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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1907)
THE -OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 1007. BIGGEST DilYDOCK AT BAY CITY Stona and Concrete Basin Big . Enough to Hold Any Two" V v Battleships at Once. CONSTRUCTED PRIVATELY THOUGH FOR NAVY USE Bacrecy Maintained in Matter Not - Until Surveyors Begin Work Poet Infonnatioa Leak Out Built . at -r Honter't Point. . . .t .:' (Herat News br IniMt LMaed Wire.) San Franotaco. Feb, . The largest drydock in . the 'world, with a atone and concrete basin big enough to hold any two of the battleships of the United States navy at on tlm. Is about to ba constructed - at Huntar'a Point bjr tba P Ban Francisco Drjrdoclc company at a .cost of tl.2S0.000. Tba Und ha al ready been surveyed adjacent to tba has In operation and tba work, will ba rushed to a speedy completion. This glft-antla undertaking la, among other things, calculated to meet tba . navy's need of facilities for putting a large fleet-, rapidly, into condiUon .attar , a Ions; trip around tba Horn, or In case - of disaster to a fleet In engagement ' near the harbor of Ban Francisco. .. , The secretary of tha navy recently . called foe. tha plana of tba two present ' drydocka, and tha drawings were made .-"and - forwarded - to Washington. - AU - though tha company which will build i the new dock la a private corporation. It Is understood that tha work baa been . undertaken with tha encouragement of the navy department, which la also sala to have expressed a wish tbat it be carried to an early completion. , Secrecy has been maintained In tha ; matter end it was not until the rur ' ., veyora wera at work at Hunter's Point ' that tha Information aa to tba purpose of tha company leaked out Tba aur veyora have bean at work for a week, ! and from the 'statements that they made , to tha ether workmen employed -hlt learned thatthaaaw dock will be 1.00 feet In length, aa long aa ." four blocka In Van Nesa avenue. 170 "feet longer than tha famous dock at Glasgow and 121 feet longer than tha ""Alexandra Tdockv. ; r NEGRO WINS A FOOTRACE FROfl FAST COMPANY Taylor Bests Three Men at the Pastime Club-Nerf Sixty ; : " Yard Record. ; (PnblUliere Free by Special Leases Wire.) : --New York, Feb. Many prominent athietea from colleges and local cluba , took part In the big indoor meet of the PaMiine Athletto club at Madison . Bqnara garden tonight and " tha spec 44ors rwera treated to some excellent exhibitions.: i - wThe ftrinoipal' event "waa 'a special -raea-at 0S yards in which tha four beat man Irr the country competed. ' Tha starters wera J. B. Taylor, tha great negro -runner of tha University of Penn sylvania; Harry Hllman of tha N. T. A. G; Ed a. Parsons of Tale, and tha N. Tj a. C, who ran in tha color of tha latter organisation, and. Charles Bacon" of tha Irish-American A. C Tha men finished aa named. Time," 1:14. B. C, Northrldge of the Irish-American A. C astabllahed a new American rec ord by -winning hia . heat In the (0 yard -high hurdle event. Ha waa aae and to C. D. Toole of the N. T. A. C in the final, but while Toole's time waa lo t 1-1 seconds. It did not' count, as he knocked down a hardla. - - . Martin 3. Sheridan of tha Irtsh-Ameii-can club won the shot pat handicap with an allowance of two feet, with an ac tual put of 43 feat 10 H inchea, : ROSEBDRQ ORCHESTRA'S - OAKLAND EXCURSION . (special Dwpateh te The Jeomal.) Roeeburg, Or, Feb, . The Roseburg "orchestra ran a big excursion from this vclty to Oakland this afternoon, tha oc casion being their reproduction of J. H, Harlay's minstrels. About to people went ovar from hero and their second ; venture will surely an set with as great a aucceaa aa tha former ona did In this city. ' i. At thla time, when nearly tha whole of tha atata la covered with floods, thla , aectlon seems to ba- enjoying tba ftneat kind of weather and tba air la balmy and spring-like.. Dr. P. W. Haynea arrived here Wedneadar from Falrbanka Alaska, where ha has baen engaged in tha drug business. Pr, Maynes formerly con ducted a dental parlor In thla city. He will return to Alaska in tha spring with . hie family.' . Humphreys' ScYcnty Seren Cures Colds and ' As a consequence of the recent bad weather. Grip is epidemic' No one, however strong, can tempt fate by undue exposure or 'afford to neglect the warning of a chill or cough on the supposi tion that they may mean nothing, or possibly; cure themselves. . L . , The susceptible man should be "the careful one, who should never run the risk of an open car, draughty theatre, a soaked shoe, or a thin coat. '' With these precautions and bottle of "Seventy-seven" in your pocket, you can brave the ele ments and keep well. r" At Pnnlili ts eenta or mitl-d. HomptirT' womtn. MedHne Ce., Xer, WU Basi n JuBS unta, haw Kara. ' EOiXG C11I3 L'EL'BERS , VRY . ENTHUSIASTIC Director Form, Plans for a New Clubhouse,; and Subscrip tions Pour In. v Tba Portland Rowing club directors held a meeting last evening In the offloa of President Ralph Wilbur and decided to build a club house to take the place of tha one that waa carried away by tha flood last week. In Justtoe to the oarsmen it must ba aald that no mora enthuslastlo meeting waa ever -held In Portland and before tha meeting waa over the membere detlded that nothing would prevent them from erecting one of the finest rowing club housoa In tha country. Membera readily offered tc subscribe from 1100 to 1309 for this purpose. . ! - On Tuesday -evening tha directors will hold another meeting and complete tba plana for tha building proposition In or der to present them In full to tha gen eral meeting of tba membera, which will be held on Wednesday evening. - Tha directors plan a three-story build ing, fully equipped for oarsmen, con taining ample locker rooms and every modern convenience for tba homelike entertainment of guests. On the ground floor it 1 proposed to bava a large re ception halL .- ... v i The tnrtka thai tha flood have been anchored down tha liver and will ba brought back In- a short time. It waa practically settled that tha new home would ba built an tba bank. Instead of over the water, thus maklag tha building perfectly safe and free from any further action of the river,, . .. , PORTLAND BROWNIES - : ANNEX TWO GAMES . Tha Portland Brownies shnt out the Eagles yesterday i tov 0. In a second game tha Brownies defeated tha Ore gon Cuba tl to a. Tha lineup: Brownies. r .Position. Eagles. 8haw, ....p.."..".. Hoeya-wuey Metzger ....c...... Blater Burns ........... .ss Cola i........ Cos Wallloa .......... 2b,. ......... Grlnell Lewis ....... .Sb. ...... .R. Jones H. Jones ,.cf Roftke Chatterton .......If.... ,. Clark Shelly -; r.Tvvjr-.rf . ; w. . j-n . .- Holdan Umpire -Mr. Reeves. - '.' .; . Saeond Oama ; , . " ' . Browniaa, Poaltlon. . Cuba. Lewis ........ L. . .p. . , . Blahop-Blater. Metsger . . . . . . . ,. .c. .. Slater-Blshbp Buroa --r . . Cbrlstenson Cole lb., Nugent Walllce ..........tbv. ...... Wiley Shaw ............Sb. ............ Holt West ........... .of . ... . Hlberg Shelly ..... M. ... . .If. ,.m. Michael -Clark Chatterton .rf ........ Heny ..Umpira-rMr. Walsh.. : MULTNOMAH BEATEN -BY THEY.M. C.A. FIVE . Tha Multnomah basketball team was defeated by tha Y. M. C. A. last night in ona of tha fastest games of the sea son. The game looked easy for ths Multnomahs aa they ware In the lead In the first half by tha scare of to t. The T. M. C. A. took a Jump and tied tha club men before " they knew they wera in tba game. Tha star of tha gaaa was Dr. Thornton. He played a whirl wind game, throwing three, goals and tying the acore. Russell for the T. M. CV A. made tha winning point and was carried away by tba crowd. Tha game ended a tie when time waa called and than tha teams atartad la to play off tha tie. It was four and a half min utes before the game waa over, Rnssell throwing tha winning baskst. The game ended T. M. C A. 14. Multnomah 14. Tha lineup: , - - - . t. m. c a. It. A. A. c Hartman (Capt) ..F. ... .. Pent (Capt) Russell .i F..... Raach Thornton-Forbes . .C Bellinger Olney , , . . .. .. ... .O... . .". . . . . . Barton Young ............O .Jttlen-Uvlngston ; - AUTO GOSSIP - Hevard M. Covey, representing ths Cadillac Automobile company, bealdea several others, had a very busy week, ending' yesterday. "Early In tha week ha aold to tha H. M. Lemcke company three So-horse power Cadillacs, each valued at tl.80. Tha machines are among tha finest turned out by tha Cadillac people . - Fernando Nelson, tha best known amateur automobillst In California, has announced that ha will give a hand some silver trophy to ba competed for by tha Oldamoblle and Pop-Hartford In A Loo Angelea-San Francisco race, which it aeema possible will take place. Nelson, since ha established tha new It-hour record between San Francisco and Los Angeles and. Indeed, before has been deeply Interested In racing events, and has followed all the racing developments closely. , Nelsoiv himself holds tho cup put up by tha Hovey Boushey company for ths man. who ahould cut tha Lea Angeles record. Now Nelson, as a racing advocate, has offered a silver cup for tha winner of tha proposed match between tha Olds mobile and tha Pope-Hartford. ' Tha challenge of Brlnegar, on behalf of tha Oldamoblle, and tha prompt ac ceptance of the Loa Angelea agents of tho. Pope-Hartford, furnished much food for discussion among' automobile "wen and many and varied wera tha opinions offered. - Soma held to tha Idea that it waa merely an' advertising schema, but tha majority . expressed ths belief that tha contest. If It occurs, will be a good one. - ' . e e - Underwood and Smith, who are hre from San Francisco, and who recently purchased a large tract of land at Sandy Lane, have purohaaed a Maxwell and a Rambler ear for the purpose of taking their patrons out to look over tha prop ertiea. Tha machinea are high grade. . e e Howard M. Covey also aold Cadillac care to D. H. Brown, 10-horse power, D, Mark a 10-horse power and another 10 -horse power one to W. J. Van Scuy rar during last week. . ;'..''' In speaking of tha OMsmobile, which ha represents. H. L. Keats, tha well known local dealer, says: - "Among tha distinctive characteristic of the Olda moblle machines are their durability and simplicity of construction and ope ration. , They are equipped with aeleo tlvo type transmission, and among other things possess an oiling system at once efficient -and simple. If not unique." Tho automebilo properly handled is a good' publlo servant. It g a vast Im provement on tha older methoda of lo comotion. Tho early prejudice against It had no real foundation except la tba Illogical hostility which In the beginning shows Itself against all Innovations up on tba old methoda - Thla prejudice hae been fostered by tha recklessness of a few people who wilfully break tho laws for tbelr own selfish pleasure. , i;i;iE-TO-Ti';a outsider m PALACE STAKE Voladay Is Given Oreat Ride by Miller and Beats Out tha Favorite. ' nirat News by Longest Leaatd Wire.) San Francisco, Feb. Ii Voladay, tba longest-priced horse in ths race, . won the Palace Hotel handicap, tha feature at Emeryville track, today. Owlnr to tha fact that Barney Schrelber retains an Interest In Nealon, which ha sold to Boots . Purnelt, and , In Tony Faust, which ha aold to Sam Hlldreth. five of tha seven starters In ths handicap were coupled In the betting. Rapid Water, Lrfia-lstllla and' Tony Faust represented Hlldreth and Nealon and Temacoo car ried Durnell'a colors.. " i . This bunch opened 1 at 1 to and went to the post at.'S to E. Proper waa played from i to I and Voladay eloaed at to S. A good start. Nealon shot to tha front and waa closely trailed by Voladav te the half. Where tha outsider. with Miller -up, ..took a lead and grad ually, increasing, won the stake in a gallop by six lengths, with Rapid Water second and . Temaceo third. Proper s race was a' disappointment. Ha fin ished last. Nealon quit badly.. It waa a field day for Walter Miner. rnn four orjhe six races. He started the day by tak ing tha 1-year-old race , with President Williams' Creation., an.' e.ven money choice; ha also won with Blr Edward In the third and Vox Popull In the laat. staring ammmary ; Foar furlongs Creation (Miller), f to t, won; Love of Gold, second; Oro nogo, third; time 9 t-S. Seven furlongs Silver Sua (Graham), i to 1,-won; Shady Lad,' second; Bush thorpe, third; time. I:2 -6. . - Five luriongs Sir Edward (W. Mil ler),' to , won; Fireball, second! St. Francis, third; time, 1:01.1-. , One and one-eighth miles, - Palace Hotel handicap Voladay (W. Miller), to X, won: .Rapid Water, eeoond, Temaceo third,; time, 1:54 1-S. One - mile, . ' selling Ed win Qum (Hunter), S to t. won; Crowshade. seo ond; Ed Sheridan, third; time, 1:41. Ona mile Vox Popull (W. Miller), oven, won; Jocund, second; Hedge thorn, third; time, 1:44. , ' THE Y. M. C.A. WILL GIVE TROPHIES TO ATHLETES ' Tha T. M. C A. will glvo a number! of -cups and medals to tha young ath letes of Portland Jhln.jeartXlierajirUl. be a baseball league, a relay race, and fmany other sporu. . Tha object of giv ing these eupa and medals ia to promote tha class spirit and clean sport for tha school boys. Laat year tha T. M. CL A. gave " cupf or-a : .relay race between Portland and Oregon City, a distance of It miles, i This cup was won by tha North Central school lads. The raos waa one of tba beat races aver handled by tha T. M. C. A. Last year tho base ball cup waa won by tha Brooklyn school. The T. M.C A. Is also giving cups and medals to members of the Junior class. There la one for handball and also ona for a basketball league. -Tha relay race will take place on May It and the cup will ba given, by Mr. Briatow, . who gave tha cup last year. Tha winners of these cups will bava to defend them, and tha team winning three tlmea will become -.the possessor of It . - ' ' K. - , . ... ,L Oak Grove Beaton (Rveclil Dtvpatcb te Tie enaL) Salem, Or.. Feb. I On tha T. M. OL A. floor tonight the Capital Business col lege basketball team defeated tha Oak Grove aggregation by tha score of If to . . . . ' ' Tha good weather of a day la euffl dent to get the machinea out In a hurry. There were many autolsts out yesterday enjoying tha firat real good weather of apring. , i . . i j a PIMPLES, BLACKHEADS Get Rid of All Your Face) Trouble In a 'Few Days' Tim With v the, Wonderful Stuart 1 Calcium Wafer. ; Trial Package lent Free. You" cannot have an attractive face or a beautiful complexion when' your blood la In bad order and full of im purities. Impure blood means an Im pure face, always; Tba most wonderful as well as tha moat rapid blood cleanser la Stuart's Calcium Wafers. Ton use them for a few days, and tha difference tells In your face right- away. Most blood purifiers and akin treat ments are full . of poison. Btusrf s Calcium Wafers are guaranteed free from any poison, meroury, drug, or opiate. They are aa harmless as water, but tha results are astonishing. Tha worst caaea of akin dlsessea bava baen cured In a week by thla quick-acting remedy. It contains tba moat ef fective working power of any purifier ever discovered calcium sulphide. Moat blood and akin treatmenta are ter rlbly 'Slow-.- fituart'a -Calcium Wafer e have cured bolls irr three days. Every particle of impurity la driven out of your system completely, never to re turn, and it la dona, without deranging your aystem In tha slightest. No met ter what your . trouble Is, whether pimples, blotches, blackheads, rash, tetter, eciema. or scabby crusts, you can aolemnly depend upon Stuart's Calcium Wafers aa never failing. Don't ba any) longer humiliated by having a splotchy faoe. - Don't have atrangera stare at you. or allow your friends to ba aahamed of yon becauee of your face. Tour blood makes yon what yon era. Ths man and women who forge ahead are thoee with pure blood and pure' faces.- Did you ever atop to think of that? .'.-..'' Stuart Calcium rWafers . ara abso lutely harmless, but' tha result mighty satisfying to you, even at tha end of a week. They will make you happy -because your fara will be a wel come alght not Only to yourself wben you look In tha glass, but to everybody else who knows you and talks with you. .- . i We want ta prove to yon that Stuart's Calcium Wafera are beyond doubt the beat'snd quickest blood and skin purifier In the world so we will aend yeu a free sample as soon ss w get your nam and address. Send for It today., and then wben you have tried the eample you will not rest contented until you have bought a SOo box at your druggist's. f Send us your nam and address to day, and we will .at once aend you by mall a eample package, free. Address F. A. Stusrt Co., II Stuart Building. Marshall, Michigan, . . IliuT CLG3 " LECEERS RIDE OYER SPLEIiDIO COURSE Fine Weather Causes a Large Field of Riders to Follow Festive Trail. Tha members of tha Portland Hunt club turned out yesterday In number befitting the glorious day and rod through a carefully selected tralL The hares Miss Flanders and Frank Rob. tirtson, could not have picked a prettier nor a finer oourse for a chase and the big field thoroughly enjoyed the ride. ' The start was made at "feast Eleventh and the finish was . la, ths Portland boulevard. - . . ' Tha finish waa closs and exciting and when the horses passed the Judges, If. H. Hsrdman on John Boggs Waa first J. N. Chapman on Lulu I waa eeoond. and W.. M. Davia on JV H. Bennett waa third. .--. ... .. ..., ... ... , Tha couree waa about aeven mllea long and contained blinds enough to make-a hdmeopathlo mJnlstsr pink with envy, i Those who rode through wera: Mra F. O. Downing, Mra. H. Leadbettef, Mre. W. L.'Wood. Mrs. FjO. Buff urn, Mra P." It Bly the, Mra. S. C, Spencer, Mra Edmunds, ' Mra . Margaret ' Mont gomery. Miss Mabel Lawrence. Mlaa Maud Hahn. Miss InesCummrng, Miss Ana Shogren, John Latta.- Jamea Alex ander, H. L. Corbett, J. C. Mueha. B. T. Chs7 prrWV-LTTVood, pr, w. A. Cum- mtng. Dr. Emmett Drake. James Nlool, ri it- ueraman, J. -L. Chapman, . Frank WUder. H. M. Davis, 8. C. Spencer. F. A. Jones, R. U. Jenkins, 8. C Kerr, Ralph Hahn, Mr, F. Q. Downing, DEAD AT AGE OF HMD AliD TI'O YEARS - James Mackey, Born In Ireland, Passes Away at the Home - - ' for the Aged. ' The century mark was passed by two years In the case of Jamss Mackey, who died yesterday evening at- the Horn for the Aged in this city. Mackey waa bom In' Ireland August XT, 1805, emigrating to America la lilt. Ha hag eight children in varioua parts of the United States and the body will b ahlpped 'tomorrow by -DtniTilng.' Mo Entee eV GUbaugh to ba Interred at Cor vaJIls, where resides Mra' John Magee, ar-daughtar. ... The Great Every Cloak in ... Look Into These Marvelous - Values in : Children's Coats All Styles That Will Be Worn Next Season Girls', long, loose, gray, plaid or striped ' Coats, fly front, green or red broadcloth, "collar and cuffs; $6.50, re-. duced to.;............ $0l O '''' . . . . . " pirls' long, green or navy" Coats of fancy . mixed cloaking, fancy buttons, notch col - lar, cuffs and side slashes piped d O Cft with ; velvet ; J$8.50, reduced tb . 40 D U -I, Girls' long gray . Coats, "Snowflake" : cloaking, black velvet collars; fr HQ $4.95, reduced to.,...;......,. $LyQ Agents for .:McCairs Patterns Subscribe for MeCsll's Mafa slne, only I0o a ' rearr It -aile4 ir . each month. H "A PIANO 7 OF QUALITY" , , C j . ' r mm J -LARGE SIZE UPRIGHT, REGULAR $450. SPECIAL ....iixrv305 FINE MAHOGANY UPRIGHT. REGULAR $415.-SPECIAL ..J3 FINE OAH CASE UPRIGHT, REGULAR $350. SPECIAL . 2S BEAUTIFUL PIANO (NEARLY NEW). REGULAR $350. SPECIAL 2G8 FULL SIZE (BARGAIN SPECIAL), REGULAR $375. SPECIAL .....320 SPLENDID VALUE, REGULAR $325. SPECIAL .v.J M RTCATITTFUL, MAHOGANY GRAND .'. ... . . i . . . . ' COME MONDAY SURE and select one of these splendid values. Easy payments If desired, We also have Victor Talking Machines and Records. . -'- - - - -'- - -- ' - - - : y CORNERSIXTir"Ainr MORRISON,- OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE -Portland Seattle Tacoma" . Spokane TBellinghara . Everett a s giiaaaMiaaaxataargztaiMKaMMaaaaMaaaMaaaxixaaaaxxzxsaa: ation oi. ilie 12) the house in values l" t - UXtXLlFLK I. X laiUO, WUUwaO UllU llUUilUiO AAA dark and light colors, also all our best Cravenette Raincoats Now one price m THE, STORE, THAT UNDERSELLS SHANAI-IAWH 144-146Third Great Piano Values ON1L-PRICE; Gloak Sale upj to $22.50, including the popular li inrjui-i.i. Buy the Baby a Bear Skin Coat White or Colored They Were $6.50 Now They Arc $3.29 Children's white and colored Bear skin Caps that were 75c are QQ, now oniy....... y....Os Children's popular Bear- I 'IC skin "Polos" ...iOC Street -BEsSSff VaSE23 Id 1 1 S i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 li I i !i M USED PIANOS. SOME OF WHICH j HAVE BEEN OUT BUT A FEW MONTHS (AS GOOD A3 NEW) ARlt NOW ON SALE AT UNUSUAL PRICES Your Opportunity Has come and such an opportunity may not come again M M 14 II li M M M M M I! "The House of Quality" y eason Ask for a Stamp Book, m,n rin4 it u .worth 1 6. Ve five OcM I 1 r-t- - -i Go f i i "s. ' m f-.-'' mm.