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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1907)
est of Al I (Big : PeaiS"-Thej Greatest Capt Yet The Bigg ure m a rtttttin tntt Trm ynrmTn n rm TT7TT r ttiTI m rn n nrm (a. J fl 'FT It's Our Greatest, Biflgesl Scoop-Anolner raze laplurc ol 1,801) women's tinesi ana uesi $5do?$ D AMB SO SULK WA0SY& " t .... .. i! V It's a bargain that bafflet description a sale so great that one'must come and see to realize the importance of this, the most sensa tional Waist Selling ever attempted in Portland. , Think of it, $8, $10 ahd $12 Silk Waists at $2.98, is extraordinary beyond belief The MaKer NeedMoney-Forced tcTSell and Sell at Once-and Again we scoop our slow-going competitors and by this mighty capture prove that it takes this store to give real bargains, cm ci9c;iv"xraiafa fr o .that's T3rtl what w mean and that's what vou pet. The factory's entire surplus cl est and prettiest of Silk Waists waists made of the most expensive silks, beautiful taffetas, peau de cygnes and the highest class novelty silk , Jiandsomeplaids, stripes and fancy effects as well as plain black, white, blue, pink and other shadings.- Each one a fashionable up-to-date creation beautifully trimmed with fancy laces, straps, tucking etc.. long and short sleeves All elegantly made and finished, and over 50 different styles to pick from. All sizes and plenty of them, too. lain ::E, 1- .. Whoever heard the like before $8, cleaned out 1,800 of the finest, handsom- Waists we know and you'll admit are $8, $10 and $12 values just as we claim. . Absolutely and positively a . waist bargain that never was, never will be equaled 1,800 waists to pick from choose $8, $10 or $1Z ones ana you couian t pick one worin a penny icss man o w-yuu wanted to. Choice. . . , ;v. . . . . . . ...,;. ''. ".' . . .tt . ..-. . . . . . . . PORTIMiSSnEW-DEEMlTIiniT STORE 49 Another Great Lot o! Women's $6 to ?7.50 Sample Skirts tQ).98 PUlaa, chackt and fancies, ' f))f)2 U colon and black, choice... sAf T'T" And Great SUK Petticoat Deal, Too Women's $8.00 to $12.00 Finest SILK PETTICOATS " 6 Jfl rt, nt m thouMnA honarht. over half wun old last -week that telU W 11 M, A what barin thy r. Md of finaat Taffet ' Silk ' In tha wanud ahadea - otplnk. aTeena, araya. reada. eus.; beautifully t trtitimtd K)i ruff nd-4Glilni"l i-Yfvry nt-f klrta and the -aurplua Iota of one of NewJTork'a. greatest makera Poel. tlTely 110 and 111 valuee. Cholc . ....... 3 Here's n Barfjain in Women's Underwear CVi To Startle You : FINEST $1 QRADE The best 11 Ufaion Suits oh earth go to- morrow, wnue iney iaii ........ Gervuineilk Lisle Thread UnJon Suits,' one of the finest of fine frides, low neck and knee length, silk crocheted and lace trimmed front, all sixes, ell perfect; a dollar grade if there erer was one. , Enough for one day only, and if you don't come tomorrow J you J miss, this - bargain forever. ? 5 CO Special ..V. O DomestiCaS sind AVash Qoods" at the Lowest Prices Ever Quoted Every yard the finest of grades, so please dont compare them with the bargain trash offered by would-be bargain stores. 500 Yards Mill Enda. Finest 30c and 35c : Dotted Swiss The Finest and sheerest of grade;. - worth up", to 30c, and all good lengths; yard .;.;-.. .-s.i-.i.-.-.., 8c Dlue and White Check a , Apron uingnams Almost as good as Amosxeag; yaro 15c ; Just 600 Yards MU1 indaTV'T 15c Wide 40-Inch Cloth Very fine" and sheer, remember 40 inches wide- and , , every Q I yard a'lSc.'grade;, XC yard ........... ....... ., , f 100 Pieces Fun 'Width. : 1 Best 8c Grade Flf- tired Challies In light and ' dark patterns, not th'uii and slary . but good A close weave and worth .. xl.rT . . c . 81-3c; yard Half Price for Best Teasel ; FancjWaistinrfs AH colors and every yard worth 15c; yard ... 7!c A Store-Crowding Lot of $1.25 Lace Curtains Pairs So a A (ipse Only200 i ; Come . Early And n6 over two pairs toa customer so all can share in the bargain . . . Fine Nottingham. Lace And large full size of three yards long; handsome nets, plain centers, with rich floral borders, wide widths; only 200 pairs of them and every one the best $1.25 Curtain you ever saw. All day if they last that long, and but two pairs to a cus- Af)r tomer at, ' pair a QRBAT SALE OP TOILET SOAP 5c and 8c ! Kinds at 3c 50-gross purchase and it's the best yefc Think of it; all the finest makes of Toilet Soap at 4 cake and they are the Terr same you always pay 5c to 8c for. Kirk's, Jergen s, -Armour s and others, all nigmy Buy all you, want tomorrow and get-. the best oc, ana ec i ouet poaps ai. choice perfumed. CaU GREATE ST EMBROIDERY SENSATION That Ever Struck The Town-$l.50 Values 49c Yard One thousand yards only: that's all we could t, and while it lasts, which won't be long, vou get $1.00 to $1.50 grades at 49. Importer s clearance lots and-all his finest grades oi Swiss 17 inches wide J handsome openwork and shadow effects, All $1.00 and $1.60 grades and at this sensational price t give all an equal chance at the bargain. Choice, yard 500 yards $175 and $2.00 wide 27-inch Embroidery Flouncing at 69f. Handsomest of openwork and shadow effects, some of the prettiryotrVe-ver seen eia theJotYsluct J0$2y(L a. k m.m.ii.' n r-fmsivtnt f r. r. j. .i.rnnr nnnn. 'j nil 1 11 1 1 . , dainty- designs, perfect goods and the very finest quality. .I IN 1 hey II hardly last tne flay tnrougn. saie pegins ai w so as to 5,000 yards Swiss and Nainsook Embroidery Insertion, 6 to 10 inches wide, open and shadow embroidery effects just- the thing lor shirt waists, and values up to 75c; yard 39c 69c BUY YOUR i Her at Price A' delayed shipment just received and all to be thrown , on the market at just halt price; a.uuu to go;.u tancy styles; all the latest novelties, and every one. at just half price. r .' .;' ' ' All lOo Valentines And all better grades up to 50c at like reductions GREAT BANKRUPT PURCHASE " . OfOvtr 100,000 Yard Finest 5c nd 10c T0R.CHON We closed the entire lot out at the auction sale of the stock at 25c on the dollar and that's how you get it tomorrow. Best German, French and English Torchon LaCes. all widths and , all irood iattems-none -wortlr less than 5cndinost all lOc- qualities, fick; 'era out tomorrow, cnoice 9c Umbrellas Repaired & Re-Covered At Half Umbrellia Stores' Prices -AllSrork-guaranteed- and qtricldy-and correctly-attended -tor-For- Mon- day only, we will put on anyumoreiia Drougm m, otn uiorn currrj. from 9 to 12 o'clock only, for, each.; i .... .'. . ...... . T5 Men's $3 Umbrellas? $11.48 With best tape edge, Gloria silk covers, Paragon rust-; -II (nmn. all 13.00 values mim r ' Why Par More? Trade at Our , CUT-PRICE GROCERY ' . ' And 'Sava on Your Living Expensea. ; 22 Lbs Granulated Sugar $ 1 .00 Tna Famous Hammer . Brand ... - Laundry Soap A adap tfl& all ever at l - 'SV4 for Monday, bar. ........... X C l60 Boxaa Good, iulcy , 25c Oranges Only i dosen to a cuatomar, while they laat, doaen...... gJZC 20e fancy Lemons, down. . . t . . .10 llo raney Drlod Applea. 11k...13 Small Whlta Baana, lb.. ...... .4e lbs. Fancy Datas .......164 Ba. Iba. for J5o Broken Rica, pr lb. ...... 4 lOo Lima Bana. Ib. ............ 5 (dhreddd Wheat Blseuta.......lO 71. O. Breakfast rood ........... 8) Crexcent Wheat Plakna... Re Buckwhaat Flour. I pka .....254 15c too Royal Baklnr Powder, lb..40 lOo pkg-e. Mtnce Meat. ....Sf I cans corn.. I eana Peaa..., . . . t eana Soup....... ISo can String Beans ...10e 15o bottle Cateup. ............. .8 15e Rhredded Codfish .........lO Candles,- 4 for ................ .5 lc bet. Maple Ryrup'... IK Full Cream Cheeae, lb IS SEE OUR OTHER AD -y -,- On page 7 for the world's greatest silk sacrifice WOMEN'S FINEST 39c BLACK HOSE 25c Pr. It's the greatest Black Hose sale ever attempted In Portland. Five esses of themthe fin est of 39c grades, and some stores even sell them at 50c All here at 25e a pair. Made of finest selected black Maco yarn, fast Hermsdorf dye, and you know that's the best. . Full Mmiar mari with ftntihl heela. toea and sole. All 39 c rradea at a Dries that should make you buy a year'a supply now. Take your choice of these best 39c Hose at the special low price of 28 the pair, 1000 Woman's Best 75c Flannelette Night" Gowns JCBT FROM THE NEW . YORK AUCTION. one atHees than coat of material alone, made of aood, heavy, thick fleeced fancy flan nelette, cut larsre and full; ruffle collar , and cuffs. All colore, all klsea. All 76c gowns and not over three to a customer, cnoice. Every 48c Just In -100 Doz. Women's 25c and "35c Fancy Handkerchiefs 17c You've never seen a greater bargain or ahared In a bister sacrifice. 1,200 of the flneat. fancleat Hana kerchlefe yon ever saw at such a ridiculous price; finest Swlse embroidered all around, and acalloped edgea; none worth leas than J&o and up to JSo. Choice, I for 60o, or, each.......... WW! Last Day of the Partman . .Wise P 1 m i Sale TrlM Amn annttiar int-h Mnw nrThn mint aennttional aelltnr of all. TTr nalr that'a lft at a nsrure inai maaea inia ine Deal During cnance joun ever naa in an your me, IT'S NOW OR NEVER FOR BARGAINS Bvery laat pair to be eloaed out tomorrow, no matter what they bring-. Shoes for the entire family at a mere aong ahoea for leas than the leather coat. Buy buy buy at s tomorrow morning the selling commence come. SHOE ODDS AND ENDS . v WortH $2, $3 and up to $4 : - It's the eltmax1 of barraln airlnr and a aale that should bring every bargain hunter on the run. Hundreds of pairs of odds and enda . Women's shoes of all ainds at Me a pair.............. . All Broken Lines and Odds and Ends All broken ltnea of Hurt man-Wlno'n beat. Including 1 dlea' High Shoea, Osforda and Slippers; Oxford and Shoes In French vlcl kid and patent leathcra. Slipper a In en tin, patent kid, dull kid, French and Cuban heeia In fact, the flneat and dresaleet footwear Hrtman-Wla had In atock. None worth leaa than 12.60 un to 14.00. There's plenty of I4.W0 ones to go, but early comers will get tnem, eo oe nere wnen the doors open at 1 and pick out 14.00 Bhoea and Oxfords at. So pair. AH lie Odds and Ends of Women's 01.50 to 03 Shoes and Slippers ' -1.1 and S pairs of a kind. every Imaginable -style- In the lot, broken . lines snd odd elaee: none worth ! than 11. SO tip to 11 all bunched In If All Hertman S Wise's Finest $5 and (6 Men's and VVomcn'a Shoct ICrerv pair that's lft Included all their flneat and beat worth CHILD'S $1.50 SHOES Odds and ends and broken lines; most all sixes. - Pair ........ 49c MEN'S WORK SHOES AU solid leather; (t iA none worth less than $2.50. Pair . BOYS' $2.50 SHOES L Lace and blucher styles, all solid leather, snd sll sizes. Pair nyies, an soiin $1.55 ANOTHER BARGAIN PICK-UP W Clot the Entire Maker's Stock of 7 LADIES' $2.00 SCARFS C Ea The very same Scarfs that every store in town sells at $1.98 and $2, here tomorrow at 98 each. Just 200 of them go. Ladies' handsome Crepe de Chine Scarfs in white, pink, blue snd red, plain snd handsome figured effects, 2 snd 2yi yds. long: and all bargains at $2. JVVfiite they last, choice ... 18 BOUCHT AT THE NEW YORK AUCTION A SOLID CARLOAD 42eiece:dinner sets in has ever been IS2.99 'The first time in Portland's history . . . 'a mat sucn a oargain nas ever oeen offered. " Full sue, 42-piece Dinner Set at $2.99, and they are cheap at $3.UU., Johnson Bros.Seml-Porcelaia The beet " Dinner Ware made;- plain white, all plecea full also and perfect. The beat auaranteed 46.00 Dinner Sets, while they laat, one to a customer, -at . ; 92.99 50-pieceSctsCQ 00 60-plcce Sets $4 7Q I00-pieceSetsC7 00 Wonh $7 p0et7l7 worla $8 941 r ' Worth m v.W - Johnson Bros. Richly Decorated Dinner Sets ous Wild Rose decoration, one of the moat beau. O P oduced. richeat of coloring. Lare l.plece aeta, fj W f penny of li.00. Only 11 sets of these whlle .....$8.50 In their famous tiful ever produced. worth every they last . 100-plece Dinner Seta of beat Eng. llah semt-poroelaln. In brown, blue and green decorationa, guaranteed tit aeta.,. ' Great Sale of 60S Heavy Granite Sauce Pans XJpned beat triple coated on aolld a teal, 1-qt. alio, worth tic, Scl 4-qU, worth Ho.' for.. ......... ZO ' (-qt., worth 40c, for; 200 te Ironing Was ...Iff IOO Fine White) ABo BNAMRL WASH UAH INS ICS una full Alia Potato Manhera; e Wrth le All our net Be Tumhlra. Ji cut to AjV. 100 Jap Candleatlcka go Large" H-gMl.' tin Oil i'ana; ' 15e. for 7 SEE OUR OTHER AD CH VL: )TS1 up to M.OO Pick 'em out .'. $1.98 one great lot at, choloe