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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 10. 1S07. CHINESE TIRE OF A NOISY NEW YEAR'S Or HIGHEST DAY QUALITY Whereat One Thousand Dollars' Worth of Firecracker Wat Once Set Off In One Long Fusilade, That Sum Will Cover the Total Expense for Firecrackers This Year". ; ; , Chinese New Tr' tn HOT proratee th quietest celebration Portland has aeen elnce her raw beginnings. Amsrl canlied Cbtneae are losing their respect for the time honored festival Moreover, they are crowing tired of spending their money foolishly on firecrackers. While they will celebrate the new year in mild and pleasant way,-the prodigality of past years will not be evident, so the Chinese themselves declare.- - -,- Fifteen or to years ago as high as $20,000 worth of firecrackers a small fortune were exploded during the IS days of the heathen festival. Some tlmea es many as 11,000' worth were ebot off at one time. . This year promt nent Mongolian merchants sy that not more than tl.oOO worth of crackers will be used altogether. , .. - Chinese New Tears begins on Febru ary it and, by the provisions of a spe cial ordinance passed by the council, crackers may be exploded from 5 to S o'clock In the morning anTfrom J to I In the evening, except on Sundays, when no noise will be allowed. .. - t . AID DEVELOPMENT OF OREGON Geological Surve of the State " Would Help Projects of 4 Y Many Kinds. GOVERNMENT OFFERS SERVICES OF ITS EXPERTS Representative Eaton's Bill Provide -:: t or Appropriation -; Sufficient to Continue) Important AVorav -Prog-resa of Great Regions at StakeV " Development of the resources of Ore gon Is affected by the fate of house .bill number tSl, Introduced by, Rep re entatlv Eaton, and men who are ac tively Interested la development work ' along nearly all llnea are In favor of its passage. The bill provides for going on with the geological survey of the state, and tha completion of a set of 'maps known as "quadrangles." ' ' Toward that end the state has been cooperating with the United States geo- logical survey each arm of tne govern ment spending an equal amount. Nearly all eastern states have long since com pleted tuelr quadrangles, or are now carrying them on In this manner, and , Oregon 4s one of - tha last toaecure the valuable adjuncts to development. ; '- Heretofore (he state baa appropriated , annually $1,600 for topographic and 12.100 for hydrograpble survey work. These amounts have not been, sufficient .to push the work as .fast as It should be carried on. ' Oet Services of xperts. . The rapid growth of the sUte hat outstripped the meager provision .made Tor assistance mt the development work The bill now before the legislature pro rides for II. too annually for topo graphic surveys and tMOO annually for hydrographlo surveys, -with the . pro- lslon that the united mates govern ment shall advance like amounts to co- f The work of the expert engineers ln . elude .the Investigation of underground water and their application to practl ,cal use of tha Inhabitant. ; Such maps are almost Indispensable -i- Free- The new year, nowever, mean con siderably more to the Chinaman than simply the exploding of a few araekere. Most Important of all. It means thst he I must pay his debts, and vice versa, that his debtors must settle. Chinamen who cannot pay an meir anois vy me new year feel themselves In disgrace. . But, contrary to a popular belief, they are net marked for any sporlal persecution on the part of their countrymen. They simply miss thslr holidays, work on and hope to be square with' the world when the next year rolls around. There is no highbinder work, no black mailing, no deadly feuds during Chinese New Year's. Enemies speak as they pass by and all are friends. Those who have houses keep open house for friend and foe alike Roast , pig and all the popular Celestial delicacies are passed out with a profuse hand. Chinamen who do not have houses spend their money freely. None work except those whose business makes it absolutely necessary. shdasfdr gambling, no police, forcel can prevent gambling during -Ctyoese New Year. '.. ,:. . -. ' ' " 11 s ' 1 " 1 11 In the consideration of any preparatory work for .railway, mixing. Irrigation or other project calculated to bring ma terial benefits to the state and Its peo ple, and Increase the wealth and ta valuation The area of the state Is M.010 square miles, of which 1.800 square mile have already been sur veyed by the United SUte government, and 10,000 square miles are still to b surveyed. . The maps, a fast a com pleted, are published under the Joint auspice of the state and national" gov ernments, and are to be obtained b; anyone on application to the Unite' State geological survey at Washington, D. C and payment Of the nominal price of i cents per sheet. ' ', 'Hal JPermanent Kark. '"""""'" i On thee topographic map are shown the positions . of streams, lake and swamps, puhll and private roads, rail roads, towns and important object,' such a house In their correct position The map also Indicate . Jdundarles of counties and the positions of the United State land -line where nt 1 possible to recover them. . A permanent monument oflhlsur vey there will be left at conspicuous point throughout the state copper boats or bras tablet marking the exact geodetic position of primary trlangu lafJoa points. These furnish a perma-neot-keieton-tpon-"Whiehto oxtend all other surveys. Other permanent mark Consisting of Iron posts, copper bolt oi tablet are set-to mark elevations abov sea.- level at points not more than lx1 mile apart. These serve as datum points for further spirit level work, for engineering Investigation and for such publlo works oanals, watsr supply, railway and other . publlo and private survey. .. - . . - The topographic map facilitate fhr construction of highways, railroads and Irrigation ' canals, since upon It avail able routes and grades may be laid out. To successfully undertake Irrigation the available water supply that can be de pended upon must be known and to de termine this stream gaging for a. series of year must be made. - The state of Alabama, Michigan, Illi nois. Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, New R-York, North Carolina) Ohio, Pennsyl vania. , West Virginia, Oklahoma and California are already cooperating and several other state will make -appropriation for cooperation thl year. fnlSSlfiCERS MAKE ARREST "Tongues ; of Fire" Members Charge 'Disturbing Element Outside Their Chapel. ' SuHerlnnFromPiles ; Unnecessary Pyramid Drag Co. Have Found ; Perfect, Quick and ralnles .Remedy." TOW cur tbt re rut -y Ws offer you a trial package of the Pyramid Pile Cur absolutely without cost. There I enough in the sample to give great relief. Do not hesitate, fear tne- that It will barm you. . ' : Not only does the Pyramid Pile Cure cure piles painlessly, but without lnoon- ee-tha inieirupuQngiyour business duties. It acts ss a healing balm to the Irritated membrane of the ectum, giving new lire to the deadened lood vessels and causing the ulcerous , condition to: pass away. Immediately '.' noon starting to use the Pyramid Pile , Cur the pttlent will ttnd the-onges-- tlon relieved and the swelling diminish ing as well a the disappearance of that awful senile of Itching. , ! Head the record of thl wonderful cure: "I bought I boxes of Pyramid Pile Cure Just before lesving the U. 8.- for the P. I. lest Msy. I had as bad a case of piles ss there could be. I suffered ' from plies since, the early spring of . jjoo. I contracted ' the piles from a rnlld ease of dysentery In Luson, P. I., ' ' and carried them all around the Island. "' China, J pain, and back home for 4 years. - 1 used all kinds of pile cures known, but I could never get a cure or . even a few hours' relief, till In March, lo,- a friend gave me .the Pyramid pile Cur and. It gave me Instant re lief. I used I boxes all told and not a visible lgn of Pile have t now. I don't know how to begin to thank-you. ' 1 remain, your faithful believer tn Pyrsmld Pile Cure. T. T. Jleffner. Co, ' .t tth Inf., Manila, P. I." There I no method so ssf or so In expensive. If yon are a sufferer from this disagreeable, distracting, painful and dangerous affliction, writ us for a free trial package wtlch we will send to you at once. We are sure thai you will be o greatly helped thst you will continue to use this treatment until - rored. Pyramid Img Pyramid Bl1g., Marshall, Mich. I -rent park ages. Just Ilk the Sample, sale at all druggists. . . . R EGULARS" CO M ETTO SPOIL PLAN OF MOB Place Special "Tongue" Police man Wounded tn Forehead, but One Man i Locked Vp in Jail. X natural sequel to the appointment a special policemen of three fanatical follower of the "Tongues of Fir'" colt occurred shortly before 10 o'clock last , Read This List v - - M . : - .. . rum oz.OKioue oanoatamura. BtAoarriozirT VOW TAMOVI KIMBA-LIk ' . Til OX.D KZI.LABI.B gTXCat. TMM HCLVIITl XASKXTOST. TMM UDsoirr. - ' Tata MVBM 0T. 'Tata ' ' arria eoarszmTATOBT waiTaaT., PIAVO. raw ut oartncAasT. Tn XOBABT M. OABI.a. ' Tn BfASTT-TOITEO omowiT. Tata -rowtriAB. run. aaAVTirvxi batxt. -Tata tot crLAnx. Aiaag- wos. ICASUUlU' owa in. iime aaoa. ' ; t... ' ':..'' -.'.'. mi m "TV :', - b a. . e Ti ,':(, . ; , , . ';. ; '. ;; ; ' The Choicest Collection of Highest Quality Pianos -Under One Roof in the : United States INVLSTIGATX OUR mrzB.TonD Oxv&sarsOaT. Txa e-Acoa ooxjb t$ loas. ' : TXI gmiLB Ttn OBOAB. - TBB BXsTBAT.T. BABZ.OB OBOABT, . tmm axwum riABOiv aiAJroa. rriABOiVs. riABoa. txck maoiA riABoa." WUILOCX WIABOIVA Reduced Prices Payments as You Like ' Here you have more of an unlimited choice than any other house could possibly giye you. riABO. aTUXTBBABT BIABOIiA lIABO& TBB OBCBXSTBBXXB. Our Co-Operative Club Sale is now in active progress, and many a home harr been-gladdened byestallationfhefur- beautiful pianos at an unparalleled. price and upon terms that call for the most insignificant week ly or monthly .paymentsTTr r r - - ; We will sell you a piano no w-nrmy one . of thirty famous makes at a tremendous reduction from regular selling prices price i loweFWian thafat which a 'good new warranted piano can ever again be obtained. 2 " " We must get this accumulation of Surplus pianos off our hands quickly ' "more are on the road. ' NOW the time to buy. It will be well to at - tend to this matter the first thing tomorrow, for our pianos are being rap , ,idly distributed throughout the city and state. For full particulars call, phone or write at once. .".'"' ';-:''.'., , ......'.. ;: - ' 'V ' ! : t-THE ' HOUSE 'OF . HIGHEST '. QUALITY ": ' . ' ' .;f , . '.J.l.'.i I ..',, .JPhne Exchange 23. Ask for Piano Club Manager , s . " New Number. 353 WASHINGTON STRLLT, Cor. Park ':Cr:V:.,": 1:- BIGGER, BUSIER AND BETTER THAN EVER; : T 1 C j y ' i ' . . . ........ -.-.-.: - . . - ' ' . C PAINLESS ! ' O ,.. . - ; U4- -VU. -r- IRE POWER FOR HEALTH EOARD State Commission. Asks Control ' "of All Matters Relating to . . . r. ... .-. ,. e , . Purity of Foods. , . SANITARY ENGINEER IS ANOTHER REQUEST Hoodlums Threaten to Raid iletnfrfLifaiittaUton Called to I'nsaniUrjr Condition of Town In Oregon Kugene Epidemic Men tioned to Show Need of Eogiaeer. . The state board of health In It sec end biennial report just out. nrfes the legislature to adopt. .prompt measures to males effectual the. board law In the nlaht In front of tha meetlnc nlace on. fo"oww particulars: i ne passes or an ... ... ' .. . . i f ffr-ltint nuarantlne law: the amwfnt. Second street, near Main, when the trio of peace vuardlans clashed with a crowd of hoodlums and precipitated 'a com bat which for time threatened to as sume serious proportions. tha result of the enonunUr George I d Iff exantjartcot the Jtate; and, to pass Karlson, who elves hi occupation a demonstrator, wss landed . in the city prison by Special .Officer Miller and Harper on a charge of refusing 'to move on. The first-named rmembsr of .the latest sdjunct to the police department received deep, lacerated wound on the forehead In the melee, but Harper es caped unscathed.. Karlson wss brutally choked by the Pentecostal policemen. and. After beta- lqcked up-In tb city prison he, suffered to such an ex tint from hemorrhace of .the nose that the city physician was called In to attend him. . . According to the statement of the two specials a crowd of rough assem bled outside of the mission and tn ad dition to Indulging in loud and boister ous talk rattled the doors of the meet ing place to the greet annoyance of worshipers. Brothers Miller and Har per ordered the crowd to disperse, but were met with a determined resistance, --: Harper grabbed s. Karlaon and at tempted, .o shove him smay, when the other. In the crowd Interfered. A pitched battle ensued In which Miller re ceived tli cut over the eye snd Harper was pummeled. Patrolman Wanlees ar rived shortly sfter the fight started and assisted In taking Ksrlson to the sta tion. Karlsen declare that he took no part In tb disturbance and wa knocked down and choked by the apeolals. His statement I In, a measure corroborated by eye-witnesses snd his condition bear out the truth of hi declaration. . Ther were threat on the part of the crowd to storm Uie mission, but the presence of uniformed patrolmen pre vented further hostilities. . , , ment of a state ianltary engineer, who shall be attached to the state board of health, to provide for the successful treatment and- control of .tuberculosis by the establishment of sanatoria In more stringent laws requiring incor porated towns and cities to provide ade quate facilities lor the disposal or sew age, .-, ,- -i . .. " - ;. ' , ,. Too Inspection Vader Board. . . . The report deals at length with the subjeot f tuberculosis In dairy cows and the indiscriminate sal of - dairy products from tubercular animal. The repert strongly trre-e that all matters relating to the purity of food stuffs of " BTEADV 1IAXD A Bargeo' at Shonlt 8 th riraa- "' t of AU. ' 'Tor fifteen years I hav -suffered from Insomnia, - Inafgestlon and ner vousness ss a result of coffee drink ing," said a surgeon th other dsy. "Th dyspepsia became so bad that I had to limit myself, to one cup at breakfast. Kven thl caused me to lose my food soon after I ate It. . AU the attendant symptoms of Indi gestion, such aa heart burn, palpitation water brash, wakefulness or disturbed leap, bad taat In the mouth, nervous ness, etc., were present to such a de gree a to Incapacitate . m for my practice es a surgeon. , . . The result of leaving off coffee and drinking Posture. .Was simply marvel ous. Th ehang wa wrought forth with, my hand steadied end my normal condition of health was restored." Name given by rostum Co.. Battle Creek. Mlrh. "There- a reason." Read the famous little book, Tb Road to Well vl lie." in okas. " , all kind, whether animal or otherwise, be placed directly under the supervision of the sute board of health. The duties of the proposed sanitary engineer are defined to be: The approval of all plans for the construction of pub lic buildings, so far as their sanitation Is concerned, and to approve all water or sewer systems before. they shall be Installed by any town or city. . . . Bexnedy Bad Sewage Bvil. The typhoid epidemic at Eugene In the early part of last year Is discussed at some length. Attention Is called to the Inadequate sewerage 'facilities In the towns of Boutheaatern Oregon and sug gestions mad for the, remedying of th evil. A comprehensive mortuary table of the "entire atate covering general .dis ease la presented. During the past year 1i person are ahown to hav died In Multnomah- county of typhoid fever, St from diphtheria, 101 from cancer of th organs, 125 from organic, disease of the heart and 135 from tuberculosis. THE JAIL ROBBER Negro Lawyer Frankly Admit Some ' Queer Accomplishment. Down in th mountain of West Vir ginia, in th heart of the coal and coke district Jives James Knox Smith, negro lawyer. His professional card reads follows: "Compliment of James Rnos Smith, Lawyer and Jail Robber. Practice in alt th Court of Virginia. Keystone. Mc Dowell county. West . Virginia. I de light in defending th poor and those WbomIbclly tob Innocent when my fees are secured." My mptto Is Quick Collection Upon all Claim snd Prompt Remittance Made In 'Cold Blood. The Bible to prove all things and hold fast to that which.. Is good Therefore, Brethren, seek me early as your coun sellor, for know y thnt even th right eous cannot be saved without ant advo cate." Th reverse side of this appeal for clients contain a cut showing th gen uinely African features of the jail rob ber, together with a copy of a eulogls- tio article about him from a newspaper, which calls him a "horned orator, I marvel In style and a gealal, courteous gentleman. He call himself ll robber because of hi aucres in defending his client say th New Tork Sun. In pleading to Juiiea in behalf of his colored broth er he refer to them only' as "poor niggers,", and pray for acquittal or leniency mainly on th ground of their ignorane and poverty. He ha a prac tice among both black and white and carries himself with great dignity. He has a glass eye. which come In very handily a a tear producer in hi eloquent flights of appeal for some un fortunate defendant. HI services as a Republican spellbinder are constantly In demand, and It Is related that on one occasion, while making pcbe In Old Virginia, hi remark were so offensive to the white people that they sent out searching party to capture him. Then it wa that th slipping out of th artificial optlo stood him -is good stead. . His captors were positive that tha. man. they, had: been pursuing had two eyes and was not nearly so pomp ous s thl colored gentleman, and Uiey One:Fourli Off Regular Prices Tor thl week only, to Introduce our new and best painless methods known to dental work. ' N " - Be Careful That' on of th mottoes of our offto. -No student In thl office. A11 work will be don by Tr. B. f. Butler and Dr. H. A. Rturdevant. who have had II veers' actual practice and experience, and, mind you, EX PERIENCE oounta. Positively Painless-Extraction- -, We remove the m'ost sensitive teeth snd roots for th most delicate and nervoua persons absolutely without pain or danger, and free when plate are ordere!. No etudents employed, "A guarantee for 10 years with 3I - work. Lady attendant.' We keep our work in perfect condition, free, for a period of ten years is a business prop- , osiuon tnat snoum De considered -CONDENSED PRICE LIST OF WORK We re offering a very good Silver . runn?, non-snnniUDie. ana guaran teed for fiv year.... .50 Platinum Alloy FillihgiY non ahrinkable. holds it color and does not tarnish the teeth f l.OO Gold and Platinum Alloy, which ia the best-alloy filling; our regu lar $3.00 filling now f 1.60 Gold, Fillings, regular $3.00 aire, for fl.60 Gold Fillings, -regular $4.00 size. This fs an exceptional bargain, as we use the best material posi blt... ..fz.oo Enameled Fillings, color of teeth and very strong ........ ...J2.50 We'offef the greatest bargain im aginable in our Articulated Seam less Gold Crown, made of 22k. gold and is extra heavy, reinforced with gold solder .....fS.OO And make Porcelain Crown, ready made .f 5.00 Enamel Crown, which surpasses all others in natural appearance and beauty flO.OO Extra Heavy Bridge Work, porce lain facing, riveted and soldered 22k. gold, per tooth ........ f 5.00 Porcelain Bridge Work, hand made on platinum, no metal show ing, looks very natural and always Satisfies, at very special price, per tooth .:......! ..f8.O0 Removable Bridge. Work and Roof less Plates, when two, or more teeth remain in the jaw, up to f 10 We have a leader in Plates, which should ba an inducement. Our best Rubber Plates, highest gra1e material, double-riveted pin teeth, regular $15.00 plate, at S.O A very good Rubber Tlate, dmiMe riveted for six anterior, o'mton,: eight posterior; reg. $8, now tf S.OO Best Celluloid Plates. dn-Me -riveted teeth, plain ........ .f 10. OO Celluloid' Plate, double - riveted teeth, hand-carved gums. .$ 12-Oi Aluminum Plates, very liht rink gums, double-riveted teeth, t' Im m- lously lew price.,., f 15.m Silver "Plst-s at f r,i.( 22k. G.dd, Plates. be,t q i.i' v p material ; f.'O.tx) 1 LILY DENTAL COMPANY, Third cr.:' X - -examination Advtoo free. Ten ITeed V. We Weed .Tea. Vbob Pacific in:, i Bandar aatll 1 p. as. MttSSSSHtteHsttHvmvTHttttMtt1 C. -a J1l r : ! i i M 1 t