TIID OIILGOII DAILY JQURNAL', PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY- 7. 1007. LINGERIE, WAISTS IN NLW EFFECTS Our splendid showing of Lingerie Waiste will give you a comprehensive idea of what the prevailing styles will be for the coming season. There ia an air f freshness about these dainty garments that is bewitching, and the many lacy effects lend a note of dressiness to the entire line. Sleeves are mostly in three-quarter length. . -. , . . SPEAKING Of GLOVES FOR SUMMER The long silk and lisle kind may seem out of place just now. That's Just the point now'i the time to speak about them and buy them, because they're going to be scarce very scarce. In' a -short time people will talk about them and exclaim: "My. but they're awfully scarce, and what prices they charge!" Buy them now. Good Merchandise Only Quality Considered Our Prices Are Always the Lowest. jriraordinaiy Clearance Bargains lor Friday So immediate and tremendous has been the, success of our great Friday Bargain Day Sales that we have prepared a carnival of Bargains on a yet larger scale. Fifty bargains have been set apart, for, tomorrow's selling at prices that will create unbounded enthusiasm. Each of the bargains that followhas been selected for its timeliness as well as its extraordinarily low price. QUANTITIES ARE RESTRICT. ' EDI Prices are marvelously low. Read every item in this extraordinary presentment. ;'--T. Foreign Art Prints Infants' Flannel Skirts 4Q For Infants' $3.00 long ' etnbioi dered ( lanne 18c For exquisite . . reproduc- $1 tions ' from foreign .artists of distinction. ' Regular j. values from 75c to $2.50. .Friday Bargain Day. and White Skirt, lace and inser tion trimmings. , "" Friday Bargain Day; ' I inyJL Cotton Challies, 5c YarcJ A yard for -Cotton Challies in new oriental figures and colorings. Cood for covering comfortables. -" , . . - Friday Bargain Pay. ,-.)" Sewing Silk Veiling- f' 1(n A yard ' for . 25c and ; 35c vw Sewing . Silk Veiling, : in black, brown, blue and green. " ' Friday Bargain Day. ! : l. v:38-Inchk Black Taffetas. QCa A yard;' exceptionally low J' price for,36-inch black Taf feta,' ehiff on finish, 'for shirt-waist suits. . . ' ' : : ,' Friday Bargain Day. Embroidery and-Flouncing-li. ' O tip For beautiful .Nainsook and itl Swiss mbroidery , and Flouncing,' 10 to 18 inches wide; $1.25 value. . . . , , ' Friday Bargain Day. Cream Mohair Waistings AQr A yr fr 38-inch Cream .Mohair Waistings, small figures; splendid for wear and ap pearance. - - ... . ' Friday Bargain Day. . 1 87c $2.50 Swiss Flouncing , For Nainsook i and Swiss Flouncing. 18 and 20 inches wide; .value to $1.50 a yard. ' Friday Bargain Day, : Check Suitings .,'."' A'Xfs For 36-inch Black and TJU White Check Suitings, for shirt-waist suits. At dress goods counter .." ;.''. -"" , - -Friday Bargain Day. ) 75c Floorshine, 35c Qp.For this splendid prepara tion o freshen up the bor ders around your rug7 and floor, , ' ' Friday Bargain Day. I .: 55c Back Combs, 23c OQf For Amber or Shell Back Jy Combs; fine - finish, best quality; very special sale irice. , ' : Friday" Bargain Day. Se-Hair-Pinsr-IOc- ' 1 fr For Loop Hair Fins in am "v ber and shell; a good strong pin at less than half price " Friday Bargain Day. ' . 15c Hair Retainer, 8c - " t - -.-. -Qf For neat little tuck Comb to catch up the short hairs; very neat , . J ." ' . Friday Bargain Day. Valentine Napkins Pet 100 for Novelty Valen tine .Napkins of crepe pa per, for Valentine parties; new de signs... ' ' , v ... lv Friday Bargain Day. ; r ' .'AH Wool Panamas . CQ A'yard for 40-inch Black ''w and Colored Panamas, all wool; an exceptional , Friday bar gain sale. , i-. . Friday Bargain Day. ' Colored Sicilians - ; COp For 50-inch Colored Sicil- tans, pure mohair, high lustre, extra quality; wears beauty fully. . ... ...... Friday j Bargain Dtjf. ; Real -Water proof Auto Coats A OS or 'g'ar$l7.50 Genuine Hodgman Rainproof Automobile Coats; which can also be used for street wear; made in silk and linen finish, with trimmed belts and turned cuflr, OTnamentedwjthj;;buttons. At - a . fraction' of wholesale cost.' . ... t . -. : - For Friday Bargain Day. Dress Goods Remnants - - 1 PRICE for thousands of rem fl nants of black and colored Wool Dress Goods; all lengths. Friday Bargain Day. Lace Curtains at Almost rfalf 10 OR Lace Curtains selling regularly tip to $5.00, H-0 in Cluny, Renaissance, Irish Point. Cable Net and Battenberg effects, white or Arabian color. Sold at special sale Friday 'at a price so low that every prudent housewife will buy for future .needsr : - vv ..;; i Por Friday Bargain Dy.- T- " Mpn's .Jderlno 0nderwear . . A "Ir For Men's Underwear, sell JV tngVcgularly to $1.00; near-' ly all sizes and various weights. 'Friday 'Bargain Day. ; $1.00 Back Combs, 48c V- ARf ot these pretty and stylish -tO Back Combs; gold" plated mounts on shell comb; very smart Friday Bargain Day. Children's Hosiery - 1 0f For thtTdrenV fast black ribbed , cotton school Stockings, double heels and toes; seamless.. : ', " Friday Bargain Day. JBJeached Linen Napkins 41 Q C For -bleached all-linen ipi.OU Napkins, fi-size; sell ing regufarly ior $2.00 dozen. : "'.,? Friday Bargain Day.; ' . Linen Table Cloths v IRQ linen Table Cloths, 8-4 size; OiC por $i.so half bleached all most extraordinary value. Friday Bargain Day, . Squares and Scarfs . OQ For 50c Squares, 30x30 in. For :50c Scarfs,- 18x50 in. Many specials in fancy linens. - Friday Bargain Day. . White Chiffon Batiste; 20c white cnitton Batiste; one of the most usable wash fabrics. Friday Bargain Day. Men's Night Shirts A fir For men's regular 7Sc . Night Shirts, made of good soft flannelette,' full length. . Friday Bargain Day. Linen - Handkerchiefs 1 1 1 P or re"u'ar 20c plain Linen X X v Handkerchiefs, . 13-inch size, hemstitched. One day only. . ' , Friday Bargain Day, . ' " Swiss Handkerchiefs Op For regular '9c- Swiss 'hem stitched embroidered and lace trimmed Handkerchiefs; very spe cial. ., . '.. ' v" - . Friday Bargain Day. vV , Men's Negligee Shirts Cfl For men's $1.00 Negligee JVC Shirts; sizes 14; 144, Vt and 16H only; cuffs to match. . Friday Bargain Day. . Infants' Bonnets : V -- " , j ' OCp For Infants' Bonnets; val AwlV ues to $1.50, in a dozen new and pretty styles. Clearance 25c ; , Friday Bargain Day. Dainty Corset Covers A (1 (" For 85c cambric awdain- soon Corset Covers, daint ily trimmed with . lace insertion, ribbon, etc Friday Bargain Day. Child's Muslin Drawers XAt For child's muslin . Draw. i ers, ages 1 to 12 years; values to 25c; well made. Friday Bargain Day. '-Boys Wash Suits- ' . 4 1 7Q For Regatta "Bkiomer 9 It 5 Wash Suits for boys; valuel to $2.89; ages 2yi to 6 years. s Friday Bargain Day. Tapestry Sample Rugs OQm For Tapestry Carpet sam-0U- pie Rugs, 27x54 inches, full sizes; bound for use; $2.00 value. Friday Bargain Day. French Emb'd . Chemise 5 1 AG ' For $2.00 French hand V' ' . made Chemise,- of nainsook. and embroidered French percales . and Axmnster Sample Rugs Cl Of For Axminster sample Rues. 27x54 inches: regular $3.00 values; bound ready for use. Friday Bargain Day. Friday Bargain Day. 1800 Pairs 2-Clasp Kid Gloves j j Regular $ 1 .50 Values, 93c j y: For Friday Bargain Day we offer the greatest glove-valuerto befbimdi pairs of women's regular $1.50 two-clasp Kid Gloves, in all shades, every pair new and per fect in every respect the prime product of the best glove maker in Germany, M. H. Weissen born of t Halbersladt. Made of soft selected skins, in. black, white, dark red, brown, gray, mode, ; tan and other shades ; $1,50 QQ values. Extraordinary bargain at....yOC Gloves will be fitted on any day after aale. -No phone orders. y ' None, aent on memorandum. Combination Shoe Polish . 12 Polish,; ic For 25c package contain ing paste and liquid Shoe always sold regularly at 25c Friday Bargain Day. ' ' Persian Flannelette Dp : A yard for regular I2c Per . sian Flannelette, soft and fleecy; all colorings, . ,. ', Friday Bargain Dayf 150-Smart-Walking Skirts Values to $15.00 for $4.95 .Thialis-the-most-. remarkable Clearance Sale of high grade iskirts we have announced this season, embrac ing 150 Walking Skirts selling regularly to $15.00. The materials are invisible plaids, stripes and mixtures. All this season's styles, only, one orjwp.of .a kind the remainder of some of our best selling styles. Cut with the broad and generous fullness characteristic of the highest grade garments.. Priced at less than the cost of materials alone for a meteoric Friday AC clearance. Values to $15.00,, for only.... kPeVO No phone orders filled. None sent on memorandum. Be - r-;. 'M early as posaible. Toilet NeedsSpecial Sheffield't Antiseptic Tooth- - powder Camphor Ice, in jars 7e Benzoin and Almond Cream .19e) Baby Borated Talcum Powder. A4 Friday Bargain Day. Silk and Leather Belts QQo or brown silk and leather '! Belts, assorted styles; val ues to $1.00; large gilt buckles. , . " "Friday Bargain Day.' . 1,000 Nail Brushes I Qf For Nail Brushes; 35c val ues; hand-drawn -bristles, German and Japanese makes. Friday Bargain Day. ' Young's Hats for Men' J1 QC ForN regular $3.00 Young's Hats; wide choice of styles in " derbies , and soft hats, v , . Friday Bargain Day. Cambric Petticoats 1 1 O6! For $3.00 Petticoats of f w good quality cambric, with dust ruffle ana deep flounce. . .. ..Friday Bargain Day. iCAU . i)'rugPricei Cut , Shoop's Cough Cure, 25c size.. 204 Osborn'a Catarrh Balm 20f Colwell s Rheumatic Cure, 50c size ..39e Hostetter's Stomach Bitters ..81f v Friday Bargain Day. BY ATTACK INSPIRED SPITE OF OREGONIAN Councilman Sharkey Declares j:arempanytorieiRii suit of Private Grudge, i t NO INTENTION OF ' ,' -L AIDING THE PEOPLE Council Decline to Adopt Heport of ' ' the Special Investigation Commit ; tee. One of Whose Members, Maa ter, Votes Against It. : V That all tho charges agalnnftha Port laiul Gaji company wert manufactursd In the offto of the' Momltir Orearnntan and wer lu to - social and politic! differences bvttrcon tha editors o( that ' paper and th officers of tha aa com pany was tha broad aaaertlon mad by Councilman John P. Bharkcy at tha mooting of tha oouncll yesterday after, noon. When tha Oregonlan began Its fight agulnat tha gns company, Mr. fjharkey 11, - It - tad -o rn tent Ion f utopping me operation 01, a diooq-buck. ing monopoly. jo thought wii g1ve tha Inter. Nta of tha dear public,' continued . (Sharkey. ''It was juat a private grudge that had 1ta origin In a certain news paper office I don't ears to mention names, but everybody knowa tha paper and it was all due to politics and aq rlety. That paper lured tha council Into tha fight before tha oouncll was aware of Its Inveigling methods. Rome of tha conncllmen are now aorry that Ihey ever coneent'd to aselat In tha settle ment of a private grudge." , f . ' Waram Blaeaaloa Opens." " , Sharker spoke to a motion by Coun cilman John Annand that tha report of ' tha gS invefttlgatlna? committee be re - velved and placed on file. "Received and placed on file" means. In parlia mentary language, that "we thank you for your labpra, but we do. not believe there la any truth In your report." "If that motion carrlea," aald Coun cilman Vaughn, a 'member of the Inves tigating committee, 'it means that the council dlsapprovaa OS the report of tha committee." ' '. . ' "If tha report la not approved," said Councilman Wills, "there will be no use of appointing other special Investigat ing committee. We should appreve - this report. Why, there Is a company out In Bellwood (Mr, Wllla lives In Bell . weod) that Is willing to supply gas to the city at 6 cents per 1,000 eubla feet." - .' 1 . "I am not prepared to say that the - ehergee are true, and the adoption of the report would mean that they are true," said Annand. Mr. Annand w chairman of tha committee, but ha had to resign on account ot toe pressure of " "S . '' . . private business. "I have been buying gas for IS or 20 years at my .house and yT"ff',i. .Thi g"" """i"" n fiver overcharged me. -. Tha gas was not al ways good, but It waa not- always bad." ; rartdsheC Oood Sea. - . Thoae are my aentlmenta," echoed Sharkey. "I admit that at tlmea the gaa waa of an Indifferent quality, but at other times, - especially about four or. five years ago. it Waa the beat gas furnished In the United States. I have bought gaa for it years. A service main ran under my store and there w-ia never a leak. No, I waa not a member of tha council for aeven of thoae 12 years," he answered in response to an Inquiring smile as to whether he had been a favorite of officialdom. "I waa In private business," ha con tinued. "As to theae new companies, they will coma In aa a graft upon the present company Instead of being a re lief to the rlry. The Portland Gaa com panjr certattily gets a big revenue from the thickly populated districts. "Tha new companies will want te lay plpea In tha iiamo atreeta aa the present company, and there Is where the graft will coma In. If they would lay their plpea on unoccupied streets they would afford aoma relief. They won't do that, however. I have heard of them, al though Ir never- attended a meeting of the- gas committee. I have read the reports in the papers, and from what t read In the paper that started tha In vestigation I can aay hare that I do not approve of tha report of the commit tee. I am not afraid to say that to this council, and I am not aahamed te tell It to aU the world." . . - ( Bfas Ask XmdlvlduaUy. . "We cannot revoke all the franchises of the company, but ws wlah the legla lature. to surrender control of this one to us," said Councilman Bennett In a conciliatory way.. ."We are not taking the plant . of . the company away front it." . , .. Bennett Introduced a resolution that six members of .the council go to Salem and aak the legislature to revoke the franchise. It' waa defeated by a vote qf I to 0. Prealdent 8hepherd. who waa called to the chair by Mayor Lane, said he had not read tha evidence,, and be waa not prepared to vote. If a plea for revocation were made by the council men It should be made oy them as In dividuals. ' . The motion to place the report on file waa adopted. Annand.- Balding, punn ing, Qray, Masters. Preston. Sharkey, Shepherd and Wallace voted aye anil Bennett, Kellaher, Menefee, Rushlight, Vaughn and Wills voted nay. Masters was one of the leading members of the committee, . GERMAN GATHERING , CHEERS, ITS EMPEROR ' (Jnanial Special SarvJea.) ' ' Berlin, Feb. 1. p:mperor William's ardent speech at 1 o'clock this morning FASHIONABLE ASSEMBLAGE. SEES -AMERICAN GIRL WED : ENGLISHMAN ., V r f 7S J Rosenfhal m . t . It I I w I c a a 's Removal Sale Our Sale started with such a tremendous rush that we could not wait on all our customers. We have engaged sufficient . ,; Extra-Salesmen " ' 1 - " -So rhat hereafter every customer will be properly taken care of We received 10 cases yesterday of Men's Patent Leather and Fine Kid Dancing Ties which were delayed in transit;, should ' have reached us before - Xmas. at, respectively. $1.95 and $1.65 D A rT TMnri-I A I C 49 THIRD STREET JrCV43JL-rl . I I IrVJL 4 3 Portland's Best Shoe Store tW- T?0 EX-HUSBAND OF ACTRESS DOESN'T CURE TO SEE HER May MacKenzia Ran Away From . Him and Now His Love ; Has Crown Cold. , (Journal SceHal Si ilia.) Kansas City, Feb. 7. Charles W. Miss Alice Marquand. (Jvarnal Special Santea.) : . ' London, reb. 7. A faahlounble as semblage that Included many or the prominent memhera of the American colony filled St. Margaret's church. Westminster, today at the wedding of Mlaa Alice Marq'uand, granddaughter of the late Henry Marquand, who waa one of tha founders of the Metropolitan Mu wum of Art In New Tork, and Mr. Alan Fullerton of this city, a son of the late Admiral Sir James Fullerton. while standing with the members of the reyel family-"hrtP.o window of the' Im perial palace waa significant of the exultation which pervades government circles as a result of complete returns from the sacooU elections. Cheering when be made the ststement that The tterman la able not-only to ride; but to tide down-all-oppoaltlon," waa wildly enthusiastic. The epeaknr waa forced by continual cheers to pause repeatedly, Uiua having, ample. time to. wsiga eacb Haynea of this elty was once the hus band of May McKensle. Haynes married Miss McKensle In US and got a, di vorce In 1SS. - -I man-ted May In im." Haynea said today. "Miss McKensle lived In Marya vllle, Missouri. I met her In January, lis. She. ' waa juat 10 years old then, and I hid never aeen a more beautiful glrf. One day In July 1195. she left with an actor and actress who roomed with us, and never came back "Two- weeka later." Haynea aald. 1 received a letter from ber. She waa In New Tork. Two other letters said that the actor and aatreaa had promised to get her an engagement on the atage. and that eh waa never eomlng back. I bop the never will. I don't want ta aee her. ' She seemed to love her two children. They are atlll with me. For-' eat la 10'years old; May la It. If she had waited three- days more before run ning ewar aha would have lived with me Jnst 10 yeara. sentence. The Incident le. sd strongly suggestive- of widespread feeling that the election slgnallsea the. rebirth of a strong national 'sgtriy ' ' ' S. W. H. MAEIKEIL SCO. 121-123 GRAND AVENUE. A Great Sale of Men's Hats Special prices rule for Friday and Saturday. All : good styles and qualities. Every hat reduced. Newest styles in Soft Hats -85c, 95c, $1.25, $1.70, . $2.10, $2.40. $3.15.. . . . Newest styles in Stiff Hats $1.20, $1.70, $2.10, . $2.40. : v.-.- ' ... .. . - j '. , A Big Lot ol Sample Lace Curtain Ends 20c to SOc An extra choice assortment of Curtain Ends. Hen's filixcd Wool Sox ... 9c P:.!r s Nice, soft, medium weight Sox, in natural gray and blue; all sizes. Friday and Saturday only, pair, ,9c