13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, PRIDAY EVENING.; FEBRUARY 8, . lU7. NEW TODAT, Gd Fellows . . js. - , Ccbd Husbands Cm who etd treet .- , Who UkM tli girls to sapper ' WIM sends flowers In winter tlms That a Good Fellow Whs bajs marrUg ltr , ... Whs provides sng kM Wka caniM heavy lite Inanm That's a Good Husband Aad desll thht the good hosbsnd are ap aad t his msney with ' TBI "Oldest Trust Compony in Oregon" ajThar n draw front I tt t eer ent totrst, depending a poo whether it M placed ea Chech big Account Ssvtaga Ae ant ar Certificate af Deposit n1"' ..'' Cell for Book ef ' ' LLCSTBATIONS.,, - Portland Trust Company of Oregon BXB0TJBCI8 0 TO ; $1,800,000 S. B Oar. Third sad Oak Sta. Phon Exchange 71. 1 ' ,' BEN J. f. COHEN..... President h. l. pittock....... vics-preiiBt B. II PAGET Secretory J. a ttOWBA Assistant Secretary Big Bargains IN : -''777' ST. JOHNS Sl.COO Nine lots, 80x100, io OaJcPark. ' -j - f 2,000 Business lotrOxlOO $3,500 Factory- site, 100x200, on O.'R. Sc N. railroad.' 512,000 Improved,; business lot, will pay 14 per cent on in-r "' Vestment. -Y ' ' Richard Shepard & Co. 110 NORTH JERSEY STREET 7, ST. JOHNS. OREGON EXTRA GOOD BUYS $J25,000 Two good corner Iota, lftox ,19 each, on opposite sides of the street, terminal district. This prop erty should seU for at leaat l,00t ' within ft day a. . 94 O.OOO Warehouse property on rail road, in heart of city; present Income $300 per month. A bargain. Sea ma ' qulck $25,00 block vacant property en . Grand are. Fine opportunity to double your money In two years. AJTO g-mOOK modern houses within 1 block of ear line, $1,250 to ? 1,750 each; ona third cash, balance It or mora per month, T per cent ln ' teres t. X also have other realdenoo propeHy for from tt.600 to $11,000. K XATa MAsTT other good buys, includ ing elty and suburban acreage. . If yoa- want a good Investment, see ma Immediately. - - THOS. P. THORNTON bib ciinn or ooicicncB. 3;Bargalns- ' v $7000 " in lot ' with 7-roora modern house, on 1 2d St.; east frontage.- $8,000 Quarter block on Tork at, the only . quarter on the street on the market. Faces new railroad track; warehouse :.' ; property,., . - $11,500 f Oil0, llth and Cla.y, I bouses: will trade or. sell on easy terms. Grlndstftff & Schalk AMTKA nH ZSTtrtrSABTOal OOHTAaTT see BiarK Treei. - nx-xraoxa bcaot bbo. -;-, FROM $16,000 to $30,000 In INCOME PROPERTY or in EAST SIDE UNIMPROVED PROPERTY. . Must be at mar ket prices. , A-125, Care" Journal . FOR SALE THE CLIPPER.' IRON BARK "MELAN0PE" partially dismasted, as aha now laya at Aaiorla, Or.; carries I,0B tons dead weight of rargo, or 1,435,000 feet, of lumber; hull In perfect condition. Sealed bldg to bs put In by ' . . FZ.LRUAR.Y 13, 1907 ' A dl re-red to J. X'Monra Co., til rme street, Han Kranclsoo, or to P. fa Chrrry. Astoria. Or, and must be mred 'Malaoop? Bala," NEW TODAT. H. W. LEMCKE COMPANY PROFITABLE INVESTMENTS $25,000 Half block and six houses at lth and Kearney. - . , , $7,250 Fourteenth and Davis, lot 'and bouaa now paying mora tbaa a per cent, . $20,000 Sixth and Madison, corner and big house, now paying over S per cent.- $35,000 Quarter block On Washington street. This la good for a $6,009 advance by auramer.' , ; 7 $27,500 Pull block en Grand and Union avenues. This la $7,600 cheaper than adjoining bloca-a. - $2,500 Over' to feet on Southern Pacific track. A rara find. . . H.V.LEMCKECO. Main 550 Sixth and Washington rnni azcovs nooa. : Snap Beautiful Home $4750 Is the price of a richly furnished modern up-to-date 7 room house in Irvington, al most new. ; Furniture 7vorth $1,000. ; Large fireplace. This for a few days; ?3000 cash. OOsTWOITfrKAX.TX A SITE AS BEAUTIFUL as Wash! ng ton V Mt; Vt r- non Home on the Potomac BO seres, two ' blocks from Oregon City car ltaie. sloping gradaally to the river., uv r tow reel or waterrront, good landing; 1 acrea In grapea; 260 cherry trees, 150 apple treea; art tile-drained; good barn.. - Must be seen to be appre ciated. CoOtnXB SUBAXiTT CO rhOM raoiflo 1463. SIB Oregosiaa Bldg. BXST BTT XM CTTT. 9 acres In Lents, cleared ready for Slatting- $130 an acre. ' A chance ' to ouble your money. . Inquire 10$ 4th at. WHEN AWAY FROM HOME. . 1 1 v , Cnslea it The Jeoraal earn be etrtalnag la the follawlnc eitlra and towna eeuide ef Oregon. Tbe Journal would appraelata ' tbe receipt of report ef failure te obtain copies et tbe paset at any ef three piaree: Mtjiv WiyiiiwnTAa a n n.. walla Walla. Washington weia wane Btatloeary Company : aofere-Hoaweii company; Hotel Darraa Nawa Stand; Union cigar Btaad, 11 boo m rourtu atirvi. 1 TACOMAt WASBIXOTON Hotat Taeaaas X Btand: Central Newa fknnir. BATTLB. WAHHINOTON Kalnlaf Oraed Iawa Btaed; International Nawa Newanaper Waavm; Hatel Brattle Nei .VtTf OOLDF1ELD, KEVAD. Ji Lou la PohaMawapapar wagon. SAN blEOO, CAUPOamA Asms Hewe Oeav paay, Nawapaper Waron. ' BPOKANH, WASHIKOTON-foka Wi Orabaal ft Ce BOISE. fnAno Joaenk rVtHns. -SlINNBAPOLIH. MINNESOTA M. J. , OaTa- aagnh. So Third etraet, eootk. - - - -BtTLoOIS. MIBbOCBIB. T. Jart. BOB OUra afreet; Oeoraa L. Arkerman. KANSAS CIT7. MISSOUB1 Xome Bawl Oonv pany, Nawapaper Waron. CBICAOO, ILUN'OIB f. O. Bews Oaapasy, 174 nearbors atraet. DF.NVEa, COLORADO Cnioa , Depot Main Btand. LOS aKGbTRR. CALIFORNIA Ainoe Haws Company, Nawapaper Wasoa. OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA A Bane Newa Com pany, Nawapaper Waft-on: N. Wbeatley Maws Company, Newapeper Wao. SAN rBANClHCO, CALIFORNIA B. Wbaetlef - News Company. Nawapaper Wareet gnatee A Omr, Ferry balldlna:; Johneoa Nawa Can pan, 1 V1 rillmora atreet. SALT LA K B CITY, UTAH Mrs. Lerlna. News. Si per Waron; O. L. Darlea, Bote! Kenyan; arrow Proa.. 46 Weat Beeotid atreet, aontb OODEN, 1 TAB Jray Hewe Company, IX pot Newa Stand. OMAHA. HttBBASKA--Minar Betel .Mews Btand. . BBW TORK CTTT Artbas Botnllng, Newa peper Wasone. " WEATHER , REPORT. A moderate dieturbasre si central rhkt mm tne ever Alberta. Jt baa canard heavy ralna as the strait of Fere and moderately heavy ralna in tbe eoend country. ' Chinook eoodltloea continue la eaetera Uragoa, eaatera weaning. ton. ldalte and Montana. Fair weather ere- valla generally elarwbere except la the Atlantle atatea. where light anew baa fa lies aa far aoath aa Norfolk, Virginia, and light rain baa fallen la the Carolina a, ueargla and riorlda The Indlratloaa ere for enowere Batnrday In sorthweaters Oregon ' end weetera Waehtngtna and for fair weather In tbe remaining oortlos ef thla dlatrlct. It frill be cooler tonight in the Willamette valley end sound country and cooler Patnrtlay Is eaatera Waablagtoa ana northers Kane. s i. . Temp.- Mai. , Jlln. Prerin Bolae. Idaho... M S2 Kanaa City."' Mleaourt. ...V 2 "" ' 1 ' Port Und, Oregon... ...08 , 61 Roaehnrg, Oregon. ......... Al r -4i'- Baa Franelaee, Callfnrnla... M 2 Bute Fa, New Milce... 4 , 24 rtpokane, Waahlngtoa. f2 ' US lacome. Waablngton n 4ft ' Walla Walla, Waatilngtea.. bt , 42 : . .T -.0 .00 .0 The fiend arret peat Portland at midnight, the stage being 22. feet. Tbe rieer will fall ellghtlr today and rapidly Saturday sag taers- erter me aeearai saye. DEATHS. Baacroft At Oood Bamarltas bmpltaL Peh rsary rl. Barber II. Bancroft, aged SI yeara 4 monthe and A daea: cane. Dneunvinla. Fladley At North Paelflr aanltaiiiiW,-'HPen- roary e. nnooa aiwu rinnwy, aren 'Oi yearn, 4 monthe and 9A daya; canea, perl ton tt la. Oil On Northern Pacific train at Honltoe, Oregon. February B, Mra. Alice Otte. aged 40 yeara and. 11 moetbe; cauaa. typhoid, feeat eaniplloted with-la grippe. Kenderaos At Mat Martin atreet, FehmarT A u ai ... j..m j a. sum ia day; eauaa, tuearraloaka, . . I 3 mi rr ii f wronm rioot ; r ' ' , Kala tsss. MARRIAGE LICENSES, Ban M. Meodeleohs, 21. tad Barak Brum brgr. 18. . IP. K. Maenn of Lexington. Oregon, M, a ad Mary Cf Jlanev. 86. . Walter Dodge of Waadbars, H, a ul Cora Wa1. a. Krneat Clinton Tlnkaoblner. B. and abbla viara airiasua, 33. . Wwldlnt Card. W. o. Bmtth Obl. Waah Bftoe tld.,- our Fourth aa4 Waablwtoa Ma. WaddlDr and ralllnf prlata4.s B. T. Bnabtoa. i earda aarraTad at 404 Buaraa. MU. TONSETH CO. fl.ORISTS. POB FLOWBB8 UT ALU 124 SIXTH BT. Clara. Mraa., floraJ acalcM. r lor lata Fin - Aowe SS alorrlaaa at. -Pall draaa aalta for rant, all alaaa. Oalgne Talh-ln Co.. nua Stark at. BIRTHS. Sua At Pnerrh and Oak afreets. Pabrurj T. ta Boa Honjr and wlfa, a boy. Camp At 623 Mill atreot. Obraary g, to w. ana urt, Anna liamp. a doj. FCNERAL NOTICES. Tnit fnnrral of tba Uta AfnM M. Craarnirtl wiu ua pur (rout Ht. ntapnra a rtrarn, lath and Clay at., no Balnrday, tba t lnt at 2 p. ei. Bmlcaa at the (rare, ButtrrUla, Or(un prlTata. UNDERTAKERS. Danntnr. 'UcEntaa a Gllbanfb, andartekatn and aniba unara; uodrra In erarr detail. Barents and Pine. Mnla 4U. Lady aaalatast. a. B.- Hamatork.'viinrtirrakar and- m ha I mar. aat Tbtrtaantb end Umatilla are. rbeoe Ball wood 71. ftrlrkaoa ITBdrtafeln rv anil Mihalmhia- aQS Aluar at. fbooe Mala S1S3. Ledr aaaUunt. J. P. Plnler A Ron. ThtM and Madham ata. Of rice of eoeut coronar. Pbone Mais B. Cdward Bolmaa, andartakar. 9 Third a. CEMETERIES. BIVER VIEW fllsele (rarra. 110; family lota. aAi io ai.ww; ilia onif ranttfTfvy in run land which pcrnrtuallr maintain and Faroe for Iota.. For full information, apply te W. It. Markanala. Worcaetar block, city. W, af. Ladd. praaldant. - - ' BOSB CITY Blnrla rrarra. 110; family lota, $23 to $70. Bnparlntrndent at crmrtary. cornar of Framont at. auU Cull? road. Phone Tabor 2B. For full Information apply Is Frank Br-hlecel, 603 - Commercial blk. Phoas Mala S8Xi. REAIi ESTATE TRANSFERS1 Rita B. Peltoa te T. B. McDanleL lota IT and IS, block 47, Bunnyalda; alee kit 4 and a, block 8, Park View Ex- ' trualue; alaa-aouth U of nortbeaat Va ef aection a, townahip 1 aontb, range S eaat; elae aoath H of northweat "4 of : aection . townauln t aoxith. range B " eaat- exceottns a 10-arra tree' SIS MM B. L. Sterena (aherlffl te Alrlna B. . Merrltbew, 2S acrea, commencing at a point 3.18S rhalne eaat of aeutbwaat corner ef B. , Bobert'e donation land claim : .....A B rranci C. Little to Eugenia Teomeaa, , . lota 10 and 11. (Jardena.A. BOO O. H. and Momane M. Walker to O. r 8. Bchnanffer, let , block 10, Maagly ' Highland ........7... v BOO Conrad Blndlanb to W. R. Bellman, lot 16. block 4, Ballroad Bbopa additloa... . 1,050 Loula and Nancy M. Kettler to Simon H. Guild, lota 2 and B, block 213, Coach's addition 15 000 Edward M. Tan Bcbnlck te Ole Den la ton. t weat b reet or lot e. Dioca 1. Van Bcbolck's addlliaa te Monnt Tabor Via Belle J. Bellwood to Jacob. Sortnaaa, lot 14. block W. Bellwood IB May . Bwlgert te MaryO. MeFadden. lot 10. block 2, euMlTletoa ef tract - K la M. Patton'a tract USO Joeeph A. Strownrldre Eatata company' ' to nanry J. Erkateln, tut 10, block 3. Htrowbrldg addition 400 Seal Eatata Inveatment company to Met . tie Beed,. lout 10 and lU.Jilock 100, ' Bellwood V.... STB B. -R. and llattle V. Amend to Alberta .... . i. Leonard, lota B end . block IS, 1 WlllamrtU 1,0001 Alberta K. and William A. Leonard te I J. H. Moore, lots 8 and B, block 19, . '' Willamette ' B ! William Man to n. o. Meihy, lota is, W. 40, 41- aad 42, block 12. WUlan. ette addition BO Elmer nnd Cora Qulmby to Antontne ' Plezxa, lot T, block 2. Home addition. 1.0S0 Ada F. end C. A. Mnrdan to Mary B. i Hal ley. hit I eud north 20 feet ef lot 4. block 233. rltr a MM J. H. Dixon te Mrs. W. X Conk, lots 1, 14 and 15, Mock 4, Willamette 1,000 Blrerrlew Cometery aaauclatloa to Bow- , am m. winter, lot 04, aection 18, eaig . eenaetery ' IBB Ellen A. Oabel to Prank J. and Wml- . fred nellwelL north 80 feet ef lot 8, -block T. A r lata Park Ne. 1 BOOB Permlllia Alice and W. P. Bennett to Lenla Deneaa, lot 2, block 1. Treat.. dale ns Louis Deneaa to-Henna a Btaaer, west tA of lot 2. block 1. Tmntilala Title Guarantee ft Treat company to W. Jower, lot , block 2, antnlirialoa of ' lots 2. T. B. S and 10. North Rt. Jnhna Boa Emma Q. Bngart to Thornton and Mary n. Prlckatt, lot 6, fractauul block 26, McMlllen'a addition B IT! B. H. Beawick et aL to Alex Schmidt, William and Kate Darla Jonae'to Schmidt, lot 10. block B. Kenllworth.. BO I. C. and Roe Hardlmaa to Lnke Btnoe- man, kiU in. 20 aad 21, block B, Bar- dlman'a addition Ben Harebell O. and Josephine B. Wright to ' Fred Coantrymaa. property beginning at northweat corner of lot 1, block 1, -Central Alblna; else lot 12. block 1, Central Albina tM Ella R. Barchua to Stanley Boole, lot B, owe a, narnioga . low Inveetroent company te Clara Waajemaaa. lot S, black &. Piedmont... ..71. BM Willie B. Dnnlway et aL to Abraham A. and Nellie J. Winter, lota 1 end 8, blk B2. Btepbena' additloa.... B.I00 L. 8. Taylor to Mary L. and Anale L. ftraham, lot T, block- 127, Park addi tion v 6.000 O. W. and Sarah E. Thurmas te P. Klecker, lot lli and 14,., block. B, . OoM morning additloa 1,800 Elnathan and Oeneriere Cbapnfaa Sweet ' to May and Ana B. Hliorreo. eaat 00 feet ef lot B end north DO feet ef enat AO feet ef lot T, block 2HB. city. . 31,800 D. B. Porre et el. to Baratlno Petrecee, - north OX feet ef Jot , hlock 7J. Car. there' addition to Carnlhera' addition. 1,100 Edward C. nnd Oil re R. Hurlbert to J. C. Ward, lot , block S, Adams' addl- . tlon to Rt. Jhne 200 George and Maria Zlttmarer to George ' Sharer, lot 24, block B, Orlgtaal Town el ta of Alblna.... 1,000 Prank S. and Bertha L. Hal lock to Mye. tie L. McCurdy. Iota 1, 2, $ and 4, block L Laarel Park 1,750 Agnea H. and Otto fVhflmnna to Her- . - . "' berf CWrlon, et-40 feeT Trf lots-T - and 8. block 220. city... 8,000 Real Eatate Inreatment aeaoclatlos to Andrew end Mary Krang, lot 14, block . 0. Bellwood v 135 Mary A. and B. Fallow to X D. .fitonfer. lot 4, block 2. Fallowa' Terrace 3.600 Tor abetracta, title tnaurance ar aaartgag Inane, rail en Pacific -Title A Treat compear, 204-B-B-T Palling building. Oct your inaurance and abetracta .te real eat at from th Title Gnarantee ft Trnet com pany, 240 Waahlngtna atreet, corner Second. NOTICES. NOTICB is hereby given that tM partnership - heretofore erlatlng between I,. Bex end w. Herxog ef Portland, under the ftraa nam of I,. Bag ft Co.. waa, on the 8th day of February. 1U"7.. dlaenived by mutnal conaent " All debts owing to the eeld pertnerahlp are to be paid tn aald L. Sax, end any tlrmanda . on said partuaralilp are to be presented to blot tor payment. . Dated st Portland, Oregon, February a 10T. , L. BAT. W. HGRZOO. PORTI.AND. Or, Jan. 20. 1007. Tbe ennoal meeting or the etorKBoidere ef Tbe Dalles. Portland ft Aatotia Navigation eemeeny will ' be beld at the office of the company, Bher- Inrk building, Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, Febraarr 12. ltKYI. at -io o'clock e. ex. At eurh meeting s board ot direct orl will be rboeen. for the anaulng year, and eurh other bnalneaa may be traneacted as may aawtully come before anrh meeting. g. B. LINTHICUM, Becretary PORTLAND, Or, Jan. BO. lOOT. The anneal ' meeting of the etoekholdere of tbe Cnlnmhl River ft Northern Railway company will be held at tbe office ef the Vompanr, Sher lock building, Portland. Oregon, oa Tneeday, February 12, l!Xi7, at 10 e'clork a. m. At auck meeting a board of director will be rhoaee for tlie enaatng year, and Such ' ether bualnee may te transacted a stay lawfully some per,, re anrri meeting. . - S. B. UMlUCUsf, Secretory NOTICES. NOTIl'H tl ANNIIAL klKKTINO. ' Tile rerular annual Sieetliia of It.e atock . holder of th Pacific Htatra Tier4iona A Telegraph eomiiauy will tu uetd at tli office of tba eonitauy. aoutheiMt corner f Went Park and Altler ata, fori land. Or., on Th are na?, tbe Hth day of truary, 1117, nt 1 orxra p. m r Ilia unriKiee or electing a board ef director to err for the aneulng year and fur the tranaactloo of aura other Duaineae ae may come - tier 're tne ttieeting. -4. W. EATON. Bacretary. TO WHOM IT MAY CONOKRN: - Harry B. Darla la no lunavr la air ploy, therefore baa no aaUwctty to buy er aau long on my arcpiint. ' . i. LtVK. UdcUsI Colombia et. ' 1 LFVI'B mnalc booae U movuui te 1M Fifth ai.. orpoaita uiua at jvlng. . BlEETIXO NOTICES. iL'LTNOMAH Camp. No. TT, W. . W-. roeeta toulght 4n their kail, .KeaA Nllth. sear East AI--Jr. All rualtlng ncliflibor ear. Qlally welcomed. - B. H. OKIFFITTI. ft C. ' ' J. If. WODWOUTH, C. M. W. A. EVFROREEN Camp, a.4ea. meetl Wedneaday evealns. A 1 laky bldg.. Thug aad aeiaoa ata. M. W, A. Oregon Grape Camp, No. .Th, Moe- oya. aim ana Maranan; viaitora welcome. LOST AND FOUND. POUND A Place te have hair matt - rated and returned same day. 229 (Teat at. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory, H. Metigar, proprietor. LOST LedT'e gold watch end pin. between Portland and MoutarUla. Leara et Journal office. Baward. - LOST Buneh ef keya; of ne value except te aanar; rewarn , at1iireag,jJ.jUJonrnai. RAF.ORB Bawonmaa pleeee glre addraes te C r. ..rowe, Arieta. HELP WANTED MALE. Government Positions ,- ' ' RAILWAY MAIL CLERRfl. at eacet evv trance aalary er0! excellent promotlona. Write for particular la regard to preparing tor tbe April Rxam. . PACIFIC BTATBS BCHOOL8, McKay bldg. Cor. Third and Stark ata,, elty. WANTED AT OBCB Stare-holt cutter, wage 41 .40 per cord; gtrady work. Apply Weatera Cooperage Oo, 8tearae bldg, Portland,- at Uoultou, Or. ; IMMEDIATE return and future preferment ere orrereo. te a rew expenancee lire inaarance agenta, poaaeaalnf ample grit. Intelligence end determination! must bar good add and the beat credential", Addreaa Mark L, Kady, BUS OregonUn bldg. WANTED In adrerttalng department of e newapeper, a young mas Between 18 ana H year of age; apiendld proapecte for bright young man; atate reference end glee phone ' number ht answering. Address V 125, cere Journal. PACIFIC STATIONERY ft PRINTING CO. SOrVBOT Second et. Phone mala B21 - We dealgn aad InataT tbe moat modara sad . Improeed office arete ma; . complete line toot leaf filing dartree. . , WANTED Every ma a oat of a ponltkia ar dla- aetianed with see preeent vocenna, to taxa a sight eonrea at tbe Brhnke-Walker Bol neaa College, Bevantb and Stark eta. ' We will place yoa la a poaltloa when competent. WANTED A wide-awake, well-dreaaed man who under tend the real aetata bnalneaa te take charge of department; good proposition to a keatler. Apply to The Snenton Co., Commonwealth bldg. Sixth and Burnalde at. MEN and boy wanted to tears plumbing, plaa- tertng, bricklaying. . electrical trade; free ratakjgue; position - secured; tuition $.V. Coyne Trade Schools,' New Tork and Bas Prandaes. . t - WANTED Honeet. reliable man to a how prop erty wnd work in Teal eatate end eenn rom pany'a offW; moar lureat $1"0 to taoo raeb; ran make BIRO to $200 a month; life poaltton for right party no fake. L 118. care Journal. WANTED A good eompeteat blacksmith and , wagon-maker. Addreaa W. S. Cribble. Mount Hood. Oregon. . , WANTED Two or three flrat-claa. ell-emvisd machine men: permanent position, good wages. - Oregon Fnrnttnre Mfg. Co., Macadam road. AGENTS wanted. Oregon, California. Idaho, . Washington! health and accident ineurance; eld reliable com pane; good contra eta; refer encea required. United Statea Health A Ae el dent luanrnnes Ce, 200 Marquee. . $1.00 A MONTH PROTECTS TOr ' Agalnat accident, rich nee and death. Write or call and Investigate. Borthweaters Health A Accident Aaendalioa. 4X18407 McKay bldg.' Agenta Wasted. MEN AND WOMEN to leern the earner trade In eight weeka; gradoatee ears from $15 to $2S weekly! expert Instructor: eatalogne free. Molrr Byatem of Collage. BS North Fourth at.. Portland. WANTED Baleemeai many make $100 to $158 par aaonthi emtio eve morel stock eieeat ' grown on reeervstlon. far from eld orcharde; (ana Idea nce4 " weekWr ""PhrdeO'enerrl tory . Address Waehlmrtoa Noreery eampany, Tos penlah, Waahlngtna, . WB get work for oar member: eooclal rem ix. I. at. o. A, Foorth aad xamhlll. TWO aollcitora en honeebnld good; good pay, few hours' work. - 252 Tblrd, at. BOYS wanted, over 18: good wage paid. Call 804 Ankeny, comer Sixth. Phone Mala 1881. MONEY t - MONEY I Advanced every week to ear agents; s fan line, Inelodtsc up-to-date : eneela'tle. Write for free eanvualng outfit. Capital City Nsraery Co., Salem, Or. WANTED AT . ONCE Maa to work tn real , eatate office 'and eollert for bond company; can make $200 te $ a month; araat have reference and Invest 1'alO to $500 ss security; life work for right man. CALL OB WRITE 22, Lf'MBER EX CHANGE - .- BUILD1NO. - AGENTS, If yea want onlck action en roar money, cell nt 225 Went Park et. and procare territory. Bene Mercantile Co. WANTED flood onrtcttor rot pi luting tmaluiaa; exceptionally gooa mmmiuion tor a Die A 11-Around Pre. 244 Ankeny. WANTED Manger for etate ef Oregon) muat bar $2O0j poaltloa para $.100 eaonth or 0or. Addn B 120, car e-on WANTED Second hand en cakes.- Apply Log Cabin Bakery, 114 Rumell st. ' WANTED Partner for good paying bnetneao; experience nnnecreaarjr; aalary $5tT weekly; ' muat have $100. Call room 3, 16 Btk et. WANTED Bootblack. 81 Bast Morrleon et. "One of : - - Mr. G. Bettrnan o" Bcttman's Pharmacy, 394 Sixth street, finds The Journal a very ; good medium. Mr. Bettrnan inserted the , ad, printed below in The Journal and found .V a tenant the very next day after the adver tisement appeared. ' . THREE nnfrrrnrabed Ing dlatane front ' Sixth st. - IIEJLP WANTED MALE. WANTEIW Mn and teams et Jtkos' eUblee, - et. Juhna UolgLia. MKN of ability to ell the moat liberal healtb aau aeciacni inaurance ooiicv on uw 1'aciric A Id aaaix-iatluu, LaoitaM Kiulu uiu., rvriiauo, vr. WANTED Partner with riw , for- legitimate t. i .. . ...hi . - A uaih hmim a. XWi Vaahiiigtoa at. WANTED Men to tears to enernte aiotlon ; plcturea in rery snort time; graduate earn .it . . i j .. .1. mi ... hi ra : tirma reia-mahle. Newman'a Motlos Picture CO., jo' Mitn, near Aioer. , BXKKHIENCI.O trarellog aaleamen with email capital to Join me lu merchandise brokerage buaineeS.- B 122, JournaL ulaaterlngi wiring, painting, trimming. tbr o-ruoa iMMiawa. iwou , v.amuriue. ww. TWO agenta; aalary and commlaaloni prefer aome one that baa had experience is an. in uxk or Inaurance. Addrea N 111, Journal. BKMABLE man with experience la njrrrhaa diee bualnee to take charge of a country store fi e corporation; mut hare $2,000 or more to in reet. Addreaa C 123, Journal. WANTED Immediately, young men, over 20, te prepare for examination for cue to ma In- . apector; permanent gurernment poaltlona; fin salarte. Call tnla evening or toator rvw. Mr. lleynen, BIB Columbia bldg. . BOY wanted. IT or over, .ateedy employment. Bontledte Oyater Ce, 27 Grand aja.. aoctb. WANTED Plret-elaaa watctunakar. good pay; en blackamltba. Beauregard Leea Office, 702 Main et., Vaneoueeev W'aah. y MAN wanted Immediately, 1-8 Intereet la real eatate office: muet be steady and reliable; experience not neceesary; call at once; oldeat man retiring; we muet fill this vacancy Is tne next three daya. - Alexander Land Co., B3vk Slith St., near Pine. call and ace ne; 04 to lit dally eaaiiy maae; no graft, no canraaalng. 44T Waablnglos at. Call after lu a. as. WANTED A tlnt-cl furniture alemn. ae ruatomed to making good with ail cuaaea ef trade; atata experience, reference, etc. Addreaa 0 120, JonrnaU, -- WANTED A man who tborofrhly underetnd th tore Bnalneaa te act a aaieemeu in flrat-claaa fnrnlture bouae; state experience, reference, etc. Addreaa D 120. Journal. WANTED Good ealeemaa. ex-nerlanced la eta- . tloncry and office specialties. . Address a '120, Jousnal.- . t ' ' MILLWRIGHT. Al. wants 'work la city, by weak, montb or job. D 117, cere JournaL WANTED Strong errand boyr Bfl per week. lua jamee rrinting co., a-oo rirex u WANTEIV Two cabinet-maker. Roae City Furniture Mfg. Co.. let end ufbbe eta. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Erery womas eat ef e poaltloa ar dlaaatlafled with her preeent vocation, to take a night coerae at roe Behnke-Walket tiilneae Culleg. Berentla and Btark ata. a will Place yoa IB a poaiuua wees com petent. ...... LADIES wtahlng ecraparJon ttbat will pay s.t to fa per any, can at my oince; anaoe. hitely do graft, so canraaalng. 44T . Waab Ingtoa at. Call after 10 a. m. 01RMI WANTED-Oner tore to work ee ska-re end everall. Iaeone given to taexpeneecea. Apply et Standard factory No. $, Oraed eee, asd'Eaet Taylor at. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 848tt Waeb- Ingtos at, cor, Bevantb, apetah-s. Pbeaa Mala 3802, Female help wanted. WANTED Aa experienced governeaa, eged SB to so. toe gin ef B year: Det, references re quired, o eg, care Journal. GIRLS WANTED Apply Btanderd Factory No. a, uraad ave. and a.aat Taylor ex. WANTED Edaeated woman ever 25 for ra ponalbl position. Apply TOO TUford bldg. LADIKS to leern garment-cutting and ladlaa' tailoring; special ratee. ' a-to xamniu ar. FIUMT-CUlSS hand trim en traneere. Cbarlee Coopey ft Son., tailor, opposite dumber or ComnSerce, ugjtslra, " YOUN'f worn, willing to work for home and mall wases; time off. 448 Sixth St. Pbooe Main 1228. ,. , . WANTED An experienced wsltreas Bobert Curtis. 205 14th at WANTED A girl to do chamber work aad . aaalat st meal time In dining-room. 41 Russell at ' , .- - WANTED Plnrt-claae " sxnerleaced ' eoMclwe-j food aalary; eteedy noeltlon. Room 1, 140 ixtk st. CHOCOLATE dipper. pckrs and wrannev wanted. Aldus Candy Co., 10th aad Ollaen. 01 RL for boseawork, part day: Bleep st home; wagee $12 per geostki Sundaya free. gsi Kearney et WANTED Apprentice. Few York Millinery Store, 828 Third at Will pay wages Is April. 01 RL or woman for llgltt houaevmrkt mast sleep Dome, call zsv MCMiiira at. WANTED Chambermaid. 22 H Berth Tblrd St. Apply srter X p. m. 77 MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wasted, aad supplied, male or female. R. O. Drake, 203 St Waablngton st, Paclfle UTA WANTED A few good solicitors, -mala es1 female; beet proposition In Portland; good money to the right parties. Phone Bellwood 71. Comer Eaat 13th at and Umatilla ave. SUTATIONS WANTED MALE. FRANK J. CAM MAN wants position ss porter, running elevator, general hotel work or etore room work; sny honorable poaltloa where work te te do. Addreae P 12S. care Journal. Y01IN0 mas, 'strong and capable ef doing sny kind of mannal labor, .wtahes elrnatloa at 'not leae than $2.30 nee day; 8 yeara' expert ence In eewlng sacks. - Addreae G. H. B., ' Box 822, Newberg. Or. ' TOCNa man wants poaltloa ss Janitor ee night watchman. Addreae B 125. care Journal. . YOl'NO man handy with tool wants work of any kind; willing, -eto.-Addres-ht 134, Journal. , FOREMAN, or aa sight watchman, by young men eged 24. H 120, cars Journal. WANTED Poaltton ae Janitor or hotel porter by married mas. O 121). JournaL i SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Reenonilhl. poaltloa by edaeated . womas of 80 rear; good reference. Ad dreae "Raeneastbla," cr JournaL Hundreds soueekeeolng - eoom. walk-- noatofflce. Inquire sf4 srrcATioxs wanted female. f LADY wlnhea poaltloe a houaekeeper for re- tieccnhie gfutlemau. Addree nd can mra. ttoae- liolilen, Ole 'facoata are., Bellwood, Or. WOMAN dees waeblng at her konwi charge reaeonahle. lo4 peunoyer at. EMPLOYJIENT agencies. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE no Korth Second at. ' Pliose M.ta 1528. BED CROSS EMPIYMENT CO. teeglug .eatnp and farm help a epecialfy. 30 Iirtb Second at. t'huoe Mala 52US. , We pay all telegraph charges. PORTI.AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE JOSH Morrlaoa et Pbooe Paclfle 2AB 27 North Second nt .......Pbooe Paclfle 1300 WANTED AGENTS. WANTED A few good agent te work oa eat ery and eommsMluft. tall evening, room .-.. luait Flret et, the new Hotel Belmont. AT ONCE Agent fo, nap. medicines ssd ell blacking. R. M. Plummar, 00 Third. Flret one get beet territory, - - ' WANTED REAL ESTATE. - THE TITLE ft AH STB ACT CO.. ' H, R. 8ALTMAKHH, Manager. teana, eollectlona, titles exparted. Ex pert ad rice ee redly value. Property Hated far aukk dlapoeal. C. H. Plggott and J. A. Flock, legal conneeL , Phone Paclfle 1B4U. Roosr 8 Mulkey bldg, 3d and Morrlaoa ata. AB ft rat payment oa about 4-room mod era bonaa, lot ItaixlOO, near cerllne; can give 8.100 cash and 9" acrea unimproved apple land Between White Salmon and Klickitat rivers; land valos $1.0u0. Address C, 2ul 14tk st. WANTED. ' 8 or B room cottage: I want the beet; $1,000 cash; win hue rroiu onee-nrrty7 CLl5flUAN. REALTY CO," ' a2V Third et, rooms 6-7. WANT Vitn, screagej Income property or farm . for clothing, shoe. turaHhlnga; $4,000 to $7,500; accept or pay difference. , Addread - 8 124, Journal. WANTED From owner, beilness property, pre- rer nriuiama er intoe eve.; give pinuua. Income end - leweet net price, , Addrea S 120. Journal. 4. WANTED Lot, also small ranch, cloae la, for cash., S 88, car JoaraaL LIST YOrRS WITH H. W. LEMCKE CO., SIXTH AND WABHINQTOM BT8. PHONB " MAIN 800. ' WANTED Modern 8-rnom nWe tn Bellwood. - alas aa snlmproved lot: glre location. Ad dreae g 125. care Journal. WANTED TO RENT. WANT CD Board and room for maa sad wife . (with baby 4. year old); reference If de. aired; atate location, price and convenience. Address Mrs. R. P. Lyls, 824 Minnesota sre., city - i - - . ... WANTED TO RENT Hooaee. rot taxes, rata, store, offices, rooming honaas. etc Land lord wlUdo well te eall ea pokti.a7?B trust company op oreoon Phone Ex. 72. g. E. Cor. 8d ssd Oak. COTTAGE ar unfurnished room, lower floor; . Ik Ala..H, .t . 4 tt toe iMmil. , WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. I - main bam. -- ? r i 'i .CABH AND LOTH Of . I v.". ' FOR rURNITURB. ' ' PORTLAiiD AUCTION ROOhtS. MAIN 0888. ""1 St. . , ukmK CASH for household good. Savage ft Peunsll. 846-847 First. St. Pbooe Paclfle SOU. '.Wanted r- B00 SECOND-HAND PIANOS. An sdvertlaement under "For Bal Mnslcal Instrnment" among Ths Journal claaatfled will find the purchasers. " WB WILL BUY, SKIX OR TRADE ANI Of.D THI.NO. WESTERN BAI.VAOB CO., 427 82B WASHINGTON. "PACIFIC 788. WANTED Furniture end heueehold rood ef every description bougbt aold and sxchssged. The A 232 First at. Mala 8874. $ . BIOHEST esib price paid for all kinds second - band grade. Pbooe Main 3111. B2 N. Third. WE haul deed hones end rattle free. Oregon Fertiliser Wurka. or notify Csrney'a Veteri nary, Fourth and U I lean st. Mala 1808. WANTED to exchange, eewlng tor mosle and painting lessons. Phone rscire a3oa ar ceil &,) First st. room IB. WANTED Maxwell ft Haber map. eu07. 204 Mohawk bldg. WANTED Children fnr motherly care; reaeon ahle. zzt Poster et References given. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. HOTEL OXFORD, Sixth snd Oak. win take a few store permanent roomers; su modern con veniences; -single rooms $4 Bp week., Spe cial rate for suite. ' v ' TO BBNT B modem, t See month. Columbian Realts Co- 8244. Tblrd et, rooma B-7. FOR BENT Rooms, Sng rifth st, from $1.80 np: wits nam, poeas ana gas. strs. st. a. Lewis, prop. ' - 1 CLOSE la, well tarnished and reasonable; bath. nnone, rurnece Beet 30s a-terrain, comer Madlaon. . THW-KWa Nicely, farnlslied mnrns, eleetn light beth end heat; firat-ciaea; reaeonaDi. BOB Jefferson, st. - THE RlCHRMEtT, 88M North Blxth et Ele gantly inrniskea; eteem seel ssd hat. TUN GRAND. 4514 Korth Tblrd at for gentlemen, si.ss per erees ana Bp. WELL-PUBNISHED room In priest family. nirnaee, gas, teiepsoBS, net a. rnose Mats 8168. - .... . FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THE "LOWNSDALE" Large elegantly for- nlahed bouaekeeping snitee and alngle room; running water, gas range. 808V Alder et TWO neatly furnished eoanecttng bonsekeeptng- roonia; woos or gas surree, poone. one Ssvler st - '. - . ' 1. FURNISHED housekeeping spartment. with neat, g, oata ana pnoss; no cntiares. v&s Wllltsms svs., ., $1.50 WEEK CP, Isrre. clean, fnrnlabed honea. keeping rooma, lenndry and ssta. la Bbsc an eosth, Portland. $1.28 WEEK CP. clean, furnished heseekaas- mr rooms, parior, oatn, tsnrxiry, larsac heat, yard. 303tt Stanton. U tar. THREE anfurnlahed honeekeeplnf -room, snnd- sited end pleasant; bats ssd Baa. Inquire 807 Sixth St. THE - MITCHELL Housekeeping and transient rooms, reason dm. . seven ts end rienoers. FRONT room for hooaekaeplag, SOB North 81x- teesta st, rurnished. THREE fnrnlabed hnoeekeetrlng roomet renge, gse plate, hsta, sot snd en is water, phone. BOB First. Phoae Mais 818. free ROOMS AND BOARD. DESIRABLE party can get room, and heard ta Srirate Jarailr. eaat eiae; ressoosDM rsts. I 120, care Journal. FOR RENT HOUSES. WB are In need et several tarnished ssd sa furnished boose te satisfy tbe wanfe ef ear pstroo. Phoae msls -8101 et esll T20 Cha sa ber sf Commeree. Do It ne S-BTORY bouse ef g rooms (sot modem). 2R8 orta letn; jnat the place roe workmen headquarter; rent cheap to dealrable tesant Bee J. Kraamer, 84 Fourth st TOT MARSHALL ST. 0-room bonaa, thomeghly modern, convenient end attractive omit two rears I rent 808 per month to permanent tenant Morgan, Sweet Chapman, 218 Ah lngton bldg. t'Done stain suis. B-ROOM ajmdera hosse, 484 Eaat Seventh et I eten a rooms, partly furnishes, all modern Isjproveniente. Inquire 481 Eaat Sherman, B. A ROOM bonas (ot rest oa Eaat Btark and 4Sth t. Key et next nones eonrn, tsqulr k2 tout st, sear Btaik. Mala $828, FOR RENT HOUSES. 04 EAST llth at., corner WaahlnttonI.arae Iard and flower, on block from high scboul. uqulre 104 Eaat llth at. r KENT Cottage oa llth and Whttaker ' . Maniuam UU1. luqulra at 608 Spokane are., - Bellwood. v FOR BKNT -ruom BUHlers boo. Fast 824 at., Keuilworth. D. '. Kuapp, T.ld Eaat Bumelde at. Phone Kaat or Eaat 18. A NICE 8-room konae. BUT Eaat lOtb at, north. . gl.suO; tortus. $5o down, gIB per month, T - par-ceati trade with owuer Is bouse. FOR RENT 8 new modern 5-room furnished "cot tare. Cell st premises, Eaat Math U sad Clay. $11 NEW groom cottage. Stewarts. Mt Scott Hns. N. Ford, agent. Phone Main 1S02. WE rent snd sU piano, ft Co. Bbsrmss. Clay 884 PETTYOBOVE Modem 4 room cottag. gas snd bath. Pbooe Main SouB. TO BKNT A modern Broom cottage, 81 80th St., auuth, $16. Telephone 3037. , FURNISHED HOUSES. ONE groom cottage, fnrniehed. $20 per month. Inquire 2M Rusaell t. Phone Kat 8644. FOR RENT FLATS. FOR REX7 B room flat st 850 Third St. sear Sheridan. Mr. C. Tlmm. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. FOR RENT Fobs deelrsble ground floor ef flees on Sixth at. For particular see. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY, Blxth and Askeny sts. - . OFFICE-ROOMS, unfuru liked moms sad e triple-room a fut rent Goodnengk bldg. Apply TVa tor. : - A PEW Brat-class offlce-roeeas toft st Bortheeet corner Tblrd ssd Madlaoa gt. Apply room No, A. POB RENT A storeroom on Third St.. between Yttnblll sad Tsyter . Isqulra lMThlrdst. HOUSES FOR RENT FUKNTTURH FOR SALE. , FOR BALE Fnrnlture ef 7 room flat I flat for -rent; sew and modern; cheap U sold soon. 430 Waablngton st. PURMITURB of 8-room cot tare fnr sal cheap nd house for rpt; a bargain. B4 North ' Moth st s , , . FURNITURE et groom eottaa-e. all newt fur rent Cell 412 Everett about 3 p. m WB need fornttare st say pries. Portland Ana. tlos stooana. 211 First el. Main B86A - FURNITURB of a 6 room . sous for -sal,, cheap. Sn4 Bestoa St. ' FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS, 1 BALL and ballroom, eeperatn ee together ew end with ell -eeavenleaoss. Pbooe Mala Bad. - BUSINESS CHANCES. . THIS It IT. Look bo farther. Cigar aad eonfeetlnnaryt s moaey-msker, snd ws esn prevs tt; mast MET ROPOI.ITA ft REALTY CO, bwjuusb 2 a Osrv r a I el - vwui ASP, 4VAAA 7f mtUVT B8W BUSINESS CHANCE. ' ., t ' Wanted Energetic young man. at'cittetural knowledge preferred, who would like to to veet s nominal amount la a atrtrtly hoaeat eetabllabed coast business; splendid opportun ity for a half interest . O. W. SPEHB, JtH Clay at. A BARGAIN Pins lonch reanter. eirelleot tlon, clearing 5 to $d per day; fine place for man ana wire tor a coos; ansa,- t-Tlos szsv i.u iooj Tna-a St., room a. FOR BALE Confectionery ssd rtgar store, do- ( Ing gaud bualnee; lea ea that at low teat; .' flue location. Particulate at Commonwealth Trust Co, Blxth sad Ankeny sts. FOR SALE Confectionery, aed cigar store do. " ing good hmloeaa. Leea oa thla at low rent. Fine location. Particulate at COMMONWEALTH TBl'HT COhtPAXT, Hlxtk ssd Aokeoy. . , -' RESIDENCE sdspted for roomers, west stde, good Vjcstloa: will cell tbe fnraltare en Is ataluaenta; $10O down. . bal a ace awathly. - Price 8400: rent of bone. 836. 4 . ALEXANDER LAND CO.. . 88Vk Blxth, Near Pise. FOR BALE Half Intereet In- store doing av erage 8100 a day hu si neaa; price $1,600 or ' Invoice: terms, gl.000 cash, balance to salt Purchaser. Boa 848, Reeeoorg, Oregon, GENERAL merchandise stock, stage line, hotel furniture, for sal. Is good mining locality, comprising all tbe huslneee to Wolf Creek, ' ' Or. j a nv y.aaaker. . Wilson Me. , Ce, -Ls-InnA Or. A rOMPt.RTR vwaranrant net nt fnr aU trade. 808 Burnalde at Call apstslrs , OwL 8 to 4 n. m. V . AT INVOICE General atore. will Invoice about BAOno, la beet lucettna hi cltyi 2 barees ed wagon; no deed stock; sales are raereeslngi ' op to dats; rent reaeonahle. Address B 117, cars JoaraaL FOR BALE Furniture of 31 room. Including renge, lentil, dished etf.i saltan! for cheap . hotel; pries $150, Washington st. a. SAVE MONET Anything ta printing ee Med. den. Odd Fellows Tempto, First snd Aids? ata.! apstslrs. , i $460 BUYS groom, well fnrnlabed tn good lr , ealtty; weat side! low rent. Hagesxaan A Blaeckard. 81 Fifth at 2 rltB gen atock at 86 cents on th dollar; good 8,000 tows near here; about $6,ono eeah to haadis It. Addreaa B 124, car Journal. PLACES gold mine, partner wasted er will sell: mm to Idaho; atrtrtly klgb grade: V 8158 yard diggings. W. N. Bubl. GoUem. Oregon. FOR F ALB Restaurant doing s good basins Inquire at 880 B. Clay st, Portland. Or. FOR BALE One-half Intereet In good paying htnch counter, paring from $4 to $5 a day, ' Price $150. Addreae D 121, care Journal. MANUFACTURING business; go days' In vest 1- garton before sere; guarenree glno per month clear; price $2,600. S 60, ears JoamaL FOR BALE Brick hotel, three -atory. 42x02, 42 rooma, tarnished; only flrat-cls hotel Is Newberg; price $.1,000 If taken et esc. Addreaa N. Walter, Newberg, . Oregon.- FOR BALE Brick roomtng-bonee, IT room, all furnished; must be aold at ones: a good buy If toksa st ones. Cell st 246 H Front- at THIS Is a hargtlnr smaTT srorr and home Ti wry. .ell atn1l and mtnr. ranreesir. ; raah $2.10, Call st ence. 40T llawtborns svs, city, i , WANTED Partner with 880 . for legitimate : bulneaa; will set yon $2no a month. Boora 83, 828Vt Waablngton at. . RESTAURANT for ssls. Call 244H Conch st. WANTED $2,000 for a high-class investment, guaranteeing 40 per cent mnl income. In corporation controlled by Portland business men. Permanent position to proper party with refer nova, It dedred. P 11T, car Journal. A YOUNG man with $1,500; half rash, balance In trade, if desired;-, can buy manufacturing ' business with everything ready: good atock, materlala established trade with Jobbers. Addreaa Q HT, rare JonrnaL FOR BALE Furniture 10-room hen, rest $25 price $200. 52 Raleigh st I BALE Intereet ta estehllahed baslneas for $278 to right party; luveatlgate; no humbug. Ad dreaa P 120, ears Journal. , . SILENT psrtner, Indy r gentleman: 800 re quired; profltabls nasi nee, w, Jourual. FOR BALE Batcher shop nnd grocery; beat location far goad awney. Call at SOB Motrt- BOB St $800 ART at ore-nd rest eatate office, or will Arnold. St. Johna. Or. pj FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. I WILL sell 8 seres In North University Park, cloae to where something will be doing anon . aa aprlng opene: beat platting- proposition, annul tbe City. Owner, room T, Raleigh bldg.. $200 DOWN, balance $400 to nit, hoys 3-rnom cottage, bait mora rmm car; neat put ef suburb. ; IsQnir 411 Eaat 84th U . . V V A 7a