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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1907)
o. 13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. ' FEBRUARY 8." 1807. (10 RENT FOR IDfE TELEPHONES Company Will Not Ask Subscrib : ers to Pay Until Repairs V V.:. Are Made. THREE WEEKS YET V V FOR THE EAST SIDE Important Leads Crippled and Line Leading ) From . Them r Will , B ' Silent for. Some Tim , to Come- Good Progress on West Side. ' Three thousand telephones 'are till out of rommlwlon on the east aid and .it will be. several week yet before the service la corrected. With the,' excep tion of -the Iovajoy street, 'Willamette IMfhta and . Portland Heights lead, all the telephone on the west aide will be in operation by tha middle of next week. 'But until the phonea are working- again no rent wll be charge- ;t -r The greaeatdamag on the eastlde waYdono along- Eaat Stark afreet. Union and Wllllama avenue, although out Mount Tabor way every wire, waa eev- ered. -JUtogetber .over 2.000, telephones went out of convnlsefon on the east aide and more than half of these are atlll to be placed in operation.,- . , ; "Our eriou trtouble," said City Man- : ager C F. Hickman of the telephone . company. ia a UuUc of experienced line- ' men. W are makxig every effort to get more men. Ten mencame in from8pokan tbla morning and w have received line men from Seattle, Taooma, Walla Walla and all the other town from, tha upper 'Willamette valley, and atlll we haven't . anything; like enough men to carry on the repair Work, , . . -The weet 'aide ia pretty well cleaned - up. There ye remain some difficult cable apliclngt to do where the lines come out of thy conduit and go on to the pole, but I - think another week will , aee tela aide of the river in good shape. "Our worst trouble i yet -to come, ." The William avanue, Union avenue and Eaat Stark street leads are in very bad shape. Nearly aO the lines that feed from.-theaa.lead we out of -commission- -. and It will take perhaps three weeks to get them repaired." . The financial loss J fully a heavy aa first thought and approximates $200,000. The company will not only lose the cost of repair, but it- will also lose tha In come for tha better part of a month from several thousand phones - - "We are now preparing to send to our subscribers,'' continued Mr: Hickman, "a statement notifying them that no tele phone rent will be collected for the pe riod during which their 1 fines are out of " order. This will represent no small figure to the company, a It mean tha , toll from several thousand telephones." "MITwauVlo Country Club . Eastern and California raoe. Take Bel wood and Oregon City- ears at First 'and Alder. 1 w : '; jnvfsrrad Stock Canned Ooods. Allen A Lewi Beat Brand. JUDGE FIKES L06AN tl.'lTIL HE QUITS COURT Lawyer Tells Judge Frazer He Is Talking Too Much, and Court Retaliates. ,Sf I wlthdrata- from this case and I will never - try another easa in thl court," announced Attorney John F. Lo gan, yesterday afternoon, at in same time gathering up hi paper and pre paring to leave circuit juage eraser courtroom. Mr. Logan had Juat been fined 1 10 for "talking back" to tb court. The tilt occurred during the trior of the damage suit of Kattierina Huntsman against K, L Eckeraon, which began Tuesday morning-. At a previous hear Ing the Jury disagreed and at the eo and trial every point wak contested with the greatest stubbornees. Logan, who waa retained by Eckeraon, continually excepted to the court's rulings and at times attempted to argue the point after the ruling had been made. The court advised him that he waa talking too much, and even one of the Jurymen, Fred Buffum. voiced a protest agalnat the unnecessary delay. "The court Is talking too mueh. tU aally shouted Logan, with heat. 'Enter a fine of IS. against John Logan," said the court.' All right," responded John Logan. "but I still object to your remarking so much from th bench." . 'Enter another fine of -,---said -tha Judga. "If you fine me again, I'll withdraw from th ease," said Logan. rvary -wllr I'll fin you another "Al right, your honor, I'll pay thesa fine." aald Logan, gathering up hi papers, "I withdraw from thla case, and I will never try another case In thla .court.".. Attorney J F. Booth thereafter at. tended to Eclceraon's Interests. Spencer and Davl"ar Mr. Huntsman' attor ney, -t. . . - - v PAID OFF BARKEEPER - AND THEN BEAT HIM Because, after navlnv off Vila - bar. tender,' Hugo Tannenaee gave his em ploye a beating and threw him Out. the saloonman will have to pay $7i damage. Th bartender, whoa name 1F.: M'-Staubeandt.-Bued ' for - $2,010, but the circuit court jury decided that hi Injuries were worth less than 4 per cent of that um. A NEW DEPARTURE fa Cost of laterments at, mm Oreet. ly Bednoed by the Xolmaa taalnr Company. Heretofore it ha been tb custom at funeral director to make charges for all Incidental connected with a funeral Tha Edward Holman Undertaking com pany, tha -leading funeral director of Portland, beginning July.l. 10. will depart from this old custom. When the casket ia furnished by us It cost will Include all charges, such aa conveying th remain to our cnapei. outside box, embalming, heaxaa to cemetery and all services which may - be required of ua except clothing, cemetery and carriages, thus affecting a saving of lit ts 171 oa each funeral. THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAK ING COMPANY, v 110 Third street, corner Salmon, "AIL WCMITEOS iDDS (SCOP IS THE SLOGAN AT THE. 4. IVoKnrwtsr Coimxn Fixtsr aSauapm Sts. SvoJdhChallenflcd to Meet These Prices Challenge Sale Prices on Men's Clothing Suppose reu buy a suit t tha maker paid for tha cloth, wouldn't you consider yourself a shrewd buyer That's precisely what you'll do her at our Great Clearance Sala. Men's and young men's 15.04 and $. - ; neat t-button buaines ' Suit, in check and trip, at ........ $2.65 Men's ll wool mixed business Suits, in this season's latest models. In both "' single and double-breasted,- in plain . and fancy Scotch mixtures; In thla lot you will ' find every suit to be of exceeding good value; choloe. 94,95 . Chslleao Sala Mom aa, -1 ;. ; . -. :' Overcoat -,; Men's and young men's f 10 all wool . kersey and thlbet Overcoat, in black, blue and brown, well mads and vary - . sightly: both tha plain and velvet col- . lar; choice at 95.95 ' Men' and young men's $20 to S2S Una - of Overcoats, in th medium and H .'lengths, in meltons, kerseys, vicunas - and Scotch mixtures. In black, brown, Oxford and fancy novelties; In this line yon will find the plain full ef-" feet and moraxtremform-fittingly -'"'cholc . riT.-iTi. 99.60" Men' well - made Il.tO Work- Pant at 55 at 91.85 Men'a ft worsted dress Pant at. 9 1.89 Men's I J. 10. all wool worsted dress Pants at ...-92.25 Men'a SS.00 all worsted and cheviot --, dreas Pant at ......92.95 ' Ohallear Sala Vrloea oa Men's Purnlshinst Men's lo Jersey ribbed Bhlrt and Drawer at 18 d 'Men's' TSo laundered dreaa Shirts In madras and percales . i ...45d Men'a I1.B0 all wool plash lined Shirt and Drawers ....95d Men's ISo Fire and Polios Suspenders at--.. 12c) Men' fl.50 heavy weight knit Sweater. in red and blue 834 Men's (Oe well mad drill work Shirts at ...4 290 Men'a 7 do and f 1.00 Neckwear, In teck and four-ln-handa. U kinds, all style, at ,.35d Men' 7 So black sateen Shirts, . yoke back and guamted, at 49 Boys' 50o fleece lined Shirts and Draw. era at .25d Boya 60c Mother Friend Shirt Waists at . .... , . . . . . ..-.-.,v-.lT Boys l(o dress Suspenders at . ...10t Boys' 25o outing flannel Shirt Waist at ......,.8d Ladies' Waists In new styles at 25, 50, T5 and 91.00; worth 7 So, 11.50, (2.00 and $2. - j Boys' Clothing: Boys' all wool double-breasted. I -piece -School Suits, in tweeds and fancy Scotch mixtures, worth up to 23.50 at . ......... 91.95 Boys' lengthReef era. In all. wool . serges snd chinchilla. In blue and voxford; sixes 2 to II; regular 17.00 - and 28.00 valuea ..93.95 - Boys' 26o Knee Pants ...15 Boy t5e wool mixed Km Pants. S5d Boyr 60o Knea Pants 25 Boy' all wool 7 60 and 2to Knee Panta at . 45 7- MutUn Underwear. . 19 for 26o Corset Covers and Draw- era - 45 for 05o Oowna V " " . ' BO for 11.00 Chemise. 50 'or OOo Sklrta ' . , Chanaaf Sal Mom aa . Shoes Ohallenga Sala Frio on Men's finest 24.00 snd 26.00 Shoes Is ......92.39 Men's, I ISO dres and work Shoe at ...91.39 Finest 22.00 Ladles' Shoes ....91.59 Finest 21-60 School Shoes ...... -.59 'Finest 2200 Ladles' Oxfords 97 Fint 22.00 Men'a-and Women'a Blip---per at ....................... .96 Clearaaoa Sal Frio an Ladles' 210 and . 220 Cravenettea ts ............ 93.15 Ladies' JtylisH Long Coats Lithographs T , - I " . 1 . ,1 - - - I ' 14 II - I v Y rJ AH during tha ChaUengo L i tsV ll J I 1 1 Sale with any and every - ' k y V w , J purchase a beautiful 11th- , : C'V . - ': 93.95 for all tlO Coats. 96.95 for all 215 Coata 99.95 Ukea pick of tha stock, values up to 236.00- '. 92.99 for 210 and 211.10 Children'g CoatslO tyla , The Boston Challensee Any Store In Oregon te , Meet These Prices aVadlsa' apparel sartable for m a early spring;. 97.50 for all our 216 to 2I Ladles' ; Suits; all tha new models to pick n from. 912.50 for your choice of tha finest Ladles' Suit In th house; !.S0 to t!7.60 models Included. - Ladles Skirts Wslklngahdt)rsr Skirts, man tad : ored: 22 different styles. J 2.85 for Skirts worth p to 20.60. 2.SO for 27.60 to 215.50 ladles' Neck -- Fura - . .... Miscellaneous Caallaar Sal Frio on 21.00 C & Les- - prite Corsets is 35 Challaaur Sala Frio on 22.00 to 22.00 Lac Curtains Is ..-91.19 Challeng Mala Flies oa 21.60, 22.00 and 22.60 Men's and Women'a Umbrellas '-"" IH ""-- ' ' -'" e'e s a e a 7 OhaUsaga Sala Frloa on 21.60 Marseilles Bedspreads Is ...... 1 .. 1. .... . .88 On 22.60 Bedspreads It's 91.41 On 25.00 ones 91.98 SO for Short Kimonos worth 21.00 and 21.26. 95 for Kimonos worth 21.60 to 21.00. 11 for Ladles' best grades -of 2 to Hose. T styles. 11 for Children's 26o Ironclad Hose. 14 for all 26 Underwear. 13 for all 40a. and 60e Underwear. . '440 ror au T&o and fi.oo unae 99 for aU 22.00 aad 2126 Flannel Oowna . . . & CollossaB Deail I Conover & Cos "Star" Brand Shoes at 55c on the Dollar ii . ..Hi? V - A J W'' Cohn & Levey's Clothing Stock at 37c on the Dollar Conover Co.'s $3.50 and $4.50 "STAR" (fcf$D Rf Brand Shoes m Jj 3)U In all leathers and lasts ge for..... CjOx y THE CONOVER SHOE CO." WAS LOS ANOELES FINEST SHOE - - STORE PLA VINO THE RACES FINISHED THEM $5.00 to TO vKfliV Conover CS, Co.'s $6.50 "STAR Brand Shoes In all leathers and lasts go for... FOR EVERY PAIR THAT GOES WRONO THE CHICAGO GIVES s -;''n ---- - A new pair free ,H---'. - Robert Johnston ft Rand, Eleventh and Washingtoa. avenue, St. Louis, makers of the famous "Star" brand of shoes, made up specially for the Con over Shoe Co.-of . Los Angeles 288 cases of their finest custom bench made $4.00 to $0.60 shoes for spring trade. The Conover Co. failed January 9 and the shoes en route to them were offered to us at 65c on the $1.00 of factory . coat We paid the cash the shoes are hers. Every pair fully guaranteed. Every pair 1907 style. . '-. . Cohn CS), Levey $15 and $18jMj k Suits, Overcoats and (t7 .-felhirfm m 2 Cohn CR), Tp.vftv S9n K99 $9 m A auiea.ui -mm r J I ' '1 'laTV-f . auits, u vercoats ana t, Cravenettes rt5f Lw known to swell dressers ......... UNRESTRICTED CHOIOt ... W w aVVsavW ta M4 S 2VVaa .-,,,. I ' - Any Suit, Overcoat or Crav- a f- R f f In the Chicago ; this means everything ; no vHOUC; stowaways (nothing reserved). Cohn & ieveys lines x $i.du to garments in- Kyi n a eluded (the best in the world) .' Every one the (! 4 j fl l handicraft of America's most famous tailors U . II I for . . ........... eeeV....... i . . . .. . . Vj-LL liO V The $15,500 stock of Cohn & Levey of 855 Broadway, New. York, is on our tables. :- Every late style, all this season's makes, all popu lar materials in every desirable shade, checks, plaids, stripes, mix tures and plain colors. Every suit is hand tailored and would sell at wholesale for much more than we are asking, : X b Crowds Were at the Sale Yesterday Were You There? GO TODAY. IF YOU CAN'T, THEN GO TOMORROW. DONT DELAY, FOR HERE'S A CHANCE OF YOUR LIFETIME TO OUTFIT YOUR FATHER. SON OR BROTHER COMPLETELY. THAT'S WHY THESE COMBINED SHOE AND CLOTHING STOCKS ARE DRAWING SUCH CROWDS DAILY. - No Outside Orders V Filled. Come to the i H Store. CHSCA ao n .(TD.T MING. CO 69 and 71 Third Street, bet. Oak and Pine Sti. Next Door to Ainsworth National Bank Your Money Back for anything that Is not In every way satisfactory. . L3' j