The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 05, 1907, Page 15, Image 15

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. . " . v
All England Talking Over Remarkable Exposures That Have Been
Made Concerning the Life of England's Greatest Mer-
v chant Who Was Recently Assassinated. ' , ' f
A Few
. . .'. '. ..journal Special .Sr-tr.)..
London. Keb. 4. All England Is talk
ing 'over the sensational revelations
made by a woman who clalma to ba
grandmother of the assaasln ot Wll-
IIobs. White lay, the millionaire ' mer
chant of Uondon, popularly known aa
tha "universal provider," showing that
Whlteley .had led .a double Ufa. Tha
assassin elatma to be the eon of White-
Gougho and Coldo
Pnoumonla and
! Conoumptlon ;
t FoIeT'e Hon- and Tstt aot wnly
tops the cough, but heals sod strength
ens the lungs and, prevents serious re
sults from a cold. ' r '
There is no danger ot Pneumonia
Consumption or 'other' serious rung
trouble If Foley' Heney and Tap
is taken, as it will cure the most stub,
born coughs the "dangerou kind thai
settles, oh the lungs and nay develop
into pneumonia over night., '. ,," .."
If yoa have a -cough or cold do not
risk Pneumonia when Foley's Honoy
and Tar will cure yoa quickly and
strengthen your lungs. ' :
Remember ' the - name Floy0
oy . and TaP and refuse any
substitute offered.' Do not take chances
with some unknown preparation that
costs you the same when you can get
Foley's Honey and Tar, that coats
yetJ n more and Is safe and certain
is results. ; Contains no opiates. ,
Cured After Physicians Said He
Had Conaumptlon.
S. H. Jones, Pastor X. B. Church,
. Grove, Md., writee: About seven or
' eight years ago I had a very severe cold
which physicians said was very near
pneumonia, and which they afterwards
.pronounced consumption Through a
friend I was Induced to try a sample of
Foley's Honey and Tar, Which gave me
so much relief that I bought some of
the regular size. , Two or three bottles
cured me of what the physicians called
consumption, and I have never had any
trouble with my throat or lungs since
that time."
. mm
Three ilres ?5c, 50c, J 1.00.
The 50 cent sice contains two and
one-half tiroes aa much as the small sixe
and the ,$1.00 bottle almost six times
aa much. v- ,:
"7, .u juJiDOoiaia. .
Snglano!, Who Was Assassinated l i
Days Ago. .
Icy, arid facta aeem to bear, out ' hie
contentions. , ' . ,,
' - , ' Story of Tragedy. . ,
Whlteley,' tha hard-beaded old- mer
chant, feared by his amployaa and un
approachable to. strangers, was closet
ed In his private office on the main
floor when a fashionably dressed young
man, wearing a tall hat and frock coat,
approached tha head cashier-end asked
for an Interview with Mr. Whlteley.
Ba did" not give his name, but aald h
came from Sir George Lewis, the fa-
raoua lawyer.
Tha merchant eeemed to be expecting
tha visit, for, contrary to custom, he
gave Instructions to admit the young
man. end they talked together privately
for several minutes.
When' the merchant cama out of his
office, followed by the young man. tha
latter waa lnalatant In hla manner, but
Mr. Whlteley was waving him away aa
thongh tha - Interview was at an and.
The visitor continued to follow and ex
postulate with Mr. Whlteley, and the
latter, turning sternly upon tha young
man, told him that ha would call tha
police and have him ejected from the
store. -'
Mr.' Whlteley then turned!-' his back
upon hla visitor. Instantly the young
man pulled a revolver-from hla pocket
and nred IwGTnioIsTrahorl range, both
of them entering the head of hla vio
tlm, directly behind tha ear.
Hundreda of employee and shoppers
were eye witnesses to the tragedy.
They stood aa though fixed with fear
and saw the aged merchant fall dead
to the floor without a cry or groan.
' Tha young man looked at tfce-fallon
man long enough to note the affects of
the shots, and then turned the milssla
of the revolver to hla forehead and
fired. Ha fell within a short step of
the body of the man ha bad Juat killed.
"I am Ceoll Whlteley," he aald. - "I
shot my father. ' I only wanted my
rights, I had given him timely warn
Ing." -
The two legitimate sons of Whlteley
deny any knowledge et the romance of
their father's . life, so tragically ax
Separated Vroxa Wife.
1 Whlteley was separated ..from his
wife, it la said tonight that the young
man who shot the merchant waa his
Illegitimate son, and that It waa on ac
count of his mother that the merchant
and his wife separated.
In the -pocket- of the young man's
clothes was found a note, reading:
"William Whlteley Is my father.
Thla twofold tragedy la due to hla re
fusal of a request which la perfectly
reasonable. R. I. P."
The tragedy removes the dominant
figure la tha retail world of England.
The name of Whltaley had become a
household word, and tha "universal pro
vider" furnished tha material for Jokes
and Jests and atorlea of all kinds. ,
Mosses Bepartmen. Kerohaat
Whlteley waa the pioneer department
store merchant of England. Ha was
born on a farm near Wakefield, York
shire, In mi, and was apprenticed to
a dry goods merchant there. At tha
expiration of his apprentloeahlp, when
he was 20 year old, Whlteley came to
London with ISO In hla pocket. Ha ob
tained employment, aaved some more
money and then borrowed from friends.
and with a capital of .,S00 opened a
West bourne drove In the then thinly
populated weat end of London. Thla
tore was opened In- lli, and White
ley had two women aaslstanta and , a
boy. . . - ,
Four years lated he added a second
store to the original establishment and
gradually expanded hla business until
tha Whlteley stores covered . a huge
block and gave employment . to 1,000
persona.' , r- . .; , ,
A'hiteley claimed that he could pro
vlda anything from a needle to an ele
phant Hla innovatlona eo enraged
other shopkeepers of his neighborhood
that he was publicly burned in effigy.
In 18V the business was transformed
Into a Hmlted liability company, with
Whlteley aa chairman of the board of
control, and hla son William as secre
tary. The capitalisation of the com
pany was t4,600,00. Whlteley waa tha
actlvs head of tha business up to tha
moment ef his death, . He eould be
found at hla atora up to T o clock In
tbi evening nva daya la tha. week. .
old Sin Blepkaats.
Tha poller of tha atora wah to sup
ply everything needed by nian or wom
an from blrtb, to death. Including med
leal attendanoo and tha funeral. It
auppllad servant a, actora, tutors, oour
lere, t)viniii and all olaaaoa of
employee; did an express business; Bold
railroad and taamahlp tickets, and ovan
a yacht, -If ona desired to travel that
. Ona of , the atorlea told concerning
him la that, 'wager waa made by an
English officer to a messmate that tha
"1'nlveraal Provider" could furnish any
thing ha could name. Tha wager was
accepted and tha officer named ele
phanta ae tha article to be called for
at the Whlteley atora. . .
The first officer said he felt certain
tiiat Whlteley could furnish them and,
after privately communicating with tha
merchant, took tha second officer to tha
atora. - ,
. "Elephants, certainly, aald the cleYk
who meb them, and led them to tha
basement, where all elephanta were
chained. Whlteley bad secured them
from a menagerie.:"
r-T -f Jnarart aperial Servtre.l ...
New Vork, Feb.. S. The most w Ma
in tha Interest qf the factory workers
of Greater New York was Inaugurated
today with tha holding of noonday re
llgloua aervlcea simultaneously tn more
than a acora of workshops. It la planned
to keep up tha work at least 10 daya,
and by holding more than aervlcea
dally It ta expected to reach tha moat
of the large factorlea In tha metropolis.
Flfteen-mlnute meetings are held, clos
ing three mlnutea before tha whlatla
blowa wherever It la the custom to aus.
pend work for only half. an hour, while
10-mlnute meetings are held In those
shops where an hour Is allowed for
lunch. Prominent clergymen of all de
nominations art giving their aid to tha
, ... . Tuberculosis Conference.
tJnaraal Special Servki.1
Minneapolis. Minn.. Feb. t. The Weat
ern Tuberculosis congreaa and the Min
nesota State Association for tha Study
and Prevention of Tuberculosis began a
Joint conference In Minneapolis today.
Tha gathering Is being held In connec
tion, with the tuberculosis exhibition
which opened last week. Many promi
nent physicians, health officers and oth
er are attending the gathering.....
To Succeed Senator Alger. : ;
- t ' Jnereal Speelsl Ser-lc. )
Lansing, Mich., Feb. 5. The Michigan
legislature reassembled today after a
two weeks' recess out of respect to tha
memory of Senator Alger.. The flrat
bualneas of the legislature will be tha
election of a United States senator for
the unexpired portion ef Benator Alger's
term, which will end March 4. HOT. The
choice will probably fall to William. Al
den Smith, who already has bean elected
for the full term berlnnlng March 4.
bt TtAM Tn KOTnrranrs
Ballard's Snow Liniment Is praised for
the good it does. A sure cur for Rheu
matism and all palna. Wright W. Lov
ing, urand junction, Colo., wrltaa: "I
used Ballard'a Snow Liniment laat win
ter for Rheumatism and can recom
mend it aa the beat Liniment on the
market. I thought, at tha time I waa
t. ken down with this trouble, that It
would be a week before I could get
bout, but on applying your Liniment
aeveral times during tha night I was
about In 48 hours and well In three
daya. Sold by all druggists.
. Juns jo, ioo :
la Effect January i, 1907 ,
,STITUTES.made of adul
terated, impure, worthless and even dangerous drugs.
This sort of thing has been an imposition, fraud and crime
facturers of honest, reliable remedies, and it was high time for
it to be stopped Misrepresentation and substitution of "some,
thing just as good" will now be done away with
, The principles of the Food and Drugs Act hare been always
favored by , conscientious and honorable manufacturers, who
recognized that Purity and Quality alone could permanently
secure the favor of the nation
80 the makers of Csscarets Candy
ciples ol PURITY, QUALITY and MEDICINAL MERIT when ths first
tablet waa made, over eleven years ago, and bavs adhered to them ever
Case are ts stand alone on their record, of havinf .rained in thst short
period of time the friendship, confidence and patronage of milliona of
people, who are now baying Csscarets at the rata of over a MILLION
BOXES A MONTH tha largest sale of any Bowel Medicine in all tha
world. ,
Wa endorse tha Pura Drug Law. -"
It suits as, because we have always stood before our friends unafraid
and clear of conscience, made onr contracts good to a very one, and in tha
conduct of our business, hsd tha good fortune to help hundreds of thou
sands of our fellow-citiiena back to health and life.
We have no reason to hesitate, and so we do not hesitate, to recom
mend Csscarets to all sufferers from Constipstioir and all complications
arising therefrom. Also any other diseases of the food-canaL We are ad
vertised by our loving friends and whenever the American people pass judg
ment in fsvor of an article after over tea years of investigation, trial and
test, their verdict speaks for itself.
The greatest merit of Cascsxets however, ta that of being a positive
and reliable . preventive of disesse. The most important function of tha
human body ta to keep ita digestive chsnnels and passsges, with over thirty,
six feet of bowels, strictly clean and disinfected; so thst natural operations
can take place in 1 natural manner, and the growth and activity of disesse
germs can be prevented.
A Cascaret at night before "turning in win keep your Bowels regular,
and your whole digestive canal wholesome, pure and normally active.
No matter what yoa have been taking, buy a little 10c box TODAY
at your own druggist- and let the results tell their own story. It means a
lot of health and comfort la store for you. - 753
Best Service! ; Lowest Charges! Cares Guaranteed!
Wbe are tfrH-tM with WKSVOU8 PCTIMTT, ratlin Strenstk, emu
aronly nN "LOST MANFIOOD." K-haoatlnc tfralBa. Plranlee, Lame Rack.
Innatnmattoa ef tbe Blartdar anS KMna-e, Hlbl7 Color! I'rlne, I tnpo
tenrf, Iwapoaaeaer, Talllna Memnrr, Laae ef AmMtkm, Maalal Worry, r.
eelte ef eiceae aim evarwnrt: i'llae. Klatqla aae Hjdrn-ale or ether weah
Beta, whlrk abeolutelr aaflt tken for Stud.. Bualn-ae, r-aaare er MarrUe.
v Be eare. ae Bar. BleeS ' Pelaaa, pmitrarteS er berwtltar-; Skla
Plaaaa, Khaaaiattam. Saree, Snllinaa, Dleeharrae, ftaaarrheaa, Olaat.
Stricture, XnlaraaS fYaetate aaS H-drrU. Xaaaat Daalla-a, Saeeaaaful
tad IXaerleatloaa Samoa, a-iaooable Chargaa.
Call M write SB. I.. riXBCX, Ml Tint St., larUaa4. Or.
Clarlie, Woodward Drug Co.
Importing Hhotesalers & Manufacturing. Cor. 9th and Hoyt Sts.
fa.SAS anuara feet of floor ariapa.
A enmnfate analytical laboratory,
private wllchln track irora the
terminal yarda.
The larseat aaa an eat p-nwu;
Brix Introduce a Bill Which
Grants Inestimable Privileges
to' lumber Kings.
Confers Unlimited Rights in En
abling the Grabbing and Holding
: of Small Waterways-- Can Con
demn Riparian Rights.
(By a Staff CorFMpoadeat.)
Salem, Or., Feb. Representative
Brlx of Cist sop county him a bill In the
boaae providing In brief, that all
streams which at any time of the year,
during normal stage or fraahat time,
shingle bolts op ties, are by that token
publla highway e, and that all companies
floating loga or ualng the waters for the
purposes ot the lumber buatnaaa are by
that fact made common carrier. ,
Should this bill pa's it would grant
Ineatlmable privileges and rights to tha
big lumber companies of tha state aa
agalnat the rights and holdings of the
small property holder or to the timber
land owner. It provides that any cor
poration which usee any stream aubject
to, tha act, can Improve it to suit Ita
purpose by deepening the channel, and
can conatruct flash dams for flooding
tha stream during low water In floating
loga from the upper watera.
Power to condemn riparian rights and
ownership existing prior to - the Im
provement of thaaatraam la conferred by
the, bill eo that "according to Ita pro
visions a lumber company could tear
out the power dama or tha Irrigation
worka of a property owner along the
stream in order to opan the channel for
floating loga.- . -
In tha opinion of members ef the
house tha bill haa been, prepared In the
interests of the state and la Intended to
give them almost unlimited rights and
privilege wherever it la possible for
tham to grab a amall stream and con
vert It to their own uae irrespective of
tha harm - which might be done to tha
people settled along Its banks. '
(Joaraat Special Service.)
New York. Feb. (.After SO years of
existence tha charity ball continues to
hold sn undisputed place, and from the
uutlwk the renewal ef the annual event
at the Waldorf-Astoria tonight will toe
aa great a social and financial success
as any of Ita predeceeaora. The money
taken will, ea usual, benefit the Nursery
and Chlld'a hospital. There haa been
a great rush for tickets, but- some have
been reserved for lata comers. There
will be a great many repreaentatlvea
of the army and navy In the tipenlng
promenade, including delegations from
Weat Point, the Brooklyn navy-yard and
Qovemors Island. - Three orchestras
will furnish en unlimited opportunity
for dancing.
, we endorse the fP re
Drug: Law, because we hare
always bcllered la its prln
dples, and because it means
that the American people
will find the strong arm of
the Government protecting:
them from RANK-FAKES,
Cathartic reeofnlsed the irest prin
equipped wholaaale drug house on the
Buvers and 'handlers of baeawsx anrl
Oraeon drus product caacara bark,
rrape root, eto.
r- -p a y-Y n r
AWCetahk Prepacationfar As
similating the Food andBetf ula
Ungihc5tciaai3 aiulBcwelsc
IVomotes DigesBonJCheerfui-
ness and Kestoniains neither
Opium.Morphine norfioeral
orHiacoTia -
A perfect Remedy for Cons Bpa-
non, oour aiomacn.uiannoca
Worms .Convulsions .Fcvrrish
ncas and Loss or Sleep.
Tat Simile Signature of
There is no ailment peculiar to men that I cannot cure.'
For sixteen years I have devoted my entire time and energy
to the treatment of men's diseases.
My methods have been perfected by actual experience.
with a thorough tHeiicarfeowTedgei
only physician thoroughly and permanently curing those
tional derantrements commonlv classed as "Weakness
J-my success in overcoming
the largest practice of its
Every afflleted man is invited to wrTta me a aeaerlptlon ef hla eaee. Buoh le my
knowledse of men's dtaaasaa and so perf sot are my methoda In treatlne them,
that I am able to effect euros In all ordinary cases without seeing the patient in
pereon. All eorreapondenee strictly confidential. Those visiting Portland may
feel free to call st my office for personal, consultation. , ' . .
You PayWhen Cured SffiS
Bo-calleJ "Weaknees In man la
mirable fully curable. It haa not
" been cured by thoae meaenrea com
monly employed, for they are meth
od a baaed , upon auppoaltlon and not
' upon' fact. Prematureneae and loaa
of power In men la due to a chronlo
atate of fnflammatlon In the proatate
a-land, and not to a dlaordered ner-
voua condition, aa haa bean auppoeed.
voua condition, aa naa o-wn auppoaea.
I treat the Inflammation by a local
i trrce "that lri norTaTr-t-r sconm
Suss its purpoea, ana witn ima eon
It Ion corrected full and . complete
' strength end vigor returns.
" STRIL'TL' HTS My treatment la an
aotutely palnleaa, end perfect reaulta
can ba depended upon tn every In
stance. I do no euttlng or dilating
' whatever. '
The Dr. Taylor , co.
Hoar 9 a.
Patients living out ef the city
charge. Check your trunka direct
: S1M M
An Any Uncomplicated Case
Under Absolute Guarantee
No Pay Unless Cured
- Taara are ae taaay awa eafrariag frem ekreele aalrta
Sliaaiaa, aa tke -mater eamkar ef tkaaa v4c(ma are
till aiare aaerteaata la treating wltk Sootera wke Baew
x aaly aaanck aa er4eoe temporary raeolu, er a alae
our. 1i Uy aaooaaS la keaeffttae the mtfmm at all.
Taara Ja aa aank Ulna aa a rartial aura ef a Siaaeaa,
a. 4 the ahyalolaa whoae BiathaS Soaa aot eraaieate evary
vaatlga eaaaot rightfully alalia ta da mare thaa relieve.
W earaaatly Saaire 'kaTlaf all Slaaoeage4 aarferare
nd aaaa roateeiplatlaa aarlof thewaalvae aarad ot aay
ot the 4aaaaae we tract Bay aa a aaraeaal vtait er write
ae raaardiag their eaadltiaa. re aot baattate becauae
yoa . hare railed ta reeel-e a rare la treatment with
yenr family Dh-alHaei aeak martical attantfcia frara a
phralciaa mho tbarmwhly aiaratanle roar caae aad aaa
tare yutt eater. nk-hly aod parmaaaatly.
STXICTDXIl We eare Urn by -aathoda kaewa eoly
rerara main
OVA XKTHODt AXX OTTX Mrs, bat we ha-v maay
an, thr aire yoa en lnfarkr traatment, whW-a oft.ntta
coxxxx txoora An tai-hilI rrxtxTS, toxTiAra. oxxsov.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought -
.Bears mo
Signature AU
For Over
Thirty Years
M mm . mmW I a?
iaw -mm mi
rft -In
such cases has placed me foremost-
kind in the West.
Contracted Disorders
Every eaae of contracted disease I
treat Is thoroughly cured; my pa
tients have no ralapaee. When I
pronounce a caae cured there le not
a particle of Infection or inflamma
tion remaining, and there la not tha
allghteat danger that the dlaeaae will
return In Ita original form or work
Ita way Into tha general ayatem. No
contracted disorder Is ao trivial aa to
i comraeiea aiaoraer ta ao trivial aa to I
I warrant uncertain methods ot jreatrl
mrlC"TialeracIariy aollclt thoae
caeea mat otner aoctora, nave seen
unable to cure. ,
I have the laifeot praertloe teoaaae
I Invariably fulfill my proaileee.
acy Oolored Chart eaowlag the
mala aaatemy aad aXordlag aa la
ta reetlag etndy la aaes'e dleeaeee
Xraa et oSoe.
Cor. Second & Morrison Sti. Private Entrance
234 Morrison Street PORTLAND, OREGON
nv to 9 n. m. - Sondava. II a. m.
and coming to Portland for treatment will
to IJ4U Morrleon street
' Debility
Thoae eeadltieoa exletlef where
aiea are merely Mvtag a Ufa of
exBteaeet loaa ef memory, ae vital
ity, palna to the back, tired feeing
la tbe BJOTBlni, loaa ef aleea, ae
imMtloa and. la feet, yoa ateaa to
believe that there It ae hope for
yoa. But atop, there hv " If yoa
will aall aad era .ae yea will ear
tbe eaete. We are aperlallats fnr
thaae troablea. Call at en re.
by US. we kelag the erlgkaabara
nUTATOXS who try M 4 epllrate
ea will make the patient wurae.
xouxs s A. st. to m . k.i trvoAf.'
We Cure llznl
No Charge for Medicines
The Lowest Fee In the City V
Primary, Secondary or Tertiary
Bl00rj poison - - r - t -
Penaaaentlr (ares. We -oilrlt the swst ek-tl- '
sale raa-e. If yen - eihsnatwl the eld
Bieibnds ef Irsatm-st aad still have aehse an4 .
polo. aiseoM stfbs . la -aoalh. me throat,
plmplw, cenper-wlnrad spMs, steers as ssf.
pari of the body, hair ar eyabrvws falling est.'
some to ua. mm will ears yoa. ...
Wl OiraX" to stay wd ay sew SMtsods
qnlrk sna pnaltlve. Oleet, Strlcrare, Varlrorak.
Hrara-ole. ionorrhaa, Ia Vlullty, Ktdaar
and Blaodar Dlaaaaaa. Proatatle TraaMaa aad
sU chruals aod bottous lllaeasee ef else.
Special CI Wwlr - e-aUal-d - and
efaroale cam co-oil. Alt earnlnf. Itching sod
ki flammat Ina atoppad la Si boara. Cans ef
fectad 1a sevea days.
Examination Free
If aaable ta rail, write for soaatlea alsafc.
Portland Uedtcal Dispensary
Coraor Fifth aad A Mar sts.
Office Beers: S a. at. ta S a. at.
10 a. U 1 p. a. P, a Box SSi
k hiBl-nsiSsBd-hoaldiaow '
MAIVCl bkiisf Sfway
-MMrfwi. ll-ot lit,
" ft Moat Coareatoot, x
If ba -an aot aopply the
niai kl, aouana ao
eUior. bat aaaS auunp for
llluatraud WiiS It
full partlaulara andjltro-tlona ts-
Taiuaaw 10 ta,i)s. si .
n. sea st.
Saw lo-uaT
SAUft 004 SIOaMS.
The Leading S racialist,
Without nalng knife. 11 rat are or
cauetlo, without pain and without de
tention from bualneas, I euro Vart
cocela In one week. If you have
aought a euro eleewhere and bean
dlaappolnted. or If yoa fear the
harah methoda that moat phyalclane
employ in .reeling tnis alee
come to me and I wll
soundly anc
Uaajii paii
lay. Varicocele haa ita dana-era and
brlnga its dlaaatroua reaulta. If yoa
will call I will ba pleaaed to expUla
my method of curing.
dangerous mineral a to drive the
vlrua to the interior, but harmleaa
blood-cleanalng remedlea that re
move the laat poisonous taint " '
to 1 m m.
be furnished fine room free eg t'
.. . T
-Life - Long Curet
taiMM m.-'i ' -C-
tf A
, T 7 '
No Guess Work
We Rare lieea lorated la PertlaeS far ever
19 yaere aa1 onr rapatatloa araatte eat ae
haaaat and raliahle. Our aaccaaa 4e ta treat
ing all eaeae pereoeally aa4 $ trnvi tham me
haet erlantlfte that the world ca arodaoo.
Cell aad gal ear hoaeat eplalea.
Mat ealy eaaeae met eaaateat
beariag Sowa faellag. bat tt
eaaaae siaay reflea ena4ttloae
latarms net ealy the parts' bat
-the whole eyetam. The warm.
like ratae la the erretam afta
caaee rery'aarloni enetplleatlnne
that aeraaaltate aa eaerattaa. If
takaa la time there la aa aeed
ef ea oeeratlm, aa ear methmta
here prows (rota time t llaM.
ef tkle. We eare etrtrtara eeroe te
thla treatewat.
call aaS aae
lfnf tin. hla te 4
to JA"
v . . ;