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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1907)
THE OnEGOIf DAILY JOURNAL'. TORTLAND. ' FRIDAY LIVENING, FEBRUARY 8, 1C07. ir MAmi L. SMTM MEL AT 0. "FiaHTIINO THE BEEF TRUST" All Rodi Lead to SMITH'S ALL SENSIBLE PEOPLE TRADE THZJIE ,- ... . . .. Rib Steak ...... .,13' Extra Choice Porterhouse. 15 a Small Porterhouse. 12 Shoulder Roast Beef..8d Round Steak ..10e Zfr,. v Sirloin Steak lS-M R. Rib R'st Veal Breast... 10: Leg of Veal .....12 Veal Rib Cutlets. .M'if Veal Loin Cutlets ,,...,..15 Veal Loin Roast ......... in Is .1.8 8-8 Lamb Loin Pot Roast Legs df Lamb Lamb R Lmb Rib L'mb Loin Vancouver, , Woodlawn, Multno mah, Vernon, Highland, Piedmont, . Veal -ShoulderCutltr,12V4 Prime Beet Rib Roast ...:10 Our BTtfast Bacon Tt,a Pork Sides .....12 sate a -MS A t ' nckiea r yv ,v P'rk Loin R'st.16 , S ,y 5 226-22S v--;; ALDER STREET, mil's Chops ,.....;'.15s Beef 8 jr Chops. ..15a S jS S at 15 JrS ! .Pigs' Heads. . , ;5 X CTxf Pigs Feet :....5 1 - P BETWEEN FIRST AND SECOND. ' e Hock ....... Sausage ....... .v10 '" Our Heavy Bacon ........ 16 ' Our Own Pure Lard...... 12 si Brooklyn, " . Oswego, Fulton, ", South Portland, Hillsdale, ,, 'Shoulder Steak ;8e Hamburg Steak ...........84 Corned Beef : " Pork Chops 15 PorW Steak .75 Lamb Stew ......... .6e Lamb Forequarters..lO Lamb Shoulderf .......... 1 0 Lamb Shoulder Chops. . 12ie ' ; - X. ' Beef to Stew ....... .5f ' I N. o' v Veal Shoulder ' Roast ....... .! rg Liver ...... .5e v . 'to . - V- . .3 -. ..Veal Stew'...... ....81 -V- Q, .w '' 3 Our Own Hams ....IT . - ? - 4ft - Pork Shoulder Roast... 12) : N. Smith's Prices Remain the Same From Monday Morning Till Saturday Night TODAY'S MARKETS At Its Present .Rata of Declina It Will Not Tak Long for Egg Price to Reach Twenty. Five Cents Slump Is Caused by Arrivals ENORMOUS FLOUR DEMAND Oil WHAT DEALERS SAY . OF. LOCAL MARKETS : Japan Is a Very Heavy Buyer at This TIma and Values Ara . Advanced.- TEN CENTS RISE IN ' NORTHWEST FOR EXPORT Predictions of The Journal Again , Materialize Wbeat Advanced An other Cent Bushel With a Very Firm Tone. ' . - ' ; rrOVYNSEND & VAN SCIIOONHOVEN r Wholesale and Retail Qrocers ' - - J47 FIRST STREET ' ' Irtudy ou prioaa tham yon wlli m wkj onr trad has lacromd. On goods - ar or tba bi-bat quuty aaa wt oMUtar a ompaxiaoa wita ui nmoas tnat . ou M loui in aaj storo. .Tnsk Oroamarr ttar,.70 JW4 TS4 1 1 lb. Enaliah Brkfaat Ta....r.2R -traao7 prasmary attar ...eof Wa (at our eggs from tha farmer, batter from tba creamarlao no mlddla- . man. ,, . , . ,. .Croaa St Blackwell Lucca Oil, qt...6S Troaa A Black well Chow. Va plDt..20 Poatum or Flapruno Cereal ...... 20 1 can good Paachea or ApMoota.. .ldjt Standard Tomatoes .............. . 10 "I oana Corn, Paaa or String? Beans.. 25 Evaporated Cream, t cana for ..,.t&6 i-id. pica. Arm and Hammer Soda... r4 -Vaptha Soap 5 bars Baby Elephant 8oap. .... ..25 ."' , PHONK MAIN 15U. Eaat side delivery Tuesday and Friday. -fARM HAMMER SODA BULK, 3 POUNDS . . lOo t lb. Gunpowder Tea .....25 X aack Best Valley Flour... ....SU.OO l eaca gooa nara wneat riour....tfu 1 sack Best Hard Wheat Flour ptent ... .v.. tl.15 l doiu worceaieranire eauoe. ISo also , 10) 1 lb. Whole Kutmevs ........... ..35 New Crop Prunes, T Iba. .........25 New White Honey, -eomb 15 1-lb. can Corn Beef w. .......... .10 H-lb. can Deviled Ham. S for Z&0 When You. Write Out bur: DOyt KEQT.KCT TO ORDER. DALLES DIAMOND FLOUR Put pejr in cood. strong baca. Just the right quantity and quality for family ,'ua. Milled from . the - choloeet wheat obtainable in , the world Each aack aTuaranteed to five satisfaction money refunded. DtVHttp r tro or spices, v 0 COFFEE, TEAv BAIflNOPO'iYDElT, McnL,GExrnAOS AWtiuhrHrihr; FinafliYor. Omrtsl Sfrmfh. Cnson4bk fVkci CL055ET & DEYEBS v. ' PORTLAND. OftZGON. v,.:. , : -:the jhighest... GRADES : OF COFFEE ROASTED ; ,IN THE ::. .NORTH- . WEST " AT YOUR GROCERS. M CCfFU In a Bad Way. ,- X'va." remarks the Menayunk phlloa. opher. "is blind, frequently dumb, and 'so far as advict la concerned Invariably Fresh Ranch Eggs 35 Cents Best Creamery Butter 70, 75$ Creamery . ; ... i .......... 65 Dairy Butter . . . ........... !0 Best Sugar Cured Ham. .... 17 f Breakfast Bacon . . . . . . .. . 18 Cream Brick Cheese, lb... 7.201 Limburger Cheese, each . . . 35 Full Cream Cheese, 2 lbs. . .35 Ch!cRenrl77ind 18Cents ATTENTION CUSTOMER , OUR PHONE IS IN ORDER AGAIN AND BO HE WE WE ARB READY TO TAKE AND FILL. ALL PHONE ORDERS, PROMPTLY. ANTTHINQ AND EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES, Burroughs & Gault aai trd. Cor. Clay. Phono Mala 1441. fGet Fresh" Poultry, Fish, . Oysters jind Sea Foods at G. COVACH & CO. First and Jeff erson Sts. Phone - -- - --Main 635 - , LaGrande Creamery 264 YAMHILL ST. ARR VED LARGE EASTERN EELS LARGE NORWAY 1 ' HERRINGS ; ; ' IMPORTED ANCHOVIES SALMON TIPS and BELLIES -"T- MACKEREL1 " AND ALL KINDS OF ""SMOKED FISH . , .r ... - t ' Fresh Dressed Chickens. TurKeys and Geese at Lowest Prices v Columbia Fish Co. Main 5 : Third and Ankenv LEVEE CUT TO BEAR r REAL ESTATE MARKET - V Unml ahuM.I I 1 Baeramento, Cel., Feb. -A break In the levee on the Tolo aide three mll.a below here occurred at s o'clock thle mornlna. lhe break Is ISO feat vide and the outflow U dolns; treat damaae. Thousands of aires of orchard and pas ture land are already under waAtr and the, streets of Broderlck are tnandated. The river is so high the break rannnt be stopped before tha end of neat week. The damage already amounts to I50.o. It I thought the leree waa out by people who want to pt hold of ana cneap. i , ,, , , , Prefenee? Vtoek Oaaaed oodav ' Allen 4k Lewis' Seat Brand. Jit ' i I nakaia - . la. Free Sample. AddreeaDeptifcL lMH,CilaeOfciafcMSiaiiMll. . Jhe Shine That Shines Drlghtest Principal snrkat fratane to4.ri Still another rite la floor. -" Enormoua axport flour Sfaiaod. ' Wbaat Barkat gatnlnf la prl. . Kgga tumble at rapid pace. Poutoae hold daaplta "arrival. rblckaa aurket Is attll doll. Klaa in aalt prtcea aipacted. Core asral advanced c pr 100 poonaa. "Bmelt are' scarce tua nl-h. TT , : . .' ' Enormoua Hour Suaud. With prioaa adTaacad la arerr markat. there la aa anormona damand for product at thia time. Aa aradlctod two dara ago br Tha Journal, axport values are abowlng aa ad. vanca, todajr'e price being JOc per barrel higher. At tola time Japaa la tha principal buar of flow la tote market, but earne fair Ir good aalea have been ahowa receotlj to China. rrlcee have seas advanced In By Everdinr ft Farrell. The poultry market during tno past week nts been vary In- d activai wim receipts rather d light and demand but ordinary, e ilad there been large . receipts w or cnicaena prices would have Iiaa to Da sharply cut, but as It . d was receipts ana . demand have oeen SDout a standoff. Ducks nave Deen in .very nrm request e and geeaei have moved very weii. uvt. turaeys, ,Xt fat, are in zair requpet and fancy d dressed nave sold ' very well. xnere wm tie a good demand 4) for fancy dressed turkeys for many weeks to come. We are 4 of, the opinion that ' shippers 4 'Will make no mistake if they send in fancy hens and large' e springs in a comma week.-' Stags and old roosters will not sell at hen and spring prices . . -jLBere naa veen av drop of at a least h oonts la the egg market d ana wita continued warm wrath- er sricea will make further a e crops, and that very soon; Veal - 4 axe still in very Arm - request e and fancy are bringing record prices, with a good demand for e all sorts and slses. Fancy ' 4 small and medium hogs are also e Dnnging record prices; ' ' ' . 15. Oq per doa: pometranatas, 11.25 ploeipplea. all. GO pr bux; grape frul . r.ibi Atu.r.a iurnlba. aew. wail m... earrum. TSctitl par each beeta, tt aa per aack) ', radlaitea, JUc per doa; eabbate, fi.4U(il)t.2!lj bell peppera. ( ) per lb; toroa loea, Mexican, .1.1o; paranlpa, frieitill; atrlng beaoa, lSe per lb; cauliflower, 2J) per doa; TTx noreeradiaa. l'10c per lb.: artlebokea ..w .uiiarn; Kina.ii. ircf.i.uo ear boil th, I celery. -llfurula, 4 J.'.fti.7B per crate: uap- aine, inm u,e; eranberrlea. tsii ne barrel: VKl KD rKCIT.4t!e. araMrataa- er lb; aprlcota, l4r.i20e per lb; neaebea, iaWa per lb; aacke. He per lb leea; prunea. Ire; flifa. California blerk. ttlllu. nee lhi e I m to laiirornla wblteJIj6t4e per lb: dataa. t'Mvu. tu per box; ritrj. tl.40(l.a0 par la-lb boa. uroearlea, lata, ate. 5?cMt0ne Hawaiian Cuba. fS-a.Hl powdered. 4.1IHi berry. 411 drj ae.vzH: Btar, S4.T2U; conf. A, rr.DolBted. 4.IBIM.j errra B. 4.2: a-olden V. 4Ml I), export market Several times during the pres ent eeaaen, but only once In the local values. Yeeterdar afternoon tha altuatlon aeemed so atmog te the Pugrt eound mlllera that they agreed to put ap their valuea today and tha aamo eouree waa pnraued by tha Portland Phiurlng Mills company. Export brand, are today quoted at all Padfle northweet porta at SS.2A s barrel. Tbla la the flrat time tor a king period that ail mark eta were en e pas with each other. till Another lias fa Wseat, ' Still another rtoe-is shown tn Viral wheat valuea here. . Today mlllera Quoted aa ad vance of about 1 cent a buabel on all grades. Thli places the price of club at flitf'Wc; red Busaiaa, 8A6Te; blueatenx, i.71T2c and Wit le matte valley. S8fI08o par buaheL no aoota. ties ea the latter grade la nominal, to as much as mere at out little stock offered. lggs Tumble at ' Xapid rmoa. The egg market is going down very fast thaae daa, but its deacant is being helped aomewnat ny some 01 tee dealers. The mar set, however, hardly seeds any to drop, for It as going down many years. It la dropping about S crate s day and Its declines may be eves more rapid than this by the flrat of the coming work.' Today one er two sales wars made aa high as 8TMe, but after that the nrlca dranned to SAa. and tnvif. wm. sales ware being made Is liberal lots as low I ..."ViS-prt" He, 1, 6e: Ho. S, as avac. - Kaesipta are mcreaaing very xaat, l ta, uaao. ics sgaz, set craoie. yeuow. M.IUH; beet grauliated. 4.UA - weatern Cube, 57Val powdered, IS.12K; 7o.f,',I"",rlV,4,':: P. OJotKIl,: eonr. X M-Sm extra C, $4.424; golden C. 14-Mi,: D. f'". ; beet grasalated. UUil bbls. baaui soxsa. ooe advance oa sack (Above prices are SO daye aat csah aeta . MONItT a.e per erate. CWrEB l-ackare brand., 15.IVtaiR.o1t. v"r- tiair grooao, loua. su.uo per helping hand l2.757"h.T'ar .L5 L1?" at VZ. 'riff, of Sm 'L10 iV T.00 ' fu at turn rt oi I bhis. 9 fw tttm j , ... lee.oo. tlM par toai bu lb rock, IV.OOj lux. SELLING CAUSES A . SMALL LOSS Scattered Holders See a Cood Profit In Wheat and Let -'' Co Today. THIS RESULTS IN THE"' LOWER CHICAGO PRICE May Down e and JTuIy )fc Vntet Veaterday Coarse Grain List Off for Spmoeaaon Provisions Are '".' V'L?-V-'::-.-: 9 . KILATIVB WHIUT TALfES. ""y ............... .1 .mo A S.w September ...'. ,78 Chlcaso. Feb. g. Selling by scattered Jongs waa re.poc.lble for a fractional decline in the fries of wheat here today. Tha foreign attua "9fntlnueil. ttuchansel. wluia MTival of bad Kuaaian nowa. Kiirope la atlll a heavy novae ot wheat In thia market for Rnaalaa account. Tha Japaneao and Chinese are very liberal bnyera of flour and taklnz the altua tlon as a whole the market ahews no real eigna or weakneas. . The fractional loea in the wheat price here "day waa not eauaed by aeared holder., but to the fart that fcnga ssw a real profit la eight and took It. " rur this same re. eon there were fractional hwaea In oata and corn today. Pork waa firmer an the better tone la boga and May cloaed with a gala of 10c July la 13c ap. Lard held a gala of 10c. Official quotation , by 'Overbeck, Starr" A Cooke company : -J' WHEAT. t : , Open. . HI rebroary ..... fau , tm May an ani July .......... 7DU. ait Septsaabar 7PV n . . COEN. May ., ST July an September ..,,-47 OATS. Kay enu 41 . anal enatai July mM n as '. : 7k jt7w Septambar ..... 8S& U Kt 7H dTU ' 46'Z 7Vt tl 71114 76 T8i . 4ll Clnae. T6I4 A 7, 4 Above Drtcee annle ' to a.tee r Um .1... ?' ,"; C lou at apaclsl palcaa auhjaet t hot not cults so faat as some bears had pre dicted. The amount of atork coming la, bow ever, so much greater than a day or as .ago that the trade la badly Beared and there la hardly a market to quote, ao great Is tha difference between the valuea naked varlooa dealera. Trade la etlll dull in the thicken market CI4C. ..AN? flmn wn,t- : l"ge white, KUTS Pevainnf. Inanr U. mm S.S. by the (Vac; roaated77e per lbT eocoaaota, bnaiee r. . ipi vauiornia, 100 per in; rrench, lSe oer'lb: - iiMiHa est arrtvala are being cleaned up at present I Pr u; hickory sots.' Ids ear :h- eheatnnta. lniflidc per lb; Bra all nuts. 18c oer mana, aitnougn .turseya are. wanted. ; . , I r?L . . ' .1 J s'. v" "l, xancy acana, t l.hsaauc, printed valuea. Ducka sad geeee la beat da- J1"0- ifl ' per lb; maud, although .turkeya are. wanted.. . I Ur fllberte. IBe per lb; Within the sear future there Is every nrob- aouity os a auiemi aovanco in . Lue - price I ti 01 eait. sua maraet naa oeen inactive I -ij Im. ..... mmA V - - - I V 1 1 eenuy uaiitornta manuracrurera atirrenee ep all their prices eonalderahly and thia with the added freight char gee will cssae meal valuea Keats, risk aad Vmialene. MESH hi BATS Trout street lloea. fancy, eo per in; ordinary MBS I lb; veal. oa per lb; poor, Sa per (utc per lb. rJ mutton, taac, K?!.1.0 ',2, "2 It. 1H lb; 14 te Id Iba, lt lb; 18 to 20 lbs. 10c lb; break f. at bacon,ll (SH, lb; plculoac 12c lb; eottags roll. 12J mauler unri cieara, unamcised. 11 wc lb smoked. VJM,e Ih: clear backa. annmim nu. aneoked, UHc lb; Union bntta, 10 to IS Iba, sn emoked. c lb; amoked. Be lb; clear bell lea, an- While the trade hers Is atlll eemndertne the sdvlaablllty of advancing tha price ell "noted, UV4c Ih; clear backa, snamoked, sugar Be te meet tos extra rreirot charge ll.lM..,. .V t. -t,V ..a S.H hlMlMA ,, have been held back bacauae f the fear that If0. ' n"'d, 14e lb; anooldara.laVae outaldera may bring In augar here. 1 However, thia extra 8 rente Is being cut out of tha profits of. the local handlers. ruget sound prices are about 17Via higher than Portland. Brief sTctea of the Trade. Talaae en potatoes and onions are holding la t ever, several ear orders for both of these products have been cancelled by soothers booeee, , - Hops remain dull la this stats, but aa ee- ca .tonal sale la reported la Washington at low ftgni lb; pickled tonyuee. boc each. LOCAL, I.AKII Kettle leaf. ItW 1f- . 5e. ia-,e lb: Ml-Ib tin., l.He Ibi steam ren- yereu, ma, is u; os, u)i ih; coupon do, lua, Ve lb. . tinNED RALHOa nitnmM. m li. ran. 11.71: z-in latia. SJ.70: ranee. 1.1k flat. sth despite the larger arrivals. How- I ?; 7,i",A ri': S'-i.W.ZZ? J" ?" nominal. 2a. tall. 2.00. ri.Mlt hock rod. 7a nor rht Hm-m k. wiiuu., ww vmr id) rraue, aiBZl.oo N'- " e V STEPPEOf OFF M0ISG CAR IN THE DARKNESS Mrs. Armstrong Says Conductor V Had Called Street and She Thought Car Stationary. Because tha conductor of a Brooklyn ear allowed her to get off before the ear came to a stop, Mrs. Nora Armstrong seeks 120,000 damages from the Port land Railway company. Tha 'case la being heard by a, Jury In Judge Cle- land's department . of tha. circuit court The accident occurred at 11 o'clock on the night of June 20. 19(1, at the East Ninth street crossing. . Mrs. Arm strong alleges that tha conductor called her street and signaled her ta get oft She rose, walked to tha baok platform and. Imagining tha ear had btopped, she stepped off into the darkness. She waa thrown to tha around with grest vio lence, sustaining a broken hip and thigh bona and other . Injuries which, aha says, have permanently crippled her. The defendant alleges that the acci dent waa duo to Mrs. Armstrong's own carelessness. . . . Wrestling Match. Mullen va (Strangler) Smith at Cas tle Edel Bratt (Old Twerve-MIIa nouae) Oaturday night. Vullsn agreea to throw Smith three times within tha hour, catnh-Bs-eath-can, pin falls. Free buses meet all cars at Oreaham, O. W. F. Una, Bus to Montavlila after con test. . .. . .. ,, . - advanced to S eenta a punnd. Another ear or oranges was among the ar rive la from ths sooth today. Several cars sf banenae came In yesterday afternoon. All dressed meats are mm. uui us er weather has cut sff the exessarre eall et e few dare sgo. . - T "" Osrn meal shows da advance of ceuta par 100 pounds today. Trade says the following prices to whole saler. Prices paid shippers sts leas regular enmmlsaionsi . arats, rtonr and reed. OKAIK BAOft Calcutta, SVie buying prleei eellina. SHttHvie. WHEAT New club, 9i370ci red Rnaalaa. Me7c: hlneatea, 71Q73c; valley, Satttc CORN Whole, v37 Mil era eked, 2-uu pat doom: atrlped baaa, 12He per Ih; eatriab, log in; aarmos. rreah tlumbls river eOverelde, 10c; I frosra Salmon. 8txc lb! berrlne. Ke Ih: e,,l.e i-Tf-"'iy"oip, jute per in; nerm, mi oil torn 'i re''' nn par cod, 7e per lb; IJ1.0OfM.00j Z1.UO. , BART FT Hew Peed, 123 A0O23.50; brenrlnr. t2Z.0Q$ HI K l .bo per ret, OATS New Pmducera price Jfi 12828 00; gray, $27t27.S0. roTled, tnatera Oregon atralrbts, 12.601 export, SS.2B; valley, is.i; aranam, n't eo.o.; wooav waeaa. hue. tS.OO: hales. 2 75, MILiSTUrrS Bran, 117.00 per I wtfts. patenta. f d.nri; a.7; rye. dllnsa. .60; 120.0U; mid- city, lack cod. Je oer lb silver amelt. te per lb; lobetera. ts per lb; treah marherel. Be par lb; craw Hah. sm pee miii. .idhw., jub per id: van naas. Kje km. lb: fvitimnta river amelt. 80 bar lb. --lTtelaV-hoalwatei.Jbnv, per gallon, 1S0 per Utu-lb Vaek. 4.U; nlrmpla." par -gallon, 12.80: per 1151b aaek, V.K. , i.uain ttarnMieu. . par box. fx. out elasia, (2.00 per bos. , rslat. Oea! tW. te. ROPB Fare alaslls, lBes stsadard, Uei alaal. lie. . (OAL Oil. Pearl er Aatral Caaas. ISHe per saiMm; waive wane, iron poie. ive per gallon; woooen, tie per rauoai Besaiigsi. liu-oea caaae. 21He err gallon. UASOL1MB sd-des eaass, 14 Ha per gaDoa. mm in. per nauaav BKNS1NB 63 deg. caass. She per gallosi iron bhla. IHSe iter salloa. TURPENTINE Is eaaaa, SO par gal; weedaa bbla. k;ic oer salloa. Weill B LBA1 Toe Vvts, ea, per r eOO-lh loia. ec per id: leea fova, se per In. WIRH NAII.rV-Freent heals at 128. M.NHBED OIU Pure raw. la B-bhl Inta. SOci 1-bbl lot, SSet eaaee. 6$e per gal; ran nine ket tle boiled, rasas, eoe per gal; S-bbl lota, B4e; I bbl lotm, 60e par gal; ground cake, ear lots, V-w per ids. avea tail ear aofs. SiHI per vsa. 12S 00: ahorta, country,! citoo. iis.ooaai.oo. ITmi, I Iiur- ur -1 Mm- it Al to taeai, aa.iw. ' Btrif.B Bggs aad VsuHyy. 1 PAT t. e. . b. PorthiBd Sweet 1. Suasee: sour. S1IA014C, BUTTBB-ilty creamery. Sof.TfUei outatda fancy, aiei storage. 2:t0c; store, !7QI7He. EGOS Extra fancy, candled, UUSSCc: local and ex.tern atorage, 80c. t'.HSExn New ran eream. rnta, liuaiBet Teane America. lBV.tiOc. POUliTBl uve Mixes eDtcseaa, im per lb; fancy heaa. I3tisc 10; rooaters, old, 10. oer lb: eld ataga. tie per to; rxyera, 14 per lbi broilers, 14e per lb; old ducka, l.IHe lb; iprlng ducka, ISHe per lb; geeee, BQlOe per lb; tor. keys, IIS per to inr wa, oreeaea. rancy, XV. per Ibt snoaba, $2..)0 set dns; pisanna fl.oO per doa. Dressed posltry IQIHe per lb higher. Bops, weal sad Hides nOPS 1901 crop, ebolce, 12c. prime -. to Choice, 11c; alvdium te prime, 10c; medium, 10c. WOOle lsue sup vainy. sutz-cBct eastern Oregon, JOe. MiHAili-rvew. eomroaw gHKKt'SKlNH Rhearlnr, IDQIOe eecht exMrt wool, - 2ftjeOej medium - waal, - 0a;e -waehi leng wool. ISctltl-OO each. TALLOW Prima, ear lb. 41040: Me. 1 and (roe. ttl. CHITTiw BABK dHOTa for ear lata; smsd lot., Stffle. HIDKH Pry. He. I. IS lbs snd en, IHe THs per lb dry kip. No. 1. S to IK lbs, I4e; If, No. 1, enoer B ids. isei aeited hides, eoaad. SO lbs lad ever, loci He; emra. HVOHn araea and bulla, sound. 6iy7e kip, is re so ins. set eau. aoeno, nnoer is ina, lie; Teen, nnesitee, is leea; rune, ic per is leea) nree hbtee. aalted, each. II !!. 75t dry. eera. II. oua 1.501 eslt bides. xf.aauel gast akin. com moo, each. lOQISei Angora, each. SOcuil. fruits aad Veaetablae. POTATOES Buying price, ea.tern stntrns Siah end flackatnaa select. ll.eoai.OO aeUIng, fency. ordinary, buying, II.IO41I 2J ewt: aweeta lb. ONIONS Jobbing price No. 1 Oregon. 1.2; No, 2. II. buying price, S0cttli garlic id Be per lb. ArfLra raney iiooej Hirer rpurennerg snd Tellnve Newtowas. 13 Bo: fancy Wlll.ajette val. ley asd annthern Oregoa, 1.0091.7S ordinal r atnek. P0c4kI.V!t. rnFSM r Ri iTB orenges. new navel, ItS.oi: tanrrrlnra, II 7R: bananas, he per Ibt Kmona. S4ti4.u rox; 11m H: Maaaoplea. f.cxil. Malsga, 7 M pea hag, pears,.. Al.Joj :X MARKET BARE No Arrivals of Livestock In Yards During the Past Twenty , Four Hours. Uva- Bhaep, 2-10 70 Portland TJnloa Stockyartla, Teb, stoca receipts; Boas. Cattle. Today ... ... Week age ................. . .... Tear aco . . , , ... Previous year 127 ' 177 With shippers anabis .to bring In supplies ea account of trouble on the railroads, the llvsstooh. markat oontlauea lfa aomlaai trade. Not a alngla head arrived in tha yards during the 24 .boars. All lines very' firm. , A year ago: Alt prices firm, but anchanged. Official livestock prlcea: . Tioga Beat eastern Oregon, 17.20! Stock en snd feeders, 14.70; Chins fats, d.7S. Cattle Beet eastern Oregon steers, 4.2fi; beat eowa and heltera, M. ,vi; Blockers asd teedera. IS 2fiXo'f bolls, 12.00. - rtheen Mixed. ai5,.ai.wetjiaral, BiiUOHci Inmhs, 6c. EASTERN CATTLE STEADY BHej ...ewse. Oilcano Market Holds Well (or AU ........ Prtxlurti Today. Oilcsgo, rb. A Live. to rk recelpta: - t-J ; Hwa. initio. Sheep. CtlleSgs ..... ....W.imO IO"0 Kaneas Olty 20.0110 t.OOO 0"0 Omaha ZtkiO 4. MO S.OiiO llosa ara atrong, with T.iino left over. K- a year ato were Frleeii: Med, 7 05; to WuT.03; rough. 10.75'J cerpl. a Id T.'.rfi T I hrexkan, fl.20 per d.M: Usht, 11.750.(17 H ( per Onsen; sanea, I Bheeu Sle.rt.r. MBSS PORK.J' Kay ..........17J , I7Sx 170 ; 17SJI . LABI). , Tay ........ l.ioflfl . 1010 1000 ltvyr a July ...4.1I2 101S 10OS ' loio , September ...j.ioim lozs 1017 IU22 - SHORT BIBS. . May 070 . 077 PTO ' BTT July SS OM . " 03 90S ' UVXaPOOI. OKATJt XAXsUET. Uverpoot, yeb. S Official prlcea t x WHKAT. Open. Clone. Peh. T. Oaln. March , .Oa THd a 7Sd ea 7Hd Sd May AS Od Oa OHd OS OHd Vid July ........Ha Sd aa Sd Sa t H . --Eitv--i :";.,.. March 4a Sd 4 ttt 4a ld Hd May ...... ..ea SHd sa M s H Hd 'Loea. "": ' ' ".. PORTLAND STOCIC MARKET Heavy Bales of Leea1 Creek told at Sc Showtt Today; Oregoa Trust gained II in ths bid pries today on the local exchange. Lees Creek Hold ad vanced e with eales at sc. Total ealee today were . i , w -' eD.ree. Bales: Ten thnueand Lees Creek Gold st he. S.OiiO nrrtleh Columbls at Be. sellers, so dara a. O110 Brltlah Columbia at 6c. sellera, 00 day iv.t.iv ureal norinera at so, ssusrs, BO says. luuciai prices: . r . BANK STOCKS. Bid. - A.k Rank of California..... 4303.00 n 00 100.00 STEU IS AT GOLD POIfIT ' BssssswswsswawsxBswawsSBSw ,, No Engagements of Cold Have Been Reported From Lon- ; ; don. However. Y Y. AMERICANS STRONQ ' : IN FOREIGN MARKETS Opening of New Tork Blarket Strong Today but Higher Calls Send tha lilat DowrVery Few Advaacea . Blada. '"."'.".''' KIT t08ES, ' ... H Sorthers Paclfle .. f 14 r"li. . uh ....... VReadlog Amalgamated Smeller Anaennds ... Brooklyn ... Canadian ,. lalRock laland i-'LT' wU. HIHoutbern Railway Krle ,. W u. g. Bteel... liresi northern ajiL htlaaourl 1'aclflo. .. VI- , KIT OAI5S. Car Pousdry.... 1 . t. Oeutral..... 'sr mlEepoblle Kteal .... theeepeake Hi Hoot hern Eallway.. National Lead .... HI Coal it ! New. Tork. rah. fltertlag It st the gold point, but bo gold engagements will be made except from arrivals la seea market la London. The next London gold arrivals will he oa Moo-day- ' ........ Americans la London eteedy st shout parity, Grand Trunk ef Canada hae declared a a per -cent dividend oa Its third preferred. Camvdlaa Pacific's anereeaful sale of Its preferred In tre.aurv lad lea lee Ita hl.k ere,ll w. i and haa a favorable Influence ea ths sentiment. ' inuay a maraer waa nigh st ths opening, but moat leeuas lost later aa eall loeu e.. advaacs. ; . Official enntatlA.. K AmA. . , . mu, uiui m Cooke company: , Closing Onm bl.l Amalgamated Copper Co... .... ....liaw llx"i' American Car Foundry, common.. 43 4XH American Car Foundry, preferred .... lOS'I Americas locomotive, common. . . . . 7014 . 10 American Soger, common. v.. 132 ! Aaierlcea Bmelter, common. ..,.,..144 14S 21)3 ,-aX4- Anaoands-hllntog Co... Bankers' A Lambermaa'a Merchanta' National 179.00 Oregon Trust Savings 124.00 Portland Trust Co t'ultcd States National.... 300.00 LISTED gBCTJBITIES (BONDS) American Blacott Ce. Oa. ...... A5.00 City Suburban 4a ..... Columbia Southern Irrlxatloa OS ..... noma Taiepbono na. C. Las Ce. OS 92.00 m.Ao 12a 00 O. H. N. P-y. es.M... ...... 0. W. P. A By. Oe Pacific" Co. at" fnacuit Ba.II.": Portland By. ns MIRCELLAWIOt'S STOCKS. Aaaociated Oil - 47.00 Horns Telephone 80.00 J. U. Lee Co..... 85 00 rmM-utea leiepnone iw.w puget Sound Talpbooa.. ...... - Ml.NINO STOCKS. Oatwood .................. J.. . JS - Lakevlew leea Creek Oold.. JM Brltlah lukna .24 H North Pau-vlew Manhattan Crown Point J4H Wsahougal Extenaloa 4 V CNLI9TED STOCKS. Oregoa City Hill A Lets bar.... f 00 Alaaka Petrotesm JO Blue Stone ..... Hrltieh Columbia Amsl .Ottu. Caecadla .28 GoIdflrM Trotter .............. .224 Hreet Northern ............... .02H - Mammoth .,...... .071 Morning jML Standard Conaolldatad ......... .oaix Tacoma gteel 1 COEDS 1VALENS DISTRICT.- Bulltoa .07 ouner King .last Happy Day .0.1 Park Copper .......r... ....... .06 .. .113.1 1O0 00 P2.00 1 00.00 7.M 1I10.UO 1OO.H0 1O1.OOJOS.0O 00 10000 .. 100 00 m!oo 11000 " .as .25 .in .oa .is .25 .14 V .10 .01 .28 .ON .04 .12 .10 .fU .23 .04 V. -.SSt4. 08 xu NEVADA MINING STOCKS Gains An More Than Louses -Trade ( . SHU DulL ' an rraaelsee, feb. S. Althourt the market waa quiet today there were mere galne than 1 nevaos anarea. - Snowebia Hnowatorm ....... K. Consolidated Official bid Brices by Ovarbeek. Sta A iwii company: Belmont .......eOtn'Meiicaa Caab Boy 11 oi.ies A Dehor. . .m Home ........... .1 Jim Butler .... 1.50 MecNamars .... SI Midway t 00 Montana ....... S.024 North Star J Ohio 21 Teeopeb Bates-. 1.00 . evade ...17. Hit West End ... 1 M iama 20 tlanta .S4 Hlnehell .44 Mints Caledonia ...,. Kxcbequer Noreroe 4..,.,,, Oold Crowa .... Great Bend ..... Rescue .......... Black Bntta Ex. Mine Bull Oold. Con I .01 .44 .00 .74 .15 1.01 .21 .14 .20 a.2i Muateoaury hlt..ui V Hnneet Sceptre ... Mantiatres Jfayler Humphrey iwxi.r ,. ranuy .... Cnhimhla Mf..., 1.02urfcld Wedge Coo. Quarry ... Memoadfleld .. Prtle Oold field n-. Jumbo ...... Jumbo Bxtaa. Kendall .... .aruna ..... ay Vnees ., Mhswk . ... Bed Top andatorm .., lrer Pick. .. Ives National Bank.. .M OoM Her 1.28 Pull rrogt... Si Rtelnwav ...... .22 r-m. Cal.-Vs 2 Ophtr S.4S Ma Rt. .24 .62 .14 ., 180 TIM' 1.2s . . ,M ,. 1.40 . .MA .IT00 . IW . .74 . 147H 1 t Lone Star It. Bend Bvten. .12 .40 .14 .10 .0 .24 .18 .8.1 nt. Bend Annex, S .S4 tewnt .io Cowboy . i . . . . ' ,B Henver Annas .. ,10 Black Bock .... .10) N. Y. Conaol. ... .09 Manhattan Cos.. .( 1 Ittle torn ...... .OA May r lower .... .M Jnmplnc Jack ,. .34 Red Top tlt.n.. Al , Mu.tans '.2S Bull rrof Mill.. .M Trlanyla .,.... .tn Wonder ........ ,o In lunnai ..... ,24 Pine Mat ...... .23 Liverpool Cottea Market, tJrverponl, r.b. 'otton falares closed as- chaagad p IVi potuta hlhsr, . . American - Woolen, common. ........ 81 Atchlaon, common .......104U Atchlnm, preferred BO Baltimore A Ohio, common... 117H Baltimore A Ohio, nreferrad.. as Brooklyn Banld Tranalt. - -78 Canadian Pacific, common.. .......182 Central Leather, common. ......... 87 Central Leather, preferred 102 Chicago A Oreat Weatern. maam. ldU Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paqlw..14)Z Chle..o A Northweatern. common, .lttr Cheaapeake A Ohio 604 Colorado rnrl A Iron, eommoa.... 484 Oolorado Southern, common 80 Colorado rSflutbern, 2d preferred.. .... noiuraao ooutnem, ui preisrrea 'eiaweie er rimmosnrii 4 im; Kria, common Id Krle, 8d preferred. ................ .... r.rie. let rererred. ........ ....... Illinois Central . .... Intevtlle A Nashville,, .184 mannatian Hallway ..... Mexican Central Batlway Uteaoejrl, Kanaas A Texas,, comma nPH" Mleeonrl, Kanaas A Texas, pfd.... 70(4 Iilatlllere TniJ Orest Northern iltid Mleeonrl Paclfle SA14 National Lead , ...,.. 71114 New Tork Ceetral. ...128)4 New Tork. Ontario A Weetera..... .... Norfolk A Weatern. com una . .... ' Norfolk A Weatern, preferred. . .... ' BO 111 it 73 T4 " ini'i 87' 102 ldt 104 V, BOW -m S5 87 . 0 .v '01- lKr 184 It -l'i 24 ' BH 78 je-- 4 Si mil 824. ' - Ml, 1PV, savs 13IS 7V -B0 1 1231, BO sl : m .1. sn wt SB 4.1 H SA Wt fr4 117 214 104 02 V 70, fwtred States Rubber., pwf.rres. mat,.. 1'nlted States Steel Ce common.. 4.11. 40 T'ntted States Steel Co., preferred. 100 4 1M Wabaeh, eommnat .r. , - lit v Wabaeb, preferred 834 Western Union Telegraph ........ .... Wlenrmrla Central, com men .... z1 Wleronala Central, preferred ...... 46 40 Vlrglnls Chemical 84, i" n 1 11 Auiern'.n ................. Northern Pacific, common. .... Pacific Mall Steamablp Co. ...... Pennsylvania Ballway People's Gas, Light A Coks Co.. Preened Steel Car. common......: Pressed Steel Car, preferred Reading, common Reading. Id preferred Reading, let preferred Republic Iron A SteeL cntnmoa Republic Iron A Steel, preferred... Rock Island, common...... ., Rock laland, preferred... Rt. Loom A Psa rranciseo, td pfd. .. St. Louis A San Prasjclaco, lat pfd. .. St. Loo la A 8. W common...... . St. Louis A S. W.. nreferred Southern Padfc, eommoa ......... a Somhera. Pacific, preferred sontnern naitway, eommoa Tennesee Coal A Iron Texaa A Pacific .... Toledo, St. Tools A w., common Toledo. St. Louie A W.. preferred. 89 fnles Pacific, com tno ........... 174. i'alon Paclfle. preferred .... rmtee tMatee itnDoer. common.... isi ii' 7 00 V ' ss . 28 ii ; American Locomotive, coeaa 1)4 per cent. . sr-dlvldend sf VS1TU STATES BOTTUnCZTFT BOsTOS. ' New Tork, rib. A Official prices Twos.- de coupon Threes, registered ..... do coupon Small bonds Fours, reglatered ...... do snutton .......... Pours, reglatarsd ....... do coupon ... Paaama 2a ............ do counoa Tnetrlet of Columbia.... Philippine ... r.. . j. -a Date. Bid. A'k, . Opt. ld Opt. loa lrnt Opt. l.2M Opt. lo-iVi jwrr jot lrr jot isai ' rat lili M .... 1041 .... 1041 ....118 m.TT-kM 1)8. lutf4' ioi"i ll, 1MB iai 100 s ttW TOBJC POTTO a stllTTT. ( New Tork, feb. S. Official eettoa marhett ODen. Hlah. Low. Feb. g. Feb. 7. 1010 lone) ,. ions) ii.idi .....'" ' M . BW .! : ..... Ofto 1 KM BflO 'A B4f ...MvS soa 862. WT ra ..... ... ... ' ... era " "i ulv , 0T eeo oef 78 Angast T7 070 . few . rra SMd Reptembar .... a pus, , psy ftwy October 0H 90S f0 B113 December ..... SvU W KU M (MJ annary Mares .. prtl ... May ... Jaus ... POmTXAKD BAjnr statxxebt. Clearings today . Clearings ysar ago alancea toAay ... Balancas year age ........ .Tn eon, .000 SO) .11A.0I .. tl.7M.nS) .. .-.t Starting Zxekaaa-a Batsaj. New Tork. Feb. 8 HterUna: 4S6.oO; SO days, 411.80. Demasd. ERRORIST SHOOTS ; THREE AND HIMSELF Jrurnal Special Seevlce.y ft" retersburr, p'eb. . -Aloaandrovak. governor of Ponsa. waa shot and prori. ablr fatally injured by a terrorist In thentre at Ponza lust nlahc lie fire.i ea the governor took his s-st. The flee ing assassin shot the chief of pol1. e nd the dtreiclor f the theatre, i rushed tt assist the executive. i a iln then ran to the la lln' r v. , 1 eommltted aulrl1o..... civi it r I Itncrw t at wr'.tri t Hut If tley trv f! To T-t't l f M r J i.t v. .1 1. - t .. vwe oisanyj . ; '. ) ' , ' 'r- V--