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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1907)
k U.ovjTJ Ui'iJAV JJU.;:;AL. IUKTLAND, SUNDAY MOKIUNG, FEBRUARY 3. 1S07., NEW TODAY,' XEX9 TODAY. NEW TOIVir. REALTY EIURLY ACTIVE DESPITE BHD WEATHER I Bvery plae of property Oa eeur socks FOR SALE BY- tt IM sliver thaw and the other aorta dlsasreeable weather that has pre- ounnir the paat week had "ouy depressing effect , upon the Icx-al real, estate market. The agent -na coalers report that it was. well nluh lmpoaalbla to set the moat anxious bur are out in tha cold to loolc at the sjiaet tempting bargain. Notwlthatimdln tba unfavorable con ditions there waa a fair movement In all riaaaea and character of property. ippor washington atreet again tot In " iimeiigtit ns the ranter of the big gest deal, while the Grand avenue aeo- ion r tha east alio wa again promt' tiently to the front. - The one noticeable falling off waa In wio outald realty deala. or tho flrat 'me In majiy weeks no aala of thle una waa reported. . arenty Thousand Mala. xna moat Important transaction and 'tha laagest aala of the week waa" the purchase Friday by Kmanuel May of tha aouthweat corner of Fourteenth and Washington streets for 170.000. The property waa owned- by George F. Jlodgers of Kaiem and tha aala waa made through tha agency of E. ' 3. Daly and B- Streeter. Tha piece la a atngle lot fronting 100 feet on Washington atreet and 60 feet on Fourteenth. It baa two tory frame building on - It that are I w"al1 to Dln return on -the JKj price. .. i i w euppoaea mat oir. way wui tear out tha present atrueturea and put In a -eniPBtantiai unuK building. aa-th ing bualnesa on npper Washington atreet will Justify a better , class of building. - - - . . !, Mr. Rodger bought - thla property about it months ago for $38,000. , He haa apent a email amount of monoy on Improvements, but thla aala nearly doubles tha whole sum Invested. Mr. Rodgers has made several Investments In choice Portland property within the paat year, on ail of which be baa made handsome profit.1 He purchased a lot on Seventh, between Oak and Ankeny Streets, for J26.000 and sold it after a few montha for a profit of 1 10,000. Mr. Rodgere and assoclatea are tha owners of th quarter block at the northwest corner of Thirteenth and Waahlngton streets which they" are planning to Improve with a alx-atory ..brick. ...... t- iont Bttraet Transfer. - ; t , Emanuel May, th purchaser of th lot at Fourteenth and Waahlngton. has old th quarter block recently pur chased by him at tha northwest corner of Front and Clay street for 160,000, which gives htm a profU of 110.000 In about en month's time. Mr. May se cured this property from tbs Savings A . 1-oan society of San Francisco abTJut a month ago for f 40.000. Tha sit Is cov ered with a three-story brick uaed now as a storag warehouse. Ortndataff a Schalk sold yesterday to J. P. Jensen and Samuel H. Graham a property, 60x100 on Madison street, be "t ween First and Second. It Is Improved wits shack occupied by Chines. Orlnd- Residence . staff Schalk sold this property to R. . M. Wilson for tha Fechheimer estate, a ' month ago for f K.K00. January 1J th firm bought it back at an advanca and has now sold It at an increase of $$,$00 over th price which It brought on ,' month ago. ' J. p. Jensen and Samuel H. Graham bought from th Flelchner estate a lot S&xlOO feet on Madiaon atreet, between ; Flrat and Second, for $15,000. This lot ' was sold by Orlndstaff A Schalk one month ago for $le.600 to R. M. Wilson. A few daya later th firm bought It back at an advance and have now Bold It at an advance of 60 per cent over tha pries It brought on month ago. ' Vp-Towa Property Aotlv. ' H. Knoll has purchased th quarter block at tha southeast corner of Twen tieth and Thurman streets for tlf.000. The property belonged to E. Stein and la Improved with atorea and a dwelling. !. The. sal was made by Xoula Saloman. The purchase by A. D. Marshall, the well-known rnl estate broker, of a $0- lot on Washington atreet. . near Twentieth, was cloned up and th deed ! . passed during; the week. Mr. Marshall hss already been offered a substantial advance on bis purchase, N. A. and Alargaret Schanen have sold to Hugo BraaH lota five and six. block "P." Camthers addition, for I1S.000. ' 1 B, J. Daly and Beno A Ballls closed th deal during th week whereby they purchased aome weeka ago a quarter . block at th southeast comer of King and Waahlngton atreeta for $28,000. The property waa sold by th King astute. H. W. Ooode purchased yesterday through Orlndstafr A Schalk and J. M. Healy a quarter block at th aouthweat eorner of trnion and Hawthorn ava- nues for.40,000. burg Basil Sid Sal. Whitney L. Boise, H. W. Good and j . m. Healy have purchased from O. A. Hall th northwest quarter block at Grand avenue and Rnat Madiaon Street - for 130.000. Mr. Hall purrniased this property less than eight montha ago for $1,760. This site Is one-half block front th Sargent -hotel and on and one-half blocka from the location of ' th- proposed eaat side theatre. Mr. Boise and associates are confident that their purchase will bring ItO.OOS within th next alx montha. i H B. McEwen has purchased from N. C. Richard the Wilbur hotel prop erty for $10. Sort. The building occupies three Si-foot-lots on Kst Oak street, bat wee a Kaat - First and - Eaat Second straeia Th hotel conaiats of rooms r" x -- s 4 ' i . S ' pr " . ' :i ' d.r' : .! : " j ij; --Tg .---- . .. r - . '-- 4,' J - ' fcuWiSftr. .iMl..iiniawisM..ii. , I.. i dim m 1 1 fmim , ,m,m,M 1, ' .t,iiiil . t.ftn i . 1 r J- -i j . L brrL lit' ! r-:.!r: ik4l ,i a.f,. and has been allowed to get In bad r- palT Mr. McEwen will lmprov the property. - ,' , ; - . .; -. , .' . . Th sal of the quarter block at tha soutbaaat corner of Grand avenue and Yamhill atreet mad a few days ago' by Frank Logan to JV M. Porter was closed up today. Mr. Porter paid $20,000 for th alt and has sine been offered $25,000 for bt purchaaa ' Tha property Is now occupied by a two-story resi dence, which Mr. Porter plans to re move and pat up a three-story business block. ...... . - DEVELOP SOUTH HARBOR Companj Formed to Boost Townsite , " on Cooa Bay. ... . South Harbor, a new townalta on Coos bay, will soon be opened by Portland of J. Hldermeyer, East Elerenth and and Coos bay parties who ar rnteraated In th development of tbat region. - -The South Harbor Development .company,-tha new corporation, has pur chased what was known a th 8tephen Lapp property of 1(4 acres of land lying cn Isthmus Inlet, three miles from th town of Marshfleld, and has platted half of it Th land Is In th center of th coming manufacturing district of th reninsula and is on th surveyed tight of way of the Southern Pacific railroad and nppoalt where th new road from Drain connects with th line now surveyed to run dowa th coast to San Francisco, ' Isthmus Inlet at th point where th townalta Is located la about 400 feet wide, giving ample room for th pas saga of tha largest veasels as well as f Business Block of J, M. ' ' " . awju-ii ii m mi ' sin in im'mwvmmnmmm, t ms.i.i si "'.i ' ' ' .','' ' " ? " ' ', " ' t '". I vr - ' f- ..l, - " 1 ' r .r-r-v. - , , v-.- i " '"7 -V- --iir felHissii.jiii inrmyTTifciiii i$f n r in""" "iii i i 1 "."JS lt!Ua - " p , ,! " , IT- 1 "" " 'V" "' ' " .ri) ' ' Jorgenson. Building. Nearing Completion at Third for dockage.' ' " . .. A clear spring of excellent water has been found on th property with ample supply for a small town, a condition that Is hard to find on these salt water Inlets. - .. It Is th intention of th promoters of South Harbor t Indue factories to lo cate In the new townalta and a large portion of th water frontage ha been set aside for factory sites while splen. did inducements will b offered for manufacturing to make this their horn. Th Southern Pacific railroad owns tha property adjacent to th townalt and as It Is th point where rails meet deep water a terminal point Is already as sured. The officers of tha company are: C W. Tower, Marshfleld, -president; John Lament of Portland, ve-presldent; Charles M. Hemphill, Portland. ; secre tary; G. W. Waterbury, Portland, treas- Schuyler Streets. nrer. Othes who ar interested ar Phil Harris. A. C On go, 8. 8. Lamont. John B. Davis. 8, L. Hara. d- W. Ksgler,' H D. Whitney, F. O Brockenbrough, Port land, l- R. Tower, C H. Coddlngton and a I Robinson of Marshfleld. SLOAN HOTEL IS SOLD Had Been In Charge of a Sloan for , Many Tears.' , ', Th Forest Orov really market has been -vary active for the past month. Several good slsed deals have been con summated within the past few daya Monday Res Laabo purchased th Sloan hotel property from George O. Sloan at a conaldaratioa of Sl.tOO. Real Healy, Under Construction at East Morrison and Grand ATenae. - 1 "r- . -7J ... .. . - r ,..,.:. 14 nd Main Streets. estate is Ton - ths rise and Mr. Leabo bought th property merely for specula tion, Intending. to leasa It out again. When Mr. and Mrs. George Sloan movo out It will be th flrat time In 41 years that th old. hotel has fever failed to deal out - meals to travelers at th banda of a Sloan landlord. Mrs. Cheater Sloan established the hotel In 1SS. on of th first In Wash ington county. 6hs died five years ago and sine then th hostelry has been conducted by George Sloan. It was rumored yesterday that J. W. Fuqua had bought the Verts hall from the Liberals and Masons who owned the building IS said th LI bo rale and Mason will move th building upon th south half of th lot on which It now stands, and that Mr. Fuqua will build a handsome two-story brick on tha preaent sit of the hall for. th National bank which was organised her sometime ago. Several othor big land transfers are on foot which will involve ahnnt in 000 ROSEBURG MEN HUSTLING New Company Formed to Handle Tract on Coos Bay. : ' Roaeburg Is rapidly coming to : the front as an Industrial center. - A $100, 00J planing mill Is -under construction recently organlred by Roseburg capl talista to one nit on Cooa bay. Th J. G. Hook company, who re cently sold th alt on which their planing mill stood to th Southern Pa cine company, have purchased a new location for their mill on th opposite aide of the track from where they were formerly located. Their new sit has been occupied until recently by th countxhoepUalconductedhyairs. Phoeb Ketchel. With this transaction Ellas Rhoads sold his one third Interest In tha mill and will retire from th bualnesa February 1 the Floek com pany began tearing down Its mill building preparatory to moving to Its new location. They will put up a much larger building of veneered brick 0 by SO feet, three stories high. Ths mill will be run by alectrlo power In stead of by . steam, aa was their old mill. They expect to have ths new mill ready for operation by April 1. No defi nite announcement has been mad by th railroad company as to what us they will put th property Just ac quired1 from th Flook company. Mra Ketchel will rent a building for tha county hospital In another part of town. - I JTsw Coo Bay Company. A aew stock company has filed ar ticles of ' Incorporation with tha secre tary of stat to ba known aa th Craw ford Point Land company. They are: President, a. A. Slgnalneas; secretary, W. H. Fisher; director ar th presi dent and secretary and A. T. Beatal, 8. M. Kelley and F. E. Alley, all feai dents of this city. Th capital stock of eompsny is $50,000, divided Into 600 shares of $100 each, all subscribed. This company has purchased two tracts of land totaling ISS acres, situated on th east aid of Coos bay and adjoin ing th newly platted town of Coo City, of which nearly three fourths has already been sold. Of th company's new possessions 13 acres ar on Craw ford Point, to th south of Coos City, and 140 acres ar to th east, in what Is known aa th Llndstrom tract A portion of these two tracts will ? be platted and placed on th market at one. There Is also a coal vein on a tkw,SMsU 4sii.J - . VVsT TO has ba personally appraised by as. WE KNOW ITS VALUE. Beautiful Homes Modern 6-room house between 26th and 27th, on East Morri- - aon ; any money will handle.- 52000 . Strictly modern 6-room home, on East Main, 2 blocks to car line : in choice neighborhood ; easy : terms. , " . ' ' 93850''7r'" Latest model home, never occu- - pied ; 6 rooms, artistically fin fished, oji East Taylor between , 18th and 19th ; very easy terms. 94100 New modern 6-room home, never , occupied,' on East Taylor,, in choice neighborhood. At this ' price 'for a few days. Easy ""terms. . 94250 - RIodern " I0-ro6m hOmer'tnr-East Morrison; $500 below the mar ket. For a fey days. Easy terms. . -:, 7 ?600 :' : A real snap.. Beautiful modern 6 room domicile,- on -Poplar et.', one block to car line. No build ing allowed on this tract cost- ing less than ,$4,000. Jnteriot is beautiful, delightful fire "place; $2,700 will handle. 96500 Modern 8-room home, on Love joy str See this for a home. Terms if desired. 98000 Modern complete '9-room home ' on East Ash, inr choicest loca tion. . Lot covered with beauti ful roses and. shrubbefyrTerms - if desired. - ; . - r - - Our home department is the most : complete in Portland. - Bnrasld READ THIS ! BEAUTIFUL' NOB HILL HOME. CHOICE CORNER : LOT MADISON ST.. CLOSE. 2 ACRES, FINE SOIL, MON- TAVILLA. v 12 EXTRA LARGE LOTS, EAST 34TH CHOICE APARTMENT SITE, CLOSE IN,- WEST SIDE; ONLY 94,500; 100x100. ONE HALF BLOCK, 200 FEET, IRVING AND HTH. The Continental Go. 243 STARK ST. portion, of - th Llndstrom tract, which will be thoroughly prospected before any disposition Is mads of It Th DratnCooa Bay railroad, now being built, will cross this tract,' and will en hance its value to a considerable ex tent. All of th members of this com pany ar active and hustling business men of this city and their success In this venture Is assured. . OUTSIDERS INVEST HERE Portland Property Eagerly Sought by Capitalists of Other Cities. A resident of Portland who lias just returned from th convention, of th Admen's leagu at Bpokane, says that while 1rr the Palis Cltr h learned of a sal of business property ther at th rat of 14,600 a front foot. This Is tl.000 per foot mora- thsn th highest prlc that has ever been paid for choice corners In Portland s business oenter. When It Is remembered that Portland la In every way more than twice a large a Spokane, It will be seen that there Is truth in the contention that Portland business property is selling for leas thsn Its earning value. , . Sine the first of th year, half a dosen men of mean a, realdonts of other Pacifio coast cities, hav Invested heavily in Portland realty. - On of these, a resident of Sesttle. has pur chased, within th past 10 days, three plecea'Of central property aggregating In value over $160,000, and Is under stood to be negotiating - for two ad ditional site that will bring the cot of hi holdings In this city well above $2o0,000. ' . Another Seattle Investor has within th paat two weeks Invested heavily in Portland real estate, having bought two pieces of Inside property Involving an expenditure of nearly $100,000. - I n to within th last 0 days" re marked a member of one of the old-es-tabllahed malty firms, "practically sll of th trading In local real estnte wan don by Portland Investors Many of our business men had accumulated con siderable auma of money and lean thsn two yesrs ago ther beaan quietly to pick up aome f the choice holdtnga that wera being orrereo. . wow, However, the situation has greatly changed Outslil capital Is seeking Investment her In constantly Increasing volume. 1 am confident that during the present year sevsral millions of Ban Francisco, Loa Angeles and Seattle money will ba put Into Portland real estate and Improve ments, and all because real eatal.!s selling Jot so much, less hero than It la quoted. l 11 ,Qlht SUlva cUlas. , - .. ' ' COXMOirenBAXiTX sC " 'liHr Blatkaad I yry r Pronnd. Flop t "'. ' ; . '. KaiaBsaa. Mall&VonBorstel Vaughn Street BOzlAS and two houaes. rente for $20 rrr month; altuated OS feet west of iStB St., Nos 144-84 Vaughn atreet. Prlo $2,800; terma Union Ave. 100KIOO." 8. W. corner t'nlon ave. and Kast Davis at.; a fina buslneaa eorner. Prlc $14,000; terma. ' , , - . Union Ave. 200x100 and seven houses on E. Couch rnnnlnr from Union svenu to Kast Third street. Pof prlc and terms lit. . , ., -- ; . . ' ... Grand Ave. inoxit on Grand ave.1, running ffomPai cltto to Oregon streets. Price $U,00. Williams Ave. tnisn ml in Onuses . on Willi: ave.. between Sacramento and Rnene streeta Houaa 7 and 478 WUllama a van ue; renta for, $30 par month. Erica E. Salmon St cof. "23d Modern 7-room house,, almost neinTTot 60x124. This Is located in th rice resi dence district Prlc $1,766; terma , Woodlawn ' A nlc 1-roora house, ' modern, at 4(0 Ittkum avenue, en block east of car line fJ.660; terma : J Mall & VonBorstel 891 r. Bnrasld. St. and 104 ooBd MX. TDREE APARBIENT HOUSE SITES 97,500. ltth and Hoyt, corner lOxliJI ' 96,000. Hth and Jefferson,' corner 4x. 94,500." nsndeis st.) between !01hnd $1 at, 40x100. Responsible party ready to leaee a building on thla ground on very favorable terma INVESTIGATE Any on of these propositions. If you ar Interested In this profitable and loulatJorrntJynTeiUnent ; Morgan, SweetS Chapman 8 IS AMnfftoa Sldf. phoa Kaia S01S. ForaFewDays Residence -Snap - $2800 - i . .''.).'' Half cash, balance easy terms; in Holladay Park addition. 6-room modern house, practically new; lot 50x100; gas and electricity; cement sidewalk ; rented for $25. a month. j Act quickly if you want this." D. W. Lcmckc Co. SIXTH & WASHINGTON STS. - - "MAIN 550. The Choicest - Unimproved Residence Property In the City , 7 t In th recently platted doubl block facing Montgomery, Harrison, Hall " and Fourteentk Streets Macadam streets, cement sidewalks, sewer, gas and watsr pipes laid. Prices, $2750, $3000 ... and $3250 " This property is strictly " for rsl- aac purposes. . Wakefield, Fries . (2i Co. 229 Stark St. City Property FOR SALE. Parrish, Watkins S Co. 250 ALDER ST. BUY BUSINESS PR0PtRIV Full lot on Sixth street, between Rverett and rianders. This is the $25,609.09 best buy on the street. We can males you $5.0CO in six months. Call snd get all particulars as. to terms snd income. ' Reed, Fields $ Tjnan Conpany ; 102 f.ffnrui ftt. Thons Main 7C04 Factory Town The plowing manufacturing town on Northern Pacific railway and proposed electric lines, with deep water frontage and great imme diate future, on Willamette river north of Portland. You will not be held by the draw bridee. on your way to and from the city . First Addition to-Lin ntort now opened for -sale. Beautiful site. View equal to Council Crest, and lots can he-obtained from to" $10010 per cent doy.Ti, $5 per . month.' Those who come " first secure choicest locations. Ad- ( dress .:' ' ,. " 514 Charnjrj)f(mmerce-r or UaGsOgden.suohns A. HARDY, Agent-on Ground. lOSyi JERSEY ST, ST. JOHN3 ?9000 1 Block, inside, 2 good , houses, river view. ?7000l Block, -iactory site. '; . ?2100 100x100, -modern 5 room cottage. . room house. . 452100 50x100, modern 5-roora house. . ' 2000-100x100, inside busi ness properly. ; .- -. A good opportunity to secure a grain, hay and coal business. Downey&Warren Tousley & Weaver 11-12 LAFAYETTE BLDG. - Phone Main 6961. 3 Washin gton 'St., Cor 6th. INCOME PROPERTY Front St., - near -Washington 5 . rents for $4,200 per annum; half cash. - Price, $46,000 BEST INVESTMENT Ever Offered In the northwest Is now onen. in sums of $4,000 or more. It will stand you well in hand to care fully investigate this proposition at once. ; , , . - Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Company Lomber Exchange CIdg. Portland, Ore. WAREHOUSE SITES , " f 13,500 75x100, northwest corner 15th and Raleigh streets. . $15,000 100x100, northwest corner 18th and Upshur streets ; switch. ?31,00O ' 100x100, on Quimby street, be tween 14th and 15th. , KnappSc Mackey 2 Chamber of Commerce. NEW TODAY Wanted, sood Income city p-or--ont 3.O09; will par llf ai. vs you? C. C. VAUGIir 110 axco: J t Dovvncy&VarTen