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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1907)
43 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 10. 1007. J -U J 1 , . . I 1 ..-L - 1 1 11 ' - v-. I wer elaborately described In th o- .-. N spit ef great deal of alekneee 1- and tha ancartalnty' of th waatbar thara baa been a good deal of com . ins and going -the paat week. Tha large bridge partlea numbered Mra . ' Rutherford Johnston's on Monday, Mra. - Kr Snow's An WMnudi. anif three mailer enea given by Mrs: Frank Nan, Mra. Frank Herbert Irwin and Mra. JT. A. Nitchey the laat of the week. Two lara arraira at tna barracaa , j called out a goodly repreaantation of Portland oelety a ball for the Joc--- lyn and a masque ball given by tha Dfflcera. ThcJiULlW tlttarycademjr Several events of Importance will be crowded Into the flrat two daya of this week, before Ash Wedneeday. which la tha algnal for the auapenalon of prac v tlcally all social aetivttlea excepting the .Mil m. .,H wkllth kn fh.l. weeklv meetlnga The Honeyman-Wood . wadding Tueadayla. of "courae, th1fd-r ing event or the week. Tna same after noon Mra. Clarke and Mra. wesy gave a large bridge party at Murlark halL- ? . V . .. .... - - . Tha officers' .hop and senior prom - . enade at Hill Military academy Thure- vlous dances. . There was a very large attendance and dancing waa continued till a lata hour. Tha armory hall waa elaborately decorated with algnal flags, : completely covering tha walla. Tha raft era were draped with fir boughs and an artistically wrought shade of yellow and green, the claas colore, served the double purpose of acreenlng the large central light and exposing tha claaa emblem. A pretty corner with rugs and draperies waa arranged for the" patroneeeea, and - another Japaneae ' eoay corner drew plenty of attention from tha guests. - Lemonade nunch waa nerved In tha . large room, which waa made pretty v wtth countleea couches, easy ohalrs and ruga, and decorated with pennanta. flup- per waa aerved during four extra dances . between the tenth and eleventh dances. In the dining room downstair, which waa - decorated with more pennanta Potted ferae In Jardinieres draped In ' green and yellow and candlesticks In tha v asms guise were on tha table. 1'. Tha patronesses for tha evening were Mrs, Oeorge Lunda Campbell. Mra. Anna Rebecca. Hill, Mrs. Joseph Wood Hill. ' Mrs. Herbert Holms n, Mrs. Walter Vln- 'cent Smttk and - Mra; Edward Lewie !, Thompson. . . Among tba guests present were: Mr. 1 and Mra. K. L. Thompson. Mr. and Mra. ; Herbert Holman, Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge Campbell, Mr. and Mra. Hugh Laldlaw, ' Mr. and Mas. Byron Nicholas. Dr. and Mra, Chlpman. Mr. and Mra. Matthew ajon, Mr. and Mrs. Kennard, Mra. Oaa- tleman, Mr. and Mra. Daniel Shlndler, . jars. Ml r V 1U, jnr. wn nra. uwr l man, Mtaa Helen MacEwaA. Mlaa Alice Sanehury.MlsaXUllan-Uoeehi MiM Clara MacEWan, Mlaa Carlotta Parker, Mlaa Maud Howell, Mlaa Gearln of New Tork. 1 Mlaa Pankey of Fort Worth. Texas. Mlaa Louise Howland, Mlaa Leila Bhelby. f Mlaa 1 .11 lie HalL Mlaa Ulrnnt Uorrl. am. Miss Dorothy Morrison, Miss Josephine Smith, Mlsa Malda Hart, Mlaa ; Alta Rush, Mlsa Ruth Honeyman, Mlaa ; Puelah Nipbolaa, Mlaa Clara Waldler, Mlsa Hasel Weldler. Mlsa Louise Olea ' son. Mlaa Mary Long Mlaa Edith Levy, Mlaa Loulae Williams, Mlaa Luclle ' Smith, Miss Hasel Blumauer. Mlaa -Wllma Flake, Mlaa Maleta Ward, Mlaa .,. Etnei conn. Mlaa Evelyn conn. Mlaa Edna Russell. Mlsa Oenevleve Kelly, -Mlsa Celaate Moore, Mlsa Juanlta Hart. Mlaa Oladya Howard, Mlaa Alice Prloe, Mlaa Margaret Palmer, Mlaa i Gertrude Carter. Mlsa - Winifred Abbott. Mlaa Helens White. Mlaa Helen 'Itobke, Mlsa Lesley Smith, Miss Ethel " Towers. Mlaa Florence Holllater, Mlaa .Leonids Fleury, Mlaa Mildred Fuller, .BrownlieMlsa Dorothy Holbrook, Miss 'Catharine O'Hara, Mlaa Helen Brtgham, , Mlaa Elsie Garrett, Mlaa Eva Jonea Mlaa Beckle Blddle. Mlaa Marie Howell. .Mlsa Anita Bennett Mlaa Oladya Rosa, ' Mlaa Rthel Chamberlain, Mlsa Jeasa TJent. Mlsa Caroline Burns, Miss Hasel 'Ferria, Mlaa Oeraldlne Couraen, Mlaa jean aiacaensie, sums jsnei not 19, miss ,'MarJorle Nobis, Mlaa Kathryn Clary, 'Robert Kinney, Mr. .Eaterly. Richard - Holder. Kurt Koehler, Charlea Holbrook, ' Cheater Murphy, J. A. Horan, Hawley "Hoffman, John Mackle, Marlon Dolph. ' Reto Taylor, Mr. Oreenley, Mr. Craw- ford, Donald Rea. Arthur Honeyman, Kenneth Honeyman, Beth Kerron, Dr. Fred Zlegler, Richard Batea, Leroy . Richards, Mr. Bpanton. C. P. flperry, Thomaa Kerr, LaVllle Wlntera. Clifford Nichols, Preacott Cooklngham, Harold 'Chamberlain.- Bert Whiting, Leater fitokea, Gerald Kaatnorn, Berwick Wood, Hamilton Corbett. Kenneth McAlpln. Aaher Houston, Robert Davla, Arthur . Gear, Ronald Mackensla, Holland Chap man, Eugene Moore. James Woodcock, Itror Pease. Cecil Woodcock. Robert v Riley, Loa Central. William. Dolph. Graham Glaaa, Lee Hynaon. Wlllla Cam . eron. Lawrenoa King. Jack Alexander, Mex Meara, Melvla Ogden, Ralph Cro- riiea. tha offlcara and cadets of the Jllll anllitary academy, and many others. I : - I ' Tha approarh of tha "Madam Butter- fly" engagement tha flrat of the month brings to mind the etir It created In the east. In New Tork It brought In Its train an added tarfe for thlnga Japa riese affording tba exclusive eoctety lr rlea an exce f" numerous charming functions Mrs. (Sarenca Mackay, Mrs. Alfred Vanderhllt, Mra. George Onuld ajtd others gave Japiae partlea that ' -. --- Mrs. Mackay, who la a musical enthu alaat - herself and who had three box parties during tba first week at the Garden - theatre, gave a "Butterfly" party that attracted wlda attention "on account of. tha elaborate decorations. It waa called an Irla-wlatarla dinner, for which cuvers fur 10 warriaia." The whole affair waa described aa a aym phony 'In purpla. From walla and cell ing lights were hung amid clusters of drooping wistaria. There waa no con trasting acheme, even tha lam pa war screened In the mute color. Tha cloth, a dcllcata"creatlon In heliotrope with a wlda Insertion of Japaneae filigree In gold thread, waa laid over a deml-oloth of pure white. The table'a garnlahtnga were Florida lria--thoa deep exprcanlv purple flowers more orchid than Illy. Even tha Ices were mauve-colored. The table favor wera mlnlatur water-color csfm . .. s - sw -: WW--- f .-. I Hias Hejan MacEwan, Who Goea Eait Tomorrow. (Photo by McAlpln.) copies of the Madam Butterfly poster designed by Hoenstetn of Milan. Another unique affair given by Mra. Vanderbtlt wee an .afternoonJnpLnlL4.1Va tier the matron employed the contrast ing themea of cherry blossoms, pink and yallow. The walla wera decorated with branches of Imported Japanese cherry blossoms and tha lights bathed every thing In a roseate hue. The table' gar niture waa entirely of whit and yellow chryaantbemuma The favora at thla affair were buttarflle of silver and gold wire. ' Tha "Butterfly" vogue In New Tork has apreaj to other cities, and Japanese partlea are becoming tha raga wherever thla delightful opera Is given. -. - . w W ' Among the moat elaborate and enjoy able home function laat week were the entertainment given by Mra. W. N. Oaten of Portland at her residence In Salem. The parties were given In honor of Miss Oabrielaon, whose marriage to Chauncy R. Biahop -will be a brilliant nuptial event of - thla month, and of Mra Joseph R. Whitney, who, with her husband, will soon leave the capital city to make her horn permanently-tn Portland. : Over 100 women, all Intimate friends of tha horior gueata,' war present. Five hundred furnished the amusement for both afternoona The tally cards which were made by tha hostess wera the aub- Ject of much complimentary eomment among the gueata Thoaa -for Mrs. Whitney wera original petr-and-lnk aketcbea and each card waa inscribed with a graceful tribute to tha gueat of honor. Tha tally card for Miss Oa brlelson consisted of little red cupida and on each was printed In gold letter ing a little vera to lova , The decoration were beautiful. An abundance of scarlet polnsettla waa ar ranged amid garlanda of smllax draped from tha chandelier and mantels, giv ing the room a picturesque effect. Tha color scheme waa red and waa carried out even to tha refreshments, which wera Ice In heart-shaped molds. The favors war large . candy hearts daintily tied with red ribbons, each on telling tha fortune of tha recipient. Tha event proved most enjoyable, although many regreta wera expressed over - the departure of Mra Whitney, who ha been a leader in Salem social clrctea Mrs. John McNsry and Mra. Harry Olllnger won the flrat prises, while Mlsa Oabrielaon .and Mra. S. C Dyer . , re ceived 'tha consolgtlona' - - Mrs. . Oatena was aaalated In enter talnlng by Mra J. Frank Hughe. Mra Anderaon M. Cannon and Mra Bernard O. SchucUng. f ura- 2ra a now eniertaineo at nriage Wednedey afternoon. There wer a doien tablea and Mr7L. Allen Lewis and Mra Arthur C Mlnott won the prtat. ,::... .Following cards, tha afternoon solved Itself Into a tea attd Mra. Rob art Lewis and Mis Falling poured cof fee and chocolate and Mra. Robert Waahburne and Mlsa Bally Lewis served I 4ce: Tli uiahPrrirytaDle with Jon- qulla and candlea softly shaded In yel low gave a delightful touch of spring. -Tha gueata of . tha .afternoon were Mra.- J. Frank Watson. Mra. William Miilr.'Mra. William Brewater. Mra. W. H. Corbett. .rs. F. G. Wheeler, Mra. Henrx.Munnt-Mrau-Jilchard--Nunn. Mra. Howard Mather, Mra. nrea rage. jura. Frank Hart. Mra. James Laldlaw, Mra. T. B. Wilcox, Mra.. Warren F. Hough ton, Mra. E. T. C. Stevena, Miss Rua selt. " Mra. Peter Kerr, - Mra. Thomas Kerr. Mrs Robert Lewis, Mra. Robert Waahburne, Mra. J. B. Montgomery, Mra. Percy Blyth, Mra.. Jamea Me Craken. Mra. George Russell, Mrs. Mor ton Inaley. Mra. A- L. Maxwell, Mlaa Gllsan. Mra. John Latta, Mra. R. Lea Barnes. . Mrs. Ralph Wilbur, Mrs. Ar thur Or Mlnott, ' Miss Flanders, Miss Hoyt, Miss Lewis, Miss Frances Lewis, Miss Failing, Mra. Holt C Wilson, Mrs. Wesley Ladd, Mra. John Bhepard, Mra S. M. Meara, Mra. L. Allen Lewis, Mra N. R. Aver. .Mra W. B. Ayer. Mra Mra C F. Adams, Miss Margaret Mor rison. Miss Lisa Wood and Miss Amy Hsltsho, Mr. and Mra Hunt Lewis entertained with a large evening bridge Saturday a week ago, in honor of General and Mra Stephen Jocelyn and Mis " Jocelyn. There were 14 table and tha prises, won by Mra John Bhepard and Mr. Snow, were handsome book a Mra Lewi waa lovely In whit net over whit allk wtth duchess lac trimming. ' Mrs. Jocelyn wore a handsome Imported gown of blue Ilk with laca trimmings, and her daugh ter wore a (tunning looking costume of black panna velvet. The gueata were Mr. and Mr. Walter J. Burns, Miss Carolyn Burna, Mr. and Mra Richard Koehler, Mr, and Mra. W. B. Ayer, Mr. and Mra. N. E. Ayer, Mr. and Mra. L. A. Lewis, Mr. and Mra 8. M. Meara Mr. and Mra. J. C. Alnaworth, Mr. and Mra. John Bhepard, Mra. Wes ley Ladd. Dr. and Mi. Holt C. Wilson, Dr.. and - Mra - Herbert -Nichols. " Mlsa Falling, MUi Lewis, Miss France Lewi;- Mis Heryt7-Mt"Flandera. Mlsa Louise Flanders, Mra. Edward Heath Brooke. Mr. and, Mrs. Zera Snow, Mrs. Arthur C. Mlnott, Mr. and Mra David C. Lewia Mlsg Margaret Morri son, Mia Wood. Mis Llaa Wood, Mis Amy Heltshu. Mr. snd Mra C. F. Ad ams, Mr. and Mra Oeorge Good, Rodney Gllsan, Roderick Macleay, W. D. Wheel wright, Dr. Georga Wilaon, Bruce Wil son, August Berg. David Honeyman, Carl Spuhn, Dr. Georga Whiteside, T. Scott Brooke, Wirt Minor and Erneat Webb. Wedneaday night a number of Port land people went over to the barracks to attend tha reception given by the offlcara of the poat and department In honor of General and Mra Stephen Jocelyn and Miss Jocelyn. Tha affair waa a delightful one and there waa danalng and bridge tables were arranged for thoaa who wished. Among the Portland guests wera Mr. and Mra N. K. Ayer, Carl Ppuhn, Mra Montgomery, Captain and Mra James T. Gray, and their daughtera, Misss Orace and Jeanne Gray, Mr. and Mra William and Mlsa Williams. J. Am Ho ran and Mr. and Mra. Jamea McCraken. Friday night the officers gave a large mask ball and a number of tha younger set went over. . Among the gueata wera Mlaa Hasel Dolph and William Dolph, Mra Montgomery, Mlaa Margaret Montgomery, Mlsa Hasel Crocker, Mra N. E. Ayer, Mis Fsnny Brown and J. A. Horan. w Miss Helen MacEwan 'Is. popular,! memner ot tne younger set wno will be much missed here the remainder of tha season, flbe wilt leave tomorrow for Nsw Tork to atudy music Miss Mae Ewan, who la a graduate of Balnt Hel en'a hall, la one of tba cleverest ama teur pianists In Portland and her friends are glad to know that aha haa decided to pursue her studies. - Besides her musical talenta Mlaa MacEwaa has a pleasing personality and la a clever con versationalist. Bhe Uvea at tha Hill Military academy with her mother. Mra. J. W. HU1, and la a popular figure at tha Hill hopa. At the senior prom. Thursday ah waa made tha center ot much attention because of bar approach ing departure. . . it Tha Scottish Rita Maaona gave their fourth "at home" and ball Friday even ing at their cathedral. Lownsdal and Morrison afreets. It la the laat of these pleasant affalra to take plaoe until af ter Lent. The artlatlo decorations and beautiful lighting effects of the im mense hall room wero pleasing to dano era - and spectators. Many handsome gowns were worn. The library and card rooms were filled with gueata and five hundred waa the game played. Prlxea were awarded to Mra J. P. Moftett and Mr. Borgan. The patroneasea war Mra H. 8. Rows, Mra Robert Lutke, Mra B. D. Nlooll and Mra A. 11 WUlett. Among those present were! Mr. and Mrs. It. 8. Rowe, Mr. and Mra Joseph L. Thatoiier, General and -Mra Wllltan Flnser. Mr. and Mr. Cbarlea W. King, Mr. and Mra J. J. Kadderly, Mr. and Mra Richard Martin Jr.. Mr. and Mra J. G. Mack. Mr. and Mra Robert Lulka, Mr. and Mra J. F. Booths. Mr. and Mra F. A. Ballln. Mr. and Mra Peter Bor gan, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Brown. Mr. and Mra K. B. Colwell. Mr. and Mra. Charlea jaCogawaH. Mr. -and Mra. " W; B. Coch ran, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Davla Mr. and Mra J. p. Moffett. Mr. and -ir,a. C. K. Fielda, Mr. and Wra E. O. Mattern: Mr. and Mra Jamea Muckle, Mr. and Mrs. w. jacobson. Mr. and Mra McKlnley Mitchell. Mr. and Mra W. IX Jelllson. Dr. and Mrs. C C Newcastle, Mr. and 1 Mra. eJr-or-ftttwit.-TarranaMrg.Br a Pagu. Mr. and Mrs. P. U Povey, Mr. and Mra HClarke. Mr. and Mra Phillip iseu, Mr. and Mra Charlea Hilton. Mr. and Mra F. E. Watklna. Mr. and Mra J. B. werlnln, Mr. and Mra A. H. Wll lett, G. W. Stapleton. Mr. and Mra William Lee, Mr. and Mra Free bam, Dr. A. Tllser, Mr. and Mra J. O. Nichols. Dr. and Mra C 8. Seaman. V. Avery, P. Malcolm, Mr. and Mra C E. Runyon. Mra E. C. Jorgensen. Mrs. Theodore Nloolal, Mra. 8. M. Blandford. Mra. Charlea Hill. Mra H. N. Whit. Mra T. C Taylor of Pendleton, Mlsa Lytta Clarke, Mis Lucy Nlcolai, Mlsa Nancy Black. Mlsa Hattle Jelllson, Miss Flor ence Hilton, Miss Joels Btapleton, Miss Bella Cunningham, Mlaa Haxal Morrow, Mia Emma Howataon, Mlaa E. Wake- man. Mlsa Marie Cogswell. Miss Ruth Balllnr Mlaa-Reaxorr MIsrGurrlcKTMrss Willow Fielda Dr. Wiley, Dr. Fred Gil lette, E. D.. Jorgenson, Wilson Clarke, Kehnetb, Poorman, Donald Rowa F. F. Brown. Tr. Brower. J. 1L McKenxla E. Elsell, Donald Pague, A. Bruce Hrame, G. Wilson, Roland Kennedy, J. Davis, Herbert Kadderly, Phillip Neu Jr.. -4-Adorpn Neu. OBCnrTJTen. J. L. Bailey; Charlea Gould. Charlea Newcastle, Mr. Loom Is, and othera " 7 - -Mra Bert Ball (Charlotte Whalley) gave a delightful little tea Tueaday af ternoon In -compliment to' Mlsa Mae Whldden, who will be a bride in th aummer. Miss Nan Wood also was an honor gueat." Presiding at the tea table wereMlsNan Wood, Miss Frances Lewi. Mrs. Welter Goss, Rebecca Cat lln) and .Mra. John Latta (Emma Fall ing). Several of tha younger set aerved Including Mlsa Effie Houghton. Mis Barbara Crocker. Mlsa Clair Houghton, Mlsa Lisa Wood and Mlsa Carolyn Buma Mra. Cairns (Mlsa Anderaon) of Manila aentated Mra Ball In eervlng frapp. . There waa a goodly re presenta tion of tha year"a brtdea among th guest. w. Mra Jocelyn and Mis Jocelyn have been much feted both .In Vancouver and Portland alnce their return from Eu rope. General Jocelyn la to be retired In March and Miss Jocelyn waa brought weat by her mother that aha might have a touch of army Ufa Heretofore aha haa been In school till ' ah went abroad for travel, and thea two month will mark her entire experience in post Ufa sines childhood. Sh 1 a flne-lqpk-lnr young woman, with an easy grace of manner that easily wins ner rrienaa. and has attained much popularity at tne barrack. . Mra Annie Lord Hynaon of Mllford, Delaware, la expected to arrive from the east today to apend th spring and summer her with her sons, O. Lea Hynson and . Edward Lord Hynaon. Shortly after her arrival they wiu tax a house during her stay. Mra Hynaon la a charming aouthern woman who la ex tremely popular, especially among the young people, ot whoaa company aha I fond. There was much entertaining for Iter prior te her departure and al number of her friends accompanied her to Philadelphia She la a alater of Ex Governor Lord, who live In. Salem. Mra J. H. Richmond n Thirty third street entertained th Theodora Five Hundred club at her home Thurs day. Twenty-four hand of five hun dred were played, Mra Frank W. To bias making the highest score of thr afternoon. Luncheon was aerved at the card tablea and th hostess was aaalated by her daughter, Mlaa Franeea The club will meet next time with Mra Will Belver at Eaat Twenty-second and Clackamas atreeta. . - - - - Friday a week ago th Mlspah Whlat club were entertained by Mr. Alleen Freeman, . one of It member, at her residence, B4 Hoyt street. A delicious luncheon waa aerved and than tha member enjoyed themselves at bridge whlat. Mra J. H. Boone waa the win ner ef th flrat prlca- Th drawing room and dining-room wera decorated In pink and whit and made a very pleas ing affect. Mra Samuet Rutherford Johnston en tertained Monday afternoon with bridge at 14 tablea Th gam was played In four rooms with a prise for each room. and the wlnnera wera Mra Jamaa Lald law, Mra Harvey Allen, Mr. Jamea Hart and Mis Ella Stevena Mra. Johnston ha not- entertained for some time and aha I planning to give a large tea after Lent. .' -: - - Tha Anania club was entertained Thursday evening at tha home of Dr. Goaa Cllna. Mra Gean Clin and Mra Samnel Archer wer tha hostesrea. Tha following roembera of the club were present: Dr. Cllne. Samuel B. Archer, A. R. Parrott, Captain Frank Holromb, B. 'Trtnkman, -J. H. Williams, L. Beno, P. Dell Haa and WV E. Rothery. w' Mra. W. J. " Craln entertained the Bridge Whist Study club at her home, Eaat Eleventh and Thompson street last Thursday with a 1 o'clock luncheon aerved In the dining room, which waa made attractive with potted palm and plant a Mlsa Inei Craln assisted hei mother. Tha highest score' of the after noon waa mad by Mra W. II. Mankln. Mr. Frank Nau waa hostess Friday afternoon at a card party of el x tables. Thla waa tha second In her aerie of entertalnmenta and both bridge and five hundred were played. Mra. A. E. Mac kay and Mra Lybell Baker won the price for five .hundred- and Mrs. Wll llam, Knight for bridg. Mra Thomas Kerr entertained Miss Wood ' and Mr. Honeyman, and their bridal party Tuesday night with a din ner and theatre party to aee ..Isabel Irving. Mlaa Margaret Montgomery waa the guest outside the bridal party. --r---. -- Tha women of Trinity guild have mad arrangement for a 6t- Valentine dinner tomorrow night -at tha pariah house, which promises to b aa auo ceaaful aa are all of their dlnnera Mr. and Mra Frank X Raley of Irvlngton have returned from a de lightful trip east, In the course ef which they visited most of tha promi nent cltlea - WW.' Mra Albert B. Mason will entertain the Elght-Ten-Thlrty club on Monday evening, February 18, at her home, s) Sixteenth street, Portland heights. ' Mr.. and Mra John Klosterman and their daughter. Miss Kenna, left - the flrat of tha week on a two montha' trln 1 through southern California and Max- lea ' - Mlaa Margaret Montgomery enter tained at dinner Monday evening and afterward took her gueata to tha recital given by Mlaa France Batchelor at th Hellig. . , , : Mra I Frohtnan of Portland waa reg istered at Hotel Van Nuya In Loa An gelea laat week. Bha 1 Just returning from a tour of Japan. Mra Louie G. Clarke and Mra A. 3. Glesy will be' tha hoateeses at a large card party-Tuesday -afternoon at Mur-; Ura hall. i Mra Clarence Nichols entertained the Early Week Bridge club laat Monday and Mr. Morton Jnsley entertained tne Thursday club. Mrs.- Edwin Baldwin has. cards out for a large bridg party tomorrow afternoon. - . '. . . -. .' v'-.' - it ' Mra L. May and her daughter Mlsa Carrie-le v.-have gons to California on a few week' ylsit. Th assembly dance announced for to morrow at Murlark hall has been post poned till after Lent . - it w V Dr. and Mr. J. N. Tate entertained their fiv hundred club at th Carleton Wednesday evening. ; . V.;' .. . . - . - Mra Frank Herbert Irwin of th Ho-bart-Curtla entertained at bridg Thurs day afternoon. w w ' J Mra Frank A. Nitohay antartalned yesterday at luncheon . with an- artar noon of. bridg following. 7 EVENTS OF THE WEEK. One of the prettiest parties or tnaygcCornack wer married Uat Wednea season waa that given by tha member of the Jun claaa of the Portland high achool In -honor of th clasa which waa graduated thl week at Murlark, hall Friday night. A large number of young Deanle wer Dreaent and had an enjoy able time dancing and engaging In other amusementa arranged for th event. , X program was carried. out by member-of both the clasees. Th addreaa of welcome to th retiring claaa waa made by Calvin Le Welch, president of th Jun class, and th young man acquitted himself well In making -th gueata of the evening feel the warmth of friendship wh.tch tha membera of the June claaa entertain for their depart in achoolmatea Tha reply to th addreea ot welcome' waa made by Mlsa Lllah Harvey Kogera president of th February clasa Mlsa Roger was followed on th program by Harry Mooie, who sang a solo. - Miss Bod reed "Tb Matinee Girl Beeet Bern hardt la Comedy." Mualcal selections followed by tha Echo quartet and Mi as Llna Llndhand sW a solo. ' The hall was decorated with' high achool and college pennanta Punch and 1c cream war aerved In tha reception rooms, wher many of tha young people played carda., ., - -. Mr, mad Mra. R. J. Ellis entertained a number of their friends at cards Tues day evening. Tb house on tha eaat aide was prettily decorated with Ivy and red carnations. Whist waa th gam of th evening and the firat prlaea a hand some cut-glaaa vaaa and a hand-painted ateln war won by Mra J. L. Douglas and Edward B. Wilson. Th consolation prlaea aa Armenian handkerchief and a recent novel, fell Lo Mra Georga W. Steven and 3. L. Dou glaaa Refresh ments wer aerved at th card tablea and tha hostess waa aaalsted by Miss Geraldln Frank, and Mlaa Mabel Harkum. Thg-gTWt of th evenleg-wera-Mr.i nd Mra Thomaa Sutton. Mr. and Mra John F. Vandyke, Mr. and Mra. J. L. Douglass, Mr. and Mra T. L. Word en, Mr. and Mra OeorggT-W. Stevens, Mr. snd Mr. F.- D. Hume. Mis Myrtle Woods, Mia Fanny Jumble, Mlaa Flor ence H Heard, Mr. Ella Morden, Mrs. Charlotte Went, Mra Oeorge O. Feeton, Edward B. Wilaon, Lawrence TV Wolfe, A. D. Guerdon, Frank O. Emery, Harold Peters and William D. Johnson, ... . Tb member of Oregon ' Council, Royal Arcanum, gav an enjoyable at home to their wive and a few Invited gueat at tha Auditorium on last Tues day evening. Th council chamber was artistically decorated for th ooaalon, and at V o'clock dancing waa commenced with a program of H number. Other amusement were provided, but dancing formed tha principal attraction. Re freshment wera aerved In th banquet hall. Many beautiful costumes wer worn by th women. In th course of the evening J. E. Werlein delivered a neat addreea presenting in behalf of the membera of th council a past regent' Jewel to J. W. Hutchinson. 4n the re ceiving line were Mr. and Mra J. W. Hutchinson. Mr. ..and Mra H. C, Weber, Mr and Mra C J. Wheeler, Mr. and Mra Ben A. Bellamy and Mr. and Mra E. W. Jonea Th committee that ar ranged th affair posed of O. O. Hall, J. F. Bamford, W. H. 8mtth, J. W. Hutchinson and C P. Mbraa Laat Friday evening th graduating class of tha Holladay achool spent a very enjoyable time at tna beautiful home of Mr. and Mra. Sidney Smyth. In Irvlngton.. The house waa beautifully decorated In th elas color, green and whlta Various game were played throughout th evening. Following la a Hat of th claaa: Stewart Davla pres dent; Efward Smyth, vlce-prealdent; Mabel L'.nden, secretary; Iran Albee, treasurer; William Bollana sergeant at arms; Ellena Archambeau, Arvtlla Beck wlth. Opal Burton, Haiel Clark, Ruth Crosby, 'Paul Daniele. Eddie Duffey, Alfred Fiiewald, Arnold Hall. Charles Hall, Marie Heller. Annie Jlalloran. Ella Healy, Wesley Hewitt, Ruth -Hooker, Marie La Roche, Anna Larsen, Faya Ltndley. Jamea Mann, Ilnsel McBrlde, Edna Mlnslnger, Oeorge Murray. Mar garet. Nlcolai, Edna maiaen. Fannl Fern Peterson, Nlta Pickens, Margue rite Reagan, Margaret Reea, Elate Ble- Ynon, Edward Smyth. Leota Srrubl, Adln Swart, Elof Whlta. , At Trinity parish house laat Tu4y evening, the Daughter ef the Parish oelety entertained the men1" of ' Trinity chotr. Th evening wa an cnjoyabl on a and waa pleasantly apent with mualc end dancing. During th evening, t. T. Crowther ' delighted all with some pleasing vocal aelectlona. after which all Joined heartily in alnging. -Rrefreshmenta wer served and at a lata hour tha merry party dispersed, giving three cheers to the president, Miss Mary Otto, and to tb Daughtera of tha Parish,- 2S-. I WEDDINGS A pretty wadding waa celebrated laat Wedneaday morning at St. Patricks church. Nineteenth and Savier atreeta, when Agnea Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mra J. J. Sherlock of thla city waa united la marriage to H. P. Lenhart of Astoria, Rev. Edmund P. Murphy per formed the ceremony, assisted by Rev. Father Tillman ot Columbia university, The' bride waa attended by her slater, Miss Ann Bherlock, and Arthur Far rell acted a groomsman. Th bridal party entered th church to th strains of th Lohengrin bridal hymn played by John F. Bamfordj During th nup tial mass Mlsa Laulla Stanton Bang "O Promise Me,"" nd "Thou Ar Like Unto a Lovely Flower." A wedding breakfast waa aerved at the" residence of the . bride' parents., ' 171 North Eighteenth- street, after which Mr. and Mra. Lenhart took tha train for Puget sound, wher they will spend tbelr honeymoon. - . i . , :,-...-;wvr: ; -v. ',-':;; Miss May E. Bwlgert and Georga W. SIraona wer married with quiet home wedding at noonOn "Wednesday at th residence of Mr. and Mr. H. C. Camp bell. Mr. Simon 1 a wail-known busi ness man, manager of the Paclfio Bridg company, president of tb Portland and Suburban Express company, and for tha paat year president of the 'Multnomah Amateur Athletic. - Tb bride, Mlaa Bwlgert, -the sister- ofMrxc H.0. Campbell and C. F. Bwlgert, both well known In tbla city.. Only the Immedi ate relative wer present Th cere mony wa performed by Rev. 3. A. P. McQraw, D. D., who Waa for many year th family paator at Toledo, Ohio, before their removal to tha coast Mr. and Mra Simon left Immediate ly on an extended trip - through th aat and south. t '.'-..-v.;- Mis Pauline Benhara. the daughter of Mra H- C Hutchinson, and Dr. W. A. Coffman wer married laat night at th residence of th bride' mother, 7S7 East Madison street. Only th rela tive and tha Immediate frlenda of th family war present. A large recep tion followed th ceremony and It was attended by several hundred guest. Mra Coffman la a graduate nuraa of th Good Samaritan hoapItaL Dr. and Mrs. Coffman have gone to Puget sound on a short wedding trip and will return to make their home 8ere.v . ;' ; -:. ' '? - .' - Mfsa Tternlre Adams and Klwln A. day afternoon at th home ot th bride groom' brother, Di.Condon C. McCor- nack, 7t Williams avenua Rev. A. J. Montgomery' read the service. only a -few relative and immediate mend witnessed- tha ceremony. After a wad ding dinner Mr. and Mra MoCornack left for a month In southern California They will later go to Dundea, Oregon, te live, wher Mr. McCornack la engaged In th fruit bualneaa The bride la a slater of Dr. W. C. Adams of this city. - w w Th marriage of Mlaa Beset L. Am brose to Thomaa J. Van Aukan took place on- Wednesday evening, at the residence of the bride' parents, Mr. and Mr. M. A. Ambrose, 1414 Oneonta street. - Woodlawn. Rev. L. M. Booser, pastor ef tha Piedmont Presbyterian church, officiated. . , Only Immediate frlenda and ' relative, wer prtaent at the ceremony. Mr. and Mra Van Auken will b at horn to their friend at 1421 Oneonta atreet after February li. - No carda Mis Minnie Gunning and Floyd Has kell wera married laat Sunday at the home of th. bride's mother, Mr. H. J. Gunning In Vancouver, Rev. Mr. El liott of th Methodist church officiat ing. Th- brid waa gowned in. whit silk organdie and carried a bouquet of white carnatlona - The ceremony wa performed in the preenc of th imme diate relative ef th bride and groom. A wadding supper followed th cere mony. Mr. and Mra Haexeu nave gone to woodburn to make their noma . . w w At St Mary's Catholic church, AIMn, Wedneaday morning, Clyde Owen ef As toria, was -united In marriage to Mlaa Albertina Major of Portland. Anthony Campbell of Portland acted a beat man. and Mlsa May Major, a alater of tna bride. aa bridesmaid. . Alter tna weaamg breakfast wa aerved at th home of the bride, and Mr. ndMrsOwen took the evening train for California wher they will-remain about two weeka Return. Ing thev will make their home In As toria wher Mr. Owen i in busltnssv w Th marrlag ot Miss Florence Flower and Pierre Lorillard Barbey took plaoe Wedneaday In New Tork and waa an event In society. Th wadding waa a quiet on because of th death of Mr. Barney's father aome montha ago, for whom he I still in mourning. Th bride 1 known her aa Mra Warren Houghton' nalc and Mra Wealey Ladd' cousin, who visited here th eumraer ot th Lewis and Clark exposi tion. . . . Th wedding of Walter Dodge of a- . 1 1 DO YOU The Needlecraft Shop4r r '.". e. Y -' V -- - The Needlecraft Shop 382 WASHINGTON ST BET. WEST PARK AND TENTH STS. Woodburn and Miss Cora Wade of Port land took place Thuraday evening, at S 1 College street Rev. Henry A. Bsr uwi otficlated. The groom's mother, Mrs. Jane Dodge of Woodburn, and Mra 'Betsy Russ of Portland and her. granddaughter, with the clergyman's" family, witnessed the ceremony. Mr. and Mra Dodge will re Id at Wood- burn., Mary F. Griffith and W. F. Elliott of Baa Francisco were married at th home of Rev. Mr. and Mra A. LeRoy Wednesday evening. Mr. Elliott la connected with th Ban Francisco Ex aminer. . - ; ' Mis Rebecca J. Dean and David H. Thorn wer married Friday, February t, .at tha bride's residence, (II Tlgard street, by Rev. Clarence' True Wilaon,' D. D., of Gruc Methodist church. i - ' ; Mis Annetta I. Dooley and Christo pher N. Darby wer married at th par sonage of Grace Methodlat church, Wedneaday "afternoon, by Dr.- Clarence True WUaon., N- - ; '-, ' . . . , Mra Mary Fredertckeon and Thomaa M. Krauter-were married by Dr. Clar ence True Wilaon at ! Larrabee atreet . February t. .. . , - ' Mis Eatelle M. Turpen of Hlllaboro nd Euaene E. Well wero married at . tha Grace Methodist parsonage by Dr. Clarence True Wilson, Friday," Febru- ' ary t. ... ...... , '-, , .. -'- ' :. Mlaa Irma Co, the daughter of Cap., tain and Mra IL C Cos, waa married Tueaday evening to Jamea Analey. - Th Orranco club's party which waa postponed from January St on account of wsather condition, will Uk place Monday evening, February 11. at th new Woodmen . hall. Eaat.-Sixth 'and Alder atreet. The patroneasea ar Mra J. W, Taggart. Mra. T. .J. King. Mrs. B. Long. Mrs. J.. C. Adama and Mra. R. W. Jamleson. The club members are " J.. F. Adam. ' H. W. Hlngley, H. J... Huck, R. W. Jamleaon and H. SL Wil liams. . ..- - .. .'''.- '..' ' Wlnslow Meads Circle No.- T, L. of G. A. It, will - hold ns regular session, Tuesday evening at Drew halL, A Lln-' coin day program will b given by th Veteran quartet and S. R. Harrington will b th principal speaker.. i , .y.-, ., Th Vesper Stella have Issued Invi tation for a Valentin party to be given ' In Women, of woodcraft nan. Tenth and Taylor atreeta, Thursday evening. Parsons orchestra will play.. -The Bt, Lawrence Social -club - will giv a card eoclal on th Of lent at Third and. Sherman atreeta xueeeay. 7 PERSONAL Mr. and Mra Phillip R. Pollock have returned from a alx weeks' trip through California and the sound cltlea . Mra ,r COMING EVENTS. Pollock was formerly Mlaa T ' J 1 Rr. Dr. and Mra. Moeaohn -will re ceive nx,t Sunday afternoon. February IT, at their realdenca T74 Johnson street in honor of Rabbi and Mra W. Wlllner, who will leave ahortly for Houston, Texas, wher Rabbi Wlllner I te tak charge of a large congrega tion to which ha waa recently elected. H ' Beck and F. A. Speacer wer gueata laat week at Paso Rabies, Hot Springs, California ... ENTERTAINMENT AT THE Y. M. C. A. QUARTERS . . i i i . . i A oordlal Invitation 1 given to all young women of Portland to com to. -th association rooma corner Sixth and i Oak., and enjoy the following program from 4 to t o'clock thla afternoon: Baritone aolo, J. C. Monteith; Violin solo. B. J. Mat'hla accompanied by Matthta: soprano sdo, Mrs. Fleti Linn; addreaa Rev. C X. Sawtella Mra IrT. Tobey will speak in th) "Llttl Journey" room on" Jame Chol mer work In Samoa. Mra D. M. Wat eon will be th host for th after noon. - ' '.I"--- " -V.. .... - Milwaukls Country Club. ' Eaatarn and California racea ' Tak Bellwood and Oregon City ear at Flrat sad Alder. Who la" MetsgerT ti HI ybunye" for $100. Ill Sixth street WEDDING AND VI5ITINO CARDS W. G. SMITH & Co. Wasblngtoa Btilldln; TRADE AT Our New Designs for spring are now ready. Wa are showing many beau tiful and original designs for' ; Shirtwaists, Lingerie and Baby . Clothes. Hand Embroidered " Shirtwaists will be more popu ' lar this year than ever. .. . Let Us Help You I ; ' To Have One. " ; OUR SPECIAL OFFER . We will sell Shirtwaist Pattern exactly like cut, stamped on ex tra, fine quality Lingerie Lawn, complete with cotton for- em broidery, and Free Embroidery Lesson, all for.. ...y..,f 1.25 .1.