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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1907)
. ' '.' if ' " ' l . 1 I VS" e ' ' . "ViX. I tlna OmitT Into (ha acalB and B1V : ,. ,-.....- r st, . ........... . . . ii i i jr ..'kV U. ' ir.-.' II I . ? T ..... . - . r. i a a ,- v - i v . ' sib saarw WILD a roin r V muiiuu. uu w iiE-sncrariiriE'riH" toaay so many advocates that - the anbiect has . become v hackneyed, and it would seem that no new phase of the matter could be presented. ". No one, however, has thought to re the complexion, ' not of our ar boreal ancestors, but of . our in fancy. ' The feminine world' would. indeed, rejoice ' if .some speofio could be found to restore the per-- i v!- !" b.f,SirH that this rpmedv would involve no inquisitorial ' .tortures -no . cuticle peeling nor electrical - scorching. And their joy would burst its bounds if they were informed that this wonderful treatment wis cheap, close at hand, and easily pro curable. "... , MAGIC 6 A VEOITABLai -Li Yet all these things are true, and the magician who works these mar- vela is no other than the humble, and despised carrot, the foundation not only of French potages and -New England "boiled dinners,'' but also of our grandmothers' excellent complexionsi - This1 carrot com plexion is, too, a beautiful one, clear white, shading into roso pink -at-the . chwhs and absolutely with-' out blemish thronghautrBesrpfllr it is easily " withm the-reach - of every one not suffering from a con- ; atitutional complaint affecting the , ' -skin. . But there is no real magia now--; adays, and so there is a drawback even to this. One must, above all, have patienoe, and for months r two or three at least accustom one's self to a daily" diet of a vege- - table by no means palatable to alL Every day no fewer than four ounces of carrots must be taken, and each day missed is equal to ' two in the bad effect it has. It , . ; will by no means answer to eat car- , rots today and then forget all about , . the matter for ax week. Not once, nor for ny occasion, must the or- ; deal be"ahirked. . :"T " VABIETT IS POSSISLS t " , '. i. . It may, however, be lightened by infusing variety into even so mo- notonous a diet. The plain boiled vegetable soon palls, but any num ber of preparations may be devis ed to take its place. To begin with, the German carrotswhich are small, tender and infinitely , more palatable than our native ones can be purchased-in ..tins, and at an exceedingly low" price if bought by 'the caiie. . This at once elimi nates the tiresome labor of prepar ing the daijy supply.- Hut even our American roots may be disguised. Boiling and frying are not by any moans the only alternatives. They .nisy be creamed, mashed . or cut into cubes with half the quantity of apple or celery, and droned as a salad with oil, lemon juice and pap r tika. A liacedoine scallop, cormiat k iiitr of carrots, green . peas and string beans arranged in alternate lavers. with cracker crumb", salt, popper nnd bits of butter sprinkled be tween, covert-a witn cream sauce and bckrd in u earthnn casserole - for half anjiourjs a dolicious nov- ... 1 . k- -j.i-.r (IrT. urau.'U curium mujr uu uumi to aoups, stews, patties, spaghetti and iininherWs other meat or ve- tiililu il'S-li-", and f-VfMi 10 pii.iumirs 'J C-WjUrJj, M illiU Ui t EC.CCii. Ui1 TUIi I T i . -X 7? U -axtenng tneir flavor. Chop native ,the care of tne complexion. Use carrots fine , and boil 1 them until dtlliJ (foi cold cream, first wash very soft. Straih off the water and ! ina.ihe nso it as the basis "of a firm,' rather, acid, lemon jelly. Pour the latter into individual glasses .the size of those commonly used for bar-le- dua. Sat thfk nritrit nf nna r1u each night before going to bed. The t ; . -ii -Z. I'f- Aweek:.;;wa atfon. thna minimi-; tim. A . - The lemol-k'Inaee'tBi'Wn'i- good friend, and nothing will .so nasten the rejuvenating process as slowly sipping a glass of water, containing the juice of ; half a lemon, each morning' upon rising. Ihe water may be hot or cold, though the former ' is preferable, 7 providing it: is not unpleasant to the palate. The quantity of liquid' taken during meals should also be increased.,-.; . .. With so many palliatives, sure ly the monotony of this diet, and the discouragement ' often caused by vthe seeming lack .of improve-1 ment for until after the first three months, following vhich the action is rapid, very slow progress - ' mad-hould not deter beauty-seeker from making the ex periment. If she will have pa tience and perseverance, in a com-, paratively snort time the dazzling carrot complexion will reward her pains, and she, too, will be in a po sition to convince admiring friends of the efficacy of the treatment. - HAT IEABIT TO OXKX THEM For a time, after the clear, fine color has succeeded the muddy skin of earlier days, she may rest from the obnoxious but potent veg etable; but if she is wise, she will not long nor forever neglect it. Ten chances to one, that after six months of carrots, she will have ceased to loathe themt andwilLnat ur ally add them to her list of bouse- hold- vegetables, needing neither French art nor New England, appe tite to recommend them. This much, at any rate, she may be sure ' of by no other means can she to easily and inexpensively obtain a complexion that will not rival, but surpass, that of her daughter or granddaughter. There is. of course, reason for. this change Jl'ha .Vim itol ailaimainta ' -"'- - " i. carrot especially is coraponeu iiuvu .1 T m i. - m. ine rneci 01 wnuening ana soiten- uig ine sun wnen -taken into tne svstem -in . common parlance, of. clearing the complexion. Here, as everywhere in medical treatment, regularity is of paramount impor tance, and some length of time is : absolutely necessary to produce the deaired result. - . BENEFICIAL IN MANY WATS " The carrots will have a beneficial influence otherwise, also. They are. . of course, by no means a universal icure-all, but, like, nil vegetables, they will clear the system Reneral ly, and from this general purifica tion will chiefly come the special r-:-t : : -1 ...... - . . ' ia-iiii jmLiruvi'lllcill. TTinnllv it ia welt at .lia 4; il,. J. 4.b5 !,. , ..v....,, ...... ...... " . u V" v."" trstmrnr to pay particular attcn- Uv'.le lAjki iki-ill 0L ilia, loilvi, A&d OALGUtA SUNDAY JOUilNAL, FOTLAND, wiiu.cuiu Hutcr. . ., I1UV llj IW remove any blemishes by lotions, etc. as you-usually would, but have patience and .let the - carrots do their work. . ; J-' "Out of rmall things," says the : !fV,,kU f - the bumble carrot sage; "come great," and thus from ' comes a .corn- possessor forever and ,a .worthy. compensation 'ior.- ioe ume . A. . trouWe .B?eW..t cuir5 ' .- . V ; : MS y . . . . . . I I i any. , , ii - ..:.. .- u- . ' Mis. Henry Syiries Advice to Correspondents v v ' : a a scientific Bow Legs and WrxnkUJi Neck : r- &atT in ine SKin. A i . m a uift tM-lecvd. wbtch with regu . w,V.ik wftaa f tm Vaar-V annavlna!. M w anklaa ar " kaslr elso a little lara . What So. you au.t - to remedy tneae aerenxar in.AMat in vour advice, a v found it your formulas very banencui. Also bare wrinkles around m,n'jyVB An orthopaedist .would be the proper person to consult regarding the former trouble.. Sou do not give age; but la case of an adult, after bones are act. maaaage, which might be very effective in childhood and early youth, would be : useless. ' , r'or neck wrinkles, massage rightly with warm cocoa butter, and practice the following exercises: Bend the head slowly forward, then back; repeat eight times. Bend from side to- side until head touches -shoulders. Be sure that tha shoulders remain stationary during the exorcises. Make a oomplete circle with the head and neck, bending for ward, right. Iiack and left. , These exercises must be . practiced wun innv regularity ana to be effective. 'Short Hair persistence f get wnnlelely dlaguated trying te keep rna enda nf mv heir out ot my as "1 the ends of my hs4r eut of mi 1 . n use tha quinine hair tonic, will It darken nVi-d"-?"."-."!. .!.: t kava arareT left m balrt Can I get the prescription bv ilniPles.' I always eslled Ihim; , led at any drug store 7 1 save erara left rii. i wui tx aiad. indeed, te te. he etd nf ' .i" weul4 Oae ta kaew. It X sasv'ak eaaaga.' ' '- . U ; ; . I ll , , "it II and I Ii iUsiV,(;t.; Hi' ' end tas ether ' te .recipes drug storeT Mrs. 1 - and peraiaienx i11---a-j lar clipping of the ends of .1. ...,i. uiiimiii.K mauoe train ends' to grow out, unlsJrH,",1 Hf'f a hot Iron to curi witn. Ume you will hare to dP"u in visible hairpin and careful adjustment . , to kcp hair out of eyes. Qumlrte hair tonlo will not darken the hair, and la perfectly harm lees. All recipes can be filled by a first class pharmacist. Kor the aoara or pitting left by pim ples, try massage each evening with w(tch haxel cream; but If your aklrt has tendency to olllnesa. use only a Utile of the emollient. '' 1 A thorough cleanalng of the face eaoll evening with a camera-hair face brush, warm water and soap wlU prevent th cream from stimulating a growth ot hair. ' :t. . To Prevent Hair Growing Dark What would : yoa sue seat te put la ihe sag . shanuoo weemy to keep my ;"' - ai.ii.4- k.t. (mm ftina darkf It Is In . cllnad to be a Hle rwldieh ob a browa tint. I would like to keep that reddiaa ' tint. Would tincture ct cochineal be harm nut Mow much at a tlmeT , - ANXIOt: afOTHKn. , , The stismpoo given wn. m.v , the hair llgnt- I eueipest that you do . V any other. Shampoo to Keep Hair Light. . Vi fataashna sadsaiass. aV vnca aamyirilaj SUNDAY llQlUiUiG, EBKUARY M 1907 . .... . . . ,' il'sj water. 1H mmm;- UaetuM of" oanthar-' IdM. dnuna; bar rum. 4 euncM; aiootial. i nuno. water, f 4 XJU For a Fine Head of Hair Mil you kindly tell torn of somethtns ni aiv. ma a flna heal of fair? ' . I rab my flnr tips to my head every nlaht, but that doean t aem lo Improve my . . haJr. I am vary healthy. 1 Beam once mac rmnwn ' lata were food to darken hair. Cn u I heard once that mullein leaves ana gen- v -7 iTlt v If It la so, ana t V i' Tom do not eay what la the particular trouble with your hair. vRubblng tha Cnirsr tlpa to the head" la not Ilkoly to be productive Of much rood. Mna- , aage la somethlnf entirely different. To masmge the head, you ahould preaa the fingers Urmly Into the acalp, and go all over the head in rotary motlona. Next work the two bands back and forth ' across the head in a shuttle movement. , To be effective, the acalp should receive maaaage for halt an hour each day, I cannot toll you anything of the merits or demerits of mullein leaves and genleta. ' ' , The following mixture la hannleaa, mad tends to tlarkeax the hnlr: A Tonlo for Dark Hair. Oarlen ' sase aiaae Into a tea and strained) alcohol, t ounrea; areas tea. a . ounces; garden saga. I euocea Inlute , with water, it desirable. . Afflicted With Eczema Caa you mj advise me how te trea eciemar J am tortu lured with it se aiuca tnst lire ia almost a burden to ml 1 am a worsina cirl and esanot ana lord to pay large dos- tor's bins. Hefore t had ecaema I had s little money saved, but I have spent It all on doctor s bills and :ncdlclne, and now I have .e money, and am g-.ttlng worse. Will you kindly tell me at Something thai will at leaetrelleve aga) AFl ieiVl CtLH your case la too eerie ua for any btit a profeaatonal to attempt advice There can be no doubt that many medical In stitutions have free dispensaries. Tou should look this metier up at once, 'and secure Immediate attention. Any physician will give you Information on the subject of free dispensaries. , , Two or Three Gray Hairs ' Will you please be so kind ss to Inform me. through your column, what will turn my front balr gray t I have two or -three gray halra, and I would either Uks to have it gray or a drebisa color. 1 A. C it you have but two or three gray hairs, believe me, no one knows It but yourself, and It would be a matter ot great regret to you lter. I feel aura, if yen took measuree to Increase them. It would seem to me much bettor to take steps to prevsnt the rest ot the ' hair from turning gray by massage, according to Instructions frequently given in these pages. FaHinx Hair and Dead Ends ' : Kindly advise me what you recommen for felling hair. Mine eemea out by the eonibiul. aod the ee ia seem tn be dead. 1. 1 aiso liar a iuua cannnin. a ' w..V.n Mir, a - PlaAM teU ' 1 - .111 -.k. th. an-owT AN ANXIOUS READER. The hair tails out a a rwult of 1m prfect circulation ot tha blood la tha oalp akin, and th beat treatment for this condition l rnanaaite and the application ot a atltnulattns tonlo. It la Tmpoaalble to repeat tha acalp maa-aag-e moTementa tor tha benefit ot very correspondent who appllea, but. till- the toll directions appear one mora la thla department, try the prin cipal motlona . . ' flaee the flnrer tlpa firmly n the acalp and so over th entire head la , a eeriea of rotary motlona The maa aaaje ahould be continued for halt an hour each evening-, or until the acalp la thoroughly "waked up" and a'ow ing from the eaerclae. Remember that, g-ood resulta cannot be expected Im mediately and that peralatenca and tea-ularity are needed" to effect a cure. . rae the followina formula: Tailing of the Hair. . Ttneture of bu vomica, 1 ouoee: artrtta er Toaenarr. I ounces; aloohol. 1 euncaa. Apply aeveral tloxes "a week to the roots of the hair. -'. -- - -- - Keep the hair even by ellpplns; at rerular Intervale, once a month, or once la two months, eing-e after elipplng' by holdtna the . enda alto- ar etlier in ine . nana ana runnwia righted taper over the bunch swiftly. Thla la a nroeeaa one must do ttrOD- rooeaa one must do prop- rly In order to eliminate danger ot igniting. It will do away with the dead ends and prove lnvlfforatlnc to the hair. , , Thm Hair and Inflamed Eyes Mr hair thin. and eonatantlv eomea 5 at tialil. It Is much eavecially so on the cot. X rear t wll III thinner la spota an Dlea. I have dry rianlrun alao. can tn-Tw" what" iaBrt to xeo tttt aatr rotn falling, and will anything make ir atr stdwT My ecalp alao at tlmea Itches and feels as If some Inaect wa Ullng. 1 had very heavy hair vnea yousg. dux n has heen railing for the last flfte-n years. . or since the birth ot my children. Mr ' complexion is bed. The whites of my tree are yellow sod Inflamed moat ot the time Whnt can 1 do to clear up the eyas ani make them feel elcarT Mrs. U U, F. Read and carefully apply the la etructlon to "Anxious Reader" to your own case, whlob Is Identical as re- garJs the hair. - ' The yellow eclerotlca are probably due to liver trouble, and you ahould conault a physician on this aublect. . Kor Inflammation of the lids, pur chase a small bottle of boraclc acid properly diluted tor use (any pher- macist will unciurstand what Is want ed when you tell him what you wish to use it for) and an eye cup. Fill the eyecup with the liquid, place to the eye and wink the eye freely. Im mersing the lid in the water. There Is no better tonic for tired and Inflamed lids, the oeneticlal effects being almost Immediate. It will not, however, reach the condition ot "yellow whltea," which la eo4e4y the result at some eon. atitutional trouble, ana musr oe ireai td Internally. ; - ';, Bad Case of Dandruff Will you please fell me what tn do with ' my hair Lsst Christmas I had long, thick, . sloasy balrTbut early iaat spring It began to come but, and there were little white par ticles of duat. and my heir Is brittle and ' drv. This oondltion has been gradually get- ting worae until I fear to comb my hair 'at all. 1 have scarcely any left. My hair ; . breaks off short or can be pulled out with out anv pain. The tilllow is covered In the morning with dandruff, ss I suppoae white duat to be. Mother thinks It Is "dry tettef snd not dsndruff. but I don't because I . havs none of the annmrlng eymptoma I have tried soepe and llauirts that were sup. ' posed to ears dnn lrult, but It keeps getting worse instead of twtter, eo 1 come to yea fur relief, la another year, at this rats. 1 will he bald. .- . , fleaae teU me tf the Veuralre treatment ' affects the buet alone er does It Inereaae - wetsht generally? 1 am heavy enoush, be ing Uw pounds at Sve feet and SI years, hut have small bust. .... Will sase tea darken hair without Injuring - ftalr e euaWUig scalp t . .... K. A. a. 'Your thin end continually falling hair la undoubtedly due to the eerloue case of dandruff which you describe, and your first efforts gbould be direct ed toward eftectlog a sure of this condition. Cleanse the acalp thoroughly enes a week with the following shampoo: Eg-jj Ehampoo Dandruff Cure, Tola of tie ear, me pint hot rainwater, spirit of roeen.vry, one ounce. Ite,t the mixture thoroushly and see It werm. Bus well Into the acalp and rinse with several siear waters The night before using this sham- fioe rub Into the scalp a good vaxe Ine. which will soften and loosen the, dandruff. After the shampnn. wl..iaj " the hnlr ia yet wet, itimmh thoron . 1- ly. b lrtg carvful that yo t do n t . .n'i" into a ni-re tn' I !:: 1 ' 1 i iajna K.t s l..a b!iir, I i j . tlnai KmilT Into tha acalD and -nrt with 1 rotary motion, until acaln la thorousrhlv loosened from head and (flows with warmth. Thla will also help to dry the hair by etlra ulatlne; circulation and heat. Repeal - the roassaaje every ervenlng for at least bait an hour. .1 ' I shall, be Interested to know- aftaaj three months' faithful treatment ao4 ' cordina; to these dlrectiona what inn Srovement you note. lr. Vaucalre'e remedy la recom-j mended aa a good general tonlo and bust developer. Used In connection with massage and the drinking cS , malt extract during- meals. It la more) quickly effective. Deep breathlna; ex4 .-erclaea and frequent ablutions of the) bust In tepid water Trill also aid IM nasiemna; reauiia. 1 J - Sage tea ia perfectly -harmless to) nair ana scaip. Aching Scalp Hy hair has been falling out for tha Iaat two mom ha. I have a 1ft tie dandrurr. My sealp aohea. but ie not sore. I'vei tried many remeciea out wit 11 out good reaulta Whlls rubbing, my hair falls out. What would be the best remedy to neat . ears, a. Jk. - - For the aching acalp, masssgs ia thel ' very best thing you can do. Read eare-f fully Instructions to 'K. A. 8." In thlaj issue, following the treatment tbore oughlx and coei sdentiousJ y. , Aa your trouble la not one of lonei standing, you should the more readily experience benedolal results. - . , -JHair Streaked From DyeingA " t have weed soma of your rs class with great suooess: bow I would like to esicJ ... your advice snout my aair. wnica ataxt ed to turn gray whea I was very youns. II bare sever admired gray hair on youna people, so I used a dye. which wee ail risht for a while, bat thea got to mak-, lug my hair look streaked. Then I uaed every dye I beard of antll now. and at the preeeat time It la all eolora, and I ass fairly discouraged akout It. It was formerly a pretty dark brown, but now, wbea I stand between the. shadow and the light, it looks Ulce re-i hair. Now, Would you ad viae me to get. It shaved off. and then ues a tonle te. make It Its natural oolor again, er what - do you think would be best to dot Would you also give me the formula, foe the faos o that has beef tallow - fur one nf -the -hraTodteno Plasss eaaie t, me as early reply aa poaalbla ... Xe W. B. Tour trouble la th ordinary experts ence of ail who attempt to remand ennilltlnna hv eelf-annltcatlon of hand . dyes. Better have a professional a4 minister the dye. If It must be used. ' Were the ease my own. I ahould nosj resort to shaving. According te you? description, the appearance of the hat could scarcely be worse, and I shouul . therefore bear with the condition pa-t, tlently until I tried a conscientious course of maasag-e, shampooing wttis any ot the lotion which eoastantlvf appear In these columns for slmpi . cleansing purposes, and give the half . an opportunity to grow out again, la -will grow-Just aa rapidly without shaving the head. Clip the ends rear, ularly once a month If the growth 14 1 rapid, or once In two months if sou . singeme; afterward, according to hie) atructlons ao frequently printed here-e In. I ahould make my main depeade ence, however, both for restoration of . the original color and growth, the half-hourly massage each evening. Heef tallow Is an ingredient of manvf face creama. so that this Is not vend definite Information to go upon. Prob ably you have the following la mind; 4 I"ac Cream. 1 To an eerehellfnt of melted beef tallow add an equal amount ot pure en ef sweet slmoada To this add a bit et white wax no larger than a basel nut. Heat tha whole toe-airier, and If to feel voureelf able to buy It, add oae druui of attar of rosea, Heat oa the stove until It Is a cream, then remove and whip with a small e4 beater. When onld It should be Jn about like cream, but If too thick It ten , be thinned with almond oil. Dr VaucairSs Remedy 'for r;' J Bust Development Will you kindly sent me Dr. Vnrjre'a . remedy foe boat eevehrf orient t K. M. R. J read In the pHir of tne Veu.'ir rme y, snd 1 Would like to know nwre ef It. Please give me more exii It tnf(ii'M. tion. 1 would aleo like to know II it , I coet much, and w nether it sen be tKm e ' home. l- A. 1. For the benefit of these two com apondents, I sgaln print In full the p. . ScripUon for lr. Vaucalres rmnxly t bust development, witn full Ur 1 for taking and eooomranvliig tr- ' ment to aid Ita slteiiv.nea n 1 shortest possible apaue of tune. TW Vanialra'a ... . . . . m ... 1, - " T.looH extract of rl-va (g.iataru r- . . 1 rt.-to ph.M.pnite . ( in, 1 1 11. t ure of tiii.. Sin. ine eytuii ; 4 Ti ll i e -" ' '- b - e h r1 ' vi. . tl-e it 11 n I i v. ' M r '