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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1907)
THE OREGON CU:;DAY-JOUr::AlTORTLAKD SUNDAY I.IOK:.II.'G. FEBRUARY 10. UC7. THE THEATRES (Continued from pass Forty-right.) I Jn the I ilece. ar 1 illan wii be company selected to play the ire Fred Mace, tut leading come- Hth "PUT' Faff. Pouf." Edith Tter- rlrnrton. Ouelma linker, who created and llyed the part of Uitle In Hfnry W. Havage'a -tVKfy from Pari"" for two seasons. Harry Hanlun. Bradlee Martin. Katlierlne Bunn, Georse Iamerel, Bert oun. Helene Hallnger. V. H. Brown, Jeanla Hun ton and other, inrludlna; tha beauty cfaorui of 0 and the "broiler." Annie Russell's Tour. - 1 Annie Russell, as Puck, la Wsgen. ! Kemper' a macnlfloent 160,000 production of "A Mtdaummor Nlirbt'e Dream," will be seen In the principal cities of the wee t and northwest after concluding ensasementa la aoma of the 'big eastern cltlea., Thla will ba the lirat lima that Mlea Ruaeell haa aver been aean Id the northweat, and It ia " who herself who haa Instated upon mak ing the tour,", aven though It be brief. ,''or tha metropolitan -cltlea have con ceded her characterisation of Puck aa tha crowninc achievement of her auo- -. ressful career, and this production Shakespeare as superior to anything America haa aeen during tha past dec ': ade. ' s - ' ' Th production will be identically as sen ted st tha A a tor theatre. New lork. the newest Broadway playhouae. and the organisation surrounding Miss "Russell will bo remarkable.- The entire cast of more than 100 people, the big -peer es gnomes, elves snd fairies; tha .striking fairy ballet, with its Intricate mechanism, will all be taken on this tour. . " . ,. "If I Were King" at the Baker. ' So unprecedentedly '. successful was last week's production of "If I were King" by the Baker stock company that It was decided to do something that has rarely, been done in Portland continue" the performance for another week. - It waa decided to continue "If I Were King," but the management had "very little to say about it. The decision was . ia reality reached by the public, which - waa so persistent In its demands for seats and so thoroughly satisfied after having seen the performance thst a con ' tlnusnce waa the only thing that could be done. ' ......, . . , The Baker company has scored heav ily in many performances, but Us most glorious, triumph came last week. Jta production Of the play In which. Bothera , scored his greatest success was the : most striking of its achievements. 7 Th play la a story ot one. Francois Villon, a vagabond rhymeter who lived In th time of "Louie XI of France. To those who have seen the play it may ' be of Interest to know that such a char- f-dlAUvev about that tlmo-awd-tha much has been -written about him by various authors. . v .' Mr. Edgar Baume takes the part, of , Trancols and Mr, John M. Balnpolls tha part of the king. . Mr.. Baume has never appeared to better advantage than in this part, where he has excellent oppor tunity to display his talents. During the week Mr. Banrae has been given an ovation on the occasion of his entrance upon the stage. He has Ira proved greatly aa a. result of his -work l New Tors. king Mr. Balnpolls has added greatly to his reputation aa an actor of rare abil ity. The play Is magnificently staged. :-,-.::'..' : '..:.. " v: "Human Hearte'Vat Empire. . .'. There la a bis: feast in store for the patron a of the Krsplre and for" the peo ple ef Portlaad In general. "Human Hearts." that famous drama of the Arkansas hills, will be seen at this always-popular play house all this week. . The first performance will be the matinee Sunday, today. There will also be matinees Wednesday and Satur day. . Like 'Shore Acres" 'and The Old Homestead" every seaaon only Increases the hold of 'Human Hearts' fipon the publle mind.' Right in the midst of the simple folk of the Arkansss hill country does the play take the audience. "Human Hearts' has a ' wonderful ' power to charm. Everything hes Its purpose, and Furthers -the main Intention of an all- . absorbing tale of lovej hater Injustice and retribution.' .r The play encases the sympathies for the sufferings visited on a family of plain, honest people, through the unfor tunate marriage of the hero. Tom Lo gan with an adventuress whom he thought to reform. He felled because the temptations of the old life were toe strong. How Logan ' himself Is sated from absolute ruin only through the prayers of a loving mother and the love of a pure. Innocent girl, the sweet- of his boy hood., forma .one or. tne moat interest gripping stories ever put on the American stage. 4 - This - season's company secured by 'Manaser Nankevtlle la far superior to any aver engaged to portray thla strong. lst of strong plsys. . - All this week at the Empire. Twelfth and Morrison, commencing with tne matinee today. - - - -' -.' "Mf Wife's Family'. Next Week The sparkling musical farce comedy, ' "My Wife's Family." will follow "Hu ' msn Harts at the Empire. Next Bun day afternoon the; first performs pee will be given. " . Devoid of all horse play ,nd sug "gestlveneas "My Wife's Family" Is one 'of the cleverest combinations of fun, mirth and song to be seen snywhere. The cast-was selected for. its special ' fitness. , ' Next week If yon wish to spend an evening of delightful fun, frivolity and catchy music, remember "My Wife's Family." T ",; ' . - A Bunch of Keys" at Lyric . 'r When Hoyt wrote his famous satlr- ' leal faroe-comedy, "A Bunch of Keya." he declared that the character of Grimes was Ms ideal of a man. When this famous play Is produced at the Lyric theatre this week by the Lyrio stock company, Grimes will be played by Charlee Connors, who saw Canfleld, tha originator of the role, play It, and who haa himself played It before. : The management of the Lyric, always alive to serve the patrons of the popu lar playhouse well, hss secured this bill st much expense and will give it a production worthy of the author and the play's great success. Director Her bert Ashton haa been engaged for some time in preparing for this production. The company haa been enlarged. New costumes and appropriate scenery have bees made. . The first production will occur Monday matinee, and the bill will continue all week.' with a matinee daily and a special children's matinee on Sat urn's. ''!'" ' : Lily Branscombe, the delightful In genue of th company, will play . Teddy: the other characters will be cast aa follows: Bnsggs. theJlawyer, Frank Fan ning; Grimes, Charles Connors: Gllly, Monet M'irrle; Tom, j Thomae Clarke; Charles Fosa, Melvln . Mayo) Uncle Hiram. M. Griffiths; The Prlse ' lighter. Herbert Ashton; Hose, Warda Howard: May, Lillian Griffiths. Appro priate muslcsl programs have been se lected for the production... -H flmwh- -of Keys,''- e Jrndced at the I.yrlc. will be the best presentation of the ftmoui plr. ever seen la rort- land. Peats sre now bn sale at the theatie box offtre for the entire week. "A Bunch of Keys" la a laugh-producer that drive away tha dull care of ttuch thlnxs aa floola. bad weather and l,uidliJt a. Hoyt wrute It at his beat; tne Lyrlo company will be seen- at Us best, in the production of It. ' - w , "Lost in Siberia' at Star. "Lost In Siberia" Is the attraction an nounced by the Allen stuck compsny at the Star theatre for tbla week, start ing tomorrow night. ' There will be the usual matlnes Tuesday, Thursday, (Saturday and Hunday, This is, said to be one of the most stirring of modem melodramas. - "Loat in BiDeria waa written ny l no ma a Davles and the atory ia told In four acts. At this time "Lost , in 81berta" Is particularly appropriate. The eyes 'of the world are turned - toward tha prison land of Kuaala owing to the tur moil and strife which Infoets the coun try of the csar. "Lost in ftlheria" Is aa good as a lesson In geography and his tory combined. The story Is one fraught with perils to the hero and he roine, who p&wa through aome startling and dangeroue - adventures, -- only- to triumph eventually and be restored to their own. To properly present "Lost In Siberia" requires considerable expense In build ing scenery, but the management of the Star theatre will give the play a drs which wlU be In keeping with the at mosphere. Those who luve to feel the pulse quicken and see sensational and exciting situations will have their fill In "Loat In Blberla." Although Siberia is not a place of laughter, still the dramatist has inserted enough comedy to keep the story Interesting and bu- The" jfulfstrength of the Allen stock company will be used In- "Lost in Si beria," and all tha old favorites. Includ ing Miss Verne Fellon and Forreat Boa bury, will be -oa Ute stage - -This afternoon and tonight the com pany' will present the two last per formances of "Out of the Fold," the great paatoral drama which haa no rival other than "WayDown Eaat," Vaudeville, at the Grand. ! ; ' This is to be a week of extra fine vaudeville at the Grand, for tha cw program, which starts tomorrow, haa some of the best people In the country on it . Frank Comba and Muriel etane have a distinctly eastern set. which is called "The Last , of the Troupe." . , It contains Just enough cajtsedy ot the show business to maks It catchy. - Thla act has been played la all the leading vaudeville theatrea of - the east and la rated as a great headllner everywhere. This Is the first time thle act or team has-ever been on the Pacifle eoaat, hav ing been booked direct across the con tinent by Sullivan Considthe. Dean Ed sail and "Arthur T6rbea" appear In Miss Ed sail's one-act comedy. "The Two Rublee." -The very title of the-playlet la amusing and It Is. carried oat In both plot and text. Alf Holt-Is a comedian, mimic and whistler. - He la a good entertainer and will deliver the vaudeville goods. 1 Ed die Dolan Is a Celtic comedian, which means that he la a funster of no mean merit. Walthera and Dales . have a refined singing act. They have two of the best singing voices heard here In some Urns and It la predicted that they will be a hit. - Patrons of the Grand will remem ber that Mlaa Dale was a favorite on the bill about a rear ago and at that time she. built up a strong following. - Another Single comedian on the program la' Charles Duncan, a London vocal comedian. When a London cerne dlan odmea to Portland be Is generally a aucceaa, at least that haa been . the rale in the past. Master Harold . HoS will sing "BUr of My Life.",, with Illus trations, and the Grandisoope wui be provided with . "Man Wanted." a com loal moving' picture. , - '" This afternoon and evening will be the last performances ef the ' current strong vaudeville bill, with its man star t eatare acts. - -. ."-..' ' Blow at Lobbyists. An ahtl-lobbylng bill of a most sweeping character has been Introduced In the Alabama legislature. The meas ure requires all persons coming to the capltol to work for or against a bill to register and to give the nature of their business together with the compensa tion they are receiving for their serv ices. If the bill becomes a law It will render lobbying practically worthless. Oaks Rink This ".AfteraoOB ' and Teresis. Car7XTe-10-sTanutes. "' " ' ' soft romozrr st. tuii. niniw, MT'-' - Oaks Rink Thursday Night. - Exposition Rink ' ltth and Waaalngtoa treeta. ROLLER SKATING Three Sessions Dally Morning, r Afternoon,, Evening. . t . . ' Every Modern Comfort and Con venlence. , , Best Skates i; Kapls noof. Oood Tatuslo Steam TCeat, . '. Snstnistlom Tree. ; ADMISSION 10c. SKATES 25c. No admission charged at morn ' Ing . sessions. ladles and , chil dren admitted free afternoonst - HAINES GIVEN HISTORIC GAVEL George H. Himes for Historical Society Makes' the Presenta-, ' tion to Senate'a Head. President llulnea of the senate was presented Friday with a unique gavel made of five different varietlee of his toric woods by the Oregon Historical society. ' The bead of the gavel la made of three pleoee and the handle of two. One part of the head la made ef the wood of a seedling apple tree that waa planted at Vancouver In 1821 by Dr. John' McLoughlln. Another piece Is tsken from a Royal Ann cherry tree that was brought across the plaina from low to Oregon in 147 by Anderson Luelling. The third piece Is made of the Oregon grape which was discov ered by Lewis and Clarke In 1101. - The handle la made of -yew and ser vloeberry woods. - to which historical significance attaches, the yew having been used by the Indiana In making bows. Tha eervloeberry grew on aa old donation land claim near Oregon City, the first territorial capital of the state. . , Presentation waa made by President George H. Hiraee of the Historical so ciety. " He also. gave President Haloes a letter describing the different woods used In the gavel,- and giving their his tory. '.':'".. - . '. .. . ; .' .' r' II M II !i M H- I! II 11 M 1 f t it M :i M II H M H u iJ B It izzzzzzzzzzzzzz anr;rrrrrr:;;xzxsszssss22i-e issg..TnR FJEILIG THEATRE ! awf sn ' t aar n . . a ff CTt f T - ." f W. T. PANGLBi Mgr.; Direction N.W. 1. Assn. C HE1LIO. Pres. Ji Hon.. Tues., Wed. flights, February fl-12-1307 g i- MATfNEB WEDNESDAT AFTERNOON. ' ' " g KLAW AINU cKLAnUCK o sTvrTuroova itvacxz. xotxitt irmoDuoTtov. K INTRODUCING THE KINOS OF LAUGHTER, .' EMMYKEARIi. HEATH EST tee im -Exposition- Rinlrlniterrc-- Large, 'oily crowds of skaters con tinue aa the great attraction at the Ex position link, thoujrh back of It all la the ever apparent -effort of the manage ment to make the rink the most popular place of amusement In the city. The high plane of management is com fort ably assuring 'of complete protection and thla being well Impressed upon the skaters, the fine floor, the excellent skatea and good muelc are but further pleasures to be enjoyed. Next Tuesday evening, after the regular se salon- will occur the. fourth of the stag parties. Be. sure to be on hand and try out your pet stunts. The floor Is free for legiti mate practices. ,. :v .: - - Where It Coasted. From the Baltimore American. CoronerWas the signal green T Witness No. but the operator was. Mailorders Received ; FROM -- . --'- - ; BOTH IN AND OUT OF TOWN ; Henry -W;' Savaie't English Grand Opera Co,' which comes ;to the Heilig Theatre Thursday, Friday. Saturday nights, March 7, 9, with a .Matinee Saturday Jn Puccini's .Japanese Grand Opera. " ;:'. ;,' Madam PRICES BOTH EVENING A MATINEE ItSOO 3.00 3.00 2.6 1.60 Box Beats S3.0O Entire lxwer Floor ..... Balcony, first 4 rows ... Balcony, next rows ... 1 Balcony,- last ( rowi , ,, - Gallery, rlritr "rws, reserved .-...Sl.SO Gallery, unreserved, sold on day of performance, each . ...91.00 How to Order Seats - Address letters and make poet office' money orders payable to : W. T. Pangle, Manager Heiliff Theatre, Portland. Oregon. . Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope to insure safe return. STATE CLEARLY The date (day or night) the Price, number of seat and loca tion desired. ' ' . " We will give you as near a possible to the location desired but remember there will , be orders ahead of yonrs, . ; ', . , Orders are now being placed on file aa they are received, and will be filled accordingly Feb ruray 25 and returned. Mail orders will all be filled before box office opens Monday, March 4. GRAND CONCERT - " " . . .- " ''''.'.-' v . v Of the Arlon Society, at Their Hall Cor, Second and Oak Sts., ')' TUESbAY, FEBRUARY IP, 1907 Assisted by Madame Noretll and ' Frank Rlchter. thc Blind ' 1 ? t - Piano Virtuoso ' ADMISSION - - -: - - 50c e5 -as AXb ras wrw tobx oast. .. - '- h W. 0. melds, Frederick T. Sowers. TftavM Torreaee, Alfred Fislwar, Jeanne B , Tewler, Carolyn. ordea, Tserie Oold, Stephea Faal, Otto T. t . i . Johnson, 'Adsle Kersaer. .. , - '.- , Jg SO-PEO PLE-80 S Including the Host Wonderful Ringing and Dancing. Chorus of Pretty . , . . .Glrla In the World. y ' . , ..; . : .'.'".'-. 1 PricesBoth Night and Matlne Xowee Floor, tTLOO, SlO. Balooay, S1SO. H-00, Too. aQery, TSo, Soe. Boxes. S1S.SO, ' E "Sfiiir6w siLuia at m tmatbjl rzxzxzzzzzzzzzxsznixaii saTxxxxxxzxxzxznxzzsxz' pszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzrzzzszzzzzzzzzxzzzzzzszxzp-i a St Heilifj Theatre M M , a SL Valentine's KIght, February Hlh, '07 M . Julius EJchbcr's Romantic Comic Opera, in Two Acts I DOCTOR Or ALCANTARA Prriduced by the PORTLAN D OPERA COMPANY v r. WIIXI5 J- PECK, Musical Director .' V '-"'!: V"'-'.- IN. THE CAST v :r .' " V tbths rrm. at tlTtlk airss kablz . mwht xai lisoc A. saxaxTT MISS VXaiLX WaJtDE M1B8 I. V. eaiTTITH PBA&LEI WTI.BOS . SIDISl V. TfTtTOB . - BT( ,' ZACT L. WIADOat - ' W. I. SISOBSIT ; ; rr ' : a laaox crobus M", " : : - ' PRICES B M Lower floor, except last 3 rows, $1.00; last 3 rows, 75c Balcony, H -first 4 rows, 75c; last 10 rows, 50c Gallery, 35c and 25c s 2 ; 1 TICKETS FOR SALE BY H Craves ft Co Levy Music Store, also Members of the Opera Co. Q tt M I 11 xzzzcxzzzxsxz s '"r"?"4 Tni? Hrii mi Tnr atdi? PkaaeHals , . . .- - W. T. PANQLE, Mgr.; DlrecUonN. W. T. Ass n. C HEILIO, Prea s Friday and Saturday Nights, Feb. 15-16, 07 H -1 SPKCIAI. PRICK MATINEE 8ATTJRDAT. i . g V . r rwm clbtxb, rartriva-a ajtd ATOrm aotob, "' f Paul Gilmore s IN BIS LATEST SUCCESSFUL. COLLEGE PLAT, aBSsBSwawaBsraTa - ' erssf SBBW a eaSB eararaTaWaTaVaTsA sraTa sBTa. atfl W 'T A V I I 7 i BZCsTxxjnrT rnvrwomrxma . COaOfABTT. . BfAaarzTrzoxsTT memo no- BTJOTTOBT. TirE FAMOUS feOAT RACE SCENE IS A REVELATION IN STAGE -. - .' - MECHANISM-- , , S ' B Lower aa LOWir trioor. ....... .ai-sv, ! ?3 a. m - r . . OaJlery ..t&c. 2 So Boxes ib.po stxoiaXi lUTzarsa rmioas. ; Ixiwr Floor,... fl.SS. ISo rBtlemr-.Ji ............. '.710. 80o ' Gallery .15c, tSo I Boxes . ............. ...t .. T. eat stale Opens Wedaes&ay, rebrmarjr M, at Bom Of floe, XetUe; TTaeeAre. B KxxxKzxxxxxiixiaixia-xxzmixxxaxixixxxxxxxzxxzzxxzxTisi .WnDTTiflUP Week of February 1 1 m Incomparable Lyrie Stock Company In Hoyt's Famous Satirical Farce Comedy TThTTTTATfl ffilLIlM & stJeTsaTsTSBjSBjL I.".- . TS" :...TJ'.. - .. L L L- LJWG-H - : 11 &fc 171) A P It" ITT) 7 11 CATIII ti Cors L.' Biker, General Mna;tr Permanent Home of the Incomparable Baker Theatre Stock ' Company All Week, Commencing Sunday Lbllnee v Today-r-February 10 - - REPEATED By immense popular demand-REPEATED J '' . II. Sothern't Great Success , . IIS18IM6 Under the personal direction of Mr. Arthur Mackley. If you could not get seats last week, buy now for the coming week. J ;'".,' ;;. .; ;. Regular Baker Prices. Evenings, 25c, 35c, 50c Matinee, 15c, 25c - MATINEE SATURDAY. mi HE IN THREE ACTS m Krxxxxnxxxauxuxxxxsxxxaniaiiiuiiiaixuxxatxxzx i I TS OREGON DAILY JOUHNAL ! j . A MsWirA rOK ALL THI rIOfU j TMext Week-BROTHER OFFICERS ESSUZX3-ZSZZ-C3 KZZZS. EMPIRE THEATRE Flaylns- Only the Ble Btalf-Havlla Eastern Rose Attractions. 1 PhooeMala lir - 12th aa4 Morriaosi Stt. MILTON W. SEAMAN. Maaaa-er. . . , ' OSE WEOLE WEEK. SURT1XC SCNDAT UAT1XEE. rEEHlim 18TODAY - The Play That Wont Wear Out W. E. NANKEVILLE'S , " - ' Picturesque Melodrama " A RECORD BREAKIINQ PLAY) A HEROIC, PATHETIC DRAMA OF REAL LIFE AMONG THE ARKANSAS HILLS Emsii MAGNIFI- -r CENTLY . STAGED AND "4 Ny COMPLETE J PRODUCTION A Company Above the Average ' . . Universally Indorsed by the Press Matinees Wednesday and Saturday REGULAR EMPIRE PRICES g NEXT ATTRACTION x MY Wlf t'5 fAMILY For the Entire Week of Feb. II Tlie Star Tdcphont ' Mala 3496 THE ALLEN STOCK COMPANY ....I.-:. -i. PRESENTS - . MR. THOMAS H. DAVIS HIGHLY. "V , EXCITING MELODRAMA IN FOUR ACTS - Matinees Tuesdays. Thursdays. Batnrdays and Sundays at S:S. Prices, ISo snd 20c Every even In e at S:lt. Prloee, 10c, SOo and see. Reserved seats may be secured by Telephone Mala 141, tor all per- fonnances. - , -- - - . - .......' '-. '. -, Week of Feb. 7 llth,lS37 Vaudeville de Luxe SnOlaXi U Ol aOIAO UIs COMXST ACT . FR A N K QOOMBg and -MURIEL- STONE Chsrles ' Horerlts's One-Act Comedy with Muste. , ULar - or TmOVTT.- ni tin wim ids ATXaVAOTIOaT. .. Dean Edsall and Arthur Forbes la Miss Fflsall'M One-Art remedy. "us two muauaa.' ALT.; HOLT Mtmle, Coniedlaa aad WTalstlee. CltAS. DUNCAN Blnklns Comedian. WALTHERS &.0AU , Hlgh-CUss Voeallsts. EDDIE D0UN Monoloetat. MASfER HAROLD Hf "Star of My Life." GIttNDASaffL "Man Wanted." THKEK rrnrORMAJiCEfl DA1LT At ! 30. 1 -.Id a 1 ,'. PRICES-Istlnea. not tnrludtn Innvt. 1 - rept Nines. Evenlnes and Sundays, lftr, i i J i . H M M 6 il I M H B-W ii