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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1907)
PROF. SHAI'I GOES ASSIGilLlEOTS FOR WATER CODE io pulimau Feeling at Grant Pass Against Oregon Agricultural College Fac ulty Loses a Mos Val- . uable Man. .; Friends Exert Themselves , to ' Serve Him Through Recast--v : 'ng Committees. - rssaw ; v Measure Thus Stated In ; . Dispatches. PETITION CIRCULATED r, v NUMEROUSLY SIGNED - Opertal Ittspatr to The JoanwL) Corvallls. Or, Feb. -I. Prof essor W. EXCLUSION INVOLVES NO SLIGHT UPON HIM SPECIAL TERMS - $10 DOWN, $2.50 WEEK T. Shaw, for aeveral years lnatructor In toology at Oregon. Agricultural collage, will leave bare this week for Pullman, Opposition to Tending BUI on Score tof Alleged Effect to Impair Vital Jltlgbta and Open Door to Balaous ".; IJflgatiosvV' -'; ; ..::,.;-..:'.. ' '' v oho Barrett 111 of Ptomaine rolaon Ing -Oregon'' Appropriations : Backed r by Cannon Garfield's w-CosJ Ijands Policy, : '; ' Washington, where be will enter the atate college as assistant professor of oology in the eolleg and experiment station and curator of the museum. Profesaor fibaw Is a graduate of the 10 MIS UGAIUSI P Q) W MKEY ! . 75 Ores mm mm Mm (Special tMspsteh to The JoarssL) , Ormnta Pass, Or.. Feb. . Josephine fcounty oltisene are tip la arms against . ths water ode now before the legis lature,'. as drawn p by the Portland board of trad and Introduced by Per 'Iclna Jn the eenat and Wbealdon In the Tionsa Numerous copies of a petition wr ?ircuitdJbft-Jiftrna. were liberally signed. '- These will be forwarded for presentation to the leg islature. . The objections to the bill, aa act Ifforta In the petition, are: That there rare a thousand and mora valuable vea red water rights In Josephine county. ted that the uaa of water here la of Mtlmable value to resident; that the llaws and deel alone of the courts have (vested In the owners of theaa water (rtrhta certain privileges, particularly What of property ownership, which (rights the state protects; that the atate rwater eode, aa prepared -by a commit- tea from the Portland board of trade. Ui Inconalatent In that It preaumea In ' its first section to protect existing rights, while In the following section It makes the use xt such water rights appurtenant to spectfle lands so long aa water can be beneficially used there on," which latter provision ts destruct ive of the rights now existing under the Jaws of the state. It la believed by the opponents of the eoda that the paaaage of the bill t rest an additional harden upon the tart rarer of this state through the litiga tion that muat necessarily follow, and that moreover It will do damage to the amount of hundreds of thouaanda of dol lars In the arid regions of southern Ore area, where water rights are moat need ed and most valuable. . LITTLE NEW DEVELOPED v IN BAILEY INQUIRY IPebtMiere' Frees by Cpeelal Leawd Wire.) Dallas. Tax Feb. 1 Tha Bailey In vestigation at Auatln today developed little of Importance. Some of the news papers and their eorrespondenta were reprimanded by the committee for the reflections made on the committee In the published re porta All correspond ents were placed on a list, with the papers they represented, so that re sponsibility for future reports may be Tlxed.- John II. Klrby of Houaton conanmed most of the day testifying concerning lils bustresa relations with Senator Bai ley. -. ."- . . ' Hi testimony in no way reflected on Senator Bailey. W. O. Davis of Galnee vllle waa on the stand this afternoon. He has long been a bitter political en emy of Senator Bailey. He had ac cused Senator Bailey of disposing of property through falae representations, - bnt bad to admit on tbaatsnd that when tha case was tried at ' GalneavUle the court exonerated Bailey and announced that he had made no false representa tions. Mr. Davis also was forced to admit that be had furnlahed Represent tatlve Cooke with . material on which J art of the charges against Senator Bal ey .were based, and which witnesses railed In this Inveetlgntlon nave sworn - were untrue,- -Vr- . Story Never Grows Old. ' -, Fifty years ago Aaron Bhulta and Mary Eckmao, both of Lancaster, Pa.,, .sad a lovers' quarrel and separated. Re cently they met. their early love waa rekindled and they wars married. He years old and she Is l years of " - ' " "" ' ' ' ; It Depends. Front New Orleans Times-Democrat. She Do yon like a gered skirt? He dlplotsatlcally That depends on whoee skirt U gored. -1 THE B1Q STORE WITH THE UITTUE PRICES MaaaaaasBMBBaaBaasaaaaasBaBWBSBSaasaBaasaaiaBBB mtammmmmmmmmmmmmmmm XL Ji ;N Waldorf and Solsbur -V "v ' '...i, L - - - ..... ... . , , . . .... :Tr T- ' i spiiwiiii i A ; p Now Ready '",v." ' ' - . .. .: ' :- . . SOLO AOGNT8 . ' V S : FAMOUS 5 5 allLr: . 'Z. .- 1 LHnJS y. ' - ' V V' ,- ' ' i ,' , ';''' 1 " : 7 ' Professor W; T. Shaw. - University of Minnesota and has won a gold medal as museum curator. . He Is a son' of Professor Thomas Shaw, for merly of the University of Minnesota, well known as aa author on agricultural subjects, and Is a brother of Robert S. Shaw, professor of agriculture and ani mal Industry at Michigan Agricultural college.---.- -' 1 . Professor Shaw Is ona of the best and most thorough profesaors at Oregon Ag ricultural college and la very popular with students and faculty. He Was re cently presented with a handaome shot gun, suitably engraved, by Bis, students,, aa a token of their esteem. ' . MYERS BANK WILL BE . - ESTABLISHED AT EUGENE " (Special Dispatch to The Jearaali -Kugene, Or, Feb. 8. The American Savings bank of Eugene. Or., filed ar ticles of Incorporation, with the Lane county clerk yesterday. ' The Incorpora tors are H. 8. Myers, F. N. Myers ana M. 8. Myers, all .offan. FrrJclaco.an4 the capital stock Is 15,000. These men have recently filed articles of Incorpor ation with the secretary of state with the Intention Of eatabllshing savings banks In eight different Oregon cities. Nothing Is known 'here as to the Iden tity of the people .who are backing the enterprise, nor aa to-when the bank expects to begin business, DYNAMITE KILLS MAN -----AND WIFE MAY DIE ' rflpeetal Dispart te ,The journal.) Madras, Or Feb. a. H. C Bauch mann, who died at his boms near here from Injuries received yesterday from an exploding stick of dynamite, was burVed today. Mra Bauchmann was also fearfully Injured and It Is thought she ' may - ot - raeover.-- Tha - accident happened when Bauchmann attempted to thaw a stick of dynamite by holCThg It over the cook stove. ; The Blind Pig. "At Belfast. Me., Sheriff Carleton re cently got some liquors by a clever rasa Two deputies hurried down Mala street in the direction of the railroad station. An alleged dealer in ardents stepped out of his shop to make sure that they were gone, and when he returned be found his shop la poaseaaion of the sheriff. Carleton had supped la as the proprietor-Stepped, out. : . COR MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS fWashlnctoa Bianaa e( Tke Jearaalt .. Vaahlngton, Feb, I Senator Mul key's friends next .week will endeavor to arrange satisfactory committee as signments for him. His position Just now, with n chairmanship or member ship on any committee. Is due to an unusual combination of elrcumstanoes. epubucan vacancies being left. Therefore there Is no place for him unices the committee on -committees can arrange asefgnmenta. It is under stood ton. a lit that an effort will be made Monday to effect auch a rear rangement aa a courtesy to the new senator. - No vacancy created by Gear ln's departure la open to Multoey, as his were all Democratic positions, sub ject to assignment by Senator Black burn, chairman of the Democratic cau cus. . Senator Mulkey -haa been nrged . by a number of senators to prepare a speech on u e election of federal sena tors by direct vote of the people, but he has not yet consented GARFIELD WOULD SOLVE Instead, of Locking Up Coal Lands Problem and Lands Together. (Washlastoa Boreas of The Joaraal.) Washington. -Feb. I. Incoming Sec retary of the Interior Garfield today In dicated his attitude toward the - Coal lands of Washington, Oregon and other western states In a statement to Sena tor Warren. In which ha said ha would exert hlmaelf to create condition whereunder there would be competition and combinations would be Impossible, He Is anxious to encourage the open lng of the latent deposits of coal In the west, where tha supply is far be- blnd the demand. Senator Warren conferred with Gar field at the request of President Roose velt on the general question of handling oi the puDiio tanas. ..... JOHN BARRETT-ILL. Suffering From Ptomaine Poisoning Not Serious. : , (Washington Bunas of The Journal.) ' Waahlngton, Feb. 9. John Barrett of Portland, Oregon. aireclor'"6f the 15ui reau. of Amerioan republics, and former United Statea minister,' successively, to 8,1am. Argentina and Colombia, is suf fering from ptomaine poisoning, which he contracted at a dinner he gave Wed nesday evening at the New Wlllard ho tel to Senators Fulton and Mulkey and Senator-elect - Bourne. No serious ' re sults are feared. , CANNON SPEAKS, FAIR , Will Stand With . Oregom Items V Against Eastern Opposition. (Washhirtoa Boreaa af The lonrnsM Washington. Feb. I. Peter Loggia of Cooa Bay, Oregon, Interviewed Speaker Cannon today and received strong as surances that the speaker favors re taining alt : the Oregon Items In the rivers and harbors bill, regardless of asaaults on the bill by Mississippi river members of the house. RIGHT-OF WAY BILL . Let Portland A Seattle Road To Cross Military Reserve. , ' fWashingtoa Bnresa of The Journal.) Washington,- Feb. 1. Representative Jones today introduced , a bin f br - a right of way for the Portland St Seattle railway serosa tlie Fort Wright . mill- POWERS' Great Three-Room I Outfit Special Terms ; ; $10 Down; $2.50 WeeK Here Read it carefully, and youH appreciate the importance of this offer: Bedroom $9.00 Iron Bed, $2.23 woven wire spring, 1 $3 JSO mattress, $12.00 dresser, $2.50 center table, $1.75 'rocjeer and $9.00 all wool 9x9 rug. Dining room $16.50 sideboard,!. $8.50 6-foot extension table; four oak-ane seat dining chairsf $1.25 each, and -one $9.00 8x9 all-wool rug, $4.75 50-piece dinner set, consisting of 6 cups, 6 saucers, 6 7-inch plates, 6 soup plates, 6 fruit dishes, 6 butter dishes, 1 bread plate, 1 covered veg etable dish, 1 gravy boat, 1 pickle dish, 6 pie plates and 4 vegetable dishes. Kitchen $11.00 cook stove; $2.00 kitchen table and ' i $1.00 chair. J. . -xV ." ' ' rJi.- :J-L , ' " .' : y ': -v.., ....... ":.J,.J V.-. . The House of Dignified Credit tary reaervatlon. to bs 150 feet wide. the land to revert to the government ceases to be used for railroad purposes. , WHITMAN-WILLAMETTE 1 DEBATE ON THE NEGRO ' fgptelsl Dlspsteb to The Joaraal.l Whitman College, Walla Walla. Wash, Feb. . The Whitman college debate council has decided to submit the negro question to Willamette university for the first Intercollegiate debate between tha two Institutions. The exact wording la as follows, "Resolved, that the pas sage of the fifteenth amendment has been Justifiable." Bines the queetlon Is submitted br Whitman the -choice of sides will rest with Willamette.- The debate will take place af Calera some time during; the month of April. A try out will be held at Whitman In a short time, on the brief system, to seleot the team. A large number, of students have already Indicated their Intention of trying for a place on the team. ; ' . JOHN DALY UP. THREE YEARS FOR FORGERY (Special Dispatch te The Jooraal.) The Dalles, Or., Feb. J. John Daly, who was brought here from Hood River on a eharire of forging a check on a merchant there for IU0 pleaded guilty today before the judge of the circuit oourt and was eentenoed to three years In the penitentiary. He was taken to Salem today. :v ' " :": The, Infamous Timber Claim Law. , From Maxwell's Talisman. It is utterly Inconceivable that con-' grass would ever have passed the timber and stone act If ft had realized, 30 odd years ago. the rapidity with which the then existing forests were to disappear, and 'the use to which the act would be put in transferring to a few monopolis tic hands the greater part of the tim bered area. The Idea then prevailed that the best use to which any forest could be put was to deatroy it; and conarens deemed that it was doing a beneficent act in so framing the law that as many persons as possible should have a chsnre at tha timber. Every body knows thst the "chsnoe"' has been mainly naed by people employed In thousands to locate claim a, ostensibly for their own use. but, .really for the use of lumber barons. Tet that infa mous lsw la still unrepealed kept on the statute bonk by the Influence of monopolists -whose greed Is yet Insati ate, though the .land which they got and are getting . of the, government, by fraud, for $159 per acre. Is now worth from ISO to S200 per sere and advanc ing In value every month. . Persons We Road About. EUhu Boot's famous novelist la H. O. Welle. ' The rear of Russia collects birds' eggs and postage stamps. 1 Sard mi's Income from his plays used to average $160,009 a year. ..Bernhardt says the open the best beautlfler and rejuvenator. ' Joseph Chamberlain has never In his life taken exercise, yet be looks 10 years younger thaa bis ass. , iSI if mmm- Is a List of Vhat NEW BOOKS FOR THE LIBRARY. - PHILOSOPHY AND ETHICS. Alder Essentlala of Spirituality. Hoffdlng Problems of Philosophy." Hyslop Problems of Philosophy. Rowntree Betting and Gambling, a National Evil. RELIGION. ' -v Bliss Development of Palestine Ex ploration. 1. ' . Brown Social Message of the Modern Pulpit. Crelghton Hlatory of tha 'Papacy from the Great Bohlsm to the Sack of Rome. t..;. - - , .;- -. Peters rJaws la America. :. SOCIOLOGY. . Devlne Efficiency and Relief. ' Dunlway Development of Freedom of the Preas In. Massachusetts. Haggard Poor and the Land. -Kallmann German Views of Ameri can Education, with particular refer ence to Industrial development (United States Bureau of Education Bulletin). ; United States interstate Commerce Commission Railways in the United States in 1901. pt. t; A Forty-Tear Re view of Changes in Freight Tariffs. ' .- SCIENCE. :., ' ' Browne Practical ' Taxidermy, ltd, ed. I. Russell Volcanoes of North Amer ica, HIT. . , . USEFUL ARTS. !" Baxter-Swltehboards, 190. " Blrktmre Compound Riveted Gird era, ed. t, 1301. Cottrell Problems of Pressmanahlp, 1901. ... ..' Qerhard Guide te Sanitary House Inspection ed. t, 1901. .. Gillette Rock Excavation; Methods and Cost, 1901. Graham and Oliver Foreign Traders Dictionary of Terms, 190, Hlorne Metallography, 1901. - Holms Practical Shipbuilding, 1 v., 1904. Leaver Box Making for Profit, 190. Mkllor Crystallzatlon of Iron and Steel; an Introduction to the Study of Metallography, 1905.. ' Murray Problems In Woodworking, l0i. . N orris Modem Steam Road Wagons, 190. - Klce Concrete Block Manufacture, 110. .. .. :. , - . . FINBJ ARTS. . Browne Gothic Architecture. Chalkovakl Life and Letters, by his brother; ed. and tr. by Rosa Newmarch. Qlorglone By Herbert Cook, i AMUSEMENTS. Anderson and Collier Riding and Driving. . RECITATIONS. Burdett Dutch Dialect Recitations, ' Rook and Rook Child's Own Speaker. , Shoemaker Choice Dialect Shoemaker Choice Humor for Read ing and Recitation. ' LITERATURE. Fitch Stubbornness of Geraldlne. ' More fihelburne Essays, Second, and Third Series.-'""" TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. Arxnltage Two Tears la the Anure- -rt a?j i it:l i) i Y;i i f:i- III SI II I 1H III II I .Mil llli lli OI I III Hl ... ill. Ullll.n I I I Mi 1 1 .III ; ; This Outfit. Comprises Baker Seen in Germany. Burroughs Camping with President Roosevelt. Dickinson Greek View of Life, ed. t. " Lindsay Panama; the Isthmus and the Canal. : -, Snell Ulackmore Country -----7 J: HISTORY. '- '. '', 'Burke History of Spain from the Earliest Times to the Death of Ferdi nand, the Catholic ed. 8, I v. t Bury History of Orecce to the Death of Alexander the Great. , , " Cook Story of Rouen. . '' ,'' ' Evans Memoirs of Dr. Thomas W. Evana; the Second French Empire. Falklner Illustrations of Irish His tory and Topography. BIOGRAPHY.' Balsao, Honors d Honor de Balsa c, by Ferdinand. Brpntlere. .. . ; Crelghton, Mandell, bp. Life and Letters of Mandell Crelghton, by bis wife. ' Joinvtlle, Prince de Memoirs. . ' Shorthouse, J. H. Life and Letters, . - ' , ., FICTION. . Barr Triumphs of Eugene' Valmont,. Benson Angel of Pain.-' tV Bradford Between Two Masters. Dlx Making of Christopher Ferr Ing ham. - -.,,.."-. Doyle Sir Nlget - Hawkins Sophy of Kravonia; by An thony Hope (pseud.) . . . Holmes Arncllffe Pussle. . ' , Howell Undiscovered Country Robinson Out of Bondage, and Other Stories. : ' Thorpe Tha Dlvlntns; Rod. - CHILDREN'S. BOOKS. - . Barbour Four Afoot. ; , , Children's Dog Book. - - - - Dudley With Mask and Mlt Eggleston History of ths , United States and Its People.- . Finn Tom Plsyfalr. rroth Ingham Running the Gauntlet ; International Postage Stamp Album. Mansfield Our Little Dutch Cousin. Pains Little Garden Calendar for Boys and Olrls. . '-.; . Pike Our Little Korean Cousin. . Pike Our Little Panama Cousin Potter Tale of Mrs. Tlggy-Wlnkle. - Rlohsrds Golden Windows. Tomllnson Soldiers of the Willer ness. , '" ' :..,,,' Sabln Beaufort Chums. Wade Our Little German Cousin. ' " Welsh Neddy, the.Autfbiography Of a Donkey. - y New and. Interesting pamphlets to be found in the reference room: Sheldon and. Hug State 8ystems of High School Control. A Statistical Study of Four-Year High Schools In Oregon (University of Oregon, Bulle tin). - Wisconsin Free Library Commission Taxation of Trust Companlas. Trust Company Reserves. V..' - . . 1 ... - - ANOTHER ' XPIDE.MIC Portland pbysician discovers and classifies a new affliction; calls it 'Tianolapianomia." See an nouncement "Physician Discovers'- tc.r on page -9, this issue.' v it POWERS' L Great Three-Room Outfit Special Terms $10 Dovvn, $2.50 Week Powers Furnish Your v Home - . GENUINE WILD MAN Extraordinary Creature Captured In ' Bosh la New South Wales, h - In ths House of Detention at lDverell, under the car of the government of New South Wales, Is a genuine wild man, who was captured In ths almost Impenetrable bush of the Island contW : nent by ths mounted police. For years .' this curious creature had been sought, but he had always managed to elude his pursuers until he was shot in ths leg and fell as a wounded deer. A . strange thing about him was that bs was once white a European, in fact Through bis long exposure to tha ac tions of the climate ha became almost black, while bis hair and beard grew as busby ss that of the aboriginal of Australia, undoubtedly the lo'wstfJrpe of man In exlatence. . He knew no language, which seemed to demonstrate little contact, with other human beings. After some time his custodians could prevail on him to utter some sounds, end naturally ha was a past master In the art of Imitating the beaata and birds of ths bush, from ths shrill cry of the treacherous dingo to ' the tinkling of the bell bird that calls ths poor thirsty traveler to where water is to bs found. ..'. In the forest filled with msgnlflcently plumaged parrots and cockatoos and ' feathered finches, with kanraroos, opos suma and all manner of strongs bensts and birds he had spent his life. He had probably auoalated since chlldhoM on berries, wild honey and the like. II , was - unclothe and - h' tan with ths agility of a stag, bounding over feUen logs, climbing trees like a native t ana generally living the lire of tifun aasooiated and.unmated animal of some unknown and extraordinary kind. That he bad not fniien a victim to snakes la a marvel, i it his agility In getting up , ths stems of the "blue gums and other trees would place him In security out of the way of the wild dors which only sttack sfter sundown and before sun rise. When he found himself confronted by", men of his own kind, and perhaps of his own blood, he screamed with terror and cried Ilk a child. His raptors treated him with all kindness and bound up bis wound, which, happily, was unimport ant Then he was conveyed to Inverell and fed, bathed and clothed. He became less frightened, but from -that day to this no one has been able to get at his hlatory or antecedent That as a child b wandered Into ths bush and was lost Is the only accept able theory. That be must have been exposed to the elements for many years would sugseat Itself because of the chanced color Of his skin. - - i -1.1 ....... ! i