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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1907)
THE OHLGOII SUNDAY JOURNAL. TORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY S. 1007. Attractive ITotion Bargains Featherstitch Braid 6 la colors and white, special 10c values. Special, per C r Yarns at less Than Coot About 200 skeins of odds and ends and slightly soiled Yarns at fraction of actual cost. In this lot are all the best colors and makes, such as Shetland Floss,. Span ish, Saxony, Germantown Zephyr and German Knitting. piece ; , Box Paper Special lot Taper and Envelopes to'match, 20c values.' Spe- 111 ci4l, per box .......,.l2v Women's Belt Women's Silk Belts, in plaids and Roman stripes. 50c and 75c values. Each '. ......... ... ...;...,.OyL LOT 1 1 An LOT2 35c Skeins for. AvJC 10c Skeins for. ......... 5c ItE 3I n I iiiTu- itirirwin 1 ; II Many factors contribute to make this month, February, an especially desirable season to visit this great store; principally among them is the arrival of immense Invoices of new spring -merchandise, affording first opportunities to view the latest creations of fashion, in apparel, fabrics, home furnishings and many other lines of goods, and at the special sale inducements in every section of the store thousands of dollars of new seasonable goods are offered-,at-great reduction from regular prices.- .We cordially invite you to view the exhibits of new merchandise and to participate in the benefits of this great February sale. There ' ' .1 if - . ; , are great savings now xor tnose woo come prompuy. v I Mid-Season Sale Women's Sample Hosiery s 5000 Fairs All-Wool or Fancy Novelty Stockings 89ePL3L3F '. . Hog". Values from 50o to 75c. None Sold C.O.D. The entire sample line and surplus stock of the largest importer in the country, secured at small fraction of the regular price all styles that are new and but recently imported from Chemnitz, Germany. A vast qpllection of wonderful stocking valuesonly a few dozen of a style, but an abundance of styles to choose from 400 pairs All-Wool Cashmere -Stockings, 1.000 pairs of Wool Ribbed Stockings, -SOO. pairs Lace Lisle Boot Stockings, 200 pairs Imported Opera-Length Stockings, 300 pairs Silk-Embroidered Instep . Stockings, 500 pairs Imported Outsize Stockings, and a. vast quantity of smaller lots. ,The largest assortment ever shown at the prices.' Values range from 50c to 75e s pair, and m-O Q ar. 5 talude every desirable style. iN one sola to dealers. X our choice at the pair tomorrow only ................... W J J Two Separate i - in Our Store .We have the distinction of being the only store In Portland .having two separate and distinct shoe depart ments. The better grades of shoes, as in the past, are 'carried on the first floor. In 4hi Henatmnt wi nrirfo & ourselves In carrying more of the strictly new and up- to-date styles than any other house in Portland. . It may seem a broad statement to make, but no other house in this city attempts to carry in stock shoes in '"A A" widths to retail at from $2.00 to $3.50. The woman who desires to spend a reasonable amount of money and has a grace ful, narrow foot can be fitted here in the most, perfect manner. We stand we-eminently alone when It comes to fitting the feet. ' In our basement shoe depart ment we carry many of the best makes of shoes, but always at Special Sale prices. This department is a bargain department in every sense of the word. We've some of the best makes on sale in this department at this time at less than 40c on the dollar. . - . , Women's $3.00 Shoes, up-to-date styles. - Special ...... ....$1.50 Children's $1.25 ShoeCcolt and vici kid. Special... ............. C9e Boys' $1.50 Shoes, all sizes and width's. Special 09 Men's $3.50 Shoes, all styles. Special . v; . . ......... . ; .$2.00 Women's Golf Gloves 39 25 dozen women's 60c quality wool J knit ninvfa, in plain and fancy crlrrsT SrWiat for Mnnday: ... ..sJ Unprecedented Sale of Women's : . Winter -Weight, Fleece Lined Combination. Suits The Best 75c Grade. All Sizes Tomorrow; 35 c 120 Dozen Finest Qual ity Fleece-Lined Suits No Telephone or Mail Orders Filled at This Price V Unquestionably the most extraordinary sale the most unusual sacrifice that this, store has ever attempted in the Knit Underwear line. Many phenomenal sales have taken place 'in this department, but we honestly believe we have never been able to make such an astounding offer as this; High grade Union Suits that will be seasonable for the next six months sacrificed at but a fraction of the cost of manufacture. Supply your needs for seasons to come, as it' is improbable that such an opportunity will occur again in years. We have over 100 dozen of , these , suits, closed out to us by a manufacturer who was in a tight place. They are splendid winter-weight garments, handsomely finished, full sizes and hut ton three quarter downihe front. Were we to retail them in the regular way we could sell the lot in a few: days "at 75c eichbut for tomorrow's trade winner we have marked these at LESS THAN HALF PRICE the entire-suit for less than the, regular price of a single garment. Every wearer of Unijn Suits shoald be here to partake of the offer- qk ing. For tomorrow, all sizes at, the suit... .... . . . . ........ O O O Muslm-Under-wa,r-JDept4 s Offers exceptional values for those who have waited until now.' No introduction is necessary in presenting this list of offerings." You know what you usually have to pay compare such prices with those quoted below. " , . .'' ... .... - L..1.-': .. J...,. ; ,:..' -: :. Tape Girdles, 50o Kind, 35o An unusual offering of Tape Girdles, made of good qual ity tape, reinforced with steel stays, neatly trimmed with ribbons, come in very latest modeli.; always sold 5C- at 60c Special at: du(w 25o Children's Corset Waists, lOo A special lot of Children's Corset Waists, made of good, durable quality bleached drilling, reinforced with corded seams, taped buttons, sizes 1 to 6, years ; excep- A tional value at 25c. Special at.... 1UC Outing Flannel Gowns, 75o, 85o Vols., G6b Special jyalucs in Women's Outing Flannel Gowns, in pink and white and .blue and white striped- effects, with yokes of plain blue and pink trimmed, with fancy braid, ruffled cuff, finished with siQc buttonhole 6titch, extra-full skirts; best values in the city at 85c. Special jq Muslin Drawers, Fully Worth 50c, at 33o Extraordinary! offering muslin, umbrella styles of Women's Drawers, made of best quality trimmed with a 5-inch embroidery flounce and tucks; other styles. with two rows of torchon insertion, with - - 33 edge to match; best 50c values. , Special at.. OuC A Great TT-. C: A CN- .n dlaci Showing' JkM UVV KJfJXTAXAg UUltSs VUCbUSs KJXJLJL WC "Supremely attractive til all'tHatls extremely rich in WomerTsTDuter Garments. This store also excels in moderately priced garments. Note the following special offerings: 'is j v',Pirst Showing New Spring Skirts 3 mm P v' Verv snerial nrices will heTnaHa far rttir rnn?nr ihih5t this week. new hand' Bomely tailored skirts will be shown, spring styles, most fashionable materials. Be cause so many women, are always looking for new skirts at this time of the year we have made special effort in getting Jhjs JineoIlectiontogether, Skirts at 83.50, $4.50, $5.50 Exceptional garments, box pleated mod els in worsted Panamas, checks and stripes, 'some are trimmed with narrow strappin gs of self materials ; as per feet fitting skirts as are possible to buy. Skirts at $ 0.50, $7.50, $10 ; , and $12.50 v High class tailor-made Skirts,, swell new .. models, in cluster tucked effects. The$e . skirts are guaranteed by the makers and are made of fine trench voiles, chiffon Panama,' Jamestown worsteds, in checks, plaids and mixtures.;:;. Women's New Spring Coats Having disposed of our entire s,tock of JWinter. Coats -we are now opening up some pretty new spring models. The 6tyles most in demand for early spring will be the42 to 45-inch coats in light weight plaids and mixtures. .We will offer this week four numbers of strictly dependable coats in stunning mixtures and plaids at 96.00,7.50, ?10.00 JJ2 50 ).,;: 1 Sateen Petticoats . $1.25 Values special for Monday 95 Your choice of a half dozen pretty styles, made with tucks, ruffle, ac cordion pleatings, stitched bands, etc.; best QC $1.25 values. Specially priced at............ ,,uw Misses' Skirts at $2.50, $3.50 . and $4.50 We are showing the largest and best as sortment of Misses' Skirts of any store in the city. Several new models have been received and will be shown for the first time this'weelc'Thematerials are wor steds, in checks, plaids and mixtures ; also plain Panamas in black, brown, navy and red. v:.:.. - . v Women's Extra Size Skirts Several new numbers of Skirts for large women at $ 5.50, $0.50 , gQ Tailor-Made Suits Spring Styles - We venture to 6ay that never in the history of Port land's , merchandising have strictly new and . stylish Spring Suits been offered at such extremely low prices as we are now quoting. When you consider that the styles are new, he materials are of the best and the tailoring such as goes into high class garments only you will realize the importance of our offering.- The .favored suits for spring of 'which we are now show ing several numbers are . Eton. and fitted coat styles, in checjes, plaids'and plain Panamas trimmed with fancy braids. Priced at $12.50, $15, til Q CA ?lf.50 and............v.-......4,.....iI)i0.uU Realt Price and Quality . Magnetism No power of verbal expression "could give you any idea of this beautiful display. It is the largest line ever seen in any Portland storea royalJassembling of the choicest, most beautiful and most exclusive patterns and colorings from the best makers of the world, and the prices, for genuine cheapness, have never been paralleled. NewRadiumSulting-rrExtraordinary .assortment, of the popular silk and wool radium, particularly clever designs, in delicate tints of tan, gray, blue and green with two toned overchecks of contrasting shades, beautiful fabric just in. Price, yard. PlUl Substantial Savings on Fashionable Silks Our assortment of Silks at present is unmatched in Portland. It is possible to gratify every taste, and gratify it with that which is absolutely the most fash ionable silk of the season.. Two special values follow: Crepe deChine 23 inches wide, magnificent assort ment, colors pink, blue, champagne, lavendar, green, slate, gray, also Jlack and cream; our regular OP n $1 grades. : Special Monday, per yard........ OuC Colored TaffeU 19-inch Swiss-finished taffeta, purest of silks, comes in over 50 shades ; our regular 75c qual ity. Sold nowhere else in the city. Special price, per yard the city. Special Cp Hew Shadow- Check Suiting Beautiful collection of advance spring patterns in shadow checks, exception ally pretty features prevail in this goods. Comes in the new shades of grays, tans amt champagne, at tractive and stylish. Best values ever of- CI fered at $1.00 and. .............. ....... .Ol0 New Spring Silks , Pompadour Crepe de Chines Exquisite floral designs in dainty shades of pink, light blue, lavender, green, etc. very attractive for evening'gowns, separate waists of scarfs, extraordinarily pretty designs. Sale n price,'per yard.... 0C Radium Crepe 23 inches wide, very fine, rich and lustrous, clever floral designs, superb collec- tion. , Exceptional values, price, per yard ....... yO C Cut Prices on Cravenettes Genuine Priestley's Goods 52-inch Cravenette, all shades; $1.75 grade.-.Special, per yard $1.10 54-inch Cravenette, all shades; $2.00 grade. Special, per yard .". , .... . . . .$1.25 New Wash Fabrics Lavish display of all the season's pretty, popular Wash Goods. Every fabric fixed by Fashion as correct is included in this showing. Wa here enumerate a few of the daintiest. NEW BATISTES A - great - assortment just received, of which we place en sale to morrow for the first time figures, stripes, flowers and all size dots in all the tCn best colors, moderately priced at, yd..lOU NEW SUITINGS Thousands of yards of New Wool-Finished Suitings, pretty check and plaid effects, in medium and dark col ors, exact copies of the finest wool suit ings. Moderately priced per JgQ - ktjox Towns, -a r 18x36 -xarr xa ......... XvlQ . ( - Regular 20c Values.- ' " " EXTRA Linen Huck Towels, all white and white with red borders, good large size, 18x20 inches. Specially priced at, each t . ..42o BHD SJJTRBT, . Tamo rsreatxi.... Regular 50c Values. EXTRA Full Bleached Sheets, good wearing quality, 72x90 inches, best 50c grade. Specially priced at. ....... 42 BEDSPREADS $1 JO Values f 1.T25 Handsome White Bedspreads, in a full line of new patterns, extra hfavy weidht, excellent-wearing quality hemmed all ready to use, well worth $1.50 each. fl Specially priced at PIAJ NEW PERCALES In a great variety of patterns dots, checks, figures, stripes, etc; absolutely "fast colors, all the best shades; bright, new goods. Moderately IAa priced at , llv BIEGE SUITINGS Fifty pieces placed on special sale tomorrow; pretty- check - and plaid effects in medium colors; also over plaids with interwoven dots; regular Qa 10c ooality. Specially priced at, yard..,OL . . mrcx wwBts, - aox4o ZKOxxa XU Regular 15c Values. EXTRA Linen Huck Towels, white with red borders, extra large size, 20x40 inches, great values at lie Specially priced at ......... t. . .......12f miow cash, - 4aa nrOKxa .......IO '', ! Regular He Values. . -EXTRA Pillow Cases, made of extra quality muslin, 42x36 inches, best He grade, Specially priced at.. ..& BEDSPREADS $U0 Values, at ' 7St Half price tomorrow. Colored Bedspreads in neat, attractive patterns, colors brown and yellow, full aize for double beds, fin ished with deep knotted fringe, reg. 'HC $1.50 val. Specially priced at....... uW Specials in the Men's Section Men's $3.00 Worsted Underwear f 1.50 Men's Fine Ribbed Worsted Underwear, color blue, all sizes, perfect-fitting gar ment in every way, always, sold at $3.00. Special M CA Monday at half price.. .41.0U Men'a Wool Underwear 53t Several odd lines in Wool Shirts and Drawers, all the best sizes, colors blue and gray. These garments always sold at $1.25 and $1.50. Special Mon- tj Men's Negligee Shirts 98t To clean up a lot of odds and'ends in Madras.. Percale. Giagham, Silk and . Wool Negligee Shirts, we offer for tomorrow's selling $1.25 and $175 values at flQn special sale price, each ."01 Men'a Neckwear 981 Men's Stylish Neckwear, four-in-hand and English square styles, our very best $1.50 line,, all flfi popular shades. Special price Monday .......VOv Extraordinary--Hat Sale Real $2.50 and $3.00 Values, Season's Latest ' v Styles, at $1.1 A clean-up of all o our broken lines and odd lot of-Men's Fall Hats, lit both stiff and soft shapes, this season's styles, regular $2.50 and $3.00 values. On -saU tomorrow Monday (M in only at, each ..,..$I.1U No Sale Hata Exchanged. New Embroideries, Laces, Ribbons and Npclnrear Price reduction on the newest and most wanted goods to indue early buying values , that are unrnatchable. . , Torchon Laces 2o Yard An endless assortment of Torchon Laces and Insertions, used extensively for trim ming undergarments, very dttrable, will Embroidery Edgings 7 Instead of 12( Embroidery Edgings, with insertions to match, from 2 to 4 inches wide, good qual ity, especially adapted to underwear pur noses, best l2ViC quality. Special Monday, per yard I L Waisting Embroideries 48f Instead of $1.00 Waisting. Embroideries, from 16 to 20 inches wide,, beautiful patterns, embroidered on fine Swiss, both blind and openwork de signs, our regular $1.00 value. Spe- iQ clal Monday, per yard .401 Corset-Cover Embroidery 4Z4 Instead of $1.00 Corset-Cover Embroidery, IS inches wide, exclusive pattern, new and dainty; thrv are splendid $1.00 values. Spe- A V cial sale price Monday only at, yard..IOL Embroidered Bands 28. Instead of 50c Good assortment of pretty Embroidered Bands, 4 to2 inches wide, regular 35c and 50c values, bpecial sale price Mon day only ecial sale price Mon- wash. Special sale price, per yard.. Advance Spring- NeckweV 10,000 Beautiful Silk-Embroidered Stock Collars All the newest styles and shades. regular S0c values. Our price Mon- day, each 01 Genuine Baby Irish , : AUovers , Specially Reduced Prices, Our reg. $3 00 val. Special, per yard f 1.T3 Our reg. $3.75 val. Special, per yard f 2.45 Our reg. $5.00 val. Special,4er yard f 3.39 Our teg. $7.50 val. Special, per yard 4.35 Our reg. $3.00 vaL Special, per yard f 5.10 Extraordinary Values in tbe Linen Department Tomorrow we will place on special bargain table all remnants of Linen Dam ask and Toweling, odds and ends in Napkins, Doilies, Scarfs, Tea and Tray Cloths, Towels, etc., At Extraordinary Reduction ior Quidc Clcnr Eafly ahoppers will find valuea of unusual interest b en'.