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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1907)
Tin; or;i:cori. Sunday journal, i-oktland. Sunday moaning. February 3, iss7. I. tr n r war inin . GililG ..i " (Continued from Pag On.) key th people bad a feeling of relief that an abatement In crime would be noticed In Portland. Few new facte have developed alnc tb men were arrested. Many voluntary wltneeaea have appeared and told what they know about the robbers and their work, and have aided Mr. Col ma terially In putting bla case together. About all that remained for the federal attorney to do after getting hie men wa to, connect up hie evidence. That he has dona this la believed by all who hava. followed bla work alnc th arreata wer mad. Two Confessions scads. ' . Of the known evidence regarding the Jobberies, th. confeaelona of Turnbull and Bryant are the most Important These men are' resldenta of Portland ahd Turnbull always bore an excellent reputation previous to his arrest As for Bryant,. th bartender In Tom Fal lon's notorious saloon on North Second street, little can be said. Ha belongs to a class who sooner or later delva into crime and It Is aald to be by no means serials) that Bryant has not, been SDgaged In crooked work before. Other Important" evidence connected with th developments of the past week are tb finding of the cartridges In the path leading from th Bell wood poet offlc to th river; th Identification of the revolvers found in the possession of Smith, by C. J. Moss, .the hardware merchant of Vancouver, who readily identified th guns as those stolen from his store. Also the confession mads by Gllbrlde, the traveling jeweler, who ad mitted to Mr, Cole- that he had pur chased 1180 worth cf th stamps stolen from til 8. Johns offle for 1139 from Turnbull. . .. - " , Smith Xa lUsal. ; In regard to Smith, th officials are much pujcsled regarding hie connection with th gang, , Ha has born St good reputation heretofore and on man whose, word la considered good by th officials, aays that he know, positively that Smith has worked steadily for five years at his occupation of a lineman. .Another-man. aays that he has known Smith for seven years nd that he has always worked in thatNtlm. Doubt Is expressed as to whether Smith was an actlv member of th ' crowd, that is, If ho actually did any of th work of robbing th postofflces, but It Is believed he knows a great deal concerning " th movements" ; of ' th erowd. With a good- reputation behind him, officers ars wondering why Smith has not mad a complete confession and attempted in that manner to secur clemency when hla caae oomea to trial. H has stubbornly refused to reveal anything, although he declined In such a manner as to lead Mr. Col and other officials to believe he would glv up th desired Information war he not in .jToarof what mtght-f ollow-tTora IT1 gang. Th great fear which has been shown all along by the rnen not actually mem- ' bers of th gang, - but who acted as fence and spotters, has led to the belief In certain . quartera that th robber -tiar confederates who have not been arrested, and that these outsiders may be lying In wait to strike down any of th arrested men If ,thy glv up th secrets of th gang. .. Sfamberf of CKug atXarge. tanv time to wrenk vengoanc upon any traltora. . - - This suspicion Is strengthened by the fact that four of th men have peniten tiary records. Of three. Carter la th only on ui"n whom Mr. Col baa a di rect line. When undergoing hi sweat ing process. Carter told Mr. Col that he had served time at Galem for steal ing several coats. He added that ha had been ' in trouble before, la 189S, but would nor tell where or what hla of fense wa( . It is also believed that he has several other prison terms to his credit. 1 Wan told Bryant that he had served time in Colorado for robbery. He is( known to have served time In other penitentiaries throughout th country, and possibly has aa many as five term marked up against him. Ha la th leader of th outfit and1 Impresses. one as th coolest kind of a criminal. Few j business men have stronger faces than ' Wane, and he Is economical. In his us of words. ' , ' j Wan a kUa of sTsrv. . Much could be'wrltten upon th Ira-, mobility of Wane's expression, his com-j rnand of men, hla cool and ateady nerve j that never fjlnche under the dlsalpa- , tlon of many clgarettea or th close 4 questioning and scrutiny of th of fl-, rers. He is a distinctive type and wtuld be picked out 9 times out of , lu as tha leader In most any set of i men. I . Wan has scarcely spoken slno he I has ben under arrest He has aaked i no favora from Mr, Cols or sny other j man. - Nor has he Been asked to leu what he knows. It Is a ease of on minding his own business, and If ever a man kept ut Of trouble by -follow- in g th tl me-worn precept Wa ne.wpuld have a good chance to b. that man. i Th reason that he has. not been asked to talk is out io in isoi uu mr. ,oim i-as nough evidence a trains t Wan to end tha prisoner up for a long term. Wan will not be asked to aay; any thing until he appears for his prelimi nary hearing, and It la ten chances to on that he will waive that right and be bound over to await th action of th grand Jury. , . Kelly Bag a Koord. 1 Kelly, la another bad actor. H Is said to have several records' back of him, but none of thee bas been deter mined definitely. Kelly la a bad" man to look , upon and la considered on of the most dangerous of th bunch. John Anderson is another on of th erowd who haa served time, i He does i not deny it neither does he confirm th 1 statement but whenever asked to ascend th family tree puts on a diabolical, leering grin that will make him famous some day. Wan and Anderson belong together. They ar complements of one another to anch an extent that they ! make up th moat dangerous "pair of crooks, thugs and robbers that on could (marine. . i. ' ., Qlv Wan tb thinking part, and An derson could carry out th rest, whether th way would be easy and free from danger. .or -whether It b over dead men. Anderson would com out ahead. Noth ings would stop th " man. His cold blooded treatment of all things consid ered conventional and refined, mark him aa a master criminal, and as such Is b feared by th authorities. " ' Banking May O 3Tr . ' There remains but on other member of th gang to be singled out and that la Ranklna. Little or nothing haa beenj -said about Kanklns at any stag or th proceedings. His nam baa not been heard save In connection with th gang. He has maintained a silence at sll times. His rcord is concealed so fsr as anything given out by th authori ties is .concerned, and bia connection with th robberies has never been ex plained, v ' ' . , . Whether Ranking had any of th ac tive work to do or not haa never been shown. - It is certain that he did not act. as a fence because that part would have to be done by local men and waa ..totally different' from th on under arreat In regard to membership, opera tions' and fields, may ba protecting th secrets of th men In Jail and ready at Charcoal Stops Gas r On Your Stomach i . ' Another suspicion that, haa grown to attended to by Bryant and Turnbull. It great proportions ia max anomer sans, ; a barely possible that Kankins may o the ons man or ma lot to ri sway. . u he dees it will be a great surprise to everybody who has -watched tb case, because of th strong vldenc which has- bn brought out, against avsry other man In th crowd. ' Only' two of th men are known to hav ratal ned attorneys to appear for them, - Out of these la Anderson, th toughest-looking member In th outfit and right-hand man of Wan. Ho will be represented by T. B. McDevitt Alex 8 week will also appear fof one of th men, commonly supposed to b Wan. That these two men of all th gang should b able to command th time of the attorneys Is convincing proof that th men hav recourse to" a, large amount of monsy. , PUT LIBERTY REQUESTS UP TO COUNCIL C01.TOITTEE Liquor Merv Will Decld What to Ask for Before Council - - men Meet. i Wonderful Absorbing Power of Char - eoaJ Wb"B Taken In the Form of -Stuart's Charcoal Loxenffesv ', . TBXAX PAOXAOa VBWt TMXM. Charcoal, pur, slmpl charcoal, ab sorbs 100 times Its own rolum of gas. Whsr doe th gas go tol ft Is Just absorbed and there la left a pur, freslx. sweet atmospher. fre .from all . Im purities and germ a. That's what happen In your stomach whan you take on or two of Stuart's Charcoal Losenges. th most powerful purifiers solenc has yt discovered. Toil belch gas In company, some times by accident, greatly to your own humiliation. Tbat Is because thsr Is a art amount of-r-be4wg-formed-t your stomach by fermenting food. Tour stomach Is not digesting your food prop erly Oas Is inevitable. Whenever thts happena, Just tak op Or two of Stu art's Chsrcoal Losenges right after nt Ing. and you will b surprised how quickly they will act No mor belch Ings; no mor sour rising. Eat all you want and what you want and then If hr s any gas going to be formed. one of these wonderful Uttl absorbera. o'clock. Th Ilquormen's ' committee at that ! time will .ormulat a proposal which a , Stuart Charcoal Losenge, will' tak1 will be submitted to th council com mmrm nf all th SIS. And It will do mor than that Every particle of Impurity In your stomach and Intestines Is going to b .carried . away by th charcoal. No on seems ' to know why It does this, but It does. and does It 'wonderfully. Ton notice th dlfferencs tn your appetlt. srenaral good feeling, and In th purity of your w blood, right way. . Toull hava no mor bad tast In your mouth r bad breath, either from drink ing, eating or smoking. , Other people will notice your bad breath quicker than you Will yourself. Make your breath pur, fresh and sweet so when .you talk to others you wont dlsjruat them. - Just on or two Stuart Charcoal ' Losenge will make your breath' sweet and make you feel better all over for it Tou can eat all th onions and odorous foods you want arid no on can tell th difference. Besides, chsrcoal la th beat laxative known. Tou can tak a whole boxful and no harm will' result It la a won ' derfully essy regulator. . And then, too. It filters your blood every psrtlcl of poison or Impurity In . your blood I destroyed, and you begin ' to notice th difference In your fac first thing your cleer complexion. .' Stuart's Charcoal Losenges ar mad from pur willow charcoal, and Just a ' little honey is put In to make them pal atable, but not too sweet. They will work wonders In your stomach, and make you feel fine and fresh. Tour blood and breath will be purified. ' ' . ' ' . - vv-want to prov all this to you, so lust send for a free sample today. Then " .after you get It and us It you will like them so well that you will go to .your drugrlst snd get a tSc box of thess Stuart's Charcoal Losene-es, -Send us your name and address to day and we will at once send you by 1 mall- a- aompl- pakag -free. Ailrtree jr. A. Stuart Co.. bt Stuart Building. Marshall, Michigan, , . Members of ths executlv committee of th Retail Liquor Dealers' associa tion will hold a session Monday after noon a short time before th council liquor llcens eommrUe convene at I mlttee. It Is understood that this pro posal- will tn substanc be an, agree ment of ths. retail .liquor, dealers of Portland to pay tb additional llcens of 1800, to which some days sgo they stated the would aak th council to raise th present license. Tha liquor dealers, however, It is understood, will demand that they be allowed some lib erties which ar not now enjoyed, and th debate over their proposal will no doubt revolve around this on point Just how much liberty th council will b expected to grant th saloon men has not been stated, and will not be known until th executive commu te has passed on th matter at Its ses sion tomorrow afternoon. This matter waa broached at th meeting of th association a week ago, when th new officers wer - elected, but no definite action waa taken except to refer It to tb executive commute. PHEASANTS FEED ON WHEAT UNHARMED Fred Lockley, formerly connected with 1-endleton Eaat Oregonlan and now a member of th staff of th Pa- ctflo Monthly returned yesterday frbm. a trip through British Columbia, In one 10-acr field of shocked wheat near Mission Junction on ths Great North ern, hs ssw eeores of Chinese pheas ants. - Th people of tho neighborhood allowed tnem to teed unmolested on th frosen grain. On day 24S pheasants were counted In this Held. Mr. Lack ley says sll that part of the country was covered, with a sheet of Ice last WelC . Mr. Rookrfllcr Is Rich Without Any From th New Tork Press. --Most people think they would be rlch if they had been born with different colored hair, ' !! pan TV: A.---! . .. .. I III ' lit I I I' "" III II 1 r - wscc O Oood McrchandlM Only Quality Considered Our Prices Ar Always th Lowest. IE Tl Values to $L25 at 25c Yardri I "ir" sook and Swiss Embroidery and Flouncing:, 10 to 18 Inches wide. In a great variety of the very newest de signs Imported direct from St. GaU. Values to $1,25 a yard. Actually the greatest "embroidery bargain in years. Extra clerks to wait on you. :y r We advise you to be early................ ... 7. .................. i . Swiss and Nainsook Flouncffip-. 18 and 20 inches wide, value to $2.50 a yard.' An extraordinary bargain in this great - Off' Embroidery sale at. . . . .O W Odd Lot Corsetsr $4.50 Vals.. $1.49 - Odd lot of famous La Vida and Nepio Corsets; broken styles and' size values to CI A Q $4.50; . qhoice .V . P 1 y Odd Lot Girdles Values to $1.25 at 50c Odd lot of Taps snd BatlsfB Girdles, in three styles dip hip snd girdle bust; medium bust and short hip, and nursing corsets; sizes 18 to 26; values to $1.25; clessnceMondajr ... Qq Valentines St Vslentlne's day will soon be here. Lipmsn-Wolfe's are show--4nr-the-irrettiest-VBlenirnes" fa town. . Your oportunity for first choice. ' fv . VERY SPECIAL SALE, 7 VERY SPECIAL SALE To $2.25 Waists $1.35 The new Spring and Summer Lingerie aWIsts are now here In all their dainty and fresh beauty. Very special for Mon day. We offer 7 different styles, selling regularly to $2.25 Spring 1907 Embroidered Lingerie Waists Made with the new. three-quarter sleeves, in unique em- broidery patterns, the very newest and daintiest creations, sold at the very opening of the season at this special sale Long Coats, Values to $20 for $5.95 I.lnmnn-Wolf 8cbool of Style offers at special sal 17 Women's Lone; Coats In th styles that . have sold at 120.00 and even higher; new and perfect la every respect; extraordinary vejue ai...v ?!?!fT..$5.95 ...... .. . Annual Sale of Dress Goods Remnants A yearly event that prudent shoppers wait6rwgexly, knowing full ' well that in scope and magnitude no rem- nant sale can begin tb, com-, pare with' It.", The "greatest stock of remnants to choose, from; because we do the' greatest dress goods business in Portland. There are 4000 remnants of Black, Cream and Colored Dress Goods, all wool and silk and wool; all lengths Up to- six yards,- in broad cloths, serges, cheviots, mo hairs, Panamas, voiles, crepe d'Paris, Henriettas, shadow and Scotch plaids, ch allies, batistes, albatross, brilliari- . tineacravenettestailorjuiK lngs, poplins and . imported novelties. Marked for clear- anceit Half Price Odd Lots Infants Skirts, 1 -t a q Values to $3.50 at . . . 4 A it V Odd lot of Infants Ions Embroidered Flannel and Whit Skirt, lac and insertion trim- . - an mlng-s; values to U 60; special $X.Hy filEDFORD ROAD IS low: POSSIBLE Mayor Reddy Appointed Receiver of Company Financially ' J Involved. - v PRECLUDES CONTEST V FOR CONTROL IN COJJRT Portlaod Stotbolden . la Orator Lake Enterprlso Bellevo This Seans Construction of Road Into Sugar Pine Belt. . What promised to bo a bitter legal contest for possession of th Mvdford and Crater Lake railroad cam to a sudden close yesterday afternoon wben Circuit Juds Hanna of Jackaon county appointed Mayor J. F. Reddy of Med ford receiver for tb corporation. i la aald this action will be followed by an adjustment of th company's sffalrs and aal of ths property to someone wbo will proceed to build . th line through to Butt Falls, la th sugar pin timber, about 49 mile from Med- ford. ' , ' ' . .. - TS road waa until yesterday con trolled by th Webber Bros., on of whom was until a short time sgo a resident of : Portland. H resided at Wellington Court, but shortly before th cass was called st Bedford left for tn eaat, evidently aoajmoning th rail road to Its fat. r . Z,..-, 'cask Baa (11011, ... Th road was started by the citizens of Med ford mor thsn a year ago. Stock was subsclbd and tb usual promotion work donw to lnaua-urat construction work, Th first ground waa broken with a grand celebration, and It, was expected that the line would A con structed without difficulty. But troubles began early, and when tha cltlsens had put up aa much cash as they could spar work ceased, although th line had not been completed th first 10 miles. Bine that time several attempts hava bn mad to flnanc th road ana complete It. Fee Bros., Michigan timber operators. Invested about flv.eOt In tho property snd took a mortgag on It, agreeing to flnanc th remainder of the Una. They failed In their effort, and "passed the buck" along to ths Webbers, alao east ern tlmbermen. who undertook to ac complish what their predecessors had failed to do. They have, it la under stood, about $30,004 Invested In th property. It Is assumed that an adjustment will be mad by th court, and th stock holders and mortgagees will receivo a pro rata division of th prriceeds of is receiver's sale when th affairs of th company ar finally wound up. Th appointment by ths court of 3. F. Reddy as receiver Is well received by the public and stockholders wbo are locally Interested -In-th completion Of th road and development of th Med ford region. It la aald. this action will Too Many Won'tfou Take :, . : ..'-'''''. . I ' : This sort of a baby will prove the best "infant' in all your house ; hold one that will bring to you the greatest happiness, pleasure, entertainment and enjoyment. The Baby Grand incorporates all that is most desirable in piano construction. Not only in beauty -of j style and finish, but in tone quality does it excel. We have at the present time more of these magnificent instruments than we . should have, and are prepared to offer exceptional inducements now. You cannot obtain concessions oh such instruments as these very often.Theref ore It-woiald be welLta seeus promptly;-well. make a quick response weu worm wnue. For the benefit c-t .those Interested, we have' had prepared a fuU-aUe chart, which-can be laid upon the floor in yonr own home, which will show how really little space la required by a Baby Grand. These charts are free; we will be pleased to send upon request. Buy Now T" S' ; . ::r ( . w - -. , -. .... 6: Play- While You Pay Our Cooperative Club Sale, has been in progress now two weeks. - A large number of music lovers ihave been made happyr securing beautiful pianos at unparalleled prices, and upon terms that call only for the most insignificant weekly .or monthly, outlay. We are willing to sell you a piano now any one of 30 famous makes at a tremendous cut ' from regular selling cost. We must dispose of this accumulation of surplus pianos quicklyand the cooperative plan is the method. You help yourself and aid us at the same time.' Call, phone or write at once for full particulars. - The House of Highest Quality , Bigger, Busier and Better Than Lver New No. 353 Washington St., cor. r.::' facilitate th MrlyT handling of" th project by eastern capitalists who hav ampl funds to carry it out They hav n)yben awaiting" th" unraveling th tangle that haa held th road tied up for mor than a year. - 2T Good Vse for Chrjraanthrmnms. Chrysanthemums ax good to aat that Is the leaves of th por t gfMnl aphid If properly prf T U'eli Is l.igMy prlstj If ti.e i i V 'V