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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENINO, . FEBRUARY S. 1907. IT S AL1ATEUR SPORT a ' IS Athletes in Canada Are Fast Be- coming Msmbsrs of Pro fessional Ranks. 1 HABIT IS CROWING "IN EVERY LINE OF SPORT Reports From the Dominion -Show That the Amateur Spirit Is De tcrloraUng Kvrn in tho Biff Ath letic Clubs -OoMlp of the Sports. . A. P. Oarvey. (Joeraal tpeela Service. Vancouver, B. C. Feb. I. Athlatlos Canada art deteriorating. This la astounding, but nevertheless It la Only too true. A few years ago tha dominion cava prom In of having; soma of tha beat iniatfur at' day we find that over t per cant of tha athletically .inclined young men of tha country are either out and Out profe. f t -kelona- 4 ay amateur organisation where they could receive Just recognition should any question aa to their standing arise. - In la orosas, baseball, lea hockey, skating and In tha east In football n rind on perusing tna sporting columns Of tho press front day to day that professionalism pre. dominates. In tha east all sport Is In tha hands of tha tnea.who find that to exist in the athletic- world they mast receive the almighty dollar. Three' years : ago almost every sthlete -in the domin ion was a bona fldo amateur. Then tho la erossa men of tho east demanded money.- The hookey men fell into Una and in football soma of tho players only ; turned out after a few heart to heart talka with tho man behind tha team. Now, it Is all profesaionallsm. And only a few - years ago amateurism reigned supreme In Canada, but tgday tha professional element has control of the situation. "l'ata!m Canada. r- In eastern Canada tha shattered Cans dlan Amateur Athletic union, although deserted by all of tha old clubs, and jsvenjhe Montreal A. Atrhlcb is looked upon aa tha best athletic organisation in Canada, Is still endeavoring to keep professionalism Out of sport, but the organisation la rapidly losing ground and it is only- a question1 of time before the professionals will have absolute con trol of the situation Insofar as tha oast Is concerned. Whtla It seems reasonable to suppose - that men should receive eome remunera tion for their aervlcea In some branches of sport when money Is demanded In all branches It is sounding ths death knell of good clean sport. It la a busl- eas, pure and simple. In. eastern Canada today. Men are being paid enormoua sums in hockey and If the report is true, and It has never been contradicted, ona- player ln.-MontrealLwaa -offered 11,000 to participate la a Stanley cup match. In British Columbia, while there are ho professional organisations. It .is known that players have boon paid to play la crosse. Yet, at the same time, there is ho amateur association In the weat Which could take any action.-. The result is that the young men who are growing up and to whom wa look to represent us on tho atbletto field In a few years are not given enough encour agement ' Thay cannot mix With tha professionals, and withoutany organi sation to look to they becorao disgusted and quit sport la a few years even money will not be able to secure ath letes to plsy tha games. b I Crosse Qarne. Notice have been Issued by tha secre tary of the Western Canadian La Crosse association In Manitoba to tha effect "Dinner's Coming 1 OIIIUII II Dors Your Stomach' Peel Happy . When Meal-Time Comes? - When you sniffle in ths sir th appe tising aroma of something cooking-, do you feel that you could alt down, open your cnouta, pin back your ears snd oat With a dellcioua gusto, everything set before you, and not feel any bad affects from lit - In other words, can your poor atom- , ach take care of everything and any thing you put Into HT Thar are thou sands and thousands of people who do not know what it is to have a good, strong, healthy stomach, nor do they realise what It Is to have a good appe tite. Vam mm IiBV an ell-tiAwerflil Stnm ach snd a fetching appetite for every -and -aver you glva.your stomach a rest, and let something else take hold of your food for you and di gest It aa it comes into tna atomacn, something that -Is harmless but-that really does the work of digesting, oulckly and thoroughly. Thla "something" la Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets, tha most effective little tablets in me woria ror curing any thing that may he wrong with your smach. One Ingredient of these precious little workers digests 1.000 grains of th coarsest or richest food out Into th stomach. -Think sf It. t.000 grains! They ar really an arti ficial stomach, because they act just like the stomach. . they digest your food, lust as though you didn't havs a etomaoh st all, it auppllss the stom ach with th digestive Juices which have become jreak and scanty. Then your Indigestion, dyspepsia, sour risings, brash, belchlngs, acidity, fermentation, lose of appetite, aversion to food, bloaty feeling, heartburn snd nausea, will bs no mora. Tou can then - eat anything you want, all you want, whenever you want, snd your stomach will feel fine before and after your meals. Tour appetite will bo a thing of pleasure to have, your meals will be a pleaauro to eat and relish, and your digestion will ' thorough and " soothing to the whole body. Tou can't do your work well, or ba rheerful, or have energy or vim or am bition, when your stomach is bad. 'Make you reel f feel good after a hearty meal, feel good all over, clear your mind and make you enjoy Ufa, by tak ing Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Olve your stomach a rest, so It oan right itself, then you need fear notn Ing. Bend ua your name and address today and get a free sample package of Btuart's Dyspepsia Tablets by return mall. Aftar you havs. triad ths sam ple, you will be so thoroughly con vinced of what they can do for you that you will go to your nearest drug- "gist snd gt a JOc- bog of them.- . Bend us your nam and sddreas to day end-we will st once send you by mall a sample package free. Address F. A. fltitarl Co.. tl Btuarl ttldg., Mar thai!, Mich. , IMiilllG NOT ACCIDENTS All th parties below had advanced eases of chronic Brlght's Dlaeaae . or DiHbetes. Note tha certainty of tha re sults obtained by rultan'a Compounds aa ah own by tha recovery; also, of the nraoi mey 101a wao were similarly aJTUOted.' N. W. ffpauldlng, president Spautdlng now t o,, mia rranoisco, bad a recovery In hla own family and told several owers, who recovered. -. Adolph Weeks, capitalist, Ban Fran Cisco, recovered himself and told two rriends, who recovered. Dr. Carl D. Zlele, pioneer druggist, (22 Pacific atreet, San Francisco, re covered himself and cava it to mora than a dosen patients, who recovered. faeries Kngelks, editor Of tha Ger man paper, Ban rVenclsco, recovered himself aad told It to a number, who recovered, one of them being Charles F. Wacker, tha Sixth street merchant. R. M. Wood, editor of Wine and flptrtt Review, recovered himself snd told It ti several who recovered, among them be- in jr an oia-aenooi physician. Edward Short of th Ban rTneIco Call recovered, also three of his friends, via: William Martin, Captain Hubbard of the Honolulu route and William Hawkins of the U. S. Quartermaster's Department of Ban Francisco. John A. Phelps of the Hotel Repeller, Ban Franelaco. and two of his friends. Wa again proclaim to all the world tha curability of Chronlo Brlghi, Die ease and Diabetes. About (7 per cent of all cases are curable bv Fulton's Compounds. Bend for literature. beet Jtrlcht a Disease weakness or loss of Weight; puffy an- flea, bands Or eyelids; dropsy; kidney rouble after tha third month: urine m:';how sediment " fa K w "'iS on I Srosrslnessr nni or mnrntif them - Hut fmn vnnr ririivlat nnia-tata supplied by Clarke-Woodward Drug Co., wholesale drue-eiats, Portland, Or. that the annual meeting df tho associa tion will be held In April and pointing out that this year the- association will assuats a semi-professional sttllnde al lowing professionals and amateurs to Compste together. t The Canadian La Cross association wiu probably send a team to Australia In 180S. Secretary Hall has received an Invitation from tho cluba In the anti podes and If satisfactory financial ar rangements can be made th team Will sail from Vancouver; in the spring of next year. A London cable says that It Is author itatively denied that the Cambridge uni versity elght-oared crew will ylait Can ada thla year, - Pittsburg and Portage Lake, two In ternational league teams who have Championship prospects, a re contemplat ing .challenging - the Kenora,-. Ontario, tera now holders of ths famous Btanley nip, emhlematln "of the world.' cham ptonshlp. Wanderers After Cup. i- If . the. Montreal Wanderers win the championship of .the eastern hockey league thla year they will coma west after the Btanley cup as sooa as th present season is. over. .... SALEM GIRLS ARE TOO FAST FOR EUGENITES - 'Soectal Dtapatch to Tbe JosreaU Eugene, Or., Feb. 8. Before a large crowd In Armory hall last night the Eugen High school girls Went down to defeat at the hands of the Salem, girls In an Interesting game of basketball. tha score standing at th and of th game II to t. Th girls from the cailtal city clearly outplayed tho locals, sight Of thair points being mad by field goals, while tha Eugene girls made all their polnta on fouls. After the game the visitor wer given reception by the- Hlcfr school students. Tha teams lined up as follows: Eugene. Position. Salem. Kate Van Duya ,. ,F. ...... .. E. Lick Lillian Gilkey F. .... ...... . Pohl Connie Hurd C... Rudolph Frieda Goldsmith .O. ........ Qlrarden Virginia, Hurd . . . .Q. .'. i . . . , "McCauley CRACK BASKETBALLERS MEET TOMORROW NIGHT Tomorrow evening In th Multnomah gymnasium, th crack bssketball teams of the T. M. C. and tho Multnomah club will meet for supremacy. This evening the Portland and Balem T. M. C A. teams VIII play afnateTi; . The game tomorrow evening la at tracting keen Interest -among- the . f ol lowers of both institutions. Walter Wlnslow will referee. Th lineup for tomorrow evening Is: T. M. C. A. M. A A, C. Hartman (Capt.J rTTFTT... Dent (Capt) Russell. , ,, ,F.. . i Reach Forbes C Bellinger Olney ........... ..O. .... . Barton Toung ..Q .Allen and Living- . , . ston BUTTE WILL NOT HOLD A DRIVING MEETING (Sneetat Dktsateb t Tee Jsoraal.l ' Butte. Fab. .Because there la little probability of Its being able to meet Us contract obligations, tha Butt Fair and Racing association hea abandoned tha Idea cf holding raes snooting hero thla year. ' SPORTINQ GOSSIP Tommy Burns wants to meet Jeffries. As Jeff is still In tho west. Bums will probably want to meet him more when h;lgtoyw York. e e A New Jersey salon has made htm elf popular in place where sports ar wont to congregate by Introducing a bill to rovlv boxing. He argue that, a everything elae goes In New Jersey, It might as well ba mad unanimous. . . 'e Andrew Carnegie has given Tale a 140,000 awlmmlng pool. and. It waa only recently that he allpped a lake to Princeton. No doubt th condition of tho gift require that some other phil anthropist shall Sonata ths soap snd to wls. . . 1 . - Pster Mahar aays he's sorry he hit his ' mother-in-law. Everybody kqew she'd make hint regret 1L J a e . Jockey Kent has been ruled tit kt Ascot Psrk for fraud. Ha must have won a good bet-- . Th National leagu doesn't propose to wait for th robins or crocuses be fore opening thla aeason. - Ball games will begin- just s soon as It seems pos sible to gat a crowd out. - .'. .'- . . ' It s only natural that the ministers are sore on fighters snd Jock eye. Min isters get, on sn average 8700 a. year. A Jockey geta 140.000 a year, and fight- srs make that much- In . a coupl of scrap. Vnlon Woe lea Mills Leased. 1 (Special DUpatck ts Tke Journal. I Union. Or., Feb. Ti John P. Wilbur, for tha paat aeyen years superintend ent of tha Union Woolen mills, has leased the plsnt from A. E. Eaton, ths owner, and will contlnu to ooarat It to full eepaelt) 1T00L1MI HAS A FIIIE YEAR Treasurer Jones Issues the Fi nancial Report to the , Club Members. FOOTBALL LEADS LIST . AS A MONEY-MAKER Flgiirrs Show That Receipts . end Membership Have Nearly Doubled in Two YearsThe Debt Is Being Reduced at Considerable Rate. Tho annual financial report ot . the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club has been Issued by Treasurer Arthur Jones, snd ahows tha club to bo In fine condi tion. Tho report is of a most flattering nature, and reflects great credit upon the men who are at the head of the Inst' tutjon. condition of tha club two years Sgo with that of ths year Just close) reveals tho fact that the receipts and membership hfcv near ly doubled rnl 4-, ' - The report speak tor Itself, furnish ing aa it doea auf fiolent Information a boot each department to give tha mem bers a general Idea about the workings Of th club. "Football proved1 to be the greatest money maker of the club," say Treas urer Jones In speaking about the re port, "and apeclal mention Should b made regarding It. - "The football team In 10 mada near ly twice as much money net as any othe team In the history of th institution. In 104 football cleared about I1.800. Which was a fine showing considering tha bad weather encountered and th expensive California trip. In ltos tho net receipts were some what less than In 1904. du principally to rainy days and the big expense in curred In fitting out the first and Sec ond teams with entire new Uniforms. In 10 considerable was saved over 1S0S, In th salary of a coach, the work of 1804 having beendlrectea ;jrths plsyers themselves. ' The entire report is an eviaencs or what can be accomplished when all the members lend-a hand toward the build Ing up of the club and th Improving of It in every way. Her ar Hi figures: atooolpts. Billiard room ............ I 1.00S.00 Bowling alley Boxing and wrestling 149.85 1.480 75 1.193.65 Cigar . . ,. Dues Bnlof . . Junior . . Ladles . . Girls t . ... Games ..... Baseball , Basketball ' Football Handball . 14,145 50 1,714.80 1.167.60 705.00 .66 84.70 7,188.85 61.70 ' 581.50 r 11.00 Tennis j. . Track and field .......... General house .,............ 141.85 Locker Senior , 578.75 ' Junior . . ..........i..... m.85 Lew Jinks 821.00 Membership fees ............ 1,600.00 Multnomah field 614.14 Towels............. 575.85 Turkish bathe - 181.60 Eotal -receipts .130,550.85 Disbar sements. Billiard room Account salaries ........ .1 70.00 Account sundries Bowling alley Account salaries . Account sundries . Bond account ....... Boxing and wrestling 869 15 188.60 50.00 44671 "8X1.84 720.00 781.17 15J.80 181.40 4,4JO t 1181 614 50 ' A8I.78 1.817.18 'O.-,... .s a. Cigars Fireman s salary ... Fuel . . . . . , Games Baseball . Rasketball Foot bri , -Handball . t Teanla .... .j, .... Track and field General house .r.. .......... i Gymnaalum- .. . f Account salaries rr. ....... ,50.S0 858.57 ,141.71 (58.40 1,067.00 1.146.00 1.840.6O Account sundries .......... Improvements .. ............ Insurance , . .... . ...... Interest . . .................. Janitor' Salaries ........... Lighting . . , Low Jinks Mortgage payment Ban Francisco relief fund.... Multnomah Held Account salaries Account sundries and repairs Office 1 804.08 177.00 1.400 AO 188.(4 1,816 00 816.81 Account salaries Account sundries Social rooms Account attendant ....... Account-enterta!nment7T Account sundries ........ Bwlmmlng Instructors .... Towels . .............. Turkish bath- 140.00 f.f 1(8.08 T20.00 . 438.84 Account salaries 780.00 97.28 Account sundries .. Water rent Account clubhouse . "AcunrTmoweT- bath- 19T.0B t.88 839.4a Aocount swimming pool ... Total Slsbursement 888,887,49 Fan, overdraft. Jan. 81, 1901. 9.098.91 Balanr on hand Jan. 1, 10?.. 1,417.64 ' 189,650.9s massnroos Jam. 1, lr7. Club buildings 81.874. 61 O rounds 70,000.00 1,700.00 19.850.00 844.(0 107.10 I'nDald dues . "urnltur and fixtures: . Football and baseball outfit Cigars, gflm, etc, on hand.. 8118,874 58 .1 It.tOA.OO " UablUtUs. Mortsag . Du bondholders 988.00 18.188.68 Net resources .. ........... 8111.874 61 Stsmssrshio. . Aotlv 718 T8 248 198 8 ' i , 120 841 lit Commercial and non-resident... Absent . Life . . . Honorary Temporary Army and navy Women .' . Juniors . . . . .-. Juniors, women's snnes Total . . .. Resigned" .,..... 1.749 80 15 48 tS It 18 48 Ren lore Women . Juniors , r JunlArs, women's annex Suspended , . Seniors . ....... . ,.,.(,, . . ... . Women .. .............. j Juniors , . junior, ifbmeo's anoaa II OREGGIi BOIVLERS HOLD A SPECIAL CEEIIX Captains 'Are r Elected 7 to : Pick " ' Men to Play In Denver ' . Tournament. Tho meeting of tha Oregon Bowling association was largely sttended last night by ths devotees o the sport and a spring tournament was planned. Tho two teams picked to go to the Denver tournament being engaged In practice twice a week, it was decided to exclude them from tho list of players. Tho act ing eaptalna elected to arrange the teams, eight In all, ar aa followat H. Sumption.- A. H. - Kalk. Li J. Ambit, F. ' Raymond, L. E. Da vidson, W. D. Deaver, C. W;: Dnffy, and H. A. Moser. The teams will have five men each, and ar classified by tha averagas rolled in the previous tourna ment. Th Flower leagu wa noces sartly abandoned owing to some of th players going away. Play will start as soon ss tho teams and schedule sr com pleted, J. ' ' Third Vraotl Qame. 'v Th third practice match between the two Commercial club teama was played last night on the Oregon alleys and fin work wa dojiejiyjm9.aeoond team,. they totalling 1800 pins for the three gamea.. Kneyee and Hamilton did welf, averaging 107 and 804 respectively. Bar bour of tho first team had the highest tingle game,- 830r-and-averagaA 202 Mcs. Menomy mod. Keating were unable to attend practice, Keaflng"s average of his last match being substituted. Th scores ar aa foilowr COMMERCIAL CLtTB NO. I . i i t a. Ball 170 185 15S 19 Barbour 198 230 178 803 Keating ............ ..185 15 15 16 Case 159 im 158 174 Kruso 1(8 156 180 1S4 Totals .a. .......... ...i... 876 947 848 - Grand total, 8.665 pink. . COMMERCIAL CLUB NO. J. : " ::"-.::t: 1- '- I it. Moore 17( 178 195 in Hanson .. 178 157 178 170 McMonles 800 151 IBS 170 Kneyso 808 194 234 807 Hamilton .184 23 80S tot -Totals- iia95i. Grand total, t.809 plna- "Jaffo "Wins SkaMng riae. rSnerlal Dttpatrk to The fearaal.V - I Balem,-Feb. - 8. Tho maaqueradaal thkating rink Wednesday evening was largely attended, and a large number of makera took part In the whirl on wheels There wer several present frm Porf land and Albany. Walter J a go of this . . am n ox twm mousttaxsts Ballard's Snow Liniment Is praised for the good it does. A sure cure for Rheu matism and all pains Wright W. Lov ing, urand junction; Colo., writes; "I used Ballard's Snow Liniment last win ter for Rheumatism and can recom mend it aa the beat Liniment on the market. I thought, at the time I waa t !ten dawn with this trouble, that it would be a week before I could get about, but on applying your Liniment several times during the night J' Wa about Tn 48 hours and well In three days. Sold by nil nrugglsts. THE "KANTSTOOP" Shoulder Brace and Suspender Strong " Effective Simple v The Only Brao That Braces. Posit I very cures th habit of stoop ing. Produces that military affect so much desired. Women's, Girls' and .Boy all slses, Sl-OOr Mens,, all slses, $1J8. Only - the following dealers sell our goods: Eyssell's Pharmacy, 86T Morrison st.; Woodsrd. Clarke A Co.. - Fourth and Washington -streets Plummer Drug Co. Third snd Madison streets rn kajttstoop amACa co, Patentees aad Maanfactarsrs,- OAKX.ABTD, CAIk SIGH HEADACHE Poeltlvvly ere T these Little Fills, Tliay also rslleve W tress rromDvspepslatii. dlgeatioa snd Too Bosrty XaUng; A pertect rso. edy tor Stzzlness. Nansea, Drowsiness. Bad, Taste la ths Mosth. Coated. Tongue, Pain tn tbs Bids, TORPID LTYEB. They mg-olate tlx Dowels, yuroly Vegttabl. 1WU.IPIIL' SlUUtOSE. S8IUFHXE. Gtnnms Must Bear " Fc-Simi1a Signaturt ttKssaSsi- REFUSE XUESTITUTEX.j linS. WILLOW'S ' 1 S3oth::;q svnu? aadtiy H waHe Tae HI lima et Mothers foe Miety MllMtrea ikina foe wrer rift Toars. It auotiM the eh 1 Id, el I I TIM the snma. ailavs all pain, cures wind uUo, aad Is ibe tiaat remen. ror niarmrea. x lrJTt-ritt ctTS A HOTTl.k. Li A D m IM A THt most woNDton lIMDI I IIMoivtM-worTHeAfifiMTr: SENT POJTPAI0evTMlXTDWltArr ZVPW BOTTLr OT ALL KINDS. v. OMMMa roa HVPOOCSMiooa iMTSSNAlUsr. JbtAJ4 CMSJAICla, CO. T.UAlAd) rot sal by SKIDMORE DRUG CO. , HI Third U rortlaaa, Ot. I Always sy ' w ', VSfitutr Collars U M Q2Z23SW ysjl gamaa. "a M "TMtv dowT COaca so ooraa fa M Eava"UIirK;(RD"raielea4battaaBelea It It thai outwear Ike seller. It II OX. B. ids 0O Kakere - 4SOV.SJ. T. 1 1 II, , TLtfOtuLm . l' CARTER'S CARTERS iflVER city won th beat skater prise, and Mrs. LHU Singer of Portland took first prise for best lady skater; B. P. Taylor of this city was awarded first prla for tho best sustained gentlemen's prise, Mlas Grills won tho prise for tho best sustained lady's character, Clifford Bmlth best gents costume. Mis Etbal Taylor best lady's costum. . . Examinations at University. . (Special Dtapatch te Tae Josraal.) ' University of Oregon. Eugene. Feb. 8. Examinations at th university for the flret semester ar in progress snd will last 10 days. Th second semester will open on February 18. The professors T7 I ... 4 31 g; throatj To (et rid of the move ths cause. . The cause of coughs and colds and bronchitis and catarTh can be . Hyomei, the antiseptic air cure. - ... It is so Simple ; just breathe in the medicated air -Of Hyomei and its soothing; and healing properties will cure a cough or a cold in from 2 to 20 hours. Hyomei is guaranteed to cure. A complete Hyomei outfit, including inhaler, costs $1.00 at any drug store, and costs nothing unless it cures. Mail orders filled. Interesting booklet free. i 1 a? ir tt f c A rntn Hyomei far better than Cough Syrups, Tablets or any other stomach doaing to cure cold and prevent Pneumonia. Booth's Ilyomel Co. buffalo N. Y . GtntUmtn Picas ad tn shothsr Hyomei outfit, for- - warding by tnalU- Hyomei has cured m of catarrh of long standing;. It i th best thing to kill a Cold I havs - ever ttsed Notsngh modldnt of tablaU caa coma tip to it. Tha outfit I am orderin tadav Respectfully yours, Croaton, Los Co., Iowa. eeseeeeeeeeaaaeaaa'tttttttttt tttttf ta MY SPEC There is no ailment peculiar to men that I cannot cure. For sixteen years I have devoted my entire time and energy -to the treatments! men's diseasesr ,. .. ...... .. -, My methods have been perfected by actual experience,, with a thorough theoretical knowledge as a basis. I am the only physician thoroughly and permanently curing those func tional derangements commonly classed as "Weakness," and my success in overcoming such cases has placed me foremost among specialists treating men's diseases, and has brought me the largest practice of its kind in the West. Every afflicted man is Invited to wrfts ms a description of his ess. Buch Is my knowledge f 'men's dlsesse snd so perfect sr mr methods In treating them, that I am abl to effect cures In all ordinary cases without seeing the patient In person. All oorrespondenc strictly confidential. Thos visiting Portland may feel free to call at my offlc for personal consultation. I You Pay When Cured Weakness Bo-called "WeaVneae" in mn- I curable -fully curable. It has not : been cured by thos measures eom monly employed, for they ar meth od a baaed upon supposition and not - upon fact. Pretnetureneas -and -loas of power tn men is due to a chronic atate of Inflammation In the prostate gland, and net to a disordered ner vous condition, as has been supposed. . I treat the Inflammation by a local ' process tbst doea not fall to accom plish Its purpose, snd with this con dition corrected full and complete strength and vifor returns. BTRTCTTJTIB My treatment I ab solutely painless, and perfect reeulta ran be depended upon tn every In- stance. 1 do so cutting or dilating whatever. c - I The Dr. Taylor c. mi Hours 9 Patients living out of ths city charge. Check your trunit airc WE C A Life Long Cure: NERVOUS DEBILITY " PROSTATIC DISEASES DISEASES OF THE BLADDER. KIDKEYS AND RECTUM. RHEUMATISM . BLOOD POISON L VARICOCELE 4 HYDROCELE No Guess Work Wtt hav been located In Portland or ver t TEARS and our TIKPUTA TION STANDS out as HONK8T AND RELIABLE. OUR PX'CCF.H due to - trestlng all cases PERSONALLY and giving THEM ths beat sclentlfle treat ment that the WORLD can produce. call and vet our honks t 011n- - Ion. W make SO misleading' statements Of false promises. W have bo free trial treatments. Our doetor are a-reanate of th leaaiaa soUeges etr America aad are dnly licensed la th stats of Oregon to ear disease of mea. .orrics ST. IiO UI S report that In this semester, though the work has been mora severe than aver before, th scholarship has been excep tionally high and -that they do not be lieve there will ba th Usual percentage of failures. . ' Kutaxian "Society's Officers. 1 University of Oregon, Eugene, Feb. I. The Eutaxlan Literary society ha elected tha following officers: President, Miss Rarah Reld: rice-president, Mls Marv Soott: secretary. Miss Maude Service; assistant secretary. Miss Adella Wblte; treasurer. Miss rva nunaan; censor. Miss Foshay. Tha society la composed atrlotly f girl. m If you hare a cough or a cold It 19 ceased by ths Inflamed condition of tbs mucous membrane which lines the nose and disease 'tis always best to re easilyjand ..aui.cyjremoyedby at rtmnv -t la for mv son. - Mrs. A HAS MAN Contracted Disorders Every case of contracted CiseaJeT treat 1 thoroughly cured; my pa tient have no relapses When I pronounce a ease cured there is not s particle of Infection or Inflammation-remaining,-another la not tbe slightest danger that the disease will return In Its original form or work its way Into the general system. No contracted disorder Is so trivial as to warrant uncertain methods of treat ment, and I especially solicit those cases that other doctors hav been unabl t cur. . . - I hav th la treat practice boeaas I invariably fainU say proaaiaea. try Colored Chart showing the male anatomy and aaTordlaa; aa la teresting study la Bias's . dlsssses free at eAee. Cor. Second & Morrison fit 10 9 p. m. Sundays, ! . m. and coming to Portland for treatment to -zst Morrison sireei. URTE Sw ' X 4.1. 81 . a h ur MM niin IM FEE m 1 In Any Uncomplicated Case Consultation Free No Pay Unless Cared VARICOCELE WS can truthfully aay that no phjr slclane on the Paolflo coaat haa tha pronounced success attending hla treat ment for VARICOCKLK A8 WE HAVE. Jn no Instance haa he ever made a fall ore. The cures resulting from hi trestment ar - 8URK AND PERMA NENT. Th neceealty of a superior, safe and sure treatment ts very evident to every man who ha Varicocele, if you hav Varicocele, w cordially ask you to call and talk with us regarding our treatment and cure. Tou will be very welcome, and there will be n chars- lor advice and consultation. The nature of and th results of nerlctd Varicocele will be fully explained. Eovas - d a. it. to ( m . tci stnrDiT. t "Sff DISPENS. COESES IEC01TO A0 TlIRat STHtETS, yOETLltl), IVc Cure Lien I NO C12E. Ka PAY No Charge for : ledicines The lowest Fee Is the City TStMDGDj Primary, Secondary or Tertiary : Blood Poison - fenaaaeetly Caret. We anllett th meet abett. aate eaaae. If yea br eiheaatM -'the eld aietheda ef trealmeat and still have erbev aa4 Dalna. aiaenaa patchea la montb. Mr, taraat. i plmplea. eepper-eolmd spota. aleef m aay ," part et tile body, hair or erabrows faQlag eat, eeme te as, we will ear yos. WI CTJBI te stay eared by sew method sick and ptsitlre. Oleet, Ktrletm. VartmraK -Brarerel. GonarrtHM, teat Tlultty, aidaa and Blaitdar Dlaaa..a. prnatatle TrnnMea sad all ehroale aad aerrouS Dlaeaaea et Uea. ' Sneelat plaeaata . Wely ewitiattvd aed (hrenle eaae rarae. All bntTtiM. lieklng at -ktflanMtloa .tapped ta S4 koora. Core ef fetted la eerea -day. Examination Free If enable to eall, writ tot qaastloS StaeS, Portland tlfdlcal CIsrxnsary : Cenee FlfU sad A km at. Office Beers: 8 a. ra. te p. si. gMaaaya W a. aa. te I a. s. , O, Sua 884. .- MEN'S DISEASES : x - o& TATtO, Th Leading gpeelaUs. J $10 Varicocele WmoutuaTBf tnlfe, llanturs off j eauatle, without pain and without de- j tention from business I our Var9 4 cocele In one week. If you hava j sought a cur elsewhere and been 4 disappointed., or. If . you ..fear th 4 harsh method that most phyalolan ' 2 mploy la treating- thla dls come to mo and I will our you soundly and permanently by a gen tie and palnleas method. Don't de lay. Varicocele has Its dangers and brings Its disastrous results If you will cell twill be pleased to xptala my mat hod of surtng. - . SPECIFIC BLOOD TOIBOS K dangerous mineral to drive th virus to th Interior, but harmleee blood-cleanalng remedies that re move th last poisonous taint. Morrison Sts. Private Entrance Street PORTUND, OREGON to I p. m. will be furnished Sn room free ot MEN AA forms ef blood poison ir eared for Ufa by a gspsrlo tree tm eat, Our tree tm eat for preetatle and kldaey disease reaalt la aotouig less than a soav lw snr. A yersiaaeat are. to ia HHD1. mm iff, i 7 ! em