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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL", PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3, ' 1S37.' THAW ANXIOUS TO GO UPON STAND BUT MUST REMAIN MUTE IN TRIAL V. ( GOOD PLACE TO TRADED 1 Evelyn Nesblt Thaw VVill Not Be ' Put on Stand by Jerome v for Prosecution. '"" Atctents for Monarch Malleable Ranges WILL TELL COMPLETE Carpets and Elogs i STORY TO SAVE THAW Rumored That Prowoutlon Will Make. Desperate, Effort, to Throw ,' Out Some Jurymen On Monday- ..Tf s Si '. Defense 1VeU Satisfied. Liberal Discount for You Are, - Welcome wait 1 1 I L-J ;. ft---- tit " ..Ills. ' i hi 11 ':. rii. . " : V i,"s '- . Br VNlllam Hoster. - Rwit New sy iwnwt timl rw.--' Nw Tork. Feb. S.Whtl hard-work Ing Justice ie'Uklne; two day off to rest up, the district attorney and coun 1 in the Thaw cut are forming their ' line for th battle which will open be- for Justice Fitzgerald on Monday. Oit the iv uf 'Hn fight important , difference hare arista between Barry Kendall Tbaw and hla adviser. Younc Thaw insists upon going; on the wttnexa Stand' la til own behalf. H wants to tell hi own story to the Jury, confl- . that the narration will .doar-what- ever lingering doubt thaV mar remain an1 their minus a to his responsibility (or the killing of Stanford White. ' There are among the counsel for " Thaw some .who support htm In hi deslre thu to take the wltne stand; but those who oppose It support their views with such logical argument that there was a fair prospect tonight that they , would have their way and that Thaw would remain mute throughout - ill ordeal. . '.. wni Xsep Thaw Out i ' Under the circumstances, the legal gentlemen point rout, it would be de i etrable and porhap necessary for Thaw to take the stand, but If it 1 to be urged in hla defense that he was insane at the time of theauootlng of . Stanford White, the astute legal minds declare that it would be the height of absurdity to call upon Thaw to testify to acta which were committed in an hour when he did not know what be .was doing. Thl view will probably prevail. In- deed, one of those who has taken the lead In Thaw's defense since the open ing of the trial, declared emphatically tonight that under no circumstances , would he be mad a witness. ... . . . ... Mrs. Evelyn Nesblt Thaw will take the witness stand, however, and under the guidance of Delma will tell her complete story. When, she will be - called-ha -not been entirely decided upon yet. - The defense. It was declared today, will be ready at any time to . proceed with It ease, though there I a feeling among counsel that Jerome will not. be able to complete his eA by noon Monday, the time he specified at the hour- of adjournment Friday evening, ' Who will b called first by the de fense Is" as great a mystery as Che name ' of the first wltneng of the state.- Ru- I nor. today had May McKenxle as Je- Tome's first witness, but a full consid eration of the fact seem to rule her - out of the case for the prosecution en tirely. She 1 essentially a witness for ' the defense, but it is not regarded as likely that Jerome will call her to the ' stand and bind himself to the damaging statement that she might make against Stanford White In the course of her examination. -. Win wot call arm Thaw. r-1- Similarly it 1 practically certain rtow that Jerome will not call Mrs. . Harry Thaw as on of hi witnesses. Me can get along without her, and be , baa at hand a sufficient number of . witnesses according to hi light, to - contradict Mr. Thaw statement 11 " that be necessary. ....... r - All "day -today - there were' rumors ., about the criminal court building a to an Intention on Jerome' part to ' make desperate effort Monday to bare another Juror ' withdrawn. Tb . nam of thl Juror was mentioned and circumstance concerning his . career . were elted as reason why he should . j.U dismissed. He Is said to be well ' known in racing circles, and Jerome Is alleged to hare facts about him which ' Inspire) a wholeaom desire not to go to trial with th man In the box. ' - . Whether or not an effort will be an ad by th state to take thl man out ' th box will develop,Monday morn ' tng. It may be atatad with certainty, however,- that every effort looking to Y- that eodVwrlll be fought to the last ditch ' - fcy th defense. On Friday night a long conference : waa held between Thaw, Hartrtdg and .- O'Reilly In th Tomb prison on thUi question and today oa leaving th prison after three Quarters of an hour's talk artta Thaw A. R. Pea body aald: r- - Jury Pleases Defease. To far counsel for th defense la I ' (Bonoerned, tb Jury will stand a it wa completed oa Friday evening." To get another man out of th box, ' Jerome will have to convince Justice Fltsgerald that there is something i ' radically wrong with th Jury and even at that the defense wlllbo entitled to an exception and It would be a powerful ' lever in th hand of the defense for a ; new trial should a conviction result. J Peabody brought out of Thaw's cell a Cheering report a to the defendant's feeling: - " -Thaw Is delighted with th Jury." he i ald. , "He, think we could not hav ' tnada a better choice. In fact, all of u are pleased and I ran say as much for . i ThaW relative, who have been in at- ;f tends nc at the trial all week. Thaw aald last night that be hoped we would , be able to keep th Jury a It Is at present nnd not have to let any of them go. I have assured him that counsel will result any effort to tak any more ' men out of th box. "A hla trial progresses, Thaw - spirit continue to Improve. He said thl morning he wtshed the trial could go on today. JH 1 Impatient over th delay. IHfty Wltne on 1.1st. Mr. Peabody aald that In a conference of tb counsel Friday night the The i defena waa discussed in vcry detail' ' . - ; A Bad Stomach (Lessens th usefulness and man th hap. ', pines of 111. It's g weak stomach, a stomach thai can ' root properly perform It functions. Among It symptoms ar distress after ; eating, nausea between -meals, heartburn, ' belching, vomiting, flatulence god nervous headache, .. ;..''.. '.,.""..,. Ko o d'sSarsaparilla Cures a bad stomach. Indigestion and dys pepsia, and th car I permanent. '. v Aogepl DO substitute. - i , . ' . , Harold Nesblt, Brother of Erelya tendant at the Trial and'Wlll Be Put -on the Stand by the Prosecu tion. - . ''.''.,'''. ' ' ' '' : ' ' "'' and a decision reached a to Just what witnesses will be called. Are you ready to go ahead on Mon day afternoon?" h was asked. "W certainly are." repiy. If Jerome la sincere In what he ay about being ready to open hla case on Monday morning and close it ai me enq of the first session, we ar glad of it." ' "Will your defense b very lengthy" -r-Tt-4-wim"- aald .PaabodyrW hav a lot of witnesses t call and cannot say how long It will talte." It was reported today that there ar 10 witnesses on th list of the defense. It may take about three weeks to examine them fllwntv On rebuttal Jerome i said to hav 49 witnesses to call,' after which th defense will be permitted, if itaao desires, to introduce witnesses In rebuttal, which with allow anc for delays, prolonged examination of expert, for th aummlng up of coun sel and the charg of the Jury, it doe not seem that it will be possible to hav a verdict much before th second week in March. . . MAY M'KENZIE'S STORY Actress Depended Upon by Defense to CIcarThaw-. . " (Hssrst Ntws by Longest Leased Wire.) ' - New York;- Feb. 2. May McKenst. formerly of th choru and now th comforter of Evelyn Nesblt Thaw in the trying ordeal, I to be tb principal wit ness for th defense. Miss McKensle from th witness stand will tell th re markable story of tb' event which are aid to hav driven Harry Thaw to mad ness and made tb tragedy in Madison Squar Garden Inevitable. . She ha mad affidavit, which I now ln thdl trlct attorney's office, in which she al leges that Stanford White laid his plans and mad every effort to cause tvejyn Nesblt Thaw to leave her husband. Mis McKansla will testlfv that Wblt tried to- make her an instrument to arrange clandestine meeting with jsveiyn ne bit Thaw and that every suggestion from White which reached th enrs of Thaw's wife wa Indignantly repulsed, runil Zvelya Thaw. , According to tb young woman's statement Whit began his effort to break up. the horn of Harry Thaw shortly after th marrlag in Pittsburg Thaw, it 1 declared, knew every detail of Kvelyn Nesbit's relations with Stan ford White when he and Whit were rival for her favoring glances, and whatever Imperfection ther had been In the life of Evelyn Nesblt tbey were obliterated by the sacred bond of matri mony. White had passed out of th life of Kvelyn Nesblt and waa only an un welcome hadow In ber memory. At that time May McKenxle wa In favor with Stanford Whit. Sh had been very 111 nd White had ent her to an expensive aanltarlum, .where sh re mained for week until cured of a seri ous ailment. Whit visited her almost dally -In the sanitarium, sent flower and daintle to hir.- . Evelyn Nesblt Thaw returned to Man hattan with her husband a different woman. Thaw went with her every, wher. ' ' According to Mis McKensle, when Whit learned that Evelyn Nesblt Thaw had returned to New York he tried to keep track of her movement and nightly haunted th plac wher she might possibly sppesr. White saw her often, but she wa alway with her husband, snd Whit' admiring glance were rebuked. Nettled at the failure Of hi effort, the architect, it la said. took May McKensI into hi confidence and, according to her statement in the district attorney's office, commissioned her as his agent to arrange a meeting with th wif of Thaw. Tbun4rVlt fw Tbaw. May McKensI had long been the chum of Evelyn Nesblt, and on many occasions they had attended together the Impromptu banquets gtven by Whit after th stag door had been closed for th night. Instead Of trying to arrange a meeting. h put Mr. Thaw on ber guard. Tb latter told her husband. - Tb new wa Ilk a thunderbolt to Thaw. H had almost forgotten Stanford- White, and the return of th man into hi nr was a blow to firm. Alien ist will testify that hi insanity and Irresponsibility dot from (hat time. May MckUiisl ,1. carefully guarded '.'. . . . . Nesblt ITiawWho I a Constant At by the Thaw family In th Hotel Lorraine,- for Mt 1 berstory told - to Thaw which will toe sdralsslble in evi dence, that wtll be th foundation of the alienists for th defense that th hus band wa mad Insane by th great shock and continued In a deranged con dition until th fatal night when Whit was killed, i -PREACHER-FOR-THAW- Cincinnati Pastor Would Vote to Clear Him. (Hearst News by Lonsesf Leased Wire.) Cincinnati, Ohio. Feb. t. Were h a Juror in the Thaw-Whit murder trial. Rev. J. L. Hill, pastor of tb Central Christian church, th. largest of that denomination in the city, declare he would vote to acquit Harry Thaw. . Be ing -of -southern-origjiv-Rev- Mrr-Hllt uphold th theory of the "unwritten law" and if th belsff that a man 1 Justified in defending the sanotity of hi home. . ; "While it may be wrong." he declares in a formal statement, "if it shown that Whit had Invaded or attempted to in vade the sacred domain of Thaw' home. birth, training and natural instinct would say thar Thaw" should go free. Should thl be established by the evi dence I believe be Will be acquitted. PLANS OF PROSECUTION '. Brief Presentation of Facta, by Eye Witnesses First, (Psbllaben Press by Special Leased Wire.) . New York, Feb. 2. When the pro ceedings in tn Thaw cas begin on Monday th opening add res for th people will be delivered by Assistant District Attorney Oarvan. It will be brief. Next wU com the people's witnesses, who will tell how Stanford White waS slain. These will include eye-wltneases of th Madison Squar tragedy. What mor th prosecution Intends to establish ha not been hinted snd will not. b known until Mr. Oarvan makes his short address. , It Is knows that hosts of witnesses ar under subpoena for uri In rebuttal In case th character of Stanford Whit Is attacked. , What tb Trial Will Co. - " There has been considerable pecula tlon a to the cost of the trial to the county of New York and many wild guesse hav been made. In order to settle th matter for good and all. figure hav been obtained In th dls trlct attorney office that show th total cost of th trial for th county will be somewhere between 110,000' and 116,000. an exceedingly low flgur when the circumstances ar considered The fee to medical expert will be mora than half the total amount. Th tw trial pf Roland Mollneux put the county to an expense of 'upward of 180,000 and it coat ISO, 000 to convict Albert T. Patrick. In both th trials of Mollneux many medical experts were employed, and xprt ar luxuries.' afedioal Piper to Pay. -. In th Thaw case three medical ex pert ar lined up with th prosecution. They ar Dm. Flint. MacDonald and Uabon.. These medical expert receive a compensation dependent on their ap pearance In court. They ar paid f 100 a day -for every day they attend the sessions.' Each day that talesmen hav been examined ha seen them within th enclosure allotted to th prose cution. They will probably he In at- t . 1 . .. . J People Cain Strength and Economy on Grape-Nuts "There's a Reason" ihlnt. Close Reduced : sTo. 'eTflH Full swell front and. sides, t ft. inches high and SO lpches wide, adjustable shelves, pol ished Golden Oak, value 2. 60.. spe cial this week, f 10.95. Wo SIS China Closet. Sf Inches wide, ft. high. well fronts and ' sides, adjustable shelve. value 136.00, Special this week, S 29.00. sTo. 10 Band-veneered posts, large mirror, value $40.00, price this week, f33jOO. . - .'&'':' " -'S .... '.5A ' A i . . v. J. . r ;vt- . '.v.-: .",iivi J lOO Pair Lace J rr Curtains " " " ' This week w wllf sell fin whit Nottingham Curtains, the 11.60 kind, 42 Inches wide, I yd, long, for 79". tendance for three weeks longer, which means 15 additional court days, so ai s rough estimate they will receive 11,600 from the county, or i7,suo u aii. ' " Thaw Is ImpaUsnt. .-, Thaw aro early thl morning and -et- M'er tma around trie corridor read every word about the trial In the morning paper. ' Arter spending a couple of hour in this-manner he began to now impansuw v.l f hi relatives. . Th possibility that on or mor of th Juror will b dropped 1 th only .u.. i th. nrlannitr'a akv. . He 1 very Impatient to have the real action of the trial begin at once anu crane im squabbl over the" Jurors, although he 11-.- 4 im nerhana the moat Important feature In th fight for hi life. ' . . Th. inrnra ware at home today at annd ("antral hoteL Becaua of the weather they were not anxious to tak a stroll, but planned to remain quietly In their rooms until tomorrow afternoon and then take a carriage, ride through me para. - - - . .. JAP STUDENTS INSULT THE Aft'ERlCAH FLAB Refuse to Participate in Patriotic Drill in Denver, Colo- ; , rado, School. , (Rrt Nwa bv Loonst Leased Wirt.) Denvesf Col.,v Feb. X. "We so like American flag. ' Nothing do with him." Two Japanese boy almost 20 years old, and pupil at the Corona achool for mor than a year, thrw down their American flag befor th flag drill at th school last Thursday morning and bolted from the room. For mor than an hour, whll th other achool children drilled and waved their flag In, th corridor of th choolhous. th two Japanese tooa sullenly in the schoolyard' in spit of th cold, snd when spproached by boy of th tudent body refused to go into the building until the flag drill was over. ' " ' '-,' While this Is ths first case of actual mutiny against the American flag and the custom In ' American schools that has occurred among the Japanese in Denver. It Is said to be the natural outcropping of the attitude of all the Japanese. Stories of the Japanese boys In th Corona school snd their Insult to the American flag hav spread about the neighborhood, and score of angry men and women are talking of the tfan Francisco situation and threatening to appeal to the school board to compel the Japanese either to pay homage to American customs and th flag or stay away from th school. IRA BROWN IS "FREE VITH aiex. norsox State's Attorney Deems It Use less to Proceed After Wid- ' dowson't Acquittal. (flpecisl Dtspslet to Tb Joaraal.) Baker City, Or., Feb, . Having failed to convict Alex Wlddowson Of th murder of Hnry Moody, District Attorney Domax decided thl afternoon sot to attempt to secure . a . verdict against Ira Brown, th other man ac cused, and upon hi motion th pris oner was given hi liberty. - Brown waa met at-lhav door of th Jail, wher h had been confined, by a larg number of friends, who escorted hlo to a hotel, whr be saw "Wlddew is- rfliglrf- fisssaTl' ' , l-Wy "Hfff 1 90? Nevy-Patterns 1 90? We are showing all the new patterns of. the following goods: Rag Carpets, Fibro Carpets, Fibre Carpets, Cotton Chain Ingrain, All Wool Ingrain, Smith's Tapestry Brus ' sells, Sanfoid's Tapestry Brussels, Roxbury Brussels, Whit tall's Body Brussels, Saxony Axminster, Extra Axminster, Hartford Axminster, Wilton Velvet, , . Mission 'Desks . .. We how a complet Una of Mis sion Desks with chairs to match. - Desk and chair Ilk th abovs pat- .tern, . mad .from olld quarter-' sawed oak with Marquetry Inlaid work. S27.00. Single desk without chair, made of the best quarter-sawed oak, f 13.50. STUDEBAKER BR-OS. CO., L M. Brannick, Vlce-Pres. and son for the first time sine they were srrested together, and wa allowed M speak to hint for the first time sine brnwn'S arrest. Th released men clasped hand In silence upon meeting. Wlddowson' brother, who ha re mained at his side during the trial, will return to hla ranch In. Montana to morrow. lOgan- TiOttg,- th -young- Michigan at torney, Wlddowson' nephew, who as sisted In th fight for th defense, will ramala har a few weska end Will ; "' - - -.. f -' Mm y . ;rX '." ' : Sale of Pillows ; Carg Floss Bad . Pillows, tlx!, regular 6c. each, now, 454. . Odorless Chicken Feathers, ne quill, 11x14, regular 740, each, now, 54. '. Edwards Co. Special Mixed Feath- . ' era, fancy ticking, sis ltxls, S lbs. " each, regular 11.00, now, 704. ' " Edwards Co. Standard . Goose Pil low, fancy .tick. llxtT. t Iba, reg ular $1.76, now, f 1.35. We Caii Furnish (he CARMAGESWAGOXS-nARNESS : i Cenl. Mr. V 339-36 Easl Morrison Street, Porlland, Ore. p 0000000v4t44ve0000v4w Let Us Examine Your Teeth v And Furnish You With an Estimate of the Cost of Placing Them in Perfect Condition - Don't poatpon this Important duty any longer. The longer yon wait th mor work yon will require and per hap teeth that can now be saved will , be useless in a very short time. Save vry tooth you can; you-will need them all, and cannot spare one. It I our business to correct defeot and top th decay of your teeth. Our work in every branch of th dental pro-J fesslon 1 unexcelled. If you want the BEST call and see us; If you want - th other kind, why drop in most anywhere. ooo sir op tmt oh lnni plat go, bist stst op nan jt Btrssu piwtTa as, DR. B. E IVraGHT, '"f.? 41H WAaTXaTOTOW VtmxWt, COaUTO, BST SslTat. OTTICB HOtJB8- A. M. to ( P. it.: MO t :t0 P, M. SUKDATS. I to t' PHONB MAIN til. TWaiTB. TBABS IV POXTXAITO. probably locate at Portland or Seattle later. l- - , BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL i UNION RALLY TOMORROW The second bimonthly rally Snd con ference of th Portland Baptist Sunday Hchoot -union will be held tomorrow at the Second Baptist churoh, East Sev enth and East Ankeny streets, Th program Is ae follows!. , - t, . Large Kitchen Cabinet top mounted on Treasure base, ' mad of Spruos with natural finish, fll.TS -- Oem, Kltohen Cabinet, as shown above, made of Oregon Bpruca, natural finish, f 14. OO. as tarn Hard Maple Kitchen Cabinets with numerous drawers and compart- -ments, finished in -light or dark color, IM.00 value, special price 15.75. I L I; v '. .. . ' " ' f Her Is a very pretty La dle Desk which we- hav of Oolden quarter-sawed pol ished Oak or Imitation Ma hogany, 14 Inches wide and 41 Inche btgh at th reasonable prlos of Bll.OO. I t Sleigh NORTHWEST I ! 4ee 4 1:10. prais and prayer servic. led by Elnathso Sweet; 1:46, round Ubl. conducted by Jamas Edmunds, Sunday cnooi missionary; opening exercises, W. R. Lltsenberg; Easter, "W. S. Hale; methods for decision day. Dr. Brougherj open parliament; question box; 4:00, business; ,T:44, song service; l:f0, question bog (continued), James Ed. mundsi 1:80, roll call Tif school; 1:10, address, "Th Teacher's Opportunity," by Chart- A. Phlpps, state SunOay sohoo fleld wrkar, . . . ' , ; ! ' x Is