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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1907)
V THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.X PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 8, 1907. . 13 -V- FOB SALEREAL ESTATE. lose. Oty Really Co. ' CTTY PROPERTY; FARM LANPS. LOANS, ' RENTAL. COMMOTIONS. INSURANCE FOR 8ALB AT GLAD8T0NH, 6-room hum; 1 lots eoiino; brick cellar, mil; best .a siy m uregoa; eww; terms. HomMlMda. timber lamia To not 6 rouia oottage, $1160; . Btodsrs. aa Mil a mnealnc.hnnea st 1MO. We Bars ansa (or Intsrsst U realty bal- Floe lot. bat tilth at, 8S0 4300 cash, balancs 10 Mr aiwih. . . H lock "to and ur. . It-room boose, modern, ob Second, batvrssi Orent and Lincoln. 67.600. i 10 scree, fenced. T cultivated, I la orchard chicken-bone, bona, wagon. impladaeoU; all boss at ti(,nw! Boming Better. SOi MOUAWK. BLIK). MAIN 6607, tOOK HERS, what da roe think of fhle Hat. - ths biggest owners' Hat of bom.e at aba-city 1 r Tog can eave eommlMloa and half of tb profit and buy at yoar own tarma. Near aiodern ' Mttm. 81.260. 61 T and I room modera booses from 1,TB0 - e ea,uuv. wita a iota. - - Remember, soar owe tarma: these booses are all oa tha earllnet I bar aoma cheap , onaa bark blocks, $ufi0 to $1,000 earbi alao - wdi csoice mia. bs nie, tae ownar. 40a Naah, at Nashville atatlno or Millard are.. . Navbrllle; take tha Ut. Scott ear. , OR BOO BROS. Wa have 00 tba market aoma of tha beet bllya la tha city. Wa hsvs flvs tloo lou In City View Park. 6 II wood; oaa ha bought oa very easy terms. Alao some select prop erty In fit. Johaa. and oa flve-rooni hmise and lot AOaloo at latand station at Mil . waukle. Coma la and mo a. Wa will ba pleased to abow you what wa hsve to offer Ton and yon een deal direct wltb tha owner It yoa wtab to. - tit, sad 11 Fsatna Bldg . PnttUndpr A LIST OP SNAPS IN RESIDENCES. - 2.6M A-rooaa atodera roaideaoa oa Oregon at.. Bear 28th. 2.7B) S-roora oottage oa Corbatt at.: tarma. $4,660 8 room bungalow on Rnaeell at., cloao fat; a floe investment: rente $42. SO. $3.000 Oa Cherry at., - mlnatee' we Ik steel bridge. S-etory axMlera la fwrjr respect; ' kaU cash will handle Mi la; a real bargain. TBR VETERAN LAND CO.. . , Third at., room A. A NEW boom. ( rooma, bath, pantry, all plas tered, concrete foundatloa. good' haaeeaent! . Vi block carllne; owner leaving city, said "Take $300 down, belanro $1$ nor awntb, If . yoa have to." Since the "allver thaw" oar phone la oat of eoaimlssloB, but go to ' the termhioe of IfontaTllla carllne and Inquire for Aylswortb A Kpton, . U NICE lota la city, ao per lot; food U- , Nlre lot SOilOO. Eaat Aab at., cloaa In. enly $1,50; aaay Urma. Good $-roora botne, new, oa car Una, alee .yard, for $090; $230 down, hal. monthly. W.- J, DAT CO., ldoVk 4tb Si. FOR A FEW DATS ONLY AT -. Sls.000 1 Let sOxlflO, ersjthwmt' corner Fifth and Clay; aufnlflcent apartment .lie; - easy tarma, t M'OCIRR REAI.TT CO., . - . Paoaa Pacific 14B3. $1S Orcgonlaa Bldg. rOB. .US UfWlAM S.MMM M.fM MM Ml. "Ing3latanee, la choice resldrncs district oa 1 seat ewe; aew rnrnace. good piano, bedroom funiltars, rugs'and carpets; fine, almost new, range; half cash, rest on asy psymeats. . T 121. car Journal. YOUB LAST CHANCE. " Only SO lou toft m Tlitoa sdditloa. at half value, aad they will ba gone m a week ; home builders csli tomorrow morntac; a peculators stay away. . . . . THOMPSON OO DEN, - ' . SOS Belmont at. TO THH WORKING MAN- FREH LANDS la amilbea.leia Oregon, prairie rromestcsda; last chanes to secure 100 acres free. CALL 204 MOHAWK BLIXJ. ' LEMCKB WILL BELL TOUR PROPERTY. . SIXTH AND WA8U1N0T0N BTU. PHONE ukjua sou. . BOUSES, alao lota, la Ilolladay Park. B. B. Bios, aSS Waaea at. Phoas East 24.C2. 14 ACRES of cultivated Isnd. nit eaat of Montaviiia. for mis st a bargain. Owner, 1, wi wesningioa St. COEY home, ales lot; Malklejohn, Cedar Park. a bargain; Bt. lohoa. terms. LOT and bones at St. John., will pay S per cent aa an invMtroent, cwee in; new,; must ba sold. Boom 4, 100 Second at. ACREAGE at Ht Johna, oa tha Boom 4, 108 2nd at. peninsula. INCOMR-BEARING flate on assy terms 2S. 2W3 14th at., foor flate. $70 per month, por celain baths m eeeb. cbwe In. eaallv eenteri $2,000 cash, $75 monthly tnatallmentei In come will pay the Installments, making re markable Investment of amall capital. Mne. an, bwmi ei 1 napmaa, aim jieragtoa Blag. none sbbib auio. SeUwccd Iforshease French, 1670 1. Mtk. Phone Sell wood T4. City Ylew Tsrk Jots, $375 ln4p; -Addtrtrai Jfttar 100 and np; $.1 aown inr tt a month. Home, from $.100 to $3,000. Lota $200 and ap. la all parte of 811 wood. Uat your property with as; ws will mU It. THIS IS IT. -room modern residence, TU-font concrete basement, lot 00x100, 67 Eaat Everett St.; eom. Uilng aloe, ap to dsts; pries $2,800. S-roora cottage, good condition, aear Wave. ly carllne, oa Kaat Slat at.; a bargain: pries $14.60. tTRfror.rrA!f malty jjo. , Room 16. 231H Alder at. . INVESTOR, SER HERE IS lots, 50x106, near St. Johns carllne, only $2,800; $1,000 casta. Room 4, 100 Second at. TBI PER CENT INVESTMENT. $6 .00060x1 00 coraer, 1 block from MW drand avs. bridge. Two nearlv new t-mnm boneea, graded streets, cement walks; lot .lone will aooa ba worth price asked; H eaab. 0. C. SHAY. 804 Ablngtoa Bldg. .. Phoas Mala IMS, A BARGAIN New S-rnom honae, modern; $000 eaeh, balance easy. Ownar, SS0 Oantenbela, coraer Him. . AN A-room modera bouss for sals. . Mississippi svs. Owner, Sag LOT 60x100, house 12x27, t blocks from Union ave. car line, this aids of Alberta st' only triod. J. J. Osder, cog. Urand avenue aad t. Aaksny. . -ROOM honse, lot 60x100, too ft. from Stew arts ate., Mt. neott car, cent rare, is tuin- nta eerrlcti. cbeax for cash or terms. o. o. A FINS) modern boms, St. Johns; will pay 10 per eaat on Investment; $1,000 cash required. Room 4, 108 tod at. BEE Hnrlberf, room 4. 10S -Sad at If .yoa want to Mil oat. JUST think. 1.200 lots nesr Salem carllne, . no farther then St. Johns, at $10 Bsr lot, at $1 per mnath; level and good soil, with hoaees already there; yoa can't bay acreage out there for me amount; these lote wilt - he raised to $26 per lot on. the first of the month. Apply to owner, W. Keldt, room 16, . "'Washington bldg., 270 H Ws.hlngtoa St. ALPINB REAL ESTATE CO., tr6U Morrlena. room t; phone Mala 18)7 Vi block with It-roam, ckwe In, $11,600. S acres, S-rsom hoUMI easy term.; $2.230. TORNER WALKER. Real Estste, Farme and Sloe Riachea, Eich.ngea. SOSH Washlngtoa wt 2T60 S-ROOM home, modern: an etceritlaaal kargala. W. J. Peddlcord. St. Johns. Or. WILL trade a plans for good city Jot. p 126, cars Journal. Address ' BARGAIN. EAST SIDE HOME. In.nM will buy an 8-mom modern boms and eB ( fUn corner lot on Ankeny near I'lU ' el. I this Is a choice location and tha hrmse - Is supplied with tip-to-d.t convenlesceai eon- - crets basement, rood furnace, fireplaces, bath .. . room, etc. Tula la troly a snap, so corns sari and secure barraln. and sec re r,,TyWi tit Chamber of (Jemmeccs, to0 CASH, $16 monthly, tmrs a 6-roors bona an East tT'h at. near two cafllnes,,. Stale Land l. UtMl a. . FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. $3, too TWO new enttairea, 1 block Mt. Scott cere. Income $A1, $(; Sontb Portlund real deora, 10 per cent, 10 rooma. Mci'arlaad le- . imiomi v. i'bona Mala ISO. too FARMS, email tracta and Mat harialna oa y. w. r. eiectric line, v. k. Addltoa. Leata, ureeon. 1 aaa luani acott ear, oe. J0 ACRKH. $m per acre; cIom la. Co.. l.(3H llret at. Stat Laud FOR SALE FARMS, r ) HOMESTEAD. Coeor dAlene KcMrvatloa win onaa aooa: rbolce land. 25 mllce from Spokane. Coeer a aieae Heeerrathia inrormatloa Agency, IT-IS Exchange Bauk bldg.. Spokane. VVaah. Lemckef"will sell it for yon. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN S00-aera farm 1 mllee eaat of Eugene; 50 acre orchard, moatlr S-year-eld KpltMaherg appln: eey paymeota, or will trade for Portland prop. wrir m . u. iiiRum, 'rvgoa aotei, roruaod. vivgoai. svr lew oaya. - COMPELLED TO SKLL 0 acrea, good dark tillable aoil. out Ketacada Una. is hour a, run from Portland; en county rood; rouud np; win anon aouble. In value; now oniy aouu. noma IMH Co.. 146 H Flrat at. $3 AC RMS, 14 eaHlTated; i cows, team, cblck- ene, aucaa; crop; too la; creek, orchard; bone. - uorne. -uvm uvuuaiiui, AlDUia. . . SO AUK Ho, andar coltteatloa, mailing water uirougu piaca ail yeer; good bouM, barn, cnicaen-nouM, roorooiiae and other outbuilt - Inga; IS si I lee of Portland. Owner. L. C, Vanetta, Mllwaakle. Or.; tt. F. 0.. No. 1 e po oe.- - FOR bargain la acreage aad farms Bear Port. . laad-Salem carllne; alao elly properly and iiwoer, aee r arinrrr una t., ITS Maaieoo. TIMBER. H. 1 1'TPTl rrmm pb . ..a - To tha Owners of Timber Lande: We want alngle clalma. email and large Tracts, it me price la right end tbe timber la good wa will Inreetlgate It st once. Al waya send tba full descriptions and the kind of timber and the ftrinVttd, aallnirt If V n. t, . w . f ' " 0REOO BROS.. SIT and SIS Kenton Bldg.. Portland, Or. TIMRRR claim for sale or trade; 100 acrea of timber land one mile from deep waler on Tillamook bay, $3,000, or will trade foT Port land real eatate of equal valne, or will pay or take the difference In cash on anything nnder $10,000. . Poatofflc box 128, Tilla mook, Or. Schuyleman & Co. .Pacific Onset Timber Dealers. ' - . , Sea aa -for large and email tracts. ) ZTI WASHINGTON ST. TO OWNERS of timber clalma and timber Wa 1 will boy for aaeh any good timber trlhotary .'to Nebalem rlrer: will deal with owners only; no others nerd answer. Writs, 'giving full particulars, , to Bel S, V. V. Statwa, Portland, Oregoai TELLOW pins, lOOO.DOO-feet: location fee $150; place money la bank until aatl.fled aa represented; only few clalma left; want to .tart party Tncaday doming. ALrtXAXDKR-LAWB-fOT, r SaVi Sixth, Kear Pine. CERTIFIED serin, s y slat, lowest prices, a. Bewail, aad Chamber of Commsres. LM stilt -Cbeadre. la timber land buslneM. W, agsat. Soatb Bead, Washington, NEW SAWMILL. Inclodlng S.OOO.OOO ft. nr. t mile, from R. B., aer Portland, tlO.OOOrl 2 tie and piling properties, alao small and large tracta of good timber. , Taos. T. Thorn ton, SIS Chamber of Commsres. TIMBER clalma cruised : estimate, guaranteed; fee reasonable. Bcbuylemaa Co., 27 "Washington at. t.OOO.nno FEET yellow nine, 1 north. It east, owner must Mil at ones. Schoylemaa ' Co., 227ta Washington at. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. DORSES and bugsiea for rent by day.- week and month; apecial rates to onvlaaaa-BOBass. - Sixth and Hawthorns. Eaat 72. WE rear. Mil, rent, excb.Bgs horses, wa eons, ssddles, harneaa. Hubert A Hall. 206 tth at. FOR SALE 0 heavy draft borees. 10th at., soatb. T42 East FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR SALE S fresh eowe, 417 Grand avs. aad Kearney at, MoBtsvllla. STALLS to rent. $2 per month, feraoa Its. Prions 6020.. 16th and Jsf. GENTLE .bores, harness, grocery wsron, $10, or brads for cow. S71 B. 12th. north TWO good fresh rows, easy milkers, gratis for woman to handle. 178 14 E. 11th st. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. WHY should yoa lank for a second-hand pis no when yoa can get a beautiful new plans direct from tbe msaofactnrer. for les. money 1 Reed-Frencb Piano Manufacturing Company, "From maker to player." Sixth and Burnalde. VICTOR - tsTklng mscKlnea and record.: Steln- say (and other) ols Sherman, Clay A Co.. Sixth snd Morrison, opposite poet of Mrs. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. BKSIDENCE sdspted for roomers, went able, good lorstlon; wilt trade tbe fnmltnre for vacant lot; pries of furniture $375; bouss rent, $35. , ALEXANDER LAND tt-rtlt. -Near Plha. WHAT bavs yoa to exchange for a 7-roora mod. ern bouse and lot 60x100. St. Johna, value $2.600 Room 4, 108 Becond St. EXCHANGE for homestead 6-rnora knaee. I lots, 60x100, ta Oregon City suburb. F 120, care Journal. SOME choice kits for tats car. See Joe Naeb at Naahvllle addition, on tha Mt. Scott carllne. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. COURR DALENR and Nevada mining stocks I am alwaya la ths market to buy or eel) any first -class stocks or bonds. List your stocks with me; get my prices before bay ing or Mlllng. Loans made on listed securl tlea. T. P. Brown. 401 McKay block. FOR 8 VLB MISCELLANEOUS. NEW and good as new furniture. stoves, ranges, cooking atenslls. etc.; special, tshls oil cloth 13c yard: 31 -niece dinner Mt. ."3. 232 first at N, B We bay or exchange. I MM FOR SALE Para whits Wyandotte bene and pullet.; sums ml led pallets. H. W. Hotter, 648. Klngema St., Woodlswn atatloa, Port land, Or. . . BULLDOGS FOR SALE Engllah ball terriers. H montns om; malee 1 waits with little black, 1 dark hrlndlei dries, $10.- $16 and $20. Take Sellwood car to crematorium; go . 4 blorka north .to aback or) bluff, er addrsM w: o. uruwu, oeiiweoa, or. BUY yonr furnitures both bow snd second hand. rrom sevsge e) renneu Furniture Co., e4A-347 First St., between Market and Mill. I'bona Pacific 800, We Mil pew furalture cheaper tbaa anybody la town. FOR BALE A aietaT mining enuree In the In ternational corresponnence school, Fcraaton, Pa.: regular pries $100; will take $10. L. B Hutt, 789 Ssvler at., Portland, Or. 4- FOR SALE. CHRAP 4-bjeh Keys tone water meter, practically new. Inquire H. Metagsr, 226 Fmt at. FOR SAl.tV One food 4x6 pool table and sc. cnmpanlmenta. in gnoa conoillon. Address W. E. Collins, Orsshsm, Or. SREEN Electric Werka, 10th and Waab. ats. Pboas Psrioe 1474. new ana geennd-b.nd slectrlcsl goods bought sold snd exchsngsd. IEWING MACHINES 4nght. sold and 01 chanred. $6 and op, . Western Salvage Co., 427 Washlngtoa t SHOWCASES, eoanters, flxtnres. boorht sold or exchanged. Western Pslvage 127 Washlngtoa at. Pacific Tot. FREa) FOR ' EVERYBODY Ring ap Mala 4200 or can zihh ront. ws nuy ana Mil rarni tare, elothlag or ssy old thing. BOLDKN'S RHEUMAT10 CURE Sera ears fee neuaiuam. Sola by an araggiaia, - .1 VOn SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 60 SLIGHTLY damaged Mvrlng-machlnea st very low .prices: Sloe-re. VYhoelrr A Wilson. Domestic. White. llnosehold, D.vt. snd others: ts mske room for new .fork Wheeler A Wllaoa sud Singer.. 8. B. SlgsL. S3S Mor rlena at., Msrquam bldg. SELF-rilArtOEMAKING cash reguter for sale esses, git riret sc. FOR SALE R.rgama la Whites, Singers, Da . via. Wheeler A Wilsons. Hooaeheld. end other slightly damaged machines. Ths Whits Sew ' lug Machine office, H. D, Jones, ISO VamblU St., comer Fourth. SCHOOL BOOKS bought, sold and exchanged. 220 Yamhill at. FOR BALE Steamboat 14 feet beam. 48 rest long, capacity 14 tone, aew; will Mil cheap for caali. D. D. Wood, 01$ Oswego t, St, Joboa, Oregon. FOR SALE, Dairy, to rows, boras, wagon, food route; SO nil nn tee drlvs from Sua loca loa: parfwaah. Phoas Mala 6683. FOR SALE Chatham meabetors snd brooders, 64 days- free trial. Gas. W. Foott, 121 East Morrleoa at., Portland. WE print yooT aams en 60 ealltna earda, proper alas and acyle. A6c: 230 boelacM eerd., $1. A, W. Schmale Co., 22ft Flrat, Portland. Or. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for real sr fat sale on eesy Barmen ts. . THE BRUN8WICK-BALRE COLLENDER CO. . 40 Third st, Portland, SECOND-HAND bar trruree, nooltablea. safes. , table., chairs. WMtera Salvage Cos. 27 Wuhlngtua t FOR SALE Single comb Black Minorca eock. erela for sale; Nocttiup strsls, B. J. Davis, tas Macgly st.. Highland. ' PRINTING Blllbeada. $1.60 per 6no; esvelopes, $1.73; extra duality, tug Ooodoouio bldg. FOR SALE Household good, of a 6-reom boms; Mil aeperats or. all. Call at 1000 front at:; taks S car. FOR BALE Cabinet holding charge books for Jancery or meat market. Address u JIT, oornal, SHOWCASES nd Sxtnrss. aew and second hand. Carlson A Ksllstrom. 28S Couch at. WANTED 100 men to wear oar celebrated $20 made-to -order aulta. L'nlon Tailoring Co.. tuSH Stark at. Satlafactlon guaranteed. $300 NEW aprlgbt piano. $183; Cbtckerlng, $SS; organ, fju. - 41 H f irst. PERSONAL. 8EXINR Pll.IJt cars an forms of mnecelar weakness. For Price $ I a box. S boxes $5. with full ease. antes. AddreM or call J. O. Clemensoa, dmg glat, Soeoad and Yamhill at... - Port lead. Or. IF yoa have rhenmetlem ws want to enre yoor-f new lorg meqicai at nnrgicai ineiituta, sor ter Sixth and 323Vi) Waahtngtna ate. RrSSIAN BATH, tOT Third at., betwen TavlrV sno, saimon. swimming pool, steam ana not air bath. Honrs Ladles, from a. m. to I p. m. ; gent., from t a. m. to 12 p. m. GERMAN books, magsslnes, aovsls. ste.i Gee. man. Eueiisb. rreneli.. Bnenisb, PwsdJ.h sort Italian dlctlonarle.: forelen hooka sf all kinds. Schmale Co, 220 First St. .' -' WORKING man with meana wishes the sc. qualntaace of a working girl; ohtect m.trl wwny Vlr M O. M. nlnlrev, T7fl CUcka. maa, above 24th at., Sellwood. WERroOT Oil Flacking saves the lea t her eb- so rateiy w.tevprooi. . HOI, DEN'S RHECMATIO CTJRR Snr, ears for rhesNstHm. bom by au araggists. MOLES, wrinkles. soDerfroeoe bslr No eharrs ts talk It over. Mrs. M. D. HIM. Room 830 Flledner Bldg. Phone Pacific 185. DR. RING CHOON0. Importer Chinees mot medicines; Mils ChlneM tcs. certs is ctrrs for ell dlaesses. 101 2d. bet. Yamhill aad Taylor. DR. O. V. KBTCHUM cores promptly private diss sws. b'dney, nervooa, skta and special female troubles. Call or write. Office KO14 Third at, cor. YambIL Phone Pacific 2220. SUITS pressed while ya wait. 60c. Lsdlee axirrs preesen. ouc, uiinert, ion aixia stH Beit to Quelle, Phone Msla 2088. ' TURKISH BATTIS, 800 Orsronlaa Mdg. Isdwa aaya, gentlemen Bights. Mala ma. MANLY vlawr restored be Dr. Roberts' No Globules, 00s month a treatment. .3; a months, $3: sent secsrsly SMled by men, A rents. Woodsrd, Clarke A Co. Portland. Or. BALM OP FIGS for .11 female die East Belmont. Phone Esst 4084. 62 BEST nugsxlne crabs ever efferent seed prices: agents wanted. Josss' Book Store, XVI AlOer at.. Portia ad. Or. DISEASES OF WOMEN; snfocrrmate girls and BaniM earec for: wnvats boaoirsi. or. arwnon, room A 830tt Mor. St. Tel. Pec! 6c 1731. OWL RESTAURANT, Sea s-t Morrison St. Meals 13c snd ap; short orders, fresh 07 at era. . J. L. Tetslaff, proprietor. SWEDISH trained aarae, Hrlslngfors graduate. en res menmatlem. etomacb rronhies, nervous disorders and sprains by haad-rnhblng. aveam, sweat and tub bathe. - No. T Fast 11rt st Taks Esst Ankeny car. Phone Esst 200. ROSA VERA CIO A PS Sold everywhere. n Hrrrrruprs a, ante Waireea. T2S Cerbstt st Phone Pad 6c 14SS. MRS. .PR. MARY KRAMER, midwife) nice quarters for patients. 861 Mississippi ave, SELECTIONS made. Introductions givent honor able lamee ana gentlemen, anareee. witn atamp, Mrs. H. C. Wilbur, 400 Third at., a., aear Harrison. HOLD ON There ts one thing that will cars rheumatism. Ask yonr druggist for bark tonic or address or call J. Q. ClsmsBsoa. druggist Portland. Or. REMOVED from 274 Alder to tost. Wesh. Irrtonjoojs 4 (see and sesrp -massafai tlso- tricity. ALL CHRONIC, nervous and private diseases socceeo fully treated by modera scientific method.: best results, shortMt time: cofteala Ik'O free. Dr. W. 1. Howard, CommoowMltb bldg.. Sixth st , - SUPPOSITORIES for married women; perfectly sttufsctore. Call or address Mrs. H. C. Wilbur, ens Third at., aear Harrises, Port Is nd. Oregon. DANISH laborer, ST. wishes to wiiiesmind with neet woman; object matrimony, at au. care Jouraal. YOUNG l.dy. chiropody, m.nlenrlag, electric - vibratory. 146 V, Filth, room 23. corner door. I (POSITIVELY) make hair grow; atop balr falling, cure dandruff. 208Vi Morrison st afternoons. Room 62. WANTED Whereabouta of Mrs. Clyds Rndell; profitable. Address 122, ears Journal. MANICURING parlors for ladles and featlvmea. 208 Vi Morrison at., room 14. MRS. roTTER Ms. sense, scalp, facial mat asgs, chiropody. 224 Vi Washlngtoa at RECENTLY opened manicuring parlors: ladles and gentlemen. 881 14 Morrison st, room It. AFTER yoa have visited every fortane teller snd clairvoyant, call at 220 Fifth at. Wanda, the palmist, don't need big ads; her patrons advertise her; names given. BUSINESS PERSONALS. COMMERCIAL STATIONERY A PRINTING CO. Offlce anpplles. loose-leaf .vetvm tllng de Vices, typewriter rlbbone snd car hoe sapor, K. sf. KI BI.I. Mgr.. 228 Stsrk at INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co., 427 FUedoer bldg. Mala tn)l. .. .... CHIMNEY SWEKP.... V. D. Wood. I'bfne Mela 1372. 48, Third at. 111 1 ART. FREE LESfONS IN Embroidery Fvery Day. - THR NKFI'l ECRAFT SHOP, tst WseblBgtoa at. K. H. MOOREllOUtR A CO. Artiste msterlsls. picture molding, pldnre frsmlng, stersoptl eons, lantera all.bje. Ill Alder st - pRorF.SXOR R. MAX METER. 64 S Alder st Portrait end landscape artlat and teacSier. ATTORNEYS. C. H PIOOOTT AND J. A. FINCH Practice ta sll 4 Mnlkey bldg.. corner Sscond snd Morrleoa. ASSAYERS. QARVIN CY ANION BITSACTION CO.. L.alontaoa Ams Office, lis Morrleoa at. AUTOMOBILES. PULLMAN ACTO CAR CO.. Bnttders, designers snd repairers sf all BiaKes or aotomohllee. Bodies, tops, fendrrs. Oaahes, lamp hrarkets. running hoard. nd gl.ea front.. Oeera and all parts ot auto- Hiooiire mane io orfler. 00-70-72-74 North Sixth at., cornsr Everett, H. L. KKtTS AUTO CO., ARTOMOBILKH AND Sl'PPI.IES. - Northwestern dUtrlbutora f l'ote flart forde. Pope TrlbuoM. Pope WeverlTe. Pope TolerV. Thomss. Oldsuwbllee. t'renkllns, Bslcke. SO-82 Seventh at.. Portland. Ore eon. HOWARD w rnvev A rent Pierce Great Arrow, LocomaMles, Cad illac aad Knox. Temporary location Club ueresv. tots ana e msr ate, , HV" ,YOU . "K':, BAKER ELECTRICS, lepir.i nupniy Co., tm Aider at. Phone Pa clflc 071. liemonetratloa by appointment. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS A KILHAM. 100 111 Soeoad at. Blank book, m.nnf.ctnred; .gent, foe Jones Improved lossa Leaf ledrers; see tha new noress rear, tne Beef on the market. BATITS MASSAGE. RTrSSIAN baths: awlmmlnf pool, stesm snd hot air. Hoars: Ladles. 0 a. m. to 1 p, m. : cents, 8 a. m, to 12 p. m. ' Pries 2Sfl. tOT Third at., bet. Taylor and Salmon. MRS. OHROCK le bow located at 1W Seventh st. ' Will be pleaaed to meet old natrons aa well aa aew. Mala 40(18. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BATCHER SUPPLIES a, Brrkenwsld Co., 604. toe Everett ot. tlerreet bnteber supply bouss oa ths coast. Writs for catalogued BUTCHERS" SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dehorn 131-13S Flrat at., terries a full line and coov plots seonrtmeat at lowest market prices. CAFES. THR OFFICE 23 Washlngtoa st, phoaa Mala in. nemuei vigneux. - - . CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMISTS. Always Consult the Beat, PHOF. K. KIIIMl). Greateat living astral drad-trahes clair voyant of tbe ege; advlaer oa hiialneea and all affairs of life; tella your full name and what you raited for, whom you will marry, bow to control th one .yon love, even thongh mllee away; reunites Mie Mparatrd: gives secret powers to control; no loug di-laya la waiting. Hours. 10 to 8. dally and Sunday. Permanently located' In his own boms. 233 Fifth St.. corner Madison at. MRS, S. B, Selp, reliable ta every detail: Bat. oral clairvoyant . and pvchouiar1t; hours, dully; spiritual circle every Tues.. Wed., Thura, Friday. 8 p. m 23c; 302 Allsky bldg. PROFESSOR WALLACE, palmist clalrvovant and medium; reading. 23c. Parlors 4 and a. iw twinw, jo jaorrison at. CLOCK REPAIRING. CIOCKS of every description repaired; SO years, sxperlenee: no chares to stimins. Weft r T. Mills, clockm.ker, 434 Bpnkans are., jjtyj CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned and Unions Tailoring Co., H. W. TURNER, profeaalonal dyer and elsansr. 603 Jetfersoa st Phone Msla 23lt. PORTLAND Stesm Cleaning and Dvlna Works, til Fourth at., Peel fie tut. CARPET CLEANING. Yes The Standard Carpet Cleaning Co. of 801 , Lertng at. .(branch office 22 Second at.) la the largeat plant on the Pacific coast and the only plant m the city that haa both eteem and the latest compressed air p eocene of cleaning carpets: doea not rip, tear or wear 'yonr carpet like ths old steam-heating ma chines do, but keeps them looking like nsw veryvie. PHONE PACIFIC 1210. SANITARY carpet cleaning, suction snd com pressed air combined; csrpets cleaned on floor - witnoac removal. . aiaia Baa4 Msla aaoo. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, ths carpenter, 204 Fourth Bt, store ion 01 1 ice sro-s . aiaia 1197. E. MELTON Offlce, store Sxtures; general jobbing. . OT Facet St. Pbons Mala 8180. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Rill. una aao neidner Bldg. f bone peeine 136. COAL AND WOOD. FOR prompt delivery of slabwood can Main 479. rortiana nooa at coel Co., luth and Savler at.. OREGON FUEL CO. la bow Mlllng Welch aa- tnrante, neet coal ea liie market 634 A leer St. Mala 68. ALB1NA FUEL CO. Dealer. In cordwood, coal and green and dry elabwood. R. R. and Alblna are., t blocks eaat of ferry. Beat 674. STEEL BRIDGB FUEL CO Dealers ta roe I, cordwood sad dry slabwood. Phoos Esst 424. PORTLAND Sswdnst A Slabwood Co., 866 Front successors 10 suuon noso vo. aiats was. WESTERN FEED A - FUEL GO, flouM and blackamlth coals. Phone Mala 1018. DANCING. DANCING leeaoa, tSc: clsssee or private: ws Us ing, two-step, tnres-etep, etc.; atage nanclng, buck and wing, clog, reel, eklrt. Spaalsh. Highland fling, etc. Prof. Wat Wlleoa. old eat reeognhwd teacher, Allsky bldg.. Third sad Morrleoa ate. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Clese Mow.. Ibnrs. sna ssr, eve. I social, rasey ana atep dancing taught: 6 asst. teachers: elasa ami private Seeaona dally. WMtern Academy ball. Second and Morrison at. Pacific 1630. PROF. RINOLER, Mtsa narkcameyer landing school; ballroom stlqnstfe: enrrect dssclng; rises Toes .-Hat. ere.; children Bat. p. m. private teeanne delly tno Alder, Main IBM. DRESSMAKING. MRS. MAT CRIPPEN. eastern dressmaker. Moanastea Ilouee, TV First at TRY Angeles Dressmaklnt Parura, 242 Fifth and Main. Pacific t2. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. J. WALSH CO., 811 Stark at. Electric and Oaa Fixtures and Supplies. Mantela. Tiling, Grates snd Doff Irons. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Fnglneera. contrac tors, repairers, electric wiring, suppves. at First, cor. Stark. ' Mala 630. R. H. Tate, mgr. WESTERN. ELECTRIC WORKS. 61 Sixth St. Oontractora, electric aupptle., motors and dy we install ngnt and power plants. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO., tl East Morrison at Fixtures, wiring, repairing. RMat 8126, BARRETT'S. 408 Morrison st. phone Msln 122. Everything Is electric wiring and lighting. EDUCATIONAL. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Washlngtoa and 10th ats., Flledner bldg. Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Typewriting anil all Engllah branches taught both day and sight. BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS, pedal Clseaes In German. French. Spanlak. Elk.' bl.lg.. Seventh- and Stark ate. BOSB CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE. Pitman Shorthand be Conrt Reporter. Bnel nees Conrae. Special Seholarehlpef PoalrVma Se cured Common wea It h bldg.. 6th snd Ankeny. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORT! AND WIRE IRON WOI1K8 Secood ssd Evsrett sis. Phono Main 2fliw. HOTELS. HOTEL Portland. America plaa. $3, $3 per day. BELVEDERE) Eoropeaa plaa) tth and Alder sta. GASOLINE ENGINES. BHEFriKT.D marine engines, reversing or snlld vropellera; all mskee repslred. Falrbaaka, Mono A Co., First and Stsrk. OAKOI.INB engines, all slsee acd styles, at lowest prices. Relreoa MaehlBsry Co- 162-4-t Morrleoa st. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. solicits nrmnrtrnv Ity to toots prices. 74 Sixth st. Pselfle 4M INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITB. Are lasarshes. lock bldg. 644 Bber- M. J. K. COT, life and health Insurance. Write for Interview. 200 Chamber ot Commerce. W. I PA0B. Inenrance; emptoyers Hshlllty, surety bond., burglsr .nd accident tMorasoa, Phone Main 828. 204 Falling bldg. JAS. Mcl. WOOD, employers' liability ssd nv dtvldnal accident eecnrlty hoads of sll ktuds. ' Phone 47. 2 McKay bldg. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for eale All ktnde. Inclndlej approved forest reserve scrip for earvsved. sn vurvered. timber snd prairie government lend. H. M. Hamilton. "The Portland." Portland. MONUMENTS. - REIT KINGSLE.Y. JSN Flrat at. PortUad'a leading marble and granite works, r MUSICAL. THR WERRER STUDIO Mandolin, banjo, gal tar Inatrnctloai ...Ulbeoa maadollaa. AkOVt Waahlngtoa. , LOUIS A. CItEITB, violin teacher. Stadia Sll Sherman. Phone Pacific Its). PIANO, violin, mandolin, trombone, clarinet. Professor E. A. Smith. 234 12th. Main 4703. MACHINERY. B. TRENKMAN A CO Mining. M WW III. log- Ing machinery; hydraulic pipes, caa ling; sll lads repaired. 104 North Fourth. A. J. PAUL. 102 First St. Englnea, boiler., sawmill sod croM-srm machinery. THE H. O. ALBEB CO. Second-hand am chlaery. aawmllla. etc. t48 Grand ave. BIONEY TO LOAN. " MONEY tO LOAN On Improved city property or for bafldlBg pnrpnsee. for from S to 10 years, time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two tears. Loans approved from plana aad money advanced as building progresses; mort gage, takrn lip and replaced. FRED Q. STRONG, dyin.aclal Agent 242 Stark at . CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa Mlarteo. tasurance policies, plssos. furniture, warehouse recetpts, -wte.t any deserving pecans may secure a lib eral advancs, repavlng by easy wMkly or monthly InsuUmentt. KBW ERA LOAN TRUST- COMPANY, - - 205 Ablngtoa Udg. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Just oa your own name no other security: don't borrow until yoa see me: my system la rne nest for railroad men. rlerka. bookkeepers, streetcar men and all ether emnlovea: bnal- oesa strictly coBfldeBttsL F. A. Newton. 424 Ai.inctoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and steers a poo their own names without eecnr lty: cheapest rates, easiest payments: offices In 60 principal cttlesi asvs yourself money by getting our term, first. TOLMAN. 22S Ablngton bldg.. 10SK Third st MONBY loaned to Ml.rled people Just on yonr own name; nno t borrow ontu yon see sue, my system I. tbe best for railroad men. clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men and all other emptoves; business stiictlv confidential. F. A. New ten, 422 Ablngtoa bldg. WANTKD Notee. mortgages or sontraete oa , any kind of real estate la Oregon snd Wash ington: second mortgages pnrrhaeed If well secured.' H. K. Noble. 812 Commercial blk. EMPLOYFS' LOAN COMPANY fMins to salaried neottle. BnslneM Strictly ronfldentlaL Easy phrment Bias. Pboas Mnln 224. T1S Iiekum bldg. MONEY to lose la mm to anil. 8 and R yesrs. ' s. low .. 6 per cent, on Improved city prop. erry. Mouiton si scobey, out voiumoia siug.. eno vresnmgioa si. DON'T borrow money on salary antll yoa ase Huttca Credit Co. 612 Dekam bldg. W S. WARD, lawyer. Allsky bldg. Probe ts snd mortrsge buahtess solicited; moderate fees; losns money on mortgages from $200 ap; saay terms. MONEY loaned on fnmltnre, pianos snd other securities. W. A. Hatnsw.y, room lu, vi asu: Ington bldg. Phone Pactfte 1832. MONEY to loan: large loana epeclalty: alM William O. Beck, 812 Falling bldg. CRESCENT I.OAN CO., 4W Mnhawk bldg Money to lend oa eesv psrroeot plaa to wage earners; strictly confldentlsl. MONEY to loan oa all kinds ef security. .William II11IL nnm S WatlilngleB-Biag. TO LOAN Sams to salt on chattel sscarlty. It A. Frams, 614 tits Msrquam. A LOAN for ths saklnr salary er chattel. The Loan Co., 410 Dekum bldg. MONEY to loan on city property. G. A. John son. Bia commercial blk. ftUICK Joans-sa all a.ewrltl.s S-W.-Ktflf; eo nunmiioa sinfr. main stw MONEY to loan In small amounts, secured by real estate, g 120, Journal, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DBS. ADIX NORTH RI'P. 416-IS-lf Dekam bldg.. Third sna waahingtoa ats. rosa Mala 848. Ei amine lion free. DR. LILLERELLB PATTERSON, sped si 1st oa nervous, scnte aad ckronie, urnce t!7 Fenton bl.lg. Phone Paclflc 1100. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. F. SJ. BEACH A CO The Pioneer Paint Co.l window glaM and glaxlng. . 138 First st ' Phone 1834. at PRINTING. A. E. KERN A CO., ' PROMPT , ( PRINTERS t16 Second street Phone Main 6637. THE ALL AROUND PRKSS Good Printing, Punctuality, Mod-rale Prices; 244 Ankeny at Phone Pacific 274S, ' THE MODERN PRINTERY Artlatle printing. 26 Rnasel bldg.. Fourth and Morrison. Pboas Pscldc 1326. EVERYTHING IN PRINTING From to c.t.logne. and nswsnspsra. Mstropolltan Printing Co.. 147 Front at. 0GILBES BROS., printers Cards, billheads, -etc,-- Phone Main IH8.. 1451 First st PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. DO A NR. tsS Yamhill .t., opposite Jneir n.l ef'lce. wall paper, painting and decorat ing. Phane as tor estlm.tes. Pacific 2236. FOR reliable work, reaeonable prices. She.hy Bros. 22H Ysmbfll. nesr 4th Mala 8HT2. TLUMBERS. FOX A CO. Sanitary plnmbers. 231 Second, bet Mala and Salmon. Oregon phoae Mela tool. DONNFRnrilG A BADEMACIIER. removed to No. 808 Bnmslds at. i 1 RUBBER STAFFS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 240 Aider st, phoae Mate T10: rubber atsmpe. seals, atendla: hag. gsge. trade enecka; braw signs, asd plates. ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing snd general Jobbing. J Lnoll, 212 teffersoa et.. Pae. 1484. STREET PAVING." WARnEN Consrrnctloa Co., street paving, aids walks snd crossings. 814 Lumber Exchange. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Ce. ef Portfaad. Office too WurcMtat blk. BANKS. UNITED STATES V ATI0NAL BANK 0T PORTLAND. 0REO0V. . L" Northwest ftorees Third and Oak Streefe ' rh. rtBl.LT'e"."'.'" ul Benklng Rnstaesa. ORAFTt IK4I FD AvsMsble to A1 Cities ef I.. ....... 8U' snd Europe, llnnekons and Manila. Collections Mode so FaeoreMe Terms. v?Zili-"- C- A1NHWOHTH I Ca.bler...T:. V. ..'.. V..VaV W iHM't VIcs-l-rMldsot. ...... n . LEA RAKNKS Amutaot Cashiee, . . . , JJV..,W. A. UuLT ' ?l!J'lr2!''irf A. M. WRIGHT LD YILT0N, AVKERS-(AsUhllaksd to lltt.) ' " ablVVJe!! 1 .?"rJ Bsnklsg Beataesa. Collecrjooa made st aTl aetnla oa Stalea sIshfTre'd.. '"" i - ""able In E.rooe M .11 eolnte Is the rnlted St I sola Ae ,"i,,n ""il TeL-ereptile Transfsra solsV oe .ew York. Waableeion. Chlcmee, aM aa l.i,. i , .,' rr.ncisen ana Mnntsne and British twismnia. straw "M!Lk25j!l!.rlerlto. Frankfort, Hongkong. V..k..hs. Mantle and Honolulu. MERCHANTS' WATIONAt BANK. PORTLAND omFSOW. " B ' J T" WATSON.... ..President I R T. DCRHAW Ttce-PvoVet at. w. HOYT Cashier I GEORGE W. IIOTT Asslstsst Cashier Trsasscts a Oeaeral p.nklnv Boelness, Drsfts snd fetters ot Credit tamed Avsllahle to i All Parts of tbe World, rolleetlons s Sneclslty. ' D aJfXERS' A ITTMBEXMEN'S BANK Portland. Oreees. Cener Beeood ssd Itsrtl streets. U . Onmmerrtsl and ss vines derwrtment. , - - .111 ,.iii., (Y-TinriHieoi. n n IT,..' issued avail. nie vo an s-ner. WlIPL PresMent inni V' ""T"rn'LD. ..rlrer Vice-President I inns a -rirvr vTce-r-resioenv 1 ""' A. KBATINfl. . ..Seoond Tlce-Presld.nt i THF BANK or CALIFORNIA Established lass. Heed Oftes. ten F noises. Cellfeenls. Is nits I mm an 84.000 000 I einrolnw end nndtvlrreis progf . . .t'Ofev" Ueeerel i Rsnkln and Evehenge Bnelnees TranMeted. Inteeest so Time Deposits. "A VINOS PKPARTMr-XT Aeeoonr. mar be onened ot 1 sad Ssward. or. . . Portlund Bran-t Cbambee of Ommeeee Pnlidlng. . --J-SL1lJ. Manager I J. T. BfRTCHAET.L Aaetstf,nt Msn.eee P'XST NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Oregon. Oldest National Bank sa the -PactSe Cssvt. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. tt.6fsV.000.00, DEPOSITS' $14,000,003.60. y' to V";.".. ...'-.President I W, C. At rnRO .Asstatsnt 'Jssbler JjW. NEWKIRK Csshler I B. F. STEVENS. ... .Second Assistant C.shlee TRUST COMPANIES. rlRTTAirD TB.rrsT COMwairT OF cievociw TVs Oldest Tract Seen nan to Oreees, IT RESOi'RCFS OVER tl Sfsi.ors, fjenecet Bsnklnc. Twe ore cent let-eesf oa eec seeoasvs ''r" hunOeeasI nn dalle helaeces of t.V)0 er over. letters of credit sud.evehseee sa all psrre of tbe world. S.vlnre eeconnta. Time certlflcetes. 6 ts 4 pee ce-t: seet.estl special cert I flea tea t.Wl oe over. 2 U to 4 pee cent. Call for Boo, f "tl.t raTRATTONS. ,,' Jri?;',t Corner Third and 0k Streets. Poe Private Exchange Tt. 5 wl VXH President I n L .PTTTOCK viee.rwdt wJ-JLB"?A0ET ....Secretary j J. O. OOT.TR A. ...Aeslst.nt Seeveesry SECURITY lAVINOS A TRUST C0MPAWT a Merrleew Street. Portland. Oreees. Trsnsact. . Oenersl Banking Business, SAVINGS DPPARTVENT Infereet Allovred oe Time and Savings Aeconnts. Acts as Tmetee for Fsfstes. Draft, sod Letters sf Credit Available sn ATI Parte sf the World. , f- B,II..-., ...President I I. A. 7 TWts, Ftrst Ylce-Jrsldest A. L, MILLS...... Seccod Tlee-pvesiornt I R. O- Jt'BITS.. Seeretsry GEO. E. R J7SS Hl.l ...... Assl.tsnt Seeretsry N'RTBTWTSTFPW fltJARANTyi " TRUST COMPANY PevtLad. Oregon. " Lamber Exchsose, S. E. Comer Seeond snd Stsrk Streets (second floor). . " . FISCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. " State. County, tfoalclpal Cncnorarlna Bonds Bonght snd Sold. New Enterprises Organlasd ' 'a and Financed. Stock, .nd Rood. Guaranteed. T-TLE 6TJARANTFE A TRTrST COMPANY 640 WASTfTN fl TON STREET. ' MORTGAGE LOANS on Portland Reel Estate at Lowest Bites. . 'Titles I nan red. Abstracts Fnmlshed. . .. J TTtORRTTRN ROSS President JNO E. AITCHII.ON Seeretarv GEOROB H. HILL... . . Vlce-Preslder.t I T T. BT'RKHART Tressttrse BONDS AND M OtRIt BROTHZSt Chamber sf Ccmmercs Munlctnal. Railroad and DOWMTNO-KOPXINS COMPANY Established STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bought Private Wires. - ROOM 4 CHAMBER L0VIS J. WILDE HOME TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCKS. Member Portland Stock Exchange. . ........ . . Corner Blxtb - aa4 Washington -Streets. - Pnrrlswd. Orcgonr-; nvyrfcrlr 9. rooVs Cn w vi avvsia iaii k vvav via Ot ATNr PBOYIS70WS- frOTTON- STOCKS NT ROTOf, - ' WS DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINXSt, ; rhaHnMiM lf,A.I he Weleate Wire. Oolrfc ' era. sod United St a tee National Bank of Portland. REAL ESTATE. GEO. J. SC'HAF.FER, real estate Bad msmraaee, 817 Chamber of Commerce. COOS BAY NEXT." . firs PARRISII. W ATKINS A CO.. Besl Mtata. Insurance, rental and agenta. 230 Alder at. teas J. W. OGII.BEE. real estate and loans; atih llabed 1HH3. 14SVk Flrit St.. room 11. A. B. RirrtARnsoN. REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS. Pbons Main 6306. 622 Chamber of Commerce, SPHINX AGENCY, dealers In real eststs aad rentala. 80.1 li Stark at Mala 6164. RUTHERFORD V CO., TlT Commercial bldg. Realdencs propeTty oar sneclslty.. FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. W. W. ESFF.Y. 810 Commercial bldg. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES sf every deecrtptloot bank, bar snd store flvtuies made to order. . The LaUe Manufacturing Co.. Portland. B. H. BIBD8ALL. dealyner; srent M. Winter Lumber Co.. T Hamilton bldg. Main ooso. SIGN PAINTiSRS. POSTER A K LE IS ER SIGNS. We bars built np ths la r rest sign business tn the city by Srst-clsM work and keeping our promises. Our prices are right. Flftk aad Everett ats. Phoae Exchange 66. SIGNS THAT. ATTRACT." Portland Sign Co., 287 stark at I'bona refine loos. W. P. BERGER A SON, EM Yamhill at Signs of all klnda. rhone Pacific rm TYPEWRITERS. DON'T . iv typewriter onleee you boy the srr Tns iz t , smitn at rtrna.- vrrrrmr- tn-Slght Typewriter Is ths best typewriter mads. Alao a 11ns at sngniiy ssea trsaea ont maclilnce of all makes st yonr owa price. L. A M. Alexenoer: n. . btemier, meaager. 170 Fifth at, opposite poeto fries. HKADQUARTERS for aew and rebuilt type- wrltera of all makea; eee oar winaow: ir yoa are going to buy a new typewriter see ns no biis". but lug . we can save yoa imjuey ; ws" bare iierte for repairing sll machines; state agent, for tbe Visible Fox; we buy all kinds of typewriters. The Typewriter Evehenge, Inc.,. B. J. Ellison, manager, as Thira at WE Mil Remrngtous. Smith Premiers. IV oe- morea. etc.. lower tnaa snr orser romnanyi Inveatlgate. Underwood Typewriter Co.. 68 6th. "BLICKF.NtDERFEB tvpewrlters, $40 snd $30; supplies, repairing, noes at hom, xwistj Btara. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, braab, snap. $1 per month. Portland Laundry Towel Supply Co.. Ninth and Conch. I'bona 410. SAFES. PORTLAND SAKE CO., sole agenta for Herring- Ilall-Marvta safes and Mangsnese steel Sere Co 'a hank sates. Ths Isrrest sssnrtment of high-grade Ore, and burglar-proof .a fee la the northwest. 62 Seventh St. , DIKBOLD Manganese and 6 re-proof cafes: lock outs opened; met si nvrures; vaon ana isii work: Jsrks. J. E. Davis. 66 3d. Msla 1633. EIGHT second hand flrs-proof safes snd two , eeennd-band bank as res roc mis cacao, at is Sixth at., rortland. urrgoa. SEWING MACHINES. THR WHITB SEWING MACHINE ABENCY. 2N0 Yamhill St., Cor. Fonrth. Phono Him 6102 - Bargains la sll kinds or new and second hand sewing wiser, mee; a few Slightly dsm aged, good as new, at greatly red seed prices. PHONE Ps clflc 2738 and I personally win call and repair your Mwing-marnrne: wore guar antees. S. Same, adjuster. 861 Third at. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THE BAOGAOB A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. ene. Sixth and Oak sts : beggars checked from hotel or residence direct to destination; pssMngera therefore avoid rush and annoy ance st depots. Private Eichange 68, SAFES, pianos snd furnlturs aioved. pecked reedy for .hipping and shipped; afl work guaranteed; large 8-atarv brick tre-neent warebonae fur etorsge. OfSee fa) .Oak st (llsen A Roe. Pb,te Main 647. C. O. PICK, offlce 8 first St.. between Stark . and Oak ate., phone AOSt nlenoa aad furniture stored and packed foe ablpplng; eommodtnoe brick wareboiiee with 1 Mparat Iron .rooms. Front and Clay eta. ROSB CITY VAN CO.. offlce 141 First St.. phone Msln 6226. Forntfnre and plano-navving apeclalty; we guarantee our work. NATIONAL TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 170 Oak at. Telephone Mala 446U. Traaafer rlng and arorlng. . ORItriON TRANSFER CO.. 134 Worth Phone Main 60. Heavy hauling and storage. INOKPENPrNT RAGGAGR A TRANSFER CO. Storage. 324 Stark at. Mala tot. POST SPECIAL DrLIVERY, No. tUOtt fMh logtoa at rbeoe Mala 80X , . Interest paid en savings accounts. Draft, sat ini"ri nam on i parr, or rne werio. I T. C. WrUS ... .Peebles Assistant Csshlee - General Counsel n D STOREY 11 l stiiksjv. . PL ATT A PI.ATT INVESTFENTS. Bunding. Public Service Corporation Bonds. l$9t BROKERS. and Sold lor Caek aad sa Margin. of COMMERCE. : Phone Mala ST. . (Members Chicago Boards of Trade.! jot Third st, McKay Bldg Poruaad. SeevtcS. REFERENCES Ladd A Tlitoa. Bank- WHOLESALE JOBBERS. M. A. OCNST A CO.. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIGARS. PORTLAND. OREGON. SHRRK. GAZB A GRAHAM (lac) CommlMtoa merchants. Jobbers of fruits, produce, stc; consignments solicited. 126 Front st. EVERDING A FARREI.L. produce and eom mtsalon merchants. 140 Frost at, Portland, Or. Phone Mala 17. OREGON FUP.N1TURR MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of furnltsrs for tbe trato. Port Isnd. Oregne, WADHAMS A CO.; wholes, faetnrece and commbialoa snd Osk sts. mtna Foertb FURNITURE manufacturing and apodal erssrs. L. Raveoaky'e furnlturs fsctory, 207 Front st. ALLEN A LEWIS, eommleetoa and pendnce mer- . - chants Front and Devla sts.. Portland. Or. WHOLESALE crockery sad glassware. Hegcle A Co., Portlaad. Oregon. Prsel, WIIOI.E8ALB crockery cad glss Hecele A Co.. 100 In in Fifth. vers. Prsel. ww. Stark et. TRANSPORTATION. Astoria & Columbia , River Railroad Co. L'nloa Desuc ' Leave. Arrive. For Mergers. Kslnter. Clata- ksnle, VYcstport, Clifton, As- ' torts. rV'arreatoa, lie vet Hsmmosd. Fort Pisiass tiemr. hart Park. SeasfOs 8:06 am 11:6$ am Astoria aad aeasiwrs, sxpress sally t:M n t'.M aa ,11 trelne dally. . 0. MAYO. u. P. aad P. A.. Astoria. Or. L A. STEWART. Commercial Agsat tsS Alder street. Phoss Mata an. North Pacific I S. Co.'s STEAMSHIP ROANOKE Sans-TriT Bowse rTRn-rrsrTrwrr-sndr- Los Angslea TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 12. at t p. m, S. i GEO. W. ELDER Sails TCESDAT, FEBRUART it. It I p. m. .. ' Ticket office lit Third St., near Alder. Phone M. 1J14. X. TOTJTFO, Axant. PEOPLE OF JAMAICA SCARED .BY JOVVr. BELL RlfiGING Crazy Chinaman Climbs Up Rickety Belfry and Ter- J rifles Town. , . UonrBat Special Service.) Klnsnton, Jamaica. Fab. 8. The tneri bell b'gnn rlnln after T o'olox-k Tuee day night and within 10 minutes 1,000 peraona had gathered In tha at recta, ap palled by tha sound, beard for tha first time alnca tho city waa destroyed. It la discovered that a' Chinese, be- llcvlns the tovernrncnt waa offering; a reward of 1 2a0) to any one who could rlns tho hell without causing the tower to all, had ascended that dltsy height In the dorknesa. lie rang the) bell aov- - oral tlmea. Oa descending tho Chlncae waa arrested. Ha la believed 1" s a lunatic. In sdIU of thla explanation, the peo ple were greatly alarmed throughout ths night, .Bain followlneMhe ringing added to tho ffarg and dlscninforte of he thousands encamped in me open and their alarm waa greatly augmented by heavy earthquake shocks just before midnight. BOISE BARRACKS ' .ON WAR FOOTING fSpeel.l Mspatch to 1 lie J Boise, Idaho, reh. Riutrd at Bolae hart 1 bled on orders from 1 merit Rentrh-a hive any perscin not nc enged. No rc -n 1 been Klvea. t