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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1907)
Till: C.cLCO:. LU1JDAY JOUr.IJALT rOIiTLATID," CUi;DAYI'OrTH:aFEERUArT - S,-1S3T. BIGGER Oil FOR FAIEIU Kaiser Quick to Seize His Ad vantage Gained In Recent Election In Empire. ALL PARTIES WORK FOR SECOND BALLOT TUESDAY Hundred Million to Be Expended In - Constructing w Rajlroada In South . Africa -Church Party la Stronger Than Before. (rnWMMnP'' rrtm by BpeeUt ! Who.) Berlin.- Feb. I. Every political party la Germany la working- wltb feverlHh nervy to gain -members of the relch. stsg on the second ballot next Tuesday. Although tha second ballot muat ba caat In 1(0 constituencies,- there la no rea aonabla doubt of the final result today. Tha Conservatives, In all groups. Includ ing, the antl-aemltea. will return three or (our mora members than they had In tha relchstsg last - Tha National Mb. erala will b stronger by seven or eight aeata, ' .-- v Tha Central party, er 'Oa thollca. wlfh tha Poles, Guelphs and Alsatians, will leal groups will gain five, too. Finally" the socialists, at whose coat all the ether partlea have been strengthened, will have 65 members lnatead of tba (0 In tha last" relchatag. So Chancellor Von Buelow has lost one half of his campaign, his battle -against tha cli loals. But tha kaiser baa said. 'It la , reported: v - "Tha center wa can managa later; tha Boclallata are as - unmanageable as .: mules." l. : ,., - .. .- - - . "Tha kaiser's government are .. fools ' If they do not use their present oppor tunity to further hla world-politic pre tensions." said a well-known politician. "We shall hear certainly of a new naval program -mora warahlpa. . .; "If la a policy that will awaken sus picion In England. Franoe and the United States, but tha moment la favor able and i tha kaiser sweara ha will seise it. Extensive railway construc tion will begin In our African colony; for ' this purpose 1100,000.000 will ba ,. aaked for in tba next five years. "For- further spread -eagle purposes, . tha government must have money, ao there will be fresh .taxes.. Patriotism ' of , the advanced aort always coat a 'devilish amount of money." mrs. silver saved - by heroic Measures - IMperlal Dwpetta te The Journal.) Seattle, Feb. 2. 6nubbed by that so ciety of which she had been aleadr, TnBemffifKam, since she obtained a di vorce, from her husband, a prominent lumber manufacturer of that city, Mrs Sllvsr, former wife of B. H. Silver, saw return to her former prestige waa pos sible only through remarriage to Sliver. When ahe failed thla week to effect a reconciliation at the letter's room In tha Hotel Lincoln, she swallowed several bi chloride of mercury taMfta." She waa re moved to the boma of Silver's mother in thla city and her Ufa was saved only after the most heroic measures had been taken by physicians. - Mrs. Silver obtained a divorce In this county last summer on tha grounds that- aha feared her huabar.d wrfa, gov Ins; to 4o her barm. when aha realised. It Is alleged, -that her. aociety leader . ahlp went with tier divorce aha prompt ly endeavored to effect a reconciliation, but tha lumber manufacturer waa ob durate and when, they Anally cams to gether and she waa repulsed stas took tha poison. -' V ' ONE KILLED, MANY SHOT . IN LITTLE TEXAS MIXUP (PsMlahers Pnea by Special Leaaed Wire.) Wlnnsboro, .Tex Feb. 1. R. C. Mi lam, aged SO, waa Instantly killed, Jila aon, W. A. Milam, fatally shot, Amos Wofferd. city marshal of Wlnnaboro, and his brother, John 'W'offerd, shot, both perhaps fatally. In a difficulty here this afternoon. - A few daya ago It waa suspected by Officer Wofferd that tha older Milam was engagedln conducting a blind tiger, thlr being a local option town, and tha fatal ending today had Ha Inception In the - difficulty- that occurred - at - that "'.time.' Young Milam la a fireman In the Dal las department and reached thla city on a train at noon, "knowing nothing, it Is ealoV of -tha-brewlng trouble,- r Excitement runs high here tonight Tha Uttla city, usually quiet, la wrought to tha highest pitch. . ONLY WOMAN PROSECUTOR Thla picture la from a recont pho tograph of Mrs. Mary G. Quackenbos, tha only woman special assistant United 8tatea district attorney, who la threatened with a f50,000 dam age ault for aa alleged false arrest. V v -.;."Sw . 1-" rrJ.; I , j ' .4 v f "'J i DUCHESS A SUFFERER This picture ta from the) latest photograph of the) Ducheea of Fife, eldest daughter of King Edward, who la now slowly recovering from a fourth surgical operation. It la feared ahe la afflicted with cancer. ' REVOLUTIONARY LEADER OF SALVADOR IN AMERICA Salvador Toledo Says H Is Here Merely for Pleasure but . Statements Are Doubted. (Heent Itewt ay txmgest Leased Wire.) -Baji Francisco, Feb. I. General BaJva tor Toledo, tha most distinguished revo lutionary leader of central America, haa, arrived m Ban Francisco. According to ttnff. rupOTtm . n,u,t be cemplated aa tha general he haa come here for hla i notally M poa.ible, the reduction in health, but soldiers ef fortune are otJMm particularly wUl be welcome. -In tha habit of taking the rest cure, and ThJrmJ.hi- u orovlded with ape- there Is strong evidence to ahow that I Toledo haa coma to the United States on t a political mission ef importanoa. n is undarstoed that ha is In tha Interests ot a powerful party ef the Republle ef Sal vador, whloh Is preparing for an en counter with Guatemala." General To ledo baa bean called, the 'moat resource ful man in Central America. He Is a diplomat aa Well aa a soldier. General Toledo, - when Interviewed, avoided a dlseuesion of political affairs In General America. - Ha denied tbat he ""ntpla tt a tTiip Tf f r i hl,t It la known that ha haa been visited by Consul B. Mejia of Salvador. " "I prefer to express no opinion 'ef President Cabrera,' 1 said the general, speaking through an interpreter, "but aa far as 1 know the situation throughout tha Central American repnblle ta peace ful. - General - Figueroa haa Juet been elected president of Salvador, and I think xhere wllT be no trouble when -he takea office In March.". Than ha added, slgnlflcantly, "I do not look for any dis turbance before that time. There la strong opposition to Ftgn erea and reports of an Impending up rising have reached San Francisco. "Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Salvador are all very prospermia," continued the general, "but business interests in Gua temala have Buffered because of the paper money." " . 1 , CAPTAIN GLASSCOCK V IS GIVEN A VACATION (Rperlal Dispatch te The Jesreal.) 'Seattle, Feb. t An alleged attempt on the part of Captain Edward Glass cock, a well-known local seafaring man. to . whip Second Mate Meyers of the aound steamer V top la into line by tell ing him ha would not be In line for ad vancement at the hands of the inspec tors of steam vessels unless he Joined the Masters' and Pilots' association haa brought about a suapenalon of Glass cock's commission for 10. daya by In spectors Whitney and Turner. The In spectors reaented the Imputation tha they were acting in collusion with the association and - promptly auspendec Glaaaoock.' GOVERNOR FOLK ILL- v . FROM SEVERE COLD (PoMMer rs by "peelal teased Wire.) - Jefferson City, Mo., Feb. - I. Oor ernor Folk, wearied and broken with the heavy labors ha haa met since the opening of the legislature, waa today forced by the severe oold ha haa con tracted to. remain In hi ' bed. There la the possibility of. pneumonia, Dr. Charles Hough, who is attending . the governor, says he cannot tell for It hours whetlier- there -Is -any- causa for great alarm. v The chief executive's fever has been 01 degrees all day. STUDENTS' ADIEU TO ".'CONGRESSMAN HAWLEY (Hpectat Dispatch te The JoornaL) Salem. Or., Fra. 1. The students of Willamette university tendered a faro well reception to Professor W. C. Hsw. ley at Lausanne hall this evening. Be sides a musical and literary program, - Professor Nawley made a apeech. He ; said his affections would always re i main with old W illamette, which aentl j mentwsr cheered. Mr. Hawley will leave Friday for Washington to be ! come familiar with his dutiea aa con gresaman. "v - , . DON'T WANT STATE TO ' - CHOOSE THEIR PILOTS (Special Dtapates ta The Journal.) Seattle, Feb. J. -At a meeUng of a majority of tha ateamshlp-ownere to day the unanimous sentiment was for the organisation of a 1'ihhv to flrht pro. posed legislation providing for the eppoininieut at isiu pnuis to nanute all vessels coming into the sound. Oblectfon'at'-Por "o? the' aouna M..Z b S".rS TRAi."i GLUED TO RAILS B? mm ELIZZARO . II II . ' Plowing Through Sea of Slush ' That Changes to Ice as Train Is Traversing It. (Special Dlipatra te The Jersalt Butte. Moot.. Feb. I. The unique spectacle of a passenger train frosen so tightly to tha rails that It la practical ly stuck until tb weather moderates la to ba aeen on tha Montana railroad, which Una la completely tied up by the bllszard and frigid wave now sweeping thla state. ' . Intenaely cold weather followed close "upon a warm 'chinook wind which had converted tha snow filling the cuts of the road Into a soft slush which yielded readily to the anow plow. Yesterday th. t.mnnpflrifm rtrnnruwl with' a thud 'about-. 40 degrees, so rapidly that the wheels of one. , passenger train finally stuck fast in the -Congealing maae, which now covers the track for a couple of feet as a solid mass of tee. - Other trains of tha system are beTng held at stations. The officials announce their Inability to do anything until an other cbinook blows. . . , PAIR OF SCOUNDRELS - " ' y ; SENT UP AT SEATTLE TSBertari Seattle, Feb. I. Eugene Bastlnello, a bootblack. "was" sentenced today to It yeara In the penitentiary . at Walla vWaJla for killing Mr a. Emma Dally, hla landlady. In tha Louvre hotel last Sep tember. Be had set a death trap, con sisting of a loaded revolver, tor tha person who would attempt to force his trunk. Mrs. Dally raised tha lid. out of curloalty, and waa killed. Tha Ital ian had so arranged that ba could en ter tha trunk from tha rear without danger. He was convicted of murder in the second degree. A- W. Ctay, a negro who tore the ear rings from Mrs. Rosa Bloom in an at tempt to rob her of her Jewelry on a dark street several weeks ago, was found guilty and . aentanced to aeven years in tha penitentiary.- Tha robbery was committed at s:0 In the evening and whUe the woman held a baby In her arms. .. : - - .- SCIENCE NOTES ! . - Typewriter for Haps. : For even the delicate work of map making, tha typewriting machine may be successfully Used. The saving in time and money by this method aa against bumsn labor alone, la consider- . work where aolea elal .characters. Geographical, geologl- Mli '.taunucai mapa and other sclentino work of slmllar nature, can all be "done- twr ma maehlnoi Prevlelsn Is made for the use ef III different stylea of type try as many shuttles. A shuttle, bearing lta 10 different charaotera, may be substituted for another In a few min utes. The accompanying illustration Is that ef a ' geological mad made eolely with a typewriter. Where the work la oomplex. detaila will have to be Oiled lnwipenad!nk. ; ' Automobile Ambulances. It la stated In Waahlngton that the war deoartment will probably buy aer- eral automobile ambulaaoes. A car of thla type waa recently purchased from a company, and has been subjected te trials by the medical department of the army. The officers have pronounced the ambulance of great-value, although they are of the opinion that some changes In the arrangement and equipment of the vehicles should be made. It la under stood that these ambulances jrlil be used In the field In case of war. Power-Gaa From Peat. A new use for peat brought out by jk recent - investigation . ef - the United Statea geological survey, la for the gen eration of gas for motors.' . In the course of an Inquiry by the survey into the nature and value of the fuel re sources of the United Statea, the naeof this and ether low-grade fuela for gaa generation appeared to recommend Itself very highly. Tantalum for Tool-Making. It is aald that tantalum has great possibilities when used for tool making, lta toughness and hardness rivaling the diamond. A chemlat made a laboratory experiment recently, when a eheet 0.04 Inch waa hammered rrom tne nrst piece produced ef the pure metal, and all at tempts to drill a hole through It were found to be futile. Finally a diamond ...... ,r.A .tt.. fin... drill was employed, and. after continu ous work for 70 hours at a speed of 1.000 revolutions per minute, about one fourth ef the task had been completed, while the d111 waa so badly worn aa te necessitate a discontinuance of the teat. Tantalum la entirely non-magnetic.' ta tbe form of a wire it has a tensile strength of about 118,009 pounds per square Inch. WEARS KNICKERBOCKERS V- , v v. '"' ' . , -"r ,' J . a t . .-"'VW Madame Du Cast, the beautiful and eccentric woman woo haa been irnuch before tile public because of AtoV VOTl th nrM:rvVkerbeC8,nL,,ni SHAW -FEAR COMPANY, 215i Stark Street! COMMANDED THE MAINE V Admiral Sljsbee, ' of the United States navy, who commanded the battleship Maine whet she waa blown op In Havana. harbor,-and who has Just been retired from active service, having reached the age limit. RUNAWAY ENGINE IN COLLISION WlTfTc (raMMera by Bpeeial teaavd Wire.) Pittsburg. Pa Feb. 1. Wildly daah lng along at the rate of a mile a min ute, after being started from the round house by boys, : leaping across the Thirty-third atreet crossing Juat ahead of an East Liberty - express car on Liberty avenue, filling with dismay the persons along its pathway, a runaway engine on the Baltimore aV Ohio railroad traveled seven miles tonight before Its speed waa stopped by a rear end colli sion with a eabeoae en the Plttaburg Junction across the Allegheny river. The caboose was amaahed to tinder and all tta four occupants were hurt. , Portland Auction Rooms Furniture Auction Sales , This KeeR Monday, 2 p. m.; Wednesday, :".; Friday, 2 p. .m. . This week we have an exceptionally fine assortment of housefurnlshlngs for these sales and there will be bargSTns and lota of then, both in the , H1GH CL.A88 and wrdlnary furniture. If you wish to save money eome to our aalee. If not, we don't care. We Ball en com mission and make our proflta all the same. Don't forget the number 211 C X FORD, Auctioneer. Expired Lease Forced -Auction-Sale-at the Tacoiiia House 268J Stark Street ; Thursday, Feb. 7, Elaborate Goods.") Forced Sale, 49 Rooms of FirsSClass Fur niture Such as - Massive oak and black walnut bedroom suites, pretty Iron beds, cboloe springs end mattresses, mission clock, elegant hall tree, beautiful wardrobes, Mo quette, Brusirela and ingrain carpeta, Windsor folding beds, draperies, gas heatera and gaa platea. ell paintings, coaches, chairs rockers and center stands, toilet seta. etc. etc. Just think 49 ROOMS WELT, FURNISHED, EVERYTHING TO BE BOLD WITH OUT RESERVE). That'a enough said. CI FORD, Auctioneer. AUCTIONS The fins furnishings from toaldeace removed to fills ate Biker's Aac.ion House For Sale On Tuesday Next : v - Elegant cut glass, handsome buffet In old English oak, with deep carvings; antique desk In English walnut, . with autamatlo roll ton: also another atyle T eld English ' f. with nd,7fji I very stylish library, table in quartered naJc. weathered oak dlnlne table, several pretty parlor pieces of upholstered goods, costly oil paintings, quite an as sortment ef fancy china and glassware, ftric-a-brae, Imported vasea, Wilton par or carpeta, Brussels carpeta and ruga In bedroom furniture you will find good eak bedroom eultea. Iron beds, best sprmgs, white hair mattresses, geoae feather pillows, woolen blankets, fine spreads, separate dressers, folding bed, steel Davenport, Singer sewing ma chine, maealve hall tree, kitchen caM nets, heaters and other effects, all to be sold without reserve on Tuesday nsxt at 10 o'clock eharp. '' In above aale we ahail also sell sev eral volumes of good books, on View tomorrow (Monday). ON THURSDAY x Next, at 10 o'clock, we hold our asual auction of hoiiitebold woods tnr vartmia consignora Our motto Is good returns and your oaan paid to owner same day aa cale. We always display our foeda to the very 'best of advantage, f yon have anything In the household line to sell send It to us and we will do the rest. Whether it comes from the mansion or humble cottage, you are accorded the same courteous treatment In a business-like manner. BAKER SON, Auctioneers. Salesrooms 151-4 Alder atreet. H ACmiS en Willamette River, tH acrea cleared. SH acres stump pasture; balance beautiful timber; soil good and laya Well, with beautiful building snot facing river. Price v ,3,750 H ACKXS, U nille from Wlllamotte river, rich soil, lay a well, on public roari, mile from depot. Price ...... .i 9750 ACKXS on Oregon City csr line, partly cleared, half rich black bottom Isnd. Price . - 90OO ACKXS, mile from streetcar line, all good, rich aotl; timber enough to pay for the land. Price , ....SOOO I ACKXS, near car line, all nice aoll, good timber. Price $750 4 ACKXS, 1 block from streetcar line, en good publlo corner, aoll rich, lavs well, 1 ere cleared. - Price 91,200 H ACKXS, I blocks from oar line,, H cleared, balance good timber. Per acre . .., 9200 gaLT-lCS and ACKB TKAOTS en Oregon City car line for eata on Install ment plan. - . 1 ; CITY PROPERTIES BAaTDSOm KXSXDBVCa quarter block in llolladay Add. Price 93.100 IXaJB ULf BXiOCK on East Side, between O. FL- N. and S. P. awitrhea, anod solid foundation. Excellent alte for warehouse. Price 923,000 fin QUABTXK BXOCX on Tenth and Flanders Price ...925,000 Auction Sales ! By J. T. Wilson Auctioneer ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY The Grandest Display of High class House Furnishings Ever Offered at Public Auction, TO BE SOLD MONDAY At Salesroom, 208 First Street, at 10 a. m. The order of sale is as follows: At 10 a. m. we will commence with. FULL, MAHOOANI" settee, cost $66 full leather upholstered rockers, rich-tone t'l'KlGHT PIANO, mahogany parlor stands, preserved palms. Jardinieres, GRAND 'DISPLAY OF PICTURE!. Magnificent dining-room effects, elpgiint golden Tak buffet, sideboard, extenxlon table and box-Boat chairs,, en , suite; pretty afternoon tea table, cut glass Lotties and fine glaasware, dinner set in pale blue decoration, choice oak book cases, combination desk with large mirror, rich pattern BOUT BRUSSELS CARPETS, wool equares and floor cov. erlnns, ELEGANT BEDROOM FUR NIBHINQS,, full mahogany chiffonier, -. .7K. M-k b klnlu. ma- pU chiffoniers, with ladlth' d re users to match commodea, mahogany Princess dresser, the latest design iron beds, golden oak twice-folding bed, silk floss mattress, fine springs, down pillows W.'id new bedding; fumed oak Davenport, patent whist -table, select library and sitting-room furniture,, portieres; a up-to-dat kitchen effects,, utensils, stoves, tablea. chairs, etc. This Is positively the finest lot of modern housefurnlshlngs ever Offered at auction In our salesrooms. Bale starts on the hour 10 a. m. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. Wednesday's Safe At Salesroom, 203 First Street, - at 10 am. Comprising up-to-date parlor and dining-room furnishings, - bedroom a.nd kitchen effects, carpets." dishes, glass ware, pictures, stoves, gas ran gee. hoatsra and other valuable furnishings, eto. . . ; Friday's Sale Groceries, Provisions, Fix tures Etc "The great spring clean-up com mences with the sals of Una csxinea and. bottled goods, coffee, teas, spices, beans, a One assortment of serins med icines, tonics, health buUders, Easter dyes, etc, Bhlnola shoe polish. One Bin rape re pineapple. Lea 4 Prrrlne saace, Long'a preserved fruits, orange marmalade and other leading brands of fanoy and staple groceries. In addi tion to the arocerles. we will seU Yrc our stock or fltuhes, glassware, cooking sets end utensils. This sale will be held in our line ealesroomv tot First street, at 10 a. m. NOTE We have recently secured aema.valuahle pieces nf ..nM antique mahogany; also pieces of old walnut, which we wUl be pleased to price to connoisseurs at any time. Also a line N. C Smith hammerleaa shotgun and other spectala. If you have anything you wish to seU for cash, phone Main 1121. XT. WILSON, AuotRmeer. AtrGilmaris Three Big Auction Sales This Week t Gilman't, 411 Washington Street $3,000 worth of - elegant house hold furniture, birdseye maple and mahogany, fumed oak and leather, furniture, carpets, rugs, library tables and odd pieces of suites, . iron bedsteads,, springs, mattresses, pillows all fine goods. Three sales, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. ' S. L. N. GILMAN, ' Auctioneer INCOME Business Property 934.OO0 Baalneaa district lot, (Ox 100; sbout per cent net. 915,500 Quarter block, central; about 10 per cent. 9 1 0.OOO Warehouse property, East Bide, lot 10x100; a good buy. 9T.OOO I etoreg and flats. East Side; net 12 per cent. . ' GOOD AOBXAOa FBOrEBTT. 9150,000 to acres, en ear line, close In. 9 1 SO.OOO 1 0 acres, near ear line, H city. 906,000 (00 acres, suburban, about one mile from car. : Aito BsnocsTca norzBTT. AU sites and prices vacant and Im proved. Bee me. TII0S. P. THORNTON ail oxAMSza or ooiatzmoai. V INVESTED IN THESE CHOICE RESIDENCE PROPERTIES PICKED VALUES IN NICE LOCALITIES . Cut Thia Ad Out and S Them Whea the Weather Cleara Up $5,500 Modern 1 1-room . house on Sixth street; lot 41x106. On East 16th, vicinity of Belmont, 9-room house; lot 50x100; $1,000 worth of fur niture included; income $50, $3,500 6-room modern house; lot 40x100, on East Alder street; close in. . , . ' ''-V " : $2,800 . .Fprjedaysjojily. In Holladay Park Addition, modern 6-rooni house; lot 50x100; cement sidewalk; rented for $25 a month.' $1,100 Corner- lot on Hawthorne and 31st streets. . ... . - . . $6,200 Two houses on Seventh st.f on a full lot; income $50. We have others. Be sure and see us before you buy. H. VV. LEMCKE COMPANY Sixth and Washington Streets. Main 550. ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR i : : SAVE 50 -If-YorArCT Close Bayer You Af cTrosperous But no matter how conservative, you tmay be, don't buy cheap stocks. Buy good ones, but buy where you can get tfyem the cheapest. We always have JMf-pinli!l!rtocks Lthapaji.Qiuibusine5Siet our prices on the lollqwing: Gt. Northern Dev. Mt. Pitt , Alameda Con.. Cascadia" . Standard Con. Gatewood M.& T. Opp. Con. Oaks Park Amusement Am. De Forest Wireless United Placer Home Telephone ". Orders executed for Bank stocks and Bonds. . Call on us before buying or selling; it costs nothing. . v - " Money loaned on approved securities. ; : Commonwealth Trust Co. SIXTH AND ANKENY STS. -HONE MAIN 2465. PORTLAND, OREGON." RizzzzzzaiizixzzzzzzzzzzixzziiiHsuiiiaBaiamKn: 1 1 IVa A D R 0 W A - SI ILL S .Thia beautiful new addition is now ready for aale. It JJ la the only tract xn the Peninsula that haa the carjine so J close to the river view lots. A home 200 feet above the ' 3 city, where you can overlook the harbor and city. The ships of the world pass in full view; the mountains with U their snow-capped peaks are in full view; the river with J. '-the green-covered hills of the Heights for a backpound, - make a beautiful picture. Nature has passed out', the -i good things to this addition with a lavishing hand, it ia ' close in, good car service. Bull Run water, building re-, 2 atrictions, boulevards graded nd graveled; in 'short, S' everything necessary for elegance and comfort. A lot -M. can be secured here on easy payments. H . Take St Johns car, get off at Greely station. It la ' S between the station and the river. - S Topaz Land Co. 605 COMMERCIAL BUILDINO. xxxxzxzrxzzzxzzzzzxxxzxasxzxxxzzizxxrzzztzrrrrrrrz 0tY BUSINESS PROPtRlY" 85 ' feet front on hustling Twenty third street, close to Washington. We have canvassed the entire street and can find nothing to compare with this in price and location. Reed, HcMs & Tynsa Ccirpir.y 102 Second Street, f hone. Main 1010.00 $8,500 ' Elegant Irvington home, 8 room; built for a home; mod ern, and new; on a corner; 90x100. - $5,500 East Madison St., near the park; elegant 8-roorn house, full lot, with every modem convenience. '. i $3,600 to $4,100 Modern 6-room . houses, re cently completed, ; on ;East Side; walking distance ;.foiK to pick from. $3,000 7-room house on East 10th st. and East Ash; lot 40x100. $1,175 At Fulton, one block from car, 5-room cottage. - ? $800 Choice lot 50x100 on Wasco street. Mammoth - ' Morning ' Snowshoer ' " Snowstorm ' "Lee's Creek 7T 'B. C. Amalgamated Fidelity Copper Marconi Wireless ; Hurst Switch Alaska Pet. & Coal Washotigal Gold Cop Nevada stocks. Also any I 1 KXiixui:inzzizzzzxazazxxz:z: 1 11 H H BUY BUSINESS PROPERIY' 'J 100x100 on Yamhill strret. Ok the best apartment home nit i city. Tresent income $75 fr : Will sell on very eay t'ti-v and we wi'l give y i a',1 j4it.. kled, r;iLCSfiiv.,:vi cr 102 Sscjiii Sucet. 1 . .s ." 30.C33.C3 V