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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY S, 1UU7. - S 31 mom rnn nrnN inn t (Continued irora Page One. ridiculous this afternoon when Secre tary Metcalf, himself ft etttsen of Cali fornia, lasued tn'ordtr allowing tl.'tOO,- 000 for tha Immediate prosecution of re pairs to tha battleship Oregon, now ly ing at Puget Sound navy yard. This allowance of 11.000,000 Is Intended to put tho famous battleship, which was the historical figure in tho Spanish American war., in strictly first-class condition. Tha action of Secretary Metcalf Is mad all tha mora signifi cant and conspicuous by tbs fact that . tne Oreron Is on tha Pacific coast. Where it is lo ba destred that every avallible' warehlp should bs ready for prompt and afflclent service. That School Board tha Key. Official circles are deeply intereated 1n the question whether President . Hoosevelt and bis cabinet advisers will be successful In their efforts to doml- : nate the San Francisco school authori ties.' Upon Its final answer In ft greai degree... -hinges the probability of an open rupture between the United States land Japan. The president is in no wise concerned over the report from 'the Pa cific coast that the chno heard "f- can "be" abrogatedI Is now believed the president is entirely too confident in the matter of negotiating a new treaty. ( v . Jape Will Ask ft FiU Information coming from the Japa nese embassy is to tho effect that lit tle progress has been mcde in the mat ter of arransine- ft new convention. It is true that Secretary 1-oot end Viscount Aokl have held seversl conferences on this subject, bur really nothing has been accomplished. The Japanese are satis fled with the treaty now in force -and will demand manr important concessions before agreeinr to any modification by which cochea will be excluded. It is the feeling entertained by the Japanese officials that makes the Ban rrancisco board of education unwilling to rescind its order on. the mere promise that a treaty will be hereafter negotiated, be cause they are reaeonaDiy wen ssusura that such ft treaty as Is proposed will not nrove acceptable to Japan. - Administration officials are today con tinuing their policy of denying that any actual friction exists between the United States and Japan, and ridiculing the Idea that war may grow out of the Son Francisco school .Incident .- Senator Cullom, chairman of the for eign relations committee, had a - talk with President Roosevelt this afternoon. Upon leaving the White House he de clared, that It Is utterly impossible for war to result "from such ft trifling mat ter." ' SIDETRACKS-FULL OF IDLE CARS No Fuel for Freight Engines on the Harriman Lines in Y . ." Oregon. FIRST WAR MOVE. Naval data have pledged themselves to re main firm and not consent to trie ob noxious order being either suspended or rescinded." r ., The greatest encouragement Is derived'- from the attitude of the Cali fornia delegation in congress, which, to ,a man, several months ago denounced tha president's attitude on the Japanese question. In the face of an overwhelm ing sentiment at home and their pos sible political effacement in the future, ". they have united to exert all their in- fluenee upon the sohool board to bring the members to the position now oc cupied by President Roosevelt . Persuasion, Vot Xaw, Hurt 'Win. ' There will be little or no change in , the situation during tha coming week. The conference between the president and the board of education of Sa n Fran cisco cannot be held before Friday or Saturday." - - It is -believed here that President Roosevelt has prepared to relieve the , present hsxardous- conditions by ft per- ' Board Inspects the "Pacific MaII .Vessel. :.' (Heeret Newi bj JJmttfLlt!ilt&JtilJL-Z- Ban Francisco, Feb. 2. The first move of the United States navy department in anticipation of war with Japan was made today when the naval board, con slating of Admiral Henry Glass, Captsln C B. -Perkins snd Captain T. S. Phelps, and Lieutenant Danforth, inspected the Pacific Mall steamship Korea as to her advisability as an auxiliary cruiser. After the navy men had satisfied them selves as to her capability of making peed, they found that she was able to carry the required armament. Company's explanation. Captain Perkins stated that the In spection of the .vessel was merely in pursuance of the act of congress of April, 1905, which requires that vessels be properly equipped in ease of dis aster. But the fact that they asked re garding the mounting of guns on the ship Is significant. - -. 7; R. P. Schwertn, Vice-president and general manager of the Pacific Mall company, was seen regarding this In spection and gave the plausible expla nation that Captain Perkins had never SOUTHERN PACIFIC ' ' IN WORST CONDITION O. R. A N. Motive Department Gets First Chance at Coal Coming Into State From Colorado and Wrom- "- tag Mines. V .' " ' J,"" ' ', - THOMPSON NOT GUILTY (Continued froioPage One.) V' Fuel shortage, aggravated by- wrecks. and landslides, baa thrown the Southern. Paclflo railroad lines In Oregon rar Be hind the demands of trafflo.-' For months the sidetracks between Portland and Ashland have been filled with -cars loaded and ready to atart outbound. Today- there are between too and 100 loads held up. , ' . The effect of this oondltlon of affairs haa been to place the Southern Pacific hevond the Doealbllltv of serving its iff-Sfiimveirint had sufficient car B7,5TOwprds. soniu sppea. o ine ecnooi Mtra, ue-, vtaUed th i,ner Korea and wanted to cause Dl IB cunTincwi mv utw iuii uvw . fnanlw thm fltiln pending in tbe California court to com pel - the admission of Japanese pupils to the public schools will prove unsuo cesafuL It la understood that bis legal . advisors . have informed him thrft in ell probability a decision will be ren- - dered against the government on the ground that a state has supreme and sole control over-Its own public schoola ' Can Prepare Only' by Stealth. 7 "V. ' In the meantime no extensive prepa rations can be made for war. No open : steps can be taken in that direction, because tha enmity of Japan would be et ones aroused, - It is certain the army t'Jl now bffpg r committee on military affairs materially enlarged and strengthened. Provision will be made to cover many weak spots that would have been slight ed if the tnger of trouble with Japan had not arisen. Secretary of war Taft clflo Mali-company's liner Korea thlst sidetracks and ready" to be moved. A -morning unexpectedly, specifically asked , few weeks ago there were 100 to 1,000 Notwithstanding this assertion by the officials of the Paclflo Mall company there Is no doubt that the inspection of the American liner haa created gossip in this port regarding her availability to be nsed a transport in the event of war. -.-i-,-- -r- The Inspection board visited the Pa- equipment. Its motive power, already far short or the needs or normal iraino, has been badly crippled by reaaon of the lack of coal. The Southern Paclflo uaes oil fuel only on its passenger locomo tives. The freight trains are moved by coal-bumlng engines, the same as the O R, A N. freight trains. Xeftovera-for Southern. The main source of coal supply of the Harriman lines Sn Oregon are the mine of the Oregon Short Line In Col orado and Wyoming. When this coal Is moved westward tha O. K. w. lines get the first chance at It. If there is urgent need of .fuel for -than company's freight engines, the Southern Paclflo gets what is left. . The portion remain ing Is not always sufficient to meet the needs of constantly Increaalng freight traffic between Portland and Ashland. An operating official said yesterday! "We would have been in better shape today with the freight traff lo than we have been for three weeks If It had not been for the blockades from damage to tracks in Cow Creek - canyon and the father and talk like a lawyer. In his peroration be waa, as In the hours that preceded It, mercilessly hammer ing the conscience with cold reason and logic, , , Imtmotloas Favorable. -Those who heard witnesses and "attor neys stretched out under the baatinado of the old man's sarcasm or anger, or bis splendid tribute to friend and some times foe, can never forget the scene. ' His fellow attornava and his sons were In desperate fear that he .would collapse completely at the close. He was terribly white and shaken. But after short rest he recuperated, snd today seems as strong as ever. v . Judge Bnell's instructions to the jury covered 41 points to be observed In ar riving at the verdlot He told them the first thing they must decide was ths defendant's sanity or Insanity and if they decided that the boy was Insane they must return a verdict to that effect, but that Jf they decided he was sane, they must determine the extent of the crime. . ' i", Saorikbng OosVof Trial. The trial - began December 0. ' The state examined 14 witnesses and the defense 2. The jurors fees ; will be $5,000 and $800 for their board. The entire expense of the case will exceed $11,000, ; acoordlng to lawyers' esti mates. . - , ." " v The testimony , extended . to. 1,000,000 words. . Mr, Thompson's great . speech was about 130,000 words In length antl there was almost no repetition, In four hours and 80 minutes hs annks I .,,.rimy- Next Monday Is the prisoner's twen ty-second birthday. ' , The Jurors hsve been locked up alnoe December II, have seen no newspa pers and have talked to no one except the bailiffs. It Is the longest criminal trial that ever took place on the weatern coast, with the single exception of the Durant trial at San Francisco, which lasted It week 1. HARRIMAN TRIES TO KILL Continued from Pan Ont.) ' adopt a reciprocal demurrage law. Beckman and his conferees want all the states and the national congress to follow suit The Beckman Influence at Balero Is resented In particular by the Hill people because he and his lumber associates have decided to ask the courts to have the Hill roads Jt. the Northern Paclflo and Great Northern put into the hands of a receiver on the south of Redding.- These troubles have nj tnat t haT falle)J t0 aggravated the situation. Most of the . for th.., ,,..ln nt ,,,.1 ' . tonnage between Portland and Ashland Is destined to points south. It consists of - lumber. - vegetables, . box materials and local products. V ' . rusl r amine Keenly Tell, " "There are at the present timeuot to exceed 000 loaded cars standing on as to her capacity to perform the func tions of a scout ship in caae of war. They were several hours In Inspecting the ship and carefully examined the decks for thr V 1 f 11 nil - Korea Speedy Teasel. The Korea is one of the speediest of the trans-Paclflo steamers. She is able to steam ordinarily 20 knots and woujd be considered an excellent acquisition to the auxiliary fleet of the United Statea She could carry two slx-rncfi atua vuivr vuivmi dl lav wr ucinri- . . I it l , i. --mrof nave-appesTedrtn -person before M ,h. .ft,iieak nt wim hoe --.. the committee and have urged the most Bp.ed would ft formldUlbla destroyer noerai auowance lor mi army. of merchant fleets. She ha. anmmn. 1 cr Calif orniaas aTkeptleal. ; rnTi Soviets receiveu , nere ' irom loads, but we have succeeded In reduc ing it about 200 loads. On the O. R. A N. lines today the fuel situation Is trains are being moved.' It was reported, however, that tele graph repair gangs, numbering about 65 men, seni out oy mm tJ""H llaion. orovldee In soeclal construction cars to fix the J? -I i." iorm meir junction or rurnlshlng a reasonable car service .. to shippers. They also contemplate bringing, on ac count of the car shortage, demurrage suits amounting to $16,000.000.. WANTS HIS ASHES FLUNG INTO MISSISSIPPI RIVER (PabtletMra' Press by Special teased Win.) Davenport. la Feb. I. Melvln A. Ouuld. Buumy mrvtyar of lloyal' Island THOUSAuD PIIOOE EVERY DAY Rate of Progress Made by Repair Men Under Favorable Conditions. , J DISABLED LINES BACK IN SERVICE Nearly ' Ten - Thousand Instruments Put Oat of Commission by Storm of Sleet Are Slowly Awakening to Call From Central. ' Three week will lapse before Port land's telephone system Is In as good shape as it was before the storm of sleet last Monday, and .If the present snow and cold continue, a longer time may be required to repair -the wlrea The repair work on the west aids of the river is expected to be oompleted by the last of this week. These are the estimates of C. I Hickman, city man ager of the Paclflo 8tateeTelephona Should the weather clear un. Manaaer Hickman says he believes the repair work can, be accomplished In less than three weeka A fores of nearly !00 ex perlenced men are at work on the liuee all over the city, and more men are ar riving dallv from other cities in the north wen and are being put to work. The work of setting poles, adjusting cross armji and wiring can only be done by men who have had experience, ana the work has not oroceeded as rapidly as It would bad the company been able to secure as many experienced linemen as were needed. Unskilled laborers ars employed at digging holes and assist ing the skilled workers in setting up the polea . - ' It is estimated that 1.000 of the tt.000 telephones in the city were put out of service by last Monday s storm. VI this number 1,000 ars again in working order, leaving 7,000 yet to be repaired. Manager Hickman stated that under favorable conditions ss many as 1,000 telephones had been placed in order in ft day, ' On tha east aide of the river the work cannot proceed eo rapidly, owing to the greater dlatsnces to be . covered. In many Instances the open wires will bs replaced by cables by the repair crew. This will enable them to work faster nd Is in keeping with the plans of the company to rebuild the system within a year and have It entirely a cable sys tem. ) , . . . . COYOTES FEASTED ON V FROZEN. MINER'S BODY ', ' (Journal Special gerviee.) ' Butte, Mont., Feb. -$.8hoehoni. Wyo ming, advices tsll of the finding on the trail of the frozen, coyote-eaten corpse of a miner- known ss "Silver Ttpa" who attempted to walk from Shoahonl to Thermopolls during the recent oold snap. Coyotes nad been feasting on his re mains for several days. la::e coimy fruit m F0.1l ASSOCIATE! i , ' Officers Elactjd and Anti-Pest Resolution Adopted-riarg r - MeVibershig, - (Special Dhpateb to The Jeoraal.) Eugene. Or., f eb. S. The Lane County Agricultural society waa organised In Eugene this afternoon with 15 mem-, bers,. but ths membership is expected to be more than trebled within a short time, as many fruitgrowers who were not at the meeting have expressed their intention of handing In their names. Officers of the society were elected aa follows:- Dr. H. F, MuCornack. presi dent; H. A. Bower, vice-president; A. C. Jennings, secretary-treasurer. As an executive committee the following were appointed by the president: - W, "O. Allen, Charles 0 Williams and Richard Bauer. ' These will serve with President McCornack ss a member ex officio. The following resolution was unani mously adopted: . 1 "Resolved, By the Lane County Hor ticultural eoclety that tha fruit ln spector of Lane county be and is hereby called uprn by this association to strlot ly enforce the law for the extermination) of fruit pests from the orchards of this county. ' ., And Sometimes That's Herself. . ', From the New York Press. A girl can love lots of people; she Is never in love with more than one. county, Illinois, died last night from erysipelas. His will, opened today, re iterates his" expressed disbelief In re ligion, provides that ' no sermon be IThTr .VlJ not be P"h t his funeral and that only S . " " " sung. H. quests th.t his body be cremated tn the Davenport moved from place to.plaoe because of the scarcity of coal. dations for over 1,000 steerage passen 1 gers and - therefore In' available as a Pan Francisco indicate that the people transport for troops. The Inspection of of California are extremely skeptical In tno ship was Kept very quiet about the -; regard to the treaty which the president mall dock today. expects to negotiate within SO dsya after , The compsny haa ths Korea, Siberia ' the order is suspended providing for and China, which ars capable of making i the exclusion of Japanese coolies. .They the speed of 19 knots and these vessels are convinced that one obstacle after are able to transport in aggregate 6.000 . another -will be thrown In the way of troops, and also the mammota liners ' arranging this treaty, and that eventu-. Mongolia and Manchuria, which though J. ally jt willfnit The treaty now in louly able to speed M knots, en trans , force, under which the Japanese claim port fully i.000 troops, the right of education In tbe-publlol - - - : schools, requires one years denunciation on the part of either signatory before it : ; DEATH (Continued from Page One.) . . J PIMPLES, BLACKHEADS Get Rid of All Toar Face Troubles In Few Day' Time With -the Wonderful Staart v Calcium Wafers. Trial paokao Beat rree. Ton cannot have 'an attractive face -r a beautiful -complexion 'When ' your blood is in bad order and full, of lnj purltlea Impure blood means an im- pure face, alwayaj ' H The most wonderful as well as the ' most rapid blood cleanser is Btuart'e ' Calcium Wafers. Ton uss them for a few days, and the difference tells in your face right awey. - Most blood purifiers and skin treat ments are full of poison. Stuart's Calcium Wafers are guaranteed free from any poison, mercury, drug, or opiate.' They are as harmless as water, - -but tha reeulto are astonishing. " The worst cases of skin diseases have been cured In a week by this quick-act- - Ing remedy: itcontains the- most' ef-,1 fectlve working power of any purifier ever discovered calcium sulphlda Most blood and skin treatments are ter ribly slow. Stuart's Calcium Wafers have cured bolls In three days. Every particle of impurity is .driven out -of your system completely, never to re turn, snd It Is done without deranging your system In the slightest. No matter1 whst your trouble Is, whether - pimples, blotches, blackheads, rash, tetter, ecsema, or scabby crusts. too csn solemnly depend upon Stuart's Calcium Wsfers as never falling. Don't be any longer humiliated by having a splotchy face. Don't have strangers stare at you. or allow your - friends to be ashamed of you beoause of vour fsce. - . Tour blood makes you what you ere. The men and women whe forge ahead are those with pure blood and pure faces. Did you ever stop to think of tbatT , - i Stuart's -Calcium Wsfers are abso lutely harmless, but the -results-mighty satisfying to yxui. even at the : end of a week. They will make you happy because your face will be wel come sight not only to yourself when you look in the glass, but to everybody (.m who knows you end talks with you. f We want to prove- to you that Ftuart's Ca-loium Wafers ars beyond tlou ht the beat snd quickest blood and kln purifier In" the world so we will .K'iid you a free aumnle as soon ss we ret your naaie end ad'lrees. Bond for It tortiiy. and then when you have tried 4 lie sample you will not rest contented until you have bought a J500 box at . vour druggist's. Bend us your name end address to .!ar. ami we will at once send you by rtuill a aample package, frr-e. Addreas K. A- Ftunrt To- 1 HluartJ Building, JUrahnlt, Miclllf aaV ,' , j WAR PREPARATIONS Tracy , returned and Keegan Is alleged to have said "Punch him In the faee and kick him." After complying with his companion's command - the fellow who had been lying on the sidewalk arose snd took to bis heela - Soon after ward Mrs. Ebbert heard Tracy declare that he had been stabbed.' Mrs. R. C Bhelton, residing at the same address, relsted practically the same story, although giving more de tails of the affair. ' Mr a Tracy told of the circumstances leading up to the fight in which her crematory hlaaahaa-snat tared to the four winds from about the center of the government bridge crossing the "Missis sippi river here. KELSO NATIONAL BANK - PERFECTS ORGANIZATION (Special Dwpatrs to Tee leernet ! Kelso, Wash., Feb. I. The First Na tional -bank at - Kelso, -capl tallied at 125,000, has perfected Its organisation with the election of the following off cers:- 8. S. Strain of Kelso, president; Dr Henry W. Coe of Portland, vice president; W. T. Klebert, formerly of North Dakota cashier. The directors are: 'Dr. H. W. Coe. J. M. Tattle, 8. 8. Work on New Vessels Hurried and Pacifle Sauadron Strengthened. ' JW . . . ... "Goodbye, girls. We'll see you tomor- w.VhineW ThrTr Tjiee. row" Keegan then ran across the . .. i ? TT, ,1 ,kp"'treet and knocked one of the men down clpltated by President Roosevelt In his , ,nd n8r huBb(lna then took ft band In recent -conference with the California , tne bflttlt Bn, deciared she would be delegation got a genuine Impetus this unKDl t reoornl either of -tha wo evening when SecretaryJ Metealf of the wln Bn, Bala tbmy wor, ,on)r navy deirtrnent ordered the expendl-1 black OTereote, slouch hats and" both tu ' 00 00 to modernise the bat- I h.d Dlack carly halr. Mrs. Tracy waa h.hnA mmm moriall wounded. As the . Strain, F. L Barley. Dr. F. N. BeeL reached Thirteenth and Ollssn treets I C Wallace, C. A. Taylor and John H. Mrs, Tracy stated that two men stand-; Larson. . . . , . ... Ing on ths corner hsd yelled repeatedlyT; 1 . . """Ms SBSSsasssffm AL For Th is Week r e.terffleld. Suits land O'cbats All $22.50, $20and$l 8 Values All $30, ?27.50 and $25 Values ' AM 269-271 Morrison Street GRAY tleshlp Oregon, now on the Pacific coast This money Is to be tsken from the re-' pair fund. Ordinarily such sum would be provided for In the naval appropria tion bill, the navy department being re luctant to deplete the repair, fund by a single requisition." This is the quick est way possible to secure the presence of a new modem battleship on the Pa clflo coast The changes are to be made at once. Her round turrets are to be made into the more modern elliptical turrets; additions not yet revealed are alio to be made, and It Is believed that her broadside of four six-Inch guns will bo enlsrged to It six-Inch guns. As the Oregon now carries four lt lnch guns, eight t-Inch,guns, hss thor oughly efficient armor snd good en gines, she will, when modernised, be the equal of any of the Japanese battle ships. iretoaskft Tsmrrled TJp. ; "The Tfebraaka will also be hurried up. She should have been delivered by the contractors on January 1, but an ex tension until April 1 wss requested. The Nebraska Is likely to be ready before that time. The Nebraska has four 11-inch-guns, eight' t-lnch guns and a broadside of 1J 0-lnoh gun a The Wisconsin Is also on the Paclflo ooaat being repaired. She has four 11 inch guns and a brosdalds of 14 t-lnch guns. . Besides these there Is the moni tor Wyoming, also on the Pacific coast, with two lt-inoh guns, regarded in naval circles ss equivalent to a land battery of that power, . While it la admitted that the four armored cruisers, Colorado, Maryland, Pensylvanla and West Virginia, now in the Philippines, would be withdrawn from that point In caae of trouble with Japan, they would not proceed to , the Atlantic coast of ths United States ss st first thought, but would rendezvous st Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, There they would be Joined by the three battle ships and the monitor. Swift addition to (his force could be made by ordering to Honolulu tho monitors Monterey and Monadnock, now on ths Chinese coast. To -protect Hawaii. - It la believed that such a fleet would Insure the protection of Hawaii, as the full Japanese fleet has only cloven bat tleships, not all of which are first claas. In the event that this suggested Plan wero carried nut the battleahlpa would undoubtedly carry to Pearl Harbor half calm and collected throughout the try ing ordeal. ' When asked if there waa anything that she had not told the Jury the bereaved woman said. '1 waaTer see the fellows caught what done this work." v- - . 1 Dropped aa Umbrella,. .. .. - James Kaeran Informed the fury of the part be had played In the affair, and the only new feature adduced was his statement that the man he waa holding down on the sidewalk cried out "George, you're my friend. Are you : going to see me treated this way?" Ouy Henry, 340 Fourteenth street, who was standing serosa the street at the time of the row, waa called to the stand, but his testimony did not develop any thing not brought out before except he had picked up the - umbrella and hat dropped by one of the men. ; MAY BB COFFEE That Oeaees all tho Trouble. When the house la afire. It's like body when disease begins to show, it's no time to talk but time to act delay is dangerous remove the cause of the, trouble at once. j "For ft number of years.' says a Kan-! as lady, "I felt sure that coffee wss hurting me. and yet I was so fond of, it, I could not give it up. I peltered ' with my appetite and of course yielded , to the temptation to drink more.. At1 last I go so bad that I made up my , mind I must eltbsr quit the use of cof-1 fee or die. "Everything t ate dlstreased me, and , t suffered severely almost sll the time , with palpitation of the heart. I fre quently woke up In the night with the ! feeling that I was almost gone my ; heart seemed so smothered and weak In Its sctlon that I - feared it would stop beating. My breath grew short and the , U..t awArtlnn , m tA nanlln, f I slept but little and suffered from rheu matism. - "Two years ago I stopped using the old kind of coffee and began to use Postum Food Coffee, snd from the very first I began to improve. It worked a miracle! Now I can eat anything and digest It without trouble. I sleep like a baby, snd my heart beats full, strong and easily. My breathing has become steady and norma), and my rheumatism has left me. I feel like another person. 0 u t of th e EH i gh Re nt D istri ct BgSSBaBBBaBBBSBaBBBaBBBBBBBBsBs 364 to 370 East Morrison Street (WE WILL OPEN A BRANCH STORE AT ST, JOHNS TJilS WEEK) a score of sea coast defense guns for 'end it Is all due to quitting coffee and land mounting. The emplacements for that number are now ready either at Hawaii or Manila. First Artist Sell anything during the holidays Second Artiste Tea; 4ny-vereotrand ! part ei py lurnuure. Using Postum Food Coffee, for I haven:t used any medicine and none would have , done any good aa long as I kept drug- ( glng with coffee.", Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. "There's ft Reason." Read the little bmlt,-'The od -to Welivllte,in Jpack'-. agea. All grocers. . - I Notice the top line of this ad. Have you ever considered what they meaa toTyour pocket book when you are furnishing your home, flat, or room? Do you know that our store covers one-quarter block, which is as great as any other housefurnisher inlhe city, and that we save for you on rent alone about $80(Keach month? We give you easy payments if you wish, and with our large stock it will be easy to find what will please you. Did you ever think of it? If you live on the east side or own property there, and want it to become more valuable, it is your duty to do all you can to help build up the business interests, especially when , you can save money by so doing as in our case. j v...