The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 08, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Only Two Days MdreNov for the Windiip of the
Brooklyn Car Conductor Causes
Victim to Suffer Linger
Ing Tortures.
Drew Back From Killing Himself So
That Other' Might Learn of Hla
Yeagnance -Thought Doctor the
Cause of Ilia Beloved's Death."
'' fjourosl Bpecisl ftwrtra.)
. .. New York, Feb. . Dr, Charles WH
' mot Townsend, who . was fatally shot
..two weeks ago aa he lay in beeVUeslds
, his wife tn their home at New Brighton,
Staton Island, was, the police declare,
the Tictlm of John Bell's rengeanoe a
vengeance which had been ' the ruling
'-the streetaar epnduetor'a-ttfe
. 'or nearly a year. ' .
To kill the physician, whom he
.blamed for the death of his youna- wife.
' had been Bell's waking thought. Since ;
""the day he burled her In Cypress Hill,
- "eeording to the facts the police learned. !
I It was the thought uppermost In hla j
mind all the hours that he went about
iila work and was with him when be lay
down at night, with a prayer on his lips
ithat the morrow would suggest a plan
which, according to the wnrklnsa ttt his
, poor distorted brain, would enable him put out or lire the man be believed
to be hls-wlfe'a alayer. r
Brooding fced to Crime.- '
This brooding finally-led Bell to a
- diabolical conception' of the means he
would 'employ- in taking the life which,
: he was persuaded, was forfeit to hire.
.: Me followed It to a conclusion with re
lentlessnesg and .cunning. . . .
Bell determined. that Town send should
mo un int anr snq wiimri me nour inn
his "Sls'V-that . was his wife pet
- .'siame, and It was forever on his llpa I
. breathed her last. In the Btaten Island.
infirmary, where ahe had .been under!
"'the physician's treatment. ' He yowed
-that he would shoot' Townsend so that!
he would linger In agony for hourav-rDr. 1
Towns) must know the pain and suf-i
ferlng that "Bis" had undergone before!
'death took-her. When Townsend was 1
-Trons He would "go" to the1" girl - wife's
'' through his own head. ' -
V w ai ! wiumwu
Bnt 'when Dr. Townsend was dead.
Bell drew bac-k from committing sul-
, ride. He must tell others that It was
' he who had killed tUe physician. TV
; was his pride of re venire that put him
In the hands of the police and solved a
mystery that otherwise might never
have been explained. - '
If Bell had not been' 'arrested when!
v-e waa he would have been found dead
a little while at Cypreae Hills. His
tombstone Is waiting htm there. He or- j
ored it carved two months ago,-to be
In ' readiness "by" the end of January "
: Ieep In the stone Is this Inscription:
"Life If sweet, but revenge is sweet-
'. er.", , ........ ...
' For Thirty-Eight Years Deceased
; .Was in Retail Drug Business
ill l wi uoiiu, . '
Dr. "William Pfurtder, of German birth.
, and one of Portland's pioneer druggists,
? died this morning at' the Good Bamarl-
tan hospital. He was born In Baden,
Germany, In 1840 and eame directly ,to
Portland In 1S6 and entered Immediate
. ly In the drug business, for which he
nad been educated in his native country.
He was first connected with a large
drug -store on First street, then called
"the Dispensary, but' shortly started .In.
"""business for himself.- While-expert--inventing
in Oils elty he manufactured
' and sold a proprietary medicine, for
which ha secured exclusive rights and'
. . Which enabled him to accumulate some
- property, He owned the building and
. the Quarter block on the southwest
: corner of Sixth end Couch streets, at
present a very valuable piece of realty.
In 1171 he was married In Portland,
but lost bis wife In 1S81. He had but
one child, a married daughter, and a
. brother, Louis Plunder, a florist with
a retail- store on Sixth street. He hsd
no relatives In the city. He had been
" a-weuiber-of-the Oeemaw" Aid "society
ever since his residence In thlr elty
end -was also a thirty-second degree
Mason of the Harmony blue lodge.
Scottish Rita
His funeral will be held from the
- Scottish Rite cathedral Sunday, Febru
ary 10. at 1:10 o'clock. The El Kader
lodge of the Shriners will assist. In-
tarment will be la the. Eivervlew ctme.
' teryv" - ; ' . . :
Woman Owning Chain of Stores
v in California Mysteriously
,,' , Disappears."
'w (Journal RpeeiM gerrlr.)
San Bernardino, CaL, Feb. (.Mrs. E.
' Msbel Thompson, Towner of four of the
lesdlnr millinery establishments In this
raller, two here, one at Colton and an
other at Rtalto, haa dlaappeared, and her
husband has assigned to the sheriff for
, the benefit of her creditors, estimating
her liabilities at f M7I.
1 ..Mra.. Thompson established these
.stores 1 months sgo with funds ob
" talned from her husband, Ell Thompson,
for. IS year a a cattle dealer of Reno.
She bought out two first-claim establish
ments here, giving notes. At the time
of her marriage, two years ago, she told
Thompson she would Inherit a I3.000.ono
: estate In England. Lest summer she
spent several weeks In Europe, explain
ing to-Mm that she wee engaged in
" settling her estate.
- Six weeks, sgo she -disappeared.
Thompson later received a letter Inclos
ing a power of attorney and declaring
thev would never meet again, as she
Wnrid pot Stand the disgrace of her
failure. ' .
The last 2 fays to be the greatest of all, for every price has been marked down again cut to the very bottom in order to make a clean sweep of
every pair that's left. Now for the most furious selling of the entire sale now for bargains that put to shame all past records for cheap selling.
You actually get ; ,V . '
Two, Three and Four Pairs for the Price of One
No, ifs, no ands about it, every pair of the Hartman-Wise stock goes now, and at a price that will make you buy if you buf ee them. At 8 tomorrow morning the most
t " -,' . - , .. j ' v sensational selling of the entire lot begins. Come. ' ? v v ' - , -'
All the Odds and Ends of
Women's $1.50 to $3
SHoes and Slipper
1. 1 and S pairs of a kind, l M v
svery Imaginable style In the I ' f
lot, broken lines and odd 1 1 Uf O
sixes; nons worth less thanf Vl
1.0 up to $1 all bunched In I CV - :
one great lot at, choice c
Odds -and ends and A
broken lines; most all l 3f
irc. Pair ..TW
All solid leather;
none worth less
thnn $2 SO. Pair
Lace 'and blucher styles, all solid
leather, and
alt sizes.
Pair . . . '. .... .
tyies, an soua
Clean Sweep of Hartman Q Wise's Odd Lota of Finest
Men's and Women's $5 and $6Jhoes
lOc and 15c Shoe Polish :v -
5.000 tottles 10c and 15c Shoe Polish. Shin- far w-fc
, ola. Black Shine.. Bixby's Blackola arid 0 IT fill ID
Others. Choice ............................ UJ WiUV
You imoly do tnrourin the stock and nick the
best of the odd lots of the Hartman-Wise stock
at $1.98 and there's many in the lot that 'are
worth $400, $5.00 andt06.OO ;
AlUheir finest, all their best. : Shoes that are the most exquisite high-class pro-,
ductions, forHartmaa-Wiseiwereliioted fortheir extremely high-class -footwear.
Women' Shoes and Men's Shoes of every description, made of all the
best leathers-and including the finest patent leathers. -Shoes made for fine dress
wear, and you couldn't buy better ones no matter what you pay. . All sizes; all.
widths, and Jill styles. Pick out the best $6.00 Shoes if you want. There's no
reserve. - All go -in one great lot at, choice
Women's $2 Shoes
About 50 pairs in all, and A ( '
values tip: to $2.00. . Choice, XC
M. S W
Men's $5 iShoes
The finest dress and
stent leather shoes; alt
W. best J5.00 grade
Choice 98c the Pair
for Shoes Worth $4.00
Ycs7worth up to $4, and 98c a pair, takes yqur choice
of the lot -
All odds and endrbuncllcd In one great lot. and there s hundreds of
pairs to pick from. AU odd lots, 10, 20 and 30 pairs of a kind; Shoes
worth up to $4.00 all marked at 98 to make this the most exciting
selling of the entire sale. All broken lines of Hartman Wise's best.
including Ladies High Shoes, Oxfords and slippers; Oxfords and
Shoes in French vici kid and patent leathers, Slippers in satin, patent
kid, dull kid, French and Cuban heels, in fact the finest and dressiest
footwear Hartman Wise had in stock. iNone worth
Iras than i SO up-Aa-$400ThereV-lerrT-of-S4.00
ones to go, but early comers will get them, so be
here when the doors open at 8 and pick but. $4.00
Shoes and Oxfords at 98et pair
And get first pick. The best will go to those that are here
- ; when the doors open. ' '
Ninety-Eight Cents Pair
w Best 30c Rubber Heels
1,000 pairs rubber heels . for men's and wo
men's shoes ; ' sold all over at 25c and 30c.
16c Pair
Extraordinary Offering of
Women's 59c
. FiveJhundreLofLthenv onlyr-aad
but one to a customerWomen's
fancy Lawn Kimonos in all colors,
well made; all sizes; every one a
59c value; but one to a fj
customer. While ithey "-jP
last, special, each ......... ,
AU mixed lots and over
a dosen kinds to pick
from; many of the beat
and most famous makes
included. All 10c kinds
at Just half pries ......
Another Giant Scoop-
. ....
-A Great New York Maker Goes Broke We Capture Over 800
Think of it new Spring Skirts at less than cost of materiaTalone.
one guaranteed $6 to $7.50Lvalues or your money, G
back. Now you get them at $3.98. P
THe Latest, Newest Styles
And Skirts made in the height of fashion. . Skirts made for the most
particular trade, "of-iinest-all woolcheVto7"br6adcloths, mannish
novelties and fancy mixtures, plenty of the new swell plaids and
checks, and also plain blues, blacks, browns, etc. Every one cut in
the latest models, plaited of puin effects, strap, button and fancy
trimmed; all fully tailored. . . Kotya Skirt 4u the lot worth less-than
$6.00 up to $7.50, and every on goes at less than cost of the material
alone. It's your one biggest, best chance to buy the newest Skirts
at a sacrifice. You want to choose before the best are sold. Choice
For any Woman's
Tailored Suit worth
up to $35.00.
Any Woman's Long Cloak
In the Houses
Not one reserved silk and pa QO
satin lined, plaids , checks, v vO
and mixtures; worth up to n 5E5
$30.00, even $35.00.' Choice u
ssssa. . m
For Women's $1.00
embroidery trimmed
and tucked Waists.
Big Scoop of 200 Dozen
39c and 50c
The odd lots from one of the best
makers, fine coutil, medium shapes
and also Girdles in white. Dink and
blue; sizes 18 to 26, and every one'
a guaranteed 39c to 50c
Corset While they last.
' sLs.rtrmoATni bio uu
Sheet Music
Inclodlna- all the lat
est hits. Lola, Chey
enne, Would Tou Car,'
Rom On Thinks of
Ma, and, many others,
all 17& Odd lots 0o
Folios, 104 n IBe)
One Day Only. Choice of 50 Doz.
. Worth to 75c
In Wool and Silk,
while they ,
-via st
Wornen'szBlac fcrtl oe"
A hundred dozen lot of finest 50c grades at 3 pairs for $1.00 tomorrow,
Made of extra fine silk finish lisle thread, in black only, full regular
made, double heels, toes and soles, splendid spring weight.
A quality we guarantee .has - never- been - sold for less
.than "50c. r One. day only, 3 pairs for $1.00, or 35c a
a a a.i -M a a y -tv v .! 1 I i"e'T"
Boy!s-Sandow Hose
A hundred 'doten of these Boys' famous Sandow Hose; the kind agency
tores tne world over sen at ic; on sale Jere tomorrow at
19c a pair. The genuine Sandow, the best wearing boys' hose
made; extra weight, made of the never-wear-out Peelee yarn,
double knees, toet and heels; all sites.- Pair1v. :77
Odds ind Ends and Clean Up Lot of
Worth to 25c
All Fancy
choice .
9 i
V At Cut Prices
The store that points the way to save on your living
'-4 -: v. expenses. V ;
22 lbs. Granulated .00
S.600 lbs. best Oln
irr Snaps, lb
10(T eauos-exTft-lara-fancy
Navel Orana-es, thin skinned,
sweet snd Juicy; Jc
rcg. (Oe kind; dosen.. ..Ill
10 cases fancy Lemons; sold
all over at I6e; jr
dosen lb
Res;. lOo Cream; ; C
S csns for . . ., ....... IOC
Regular ' for 2te Swded
Raisins, ' JCr
I packng-es for d(v
ISc fancy nloached n
Heedless Ratalns; lb..,IvC
l.eoe reft-. 15o bottles ' Q
RK. lie battle pure Cr
Ma Die SyruD IOC
"10c Lemon and Vanilla Ex
tract; Cr
i bottles for IOC
Extra choice full r
cream Cheese; lb. .....IOC
Best lOo Soups; IZr
I cans for -........... IOC
Breakfast v Pood; 'JCp,
S packaires for OC
Fpecial 1,000 larre ISe cans
Currant Jelly All best snd
largest SSa cans that's guar-
cTf: .J;........ISc
He Shredded Codfish... 10e
Candles ......4 for 5c
fancy Catsup
And the reductions are on just the goods you need
and in quantities that every one can use
,The swellcst Ties in town and at a price that would sell every one
of them tomorrow if people only knew how good they are. The
entire season's clean-up lots of the best maker of 60c Ties in Amer
ica, and qualities and styles are so fine that they are as good as
many stores ask 75c and $1.00 for
Latest ,4-ii-Hands AlLHur e Silk
The newest and best of this season's styles in all the most popular widths, plain black,
white, pinks, grays, and all light colorings, also the handsomest of figured effects. See
the great Third street window display; look at them and judge if this isn't really the
greatest Neckwear sale you ve ever seen. All 50c lies, and riterfinest ever sold forthe
money. Remember all pure silk there's not a cotton thread in them. 1 Choice, 24c each.
A Great Sal of Men's
$3 Corduroy Pants
12c Pair for the Finest
Men's 20c Half Hose
Just one case of them and when they are gone
you 11 pay ZUc for as good rtne silk finished tan
and black . Hose, tull seamless, jai
aouoie nceis ana iocs-, an sizes; m s.-y
standard guaranteed 20c hose at I ri
2 pairs for 25c, or 2Yic a pair ...
Every pair a $3.00 value or your money back-
Men s extra heavy Corduroy rants, double
stitched and well finished.; all
size waists and lengths; the be
$3.00 men's Pants ever sold. Oi
day only, $1.69 a pair ....
oy I'ants, double
i $1.69
At Big Reductions
A--oneayalerrat-shon1d'itrdwd"thIs sectTon'frorn end
". .... to end. . '.. .
1,004 best lOe snd lt white
vnina uups ana eaucsrs, to
at, only sis to a cus
tomer, sach.
Reg-, le packs ea Carpet 1
y alse IV
... 7c
Tacks, any
800 " full
AU oar best to Tum
blers, cut to
lo Jap Candlesticks
go at ....... .
Lre- H-ant.-tln Oil
worth l&e, for '.
So Ironlnir Wax . ....
1-O.t. fancy Porcelain
Wire Carpet Beaters.
Juks; retr. 4BO sl...AOC
alwaya sell at lSe...'.,llC
l-qi. Japanese Tea
eheap at I6e;
cut to ..............
1.000 best lOo Oas 7
Liahters, go at ,. C
12-Inch Spirit Level; ISo
value a..14
lo Sand Paper ..le
So fouae Traps ....... 3
i'.ocoa vooT Mats . .rz larire J(-oi n
amslnd Dish Pans .
85c Imitation Cut ; i
Glass Butter Dish 11C
:: 50c,
regular 5c large sire
e L
boxes wood Tooth Picks, from I P
10 to 12 o'clock, one box to a customer, at, box.....
Crane-Jeffreys Tonight at Iteillg.
; Ths sttractlne at lbs Bslllar ttwatr. roar
tntb and Wmhlnfina strea, tanlsht sn4
tomorrow nlslit, with s maim luswrms
rtvrnraw, will b the rtlrtntnl plssra, Wll
lim II. Crsni ail Kills Irtrrry. Is OnM
mltb's (TMt eooilf, "Sbs Stoops lo Conqaer."
Tlier sr spportl br sa all-alar cs. In. ls.l
ln( 0nrs UIMrnt, I'lnny Adilhna Pitt. Mar
rnret Dnls. Wsltsr Hsh, Ilerhert fllrslh snd
Trnt Thorn. HmU ara sow sllln at tba boi
Seat Selling for "The Ham Tree."
Sans sr now selllni st th bn fitter at ths
lUHtf Hir.. Vamtesntli' snd Wn-riilnst.m
stmts, lur klaw Krlaoger's Me ptoducuoa
of Mrlntrrs and Heatk hi th amslral enmedr
Tamlllls shew, "Ths nsai Treo," whlrh will
be th attrsetloa st ' ths a bora thsstrs next
Mnnils, Toeadaj and Wednemlsf aurhts. Fehra
trj it, IS sod IS. with a sisttn Wednesday.
The book Is b Oeora V. Ilohart, Ijrlra br
William Jerans. and the - sjosle . bf Jean
Sehwarts. . -
Matinee)' at Ilrfllg Tomorrow.
A matinee will he siren, st the tletllf theatre.
Fnnrteentb snd Washington streets, tomorrow
srteroson. when W. H. Crane snd Kills Jef
freys will present (toWlamlth's rotuedr. "Kb
Stoops to Conquer. " Cnrteln at S:l o'clnek.
Disrrimlnattng Once at Baker.
' Those who pkk snd ebonss wuea it sonws
to tlieatrs-soliif srs the people who havo eeii
sttendlns "If I .Were Khi(" st tbe linker this
week. I'D plr marie fantons br Sotheru, th
rlrh settlno, U return of Krfear Hasm snd
tbe fact Uist tTsrr swainsr vf tba sssnpaajr
appears to pemllrr sdesntaf Sisk this week
on kn( t b rsjnsaibsred.
- Tree Love In "Human Hearta.
Net only ars ths prettiest possible kes sesnss
S strong part of "Human IJesrts," Bszt srsok'a
play' st th Kniplr. bnt there sr seenes thst
stir th blood of th smllene. This product ton
of 'Human Hearts" will la many reaper! s sur
pass any bcrniofor seen la Portlsnd. Th new
bill keslns with th bunds matin..
The Raker's New Play.
"Rrother Ofrirers" ta a plsf which has been
seen In- fnrtlsnd bnt one sr twins hnl which
attracted great sttentleo. from tbestr-giers and
th pnhlle generall each tint. It will b seen
st th Raker all nxt weak, eooimenclrg with
th Hands? mstlne. ,
Kmplret'a Sensational Iram. -
Tks sdreutore of a brae llttl flrl whs Is
selling papers on th afreets of NeW York has
won faror with th Kmplre throngs this week.
"Nettl th Neweclri" has raw-equals aa s seo
satlunal sietodrsma. laahelle Lowe's work baa
won, special praise. Brooklyn bring. Perk's
slip and ether fsiBons seen sr brought right
tut ththatr. statin Ka tarda r.
"A Bunch of Keya."
Next week's bill at th Lyrle. begrnntroT lion
day mstlne and rotnlnnlng all week with
matter dally, wilt b lloyl's fstnon sstlrlcal
fairs comedy. "A Hanch of Kys." a play that
hss aterf hundreds of thoaasnds of prof.)
laugh. Hpeclnl preparations hsr beea msd
hy llrcvtw Herbert Aahton for the big pro,.
auction et this lasjoo pisy. nta ar now
sailing. , . -
;' . '
At the Lyric
at th l.yrle tberr this week th popular
stork eompsny I making s great hit hy th
prases taltoa of that famous western play, Tsar
rardnee." There Is frm and sd-rata.
tur and sa slmndsnc of heart Interest thing
thst go to make a great play. Tuer will b
a special rhtMrea mgrin - tomorrow. " snd
eonriwitng psrfurmsnc- tomorrmr sight and
uu"ay watine snd night.
New riajr at Star. " .
Di sot forget thst ther will b s mstlne
t "2"t f tn rnld" st th tr theatre to
siorrow. The kAllea torh eoespsny hi giving
a most Interesting -perrvrwissr of this new
plsy, which has not beea ae her brfor. Th
alas settings are Is themsetee Interesting,
particularly th coat-tryeld with Its streets)
of running water. The comedy air steal ts sot
wsk by sny swan.
Good Acts at Grand. ,
tasters rsuilralil acts stwsys "gs" In Port
lsnd. and th program st th (Irand I well
an-i-illed with th- eaatersi srtlets. Ruland
1 rarer, with hla Ulshai set, ts sow nrsealasd
. : . : .ii
s thp leading lllnsfcailst f this soanrry. HI
set Is aw snd amnpossil of many frm.
Ther am few better sntertaiser thaa Ueorg
Armstrong, th monologk-t,
Hans Itnlt, the longshoremsn wtie
was yesterday adjulrd guilty by a Jury
Of beating; tils wife, e.-po,, ths whip
ping post. . Judge CleUn.l t-"ly een
tenced him to three monttis' cuifln
merit In th county Jail.
When asked If he had anything to any
as to why sentence shnui.i not b pr
nounced. Illt started to t.-ll a rrt!,,!t x
story In which he tilam-1 his wir l r
all his Uoubi. -