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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 23. "1007. $ v. I Tc;td ac;:c3 JOURNAL PHONE IS 7173 All Departments Can Now B Reached Through Number. . Call Main 7171 when you wl,h to telephone to any department ' or Tba jouraaJ.- private exchange haa bean . inatalled In The Journal office with enough trunk linee to accommodate the constantly In- creaalng demands upon the tele phone service. - Tell tha operator whom yon wlah to apeak to, and aha win connect you at once. ' : Remember, Mr.ln 7171 la tne new number of all department : T of Tha Journal. " J f?Tffffffffflfffff?Vff f f V 9 ' V Tovxoari Axmuasn. Z ; Bif Baker "Sergeaat Kitty" ....... "Ors" , ...-"Xon Tonaon" VeadeTllle aiupire -. Oraod v - Cm . Lrtt . ."."Iiwe am! Law" Tbe Heir apparent" ' Hartmann, who will play at. the ' Kelllg Friday evening, haa made a num ber of vary- aucceaaful tour of England -continent anu wit momm ntramr . artists. .. Before ho sailed for thla tour of ' America he had been all through Holland with Harold Bauer and then did .England thoroughly with that one-time queen of song, poor Pattt . Tha Hun garian violinist Is a treat favorfte with Ms artistic contemporaries on the other sida and has a bis; reputation to live up " to on this side. , The ro la no doubt, how ever, bat that be wfll more than satisfy the people, for his criticisms from all parts of the country have been particu larly laudatory. The recital here on Friday Is under the direction of TjoIs Steers-'Wynn Coman, and the seat sale - opens In the morning. ". - Following In the footsteps' of the retail grocers, the master bakers of Portland rViet last night In the office of the Retail arooers association in the Allsky bulld "tng for the purpose of laying plana for the organisation of an association. Q. J. Btursman, H. Brammer. Herman Rltt- man, WUHanr PfslT and -C. B. Merrick were appointed a committee to frame a ' set of bylaws.. The object of the aaso elation, as atated last night, is that the bakers might get together to discuss trade conditions. There la no Intention of raising prleea aa a result of the or ganisation. The bakers will meet again J .February I to perfect their organisation. : Tho Methodist Ministerial' association decided at a meeting .held yesterday af ' ternoon to have a meeting of the Evan- - gellatlc eommlssloii of the . Methodist church In, this city some time during the month of March. The chairman of the commission. Rev. Dr. - Hendrtckaon xt New York, and Hugh E, Smith, also ' a ntember of tbe - commission. -, were t Present. ... y One hundred thousand dollare ts. tbe ; eapltal stock of a new company which . filed articles of incorporation today with - the county clerk. The name of the con cern la the Modern Mining Machinery company; tha incorporators are Ira J. Meirlll.JW.Tl.Itiox.an4JvrNatJkJ and the principal plaee or business is Portland. . " " Members of the Retail Liquor Dealers' association met yesterday afternoon and elected Charles Klrchner president of the organisation. No definite action was taken on the matter of aaklng'the coun-, ell to raise the saloon license.' This wilt probably be decided at the meeting to held next Friday. . -,''- Nellie Kaiser, better known as the Qu(en of Drunks." who has-been a visitor at Second and Oak street in numerable times, will spend the next It days with 'Matron Simmons. : patrol man Ogg found the "queen" in an ad vanced state of Inebriety and Judge Cameron ' sentenced he. Sealed bids for food supplies wanted by the Port of Portland during Febn" ary, 107. win be received at the of- .flee in eltr hall anttl-noon- of January SI, 107 - Bids Vaust be made on forms whloh can be had by applying at the of fice. John P. Poyle clerk. . : If yoil are troubled with any nervous disorder, poor circulation, cold feet or rheumatism, try a pair of Electropodea In your shoes. Guaranteed satisfactory or money " refunded. Albert Bernt, the druggist. .133 .Washington- St-. ... - - The argument for a new trial In the ease of the people agalnat J. W. Reed, convicted of election frauds, haa been set for next Saturday. Portland Academy. The examination will begin at S:I0 a. m., Wednesday. The ' next term wtll open Tueaday, February , at I 4S a. m. . . o Steamer Jessie Harklns for Camas, Waahougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington atreet .dock at 1 p. m. . ,y. WUholt mineral water and salts. H J. Wallaoe Agt.,16t Id. Tel. Pao. lit. Woman's Exchange, lit Tenth street, lunch J1:J0 to I; business men's lunoh. ' Acme Oil Co. aells the best safety coal 'oil and fine gasoline. Phone Eaat Til. .j . . - E. W. Moore, expert photographer. Elks' building. Seventh and Stark Ste. i We fit your eyea to glasses for 11.19. Metsger Co., Ill Sixth atreet, , a. U MacOlbboh end wife of Welling ton Court received a despatch yesterday telling of the death of Mrs. MacOlbbon's LET US HELP YOU Well . do your I washing ' whlls the storm lasts and all the year If you de sire It. It's cheeper than to do It your eelf and saves those backaches, colds and doctor's bills. . j - " V , , . ' It's aTicnic to Sit By a Warm Fire Whlls we launder your linen call at your home, for It deliver it again save you all kinds of trouble and worrl ment , ' J ." '. ..; Union Laundry Tel. Main lll. Second and Columbia. COilIRIOIJIIOIlSOF ALL SIZES People of Every Class Will Be So licited by Workers for Y. , w M. C. A. Building. ' BAD WEATHER IS , . NO OBSTACLE AT ALL Tomorrow Night General Committee Will- Meet, r and Conference of Leader of the Campaign Will Jrhea lie Held..::.'. : . . ... Despite the Ice-covered ' streets, the crippled telephone and street car service, workers for the new home of tbe X. M. C. A. and T. W. C A, are going about with a seal and energy which leaves no room for doubt aa to the success of the committee meeting at the T. M. C. A. tomorrow night. Every effort possible Is being made to aasure a complete or ganisation when the solicitors start their work nex.t week among the clUsens. . Tomorrow'a meeting wll he the first gun of the new movemnt and Its work wlU be thorough. It will be like a con ferenoe of generals planning the battle which their armies are about to engage In. Every man and woman- will learn tomorrow night where to go that they will - not . conflict- with ' other - workera. They will be asked to offer suggestions as to the best way-of conducting the work. ; Eaoh one will be told of the gen eral, scheme, so that no misunderstand ing can arise when the - campaign is once under way.- It will be the training that - will make them veterans' before they enter the field of action. , Am to the attitude of the publio toward the new aaaoclation building, tbe leaders have no fear but that It will ba favor able. Many persons gained the Idea that the last campaign did not meet with popular approval, but that it did la clear, ly shown when It Is told that more than COM cltlsens subscribed money - to. the fund. Hundreds of others did not pledge themselves because they were not vis ited by members' of the committee. Thla will not occur In. the coming campaign for arrangements have been made so that every person on the list prepared last year will be aeen and asked to subscribe. ..: "V : V;. r.- .--',- Another evidence that the movement Is popular is shown by the number .of working girls Who subscribed te the new building. Nearly J.000 of these girls donated suras of money saved from their wages. All gave In accordance to their means and, although some of The sub scriptions were only for IS cents, they showed the spirit of the girls. Ths meeting - tomorrow nigh t will be -called to order by Chairman S.' O. Reed at t o'clock. A large attendance is expected and a perfect organisation in which harmony will be the keynote will foUow. w ' ' ",,"",",",,,,w,s",,sSBaaa ' - Exposition Rink Skaters.:. '.z The inclement weathe - has been re sponsible for the closing of number of schools, has had no eXfact on the Exposition Rink and that popular place ei ..amusement la running full blast, providing a comfortable, warm - build ing for the merry crowds of skaters un til school convenes again. The Impaired car servloa has also no effect upon the attendance.' for -being so centrally lo cated the Exposition rink Is easily ac cessible from all parts of West -Portland. . . I- . - 't : 1 After the regular session this even tna"wnr occur Ihe "aecond of the stag night parties. It wlU be a treat for the masculine patrons of the rink. SEEKSTO RECOVER CHILDREN -OF FORMER MARRIAGE Divorced Woman Romanies and Now Her Heart Yearns for "-"Little Ones Shr Hadtosi." When Roaanna Williams secured a divorce from her husband, Leigh Wil liams, a little over alx months ago. aha consented to the husband keeping th three small children, who range in ages from S to I years. When alx months went by she married again and no sooner hadhe become a wife onca more than her heart yearned for . the little on-a she had lost Through her attorney, Mrs. Williams, now Mrs. Segur, has petitioned the cir cuit court to amend the decree granted laat July and to award the three chil dren to her. She alleges thst her pres ent husband la willing and able to pro vide for them. Moreover, she declares that Williams haa not only failed to aupport the children properly, but that he-has disobeyed the provisions of the decree that ho allow their mother to visit them. mother at Frederic ton. New Brunswick. This is especially sad on account of Mrs. MacOlbbon's long-continued illness. She will not be able to go east to at tend the funeral. . , For Quality. Quantity and Qulekneaa, go to Morris' restaurant. . . All Dr. Watkln's Remedies for sale at II Qutld avenue. . Dr. B. C Brown. Eye-Ear. Marquam, Watches, Diamonds' and Jewelry, tl.00 down, 11.00 a week. Metsger Co.. ill Sixth 'street , . 15 YEARS OF SUFFERING FR0F.1 BEEDLE POINT . Tiny Piece of Steel Traveled Through Body From Left ' , V Foot to Right Ear.;.X: (JoarnsI SpreUI trrrim. 1 Derby, Jonn., Jan. II. With the ex traction of the point of a needle from the ear of Mlas Mabel Bishop of Ivory ton, the cause of II years of suffer ing haa been removed. Io lilt Miss Bishop ran a needle Into her left foot and In attempting to pull It out the point was broken off snd remained In Ihe flesh. A year ago Miss Bishop be gnn to lose the sense of hearing in her right ear. Operations failed to give her relief until today, when Dr. William J. O'Nell with a powerful magnet drew out the piece of steel, which is less than aa eighth of aa inch Jong. . TOAILIuGrai. A Little Sound Advice Will-Help Many Sufferer In . Portland No woman can be healthy and well If the kidneys are alck. Poisons that paaa en in the urine when ' the kidneys are well are retained In the body when the kldneya are alck. Kidneys and bladder f et lnflammed and - swollen, crowding he delicate female organs nearby and sometimes displacing them. Thla is the true cause of manv bearlnr-down pains, lameness, backache, sideache, eto. Trie poisoning also causes headaches, disiy spells, languor, nervousness and rneu matio pain- . When suffering so, try Doan's Kidney Pills, the remedy that curea sick kid neys, - -iron- will get better aa the kld neya get Detter,' ana heaitn win return when the kldneya are well, a Port land woman tell you about Doan's Kid ney nus. . Mrs. T. 3. O'Brien of o Eaat Ninth street north, Portland, Oregon, eaya: "Time hus not changed my opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills. I gave this rem edy my endorsement In- 1I0S. and am. giaa to repeat my recommenaaupa er it. A member of our family found great relief through using Doan s Kidney puis. and since then several of my neighbors have tried tnem with equally good re sults. We are always glad to tell about tbe merits of the remedy." . For sale Ty all dealers.-lrice 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York. sole agents for the united states. Ramember the name DOAN'S and take no other. - - LOWER SALARY FOR Council Will Not Allow Full Chiefs Pay Unless He Is Per .' - manently Appointed... ' SALARIES OF SEVERAL r -. EMPLOYES ADVANCED Civil Engineers and Sower Laborers '"Receive Raise, but ConncUmen - Must Keep on Working for Same Stipend,. Despite JSharkejr. . i-,- ' With the exoeption of the appropria tion of an additional few thousands for Increased salaries, tha budget proposed by the ways and means committee was adopted by the council yesterday after noon. The only portion of the ordinance that caused any serious disturbance was that allowing the salary of Acting Chief of Police Grttsmacher for the month of January, but providing that after the first of February no salary ba paid to the- head ot the department unless ne te appointed as permanent cniei. Councilman Belding said that the act ing enter was not required to furnish any bond, and he believed he should not be paid the salary of a regular chief. Rushlight moved that an appro priation lor the salary of a regular chief be made, but the motion was defeated.- only Kellaher. ..ushllght. Shar- key ana-Vaughn voting for- It, Five amendments to the l section of the ordinance governing the engineer's office were made by aa many council men in as many minutes. A sixth was proposed and -a substitute for that sixth- and an amendment to that sub stitute and an amendment to the amend ment to tha amendment to tho substi tute came so rapidly that Councilman Masters blushlngly aaked Councilman Shepherd if be knew where the author of the amendments to Jefferson's man- ual could be found. In enswer Shep herd whispered aa Inquiry to City En gineer Taylor as to the State of his salary and .his expectations of a raise, Xota U Council. ' ' 1 would like a raise for some of my men." answered Mr. Taylor, .with , a laugh. . - 7 . ' I "The eonncilmen ought to get a raise, too." said Shepherd. r - "Tou bet,",, said Sharkey. "I - move that we be raiaed about 10 centa a month." x . - Sharkey failed to get a second and his motion went to tne wasre basket. . "Ton had better dispose of one mo tion at a time," said Mayor Lane. Then about five councilman claimed precedence for their -motions, but all were set aright by City Auditor Devlin and the motion adopted In regular or der. -.'.-.. .- The increases in the engineer's office were not very great. - Belding moved that all the civil engineers be raised to tlSO a month, the aalary of tho chief deputy under the charter, but only $145 was allowed. The vote on the raise was a tie and Mayor Lane oast a negative ballot. . r ' The vote on the proposed increase of salaries of sewer laborers of from II. SO a day to ITS a month also went to the mayor for the decisive ballot This time he voted in ths affirmative. - Kellaher opposed the increase fa the office force and the salaries in the auditor's office, but he could not find a second. Sharkey believed the depu ties In the auditor's office worked harder than the clerks Of any ether de partment. As amended, the ordinance was fin ally passed, only Belding. Gray. Kella her and Master voting1 against It. Preston was absent. . - .. PERSONAL ' Rev. Dr, J. Blocb snd wife have taken apartments at ths Elton Court. tlXIi Hoy NEVER FAILS TO STOP YOUft BAIR FROM FALLING OUT "Ahnnt months a eft I had an at. tack -of measles and. about half of my hair cam out. i bought a bot la nt It AIR HEALTH, and after one application my hair stopped fall ing and Is now in nn condition. HAIR HEALTH is th finest HA IB TONIC I tw heard of." ANNA MILLER. Clayton. WU. 50c at All DrDSSlsls I f.1 HER rr r Sill MJ 5A, V ifilllielSill mmsmmiAsmwEEK toffy V ; V ; U. S. GOVERNMENT-INSPECTED MEATS. SOUTOWKT C0IMR FffiST Aim ALDER STOEETS Phone Main 3014 Wholesale and RelalL ' We Bay Direct and Save, Yon Ihe Middleman's Prollls Our Prices Are Sirloin Steak, pound ; . vr. ; ... . . . v 10c : Shoulder- Steak,- pound - .- .- 7c -Shoulder Roast, pound .... ... . vi . , 7c Boiling Meats, pound ....;..... 4c Mutton, Chops, pound 10c Mutton Stew, oound . . . ... 5c ' WE KEEP OUR WORD. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. y:;v:ii. ExposiUbnRinli ' lttk amd Waahlngtea atta. ROLLER SMTKG - gkate at the Comfortable Bxpo sltloa JUalu tbjjk mat aooo mmo . 1111 XATB. esetena Homing. Afbaraoom mmA . , - Svealae?. - Admission 10c Skates 25c badtea aad OnUarea Admitted . rree Attexaeoaa and Bvemtoga. CAKHOT BUY HEAVER FROM ' AN AUCTIOHEER William Edgar Cell Descants to Audience at tha White ; - . Temple. While laat nlgbt seemed an Impossible one for services, a fair number of peo ple were In attendance at tha - White Temple to hear William Edgar dell. Those present were well ropald for their effort and many declared the atralght goepel talk of Mr. Oetl to be the best of his series,. He spoke la part as fol lows: ' -. "I want to blase a track for you from the place where you are to Jesus Christ. Do you know how to become a Chris tian? Tou aay. Id the first place, I must give u up everything for Christ. This Is a mistake, and It Is not true. fto man gets heaven by giving np any thing. - Do you think to make a bar rain for eternal lifer Will yon be saved on the exchanger Tou eannot make a barraln with ood for. the love of Christ. Heaven Is not for sale. It Is not to be bad at auction. Neither la heaven to be had by giving tip of the bablt of drink, or 'of swearing, or of gambling. But; you say, I must surely give up pleasure and the 1 pursuit of oleasure. I anawer. you might give up all the fun the race has ever known of. and you would not be saved because of that. Men have gotten it Into their heads that heaven Is not purchasable commodity. A. man la not saved by giving up. He Is saved by taking up. The process Is not negative, but posi tive." t Meetings ere held eaoh afternoon at the First Christian church and oh evening at the White Temple. In which Mr. Geil speak. Theee will- end with Wednesday night, but on Thursday and Friday nights at tha White Temple air. .'.',.".:' 6th AND WASHINGTON STREETS Our 29th Annual Closes Next Saturday Let Nothing Interfere With Your Clearance Plans The Tine Is Not . Pigs'! Feet, Soup Bone, ask for Butter-Nut Bread "... .....v .-v "- : - - Say the name plainly and accept no substitute. v 5 cents v per loaf When yoa want tomethlnjc entlrel new In fancy cakes, visit oar down -town store, 143 Third street.; AUTOMOB1LBS , HOWARD M. CQVEY "J.;.;. .''-" V'' ' Areas - ' : ', nuoi mi AJtmow, x.oookobzxa. cascl&ao . AaTO XJfOX. ltor exrrunu oaozuao nr rrooz. Teasporaxy Ziooatloa Olab' Oarage, nrteeatk aad Aide. Oell will deliver hie famoua travelogues "Cannibals: Before and After," and "Through Pigmy Land." " Ditch Company Incorporate. ' '(flpeclsl Dlspstch' to'Ttas Joora.l.) ' La Grande, Or., Jan. t. Articles of Incorporation of the Imbler Ditch com pany have been filed la the office of the county clerk. The Incorporators are LOldenberg, R. Logan and B. F. Parr; capital stock, K.Ooo. . - Mrnnonlte Chnrch at Prlnevllle. Prlnevllle, Or.. Jsn. !. A rharch Is being tratit by-th Mennonlto brethren on the Frank Hunter homestead on Opal prairie. It wM ooit about IUO0O, in- Night v.. V 1. Raised Pork Chops, pound -v. . . ...... . . . U2c " Loin PorkTpound 777I'7iT7i7Tf . . .".TJ Sc Spare Ribs, pound .. . ... i'ia;.12c poundTT r-;5c pound , . ...... 2c ataU grocers FITGUARANTEEDSl.e EXPERT OPTICIATf S MyZOER aCQ. Ill 5IXTH.5T. - Nt AW wiHnlNfiTON eluding furnishings. It, will be finished by rebruary la. AHusrjtraT. THE DIG WHITE CHIEF WILLIAM EDGAR CEIL Delivers Two Oreat "Travelogues" , ' Thursday, t p. m. CAWWTBAI.a BTTOmi Aaro . ATTliaV. .... " Friday, p. m. U FIOKT Z.AVO. Admission for both free. Re served seats for both, too and II. On aale at T. M. C. A,' and White Temple. 1 . Sale Tomorrow 10 A. II. IIEILIG THEATRE VIOLINIST FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 1, 8; 15 PRICES 13.80, $100. 10, tLOO, 7(0. Boxes $12.80. Direction aX)Is Bteers-Wyhn Coman." " wJSis.los HE1LIG THEATRE Last Time Ihsmm ViclnV The Dslnty Lyric Cnmedlsass, UKI.KN BT HON, - .---'. Is We Mllltsry tomle Opera . "SEttGIAVT KITTT.'' Trnwfnl Miwte fretty Olrls Foa. PrleM Se to. .30. Beat selUng at theatre. Mala laOT. Tbestre Co Baker, Mgr. Third an Tsmhtll gtreeta. ' BMtwVl Weji aanraniv iwn virlrgTtava IV'ivn i, iVK-airmm, aha' vv r -jusl -MIOHT AND WEDtrZaDATXATlXEC. - im MoSIillea Urdwmjr a MiUlul Vraasa, "OReaoN" A Til. ef the UlXorltal Ola Kmlsraat Trail - ef tbe Ptoseere. firt Time en Aay Stag. Under tbe Dlrtcfloe of Jotta Bauipuna and Arthur MsekW- EVK.NINU FBICF8 Psrqoet, 11.80; Psrqoet iirci. j; usKociT. -iirat e rows, sue. - nwe.- SSc; ttauery, XV: Bus Heats, fi. - MATINEB Lower .floor, &Oc Balcucj. 1M ' asd 2.V. ThuradaT. Tridar. gatardar aa Batardav STatf- aee, by tlpeclal Rngunt of Hnnilreds ot Pstraus, suivusu," Bernlsr Baker Price Mmu. SSe. SSe sag 50c; Matinee. Idc an4 8!Ve. IUT WEJLa. "IT I will ma.- iil Empire Theatre Pbeee UT. atUtoa W. teamaa. afaaater. - Tmlc1itand all Week, Matlsera Wednesdsv snd aatnrday, Kenaedy A WlUard Pment tbe Greatest ot An XwKll.h (Vnnedj-Oranaas, nw vnvins " IatrodiKlna GEO. THOMPSON, the Greatest ef All Bwedlsb Dtsleet Coeaedtaas. Matlnaes Wednesday aad Batarday. '. . Resular Kmpir Prices. Meat Attnotioa "Kettle, the H.warllL" TWCJ CT' A r -Tfleoheee a a a a o a rf-r. min Mud. The Alle Stork CnaiDanr Preaests Tbe fsowos Cocaedy-Draaia, Lova and L.nw By Mlltne Nobles. Matinees Tnradaya ThtirMaja. ffatordays asd Bandars st 2:1a. Mm 10 and 10 centa Erery evening- at 8:1a. Prices, 10. SO sad SO cents. Secare seats by pbone. Mala MM. L,YRICTHEATRE ; vxzx axonnma jamvamx it. "The Heir Apparent" Bex of flee ape frenfTO a.' BA. te 10 Seats esa se luttnJ by pboae: Mala 46S3. The Grand Yaadevtlle de laze. Seraea. Videos, eaa riiaa. WUIiaa K. Wla- sess, tbe arreattae TMe, MIUs aad Bseehar, Xa eU Raff. "Dreakea Kattrasa.' . i . Tk Ntctzel Family Tbe Greatest Tight-Wire Artlata . In tbe World. . PRINTING CO. OUR BUSINESS ir'5 hn' by giving tn Xtirt tatisfutum i mit ur Our fnut tmd tyf art u mem mmJ at-ds -dU. Wt do not tUim lo ho tkt only Prtnttrt sVs town lAat 4o good work, tut aw do 1 tloim that wo tmm't ho hooj wktn it eomoi to GOOD PRINTING Phont Main 5500 213 SECOND STREET I HOTEL EATON oo a. MoaaiBog in wxit paik sti. NEW Randsoaa1y fttralaaad. tl-aantly eewtpeot Stwproof. S.e ailnotM' walk tmm baart o ahopptrs sn4 btisttMOS dlatrlrt. sit lare. rf. evtstd raoma, at-. ra bt-. .Imirtr Habta, t.Uwboae la eacb apartoMat. tart efflxOT. kmnctns. sSKkln(, wilttm ladles roeepttns sarlurs. Mossjs teawi.J br aaall or l.l.phoo. Private eaaslbas aieets walas aad tfmnmr. Rooms $1.00 to $5.00 a Cay Special Sates te Oeoauroial ate a. .a. Aaaeiaosa. rnprMt. i 5F0RV;0MEu'C..!.V iT. Bsn'iersAn's rr, Pavln aril ittn t ..... , J gJ r,,, for l: ..AVi r kihIjH. Cnre t i sflnsVs rse If t" tltra r.r hoi, ft.aM-1 (i t '-i-n wa. draaa T J. 1 1 w ' ' !... . a r 1 otUsnJ, cti i. Xaslirht. 0:1s. -:., . e'Clock. . KEMP for V - J A