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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY ' 7, 1007. ioivn TcIcs JOURNAL PHONE IS 7173 All Departments Can Now Be Reached Through Number. ; Call Main 717J when you with to telephone to any department of Th. Journal. A private exchange haa bean lnatalled In The Journal office with enough trunk Unea to accommodate the constantly In ereaalna; demands upon the tele phone servlc Tall the operator whom you wlh to apeak to. and aha will connect you at once. Remember. Mr.ln TITS ta the new number ot all departments or Toe Journal ..--:,- 1 ToioHrs AircrBiifEjrrs. l'IH....1...J-ean tn Search of a Hamr', K..i.wi ."If I Were Klne- Kmnlre.... "Nettle the Newazirl' "r "Out of tbe Pole'! I.J-rlc ..,A."ItMieii l ParSuer trend TaaderUle "Bacteria of XHaeases of Cattle Which Are of Importanca td Man"2wasthe -subject1 of frit addrriedetl vered before the City and County" Medical ' society by Dr. K. N. Hutchluaon yeaterday. Vt. Hutchinson declared that tuberculoaia cannot be transferred from eow to man, but that lumpy jaw. anthrax and sctlno- my coal a are transferable. : - The exhibition of original paintings by Fv C. Eat a brook, an artlat of note from Boston. Masaachuaetta. In the gal Jery at Tull tt Olbba haa attracted hun dreda of art lovers since; the exhibition commenced ' two weeka iro. The work dlaplays eaatern and western ecenery- In perfect reproduction, ,. The ... exhibit close wth thla weclk. - Portland - Saamen'a Friend Society. The adjournal annual meetlnr of the Portland Seamen's Friend eoclety will be held on Tuesday. February IS, 107 at 1 o'clock. In room I, Y. M. C. A building. Life members, annual 'mem bera an. all paetora la regular charges are entlued to vote and are earnestly invited to be preaent. . -.; - Penney .. Bros.'. Friday - Bpeclal.iOur 11.60 grade of port, aherry. Tokay, Madeira and Muscatel wine for II per gallon. All wines guaranteed under the pure food la we. I. W. Harper Gold Medal whiskey. . S 4.(0 grade, for 13.60 per gallon, Friday only. 7-m tiast Morrison. Phone East JIT. Free de livery, , -. , ,s , . ' The central anion meeting of the V, C. T. V. yeaterday waa attended by County President Mrs. 8. Alice Han aon, who conducted devotional service! and gave a talk on 'department work. Mrs. II. J. Bhane and Mra. Adah Unruh also made remarks. A aoclal hour followed the regular session. ? The 'alater auperlor of St Helen'a hall haa laaued invltatlona to an even' g of recltatlona to be given thla even- Ing at o'clock. The entertainment la under the charge of the department of elocution, at whose head la Mtaa Ruth Carter, a graduate of the Kmerson Col lege of Oratory. - Tl .first, mid-week meeting of the People's Forum will be held tonight at Belllng-Hlrsch hall. Tenth and Wash ington afreets. The timely question of slate rights win be debated by Dr. C H. Chapman and Thomaa M. Anderson. The Wlllaapett Brewing company filed articles of Incorporation with the county clerk today. Otto Peter, Fred A. Ballln and I A. Weat are the In corporators. The capital etock of the concern la 116,000. . . The Alameda Consolidated Mlnea com pany today beg-n auit agalnat W. M. Carliale for I21.22. alleged to be due for the purchaae of tl.ttl aharea of k of the company la September. .05.. ; . ' ... -. Hotel Houston, new brick, high class, legantly furnished: call belle, hot and sold water and ateam beat In every room. Sxth and Davie. Tel. Main Hit. The East Side Business Men'a club will hold It regular meeting thla even Ing In the Odd Fellows' hall. Grand ave nue and Eaat Pin street, Steamer Jesse Harkina. for Camaa, Waahougal and way lending, dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock I p. m, . Dr. W. A. Wiae will ehortly leave for Alaaka, and those who want to see htm before be goea kindly .take notice. Th Standard Carket Cleaning oom ' pany can now t reached by phon Pa cific 110. ' E- W. Moore, expert photographer, Elks' building. Seventh and 8tark St a Woman's Exchange, 131 Tenth street, . JUPCh. 11 !i 9 la-fe-bualneaa- snen'sv htneh. . Aem C" Co. sella th beat aafety coal II and fine gasoline. Phon East TI. Why pay morT Matager fit your ye for tl. Ill Sixth atreet . 1907. Styles In Indies" siitta SndT jackets are. com ing In Jally at Le Palais Roy at - Our motto 1 to aee how much we can save Le Palais Royal. (71 Washington street, corner West Park. UZW F.IIC1I. LIST tills erer cut It out tnd stlrx it up aoma here and see If It ta nut cbeai-rr to have u laiiniir four Uu-a than for fon to u lc at home, eauet-iMllf If re blre a prua tu do tbe work over the eaafalwaru. 1K0HID. STaACHZD. Nhta JcDreaare We Hina rHlrla lim K.iea1a ,..( loKalata Ho 'lahlnlotha t I nr- Cover....... 3c Holier Herb-mine te Towele ..,.....v.. lclirawera .V. Nap-Ilia MaiiKtrceea .is.,. Wi llauil-errhlefa ...... It Wrappers Ine Hanilkerrhlefa, silk. .VAiwnna . .- JSC Wllu.w Sham 10c acCUUUi riecea...,., tt ZXTXAS. c Hlankeie, ayuol, e pair BOc UrBlankeUl, eotton, O rir ,....3" nrQuilts ., Rasa Stand Cetera MOT KOXED. Orerahirta Nlrilblrta ........ TInderalilrta "... rrawer t-x ka IIcm 3e Faiamaa ' , .. I'liinn .,,.. li ' Lailiea' Veatl So Child's Orerelle tt ' .. ,. , No ablrta, enllara. enffa, -eata, overalls f iumpera dne la tnts ' department.. No baudle laas thaa ouo. UNION LAUNDRY CO. Raeond aud Columbia st. Telepluine Mala 90. AT THE THEATRES W. If. Cranc-EIlla Jeffrey Tomorrow r W hea the fautory of the Breeent theatrlral seeaoa is wrlttea It Is sure to eontala Bach sboat tbe star east revival of 'She Stoops to Oeqnar." which CharMs yrohmaa Is preaeat- la in eonjuni Ifcm wllh Llehler and forupaor. 1 he revival Is to he pnaented at the ilalllg ineaire inatorrow trrraayi ana Bstoraay nlfht. with a matinee Saturday. .... . Iit Time Iabel Irrtnff Tonight. ,- la support ot Mia laabel Irvine, the eham big American aetraas who will be eeea at the Uellla tueaire, Fourteenth sad Wash Id (ton streets, fi the laat time tonl(ht ta tbe aew play, "Baaaa In Beareh of a Hnabend.'' will found alranct tbe enure eomDanr that eno. ported mih Bouenn. Among lben are Herbert Htandloa. A. u. Anrtrawa, ":rneit Malnwarlna. Haaaard Khort, Marie tVarnwelsbt, Jesale Isett. tlimn lane, and H. W. l.yona. Heat a ere aew sellloc st theatre for entire euaacement. I1EUJ UfllVERSAUST LEADER HERE Rev. James D. Corby Placed in Charge of Work In Portland by Hit Board. FORMER BUSINESS MAN IN NEW YORK Will Present First Serrnon to Con- rregatlon " Sunday, " and ' Expects ; Then to Outline) His Flans for Furtherance of Religious Work. - Following It policy of securing Its strongest and most aggreaalv ters for the Pacific coet,-4he Univer aallat missionary board has placed Rev. James D. Corby In charg of th work Seat Sale Tomorrow The Ham Tree" The adraoce ant sale will opea tomorrow (rrlday) aiornlnic. 10 e'ekiek. at the hex office of the, Helllg theatre, reorteenth and Wash- loatoa atreeta. foe Mclnfrre and Heath la Klew and Rrlanirer'B big production of the annate, eomedy-eaudevllle ahoar, "Tbe Bam Tree." It III he the attraction next Monday, Tueedir. Wednesday BlKbte. Pehrnary lt-12-lS, with a mettoee nednetuajr, afternoon). - Pralsaj;'IfjLVfr King." , Jaatln Hnatiey McCarthy' play "If I Were Klne" will slwaya he aanrtated with th name of E. H. Bothem. Portland has seen bat little of this tframa, and never have leral theatre goer had a better epportnaity af eeelnc It well pat on than at the Baker thla week. This I tartalnly a atar week, st' the . Baker, snd tbe onee-la-e-whlle patrons are all pralalng the company tat "If I Were King.". Matinee Sab arday. '" ....' "Brother Officers" Begins Bnndaj. rouutenrtner with the Raaday matinee, that famone anelety plav of army life, "Brotber O'firen," will be th attraction at the Baker all aext week, Thla play was a tremendone raaa when net oa here be for, and the triumph will doobtleea be repeated. Matlaee SatarUay. - V i a a New York Scenes at Empire. - Rlcht Into the heart ot New Tork'a east side ree the audience st the Empire thle week. Nettle, tbe Newertrl," gepleta Manhattan ae pea la a wonderful way. . Tbe etory la one to hold brearhleae attention. The play (tees Isabella Lowe epfwrMalty for strong emattooel k aad clean, clever comedy a well ran Uveas h th play. Matlaee Saturday. ;" "Hanuui Hearts'1 Is Coming. It the Empire next week, ooranwacini with th Sunday matinee, that treat dram. "Human Hearts." will be the attract tna. The eweet, clear etory of this play, taking one sa It doe Into the heart ef th Arkanaaa bill and OeplctlBg tbe life ef the people there, aever fa I la to make tbe atronreat krna or impr Ion. Ah next week. Matinees Wednesday and Saturday. I f :! rReT.Ja: D. Corby. ; Nert Week at the Lyric. Next week at the Lyric, heclanln Monday matinee, the hill will be Hort'a femon farce cnoiedy, "A BuneB el Key.- ppeeiai pnp aratlofia hare been nude by Director Aahtoa for thla aradaetlaa. snd th east baa beea ea- laraed. All the favorite will hare Important roles. Beats are sow aelllns. lily Branscombe Does It, Itransromb. the detlfhtfal little tereaae ef tbe Lyrle Theatre Stork company, plays bar way la to the hearts ef tbe blf audience tale week In a enrprwlng manner. The bin tat Tenneee' Fardner," the famouinteXBV play that has made tboueanda laura. Mia BraneeemM. Tennessee aent, makes a nit with bet natural adaptability te the role. Matt ace every day) seat now selling. . ( Natural Scenes at Star. Plar Ilk "Out ef the Void" are not iru- meroua and that la why tbe attendance at the Kiev theatre is s tare e this week. The Allee Stork comraay H nreaeatlng thla saltern a no rma aad the ataftng ta ahov th a vera f maia- wd by thle eriaauutloa. The school scene sarttcnlarlr annd and the atreatn ot run ning water, la wkh-k the bed school bay fall. as natural aa lire. TBcre will DC matroees SaMrday and Sunday. - ' Lots of Good Thing. ' " rreej Roland Traver. with hm many myetl- tlfylna lllusloas, to th Imported life-motion ilctnres, there I Dot an nnlatersathif moment n tbe vaudeville entertainment at the Urand. The bill Is assent la Irr ef a comedy nature. Ksarly vry--wet te rnH -of-fwB and Th com- dlaaa are thor eomlral than tbe average. .. . , PERSONAL Jam Btott, deputy sheriff of Multno mah county under W. K. Storey and candidate for aherlff In 1S04 agalnat Tom Word, . who haa . been erttleall 111, la reported to b Improving at th Oood (tamaritaa hospital. i .. .I ' rreferredr Moeh Cannes Oooda. Allen eV Lewla Beat Brand. In this city. Mr, Corby has just ar rived from New York city where be has been pursuing apeclal studies at tbe Union Theological seminary and the teacher college. ; Mr. Corby will resld at it Bast Eighth trct and will deliver bis first sermon to his w congregation Bun day. The sermon will be delivered in the I?niverallt church, ' Eaat Couch and Knst Eighth streets. - Mr. Corby was born In New York City snd educated In th public schools. H has had a practical business training, having worked In the largeat wholeaale dry goods house in th metropolis, and for several years was employed By a stock exchange firm on Wall street. He prepared for the mlnlatry at Si Lawrence university, of which be la now one of the trustees. In the state of New York his pas torates have been at Troy, Hudson and TJtlca. He was secretary of the state convention and Is now a member of tbe executive board of his church In that state. Ill popularity outald his own church Is shown by the .fact that be was vice-president of the city, minis ters' association and a member of tbe executive board of tbe Federation of Churches, which Include all denomlna tlona. Mr. Corby's friends declare that b Is s helper In every good effort for social betterment and clvio Improvement. H has been active In the work of provid ing summer playground for children and addressed the common council In the metropolis In Its interest. He bas been In demand as an Interacting speak er before the chambers of commerce and ether bodies desirous of enlarging their usefulness. . "On Sunday I will outline some of my plana for my work In Portland, " ' he said. "But I chiefly -dealr that It b nnlsratnrwJ that T Will do nothlnsT to antagonts the other churehee and that It shall ha my endeavor to advance the ceuee f 11 th church whll In tbl clty.f . . ' HOW TO HELP THE HEBREr I Council of Jewish Women Dia- cusses Problem of Best Port - t of Entry for Them. t two 1 Kl . If anybody tries to tell you that you can't make money without money, don't you believe it. Every cent you save is money made. Sooner or later you will have an oppor tunity for a good investment and that little hoard will be gin to work for you. If properly handled it will double itself. ' Make money by saving money. We will assist you in every way possible. Our services are at your dis posal and we can, be of great assistance to you when it comes to placing your savings to good advantage. Your , savings aeposuea nere araw per cent interest..- Foreign immigration was ths princi pal toplo dlacuaaed by th Council of Jewish-Women-- yeaterony - efterrfocm. The member put themselves on record a opposed to th proponed amendment to the Immigration law which provides for the appointment or a- meaicai of ficer to Inspect all Immigrants snd to refuse admittance to any one or poor phyalqus or low vitality with no appeal from bis decision. in thla the concur with tbe opinion of th member of th national council, who declare that the sufferings and persecution which th Jewiah Immi grant suffer in Russia, starvation and the terrible voyage In the crowded teerage must of necessity reduce thoee who survive these trials to a condition which might aptly be deacrtbed as ons of low vitality and or poor physlqu but from which they may speedily re- coven with proper rood ana air. A telegram of protest signed by (00 members of the Portland section. Coun cil of Jewish Women, waa sent to Speaker Cannon. ateoommenn QJvvon. Mrs. Leon Hlrsch read on of th moat scholarly and comprehensive ppra which the council ba bad pre sented, 8he Indorsed the suggestion of Israel Zangwlll, which la the support of other Jewish leadera, to make Gal veston instead of New York th port of entry for foreign immigration. Thla, tt is thought, would divert th tld from Nw York City, where over two thirds of th Jew In this country sr now congregated. From . thla point laborer could be distributed to other mates and th congestion In the Ghetto b reduced. . Mrs. Lon Blumur mde a practi cal suggestion along thla line, aaylng that tt waa not possible to open a new country with tailors, aeamstresseg gnd those who know only aedentary pur suits. - A generation of other life is needed to prepare them for It and It Is to ths children that one must look far thla. Mnv Solomon Hlrsoh expressed her self as pppoaed tn the rinsing of New L York or any othr port to th perse cute! wanderers seeking s horn In America. - - Aa abi and lntrstlnf ppr was . ; i - -. . . .TfagMeier Store $25.00 to $35.00 Tailored Suits On Sale Tomorrow at $ 1 1.95 Ea. A sensational "Rurnma ge Sale" of women's high grade Tailored S uita is announced for to morrow's 889th Friday Surprise offering in Portland's leading Cloak andSuTt store -200 new, stylish, up-to-date garments at a very small fraction of their real worthmany of them ; : desirable for the -coming spring season -The as- sortment is so large and varied that every individ- jual taste can be quickly k satisfied Included will be found mannish mix tures, plaids, stripes and checks, in all- the best 'ftusnrl f omVu'pHons - made in length Coats, semi-fitting, tight - fitting and Pony Jackets All are handsomely made and 7 finished throughout best style skirts all sixes Suits selling regularly at $25 to $35 Your choice tomorrow only at ythis, Sea 5th-St. window display low price, suit.. MEIER. FRANK'S 8S9th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALl - , $5.50 Couch Covers for $3.35 Each In the Drspery Department for tomorrow's 889th Friday Surprise Sale, a bargain xtrordinaryin the celebrated "Art Loom" Couch Covers; Oriental snd Art Nouveau patterns; rich blending of col ors; blues, reds, green and terra cotta; 50 and 60 inches wide and 3 yards long; all perfectly revers ible; every one guaranteed fast color, the dyes being imported from Chemnitz, Germany; every- coior oeing tesiea oy exposure to tne sun lor weeks; large tomorrow st tne cxceeaingiy tow price 01 omy rom Chemnitz, Germany; . every riety; $5.50 values, 3j MEIER, tg, FRANK'S 689 th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 1000 Men's Four- m-Hands $ 1 -$L50 Values at 59c Ea. Tomorrow's great Surprise Sale of Men's fine Neck wear is of importance to every well dressed man in town High grade Four-in-Hands in a beautiful as sortment of fine silksplain and fancy colorings new designs About 20 dozen English Squares are included in mc tot iiccuwcar mat nnus rcaay saie y at $1.00. $15 and $1.50 Your choice to-S O mAtfAW f-Vi Ja tr4awmaw1v Iz-snxv. a.fa rt lr 0 See, Morrison Street window display Great bargains Broken lines of Men's Underwear Look to your needs MEIER. (Sfe FRANK'S 869th FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE 600"CrepedeCIiine"Scarfsat $!Tl9EaT Great Surprise Sale bargain in women's "Du Barry" Scarfs; s special purchase of 50 dozen enables us to offer $2.00 snd $Z25 values at $1.19 each; plain crepe de chines and fancy flowered effects; all art neatly hemstitched. - The color assortment includes white, pink, blue and laven- " I Q -der; full 2 yards long; unequalled values for tomorrow only, at this low price ......... v See Tifth-Street Window Display. - Mail orders will be carefully filled. Men's Suits at Half Price Great7 "Rummage Sale" , of broken lines of Men's high grade Suits The latest fashions and materials from. the leading whole sale tailors in the land Black and blue cheviots Medium and - - dark mixtures New, up-to-date Men's $10.00 Suits at $ 5.00 Ea. Men's $ 1 3.50 Suits-at $ 6.25 Ea. Men's $13.50 Suits at $ 6.75 Ea. Men's $15.00 Suits at $ 7.50 Ea. Men's $18.00 Suits at $ 9.00 Ea. Men's Men's S30.00 $32.00 Suits at $10.00 Ea. Suits at $11.50 Ea. Great Values in iMen's Overcoats Great "Rummage Sale" bargains in-Boys' and Young Men's ready-to-wear apparel Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, etc., all on sale at quick sell ing prices. Look to your needs at once. Second floor.- - 3 MM'T WAIT TOO 10WG Our bargains are flying. Many men have even bought two or three suits and with each suit have received an Extra fair read by Mrs. Fells Frledlander on cur rent eventa. th.- moat Intereetlnf point to ths oouncll beins th. announcement that Dr. Stephen S. Wlas haa succeeded In hla mlaaton t. create an "unmusaled pulpit" so far that he haa a new eyna osii. and tta support for three rears pled;id by prominent New Yoraf people and Its conatructlon will begin at once. The sololat of th. afternoon was Mlas Kathleen Lawler. At th. eonclQ alon of th. projram a social hour was enjoyed. Friday Bargains in Hosiery Underwear, dreas afclrta. pettlooata, etc., at L ratals Royal 179 Washing ton street. BAKER'S COAL FIELDS BELIEVED TO BE RICH ' Baker City. Or.. Feb. T. fioma day ths coJ field of Baker county wilt be fa moua. 8uch Is tho belief of VT. If. Johnson, a prominent rancher and stork man of ths Lower Towder valley. Mr. Johnaon baa ftroapectad ths roal de poalta In th. vicinity of Ms ranch on Lower Powder and declares that they wilt be md 1 pay- Ms when-capital Is Interested snd they ere properly worked. " . Boms sis or seven years ago Mr. -Johnson waa employed by local partlea, who wars Idtsreited, t. prospect tbs cropplnss of coal to ha found just bs low bis place, n. has been la th. John Dsy eoal fields snd found that whllo those on lvs Creek tn his nalshborhood sr. of about th. aams quality as the John Day, thora la a well defined vein which la much better than tha flrat mentioned depoalt Thla vein Is five feet wide and can be traced for thou sands of feet. When Mr. Johnson made Hla repnrt years sso work waa commenced by the local mrt tit bad to h ehnn.lnn-1 on account cf lark ef fun. la. Tim cut hax I been n h.i ndi1 .v,r rlnr, hi,t l fsn -r.rr has f i.'H '"t ''ii a ,hv ri.l'i I t t-ro ;r r I .-, j . .r ( - v t : t t 4 . . OF Trousers Free We have priced our line of this season's most desirable Tweeds, Cassimeres and Cheviots at a record break ing reduction. ' ILLVJUmUP TO $30.00 NOW Made to your measure Into suits of the very latest and most stylish cuts that are , produced anywhere'-' ; , For Only $22.50 It will take only a few min utes of your valuable time and you will go away with $15 to the good, a splendid suit of clothes for your back and an extra pair of trousers for your clothes press. , WdeHfoiirSuif AT ONCE From I a . aaaIxJksOaVS OtUjCl -ELKSBUItDINCfTSEV- ENTH AND STARK STS. I BAM ACCOUNT Is your best friend. Have you got, one? It's .the one friend that .helps you look the wortd square in the face. Start One Today Keep adding to it and you will have a friend in adver sity : as well as prosperity. See us about it at once. Commonwealth Trust Co. .. Sixth and Ankeny Sts.