The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 07, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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Bom com
Harrtman Uner Costa Rica Ceta
Fuel From Steamer
- " 1
Every item a real pensatfon and a bargain that in itself is big and great enough to crowd the itore to suffocation.
It's a bargain Friday sale planned to outdo all other offerings and to further prove our claim that this is, Port-
land s only Real Bargain More.
Frarano5 nm sEr.uiii'.Dii iicJE
Pictorial Review
Have no - equal. New spring
fashions now in. Price 10c ana
i5c. ., . ,
Send Us Your Udl
:i Orders
fit A
Big Japanese Tramp Steamer Reaches
Astoria Under Engagement to
Load Wheat at Thia Port for the
. Empire of the Mikado.
We rui
larantee satisfaction or
refund year oioneT.
fair; Isn't it?
' The Harrtman Ilnar Costa Rlea, Cap
tain Maaon, got away for Ban Franolaoo
laat night by borrowing coal from tha
oriental liner Nloomedla. and aha ia now
wall toward hr destination. Tha Coata
Rica ia tha aaoond ateamer auppllad
rlth fuel from tha bunkara of tha N loo
med la and aa rsuli t ha, prlental liner
Ilea, at the O. EL M. floe witnoui
' enough fuel to aee her safely across tha
. . Paolf lt - Coal will be brought to bar.
however, aa aooa aa tralf lo over tha
O. R. N. llnea la returned. --
r. Thlnga are quiet in ahlpplng, eirclea
-these days on account of tha atranga
""' behavior of the element). In tha flrat
plaoa no negotlationa have been carried
oa-wita the old world owing -t-4a-disrupted
wire service, and in the second
' ' place tha high water haa put a tempo
' rary atop to movements in tha harbor.
., . Tha shortage of fuel haa also put a
. damper on ahlpplng and little activity
, la looked for untU normal eondltlone are
. restored. , -.,..
- A report from Astoria thia'' afternoon
'announces that a Japanese tramp
steamer eroaaad In over tha bar today,
..- but tha lookout at North Head was an
L. able to make out her name. - She Is be
Ueved to be tha Kotohlra Maru which
. waa at Vlotorla. British Columbia. a
few daya ago bound for thia port to load
wheat for her home country. There are
. number of other Japanese trampa due
. here for the sunt purpose, among them
being tha aCanau Mara, tha Puktu Maru
and Diana Maru. - Tha cargoes for all
: ; of those, will be furnished by tha -Tort-.
land Flouring Milla company. , -
Jack Neil.' who haa bean engaged aa
' eook on tha steamer Northwest for. ae
'" oral months, , tell into - the- river- at- an
early hour this morning and waa
drowned. Ha waa trying to board-the
steamer when bo atumbled and fell oft
V the gangplank. A ahlpmata Jumped into
the water and secured the body, but all
attempts at resuscitation were, in Tain.
Nell waa a bachelor and lived formerly
at Kelso. Coronet Flnley hag charge
of tha remains.
Captain' Hugh R: Robertson, inventor
"5f the aeagotng log rafts, died yester--.
dsy afternoon aa hla ' residence, X04
Twentjr-seco;,d street north, from a
complication of diseases. Ha had been
111 for tha paat three months. Ho was
born April 1. 1(4. In Nova Scotia, and
leavea a widow and three -children.
" "The steam schooner Santa Ana la at
"tha'mllir -of, 'the Eastern ft "Western
Xumber. company loading lumber. Tha
, 'steamer Meteor la loading at Rainier
' and tha Gabriel at Warranton, : .
- 'Astoria, Feb. ?. Arrived at I a. m.,
teamer Columbia,' from Ban Francisco.
Arrived at t and left up at t:69 a. m,
Steamer Maverick, from San Franolaoo.
Arrived at 1:10 and left up at It a. m
ateamer Jim Butler,- fromBan Pedro.
Bailed at t.tO a. m., tug Samson, with
barge Waahlngton, for San Franolaoo.
Arrived at 1:30 a. m, ateamer F. A.
I Kllburn. from San Francisco.
l-TJan Franolaoo," Feb. ,7. Sailed : laat
jTZ nlaht. ateamer J. B.- Stetson, for As
toria.' .
Astoria, Feb. . Left up at 1:41 p.
m., ateamer Meteor, from Ban Pedro.
- Arrived at 11:1a a. m. and left up at
' t:So o.fn.. ateamer Sent a. Ana, from San
Traneiseo7Baned at 1X0 p. mTTtMmeTtlix
Johan Poulaen. tor Ban rTancisco.
Balled at S:4S p. m., ateamer Geo. W.
Elder, for San. Pedro .and way porU.
Arrived at p. an.. - French bark
Marechal d'Vlllara, from Antwerp. 'Ar
rived down at 4:40 and aailed at p. m,
, ateamer Cascade, for San rranolaco,
Arrived at T p. m., French bark Emilia
. Onlltne, from London.
, Saa Franclaoo, Feb. . Sailed at 4:10
: p. m., steamer Roanoke, for Portland
and way porta.
Astoria, Feb. 7. Condition of tha bat
' at a. m., moderate; 'wind southeast;
weather, raining. :
Daring Sneak Asks for Match
s: and Then Takes Watch ,
! From Room.
T- ......
u.. n.ra 1 niirna. 11 U North Sixth
nireet, demonstrated her. pluck last
n?wt by pursuing and firing three shots
at a thler wno naa stolen a goto waica
and a small sum of money from ber
v apartments. Aa only two of tha bul
leu could ba located by tha police. It
la thought that the other ahot lodged
somewhere in the crook's anatomy.
Mrsj Burns conduota a roomlng-hduse
at tha Sixth street addresa and. waa
formsrly landlady of the Richelieu
. hotel. At T o'clock fast night a man
who occupied a room in her house
. about a year and a hair ago name Into
the place and after Inquiring if she re
membered him. asked for a match." Aa
'Mrs, Burns went Into a rear room to
get the matches tha man darted Into
tha woman's room and quickly grabbed
the watch and money. .
Upon her -return aha noticed the
timepiece In' tha fellow'a hand and de
. mended that he return the property.
..Instead of oomplytng-the thief darted
through tha hallway and down tha rear
stairs. - Securing her revolver, Mrs.
Bums started in pursuit and fired three
shots after tha fleeting figure. Patrol
man Oalbralth waa attracted by fhe
shooting, but waa unable to find any
trace of the man. Two bullets had
truck tha wall but the third could not
hV be found. On tha description furnished
I by Mrs. uurne oeiecuves expect o ar
test the daring thief. . .
Hood River 31acler:- An occasional
husky, able-bodied tramp ia. to be aeea
" begging at the back doore In the city,
yet work of many kinds is atarlng them
Jn tha face en every eorner.
Wood la also a burning Question in
In this picture Is ghown a gketch of Marshall Field, third, who Insists
that he intends to :oln the British army as goon as possible, although1
his mother, Mrs. Marshall Field, Jr., whose picture U also ghown. Is
bitterly opposed to such an action.
. ., ... ..;.;:'
fleischner Paintings - May Ba
the Art Museum.
. The Museum of Art. Fifth and Taylor
streets, will bo open Friday evening;
February S. from 1 o'clock, with
free admission, giving to those ooonpled
during the day an opportunity to see
the paint legs lent to the association
from tha collection of I. N. Fleischner.
Thle -exhlbUkm will -close on Saturday
when the etchings and dry prlnta which
hare been displayed la the, upper galler
ies will also ba removed.
. Following la tha liat of tha pain tinge:
George- Inness, -j American. , "Sunlit
Woods"! Louis. Japy; French, "Evening
Bummer on the Surand"; H. - Bolton
Jones, American, landscape; Henri Zu
ber, French; "Evening In Alsaoe"; SI
Irving Couee. American, "The Mountain
Hunter." "At the Spring. "Tha Pottery
Maker"; Knot Borgh, Swedish, "Moon
light in August"; P. P. Sohledgea, Dutch,
landscape (water color); William Bar
tain, American, "The Evening Hour";
Charles H. Darts, American, "Morning
Clouds." "A Summer Morning;- Henry
W. Ranger.. . American,- Jsndacape;
Adolphe Montlcelll, French, "Morning."
"Evening") -George Michel, French,
"View from Montmartre, Parle"; Wil
liam Keith, American, "After the Rain";
Lou! a Paul Dessar, American, "Bringing
Home the Sheep"; Guatave Ravanne,
French, Flshlngboata"; George Da
Forest Brush, American, "Indian Hunt
ing Cranes in Florida"; David Gauld,
Scotch, landscape; H. M. Waloott, Amer
ican, "Scene In Parte"; Chllde Haasam.
American. "A New England Road": Fa-
Zlenv. French, "Constantinople." r-r
To Xdlee a Oaka Uia ToalgM.
- Again the management of the faraoua
Oaka rink axtenda tha courtesy of free
skatea and admission to tha ladles of
Portland. Dn this occasion the be
ginners will, be taken, care of by our
expert instructors Just the aame aa waJ
aim to at all otberseaalona. All wish
lng to spend a pleasant evening will !
take , Kenwood, Oregon City or Caaa
dero car for -Oaka rink tonight. The
right time to enjoy roller skating ia
now. - Ladles will be furnished with
skatea and admitted free at. the Oaks
rink tonight .
I Shadow Etiquette.
"I saluted the Kaffir chief respectful
and hearty," said the sailor. "Can yon
Imagine my surpt lee when he gave me
a klckf 1 '.
" Get off my shadder,' ha says.
' "WotV :. ' .
"Get off my shadder.' .
I was aitandlng, by crlnua, on his
shadder, the shadder of his stomach. . I
skipped from there to the face. He'i
groaned. When I got on to sunlit ground
again, ha stkya to me:
"Didn't you never have no brlnglil'
upT Look at yon, now, lengthanln' out
your shadow longern mine! - Crouch,
oonsarn you, or I'll warm your hide
with thia here club
The sailor gave a loud laugh and
emptied his glass of hot milk. -
" Them Kaffirs,' ha said -regard
their ahadders aa part of themselves. A
polite Kaffir would no more walk on
another's shadder than a polite Ameri
can would hit a lady. They have a reg
ular ahadder etiquette. - Too muatn't on
no account let your ahadder be longer
than a superior's; yon must crouch to
make it smaller; and that there crouch
for the purpose of diminishing the ahad
der la thought by tha Spencer! an philoe-
ophers I don t rr T
the origin of the bow
Clean-Up Sale of
., w r ...... .-. -, .
. ' ' . . .' .''-...,
; The odds and ends left over from our Clearance
Sale the past month we determined to rid ourself
d ii prices will; move them. We -meritionordyZa!
few here; many more throughout the. house : ,
' Odds and ends of Fancy A - lot of Ladies'; Fine
.Wool Dress Goods, 60c Shoes, $3.00. and $3.25
,: value-- , T ; i'-. values, at;
Odd lots .' of Ladies Men's Golf Shirts, near
Hose, 25Tand 35c ones, ly all sizes, $1.00 and
at, pair .,v .$1.25 values, at
A lot of 25c and35c Fine China Cups and
f. Saucers, at ..",'. . .'. . . . .. . . V i. . . i. '
A Darrjain Friday Srvsatlon and It's ; th Greatest That Tou Etir Hiard Of
Women's $fl.0Q
-That's the exciling newa we pectilrt(nyrthe Hosiery section from mora till night. . Think of It, 51.00 to $1.75
grades' for 40. Was there eyer greater sensation r 200 dozen of them 2,400 pairs of tne finest genome rencb
lisle thread Hose and they are almost as fine as a silk, all black, beautifully silk embroidered, full regular made, double
heels and toes. Remember this is not an undesirable lot of out-of-date styles and odd colors, for they are new up-to-
date styles, all blacks the very kind most m demand and every patr is warranted, (guaranteed 51.09 to $1.75 value.
IIt's a saU that should be of interest to Portland! best dressed women, for it' la Indeed very seldom that such exquisite qualities
. ? .i . are offered on a bargain counter at such sensational price. . . .,
Now for the Dost Dor of All-Friday's Cleanup Bargains at
-:The BsLnkrupt Shoe Sale
A one-day dean sweep of all odds and ends and broken lines. ' Every small lot from the Hartman
Wise shoe stock marked at a price to sell at sight. - Now for bargains. Did you ever see the like?
One, two and three pairs of a kindits mixed lot of over 300 pairs and those that come
get the best-AVomen'a-Ice and-Bnttcq-hoesrwcta .a
Uppers and odds and ends of sample bnoes, all buncfted in one great lot avcnoice .....
Boys' 02.50 Shoes
Lace and blucher stylei
all souc
all sizes;
Me xa's $5 Shoes '
lit tineit dress and patent leather
Mtoes; all Hartman
Wise best $5-00, grades;
pair ...................
(vyi hnHlaa 10c ahd ISc Shoe Polish. Shin- m TT si -1 IjOOO pairs rubber heels for men's and wo-
n'la Black Shine. Bixby's Blackola andKf KllT men's shoes: sold all over. at 25c and 30c.
Child's 01.50 Shoes
Odds and ends and broken A (
lines; most all sises; 4VC
pair ......... ,........... A-W-
V Men's Worll Shoes
'All solid leather; none
worth less than $2.50;
others. Choice
Women's $2 Shoes
t 50 pairs in all, and A .
i p jojflotce,
Women's $6 Shoes
5c Dot. U
The finest of the Hart
man Wise stock; all $5
and $6 ones; pair ......
1,000 pairs rubber heels for men's
Sk'Wae . erMr. aa w
e and blucher styles. (T "f Pf
solid lethcxr -aad k-1 " !
sizes; pair V 1 UfJ
Bargain Friday
paieni leainer
5,000 YdsTl 5cand 20c
Fancy Ribbcms
A cleanup of thousands of yards of. the finest
of 5-incn pore suk rancy viuuuu,
in orer 20 different styles, all col
ors; none worth less than lac and
up to 20c, and remember full 5
inches wide. Choice, yard ......
Women s 39c Lisle Fin.
Vesta andPantoI
The best you or. any other woman ever saw at
the price. Fine lisle finish Vests and Pants,
In white only," high neck, long
nd short sleeves, silk trimmed
and pearl . buttons. - Never
sold under 39c anywhere.
Choice v
500 of These Women's $i.50and
$2 Umbrellas
AO $2.00 and $1.50 values jusf as we claim, 26
inch and real Gloria Serge, parsgon rustproof
da only
tion, and
sterling pearl "n "-jOtafi
wood handtta One II fI jT
for a Friday sensa kXHW
but one to a cus- s 1 1 . I '
.f.....:...t.v vv
19c Brass
The extension
Bartraln Friday Sensation No. 6 and It's the Qreatsst sf All
Women's 39c to 75c Sample Neckwear
m . . . . - - ... . . 1. a .nm r . YamII flwiA m K.rnr.m lr .nntl tfiltt . Skv SS
Searcn xne town over, go t'j v, - - -.o-.-- -
anywhere. The handsomest, finest and fanciest of women s fancy Neckwear at 4c
Over 1,200 piece to go. Handsome silk! stocks and lace effect collars, plain tailored
styles or ' richly trimmed with ribbons; all colors, white, black, pinks, blues, etc
Remember every piece the newest styles and really handsome neckwear. Made for
the finest trade snd made to sen ai oc 10
All" complete for
one dsy
Women's Aprons
Made of - best black sateen, long
and short, ruffle trimmed; . worth
up to 50c One to a cus- -)Cf
tomer.,...,. ,.,.....?.
Women's Corsets
White, pink and blue silk finished
girdles, all sizes; a world-wide
50c grade and never sold , 2Qr
for less 07t
lO-4 Sheeting 19c
Mill ends 10-4 Bleached Sheeting,
almost as good, as Pepperel; all
good lengths-and -sold, off
the bolt at 30c, yard a7l
8 l-3c wide 18-inch glass Tow- ?
eling in blue and pink; yard...uC
Plain and checked fancy Ging- ?
hams; cheap st 8 l-3c, yard ...OS.
-25c Towels 19c
Large 24x44 heavy Bsth fk
Towels; mfcde to sell at I KMH
25c each ......... ...... A -V
Any Woman's Cloak
In the House
There's no reserve; three-quarter and seven
eighth lengths, mixtures, checks and plaids,,
silk and satin lined. Jast 43 ia all, and we in
clude our entire stock. . . . -
Worth up 5R Ofi
to $30
All our women's finest ea m x
valuea n to tit; eholoe,,.. V V V
100 women's finest aample tj Ta "
$10.00 SILK WAISTS S)3.00
Plalo colors and plaids
Another Day of Bargains in the
. - ' v " - .
Not a reduced price here and there but on everything throughout the
lint there's a saving. . .. . -
22 Lbs. Granulated Sugar $1.00
25c 3-lb. pkg. Gold Dut."...;.lJ
10c Arm and Hammer Soda., of
10c Cow Brand Soda
Royal Baking Powdef, lb....aOi
Magic Yeast. 3 for J0
Jell-O, 3 forJ.Tr.r.rii..-.-ri25
15c Knox's Gelatine
Baker's Chocolate, lb
Baker's 30c Sweet Chocolate,
25c Bottle Maple Svrup
65c 1-b1 Maple Syrup 50e
30c jt Vermont Maple Syrup. 22
15c can finest "Salmon , tlf
25c ran Lobster ...... Jtl
30c can Kippered Herring.... 20
15c can Chipped Beef Of
15c can Veal Loaf lit.
JOc.can Oil Sardines ........ ,t
15c can lot 12c csn ........
Baker's 25c Cocos. can .20f
Ghirardelli's 30c Chocolate,
can 254
30c bottle Salad Oil 17 1
10c pkg. Gloss Starch ........ t
10c pkg. Corn Starch Be
10c Seeded Raisins. 3 pkgs...25
10c pkg. Borax for 8
10c pkg. Cream of Tartar .... 8
8 ream of Wheat ...16
ermea, pkg. .IT
7-lb. box Macaroni ..'...SS
10c 1-lb. pkg. Egg Noodles ,...Te
10c 1-lb. pkg. Macaroni 7
10c 1-lb. pkg. Spaghetti 7
Small White Bean, lb. ..4
Triscuit Biscuit, pkg. .u 8
And the reductions are on Just the goods you need and quantities that
.. . ...-,.. , every One can use. ' - - ,
15c India LInons
1,000 yards mill ends, fine ' and
sheer; full width, good lengths,
and finest 15c grade,
Derliele-r' Cambric
The genuine ' goods, but in mill
ends only; full yard wide and
made to sell at 12Hc, Qtp
yd ...OAC
,39c Jap Sllhs .
10 bolts only; full width, all colors;
an extra fine 35c grade. -r
For one day, yard ....... ..VOt
50c Dress Goods '
36-lnch 'Novelty Dress Goods, in
all colors and black; new spring
designs, and cheap at 50c,
$1 Dlanftets 69c '
300 reg. $1 gray Cotton A
Blanketa; good weight; C
nice fleece; special " J
Bargain Friday Sensations In
Special .
1,000 best 25c Gas Mantles, 15-
Best 25c White Opal Glass- 1Q
Globes, each '. ll
Reg. $2.50 Iron-Frame d OQ
Clothes Wringers, each ..$1.0 O
Large $L2S Enameled Dish : F Ar
Pans, each.... ....OUC
$1.00 Cocoa Door Mats. .....82
Best 65c Coffee MUls. ...... .25
Reg. 5c Fire Shovels. .....M..8
From 9 to 10 oXIock One Houf Only
1,000 large regular Se sacks f
Table Salt ........i.. ....... .J
25c cake Genuine Cuticura tTf
Soap ......
25c cake Woodbury's Fa
cial Soap
1,000 regular 2Sc cn Gravri p
Tooth Towder -
1,000 best 55c full-size 72
by 90-inch Sheets
Reg. 15c large 42 by 34
inch Pillow Cai it...
F.xtra Urge size best 1-' .
Towels at
Mill enr! 10c Fancy .
ured '..;'l.n', yar-l ....
r. 2 fr 5.- .r A I
c i f, at 2 ( r