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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1907)
TIIE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. TORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY ' fO. -1907 mmmmmm mi ft JUL .v.- M. Katie's Valentine Shy Boys and Girls f AIT," arled Katie, -untn Val entine Day; rou'U eee,- mad to tier former chum. Bessie B'v . t'p to three weeks before this quarrel Bessie and Katie had bHB Inseparable, , and than, for. apparently no raaaoa -whatever. Bessie bgaa teasing- Katie, especially about -thd color oC ber hair, which ti unmistakably red. Katie wasn't grown up enough to ba proud of the beautiful color at fear hair, -and of course all the brothera In school, ' her own and other girl, poked, tun at -her about It. faault hi ilvivi aaaurA Katie that -nm'-lixnr-ws a "inui im l ih" fntnf nl day three weeka before, when Katla, -most unniMwtanted thlnsr. rat ahead of . Bessie In achooL Sine then, try aa aba "W ZrTnlg-bV Beaala had,not bean able to re- gain her former position aa head of tnn. clasa And aa bar positing to school hsd been her great pride, aba began to bata ; Katla accordingly, XAxiB plaits SEVxarOB . ' Katie waa a healthy, hearty little girl ""who laughed more than aba studied, and ' played mora than aha thought. But Bee .. ala cared for nothing so mucb-ta thla' wiffKI aa to study hard and receive bar teacher's - notnraendation. which had ' never bean alow In coming tip to thla k time. . . , :, ". But now Bessie eat around the school .tPpra 'with ber bead on bar band, biting a pen bolder, or otherwise aba wing bar Inability te think and atudy aay mora, s Her teacher put It down to stubbornness and refused to notice bow pale Beaala , ' waa growing - or how -bee eyea flushed - - up with teara aa aha' beat aver aoma : hard tartt:;rrf!''--"," It seemed as though the only outlet Bessie oooM And for the chagrin aba felt at being obliged toTlaka a lower position 77T.. , ... v-.h- N more she teaaed tha angrier Katla be- cams, and tha wider grew tha broach between tbo two girls. ,' , But St Valaattne'a Day Waa approach Ing, and Katla resolved to bo revenged for all the unkind tbtnga Bessie had aald about bar hair. She had been unable to . think of any .sarcastic retorts to Bessie's teasing-, for aha waa not a ready wit; but she felt that tha eomlo valentines which are issued for distribution on Feb ruary' 14 would give her an outlet tor ber feelings. , , WILL 0 ITERS HIS HELP :;. Long before tha day arrived Katla haunted tha stationery and toy shop windows, looking for a Valentino which ' would hiU upon tha only thing about Bessie that aha could think to make fun of. And that waa Beaaie'a bunanaaa. ' When aha waa a very email child aha had been badly hurt and It left her who, a walk which waa more like a leap front one foot to tba otlir ao great was tha difference tn ,ength n her legs. Of course, J&essls was aa awastUva about hr lamenena as Katie wss about bar hair. So Katie looked and looked for a eomlo valentine which ehould aay tha msaneuit posaible thins about Beaaki's lameness. One day the boy who carried her books to school mora of tan than any of tha Games to Play. on St. Valentine's Day- AKELIOHTrtTL game to play on . St Valentine' a Day to. Heart? Quoits. u - . - Of course, you know hew ordinary ', quoits sre played. Well, in place of the familiar rings or horaeahoea to be tossed over the stake (or stakes, for : we shall have mora than one) use ' jj S 13T liiilt hous anBkiX mile flirl suina j-t Office tWu. t Wich "ttlfc 3ir will Tiot get kl33eU,ana vtihich ata gol&g io be? f - others noticed Katie looking eharply Donf some valentlnee displayed. In -toy-ehop window. - , t ; "Hello, Kate,"; he eried out, ""going to aend ma a comic about my ssise being red?" r - Katla atarted and blushed. "No." aha' replied, "I'm not going to aend you any. :". I am looking for one for aoma one alee." - Will waa a pretty sharp boy, and he had noticed the crowing estrangement between the two former friends. But he had alao noticed the fact (that no one clae aeemed to have) that Beaala waa not looking well, k . ' "How la thla oner' be aaked preaentlr. aoitttlng.-out. a eoaai valeatlna which - aiowe n.iams . iryins w, - car. Katla looked at the valentine and then at Will to aea If ha waa teasing" her, but be looked Very serloia. i "' 7 Xxoui4 not aand -that to any ona except Beaala," aha auggesUd Weakly. , -She's the v"y ona I know who s lama." . ' -Wall," orled tha boy. "why not aand It to herT Bba'a ba mer.n aneugh to goo-lately." . ' '- i Katla drew nearer to tha window and read tha veraet : i ! "Hobbledehoy, Hobbledehoy-, You walk Uke neither a clrl no boyt - 'You cannot catch tha car. that's plain, 'For any one that la ao lama -la apparently not In tha game," ,' Inataad of being disgusted with tha foolish and Insulting verse Katla at onaa made np ber mind to purchase it Will waa apparently as eager aa aha about it, and offered to address and mall It, ,' that Beaala would not know where' It came from. - j i . BEMbBS3AKl "UEFBIS 5 Katla gladly delegated thla task to him, for aha did , t want to be - aaught - dolug such a mean. ihinaV an aahamel t tha revenge .aha was go ing to bava on Beaala. - liar joolher called her ' upstairs aa aha came la tha house. "Katla," aha aald.;"yo- r aat not go near Bessie's house for a long while. - IShe Is down with, typhoid f ver. Tha doctor oaya she has had what ie call ed 'walking, typhoid for ' several months, and tbay ara afraid aha will not. live." . ' t . ; . ' , Katla stood stock "still for a minute, and them ' aha burst Into teara. But aha was a girl of notion, even to ber , daapeat momenta of regret and aha ran to tha telephone. , . etio. got Will on the phone and fra tlcally asked him if ha had mailed that . letter. . "Yea" be replied calmly. "And Boasts la dyins; she waa 111 all tha time, that's why she was so crosa to . sue," wailed Katie. I am very sorry."- replied WIIL ? It's too late now.1' "Too late" were worda that Katla never betleved In. Bhe hurried from the bouse next morn ing, before any one could alop her, and arrived at Beaaie'a bouse just aa the postman came down the steps alter de livering the mall. . u Katla rushed up to tha servant, who quoits made In tha shape of hearts - eiiougn to provide eacn piayer wua three. Make them out of picture wire, wind with tissue rrr, then with cheap ribbon (a dlfferea. color for each set of three). Next tske three boxes and fasten thrse stakes securely to their tops. rf life. k . 1 tm&&wibi" fcjl li Jvithti7is"'gftat burden ClhU moy what I shattAa? One of the Valentines Cupid Brought Jo - Loreen ttTLSr LOREENrrw'UlL- -raw- ba . .. mlnat.... , . You're my choice, dear, of all - the eirls: J love year shining eyes, your darling cuale. " Tour roay cheeks and dress so neat: Of all you ara moat fair and aweat iXKtle Loreen.. let'e run away " And marry each other soma aunay day; ; And after that I'll over be Your lover true and faithfully. ..still held the door open, -"Give me that letter!" aha cried ' . breathlessly. The astonished servant handed her the square envelope, and Katie hastily tWe . It open. What aha had expected to see waa not there. Instead of the corair ' .vaienllaa a dainty anairef Howera and ribbons, with a pretty sentiment In rhyme, waa what the envelope contained, and moat marveloua of all. In a good Imitation of Kate'a writing there ap peared thla sentence on the back, "With Jove, Kale." "Otvc thia to Mkta Beaaia," aha aald. while teara welled up in her eyes, "and tell me how she is." "She is much better." said tha maid, "and the doctor thlnka it may not be typhoid, after all." JSAN RIDDKLU Cover one box -rlth yellow paper or cheesecloth, and wind tha stake With gilt paper. This la to stand fa "wealth." v Cover tba second with white, and wind tha stake with silver paper. Thia box stands for "fame."' ... The third box should. " be ' covered with pink, and the stake decorated " with a wreath of roses made of paper. Thsecanbe purchased ready-made. . This stands iorTdveVT" Plana the' love stake In tha centra and make Jit higher than tha others, so aa to be mora difficult . When the players bava lined ' up " ready for tha competition, tell them .they, will te credited with five polnte for every heart caught Tn the "wealth" stake, ten nolnta for every ' one cauarht on the "fame" stake, and '' twenty-live for every one on tha -"love" stake. mi the e;ame at BOO, or more If you -wish, Yeu might If you wish, offer a nice prise to the player who scores hlgnesL Or, since love Is tha central idea of St Talentii.s's Pay, you might give the prise to tbe player who arte tbe largest number of heart quoits ao the tova" slake. A really good "sit-down" game, now. Give each player a sheet of paper and pencil and allow everybody fif teen minutes to writs down ss long ' a list of wards as ha can, all formed out of one or more of Lba letters loa the Word "heart" A email prise should bo given to tho ' winner. Prises anoauraga ehildrea es pecially, - .-, , ' Next yon might have' a Heart Hunt Take candy hearts an' hide them all about the part of tha '. ouee which baa been turned over to your party. tiive a prise to the player who flnda tba largest number of Hearts. In eplta of the objections aoma peo File make to klsalns; rames, it really ' s a pity not to play, for instance, the iWaahloned gan.e at Poetofflee in the privacy C your honr.s circle or with only intimate friends added to It t m J j Siipiii iii cmnin February 3 Answers Transpoaltiona. I. Low owl. I. Tan aat - ' ' Anawar to Tbxaa-ClrcJa Face la. Llnea should : a t awa as showa In o this cut to divide tha square into four, similarly ahaped and slied pieces, each containing three circles. Hidden Worda. Nero. Evangeline. Lion, bwallow. Orange. Nun, Anawar, KELSON. CoDondrams, 1. Becauae It waa written by Mra. Besohars toa (Stowa). f . Beeauss his business makes him aell nsb (selfish). . . I. A fountain. ' a. Tha word wbola'aoma I. Because (or ovary grain they give -a pack. ; . . ; . Half -penny. T, Beeauss tha traea are ahootlng and tha buUrush la eut (bull rushes out). r . Beeauss It la listed and baa tea drills (tsa-drlls) and ahoota. $. A lamplightar. ' la. Tour name. ', " Beheading and Curtailing. . ;l. Wheat beat aati at - -, t. Peony, peon, aon, on. Love Between Brothers end Sisters t T THATEVEB brawls disturb tha vv street There ahould be peace at hornet " l A'SW'VM Where sisters dwell and brothera meet .' - Quarrels should .aver coma.1 Blrda In their little nests agree. And 'tis a snaraeful sight . When children of. one fsmtly . . Fall out and abide and fight ' Hard warda at first and thraatsnlng ' words That are but noisy breath May grow to clubs and naked swordsy To murder and to death. Tha devil' tempts one mother's aon To raao asa.nst another; So wicked Cain waa hurried on T1U he had klU'd his brother. ..The wise will make their anger cool. At least before 'Us' nljrhtr But In the bosom of a fool It burns till morning light Pardon. O Lord, our childish rage. Our little brawls remove. Thst ss ws grow to riper aa Uux haute may aU be love. t-lsaao Watts, PI "iV f II "J Love My Love" T O PLAT thla game It la beat for " tba playera ta arrange them selves la half circle around tha room, - e - Then ona begins: "I ' love my love with an 'A.' beoauee aha la Affection ate. X hate her with an 'A.' because aha la Artful. Her name la Alios, aha comes from Aberdeen, and I gave ber an Aprloot" . . Tho next player aaya: "i love rnr . love with a 'B, becsusa aha ie- B , nie. I hate her with a because . she Is Boastful. Her name is Berths, . she comes from Bath, and I gave her n Book." - - The next player takea "C," tha next T3," etc. through all -the lettera of the alphabet Ton can' imagine how .exciting tha Same becomes when such letters as J, . V, Y id Z are reached, and any failure eounta aaalnst iue player. Go round nnd round the circle, aev era! times through tha alphabet, till you want to end .tha name, or till tba . time limit has been called. Then award the prise to tha winner. via I 1 R 11 V. l-M-L. 1" Some Puzzles and Problems to Solve A V 12 -a4. 1 IM W fKL t - f Vil ..Mr HOW MANY WOUNDS ERE is .a heart wLich ia about H dart. ' . Eut it lins often been wounded before. Indeed, if you count, von ran tnll iiiRt how often. Tha othor tide of tha heart , bears as msny gears an this g'nK rigura up and aeo if you can tell Polly Erans how many wounds it will hare re ceived altPirether aftat Cupid hns let fly his prent dart. " Soma Poaera. 1. What la bookkeeplns; I. What la It that wo Often tell Others to do, but cannot do oursolvest THE girl or boy who knows himself ' to be ton us-tied, though ha re ' greta It need not d(mjalr of popu larity. Nobody is socially mora dla -agreeable and mora dreaded than a per son who talks too snuch- monopollilng the conversation and giving no one else ' a chance to speak. People -fly front this ; - overglfted and' aggressive talker. . A mere chatterbox; la equally disliked. . ', A good listener Is, always aura of ap- ' preclatlon. If you can but master tha fine art of listening to each person with an air of deep Interest, just aa If there - were nobody else at tha moment In the ; wide world, and aa If your greatest wish were to understand what the other la trying to tell you. you will have tha af- Jking.welL ', ' ' All that la really neceasai IS uut te let your attention wander, and at tha right moment In tha right places make soros brief rejoinder or affirmation. You need never fear that yon will be ' --thought too aUant It you listen wall and J aay yea or no at proper Interval A good listener la never a bore, while a great talker frequently galna that un- happy distlnotloa. Girls and boys ara sometimes tongue-tied because of indlf ferenoa, ' . " . t ' A bashful manner, ap to a certain ' point ta attractive, but when It baa lost , Its root tat a hampering aalf-conaoious- Proud Little a-Good little Philippine Took a niece of bread. "111 go and feed the animals, And pla with them," she aald. "And first, you dear oIC moo-cow, I'll come and play with you" "Pooh!" said the moo-cow , "Pooh pooh poohl" Proud little Philippine gave ber head a toss, i "Ob. very well." she aald to It "iroa needn't be so eroea. - - - , . .", Amended T' I HE parish clerk of a certain vil lage Waa a bit of a poet One day ha came to tha tricar looking par plexed. . . , "Wall, Thomas, what la Itr "Wall, you aea. air, ona of tha hymna (or next Sunday has got la Hi " 'And may our hearts In tuna be found Llka David's harp of solemn sound.' , r-t "Now, there ain't many Of our people . as bava aver aeea a harp, ao It don't : : convey no meanln'- to 'em. If you don't mind, air, I should Just like to alter It Tbay do know what a violin la like, (or old David Jonee leada the choir with ona. .Don't you think It would sound better to sayi "'And may our hearts be turned' within . Like Uncle David'a vlollnr" - - - Tha vicar smiled, and aald: "Not at all bad. Thomas. Very welt" When tha time came, however, for IN THIS ICABXI to receive ft wound from CupiJ' S. At what time! of the flay would It be mjst risky to iot a dantom bull? i. V.'hy la tbe IntUmua of S icx lua . ' Jh ' nesa which makes one awkward an4 clumsy. -or surly or defiant. It la s, fatal handicap. Bo try to cultivate both arts that of tha listener and that of aha entertaining but - strictly . moderate talker. . - j Cats in Church Most of tbe churchea In Naples have) three or four cats attached to them. Tbe) cats are kept for tha purpose of catch- ing tha mice which Infest all tha anolent Neapolitan tJ dings. Tbe animate may) eften fee seen walking about among tha tongreejatkm, or stretched before the at tare, and tha strange sight astonishes visitors who wltneaa It for tha first timet) Philippine I'll play with thla dear ewe-lam ta and talk to Its mamma" "Bah!" said the ewe-lamb 'iiah bah) . hah I" Poor little Philippine -Crumbled up her bread. -one ever teems to want . " To play with me. she said: ..When suddenly tbs dlcky-btrda . J Came flying- to her feet- "Bwest eweJ sweet!" , the Hymn reading out tha hymna In morning) servloe, old Thomas had f orrotten tha I little allp of paper on which be had . written tha lines. Ha tried to do with at It ' "And may our hearts N And may our hearts" bu. stuck fast No, he couldn't thlnM how It went At laat a brlg-t thought flashed through his mind, and ha gava out triumphantly - j "And may our hearts go iddle-dtddle) ' Llke Vncle Kavld's little fiddle." 4 ,,."".' " Quite Content. . 1 . A little girl was told that K aha wag ' ao naughty aha would not go to heaven. The little culprit aeemed Impressed tot a brief moment, then aha gava a resign ad algh. " ' - - - "Oh. wall." aha remarked. Tve beeoi to a party and a circus. I can't expect .to go everywhere." - - i m the first "n" ta encumber T "I h. Why ara people bora deaf alwayst goedt . . , ''.', A Burled Poet. t My first ie in Jaughir, and alao ta' smile, i My second Is In wrOng. but not la gull a My third la In . soaN. though not 14 boy, . , My fourth la la gladneaa, but lacking - in Joy. , My fifth is la (un, but wanting tot Dluylna. sixth is la eagle I'm Quite right lot saying. My seventh la la curdle, but abaent id aurd, i Xy eighth la in la,wlng and mlssln In bird, ' My ninth is In ocean, but not In sea. My tenth la la water, now what can) My whole la a'poet Irt adra ye will - oee. In each line of tbs above verse ona letter of a certain well-known poet a name is hidden. These letters In the first three lines have been printed In capitala so as to give you a good start toward finding the answer. Can you tell what tha poet'a nam Riddles, ft spider I tha clock 1. Why la epondent? t W hy ia danaerousf good corra on the atalrs) i. what is tha keyaota to good man ners? 4. Why Ie a ve-dollar bank note much more valuable to you lhau a pTS-ilollar gold plcef . a. AVhy is a wat-ih like a river? . What Is that which flies LUh. file low, baa no 'et and yet wis shoes? , I. When baa a man four bands . . What trees haa fire no efloce Upon? x What la tho difference between schoolteecher atvd a locomotive neert eiuu ' 1. A man had wentv slrlt Ih.-p and ona died, tluw many wu, , eXt? Word Bquara. .ease a ecrutlnlie. - : i 'O-MWrn, e e e ,i..tll If vou four-loiter rnk a n.c timt ie (it columns as i 1 1