THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 6, 1907. 13 WANTKI, REAL ESTATE. TIH TITLE A AIHTBACT CO., II. -R. BALTMAkKll. Manager, f T-wns. eolleciloua. titles ripened. Ex. pert edvlr uu really values. Property Mitel tf eukk disposal. 0. II. Pirgott snd i- Finch, bial counsel. Photic psclflc 1540. noom 4 Mulkey bldg.. Id and Morrison si WANT lota, aerssgs. Idwda properly or farm for eluiblng. alioe. f urnlablugei $4.uou lu; acoept or par diffenocs. Aiire 14. Journal. WANTED Ul, also amall ranch, cloee la. for .Tah, 83. ear JouruaL tIT YOURS WITH II. W. I.EMCKK CO.. SIXTH AND IVYAMIINOTUN HIS. -.'HOMS , Main saw. WO ACRES unimproved land, niuat b rood Mil, . no hill, loreted In Cowllt or lar-wl Rlvr valley. Address U 7, car Journal. tVANTKls Modern room boose, In Rellwood. - tlao an nnluipmved lot; (lr Jocatlun. Ad-drr-a at yj ear Journal. v WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MAIN BrW5. . " cash nun lots or it? ". FOR FURNITURE. , PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS,' '' Sit rirat MC ' MAIN MBS. MAIN M5. CASH for household goods. Ssvsge ft fennell, MWUT First at. Phone Pacific 300. Wanted BOO SECOND-HAND PIANOS. A advertisement under "Fur Ssla Matc1 fnarrumeufa". among in Journal classified wlU find tint pureUsssr. ' WILL BUY, REM. OR TRADR AN OLD THING. WESTKRN MALVACR CO.. fl 8 WASHINGTON. PACIF1U TO. WANTED rurnHur sad household (ooda of rarr drorrlptlon bouflit. nld and sehaBfa4. ' TU t, ilHl rirat at. Mala 8374. - -MutHBOT raali prUf 1U "?" "1T tind lawrid Band tooda. I'boo Mala 8111. 83 N. Third, WI bml drad bnr and eattlo frr. Orrena rrrtlllaor Worka, or aotlfr Cmr'a Vrtrrt. aarr. foorth and Ullaaa ata. alala llrttd. WANTMB to rrrhanr. aeartnt fur nn1o and patutlti laaaoiM. 1'bon I'adf IMS or rail at rirat at., room 1 VAMTKD To rent" a email atom, reaannabl. ant. kn ehaa 15124. Jeweler J. Wolf, Maduwa at. WANTEO To bay a bora. 1 200 pnaa4e: mnat k ebeapi elate price. M VI. rare Journal. WANTEU Maiwrll A Huber map. Phone ftwrf. 304 Mubawk bldi. ffTRXISnKD ROOMS FOR RENT. HOTEL OXrORD, Slilh end Oek. lll Ink - few mere pel uiaaeut rumri; ell mortera ma venlearee; alnile room ft ap week. Spe cial rate fur eulte. FOR RKNT Rnome. X Fifth at., from II W up: with beta, pboo asd (a. Mr. R. A. - Lrwle. prop. ClOSB la. well faralsbed and reaeonehle; bath. thnne, furtwc beat. 268 ElereaU. anraar ladleoa. . . tUK KINO Nice 1 farnlbed mam. lrtre llrt. baib end brat; (trat-la; reaaoaabl. () Jeffenoa at. IH RICHRURU. SSV Hortb Rlitb at. tie faatlr farntabed; ateam heal a a bath. I'llH ORANO. 4SH North Third et. eaUeaien, 11.24 per week aad a. for Tr.IriKSIiUKI room la prlrat famllr. fnrnarr, aa. trlepboae, bath. I'hoae . klala kliW. . bTKI.L-rCRNIKHF.D lere front mna oa Mt. Tabor, Ruaoralde and Morrlaoa at. rerlttiee; phone, (aa. bath: reaannable. T0 E"t Mor tlaoa !. ( Ittlh. I'lmM Kaat l:WW. FOR RENT HOCSEKKEWNa f WO anfnrntabd hranekeeplnc-rnome. arater. pbotat, bath. (7.5A per nnath; two furniabed ' room. 4 earh per nontiu At 87S kladleoa at.. aar Cbapmaa. 14Ai KITTH et., earner Alder Tea knawkeea. lea eultee and aoaMt ale aleeplne room; will - at aad tnrpeciloa. r' ll.BO WEEK IP. tare, etean. ram la bed bntia. keeplne reoaM. Unndry and bath. 184 8be aaaa asatb. Portlaad. , fi ts WKKK VP. eleea. furalabed boanvekeen. rn tnocn, parlor, beta, htandrr, faraae beat rard. SuSS Htaaloa, D ear. nil MITCH RI.L Ilouaekeepia v and traaakmt tM. eeeath a a riaaoera. WIT-rfRNTSnKfl honaekeeplns room. 14 nrr month. Kd Marahall et. IIOI-HEKEKPINO rait from $lt Bad ap. SS . Jefferaoa t. - r H RMJHRD homekeeplnc-ronasa, eturte or ea enlte. froat frrat flv. with all mvdera coa eealeatefc 4w Jefferaoa at. RKNT J medrra, V. Colaaablaa Rjealtjr Cat. iS Third, room S-T. FRONT mom ne beaarkceplBf. atM North Sli. teenth at., ftiraUked. " ROOMS AND BOARD. Vtt NO aidy want ktdjr to ahar front room and board. walkMir dlatane; refereara eirhaaired. I'boa Pacific CM. . - rtKNIKHBO we aBfurnlebed rnnra and hoard; private family. Call 1st berth Utk el., eoraer Johnaoaw - FOR RENT HOrSES. VI are ta farnUbad of areeral fnrlhed aad aa to aath'fr the want of oar Mia tk)l r aU ISO Cbaaa- of Ceaamerea. Da H Bear. S-8TORT boa of ream loot morteeaV. Wl North ltih: )nat the place for workmen' 'bdirter: rent rbeap to deatrabkt teaaaf. Re J. Krtemer. M lourth at. 1t MARSHALL ST. 8 room bona, tknonrhtr medera, eonrvnleat aad attractive, hot It tw peara; rent per moath to permanent tenant. Mer(a. Sweet fhanmaa. ill Ab Inatoa bW. Fhoa Mala !. -Roohl medera boa. .M Eaat Sereath at.: Bla 8 reonia, pertlr fnrnhiliotl. all modern tmprTm4at. Jaqalr 8T Et Sbermao. 8. TO RK.NT A ipnilrrL-nwm rotate, n ath rt . (uutB. via. leiepnoa nut. A fOTTAOR with 4 raaine dnwnatlr aed t In altar, alaa bath and haaament. at No. 418 Iron at-, one block from car line. Ill per moath: e children The Borrell Inetmat ta.. No. latli Third t. - XCB rent tad aril piano. Sherman, Cut fa. B BST 11th t., eerner Waahbnfftim Lore vard aad flowera, one block from hl(h arbuot. latinlr MM iit Utk at. fOR RKNT-'otta on lath nd Wbltakee, . Marnnom II 111. i VM Hpokaa ar., gellwnod. i rOR RENT B room eottaa. bath and baaa meet. Infratr Vt3 t.hiy a. , FTRNISRED nOl'SES. ' KOOERN ecittaro. lrnhe1. 8, room, for Mlft bon-ekeepla: 8 a tint floor: porcelain bath, baaemeat. atattnaerjr tuba. rbua. 308 Ua eola at.. wt akle. -RtMtM fnrntabed bona. tderaf plan and f.irnece; et lb. rtt la. AvbIt Kaat . Ankeny a,, eaonee-tbc- 1 FOR RENT FLATS. at onMoOERt. room flat, hath. . wla eow ahetlee. wood lift. etc. u R.lner ae. Imrtrr noaner are., eom-r i inawp-. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. MAWTtlORNB AVB. IS TUB PLAfK. S artwe end t flat abev far rent: be nmnMted to dnja: openln for drjr- fon.! and not lone, furniture an. I kantwar. ho retMilr alien and amall new ato k. a. " HAWTHitRNK llr.AI.TY l . k es Uartfoerite are., cornee llawtliorn, iliOD. 'Xabot hi. ' Aft flrat psyment o shout rximn modern honas, lot liaiiinn, n,c- rsrlltie; esn give cab end NO scree uulmnrovrd niple land batweea White Halmoo and Klickitat rivers: Uud value ll.uoo. Adlrcss C, 27 14th at. FOR RENT STORKS-OFFICES. OFPU'E ROOMS, unfurnished moms sad anv pis-rooms fur rauu Ooouuougti bldg. Apply A FEW grat-deea ofHo-nom left at nor t beset corner Third sad Medlsua st. Apply torn ho. t. FOR RKNT A etorerooiri ob Third at.. between Yamhill and Taylor, inquire 102 Third at. roR RKNT Half of ale office, furnlahed; electric lUht. ateam beat; price reaavuebl. Phone Mala 22ns. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE , FOR SALE. . FOR RAI.P rurnltum at T room flat; flat for rent: new ntl modera; cheap If old aooa. 4.U) Waahlna-tun at. FOR BAI.B lUrdtnarr furniture, each a Iron bed, ctilffonlere, table, t'batra, eoucliea, park new. for fir tuoai. Inquire 901 lrl at. pi RMTCKH of B room cottar, all new; hone for rent. Tall 41il Ererett about p. m. ... WB aeed furniture at any price. Portland Amo tion Rooaua. 211 Flrat at. Mala oM. . FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. UAI L and ballroom, eeparate.or toietheri new and with all coneentenree. Plwne Mala turl. BUSINESS CHANCES. STOCKS AND BONTS ' WB WANT TO BUK BANK: , URKflOM TRrsT A SATINOS. i i I'MTKl) STATES NATIONAL., AlEliCUA.NTS' NATIONAL. MININO: ' ' : , H.jC AMALGAMATED COAU, C ARCADIA. ' , AIAMMOTH l riNlN at S, CO. MORNINO MININO CO, " i TAl'OMA STKEL.. BIT.I.ION. . COPPER KINO.' , PARK COPPER. i RKINPKKR. . - RNOWKHOK. ..ettctvWtffttttMr . . TUB J. C. I.EB COMPANY. . I.KES CREEK GOLD MINES. iNPfSTRlAL; ' HO.MK TKf.rPHONR (Portland), , PALlrlO STATES TELEI'UO.NB. , r"Tf j no hare nr kind of etorke or bonda that Joe deelr to dlapoa of, brtnf them to a, even though jaa thkik them worth lea. Oftentlmea stock that I wpposed to be worthle prorea valuable. INVESTOBS" EXCIIAKGI Iae.) Capital 110.000, Fully Paid., 4H Slxtk at. Pboae Mala T0S4. A topiDeJiifi. X3-rown rtVirhlne-riOuae. locatloa fine, AWlcr et., near 11th. comer. HAWTHORN BKALTT CO.," 1 28S klarxurrlte are., corner Hawthorn. Phoa Tabor 618, THIS IS IT. . . Lank no further. Clear and confectionery; a money-maker, and we caa ptvr it; moat ell at once. tdrrfrrOPOTrTATrTirAl.TT CO, " Room 16, 2S1H Akler t. RI SINKSS CHANI.'B. Wanted Enereetle young aiao, architectural . knowlrdc preferred. who weald like to Hv veat a aomtnal amount In a etrtetly boooat eatMibed coast uine; (paUdM It for a half tntereat. O. W. SI'EHR, 3D Clay at. MONEY IN sqrARR I bar abont nT pair of thoruuehbred Plymouth Rock I Tomer -breed-toe pbreoue which I will eell at eacrlflre. Rllkworib, aet to Ariel . achool. Mt. Brott carlin. - " . KICB aw reatairrant or aoeI ttntne-rcarm and kitchen outfit-,' new French ran. : eeerrthlu I rat elaee: (all cheap or trad. iaqulr tut Stark at SAVB MONEY Anything 1a printing ee Med. den. Odd Fellow1 Tempi, rtral and A Mar eta.; apetalr. M BUYS S-rooata, weH fwralaked ta good to-ealltrt- wet etO: low real. Bagamaaa 4 BUnckard. 81 eTfth et. FBEB rent one year; room Sr0 with general etork at W cent oa the dollar; good 6 c0 - tows near here; about 83. Olio ch ta bandl It. Addreea R 124, cere Journal. PLACER gold mine, partner wanted ar will eell: mine m Idaha; etrtetly bleb grad; 1 .. yard disglaga. W. M. RaMe. Ooldoa. Oregoa. 3.Kal Bl V8 lodrmg-boaa In bnatnee center; worth the aaooej. Pwtofftr Box 87. city. FOR FALB Reatanrflnt doing a good boalneaa. aoujuwo a emr w. vwv recuaaai, ur, rOR SAIJC One-half tntereet la good paring - btneh enaater. narlmr from 84 rn 3 a day. Price 816H. Addreea D 121. car Journal. MANCFACTTRINO baatneea: SO day Ineearl gatloa before sale; guaraate 1.V per month clear; prk Alino. S Cat. car Joarnal. 1-I1AV area who ha fun ta lareat ha baelnean; real aetata propoaltloa; only tboa meaning baalueea aeed a newer. Room 4, 109 Deo end at. v . 8ICKNE5S romper am ta ftell my boarding aonae et St. Jobae; full of biardera: rent only I2.V . hralahed fca good abape: If taka thle week. eo b kad tur 7v0, 8SS0 each. Room 4. U acond at. FOR SALE Brie hofL three-etory, . 47r8. 43 roooaa, taenlahed only ftrat-claa hotel la Newberg; nrle 83.0iai If ukea at once. Addreea N. Welter, Nrwberg. Oregoa. NOTION and ewafectlraiery haalnaea: beat en ter baa locattoa In Portland: a eeenpetrtlon : cell bvw; la re ice HM. Owaac, lost Hawthorn are. FOO. SAI.B Brick rooming bona. IT roeart, all fumlalied: maat he enld at one: a rood bay If takea at anca. Call at 2-44 S Front at. FOR SALE Bafehor bra and grocery; beaai ka-atloa for good awaey. Call at aVi8 Morr on t. GROCERY, rnraer Vocation, well etnrked: aO reee eanaed good anooeaed; will IbroVce and dleenamt. or will trade. Wliet hare yea rtf 821 North 17th at.. Bear Qulmey. TH14 I a bare la: email erne and homa bak err. all uteaeila a ml flxtar. ranee, etc.: rank 3W. Call at aava. 40T tUwtbaraa Bra., elly. FCRNITVRB 10-torn hawee. eenrrally located, rent $.: price t'liV Call Sat kladlaua. , FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ft AI'RRS, hhrhry tmnroved. 8 mtnaree walk to earllne. ready for putting, (3.too. Colaaa blaa Realty C.. 8v, Third t.. room 8-T. TWO FSCKI I.KNT BARUAINR WARKHOI 8K K1TR. l.VrxlilO feet, la North Portland; pecml price for a few dey aly. rtxim feet, ataieat rn tba Veetoeae center f Portland, at a remarkably low figure. tiet It beforo the rlo. B. W. WOLYKRTON. 40S Mobawk bMg. 80-ACRR TRACT near O. W. P. R. Una t IV per ent bekew drlatag tract,: ewer . want to ntreat elaewher, Tbla will be aff the. market la a few day. Call 413 Mohawk bid.. Third aad Monona. n THIS 1 IT. -room amdern reaidence, TH-fnm) ermeret batnet, lot BOalOO, tv7 Beat Eeeeett t.; otBetliluaj alee, ap to data; arte I2.fmtx ' ln eottara. gnnd condition, aear Waeee ly tar line, aa Eaat llat t.; a barge la; price 143". MRTROPOMTX REALTY CO., Roma la. 231 Alder et. COXY homa, ale bit: a nerreJa; term. Vl-fklrjohn. Cedar Park, St. John. rH SAI.BuMndera eettere with I or 3 lore, fine rtte elew, aeee knehmee eeate of St. J.. boa: tbla to a Blew place. If yoa want a bargain, eeo owner, room 12, 3W Waehlng- . ton at, PnetUed. LOT d braaa at St. Joba, will Bay pa Cont e an Ineeetmeat, ebwe be. aew. IXMu; meat ha aoM. Room 4, 1'rB Second at. INYESTOR. SEN HERB 13 br, HO in. Beer St. Johne car tine, ealy 32.MW; fi.inw caeh. Roma 4. !' " e. ' IRVlNilTt'N propeny. eetral rhot. pte,-ea, , nuarter block or elngl kta: en re to ktcreaaa lii ralu. Brtlos Ageaiqr, 800 lfe Stark at. FOR SALi: REAL ESTATE. tt.iii NEW K room hoiir, aiOcndldly built.' 3 full Iota, T"ung friUt Ire . garden, . barn, one Mul from Hawthorn. 12 minute' ride. ' 4J.I50 tii.ui new room honae, ell convenl-riii-'. on a flu corner lot. ei.leiutul i riH-allty. high alreet and aewera; lm. jiroreaieute all inide ainl paid; 3l.4'J raah. balance gJA nxiuth: eiilcudld lierinanriit lcw; Eaat Ralmoo et. 13.800 A noili.r on Eat Salmon, earne local ity. 3 rooma, all awdera, furulture, etc. ; eaay term. , s 83 500 Splendid 7 room modern bone on M.rauerlt t. ; eaay vrma. t,00 K.ntr im1 6-room now roltag oa Kaat Ullaan: tbla I bargain; tree than coat and ran aaelly be wad 7 -room buuee; flu voruer. lot; y terma. - , ll.BBO An elcrant new 5-room eottag In Itr View Park. lolntely om .lt l eoncret walk, baaemoiit, eery lieat piunihlug, Jtial the voaicet home ' for a couple; tMi caah. balance 15 twr moutli; aee Hi It won't luat long. ' II 800 o -room m-etory boua oa Eaet 10th , , at., not niudarn, bat I aew ad a i bargain. 81.000 New 4 room plaetrred bona aa Faat - 30th, Md full lot, bona neerly reedy tor occupancy; H caeh, balance to ault. . We hare great menr athera la D part of city, alao rery choj.- lot of Tcent propertr. acreage, ete. See ua befor buy ing. W wlU build Too a home to ault, aiirwbera you waut It. Com la and talk with ua. B. . COOK CO., 1 Alder Bt. lose City : Realty Co. CTTT PROPERTY, FARM tAHTtS, LOAWS. UKNTALH, COLLECTIONS. INnDRANCH. FOB SALE AT 0I.AD8TONB. 8-room ' houoe; t lota Mil no brick cellar, w0; beat buy la Ore-oa; $'0; term. . k - Hooieateada, timber, landa. -' - . To rent fl room cottage, 111.601 anodera. Barer occupied. , Can eell a roombig-houe at $800. ' W bar a maa for Intareat la realty feaaV Ba. Fine lot. Kaat 8.1th at, to0; (300 oaeb, balance 310 per tnontk .'- . U block, 27th and Royt, gl.flOO. ll-room bona, modern, oa Second, betweea mnA I.tocoln. tT.AOO. lc) croa. fnccd. T cnltlrted, S la ertherd and btrrle. baiaac pturs nouaa. oaro, rhlcken honao. bora, wagon. Implement! all go at $2,800: nothing better. 304 MOHAWK BLIXJ. MAIN SOOT. $1,400 ft-room bouee, Suauyald: $300 raah. hoo 4 roam boo, kta, Bellwood; $300 caah. I J 400 8-room bona. lota. Sell wood; tcrtue. 8-room hem. Sell wood: terma. 1,000 8-rema new boua. Highland; $300 -Cah. 31.000 room aew boaee, anflnlahed: terma. $2.000 8-room aew eottag. Sunayelde; '"fl'-vv-txU la Park Vttw; $50 eaah. $10 aaoaih. . . STATR LAND CO., . " , . 133 S Flrat t. - Wccdlawn A pretty little 8-room eottag and lOOilOf) in. Wltnin VU teat OI lav bibiioii, .in. 28-mltiute rid from the renter or the downtown baslneae dtatrict, with care every ,f1re mlnnte during lb working hour. rtc $1.imio. BARTMAN A THOMPSON, Chamber of Commerce. RBAL ESTATE. $2. SS0 Modern T-room boar. $ Whole bbvk. heart of glty. $3.3jO Tirr "B-rooar Tnralet cut lag place, furnace. tc.t ale bomi , 1.t0 Albln. Delay et.. 50x100, Imp are all good buy a. I. tat your prop, rty; 1 bar customer. Inquire 308 FOURTH T OKT a - hovrr of Tour eat. I bar f oar corner mt; will bona yoa a aooa at once; io dowa and $1$ a moath. Apply at anca.. 41 Oread are. v - , - $200 DOWN, balance $400 to eult, bay room eottare, bair Mora rrom car: nen pan et an bur be. Inqalr 411. Eaat S4th at. LEVCKR WILL YOf'B PROPERTY. 'SIXTH AND WASHINGTON iTa. PHONB MAIN 8Mt HOI'RES. alan lota, ta Holladay Park. Rice, 800 Waaca at- I'boue. iaat J2- PARTIES with mU amount of capital aeerr rng a homa caa bar am ballt according ta their owa plana oa a amall payment dowa of $2aa ta $oo, balance eaax real. Ooaa maalcata with C 114. cere Joarnal. Notice A gmttlemaa leaving tee city ha left hm horn place with me to dlepoea) of 7 -room bone, ltwxioo. Trait aad gar Jaa; 18 mlnntea" ride from Third and Morrinne eta; $1U0 caeh, balance 4 yea re; prlc 82.SOO. . ROOM 4, 10O 8W:OND ST. . DONT GET BCSY But coma la at 244 Stark at. and let via tell yon all about thoae ACREAGE TRACTS. NOW 13 THB TIMB TO BDY while they Br cheap. Tncy wUl make a noon IN TKSTMFNT aa well a a OOOD HOMB. INVESTMENT CO., 244 Rtarfc at, ; K. Quackenboak, Preddeat. I WILL rll 8 cre ta North falveralty Park, ckw to where eome thing will be doing aoon a spring open: beet putting prnrawlttnn ratt tk city. Owner, room T, Raleigh bid. 14 ACRES of cultivated land, fatt eat of MontavlHa. for eaw at a pargaia, uwnr. aeoingioa ai. IF t CAN H tkt 100x100 eerner 'near tb Albln car barn thl week, $750 will tk It. Ronm 4. K) Becoad at. INCOME-REARINO flat on eaay terma 3a. 2v) 16th et., foar note. $73 par anoatk. por eeleln aetha h each, elnaa tc. eaally rented; - $2.uoo caah, $73 monthly metallmenfa; la. com will peg tb tnetallment. makmg re merkanle tnveatment f email raottal. Mor- ran. arret Chapmaa. 213 Ablagtoa bid. Pboaa Mara 2015. Sell weed Matibaaat A French. 1TI B. 131. PVrna gall wood T4. Ctty Tk Park t. $375 aad apt Rnaa Addltloa Ma. $100 aad up: $3 eV-wa aad $3 a month. Hoaaee from $.MW ta $V0OU. Lot tJ aad ap. ta all part of Seuwood. Ut yoar property with aa: w will U R. WlTrH TILTON ADDITIOV GROW. Home hallder era bo j log thee kite ba re aaa tbey are behrw luw. Only 38 wft. Agent aa rmviade la nxvenmae. THOMPSON At OGDBN I Rranchl. Phoa Eaet 43WH 300 Belmont at. METROPOUTAN REALTY CO. Iota from S. and an. Ilea from nd p. Acre from $ aad ap. " Parma from 31.50) and p 1 (in aaythln tcf arilf RHng M la 3MH ALDER, ROOMS 13 AND 14. JI ST think. t.X lot Bear Ralem earllne, a farther than at Joane.-at $18 per Vt. at $1 per moath; lerel aad gnod eatl. with Bounce Btrvofiy ibvcv. rvm na m v. - at there for earn a meant; the lot will be ralaed to $23 per lot on the flrat of th mnth. Apple to owner.. W. Reldt. room 11, Weblgtoa bldg.. 37vk Waahlngtaa at. $ 4 LA RGB lot. 1 block from tb Eaet Ankeny earllne: fin place for email rhlrkea raacb. Regletw At Co, ITH Third at. $oo BEAL'TIFCt hat oa Rodney eee. and lotag at., all Impeovemente la. Rear la fee Co. 107 V, Tbhrd a. I HAVB a fin factory alt f t acre. 400 em O. R. A) N. rallroaii: ahm kiriDin lot a t joining tract aa Maltaomah at. 41 tiraad are. 31. ana m ACRE. Bear Piedmont, en T reaver v. : worth more moaey. Ragleter A Cow lOT Third .at. ALPINR RIAL ESTATB CO. Vi Moerta. .room Si -phoaa Mala WIT 14 block w Ig eooea konee. eloea la, gn a -raam kauaa; eaay term; $3.3aa TCRNER A WALKER." Baal Batata, Farina and Bum Baaehee. rvekaneaa. 80 S Weeklagtea a. ton FARMS, emaD tract end lot: brgina ea (X W. P. ekrrtrre llo. 0. R. Ad'tltoa. Larata, Oregea. Take Mrruat Seett car. 8. , 12. TV) A ROy km. modera: a teTtaaal bar aala. W. 1. Pvddteacd. St. Jobaa. Or. WILL trad a plana for goad rlty kit. Adiareaa P 123. care JoaraaL Mi l let, RAtIOO, three kkatk from ear. good aervlee. $a.A. Hetfield, A Staltk. l.i Fourth at. BOI'SB oa Jobaaoa at.. 7 ream, all aiedera ' pri-o reaeoneMe: eaay ternie. Srklug Ageacy. -AorVej Strk a. rT aear cottage-: a ear gala. MeUrrJuha. idag rata. kl JuBaa, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Kennedy & ElpkGX aoo '""IMI'IIOVKD LOTS. $300 Each Lota In Arbor Lodge, Choice ... '"cation on pentnaula. $050 Kara Lot la bouth SunnyaM. near llawtitorn . $J0 Ka,-h Iota on Eaat Yamhill, 10 mln- Bt.a' rid from Third and Morrlaou. '. . .Hemes $1,0 3 room rettaxr. full kit. East 4tat t. $l.ai0 Nearlr flui.bad t-rovia eottag ob Crtoett at. $1.T50 tiood S-rwm eottag oa East 84tb St., Slinnyalde. ' $2,000 A ilcndld new 8 room boua aear V" Un' "mlera: half ea. $2.200 New T-room souse, choice aartloo, . lde. $2,900 Modern room bouee, corner OOllOO, 2 block from car. ' Kennedy& HicWk 824-0 LUMBER EXCHANGE. - FINB QUARTER BLOCK East 12th at., aear klorrtaon. fine 8 nnoea, au modern; a real snap; $9,000. FINB NEW 8-ROOM HOI'SE . with all modern Improvements, Eaat Sain $'830; halt caah. A GOOD. 8-ROOM HOUSE Eaet Taylor, Bunajrakl, lota of fruit, $3,260; . $-A cash. . , ' s FINB LOTB EAST SEVENTH BT. Near Morrlaorr, $6,500; eaay" term; thl la a anap. . ' ) FINB IT EAST Till RTY-SEYENTH Near 11 aw thorn, $400 aad $500; luaullineata. FINB ACRE G ROUND Rear I. 0. 0, F. kum. si0; $300 eaak. Cfearlcsca'-Co. ) 408 COMMERCIAL BI.D0. I'HO.NU PACIFIC 11D6- BELLWOOD HOMES. 880 0-room bona oa Improved atr. $1,8M 8-room eottag. clue la. Dew. $1,000 S room boaee. $1.0n 8-room house, F fme lota, fl.sto 8-room furnlahed bouae, S let. $3.700 4 room boua. 8 Iota, near carllo. J $l,0"O 8-roota. cottagj. ole JiUtL kit I $l.ffK S-room bouee, 3 lota, corner. $7ft Flna corner lot. $.'i:k lt on lmiiroved atreet. tKV looiluO, 2 bloike from car. BELLWOOD T0WNSITB COMPART, H. P. Palmer, Manager. 323 railing bMg. Mala Bool. Ballwood ofnc. Tenia aad 18th. SeUwood 141. .hEasy Money : WILL BB MAD LY INVESTING IN TWO LOTS VrtJICH I OFFER FOB BALI. THESB LOTS ARB ON C A RUNS,' LOCATED ON THB FRIN0R OF PORTLAND THAT IB CaOffWO-FASTtclT AND- IS FINTy t-OOA-TI0N FOB A HOME; ICQ AG BNT9. , AD DRESS 0 133, CARS JOURNAL. . BARGAIN. EAST BIDE HOME. $5,000 will buy aa 8-room Btodera hoeva and -kjftll corner lot on Eaat Ankeny pear lm et.; tble le a choice localloa and the bmiao la supplied wltk ap-to-date eonvenlencea; eon cret basement, good furnace, fireplace, bath room, etc. Tbl I truly a snap, so com early and secure a bargain.. , JAVEH J. Ft.YNN. v " -- arjj CbsrftUer of Commerce. T-room horta and nearly 8 full lota, alt covered with fruit and flowers; Just th place for the children; good barn and poul try house; only a block and a half (ma the car line, car running every Bin ann ate; $).. eaah. or $1,700 00 term. UARTMAN THOMPSON, , Chamber of Commerce. VACANT PRtrPr-RTT.-T . A SPEC.IAk- BARUAIN. : $Tf will buy 5 fall Iota not far not aa ,. Woodstock earllrte. with $200 eaah. remainder $13 per moath; would make afpleadld chicken rancu. $210 wlU bay lota, 80120, at Woodstock with $78 caeh, the ramalodc ta he paid at go per moots. $.1fr Full corner lot with little hoaae Met ing fog $4 per month. OTTO, -CROCKETT RABKS0N REALTY COMPANY, 133 First at. LOT with 3 bouee on Rnaaell at., paying 10 per cent on Investment. Sphlax Agency, lost stark at. FOR 8ALE FARMS. FINB 40-ACRE TRACT 20 ta eultrratloa, good bone and bora, fin orchard, aa gravel; only 10 ml lee eset: only $4.niiO; II. BoO rb. be lane eaay term. Fine 2-acr tract cm Bee Lin road, aear Rockwood, oil In cultivation: r-1 hous and barn; H mil from carina; $200 per acre; half caah. FTNR I0-ACRB TRACT All ta cultivation, amall boaee, all aa fraaa. $1,400; tJUV caah. GOOD 8ACRB TRACT Partly cleared, aear eharcb. echooL agora. 1 mil from carUaa. $626: $IU0 cash. riNB 23-ACRB TRACT 10 la caltlratloa. good bene and barn, fine orchard, oa good road. 3 roilea from good toera, eerllv, ramtrendmB aad railroad ata- . Uoa, $3Xrll; half caah. , FINB HOP RANCH SO acrea, 80 la hop, gone booboem. 4 acre of a fin orchard, mostly winter apple: good house aad barn; running water; $70 per acre. FINN ST-ACRS RANCH Join food railroad town: 8 acre ta hope; ardd $1 tuO worth f hope aa year;, a real snap; $3,300; half, cash. Oiarlcson L Co. 40. corMERcnr. PHONB PACIFIC Had. ... f2im Bargaia READ CARETTLLT. ' ISO ecrea. all. fin autl. nearly le-ve!; 00 acrea cultivated, 10 acrea la arrhard. 3 acrea errawherrlea. 80 acre bearerdsia, nlc atresia of water: a II welt fevered, new; 8 er ttns- ' ber. ha lane In paatnr: gnod la re aonae, nearly new. pa to ted white; wentlbona pnlnted red. Chlckea-boea painted re.1, wealibe painted red, milk hoaae pointed whit. rrat bonae and feed hoc ae painted red. granary painted white, near bans 81x123 feet, black-mlrh-ahoa, maehtne-ehed. 8 pig peoa, 1 goat barn: 10 rood mlk-b cows, 23 tons af hay. binder, mower, rak. 3 warona. 3 plow, fc arrow, - seeder, roller, kemeas, cream eea rarnr; earner f thle farm kaa cleared ever $2.0)) a yesr, and that caa be tncreeeed; a good an-tavdat farm, pieesaotly located la the valley., iVk mile from railroad atatloa; terma, 83.000 dowa. balance tlm at d per cent Inrereat; ether eneh a pr'paalUoa aow affered; all go for $40 per acre. Henkls 8c narrisca BIT Abtnatna bids. HOMESTEAD. Oarar g A bene H.eei carlo win aaa aravaf ettolca land, 38 mile from Stkaa. Cora d'Ale Reaerva'loa lnfwmatlia Agency, IMS Exehaag Baak bldg.. Spokane), Week. Leacke will sell it fcr yen. FOR SAI.B AT A'BARflAJN 300-aer farrn 12 mile east of Fnaene: aa acre eechar,!. awartlr S-yesr-atld1 Spltaeaherf anrfee; eaay payments, or will trda for" Portland prop. arty. B. n. Inxhem, Oregua hotel. Pettlaad, trregoa. for a lew day. , COMPELLED TO SET,!, acrea, good da-k tlllabl eotl. out Eataeada II, I H hours, ma from Portlwad; en eonary food: round trio $1 :ui; will wava drmhU, in velnej now eoiy HU. lloae Lead C.. I434j Flrat t. 33 ACRr.H I ewltleaeed; t eoars, rawm, ehlc. eraa. darka; crop: took,; creek, arrhard hoae. Boa vokismiui, Aiotn. warn eaan raraaat. Csee eallee. K fnimnvait SB't sua-ked. eonvenleirf, gl. VtOX 1 rtn acre., rmpnave.1. win rarrv 2" 'tl. i J0I: nyi t-rm. en hok; small csau ."- D U4, I gara Jovaai, i FOR SALE FARMS. A Rare Of rcrtnalty To eeiir a-tilce little ferm; moat orodnctive end In every wey dealrahie 2&-acre tract; IJS in ciiltlvatlui: fair 4-room hoaae. barn e'o0, wlmlmlll with fl concrete baaement uixter tankiKiuae. tetik bnlii l ino asllotis; anairted fruit; on good nwd. 2 mllee from (ileal. am I there gore with the plac wxiie ettM-k, waaon and ttugiry and linplementai plenty of key; $4,500: from VJ0 csalt dowa, balance it 0 pr cant. 43 acre, about H mile snath of 0wgn. f ruits on lake; om tlm her, a small honae, sod a soring oa the land: beautiful location for a summer hom; boating oa tb Ink; $I.S"0. , , , 30 to 400 acre between Liberal and Mackslairg, Oregon; about K0 to 100 acrea cultivated, fairly gd bntldinga, orchard; fine land, well located; food etvck ranch; price $12,000 100 acrea, 38 clear, good No. 1 hilt mad, rolling but not rough, he lane of land In fairly good timber; tbla land la good hop land and M Ha1ed admirably for dairy farming; caa carry from 20 to 23 owa; only 44 utile from Forest Grove; condensed milk factory with aa old house; a smell oreherd: - wsier plied to the hogae. Thl Is a cheap plac at $3,700, oa eaay terms. 400 acre to Marlon county, clns to Mills City, on th Corral I Is A Eastern railroad: about 00 aero in cultivation; a fair bouee of 6 ruoni, 2 fine barn on atoo foundation with gutter to drat tb water off; barn a In good repair and well peinted; one I built for goat or ekaep, one for cow and bo race; tli caw part I tnehloned and floored: there I a fin eprlug that could h pined ' to th boua; oa good henbouee and wagon ehed; place I well fenced and located ea good county road and will make a fin atock farm or good dairy farm) th balanc eat tb land la timbered and ha geen cruised ta con tain 7,000.000 aaw timber, mostly fir; there le eoai piling timber also: every bit af th lend when clear will grow anything. This plac h for ssl at tb very low 'glare at $0,500, mostly cash. Thle la Just a few of ear msny bargain ta farm scattered all over the eountry. If 'Ton are look In for a good farm, don't fall I call aad get particular at one. 820 Lumber Kxchaag. Second and Stark ata. Special Snaps BY THB ' - Dasn-Lawrence Co. VERY BEACTIFIL aad attractive 3-acr place, with neat eotteg. good barn, poultry, bouee and poultry yard, rholc variety fruit, very eicellent garden; three block elertrle Cars, Oak Grot. Special tbla week, $2,000. 0UARTER BLOCK, good modera 8-room ' konee. Including plena, carpets, stove and other furniture; East 21et et. Bear Clinton. Price aoly $2,800. $900 cash,, baiaac eaay term. . 10 ACRES near Fiae Lin toad, convenient to new electric earllne: amall boua: 4 acre cultivated; splendid poultry ranch. Prte only $1.300. . , - nil.r IMT. with neat 4-room eottare. -Mailory sv.. Bear Skldmor. Only $bt If Ukea tbl week. APPLY 1 48 V-FIRST BT. Fine Stock Farm For sale cherrp 2T gcrcg. S ajllc Euxcne; good" bouse. Isrg Turn, 200 acre cleared; spring water; for $13 per acre. See te Ccntlseiital Co. . . . 2(3 STARK. ST ... . :.: .Farm Fronts 'tin . Winaaette River ' " 13 acre 10 acre cultivated, flna variety af fruits, berrtee. a-rapea. euta, etc.: house. hern, eprtng of wster; one af tb most beautiful building spot oa tb river; boat will land on the farm: a fin deep water front ef SO rods: a railroad line will soon be built along th river, affording excellent kwattoa for shipping by rail and river; sow vary eoavealent 4v c4t r by boat and etectrte earllne: If sntxtlvlded. affords a number of beantlfal building sltea; a splendid Invest anent; mleht take aussa good Portland prop erty on tne deal. Henkle & Harrison 21T Ablngtoa bldg. STOCK ranch, 2.040 acre, eon trolling enoot 4.000 acre of graving land; splendid winter ranch; plenty of feed end water and abort drive to Bionntalne. Thta la aa excellent op- poriAulty for a atorkmaa. Im proved rslley farm, beat ef machinery, fine stock: eicellent bop yard and well lo cated, being on tb river; good road and dally rural delivery aad telephone aa tb place. W also kiv other good farms and ranch SPUINK AGENCY, 8064 Stark at. Just Think cf HI 40 acrea, 25 ender plow, good honae, barn, woodshed. roiMbaroe. cblrken-boaae, fin r rhord, team, barneaa, wain, farm imple ments, bay, $ eow. m mile from railroad ststton, 4 mil from school, all far $1,000; et-i wnmiiflTful ST, 30 ACRES, ' under eultlratloa. running water through plac Sll year; goua none, nerm. chlckea-koaae. rontbone and other outhulM his; 13 mile of Portland. Owner, u C. Vsnetta. MUwsukle, Or.; B, F. D. No. 2, box 84. FOR bargein la ecyeege aad farms aear Pert-Isnd-Bslem earllne: also eity pr"ferty aad timber, see larmers Land Co.. 178 Msdlsoa. HORSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS. DORSES and haggle for rent by dsy week snd month; special rate, to kualaes heaei. Sixth asd Heart born. Eaat 13. FOB BALE l.sno-poand boree, waroa and hr- neas. at. J'ns. cornsw wreesey . ai. WHUmett bird. WB hne. seTl sent, etches heraea. addl-s. harn-as. Hubert A Hall. 2neJ (th st. TIMBER, WantelRelln5is-ents . IF YOU HAVB a timber claim rellmrnlah ment aend It to aa. W caa haadle them quick, aa we hava pert lee watt in (or one; seed full description and tk kind aad s mount af timber I Hare la a tb claim. -'GregiFBro&,T" 817 AND. SIS FENTON BLDG., PORTLAND. T1MRI5R elana fca? sale ee trad: 100 acrea f timber land sne mil nam deep water en Tlllama.. bay. $3,000. er will trade for Port ,' Mad real estate of equal same, or will pay er take 'the difference ha cash an say thing s mler $10,000. Featofflca box 323, TUla amofc. Or. FEET ef yellow aad red fir r 31 8.. 0 W, Sl.- If sold t ere-. 34, 22'.: Wsshingtoa St. Sctohnii &. Co. Pc1f Ceeet Timber Dealers a for tare end email tracts. 227 3 WASHINGTON ST. TO OWNERS ef timber claim and timber--We will buy for eab aay good timber trlhaterf Nekalem rtver; will deal with wner nly; Bo ether aeed easwer. Writ, giving frill particular, sn Bea 3, C. F. 8 la Iks. Portland, Oregoa. a TFLLOW ptne, 3. 000.000 fee t th claim; kneatton fea fISO: plae asrmey la bank ant i Satisfied aa rern aenr-d; only few claim left. Al.r.XAMiKR USD CO., .. tVs kV-ih. Nr Pin. CERTIFIED cr'r. f ts. k't "ree. t. Howell. Chamber of Cemmerc. AM etrrt ta timber land bualnaaa. W. Chesdl. seen'. South Bead, Wsshingtoa. $13.10 PER Ai'Rr una era. oa kurglt. rream: nt . t t,; eedlon: greeteat ana an th market. 34. 227 S Wssblnaton st. BKSH'f yellow pina tlm he claim for lam dlete Iocaiien: eat i.raa,i. an s.ovi.ouo reet nor t-ec-tioe. Sea aa at escs. 34, IVt Wsehlngtew t. TTT t JITX nine. 3IM Vicstloei f.e: 2.'aV 0110, t rt plee; money In bank Bntll aatlafl'd apLig at once; ciima are iimtreo. " t rXAM'F.R I AND , . .. Oam tUlh, 3ag floa. BANKS. LADD TTLTON, BAJrKERSfEstablUh.4 la 1338.) kTJ."" T aaral Banking Business. Collect! one made at o"r a .f .. 1! Letter of relit leased available in Eur- i snd sll r-.1r.ts In the nlied mate. Sight Ftrbaxre end Teleexaphie Transfers enld an New York. W aaltlngtoa. rr,l.-... St, Lonla. Deave. Omaha. San Krauelace end Mmitana end ftrltt.h O.lnnihla. Eachange aoin on lonoon. Parle. Berlin. Frankfort. Ilotixkong. MERCHARTS' 3TATI0NAL BANK. PORTLAND. 0BE00N. 1 a ' xB?.5 WATSON PreaMeat I R. I. DI HUAM Tie PreaM-a t B. W..U0T ...Cssblea I UEOK08 W. HOYT Amlstanl Csakter Ttaasacta a General Rankin Boetaeae.- Draft, , letter ef Cradlt laaaed Atallabl V All Part of th World. T KITED STATES NATIONAL BANK OF P0BTLAWTI, 0REO0N. vaV , . Northwest Corner Third snd Oak Sveeta. . .v. v i. a '' 3 Oeneral Ranking Bnslnee. DRAFTS 1MHI FD AvatlabW ta ATI flrlea f IHLtl... .' 4 " d Enrone. Honekon and Mantle, Collections Made en ll-V'M" - J- c. AiNswoitTn I cs.hi.r n, w st-nvrea. Vlce-Prmident, R. LEA BARNES Amlst.nt CaahW . W. A- HOLT Aeelatant Caahler A. M WRI0HT ' BANKERS' 3t LtrMBERMEN-S BANX Portland:. , Oregoa. ' Corner Seemwl aad Star streets, "ommercfal and waefnre department. Interaet neld en savings' Boreas ta. Draft aad n o ZVTH! "dlt leaned avallshl. to all parts of the world. , , ' ?oer. r,'!''TOV President I E. C. MKAR '..reehW irVtVl; "' "OT-CHTLD.. Flrat r(ce-preald-nt H. D STOREY Uaeh.tant Csehle JOHN A. REATINO ...Seonna Vice-President I PL ATT A PIATT Oeneral Counsel HE BANK OF CALIFORNIA Established 1104. Head Oftlr. Saa Treneisoo. Oallfornla. Canltal psM an .84.000 noa I Rrrrnlne end uadtvldea aeogta ,..$ia 443.83 General Ranklnr and Evchange Rnalnee Tranaacted. Inftrest on Time Deposit. -SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Aeeonnts mar be otwned af " and apward. PortUBd BraB-i Tbambee -:" A B. . . .Manager I fxl$T NATIONAL BANK. Portland. Oregoa, CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $1.500,000 00. DEPOSITS $ll,r)r.ot.0, TV MTT.TJI. President t ..Csahler ) W. NEWKIRK TRUST COMTANTES. PIRTTAWD TRUST COsTPANT OF 0RF0N The OMeat Trsrt Compear la regea, ; RESOnRCES OVER S1.ann.ona. General Rankin. Tw nee cent tntereet oa cheek ace-ante leven t, . ul,i. , a.n, v,i. - - bum , r.. , at h. aachenee B ell esrta of th world. Ravlnga scconnts. Tims ortftlcste. 8 ta 4 per cent: aho-t.eli spaarlal certlSeat. $v or peer. 2 U. to 4 per cent. Cell for Book - of !LT.l"gTRATTONS. -, . Rontbeest Corse Third and Oak Rtr-et. Phone Privets Exchange TV, BENT. T. conEV s -lAeet I n t. PtTTOCtr ....-j.. Vfce wreelfleat B. LEE PAO.ET . .,., I SECTTR1TT SATINOS TRUST COMPANY .Trct a General Banking Business. -r ana navlnxe Acconnts. Act as Tenste for Estate, itrana aa er e. un Aesllahle on An farts of the World. C. P. ADAMS ....Preatdent I a. U MILLS.. Second Vice Pre. Ident I U'tl, r.. ItrsrajELL) NRTHwISTERN BtT ARANTTX TRUST Ct 'MP ANT Portland, Oreara . Lumber Bxchsrwe, S. B. Corner Seecmd end Sterk Street (eeeoud skaa?J.: atBcif. r-r, i cnanna irinaa ' ' I rra wiraffoa1 Bonds and Financed. Stock TITLE OTAR ANTEE ft TRUST COMPANY 840 WASBTNOTON STREET, r MORTOAGB LOANS aa Portland Real E.tat et Lowest Rataa.. - , Title Insured. A he tracts Furnlahed. ' .- ' . TTTORRUnN ROSB....... .President JNO. E. AtTHI.N ;...Reewsry OTORogH. Hnii...,. Vlcs-Prealdrr.t f RONDS AND IN M 0RKIB BS0TBTESS Chamber af Cemmsros Municipal. Railroad and Pnblic Servtc fn-TawMnai Boada. DOWsTTNO-HOPXINS COMPANY Eats bllihsd 1883 BROKIRB. -STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN Bought and Bold frar Caah gad ea Msrgta Private Wires. ' ROOM d CHAMBER of COMMERCE. Phoa Msta ST. 0UIS J. WTLD3V ROME TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCKS. Member Portland Stock Exchsnce. " Corner Bfxth snd Wsshingtoa OverbdSUrr (TCc . . . J ARATN. PR0VTST0N8. COTTON. STOCKS ANT BANDS. ' WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS, Cvntlnaoa Market by Private Wlr. Quick Bet lc. - REFERENCES Iiloi Tllto. Bank. r. and United Bute -National Bank of Portland. - FOR S A LE LIVESTOCK. T FT'R BALK 3 treaT"cowa. 117 OrttaaniTa, aad Kearney at. Hontavliia. - STALLS to rent. $3 per moctk. I8th aad Jef feraoa ata. i'boo wrja. FOR SALE Faar fresh cows, ana Jersey. 373 1 Esst 11th St., 8. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. WHY should yoa look fur a second-hand plsne when you can xet a beantlful aew piano direct from the menufaetnrere for lea money t Reed-French Piano Manufacturing Cnmpsny, "from maker to pisrer." Slxtk and Baruslde. VICTOR tslktng maehtnea and records: "tain ay . 1 a rvl ollierl planoo. WhermsB. 'lae A Co.. Sixth end Mnrrlaoa. opposite poatnfflc. MINES AND DTESTMENTS. COUEB b'ALENB and Nevada mining atock. I am alwaye ta the market to boy ar eell ny first -class stocks er bond. Met your " etneke with me: get aty price nefor buy ing ar selling. Loan made on Rated securi tlefcT, - rVBrowa.-401 McKay block, BARTER AND EXCHANGE. FOR SAI.B OR EXCHANGE 100x100 ea East Alder at., with 2 nearly aew 4-room hoaaee In ftret -rises condition: will pay er teke dlffercnca fog lot. Keg later ft Co.. 107 la Third M. FOR SALE ar xchanr tor Portland property. rine farm aear Albany, or., of 1A4 acres, all ta frna stat of eultrratloa; good bnlld rnss. fences, stc. ; oa cmty road; $30 per acta. Register ft Co., 1074 Third at. FOR SALE or grehang for Portland prrrnerty 320 acre fin timber, with avsort 1 em tee of orer 10.ono.oon feet; rain V, i.OCO. Register ft Co.. 107)k ThlrtLat,, WILL trad t lots, sain $n0. In Midway, for atyllah knrs. ar will take pony or gnmt row aa part payment. N 123. car Journal. ONE Mock. 3 booses, flna property, at Port- axana. lai v,niinf. star inrui iw ana nanoa. Colnmblsa Realty Co., S3e Third, roosM 8-7. FOR 8 VLK MISCELLANEOUS. A 32-PAGE booklet I yvn realty, or Why Me. thnaelak uvea ana Tears; (enstnss. togirsi nd ettraetlT from start to f I slab: will sdd aseful ha ooy ysars ta your Bfe: worth Sum la edarstloaal vsln. bat aelllag for 13 cents: eend fog It now. Key. p. 3. Oreen, 84 Eaat 28th st, FartUsd. Or. MONEY IN SQUABS I have nrmt 00 pairs of thorwichbrea riysnoatB Mora ttoereer nr.d tn plireoaa which 1 wUl eell at eacririee. Silkworth, aext t Arleu school, Mt, Scott earlms. FOR SALE Par whit Wyaadott heoe and pollers; some mixed pallet. 11. w. -.otter, 843 Kin (maa at. Wood law atatloa, Port ia ad. Or. BULLDOGS FOR 8 ALB English kail terriers. 3 month-eklt male, a wnrr wtra nttus Meek. I derk heiadl; prlc. 810. 313 and $-0. Take Sell wood car ta eremstortnm; go 4 block Bortb a hek a blaff, ar addreea W. B. Browa. Bellwood. Or. FOR SALE nTmo'h Reek homer plgerm srmsb brsegers; msrso pairs sna aamsrea birds; extra ematlty toc : price reason able. D. L. Harden. 4fa West Park at. BUT your frrraltm . hoh near and second-hard, from Ssvag ft Pen sell Pnralrnr Co.. 345-34T First st., between Market and MIIL Phone Pacific 300. We ell new fumltur cheaper tbaa aayborTy ta town. FOR SALE. CHEAP 4-kreh Keyatcia j wster meter. practieaU aaw. lacrolra H. Metsger, 224 Front at. FOR SAI.B Oaa goad 4tS pool table snd se ermnenitncata. m rood etmdttloa. Addresa W. K. Coll Iras. Greens Or. KEEN Electric Work. Iwth and Wask. ta. Phone FselDC 14i. rtew eow s aneainii eleetrtm! goa.1 boaght. sold sad excbena.d. SEWINtl mCIHNES) hcertt. nld ad ex-chasa-erl. $3 sad en. Wsetara Salvage Co., 42T Wisblagtrsa mt. SHOWCASES, eostera. flxfurea. boarht,. eei.1 e vekexed. Weeteea Raivagw Ca- 82T Washlagtoa et. Pact fie TVS. FREE FOR EVER Y ROOT Ring a Mala 4SB0 er mi I r -- "... . - tare, clothing; or any aid thing. 30 SUOHTLY da wared ewtna-mcbfni at Very Vw prices; 8lng-e. Wheeler ft Wrtsnvk Domeetlc. . Whtta. - H'Sak4. PH - swd others: t mske room for new seneg Wh-elec ft WUsoa ssd Singe-. S. S. Slg-I. 833 Mor rtsnn st.. Msrrrusm helg. ft flf. DEN'S RHprtftTIO CrR rhewmatlsme - Brd.1 ty aR dragg'sta. SFI.F-CUAXOFMKINtJ sash regurte for eels ebeaa. 211 First t FOR Sf.E Bsraarn la Whtte. Slnaae. Ds ls. W bee ley ft W llaow. Ilooaebolda and oh Slightly danmred machlre. Th White Sew. Ing Machine office, II. D. Janes, !t Yamhill st, corner Fonrth. 8 Hitoi, H""K. biaightj aol'I nd etchang.d. 211 V a niin II at. L-fJV s; to h.,ra traction eticine f-.r tle: chcan. U. aUlu-wto. a. . 1. it A, j.., ur. Y,hama Manila vU,',nn.'rV Collections s Speclnltr. af Commerco Bniidlng. J. T. BT'RTCHA E1L. . .Amattrt Mssewe Oldeat National Rank on th Paris Coest. W. ' C. ATVOTtD. B. F. STEVENS. .Aaslatent Osevila .Second Asalstsnt Csahler v fV nnlTBl Asalatant Seeretsry 30 Korrtaoa Stree, Portland. Ore-en. . SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interet Aniseed aw L. A. T.EWTJ , Flrat Vl-s-Preeltant R. O. JURITE BUry .Asalstsnt Beerarsry Bonxht snd Sold. Near Kntel pilse Olganlasd end Bond Onaranteed. T. T. BURKHART - 3T5iENTS. Building. Street. Portland. FOR SALE: MISCELLANEOUS. InoWCASRS end frrtnres. sew and Sana, urison ft Kallstrom. yjtg conrB st. WANTED inn men to wesr our celebrated $20 ma do-to-order eulfe. Lnloa Tailoring Cew 3is Stsrb st. SstSsfsctloa guaranteed. FOR SAI.B Steamboat 14 feet beam. 48 feet mng, rapacity 14 ton, new; will eell cheap for each. D. D. Wood. 813 Oswsgo at- St. Jobaa, Orege. FOR RALE Dairy. 30 rows, horse, wsgoa, good route; 00 minutes' drive from flna loon ' tloa; part rash. Pboae Mala S6A3. FOR SAI.IV Chstham Incubator and bnealet. M days' free trial. Oaa. W. Feott. 321 East Morrison St., Portland. WB print your sum aa 50 caning cards, ptuver -stss and eryl. 83ci 2A0 business esrde. $U A. W. Srbmale Co.. 228 Fb-st. Portias. Or. - FOR SALE CHEAP Safe, $30; , 0r escape. Third at boiidlrig. $30. . 1-qulr 349 North 18th st. . BILLIARD AND POOL tabtoa fog faat se (Ing ea). on eeay perment. TUB BRUNSWICK BALER CM. LENDER CO. 40 Third at- Pott Is sd. SECOND-HAND kar Sxrarua. poottable. aar-a. tshlee, cbesra, , Wvstera Salvage Csv, 827 Wsshingtoa st. FOR SALE Cook stove, Hs. 3, $3. CaU 411 Gllaaa Bt. - DON'T forget. If yoa eaa't sell year nsarrng- nona w can. . w u Tna nvary aay. . CaU Mala 82r2. ' PERSONAL. Vanglin's DetectlTe Bureaa Oeneral detective bnalneaa tranaacted no? cor oral torts and IndlvMuai. 1-3 Raleigh bldf., Sixth and Wsalilnstoa. Psetfle Tist. 8RXINR PILMI car ail forma sat Bsetkr weekneaa. For Price 31 a bnx. 0 boeea $3. wtrh fall gnae antea. Addreea ar call J. Q. CfemerMo. drug gist, taarcaa snd YamhlTl st.. Portlaad. Or. IF yoa have rt amstlsat w w. at to ear y a. new Torn Medical at y ore tea I inantata, Sa see Sixth aad I li) Wsshingtoa ta RUSSIAN BATH. SOT bet ea Taybsr and Salmon. Swtmmlna aol. stesm and kot- - any- bath. Honrs ladles, from fa. ax. to 1 p. m.; gent, rreea a a. as. as IS p. as. GERMAN bnefea, msealae . save sss. ere . z Oe - man. English. French, anealsa. sheadlah and Italia diet lob aria a; forrls hooka ad U klada. Bchmsl Co, 22 First st. MARRIAGE PAPER Htetieat etiereefe-T tncoe. pora ted: lltk yar; 3.0is member; 13 paeea sealed; send 10a. L Lava, Boa 100, Denver, Col. - WEBFOOT Oil Rasektray ea tb ksatbar; ah oiateiy water pro r. HOI.DEN'S RHErMATIO CUR raroasatbrm. Sold hy an aVsaxsira. MOTES, wrmklre. euperflimaai hair r ease red. Mi ehsrxe to tsl V If oyer. Mrs. K. l. H 1 1 1. Room 330 FlieHioer Bldg. Phoa Psdfl 133. DR. Bird ClfoONO. bn porter Ch rears root medicines; sails I ineaa tea. rer tiib e srw II dlaraase, ll 2d. hat. Yamhill and Taylor. DR. O. V. KPTCHUM ear peranptty prtvata tseaaaaj. a'ltney. aarreiaa. aens enoi epeetai f enae la tronbles. Csli a write, rwrira I7n . Third at, sor. TaaaML. Psorar pcelfst 225 SJw SI'ITS) pre ass 4 wnt T 1 watt go. I , setrr preasarf, aie. tjiir rr. i v aura sa Beat to One lie. Phoa Mala 20. TURKISH BATHS, so Orevontsa Mg. ladtaa asys, gentaresea Btcrrtts. Mala luaiv MANLY Vigor isawwed by Dr. Rora ta Were fit oar. Oa aooern s rreafment, -: monthe, 33: aat eeenrely sH-t by well. A sen fa, Wandard, Caarka ft Cow Psrtiaad. Or. BAI.M OF Fltis) re all feme he dla But Belmont Pawn East 4034. BEST msgsstn 1nie ever effered: sand ft 5 rice: agent wantedL Joeae Ibasa Staeav ai Alder et., Portia ad. Or. DTNFASES OE WOgrt; eoer lata girts snd kshlea eared fear; niivet kaanttsL Dr. Atv od, room 8. gnov, Mor. st. Tel. Pactnc IT53. OWL RESTAURANT. Feet W r'aon at Meala II and) ap: eborf en lere, freak egeters, 1. L, Tetstsff. prupcletnav SWFDIilll fraleM anree. Helslnrfoee grednata. enrae rkeamettem, etorssch trratbiee, nerens dtwan ler snd apral e by head rntvMug. et.em, r eat and Mb bath. No. T Fa.t I "It st. Tag Fsst Ankeny ear. rtxwe F.aat 2i'J. ROSA VER CT0Pa Sold every tier.. H. II-ITKEMPER ft "ON, M.k-e. T?a Cor belt et. , Phena pacific lt-1. MRS. DR. MARY mMit.., r gnarter fiat pa Ileal a. An HI..! -a P ava. BEI-'CTKlNa ma-la. Infe.w.ictl,,ns ' n: able Mo- sod a.n''.'""o. a - -Starrs Hf-s. M t. VN l!.tr, 4 -1 1 ., llarrisoa. Hot II )., Tliere 1 era t; rh.niftattam Ak "!' . , ,1. ee et't .a r rail rtriiirlt, I'.irtlatid. t'r, RFMol fit fr.. 7- ; ". !' n. raiui H. In) a 'i I lti'.ltj.