thought ths board would accede, to the government's demand for- the good of tbe government at large. There la no concealing the fact that the failure to reach an agreement today was disappointing . to those who have felt that the school authorities of Ban Fran cisco would yield to the president's de mands as readily as did the California delegation In congress. It is learned that the visitors, while admitting all that the president said about danger of a ruptare. united to a man in the declaration tnat the' Japanese must be excluded from the Pacific slope If trouble between the gov ernments was to be avoided. The Call- fornlans want a treaty providing for the exclusion of Jspanese and a law en acted by congress for carrying out the terms of the treaty. They want an appropriation to enable the . government to provide sufficient Inspectors to detect Japanese who enter this country In violation of tbe law and It is understood that they also suggest the deportation of the Japanese who come here in violation of the law. - It ta said that this provlatoa proved a stumbling block in the wey of agree ment for the president said be could not agree to such a proposition, because he waa unable ,to promise that congress would enact such a law. It Is believed that until ths visitors recede from their position for . Japanese exclusion the results here wlU be barren of results. Oldest "Bus Driver Hart. J. Charles Stsrnrael, the oldest bus driv er In the- city In point ef -wervloe, fell from the Grand Central hotel 'bus at the union depot last night. His head t was so severely cut that he was taken to St. Vlnoent's hospital. He Is II years old. .... i. ... BRIGHT EIGHTH-GRADERS OF MARION'S SCHOOLS (Special Dlspatcfc te Tbs Joerstl.) ' Salem, Or., Feb. t. School Superin tendent E. T. Moores has glvea out a list af tbe successful candidates In the eighth grade examinations held Janu ary I and li throughout the schools of the county. Out of 71 exsmlrted31 received clplomaa. tl paased condition-' ally, and six failed. -J.- 'J WATSON AND TIBBLES TO START NEWSPAPERS (Psbusbsrs nss ay Special tlss.1 WW) Memphis, Tenft, Feb. . A special to the Newa-Sclmttar - from Omaha says: Tom Watapn, tha Georgia politician. Is to found a chain of newspapers across the south, and Thomas U. Tlbblea of Omaha, who waa Watson s running mate n the National Populist ticket In 1(04, ta to be managing editor and chief edi torial writer for tha combination. Tib bies today resigned as editor of the Omaha Investigator and will take his new position March 1. Included In the chain will be ths Jef ferson Ian Monthly Magasine. which Watson is now publishing, and Watson's Jeffersonlaa' Weekly. Within two months a newspaper win bo leaned la Texas, probably at Austin,' and a fight will be made on 8enator Bailey. A paper will be Issued In Louisiana or Mississippi and later the southwest will get another. SUING THE GOVERNOR FOR RENT FOR STATE MANSION (Psbltseere Press by Special tsased Wire.) Lincoln. Neb.. Feb. . At the request of Governor. Sheldon, the attorney general has Sled suit In tha supreme court to determine whether the gov ernor Is violating the state constitution by living In tbe executive mansion without paying rent. ' He asks Judg ment against tha governor for tloo, which la considered fair rent for the houee for a month. The governor has discovered that the oonatltutlon pro vides that no perquisite attached to the office' shall be extended to aa office holder. And apparently In conflict with this Is the statute authorising the' erec tion of - the executive mansion and Jts maintenance by the state, which directs that the governor shall occupy such mansion. ' If tha state wlna tha suit sgalnst Oovernor Sheldon, several liv ing ex-governors will probsbly be ssked to pay rent for time of their occupancy. . Hoc lal 1st, Primary Votav 1 (Psbltalwrs' ey Speelel lasa Wire 1 Cnlcsgo, Feb. Unofficial returns fmm th-.-fi4wl-.lfst. nrlm-trlea tAnlhf give the total vote of that party at the j tio at Ult - J w Portland's Best Shoe Store 149 3rd SL Contractors are reriiodelln g our new premises, corner Seventh and Washington streets. When completed It will be? the finest - salesroom on the Pacific Coast and 'a credit to our beautiful city.' We will not move a single pair of shoes contained in our present quarters, 119 Third street, to our new store. The prices, coupled with the known quality of our shoes, will move this 4. stock quicklyv.. IRead.on. ?- .l.:''r.:l.-.i.. 4 l!-.: i:.' : V'j ; J :; MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES :: , -"-,'' v ,. '-. V; . ,' :,:,.:''..' Men's Box Calf and Vici Kid Bluchers, M iC Goodyear welt; reduced from $4.00 to. LD Hanan's Men's Enamel Calf Bluchers and T IF ' Lace; reduced rom $7.00 to.......;,..el)tJsOt)' Hanan's Men's Patent Colt Bluchers and C C C C $7.50 to ePJ.OJ LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES 1000 pairs of the finest Evening Slippers in Patent Kid, A fj black Suede and fine French Kid; reduced from $3.00 to. vlsVO 0000 pairs Ladies' finest Patent Kid and Dull Kid Gibson ' , Ties, with French and Cuban heels; reduced from $8.00 f-) Qf and $3.00 to. . .s ... . . . . . .... . QL.OD Thomas Cort's Ladies' fine Gunmetal Calf and Patent ?2 CC Leather Ties ; reduced from $8.00 to ej t) s 0 0 1600 pairs Ladies' Button and Lace Shoes in all leathers ; f f r . reduced from $6.00 and $3.00 to. . spOelO . Brennan & White's Misses' fine Kid Lace and Button (Jt Or Shoes ; reduced from $2.75 to. sD 1 eOO 300 pairs Misses' Patent Leather, Oxfords, extension soles; reduced from $2.50 to. ........................ .. lLJ 2000 pairs Waterburys Children's Shoes the finest made; ' HZn reduced to ..... rJL Lace; reduced from $8.00 and Slater ft Morrill's and others Men's Vici 3 - A Kid Bluchers and Lace; reduced from $3 to. e$delU Boyden's Men's Patent Calf Lace Shoes ; sj J A from $7.00 to..................... ..spOslU Brennan & White's Boys' and Youths' Calf C - C and Vici Kid Lace; from $2.80 to, 0leU? And Thonsanils of Olhcr Rcdoclions loo Numerous to Keallon TTTS vm it-t n? m rm nil n IT 9 id- Paiw,D-s cesi see; r, Ml.ll Ji MmJll S 149THIRDSTR-;--'