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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY 'JOURNAL, PORTLAND SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 10., 1007. COMEDIENNE WITH THE Mist JeffreyrSayt It Is From thi Cheap Seats That the Spontai ; neous Outbursts of Shouts and Laughter jCome v Tribulations on the Road. : - Miss Ellis Jeffreys, Comedienne.. .., . By Q. V W. --. j' . I often wonder If . they forget to build their - dressing-rooms, and put " them In ma aa af terthoug-ht," aald Mis ' Bill Jeffreys, aa aha moved the chairs bout and made room (or a visitor yee ' terday afternoon between acta. t And alia atood behind the door aqueea ' Ing bar pretty polonaise together to make room for the visitor to step in. ...Later when aha tried to put on her big . , picture hat the interloper had to atep out a sain that ahe might find room for it. That waa not till after several mtn ' utea of interesting chat with a clever woman, a bright conversationalist, -and the leading comedienne-on the English " stage. v " - ...'. - One might add several ether descrlp .. tlve quail ties about her that aha ia the only -actress possessing racing atablea of her own the proceeda from which ahe ' devotes to charity, that she la a member of one of England's old and dlstln . ' gulehed families, that her first hus- . band waa own brother to Lord Curson and that her uncle and a lot of other .relatlvee are - la the peerage, and so forth and so on. But after all Miss Jeffreys is interesting for herself alone side from her distinguished family. Actress Beoelved ia Society. ' "Is the stage looked on with askance In England T' aha repeated In her lovely . even voice with its pretty English ac , cant. ' -No, Indeed 1 And I am told it Is '.. x quite . different over here. We over there can go in society and be received ' the same aa ever If we re ladlea and gentlemen anyway. I met little ob-. ' eotlon when I began my stage ' Ufa. Ton know I waa first going on the ""concert stage, but my friends dissuaded ,. ms. - ! "Sir Arthur Bulllvan heard me stng first and ha first suggested a stage life ' to me. I said my mother would not - hear of It Later John Ryder made me another offer but I did not conalder it seriously. But one had a stroke of mls . fortune and one lost a good deal of .,i money so I went to-Sir -Arthur-Sullivan.-! He put me on In minor parta till ahould get uaed to the footlights and then Sir Charles Wyndbam saw me. Trained Trade Wyndham. "He engaged ma for three years and one could not enter a finer school than under Sir Charles. I think it the beat training In the world. He will do any thing for one If one has brain. I did whatever I could get to do with him for three years, then I started to play leads and have been doing It ever since." 'Then yours waa a steady march up ward?" "Well, I had some hard knocks In . those three years, but It waa worth it. I . love to play comedy, and to tell the truth I prefer above evrythlng else - modern comedy with Just a touch of pathos. That la what the people like beat, too, for they like to laugh, , but 'they enjoy it mora IT they have had a little ehoka at the same time. "Cousin Kate.' a aweet little comedy of that kind which was written expressly for "me and afterward bought for Ethel . Barrymore, la one of my Ideal plays. Such Beautiful IngUih. f am very fond of She Stoops to ' Conquer Such beautiful English you can't help loving It. I have played a 1 good many old playa of Sheridan and : othsrs and like them, but they are far IS CHARMED GREAT-WEST more difficult to ma than modern com edy for there you have to sink every bit of Individuality and personality you have Into the part you play. "I like George Bernard Shaw's playa and admire him Intensely. I think him brilliant. I was booked to play his "Captain Brasabound's . Conversion,' which Ellen Terry la now playing, but I gave it up. I oould not see what there was to make a play out of for It Is only his dialogue that la so brilliant and scintillating. - I would Ilka to sea Miss Terry play It" Changed Be Varna Often.; . Iflsa Jeffreys. In private life, la Mrs. Sleath-Skflton, though -she said, with a laugh, ahs hardly knew what her name was, ahe had bad so many. She Is en amoured with stags life, . but does not fancy touring. 1 j "No, take it away," she aald, with a gesture almost of disgust. "I have had all I want of these one-night atands. And the hotels we have lived in ugh! beetle-houses I call them, for I am sure we have tasted every variety of crawl ing thing alnoe our tour began. No, here In Portland It Is lovely and we have nothing to say. But you should sea soma ef the things wa have bad to put np with. Lata trains, early morn ing hours, riding all day and all night -We left Belllngham, Washington, at ( o'clock tha other morning and got on a little local train with no buffet service. We wei t delayed, wltb nothing to eat all day. - Got into town at seven o'clock and had to hurry to the theatre, where we had a little milk toast sent up. That la all - we had 'to eat Those are the hardships of traveling, and yet tha pub lic atta there and doesn't realize any of It They don't know that tha aotore are positively faint with hunger, and thsy say, Oh, she Is not playing her beat tonight I' How can a starved woman play her best?" . Trials of tha Boad. Aa Mtsa Jeff rev" e eyes flashed and She Warmed to her 'theme, then I re membered with a mental note of thanks that. I. had not dlaturbed her while she was taking her nap the momlnc after her arrival.- And I understood, too, why "Mr. Ellis Jeffreys" had salr politely, but firmly, "Miss Jeffreys Is aaleep and worn out and I won't dis turb her,, and I don't know of anyone else who would dare." "1 never had any of this In England," ahe said, "and this Is my first experi ence. There, of course, wa always had Fook Sang & Co. fKHitiin cm. nwiut, JAT TU CHONQ, Mgr. r 1231 Alder St. Portland T.'-: I Pure. Beautiful Jada and lnet iUnaof ail descriptions made to or der. American names engraved in Chinese characters on bure sold 1 m. .ad-luck rlnaa engraved wltb toe three cardinal Chinese characters, via I Glory. Pro perl ty and Longevity, Charges reasonable and ordera of any gealsn promptly executed and sent pre. paid to any Dart of the United States. Dr. Morrow'sAnti Lean f-anss UAJT noni PAT Through ta aervena system. XI ia parely vegetable oompoaad. - Contain no oils or fat or - any rug that I Injurious or liable to produce a habit IT IS THE GREATEST TONIC IN THE WOULD ftarti bottle - contain a .' month's treatment and costs II la at any first-class drug ,. ; store, rreparea oy toe ANTMEAN UEDICIIE CO. OregomUa ldg, Portland, Or. .' weak etanda. But our little country, of course, la nothing like your great, wonderful country. It la grand here and almost worth the price. And the west is so enthusiastic Why, little playhouses out here you would think couldn't seat more than 100 at their beat bring $1.00 and tS.000 bouses. It is wonderful And they are so enthu siastic nased with Beoeptloa. "I have been surprised, to see' how this play takes. ' Of course it Is charm ing, but I did not expect tha humor- In It to catch on 'so. And It is from the cheap seats way tip that wa get the ahouta and the laughter. Down below they alt up straight and touch their fingertips : and say, - 'Charming, charm ing, doncherknowl" For a moment Miss Jeffrya seoroex! to think she waa in England. . "Oh, yes, I am so fond of horses, and I do have some beauties," she aald, aa aha rose In reaponae to a tap on the door. And in a second ahe had for gotten all but her play, as aha adjuated her - big hat and dabbed her cheeka. Just once for luck, though her maid had to remtnd her that tha cap must come off to make room for tha picture hat FREEMAN BILL PROBABLY THE VOrE-GETTER : Gas Company Franchise, as Well -' as" Others, Likely .to Feel the Knife. : , Tha bill providing for tha repeal of tha Gas company's perpetual franchise, which pasaed the house of representa tives, la In tha senate, and haa beea re ferred to the Multnomah delegation of senators. The bill repealing all per petual franchises In tha state la also In the annate. It -Is being considered by the committee on tf visions of lawa. ,.. That the bill aimed at tha gaa com pany will be ahelved by the aenate, and the Freeman aubstltuta bill, which in cludes all other perpetual franchises, as well as that of tha gaa company, will bo- paaaed Is tha opinion of many aenatora. It la tha sentiment of many that It would be useless to pass tha bill aimed particularly at the gas company when the other bill accompllshee tha same purpose and goea further by re pealing all tha perpetUal franchises In the state. ' .-.., '. Mansfield - Is the Other Two. '' ' From the Chicago Reoord-Herald.. 'There are only three great actors-r-s In this country at. the present time, said the gentleman with tha cheap fur collar and the-tall hat 1 suTDose," replied tha'Teporter.Oial you jegard Mansfield aa oaof - them. Who la tha thirdT" , . . ... r Construction v; . Electric . . Stock First Sold at $25 Increased 40 in Six Months The First Spike The following article appeared on the front page ef th San ranoisoo ex aminer," Monday, February-. 4r Hun dreds of newspaper all over the United States told -the aood news. "Tha first spike naa been driven," to million, of reader; - - NEW YORK AND . CHICAGO .TO BE 10 HOURS APART First Spika is Driven in Electlc Rail war to Join Two Great Cities. (Special by leased wire, the tensest Is the world.) LA POKTE (Ind.). February lJ. D. Price, president of the construction company, drove the first spike In the treat ot tne cnicago-xsew jorx eieo trlo air line railroad yesterday. - As he solka waa driven the crowd rare cheer after cheer for the new enter prise, which la not . only to give ten hour service between Chicago and New York, but will connect Chicago with the great electric systems of Ohio and Indiana, with through sleeping car service to Cincinnati. Columbus, Day ton. Cleveland and other cities. - Hinea around waa broken her for the air line last September the work haa been pushed rapidly and President Miller saya tne roaa win oe in vnicago before this time next year. More than alxteen mllea of 8-pound steel rails are on the ground, also ties and many miles have been graded. The branch track through La - Porte, connecting this city with the main line is well under way several block being prac tically completed. - The Chicago-New York electrio line la unions lnJtbatthe , money for the enterprise is not coming from Wall atrset or, the big financiers of the country, but Is being furnished by the people, more 'than ten thousand stock holders being on the books of the company. As soon aa spring opens construction work will be pushed rap Idly and the track Is expected to be built into Chicago by September. ' January proved a record-breaker. The people are waking up to the fact that this Is not "a railroad on paper" Vt 1 BDXSrO BTXXT. When the Carnegie Hteel Company recelvea an order for ateel for immediate delivery; when the Cambria fiteel Company re celvea a similar order for steel, for Immediate delivery, that means bnaW4 Bess. The railroad la a fact. It ta taking on tangible shape. Before April the first trains will run out of Laporte. The carloads of materlale which are arriving dally; the deeds for right" of way that are being filed for record; the nu opp rru IB blaxx PURCHASES COUPON OtrTBWZnTZmB aXOTBBTIZa CO Western Agent Portland, Oregon, too aad BO! TCferd Bnildlag, Tenth aad Xorrlaoa Bta, Inclosed find I in...... "(say whether full or partial) payments for ........ share of stock of th Chicago-New Tork Electric Air Lin Railroad." " " T Nam , Address , . . - . ' (Portland Journal 1-10) ' " ' ' . ' DEUAlID A SECOfiD TRACK 00 LINE Woodstock . People Want Some Protection Against Ever-Re curring Accidents. Zest Side- Department. " . That tha Portland Ralleeys, Light A Power company is not living up to, the agreements entered Into and contained In tha franchise granting it the right to onerata ears on tha Woodstock di vision, is the contention made by the cltlxens of that suburb. The Woodstock Push club has ordered that an Investi gation be made. The cltliena of the suburb assert that the franchise provides that tha street railway 1 company ahould lay double tracks through thla community where now there are single tracks, and the protest has been made on account of the Innumerable amall accidents thai have occurred, due directly to tha care lessness of inexperienced platform men, and every one of which would not have happened bad tha company not neglect ed to lay double tracks. Those who are compelled to travel after night on thla Una are grestly relieved when they arrive home to find that they are all there and not strung' along tha track Last Wednesday night at 11:48 an In bound car atruck an outbound car at the Kenltwortv switch," which more nearly than many of these recent accidents illustrates the danger that the patrons of the Woodstock Una continually dread. Tba front and of tha Inbound car waa smaahed and Conduotor Mo- Leas" was aa Injured by flying glass so that ha has not been able ta go to A BEAUTIFUL FACE Seed stasis for Psrtleelsrs and TesttoMatals ef the remedy that clear the Oompleiloa. Re suras skis Imperfections. Makes Jler Bleed sad lauuOTes Ue Health., If yon -taks . BEAUTYSKIN Beneficial remits are guaranteed or saoaey ee- fuaaed, i OHlUKESTZn CKEJnoa& W., : x. . Vadisea flaee. falledelpaia. -Pa. HAD m fcl ATntMOST WON DtBrW. lIMDI I IIVAnSCOVWOrTHCAGEINTm SENT POSTPAID T RLCMLNT Of CsrUSKAatTJ 2 M PW BOTTLt OT ALL K IN OS. -v. swipahco roe HveooeaMieoa isnHX Usr.. tUJA CA&M1&U. CO. TJjWV44va l Tot Sale r . . - .'. SKIDMORE DRUG CO. '" 151 Third Portland, Om, Work Progressing; Rapidly on Chicago-New York .S i - . . . X. - franchises which are beta granted by cuy councils ana county commission ers, thee thing mean bnelneea. They are a guarantee of what may be ex pected when spring opens and the road can ncreaa the acale of It building operation. . , . . . m aTonr to bo it, and money count In railroad build-. ing. i The queatlon recently waa put to a New England banker by a broker who waa trying to Interest nim In this rail road: "Suppose the stock of thl company bad all been sold except tha last 16,-000,00,- would yon not then be willing to pay 116 a share for the unsold portion?" ' "I WOULD," aald the - banker, with out hesitation. One hundred and fifty dollar a share before the completion of the road,-and today tha same stock I selling for tSS. By that confeaalon the banker aald In effect: "Your railroad Is prac tical. Completed, It will be an excep tional money-maker. I only queetion one thing, the ability of the people to raise the money. Every million dol lar of that capital subscribed advance the actual value of the stock, entirely Irrespective of the progress of the work of building." The fact 1 that money I being sub scribed for thla Important enterprise and la being wisely expended In con struction work. History is repeating Itself. In the dark day of the ClvU On of th Knadjfd-affl n-Mon Blaotrio Bnglae That Will Take a Praia t O MfW TofT ia 10 Boars. War, when tha banker failed the gov ernment. Jay Cooke, by the authority of President Lincoln, went to the peo ple precisely as we are going to the people - today. He established aome S, 600 agencies throughout th North, and the people, out of their savings, saved the credit of the Nation. TH Chicago -New York Electric Air Line Railroad pins its faith to the people. Have you noticed the chance in nub ile sentiment? To many, at th start, Chicago to New Tork In ten hours, while fascinating, aeemed chimerical. It was too rood to be true. Today tha queatlon la one of money only even the- steam railroads are falling Into line. Within a few montha electric trains will be running between Boston and Providence on the New Tork, New tooat work alnoe. ' There were 11 passengers In that car, but none were aeriouely in jured beyond being badly frightened. The other car moved on quickly. Theae conditions have existed all winter and tha move to- Investigate the franchise In an effort to relieve these condition la thought to be the wiaeat. Nearly; All Drugs . ' Moat all drugs contain opiates (dope) In one form or another. Tou know that opiates are poisons such 'as opium, morphine and codein. - The doctor'a llvell ' hood - dependa upon these poisons, for without them he could, not e&sa pain-for a moment He puts them - In nearly all bla prescriptions, whether tha patient la suffering from a ohronlo aliment or from a bad cold, whan vnii take a drur containlnc one or more of these poisons the pain atopa because your nerves be come etunefled. . That's what ; he la cored. But wait until the effect of the dope wears off the pain returne worse than ever. Your nerves are crying for tha same drur and you have to keen or taking it aa long aa you live, unless Nature Is kind .enough to cure the disease Dope Is to drugs what al cohol la to whiskey. Take ihe alcohol out of whiskey nd It loses Its power to stimulate. Take the dope out of drugs and they will . cease to have any effect whatever upon the nervee aria organs orine dmi. rne reason falls to do Its cause it lacks stren ; there wa any nou In druse they m about a healthy hy change, ' ' mumJI but you know there) Is not Drugs are drugs, stimu lants, narcotics, antldotee. poisons, not food. Food Is needed to build up new strength. Electricity Is nerve food -nerve life. It soaks 'Into your nerves, muscles and vitals Just like water soaks into a sponge It warm and strengthen vthe parts-which drugs can not reach. - Electro-Vigor 1 a relief from the old fcablta . the drag habit It doe by natural mean what yon x- ' peot drugs to do by unnatural means. - It give real strength to your body, and when your body baa It natural strength there can't be any pain, for there la no pain In a perfectly healthy body. Electro-Vigor 1 a girdle of dry can batterle which yon wear about your waist while you sleep. It 1 always charged, ready for use, and generate It own : power - eonstan tly. Electro-VI gor I not an electrio belt there Is no charging to do no vinegar or acid solution to bother with, and I have perfected It with) a regulating device which jnake tha current mild or atrong at wui. , - -- . .... ., ....... .. Haven and Hartford Railroad at th rata of lOq mllea an hour. Her what Vice-President Buokland of that railroad save reaardtn ths matter: "We are acting on tne belief tha all tne great trunk line la thla country wm evenvuavuy oe epeniee. . oy trtdvy." . .Thl Chtcaa-o-New Torar' Electrio Air Line Railroad 1 th moat practical, tha moat aeneiDie, tne most prontabie ana th safest investment thst will be of fered to th .American people In year ana years. u ia not orten tnat - tne general public get a "ground floor" chance In a railroad Investment. . Ia It surprising chat a flood of money Is pouring Into ths general office of the company from people who are allv to thla opportunity? President Cassatt of th Pennsylvania system died th other day. What was hla contribution to the railroad world? Her 1 what the Chicago Examiner 'Oassat tlsoovered tha tt la VeM roe? a rauroea w oua it txaek la a straight line than, la a crooked one. Thla revelation, simple a tt was, wa aa far-reselling in the railroad world a napoleon' eonceptloa of eaaaoa wa la the world of war. Oaaaatt, looking late - tlie -furore, wo old sayi ine stralrht 11ns wins alarava.' That la what we have beea aayiag aIK aiong. im nraifoi uas wins. The Electrio Air Line will win. Without an unnecessary curve, without a grade orossing, witn a perieot roadDed and equipment, ft will do more than aand It train through th choicest part ef th United States, from Chlcsgo to New York In ten hour. . It will pour a golden stream of wealth Into tha lap of those whose eyes are open to thla rar opportunity and who have the courage of their conviction. - CXTT OP OABT X.OCATXI BIOXT OB TB3I AXB JJ3TM 'The bblldlng of the town of Oary, Ind.. the United States Steel Corpora tion e new center of activity, will be an important contributor to th reve nue of the Air Lin a soon aa the La- Eorte section Is in operation. The Air Ine runs directly through the town, which within a short time will embrace a population of several hundred thou- Mow You Can Buy Stock Now . W Are Offering th Pall Paid Boa-newessable flOO Pa Tain Stock of th - OXZ0AOO-BXW TOBk XLXCTeUO AXB XJ3TB BATLBOAO Oa - Oa th pollowlaa Basy Tenasi til buys 1 Bharevpay down $1.50 and tt.10 par month for month. -$101 buy I Shares, pay, down f 10.1 and I10.S0 per month for 9 months, 17 buys I Bharea, pay dowa 117.80 and $17.(0 per month for months. $360 buys 10. Bharea, pay down $$$.00 and $$$.90 per month for 9 month. $17$ buys tl Share, pay down $87.10 and $17.10 per month for 9 month. although it la not thoroughly known what tha results will be. Very prompt attention was the re sult of the private conference beld Thursday wltb tha telephone author! t tee by the business men of Grand avenue. Within it) minutes after the elose of tha oonferenoe the telephone ia tha Eaat makes a maa think Ballard, 1 ' Pleas send me lua Crated, book. HAMS ADDRESS Driven 4 . - ' r- - a. i& Q Q Q h V k& v ( Another Jump ComingsGet in Now sand, and aa th service will be alto- ? ether auperlor to that or other lines, he Air Line will naturally get th bulk of th business. Th alts of th new town originally embraced 4,000 acres, which at that time waa considered sufll-dent-to cover vry need, but a fur ther addition has Just been made which bring th tdtal area np to S,00 a em. The building of Oary la. Indeed, a for tunate thing for those who are Inter, eeted In the success of th Chloago New Tork Electrio Air ln. nrrssToma nr rmm oxzoAOOonrw TOBK IUOT1IO BO BOT PAT Z TOM WATBBJSS aTTOOX Th steam railroads of th United Stat aeam to be "between th devil and the deep sea," to us a phrase which haa become classical. On the on hand they are confronted wltb an urgent neceeslty and a publl demand for Increased transportation factUUea. On the other hand, they are face to face with th difficulty of securing the necessary cash to meet th heavy ex penditures Involved. - Th earning of American railroad are very great An expert reporting to President Roosevelt ys ine unit cnarges can be cut 1 per cent without affecting dmdenda Their assets are enormoua. At flret fiance it would seem a simple matter tor mem to vaiee millions, an it na beea in the past. Ta difficulty Ilea tn th fact that they are already "mort gaged up to th handle." A railroad 1 about the only thing which can b mortgaged for mora than It cost According to tha prevailing system, nearly ever railroad in the land ha been built, equipped and Im proved through a ssle of first mortgage bond a The atone anare represent so much "water." Th fact that they are worth anrthlna emnhaaises tha . derful earning power of a well-man- egea ranroeq. These railroad have Issued bonds until they have nothing left to Thev have little nr nothing to offer In the way of security, and people who have money to Inveat or land Insist upon security.- They want to know, when a railroad already bonded to lis full capacity seeks further millions, that there ia some prospect of getting the money back again. They want to know that the road - eernlnre - will-be -sufficient to meet th interest on the loan.' wnat are tne facta, bar at ut time when an enormous expansion of fa cilities Is urgent? Aa ha been stated, nearly every rollroad already has been , GET IT NOW AT $35.00 tt yon didal nay at taS-OO, get ta now at $38.00. This stock was first v. fend at $38.00. Many bought at that price. Th stook thea jumped to gas.00, them to 907.00, thea to a-00, thea to 930.00, thea aaotker jama to asa-oo. On Batarday, January ltth, it romped suddenly to aas.00, At ach ramp tn prlo th anmbe ef salee increased. Why Because there was a reason for th jnmp. The road waa actually being built and the people had more con fidence than ever. Ton aa buy bow at $33.00. area If yon dont buy now watch It- It wnat atop at 935.00. Xt la going higher, and toon, too. Dont wait matu N goss higher, pui out the eoupoa attached and aaall today to Southwestern; Securities Company OO and 90 Sllford Bnildlag. Teath aad Korrteoa Ut, . V ' Portland, Orsgoa. '-. , ' ' TBA OPP Bide bank waa In perf eot working ord and In an hour nearly every business bouse was connected again wlth,...een tnO." '. ; . . Fifteen men were called tm from the suburbs and ' put to work on Grand avenue with the result that before night few telephones were- still out of. ordsr. Words cannot express ' my gratitude for .what Electro-Vigor bag don for me. I have warn It for three month mnA my back 1 cured, my stomach, acts better and X fcav gained In trSnfth. . . , ISO Ballard At, . ' H..B. PETERSON, Washington, When I cam to yon. X had Buffered for years from Indigestion, got very little nourishment from. my. food and had kidney : trouble. Electro-Vigor baa changed all that and I am aa well and atrong aa I aver waa. My atomacn is atrong ana I have begun to enjoy ill LB. HOHBNSTOLU Madison. CaX , FreetoYoii Get my lS-pag book describing ' Electro- Vigor -and with Illustration of fully developed men and women showing how It la applied. ' , Thla book tall 1a plain language many things yon want to know and give a lot of good, wholesome ad vice for men. , . ril send thla book, pre paid, free. If yon will en close this coupon. S. A. HALL, M. D. 1439 Fillmore Street, San Francisco prepaid, your fre JOO-pag I-10-f IK Feb. 2nd. : ... - . - , ... bonded for every dollar that could be raieea. Th surplus earnings. aXter paying tha heavy Interest charge and high operating expenses, have been dis sipated among th stockholders la the shape of dividends and ''melone." Now when they are confronted with an emergency, th railroads find them selves - so heavily capitalised and. bonded that they have nothing to offer the money lender la th way of addl- uuui security. In their embarrassment thsy. ar rf- I "tm w .. f ". ui.iuuu . of the ure-ent nuhlla neeeeeltv- arrAwln4't out of our developing commeroe, they are trying to get the president of the United State to "pull their cheatnut out of th fire." By unjuatly charging blm with hostility to the railroad In terests, they hop to- move blm to Issu a special message to Congress, or State ment to the people, explaining hi posi tion and voicing tha unquestioned need of the oonntry for Increased transporta tion facilities. Armed with this docu ment, th railroad think that they will be eble to so before the nubile with an argument which will uniooee all purse- strings. To verify thla analysis cf the alroa--tlon It Is only neeeeeary to refer to th newspapers, la which appear advertise ments of broker offering 1-year t oer cent note (unsecured) of th New Tork Central, Lake Shore, Michigan Central, Chicago and Western Indiana and Southern railroads. . -- The trouble 1 deep-seated. It stow ut of th system whloh obtain gen erally for financing railroad - enter prises. Diametrically opposed to thl system are th method of th Chicago New Tork Electrio Air Line Railroad,' adopted after matur reflection and with a perfect knowledge of the situation. Thla new railroad la now being built without bond The future - haa not been mortgaged. Th stockholders will be the .Actual owner, of th railroad, , altering equally In the enormous profits according to their holdings. Roadbed, right of way, equipment, every fran chlae secured and deed filed, all the prospective earning, of what must prove a wondsrfully profitable railroad, add to th security of th Investment. The result proves the wisdom of thl mflinng vi gnancini tne maa. TH rm terest and confidence of the publ)c-r?e roused,-and,- Ilk a rolling snerwbalTP smait at nrst, out rapidly attaining huge proportion, th combined Invest ment of the people already are suffi cient to place the enterprise on a firm financial footing. - PrS) tm BLaXb ' TOD AT 'INFORMATION COUPON BOUTBTWBBTBBB axOITBBTIZa 00 Westera Ageatj too aad Ml TUford Ball ding, Teath and Morrlaea at, , ' Portland,' Oregon. I am Interested In your railroad protect, and If my request will not obligate me la any way I ahall be glad to receive further Information. Also t montha' fre subscription to Air Lin New. . " Name .......... ,....,.,.., i ........ . (Por'tiand Journai i-lV) ........... -