The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 08, 1907, Page 16, Image 16

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boaeAt of each atata aid aa they
receive until July 1 of thla year.
' Senators Booth, Coshow and Mailt,
representing Drain and Ashland re
.nuiii. wntati for the Smith bill, and
... .n. wllllna that their echoota
should stsnd on their merit. President
Mulkey of th Ashlsnd normal, wh
has been actively working In the lobby
for several days, expressed 1 hlmeelt
elong similar lines, and said he had n
knowiedae e any attempt to defeat tha
After Hottest Battle of Session
Smith bill in tne nous.
The leaders of the compromise com
bination havetthreatened that they will
try to defeat the Smith bill In the
houae, but It Is generally believed that
such an attempt would prove uneuo
eessful. Tha Caldwell compromise bill
. . mA th tnhla In the senate
Two In Wood Gulch, Washing
ton, and . One at Mouth of
; Chapman Creek. , ;
Compromise Combination
, ' r ' ' Is Defeated. :
t : :
after the fight yesterday afternoon, ant
(LTlS (Li-
It ia rumorea mai an wiwi-ww v
mad to pass It
Senators ThmtaJt-Cto Into House
and Fight Normals at Every Turn
If an Effort Is Made to Kerp Four
" Schools Alive. " " v ... ' : vV
mw a' staff r.oriMMiMtont.1
Salem, Feb, S.--Tbat there ar to be
two normal Schools l' Ortion instead
of four is the will of the senate. ThTs
deslr -found expreaslon xpreeton yea-
: tenia v afternoon bv the Tot Of S3 10
7 after two hours of th hottest fight
lng that has ftesn nsged In tne aeiuta
during tha present session. ..The loca
tion of tba two achoola waa' left to a
boa rd of normal school regents.
The orma4 aeboot bUla bad all been
made a special order for a ocloc.
During tha last It hours before tha
,hour of the special order arrived tae
battle bad raced la tha lobby and In
every place where aenators couiaje
found.- A compromise combination to
sacrifice Drain and give tha remaining
; three achoola - maintenance had been
- formed. This combination waa opposed
both by tha people who wanted two
schools only, and by those who wanted
to retain all four. . .. . ,
Postponement Toted DOwi.
'"' ." Ta the af forta of Senators Coshow.
Booth, M. A. Miller and Dan 3. hte
larkey the overthrew of tha compro
mise -combination te largely due.
Coshow. Booth and Miller bad worked
Incessantly alnca day before yesterday
to break tha combination, and they were
materially aided by tha clever general-
. ship of ataiarkey on tne itoor.
- The aght waa begun at I O'clock by
an attempt . to . Indefinitely postpone
'Senator M.A." MUlera bill which
- abolished- the' -school - at Drain - and
" Monmouth. After one of tha most able
debatea ' of tha session, by- Senator
"Miller the bill wsd put on Its final paa
sage and waa defeated by tha vote of
1 to 10. Senator Miller said In part:
There Is hot a senator an this floor
wha Is getting letter- or telegrams
asking, him to maintain four achoola,
"If any communlcationa are being re
ceived they ara asking that two schools
be abolished. Throughout the United
States the average number of people
to each normal school Is $0,00. With
a population not greatly In excess of
that, Oregon baa four schools.
Bavin for the State. "
"This bill to abolish twa achoola will
ears tha atata $110,00 in the next twa
years. Let us give money nrat to tha
' publlo schools of tba state, where
per cent of our boys and girls receive
their educations. These normal achoola
ware hot located because there waa a
demand for thora In particular parts of
tha atata. They were placed where
they are by deals in the legislature.
"Two years ago there were (30 stu
dents la the four normal achoola of tha
state. Of this number only 2s were
doing normal school work. The remsla-
i lng 111 were doing high school Work in
th normal schools. Why should wa tax
tha people all over the state to main
tain local high schooler"
When Senator Miller'a bill waa de
feated and Senator Smith's bill came
up for final paaaage, Malarkey moved
that the senate go into a committee of
tha whole and consider . the bill and
report on it. It Is conceded that this
move saved all tha bills for tha reduc
tion of th achoola from defeat and
struck the fatal blow at tba compro
mise combination.'
rtg-at la Committee, -
Tha fight in tha committee of the
, whole occurred on the section of the
- to two. An effort was made to amend
thla Section to authorise one Or mora
achoola, but waa unaucceaafuL Th
. original bill provided that one of the
two schools should be In eastern Ore
gon and tba other in Sreetern Oregon,
Senator Rnlley offered an amendment
. which cut out this pari' of the Section,
' leaving tha location of the two schools
i to be determined by the board of re-
- gents. This amendment wea adopted
- and tha committee then rose and re-
ported the bill favorably.
During the debate on tha bill Senator
. Smith warned the senate that if appro
priation for more than two acnoola
t were made by tha legislature, there
would be no normal schools in the
state after the next election. The peo
pie would kill them by the referendum.
' Senator Beach aald that If more than
, two achoola were left by this legisla
ture, it might result In but one atate
normal school, and that one located at
- r- Portland. Sens tor- Bailey - had - in Me
desk a resolution with this purpose, but
- It waa not offered. Senator Bingham
declared that the name of normal
,. school is now snyonymous with "Job,"
- and that ft ia a disgrace for any edit
, catlonal institution to obtain appropria-
tlona by the means the normal schools
:.. have taken to get them.
- Senatora Oo on Keoord.
Th vote waa taken-on the bill with
1 the following reault:
Ayea Bailey, Beach, Bingham.
Booth, Caldwell, Cole, ' Coshow, Hart.
Hedges, Johnson, Kay, Laycock, Ma
larkey, McDonald, Miller. Miller, Mullt,
Nottingham, Slchcl, Smith of Marlon,
Wright, Haines.
. Noes Bowerman, Coke, Hodson,
Laughary, ScholHeld, Smith of Umatilla,
..... wneaJdon. "
After tha vote was taken en the Bret
bill it Waa openly charged by Coahow
. and M. A. Miller that President Haines
waa In the eomprorole combination.
- President Haines in a hcry speech de
nled this, and in turn accused Coshow
. of combining with the normel school
interests to defeat th bills for tba re
duction of th number of schools.
When he voted for the Smith . bill,
' President Haines said he did not be-
lleve that the bill would pans the
r house. - Th normal schools would een
. ter every effort to defest the bill in
.th nous.
A number of tha aenatori have ex
. pressed n determination of going Into
tha houae and .fighting the normal
schools at every turn if they attempt t
defeat tha Smith bill which psssod th
Bat Two Schools Wanted.
' It is provided In tha Smith bill thai
but two of the existing schools shall
continue. Tha two , that ara to be
eliminated r to b determined by a
state-. board of normal school regenta
, to constat of tha state board? of educa
tion and two additional members to be
-chnawi -by- tha governor.-Th - we
w. hoola r to be under th control of
tha one board of regents.: An appro.
prlatlnn of S7S.O00 for the two schools!
.Is provided. Tha- two , schools Whlcti
hall be discontinued will recelv thej
V . . . ; ... M ,
House Committee Reports Appropria-
, tlona for Thf Srhoola. ,
- (By s Stiff Correanao4ent- ''
Salem, Or , Feb. 8. The house com
mittee on waya and means has taken
th bit In Its teeth on the normal school
question and at a meeting today re
ported appropriations for three normal
schools the on at Ashland, at Mon
mouth and at Weston. To the Ash
land schorjl was given H0,00k to Wes
ton 135,000' and to Monmouth $45,000.
These sums are for maintenance
alnna, tha, llama a.lroit for he tt ermanta
having been cut out The Ashland
school asked for $10,000 for new build
ings, th Weston school $5,000 and the
Monmouth school $114,000. The -esti
mates of th Drain school have , not
been placed before tha committee.
Senator Smith or Marlon, chairman of
the senate committee, opposed the ac
tion of . the Joint, committee, thinking
It wa not good policy to name all ap
propriations until tha normal school
queatton had been decided. What will
be the result of th action of tha com
mittee, as, far. as the norma)., school
fight is concerned I uncertain, but It
seems to be the fine hand of the com
bination which has decided upon keep
ing three schools 'and allowing . Drain
to pass y the board.
The ways and means committee alao
granted tha requeat of tha portage road
people for $0,o for the extension of
the portage road to Th Da Ilea Sena
tor Smith - announcea himself .- aa op
posed to th appropriation and says he
will oppose It upon th . floor, of the
senate. ,
Coke Almost Succeeded in Abolish-
i: i lng All Normals In Bute. ;
" (By a Stiff Oormnoadeat.l
Salem, Or., Feb. I. The senate com
mittee en elalme haa reported in favor
of allowing $0,400 of the claim of Cap
tain John Mullen for hta services t
the state in ths collection of tha Modoc
Indian war claims, and listing public
lands. The original claim of tha rep
resentatives of Captain Mullen waa for
$12,000, but they Jiave stated that they
will accept th r5,40O in aettlmnt of
all claims against th state.
Ia the normal school light yesterday
afternoon -Senator Coke very nearly
succeeded In abolishing alt the schools
In the state. The Smith bill, which waa
later paaeed. waa being conaldered by
the- aenats in committee of -the whole.
The first section of the bill, which
abolishes sll th schools now existing.
had been adopted by the committee. The
second section, providing foe the a
establishment of two schools, waa be
ing- considered. Numerous amendments
to section 1 bad been offered and re
jected. -
Senator Coke offered an amendment
to strike out all of tha bill after sec
tion 1, and add an emergency clause.
When the amendment was voted on viva
voce the vote was so close that a ris
ing vot wss taken. It wa then seen
that th amendment bed failed te carry
by th narrow majority of four, II sen
ators having voted for it and IS agalnat
it -
It la freely at&ted that had Senator
Coke-made a fight for hie amendment
It would have carried and Oregon would
have had no normal achoola at alt ,
Torturing acsema spreada lte burning
area every day. Doan's Ointment quick-
j-- aiopa it aprvaoinB, ineimnuy re
lieves the itching, cures it perma-
Wltneas In Hermann Cnae."
' (Special Onpateh te Th Joeraal.t
Albany, Or, Feb. .-i-Dr. W. H.
Davis of this city hsa been subpoenaed
to ' appear In the district court at
Washington, D. C, as a witness In th
ease of in froverfmunr against "Mititeri
The Original
"J" Brand
Welsbach Mantle
This mantle represents the finest
product of our factory. .
t It is the best mantle made
Gives. IS per
cent, more light,
uses 12 percent
leu gas than any
other mantle.
It is the cheapest
mantle because it
tares gas, it gives
more light, It
lasts longest
Buy the best and the cheapest:
The ' J" Brand Welsbach -"
r Price, 30 cents. - -
Imitations are worthless and
' ' Extravagant
Rmmbr aQ
mantle ire not
Wela bet hi
The Genaine ha
this Shield of fJT
QaaBtyoath '
box. Fiv kind,
IS, 20, 25, 30,35c. Trade
For S&le by
The Gas Company
and AH Dealeu
aw i mm , t '
George Koppenhrffer Perishes With
Sten art Name of ' Third Vntof
tunate la Oeorgo Head Era met t
MaaoaJtteacaed. i
(Special Dlanatch te The Joeraal.l
Arlington. Or., Feb. 7. -Newa has
reached here of the drowning of George
Koppenheffer of Roosevelt and Ray
Stewart of Oregon City while attempt
ing to ford 4 Swollen atream known a
Wood gulch, opposite this place on the
Washington side. Emmett Mason,
whose" home Ts in Washington, waa reah
cued, but. ia In a serious condition.' '
' The drowning of George Head at th
mouth of. Chapman creek, three miles
west of here, la alao reported. Partic
ulars In all caaea ara as yet Wanting.
Koppenheffer was a prominent farmer
of Klickitat county. Ha leavea a wife
and eeveral children. T
tftpeelal Dlapateh to Th Journal.)
Albany, Or., Feb. (.-The annual meet
ing of the road supervisors of Una
county was held yesterday In the county
court room. Those' In attendance were:
Judge C. H. Stewart, Commissioners
Butler end Powell and Supervisor W.
C, Stellmaoher, Helke Ohllng, K. C
Mears, Berry Cummin, D. H. Pi ere,
William Ori mm, Henry Blakaly, F. O
Smith, Mr. Johnston, M. U Forster, a.
A. Ascha, Robert Houston, IL I Las
sella, Sterling Ooan, Jack BUyeu, L W,
Pomeroy, Ale Bumpter, W. L Wallace,
B. C Hsrte, PV W. Smithri'. A. Thompson.-
St-iV-Gilbert, As-Or- Ayere,- J.-A.
Walker,- W.-R. Surry,- B!. I Shephem
and A. E. Zlealng. Th supervisors led
In the discussion of th questions that
were propounded.
- This annual meeting la a tort of
school where experience are Inter
changed. The matter ef proper gradee
and perfect drainage' waa discussed and
every effort will be put forth to
make the plan of wont aa ayatematlc
aa possible and endeavor to obtain the
cooperation of the federal government
In the building of public highways.
The matter of working the 'atat'
convicta on the highway waa favored
under certain conditions.
A btttck nr rocn
Will save nine. Bo will bottH of
Ballard's Horehound Syrup always kept
on-hand save many a spell of sickness.
A - sure cure for Conghs, Colds. Bron
chitis and Whooping Cough, Mrs. B
Hot Springs, Ark., writes: "I keep a
bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup
in my medicine cheat and thank my
forethought many times. It haa pre
vented man sever spells Of alcknea."
p f,v all drua-arlnts.
t-t 'L( H IMnKU fe-rr Cf I V II I - I r If l I I
iu i i. .-IK-nr in r i wa-u ir iLiini Miii?y i ( i vyv vv ) ii vi
!B - jl'fM1 til t ltat"ian k te,t creationa in
I grL -Z y II Shoe wear for the early
I fffl,':: " ' ' V 7 - spring trade of 1907at
B ln yrffi JazV-ay denthal & Sons price.
I IB I Vniir Mnnov nir1r I gr "Cjl txT? r-
w i u i iiui iiui aaa a ti i . i - i i i - i i
1 I . - : '
VwVwVOIl1 - ---- -
Frie to Jcffi
Ail Fti
Pork -
-LOIN ROAST. . . 5 . 15
LOIN CHOPS ..............15
PICKLED PORK ......... 12f -
BACON ;.. i...... ...1T
EASTERN HAMS . . . , . . . .'. .17
8 lbi. LARD (guaranteed).... 60
LEGS PORK ............. 12J,
PORK SAUSAGE ........ . .10f
10S Third Street, bet. Washinoton and Stark Sis.
ROAST BEEP.... 8 to 15
POT ROAST. ....... , . .6 to 8
STEAKS ............ .,..10
BOILING BEEP ............ .5
LIVER ............. ... . . . .'.5
Wt guarantee all meat lold bjr
this firm to be the finest and most
choice to be obtained. .
Mate Your DoUars
At The Hub Glothing Co., where the Lindenthal CS
j Sons' select stock of Suits, Overcoats, Furnishings
and Shoes is being unloaded at
1 V liSi JJ
, - , j
Men's aoUiing
Llndanthal'i tMO, $2.00 and $2J0 Pantai . , , " fk(
Fire Sale price
Lindenthal's $3.50 and S4.50 Pants; ----;- : -rr -ass r.
Fire Sale price ,t v. ...... $1,?
Lindenthal'a $7J0 Pants; j' CO Aft
Fir Sal price ............ , ?Z.Vy
Lindenthal's $S.0 to $12.30 Suits and Overcoats j . fi C
Fire ' Sale price ", i . . . . . .T. .V V, . .. . i ".pwlJ
Lindenthal's $13J0, $15.00, $16.50 and $18.00 Suits C7 C
. and Overcoats; Fire Sale price a..y I AD
Lindenthal's $20.00, $22.00 and $24.00 Suits and . . (0 II
Overcoats; Fire Sale price 17
Lindenthal's $25.00, $28.00. $30.00 and $32.00 Suits , 11 IC
and Overcoats; Fire Sale price , ......... ylaasl
Per Lb.
CUTS..... 8 to 15
The finest Lambs that have been fa
- town this season were bought by
the Franklin Market. Choice cuts
from. ........... . . . . .8 to 15
Prices on
......... ...... .vrtyl
Open Evenings
. Dorlog .