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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1907)
" "V """""T V SECTION TWO UNIVV PAGES 1S.T0 23 r ss 1 1 I $81 Portland,; Oregon. Sunday morning, February, s. , 1907. Ladies' Home Journal Patterns We'll b selling thorn soon now, aa we have discontinued the agency fur the Standard pattern and taken up the beat one that we know anything bout, Ladles' Home Journal Patterns are already one of the beat known make on the market, even though they have been la use only a little, over two year. ... . " . , They are authoritative as to styles, . easily" understood, and half the . women In the country who do their own sewing, know of them through the mention made of them In the Ladles' Home Journal.' We expected to have them on aale at our store era this, but we have been disappointed in receiving the first shipment, so we hope that our friends will be patient till wa can announce their arrival. .,-'. PORTLAND AGENTS ROYAL WORCESTER CORSETS See Our Stock of Valentines Only a little while now and 8t. Valentino's Pay will be here, and 'twould be well for those who want the beat novelties of the' year ta come varly and -chooe them now. .'.-,, In the humorous sort there are many new thing's this year, not the old time "penny horribles" that made enemies and showed poor taste In fbrmor years. Some there are that have a mild little "roast" In them, to be sure, but these ljjtilo quips are witty rather than harsh, and no one will fuel hurt by the sort' of valentines that are In vwgue this season. ' New effeots, In the most beautiful' valontlnva to be had. from ho very modest priced ones' at a penny each, to tlia elaborate affairs thnt in models of good taste and well worthy being kept to remember you 'by. - 1 Ji ills -Tremendous Knitwear Values Women's Vests. Swiss ribbed lisle. regular 50c - value... Spe-OA-cial .'.,.. ...;..v... eVyt Women's yests and ' Pants, of camel hair or gray merino; regu lar value $1.00 the gar- CC)r ment. Special v"-."l ..O7L Children's. Union Suits, cream col ored cotton, medium or heavy weight; regular $1.00 , AQi value. Special - ,i . .-.-$. -ixmTi S t Children's Union Suits, silver gray worsted; worth 90c. ... Spe- JfJ Boys' Undershirts, winter weight cotton; regular 35c value.- 1 0 Special . , . I. .... 1 0 V IJyYomen't.Hose, blark liilr, " Q. great 25c value. Special ,.,lUk Women's Fancy Hose, in black, white and fancy.- stripes and shades; 50c value. Spe- Q" cial, pair ...M7t Women's Hosepfine black maeo H.1,i. jM.kl. . .aU wituiii nunc uuuuic suit 1 ir' mar 00c value, bpeciai, -pair linns Women's Opera Length Hose, plain or drop stitch, fast" black; regular $1.00 values.. Spe- iQ cial .40C , Women's Union Suits, come in white or silver, medium weighty regular 50c .value. Spe- - 28C Women's -Tights.- white -cashmere. Tibbed. -also French band Pants; worth $1.50 the gar- C(J ment. ' Special ........ I t . O "i Women's Union Suits, white cashmere, 0 rfi medium weight; worth $2.50. Special I OU Women's , Lisle Pants, heavy weight, cream color; regu- A(r lar 75c value. Special .....tIvW Women's , Vests white worsted, medium -weight; regular ir 85c grade. Special ...... j.luL .Women's Vests, gray cotton, slightly soiled, fleeced; 7Qr 50c value. Special "L Women's Union Suits, cream col ored - cotton,- f ine ribbed; - worth $1.50 the suit. "Spe- .Women's Tights, white lisre, in knee or ankle length, Me rode make; wprth $1.00 the CQf pair, for , Women's Union Suits, heavy' weight gray wool; regular $3.50 vajTKT Spcfinl salr.g 1 A Q price Children's Vests, white lisle pants to match; regularly worth lO. to 35c. Special IOC Children's Union Suits, sH-"? ver gray cotton; 50c1 value... QL' Bovs" Shirts and Drawers, fine halbriggan; regular . 40c - 9r -value 7....,;...'.:;.fauvr Boys' Percale Waists and Blouses, in light or dark colors; refrular 50c value. Special sale f OQn price - tl We have a great accumulation of odd lots, to clear out, and we devote one busy week to the task oi ridding our stock ofall these oddments left from the furious selling of the Clearance Sale. And added to the odd lots that we mention here, are various lines that did not receive attention enough white the Clearance. Sale" was6rt7 some thing from nearly every department, that must sell at once,' and for that reason reduced in price to a point where quick selling, must be the result. 'We price many items here for you, we give you i$ this advertisement , splendid examples of the sav-! ings youll find. BUT THE BEST BARGAINS IN THE HOUSE FOR THIS SALE WILL BE ON THE LOTS THAT , CONTAIN ONLY A FEW ARTI CLES, SO FEW THAT WE' CAN'T ADVERTISE THEM. COME SEEKING THOSE AND FIND MARVELOUS VALUES.' - ,", Qdds and Ends in Jewelry La Valler Neck Chain's, good quality rolled gold with pendants; come in s variety of colors, and the values run as high ss 85c .each. 9f Special thia week, only ,.Wt I .rf Manicure and Desk Articles, ebon 1VU sil- choice this week, only Roller Blotters, with sterling ver handles; worth 65c Special ........ JJU Bead Neck Chains, a large selec tion, several colors snd styles; worth to 35c Spe- 1 C cial lOt Beauty Pins, best quality rolled Iatei regular 25c values, i -- 1 C pecial Silk Watch Fobs, some with plain buckles, some with charms, in the lot are fobs' worth to 9 $2.25. Special Jt Crosses, intlaek, stone, shell, etc.; values in the lot up 9 $125 each. Special, only ...Wv Buy Smallwares Now Imported Tooth Brushes, thst sell ' rerularlv'for' aa Tnuch as 23reachrTnrtdd lot to go. . A ..... luv Hall or-HandrBrnahesr solid back;- odd lot; C r worth to 35c,. fot.;...... ......... .........'...IvL. Mirrors, with easel back, black wood; worth C 25c each, -"Special .....'.....,...,.....101. Mirrors, with white and ivory celluloid- backs, plain or fancy; worth. to,$U&. '. ttt IC Special yl.lO Toilet Paper, regular 15c package. Special Ol sale nrice . 1 : . 1 .21. I" T"1in-White-EnvotopejLlanQOth finish. . 9 m I I Special, the package v .OC- Framed. Pictures, small lot in brown, gilt or I black frames; worth to 39c each. Special ,Jv Initial .Writing" Paper, in boxes, odd lots; c- worth 35c- Special -i-. i v. i . i r.,,-r.:i;. . . , . . ."al T7r..A Cnn- . .'.I. 1 t. ' Vs.. Special, each .....'uL Dress Buttons, in fancy shapes; worth to "lc SUc the dozen, Special .-V Dress Shields, plain nainsook. Special, 'the tff pair, only i.., ............ J, Hooks 1 black 01 ciai .......... Hooks and Eyes, odd lots, plain or patent, white. DiacK or colors; worm to lUc the card. pe- ..I. Back-Combs, shell -color;- worth :to .$15 7 Z each.-- Special, only .. .... ........ , 0 Pearl Byttons, 6 on card. Special the card, jQ Brush Skirt Blndinerregtrfar yalue 5he yard. O- Linen Odds arid Ends Stupendous reductions in odd lots in this section. Short lengths of Table Damask, Huckabucks, Crashes, -. fancy hemstitched and . embroidered pieces," Towelr White Goods, -Bedspreadsr and "alT lines that we carry'in this department will be sold at remarkable reductions if they sre Hown to short lots or slightly soiled. ' j , Wash Goods in remnants, of 3 to 20 yards each, in the lot are dimities, organdies, silk ginghams, and all sorts of splendid weaves,-. and a wide range of prices and qualities; now you have the choice of a splendid accumulation and the privilege of choosing ft Iljyl"H ""'T ' HALF Flannels, White Goods, Percales, Flannelettes, Calicoes and Challies, in best patterns, all short lengths, for sale now at even less than the Clear ance Sale prices. . j All thru this department bargains abound. Care- TTuTnousewives wUl find a wealth of savings here. but to get the cream you must come to see for yourself, for the best lots of all are those that are so small that we cannot advertise them.' . IhiTdFioor Crockery Store Odd lines 'go heje for less than the same grade of goods will sell for at any other time, so make haste you've only one week. Lamps regularly worth $8.00 each for.. ..4.00 Lamps worth $12.00 for.................T.50 Lamps worth $16.00 for.. 8.00 Lamps worth $22.00 for..... fS.OO Lamps worth $18.50 for.,.. .... ........ .if 9.0O Lamps worth $23.00 for................? 10.50 Haviland Dinner Sets A lot of three odd tines; can't begin to itemize them for you, for the Est of articles is too long. .But they all gd at One Fourth to One Half Less. ', - Decorated German China Beautiful ware, in various shapes, priced at ' little more than half for the sale of odd lots. . 50c Sugars and Creamers.... 35e j 35c Sugarrf and-'Creamers..JL25e 75c Chocolate Pots for.......40 Creamers worth 15c for ....,104 finglish Decorated 'China To" beTcT6sed"ouf ;'6dd lots.-"" S7. 42-Piece Tea Sets, that "sell regu larly for about twice this sum. brown decorated ware; special 42-Piece Set, green decorated ware; Se!?!-.!?......:...$6.95 24-Piece; Tea Set, brown ; decor ated; special, to close, :C ................. el.VJtl only Savings on Kitchenware Copper-Bottom, Coffee Pots, 35 quart size, reg. val 45c; 5A special sale-price .OUC Indoof Clothes Lines, reg. 10c ectal it.... ot" Individual Food-Choppers, ' If reg. 50c each; special OL Round Tin Dinner Palls, 2-quart size, reg. sold at 25c each; 10 special for IOL Fancy-Shaped Cooky-Cutters, 6 in set, worth 15c; special at, nr ll.lUllli Willow Clothes Baskets, good size, wdrth 65c each; on special a Ruffled Flounces 39c Black Ruffled Flounces, 3 to 7 inches wide; a grade that, sells regularly for $1.00 the yard. - Sale 10 price, special , Oy, Venise Applique and Chiffon Applique, in white or cream: regular values to $4.00 the yard, ffl i)j Special, now yl40 Imported Hats $3A9 Any imported Hat in the store goes m this sweep--ing odd lot sale,and those who take advantage of this offer will own the most artistic hat for the money they have ever bought in their lives. The regular values on these run as high as CO ylA $25.00. .Choos?. for . v, Fur and Cloth Caps, the latest shapes, for women or children, trimmed, with flowers and CI CA wings. Special this week, only .ylealU Fine Tailored Hats, really worth to $3.50. ifi Choice for, only ......Jut New Evening Hats, in black, white, pink and pale blue, mostly made of maline and fine braids, and trimmed with flowers and plumes. '. Muslinweat Oddments 4-3 Less All the odds and ends in the whole great stock, including Corset Cov ers, Drawers, Chemise, Underskirts nd OownSr- ' j :"A splendid assortment of designs ancTtrimmlngs, 'made 6T fine mate rials and trimmed in the most exquisite taste, One Third Less Than Regular.:. : - .;. I Children's Bonnets and Caps," full L front-or -tight, fitting .style, all odds and ends in stock at Half Price. . Royal Worcester Corsets, in odds . and ends, to be placed on sale, for this entire week at Half Reg ular Prices. - ART DEPARTMENT Battenbere Braids, in silk and linen, 15 different styles, regu lar prices from 3c to 20c the yard, this week Half Regular Price. Battenberg Patterns, in doilies, centerpieces, baby bonnets, bor ders and insertions, reg. P val. to 25c Suitroom Oddments Cheap Women's Shirt-Waist Suits,; In Velvets and veilings, come in plain colors and plaids; handsome, 'jaunty little costumes that sell at regular times for up to $48.50; a lot of flJQ nr 128 in this sale to choose from, and pay , us only, ea.. e I O Women's Coats, two great lots of them, come in stylish models, long or short styles, mostly fancy materials, well made and lined. ' Those that. have sold at $12.50. to $30.00. now go for fT.65, and those worth from $5.00 to ACy $12.00 now. only, each-.. .....v..... 4e 70 y Women's Wool Waists, in plaids or neat plain colors; pretty waists worth up to $4.00 each. Special sale j j Ag Women's Wool Waists, worth to $2.00 each, - 70r to close l7- Women's Sweaters, in red only, wfch high turn- CI HQ over collars; worth to $3.50 each. Special.. ......... 7l0 Evening Costumes and Evening Coats, s bio- table piled full and every one in the lot goes for HALF REGU- ,1 ) AR PRICK . . , omenl Walking Skirts, a lot of 150. all extra sizes, smart styles and good materials, well made; worth to (7 iP $8.00 each. Choice now ...PtO Women's Suits, in long or short jacket styles, all wool ma terials, values that run up to $38.50, and nearly all "r sizes. - Choice, for this sale ............... .)),lo mi I V' t v.i."V. i. ' .t l' J ear Good Shoes Are Very Cheap Women's Shoes, 10,000 pairs,' in box calf, fine kid and shiny leathers, .light or heavy soles, blucher or regular lace, and a great many styles of lasts; shoes that sell regularly C AO for $3.00 the pair. Special Women's Shoes, 200 psirs, in patent leathers,- gunmetal calf ana am, come in ouuon or iace style, Diucher or regular cut, and college or regular height, wU and hand-turned soles, snd new, stylish lasts; shoes well worth $4.00 the pair, If) This week, special 4)0.1" Men's Shoes, high grade footwear, for the particular fellows who want the best; patent or dull finish leathers, button, blucher and regular lace, swing or strsight lasts, and P2 Qfl worth to $6.00 the pair. Special this week ,..VOOy Boys Shoes, 700 pairs, at a saving of T5a the oair. Women's Shoes, 2,700 pairs, made by some of the best makers in the business; come in shiny leathers, calf snd kid, button or lace, and with light or heaw soles: l regularly worth. .to $6.00 the pair. Special d5 OA this week. .O.0 Short Lots Silks & Dress Goods Odd Lots of fancy Suiting Silks, all styIish7coIorings, from this sea-' son's choicest fabrics; regular prices $1.00 to $1.50 the yard. Special this Black - Duchess Satin, 21 inches wide;, regular price $1.25 the yard. Special this "7ffr week........ IOC Black Jap Silk, 27 Inches wide; worth $1.00 the yd. HQ for ... . i OV.. White Jap Silks, 27 and 3d inches wide; regular $1.00 qual ity. Special this ' "70 Week IOC Dependable Black Taffeta,. ': 23 inches wide; reg. price fjQp $L10 the yardr for All Silk Remnants while they last,, go for half former prices. - Black Silk and Wool Novelty Dress Goods, that sell regularly for $2.50 ta $3.50 the yard. Special this week, A, A lot of goods worth $1.50 to $2.25 the yard, for 8T This includes besutiful silk and wool fabrics, for dressy afternoon gowns, etc, in small, neat dots and-fig- . $1.75. 0"7i. $200 and $2.25 values, for ...Oft ores; regular $1.50, A splendid lot of fancy Mohairs, Crepe de Chines, Poplin de Chines, etc., fn silk and wool mix tures; regularly worth $2 ' to $2.50 the yard. Spe- $1 07 cialncrwyard..-.y I- 56-Inch Suitings, in the darker col orings, for the construction of smart tailor-made coats or skirts or suit3i reg. val. $1.00 the , yard. Specialthis -ATP week T." ". . . .... . . .'.7. ,T. . t v En glish Plaid Suitings,- 40 Inches wide -in-many different-patterns; ? roods that sell regularly or $1.00 the yard. Special V7f this week .'.? s L Colored Dress Goods , Remnants this week at half regular price. . Men's Furnish i n gs Specials Men'a Unlaundered Shirts, a lot j Men's Cotton Underwear, that contains only large- and small elastic rib, fleece lined; 75c 1( sizes. 14, Uyi, 18 184 . value. Special... ,..Oyi. and 19; worth $1.00 each. OC- Men's Golf Shirts, broken line; Special ....... ............. .XJt reguiar 75c and $1.00 val- Men's Linen-Mesh Underwear, a "" Special this week. 40 few sizes only; regular each ,,t,it4l $2.50 value Special to Cf AA Men's Hose, plain black close, garment , ....yl.uU with white soles; 35c,' Q Men's Worsted Under- , ' value.' Special, pair ..lyt wear, odd sizes; regular , Jf) Men's Ties, Four-ln-Hand $1.25 values. Special .'......". Style; regular 25c grade; OC Men's Merino Hose, in gray or tw0 or eameT"hair; broken lines, Men's Neckwear, in Im- btit worth 20c the pair. . ( rerials and squares; worth OC Speciat , .JUL ?5c each. .Special ........... aWL Curtains' Odd Lots Lace Curtains, hr Cluny, Arabian, Brussels and Irish Point designs, also a few Rennaissance effects; a sale of all the odd lots in the depart ment at wpnderful reductions. Regular $5.00 ones ................... 3.35 Regular $6.00 ones f 4.00 Regular $7.00 ones f-ltes Regular $8.00 ones . . . , Regular $15.00 Curtains Regular $16.00 Curtains Regular $17.50 Curtains Regular $9.00 Curtains Regular $10.00 Curtains Regular $11.00 Curtains Regular $13.00 Curtains Regular $20:00 Curtains Regular $27.00 Curtains Regtilar$37.p0 Curtains. ....fS.OO ... $10.00 flO.65 .........f.11.65 .f 6.00 .98.65 .f 7.35 ..t...f8.65 913.35 f 18.00 f21.65 tit t tu-mi Odd Lots of Portieres Regular $5.00 Portieres Regular $6.50 Portieres Regular $7.50 Portieres Regular $8.00 Portieres Regular $9.50 Portieres Regular $10.00 Portieres Regular $12.00 Portieres ........... f 3.75 94.85 95.60 .96.00 .97.25 .97.75 .90.00 White Enamel Brass Trimmed Beds, three lots of them, priced very specially for the odd lot sale. Those worth $22.50 now go fnr 910.SO; worth $15.00 for $H.OO ad the regular $25.00 grades sell- JJA Of plain or ' figured Tapestry, fringed or corded, a good selection of designs, snd were they not odd lots you'd pay a third more or better. " Portieres worth $15.00 for Portieres worth $16.50 for Portieves worth $17.50 for ...... ..913. SO Portieres worth $22.00 for .,..,...917.50 .Portieres wortti 55.1)0 lor sn.73 Portieres worth $J5.00 for ...... .,927.0O Baby Oo-Carts, with reed body, patent anti-friction wheel-fasteners, rubber tires, complete with cushion snd parasol; worth $.14 00 for 927.50; worth $35.00 for 928.50, and the $25.00 grade; flQ now, only X. v 1 V.O U All odd Blankets go at surprising reductions" in price while the odds and ends ssle is on. ,.';9ii.25 Odds and Ends Sale of Handbags Coin Purses, in various styles snd colors. Leather Photo-Holders, With two. four an.) odds, and ends worth regularly to 30c A five compartments, worth to 2iMfZr each, for IUC each; to close, choice ,itv. 1 ! !i M