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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1907)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 3. 1S07. r i 1 Ml BOUGHT BY THE mm -vv m? r?r? A Willi 69 AND 71 THIRD STREET the olla HISTORY OF ROBERT JOHNSTON & RAND, ELEVENTH AND WASHINGTON AVENUE, ST. LOUIS, MAKERS OF JTHE FAMOUS "STAR- BRAND OF SHOES MADE UP SPECIALLY FOR THE CONOVER SHOE CO. OF LOS ANGELES 286 CASES OF THEIR FINEST CUSTOM BENCH MADE $4.00 TO $6.50 SHOES FOR SPRING TRADE. THE CONOVER CO. FAILED JANUARY 2 AND THE SHOES EN ROUTE TO THEM WERE OFFERED TO US AT B5c ON THE $1.00 OF FACTORY. COST. .WE PAID THE CASH THE SHOES ARE HERE. TO MORROW THE SALE BEGINS. EVERY PAIR FULLY GUARANTEED. EVERY PAIR 1907 STYLE. EVERY PAIR CUSTOM BENCH MADE. , . V ' I THE CONOVER SHOE CO. WAS LOS ANGELES' FINEST SHOE: STORE PLAYING THE RACES FINISHED " THEM. T! Conover & Co.'s $3.50 and $4.50 "Star Brand 99) L2 Shoes In all leathers and lasts, go for Conover & Co.'s $5 to $6.50 "Star Brand hoes In all leathers and lasts, go for.. For every pair that goes wrong the Chicago gives a "new pair FREE GOQiD-SHQE-EIT-TERS-USED-TQ-WAmNG-ON-GQQD TttADF, WANTED APPLY BEFORE 9 O'CLOCK MONDAY MORNING GOLD COIN BEHIND ' loss comy Eastern Capitalist Are Now In terested In the United Rail ways Franchise. , IDENTITY OF. THOSE - '.. IN COMPANY KNOWN Despite Opposition of Electrical In terests It Is Apparent That City . Lines at Least Will Soon Be Under Construction. . , Ths nan who will sot as ths head and front of ths C. E. Lot syndicate In construction ' of ths United Railways -company's Unee ars cradually besoming known, snd their Identity ads confirma tion to Tbe Journal's recently published report that the lines will bo built Wall street reports are to the effect that the syndicate has been organized by W. E. Fa rlow Co, the Broad street bankers, and that the syndicate Include Philadelphia, Cleveland, Boston and New York capitalists. It Is now conceded In New York financial - circles that the lines will be built, despite the opposi tion of the General Electric element and Its allies. Provision is being- made to fully equip the lines and. supply them with electric power, t , Tain of Franchise asnogTilsss ' Perry Coffin and Banker Burr of Boston and several prominent New York banking firms are said to be in the syn dicate. The report that Kidder as Pea- body of Boston and ths Sellgmans of New Tork are the real backers of the enterprise. Is emphatically denied by the Wall street representatives of those firms. Ths Bellgmans are of course known to be part owners of ths Pert land Railway Light Power company. commonly known as the Portland elec trical monopoly. ' Ths Journal's New Tork correspond ent wires that "it looks as if tbe holding company plan would so through and air. Loss, whose eastern connections are un doubted, would be able to accept or de cline any outside assistance offered. The franchise is recognised as a valuable one, and every street railroad combina tion in the country Is certainly keeping Its eyes upon It. Ths rails for ths city lines hare been ordered and are dally expected to arrive in Portland. Mr. Loss, who was In ths city a few days ago., left for southern California, but la expected to return next week and taks active charge of the work. All arrangements have been made for delivery of ths rails on the ground and for distribution of the ties and other materials as fast as they arrive. The company has yet two or three months In which to complete the city lines, and it weather conditions are favorable It Is said ths work can be done. Should un foreseen obstacles arise ths city council will be aeked to extend the time to en able the work to be completed. .. YCTEE SUXE ITS FC3E-TEE COYESZSEIT'CUmaTEES onvtiy BOTTLEE) in BOLJD AND SHIPPED CISTIUIRTTOTCa HAYMER BOTTLED IN BOND WHISKEY is mads ia our own Rear- istered Distillery under ths direct supervision of the U. S. Internal Rev eons Department full strength, lull measure. ir -it mm I ..lAMIs) UulrUMU. 1 IUKQE? n FULL S1E2 Lj QUARTS ttj EXPRESS PREPAID OR WE WILL SEND 20 FULL QUARTS 8Y FREIGHT CHARGES PREPAID FOR I aire antecd by ths U. 3. overnment stamp over ruari Core absolute purity and ths cork of each bottls. lend as your order save all hs dealers' sreftts and l ths highest grads settled-U-bend wkbUf at dUtlllsr's srlce. W. ell Mfm a4 fr1s j"Tl- furnt mm leMisa mt ami Miaul. IAYNEJ; WHISKEY -OTTLED IN BOKD '"Wrafwnums com Wt ship ia plain sealed cases with no marks to indicate contents. Try ths whiskey every bot tle if yoa wish. If not entirely satisfactory, ship it back at our ex pense and your money will be refunded. Could ay offer be fairer than that? Note the eevlng ia order ing so quarts by freight If yon cenoo aee e meca, get a friend to join you. Send your order te our aeareet. since sseaiisa "Divides 4389 BLIZZARD RAGING (Continued from Pare One.) - Ten thousand head of sheep have been driven to this city to feed on account of there being no. hay In ths interior. and unless the snow blockade la broken shortly so forage can be shipped la. from outside a large loss of sheep Is anticipated. The hay shorts gs In this vicinity Is being aggravated by several bands num beting thousands of head, that have been driven In from the Interior for shipment, but have been held here over week on account of washouts and storms on the Columbia Southern and O. R. A N. railroads. Chinook ths Only Salvation. Dispatches received here tonight from Prlnevllle and through letters received by stage from the Interior it Is learned that stockmen In the Prlnevlllo country are fearful that a heavy loss will re sult to their herds. The snow Is ac cumulating ao rapidly that it is fast becoming Impossible to move feed to the sheep and cattle that are in thetr winter feeding quarter. It la stated that a Chinook wind la . ths only thing that will relieve condi tions. On the other hand. If ths pres ent depth of snow lying on frosen ground melts away, as It usually does under tbe softening breath of a chl nook, nothing can prevent the damage Which will result from the floods. Usually stockmen In this portion of ths stats feed about 40 days during the-j winter, ths stock running on the ranges during the remainder of the season. In most sections feeding has been contin ued now for soms IB days, and with this severe storm coming whea the win ter has hardly mors than begun there are ths broadest grounds for alarm. STOCKMEN HERE UNEASY ti:z naYnsa c:stilli::3 cciipwy, DiYisisa4283 LUeJa,He St.Pant.KlMk OsyteavO.. Atlanta, Sa. rnrmxsBT. TaoT, Oxm Cacttai. fco&ooaoo rcu, ram 1st uumD and. Crook County Men Now In. City Dis cuss Famine Probabilities. No little anxiety Is sxpressed by central Oregon stockmen who are In the city regarding the conditions brought about by ths heavy storm which is sweeping through tbs Interior country. Two of the largest sheepmen In Crook and Wasco counties said last night that If ths deep snow laid on for any great length of time the loss would run Into thousands. Will Wursweller, preeldent of the Black Butts Land aV Livestock com pany of Crook county, which Is run ning thousands of head of sheep on the ranges of Crook county, said at the Imperial last night that his company had on hand a plentiful supply of feed to weather a storm of moderate dura tion. , Hops for ths Bert. "We have been feeding our sheep sines ths severe, cold spell last month and expect to feed, as ususl. for en other month- or so. If this latest storm contlnuss for any length of time and another cornea a little later on It will place na In a position where we will have to .eed grain. With ths lat ter gone, conditions will be much tile same ss they were during the dcniUTe winter of 188t, when practically every stockman In Crook county saw ths csr casses of his herds lying In ths snow. "I sm uneasy, of course, but I be lieve that we are In, a position to carry ths sheep through unless this storm proves of unusual-severity and dura tton, . I believe that it la generally true throughout Crook county that stock-1 vers storm, so we can only hop for ths best" - R. R. Hlnton, who run soms 11,000 head of sheep In the Antelope country south of Shanlko, was also at ths Im perial last night. Mr. Hlnton baa been engaged In the stock business in Wasoo county for the past SO years, and Is ons of thoss whose herds partially sur vived the storm during the winter of ItSS, when those of his neighbors died In their tracks. : - sTtooknaSBi Vot krspajrsoL T hauled hay and feed through three and four feet of snow for weeks during that winter to save my starving bands, ' said Mr. Hlnton last night. aad I hope that this winter Is not going to be a duplicate of that awful season." Whsn asked regarding the general conditions prevailing In Wasco county, Mr. .Hln ton said: "Fred la none too plentiful through out that section of central Oregon this winter, and stockmen are not very well prepared to face a .winter of unusual severity, aa this ons gives all appear ances of being. Hay is short on account of early feeding, and If the storm provee too severe or Is of unusual dura tion there will be heavy losses." Ths news relative to ths storm, given Mr.. Hlnton -by a Journal representative, caused him no little uneasiness and he decided to leave for home this morn ing,. but when ha waa told that no trains would run ovsr the Columbia Southern on account of a heavy washout on that Una, he 00 Deluded h could only stay In Portland and keep in touch with stock conditions by telegraph. 'where landslides occur the worst for this section that they, re member. The wind has been blowing a gale and the river at times waa rendered extremely dangerous by ths storm. steamer left hers jTestsrday bound for an up-river - point, but after bur. feting with ths wind for six hours was compelled te abandon - the- trip- and - re turn to thla port. Another steamer baa remained in port all day, fearing to at tempt ths Journey. The wind is said to have reached velocity of 60 ml lea an hour at times. SNOW AT CASTLE ROCK Trouble in Southern Oregon Dm to Rains Two Days' Storm. (SneUl Pirate te The loaraal.) Ashland. Or, Feb. I A storm of rain In the valley and snow in ths sur rounding mountains haa prevailed hers with short Intermissions for two days and nights. Ths creeks ere much swollen but no material damage has yst been done. The railroad has been troubled with Slides but not seriously except Thurs day night at Delta, ths plaos where slides havs been so troublesome In ths past two years. Ths trsln ran Into a slide Thursday and was over ten hours lata hsrs yssterday. Trains from - ths south today wars not greatly delayed. A few cars cf a freight went Into the ditch in Cow Creek canyon last night, delaying all southbound trains several hours today. Ths track Is now clear through the Siskiyou and Sacramento canyon sections. The ground Is so thoroughly soaked that slides are apprehended In ths worst places. . MISSING INDIAN It Is Feared Tlll-O-CnU Has Perlahed . W in the Blizxard. . ... ' (Special DIPtrti te The Jmrnal.t I Pendleton, Or., Feb. t. TU-O-Cats, a well-known Umatilla Indian, has been missing from his home on ths ressrva- tlon for two deya. A party has made aa unsuccessful search for him and It Is feared he became Intoxicated In town and frose to death in attempting to reach his horns.' . . STORM ON COLUMBIA Wind Blows e Gale end River Is Dangerous. ..... (.pedal Pfrpetcfe te The Jrmml.y Vancouver, Wash.,' f eb. 1 Old reel- men can weather through pretty, se- dents oeolare that ths present storm is Weather Ranges From Chinook to Sharp, Then to Slnshy. (RpeeUt IMepatrh te The JoertmLt ' Castle Rock. Wastu. Feb. I. After Several days of mild weather ths ther mometer took a sudden drop last even ing. During tbe night there was light fall of snow, which hsd entirely disappeared by noon today. Snow haa been falling most of the day. but has melted aa fast aa It fslL The ther mometer stands at Id degrees Fahren heit sonlght. IT IS DEAD OF WINTER Rives? Solid at The Dalles, Snow Deep, Feed Getting (Speelil ZHtmatca te The loareaLl The Dalles, Or.. Feb. I. -Snow began falling last night and six Inches now covers ths ground. Ths firs on the liver la still solid and persons are still crosi Ing. No accidents havs yet occurred. It Is feared this storm will be dlsai trous to livestock, as flockmastera havs been feeding for the past month, and hay is Becoming scares. -. o 8. Salomon Returns. 0. Salomon, senior member of the Wonder Millinery company, returned yesterday with his family from a three months' visit to .New Tork and other prominent eastern cities. Mr. Salomon reports that hs has bought more largely of all classes of -millinery for -the year or 1R07 than ever before.. "In flowers alone I have doubled the stock," said Mr. Salomon when seen In his offices yesterday. "Both our wholesalsfsnd re tall business has shown - remarkable growth the past seaeon. Styles for the coming year are without doubt the best sver shown by ths importers. Right here let me say ws buy much of our millinery stock direct from European manufacturers." And In support of his statement Mr. Salomon displayed a tele gram Just received from a large con cern In Paris which gavs ths particulars of sn -Important shipment of millinery direct to ths Wonder. ."As a result of my going to ths market early this sea son," continued Mr. Salomon. "Ths Wonder will very soon receive Its first Installments of spring stock. Ws will be In a better position this sesson than sver to serve the ladles of Portland and Oregon and Washington for that matter through our retail and wholesale depart ments. V ' , Gas Tank Explodes.., Chicago, Feb. I. In a panto follow ing ths explosion of a gas tank con nected with a moving picture show at ths Brooklyn Methodist church at Grand Crossing tonight JO persons were painfully Injured. The firs caused by the explosion was extinguished with but a few hundred -dollars' loss. -Muscatine Church Hums. ' (PnblUb.rV rreaa by ffpeelal LH Wire.) Muscatlns. Iowa, Feb. 1. The First Congregational ' church em Muscatlns burned tonight, wlUx 171,000 loss, EflLARGIiiG FLEET Ofl THE PACIFIC Before the End of the Summer a Large Squadron Will ' ' Be Named. NOT ENOUGH SHIPS TO STAND OFF JAPANESE Charleston, Milwaukee ' and " Ne braska to Remain On CoastWis consin end Oregon to Be Repaired for Fighting at Once. -' - (Hearst Hews by teeet Leased Wire.) San Francisco, Feb. I. -Ths latest report in local ""naval circles relative to ths disposition of warships on tbs Pacific coast lndleatss the probability that before the end of ths summer tbs Pacific squadron will havs a respect able fores of armored ships upon It. Unless unforsssen things occur to prevent. It Is understood that the sr mored -cruisers California and South Dakota, now nearly"- finished at the Union Iron Works,- in this city, will be sent, soon ss placed In oommfs sloa, to ths Asiatic station to loin thslr four sister- ships th Maryland, Pennsylvania, Wsst Virginia and Colo rado-Sunder Rear Admiral Wlllard H. Brownson's command. The big sister protected crulssrs Charleston, now flagship, snd Milwau kee will, it Is said, remain on the coast. Later, when ths battleship Ne braska Is placed In commission-at ths Pugst sound naval station, shs will, he attached to the Pacific squadron, which will be still further strengthened by the addition of two or thras battleships which will be sent to this station from ths North Atlantic. When ths Wiscon sin has undergone ths repairs contem plated upon her at the Puget sound naval atatlon ahs, too, according to the report, will be added to the fores undsr Rear Admiral W. T. 8w1nsburns's flag. This will make a total squadron of four or flvo battleships, two largs pro tected cruisers and several small craft and torpedo destroyers on' the Pacific station, ths moat formidable ever con centrated upon this coast, but yet by no means -powerful enough to msks a succsssful defenss, unsupported, against a fleet from a flrst-class naval power. BURGLARS ROB TAILOR 'SHOP AT ASTORIA Astoria, Or., Feb. I. -At aa early hour this morning ths tailoring establish ment of A. Klljanen In the Ocoldent block on Bond strset was burglsrfsed and 11 bolts of cloth stolen. The thieves entered by a rear door. ' No clew to the robbers baa been obtained by tbs suthorllles. - r Tes bsr of friends, many of whom are promt nsnt In ths national labor movement, called to extend congratulations, and nu merous telegrams of good wishes were received by Mr. and Mrs. Olmpera. . Prohibition in Kentucky. Colonel W. n. Matchleaon of Louis ville, who was In this city an a visit lsst week, declared his stats to be much maligned la one respect "There afs, indeed, about IS whiskey . dlstlllsries In Kentucky." hs said, "but of the 11 counties In ths state IT are absolutely 'dry as ths result of local option, while of thoss which are wet I IS of them havs Mry districts In thsflrw and -only about four era tn -h js4. as very wt' Tes, sir; ws make good whlaksy In Kentucky, but ws don't drink much of It there any mors, at least not at bars and hotels, and the lews are pretty well obeerved.' Piles Quickly Cured at Home Instant Relief, Permanent Cure Trial Package Mailed Free to. . All In Plain Wrapper. Piles is a fearful dlseaae, but easy te cure If you go at It rights An operation with the knlfa is danger. ous, cruel, humiliating and unnecessary, . - ' I A . i 1 m s j Fortieth Wedding Anniversary. (Hearat News by Lenceet Ims4 Wire. Washington, Feb. I. -Mr. and Mra Samuel Oompers are celebrating ths for tieth anniversary of thslr . wedding to night at thslr horns hsrs, A largs aum- Thers Is Just one other surs way te be-cured painless, safe and In ths pri vacy of your own horns It Is Pyramid nie wure. We mall a trial packs gs free to all who write. It will give you Instant relief, show you ths hsrmless, painless nature of this great remedy and start you wall on the wsy to a perfect cure.' -J Then you can get a fuU-stsed bos from any druggist for SO cents, and oftsn one box cures. Insist on having what you call for. The cure begins at ones and continues rapidly until It Is complete and perma nent. Ton can go right shsad ' with you work and ba easy and comfortable all ths time. It Is well worth trying. - Just ssnd your name and address te Pyramid Drug Co., 16 Pyramid Build ing, MarshslI, Michigan, and receive free by return mall ths trial packsgs in a plain wrapper. Thousands have, been eured In this easy, painless and Inexpenalvs way, In the prlvsey of the home, - No knlfs and Its, torture. No doctor and his bills. All druggists. 60 cents. Write tana " for e free package.