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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENlwG, FEBRUARY 8,' 1907. 10 9(1 rrnn ll Me i u o ttt rin tvt rmo ri fl in rraiiv K 11 I i r i a . m m i m ftav .ssssTsew mm I II ill MUM ill! I MM M Harking back to "bread and butter days," who among us does not remember with repulsion and disgust the "bully" of the school? The big, swaggering, bag of braggadocio, who needed but , the sharp prick of some tiny johnathan to punch his wind and let out the gas. The business bully of today is but the bully of the school grown up. The man who claims everything and de livers nothing. The man who is eternally and forever trying to pick a fight with his fellows in business. The "holier than thou chap," who poses as the "friend of the people so long, as he can get their money, but who passes them up "like a white chip" when they ask him for something in return. The mercantile Pharisee who pose? as the '.'friend of the people" and raises his prices every time he thinks he isn't being watched. There are such business fakers right here in Portland, seeking your trade on promises never kept; some in the business of selling meats; and as Barnum put it: "You can fool some of the people all of the time, you can fool all the people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all of the time." Be careful where you moor your craft when' you come out to buy your meats tomorrow; there may be slippery moss that covers rotten piling at the old dock. Suppose you try a new mooring place? Lots of people have come here of late and are well pleased with the accommodations afforded. We believe we deserve your trade. - ; : , y v ;-W;' :, '"''!v .' This Store Was Hie Firs! to lower the Prices on lileats in Portland! This Store Stands as a Watch Don Over the People's Interests to Prevent Others Itaisinfl 'Em vV-?':'--v5' If You Want to Keep the Prices ot Meat Down in Portland, Come, Give Us Your Support you ask for roll your meats for the roast, give you courteous treatment, and suppose you compare these prices of ours with others prices talk ! And every piece o meat is government inspected. Be sure to get government inspected meathcrc is risk f cholera germ an4 dUeasc la meats that have not paised government inspection Heats sold at the H any JiVQQd -Store, are, government inspected. , Be', sure to ask your dealer to showlyoa-the -A. government stamp on the meats he sells you none without such stamp can be sure of being free from disease germs. - Don't eat diseased meats. Buy your meat tomorrow at -Jl TH E HARRY WOOD MARKET, arid Alder Sreets Sirloin, Porterhouse and T-Bone Steaks ii OUR SAT URDAY? hoice Boiling Meats, Plate, Hank or Brisket TT fl urn. BEEF VEAL Can You Do Better for Choice Steers? The Finest. Willamette Valley Stock Briskets, per lb....... 7.. .4 ' Veal Shanks, per lb. Flank Boil, per !!......... 4 Vl Stew, per lb. ...8V Plate Bon, per Tb7::.V. ::. . .4VeaI Boil, "per 'ibJ.''.'.V.'..iO Neck. Boiling Meat, Per lb.... ....... 4t Breast of Veal, per lb.. ........... .10 Shoulder Steak, per lb. . . . ... .7 Shoulder Roast, per lb .10 idrh.P7ulb- ' ""'It' LK Veal, per lb. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .12 Cross Ribs of Beef, per lb. V. . . . 7 f "RumiTVeai, peFIb..... 12T MUTTON Plenty 'for Tomorrow Stew, per lb 5 Shoulder Chops, per lb 10 . . Shoulder. Roast,: per lb ............. 10, Front Quarters, per lb ............. . 8 Hind 'Quarters, per lb":.....,.,..12f Leg Mutton, per lb. ,'15t . . PORK SUNDRIES ;i Sweet and ; . - ;; gw .- Z Loin Chops,, per- lb. ... . : n . . . . . . Liver oer lb; .............. . . .5f Shoulder. Chops, per. Ib. AiTfrrilSH Jioclts, per . lb iit-iiij . Ox Tails, per lb. .............. .....5 - , ... -4 u. Sirloin Steak, oer 18.-...lOa Fr xya? Prime Ribs of Beef, per lb. ....... . .104 Hamburger, per lb. .8 Loin Veal Cutlets, per lb . 15 Veal Loaf, per lb.......... ...... .15 PATRONS ARE ASKED TO PAY 'AT THE CASHIER'S DESK, AS A CON VENIENCE TO THEMSELVES AND AN ACCOMMODATION TO US. Wtrm v IK Ka Vt Back Fat. per lb ;.........:i0 horned Beef, per lb.......... .6 Leaf Lard, per lb..". .... . .12 Bologna, per lb. . ..8 ; PuTe'EiFdrour own nueTpeFlbTt2t Frankfurters, per lb. . ... lOeV Sausage, per lb .10t Brains ; A ....;....,.f.........lO Salt Pork, per lb...... .r....... .12. Hams, per lb. .......... ....... ...17f. v Pickled Pork, per lb.;..i........l2 - Bacon, per lb.,....r............J.7t SPECIAL PRICES GIVEN TO HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS THE HARRY WOOD MARKET, First and Alder Streets THE MEAT SHOP OJS THE CORNER WITH PRICES ON THE SQUARE GROCERIES FCIIOWS 349-331 OAK ST. GroccrvCo. MEATS Phone Main 2596 348-850 ANKENY ST. Remember the big store on Oak street near Seventh, is the place you can save a large per cent V t . on your grocery bills. We give high quality at low prices. 22 pounds Dry Granulated Sugar, Special Saturday $1.00 Best Creamery Butterr per rollrv. . . . Rost-CityFIourHighest-Fancy-PatenVJa .......v.. 75 1 can Baker's Cocoa.T.T.Tr.T.T. .T. , r.20 5 cans Pork and Beans........'. 25 5 cans Star Cream..., .25 5 pkgs. Korn Kinks '...............25e 2 pkgs. Force.......... ...25 8-lb. box Soda Crackers 20 7 lbs. Standard Rolled Oats...... 25f 1 lb. Mocha and Java Coffee. ..7. . ..i. ,.25fT 1 lb. good5reen or Black Tea. .........25 1 lb. best Ceylon Blend Tea..... ...50 3 lbs. Black Mission Figs............... 25 2 lbs. English Walnuts. 35 1 lb. Shredded Cocoanut ...........15 1 pkg. Scotch Oats............ 10 SPECIAL PRICES TO HOTELS, RESTAURANTS AND BOARDING HOUSES" BjMBHmiSJIHHiaHBHIBBHMmiSSSflBSJll ll : -rrn j The Marifef Basket j aaimHMBt A imt ( th tip was gin out that th bouMwIf who looking fr a place to save moner had better put in cuppl? of flour for the prlco wa Knina- to 1 ranee. If you went to your grower today ha would charge you 11 cents a barrel more for hard wheat patent flour than he would a week ao. and the price of flour made out of Wil lamette valley wheat will coat 21 cent a barrel more than then. Thta waa the extent of the advance In .the wholeaale price during the week, and of course the retailer will tack that much on to the price he ha been chara-ln. tThe price of flour la coin tip everywhere. In California recently there was .an ad vance of 20 cents a barrel on all irradea. In the eait prices have moved up con siderably since they last made a chanaje In thla market but Portland la always the last place to show advanced flour prices. , The hlKher Talus hero la due mostly to the advanced cost for tna wheat, but there is also a hlher cost for flour sacks which haa also been tacked an the price that consumers are paylnc. Then, aa-nln, there ts ths hlirher freight rh.rgrw and a number of other Incidents that coet more than tney formerly did. Thoee that prefer tha real Ppanlah olive oil to that produced In California will be compelled to pay something- for their choice tha present year, for with the small crop of olives In Spain the prlcea are advancing, very fast. re gards ths general situation, , United States Consul D. R. Birch of Malaga. Spain, writes tha following, which Is of interest to ollvs oil users." Tha present crop, now being pressed. Is so small that very little oil. If any, wiu be available for exportation. There are no statistics on the subject, and thus accurate figures cannot be given, but local exporters says the yield will be barely sufflolent for home consump tion. . ."The cause .of .tha poorness, of the crop was a long drought, followed by untimely rains, the heavy thunderstorms of last Beftember being responsible for the loss of a large portion of the fruit. These-conditions mark the low limit of production of Rpanlsh nil for. this sec tion. Not during the past 20 yesrs haa euch an unfavorable situation con fronted the Malaga, growers and export era The crop of the previous season was also exceedingly short, but of suf ficient slxe to warrant some shipments at high figures. An Idea of the extent to which the In dustry has been paralysed mar be s-atb.. ered from consular Invoice figures. The crop or 10J made sales to the United State alone of 24.S1? barrela. while but one shipment of 7ft barrels want out dur Ing the pant year. Thla waa. ntt the quality, krmwn as "manufacturing" or .'Tnechlnery-' olive oil, as the. .. better quality for : edible purposes . Is not shipped from Malaga. Tomatoes are again In market after an absence of a number of weeks owing to the very eold and disagreeable weather,-during- which time it Is nigh Impossible to.makucceaafulahipJ menu, inose now in msrket are from Mexico, and although thep are not as good as those obtained at home, are of very good quality. This accounts In a measure for the higher prices asked. The price or applee la steadily ad vancing on account of the enormous de mand which has been shown of late. While the crop of apples In the United States broke all records for largeness the past season, so great wss the de mand that present prices are not very far under those that ruled a year ago wnen a -very snorx crop was grown. Al most every other fruit blackberries, strawberries. , cherries were in very short supply, and In consequence there has been more demand for apples. Eggs ere breaking In value. This 1st due entirely to the very heavy arrivals and not to any scheme of the dealer or buyers to beat the producer. The warmer weather caused the hens to lay about four times as many eggs as they did a short time. ago, the receipts In mis city snowing that Increase. It" Is not llkoly that the price of poultry win ever remain at a very high point again, for now the retailers are de termined to stop the heavy advances at wholesale and thus force their own prices to a higher level. The price went so nign that the oonsumptlon of chick ens dropped to about a quarter of what! it waa a year ago. .Dealers say prices went so high It will take some time to get them accustomed to eating iowi again. ...t ITandlcappod. "I began life on ten dollar a week." boeeted the magnate. Lucky man!" sighed the ribbon elerk. Tve only just worked up that far, and bb twenty-seven." 1W1F Groceries, Meats, Fresh Fish and Poultry, Provisions and Vegetables mi PHONE MAIN 1412 FIRST AND TAYLOR LWLb Mutton Stew . ..:............:L6c Beef Steiv Corned Beefe.v...:..;.;;..5c Pot Roasts, all kinds,; ,7e-8c Hamburg Steak 6c Huttoa Shoulders ... 8c Shoulder Steaks.........:.......:,.........7c Shoulder Roasts. Prime Rolled Roastsl.31 Mutton Legs ......... Sirloin ..Steak.-.".-". Prime Rib Roast Porterhouse Steaks- Picnic Hams .. Cottage Hams ..... Government Inspected Oregon and Washington Steer Bef ALL ORDERS FOR ALEINA AND EAST SIDE MUST BE IN BY 1. O'CLOCK SATURDAY ATI M my . ' WW lOUALITYl The Big First Street Market and Popular " Trading House 1 lb. Comb Pure Honey ,,,,,, m. 15 1-lb. can Trophy Baking Powder. . .2541 I gallon Cutting's Pure Tomato Cus- , sup . 504 S pkgs. V. B. MInoe Meat 25 I-lb. roll T. I Creamery Butter, none better ...TO Famous Town Talk Blended Coffee, - lb. aov Krmarch Blended Uocha and Java, lb...-.........'.i..rr.........a54 I cans Tomatoes, Corn, Pea ' and , Beans 25 t pkga. Humpty-Dumpty, same as - "Force" 2S4 IS bar Soap ; 254) I pkgs. Tlolet Wheat .......N.....2&4' Blueing. botUe .....54r Ammonia, bottle 54r S cakes Sapollo ... .. IS S large bar Ivory" Boap 15 -aootob Oats-. ........rTT.........104r S Pars Monarch Soap ....25 Poatura Cereal ....20 n a VrtaS ut a aJ aeajtaa ewa Dai Vlstsy 1VW sTVO JsU r I IUW m WIU V-S WIU vaalV m. -v w der, bls nhUy danMrd, lb.. 2151 5 lb Broken Rieo zof 22 Pounds Granu lated Sugar $1.00 40e Broom .80 SEo Broom . 25 S do. Clothes Pins nrmtv i..8 T-Ib, box Maoearont or Spaghetti.. 40 t-lb. brick Codfish 15 t0-lb. sack'W. S. nour, none better .....fl.lO SO-lb. sack- U B. Flour, bread flour . S7LOO S-lb. box Soda Cracker- rv. C. . . . . . 20 10-lb. sack Rolled Oata ..35 10 lbs. Yellow Corn Meat .25 10 lbs. White Com Meal ...25 I pkg. Gold Dust' 35 7 lbs. Navy Bean ...25 Fanoy Creamery Butter TO Oood Ranch Butter 50 1 lbs. Half Cream Cheege... ...... ,25 Swum Cheese ..20 t cans Cream 25 t cans Balmon .25 cans Rerdlne .. A ............. .25 t nana Mustard Sardines lft Shredded Wheat . ........,,,,.,,.10 Arm and Hammer, Soda 6 -IV