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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1907)
nn: oiviic'Cil daily journal. Portland, Tuesday EVENING. JANUARY 3. 1D07. I.; . ! - JL.. I !,' f3 a OfZ CP F LCICCH'iER COLLCCTIOTJ OF PAir.Ti;C3 CHOV.TJ AT PORTLAND ART MUSLUM I t i .ev.-y.eif. "The Mountain Hunter," by J. L. Cou'se. LIVE WIRES SURROUND A . SICK WOMAN IN AMBULANCE .-.V A whiu ambulance with Its red cross dimly p net ratine tha ml at, stands at Eat Forty-XourUi, and Belmont atxeeta, conspicuous evldenoa of ona feature of tha phenomenal climatic condition. Jt waa deserted by Ita driver when fall Ins-wlrea became so thick .. yesterday afternoon that -both ha and hi a horaea .... .; . Jk. - ' y -v..:.-".- - f It Eafl More of the. most nutritious : of flour foods--Unocda Biscuit? the only perfect soda cracker. Then you will be able to ; TV 7 , because a well-nourished body; has greater productive capacity. Thus you will also be able to ... because for value received there is no food so economical as Unocda Biscuit t Qy motstur proof packag, ... NATIONAL BISCUIT! COMPANY ' " were only able to extricate themeelvee with the aid of a butcher who cuna from tha Glencoe market at that corner. and with hia cleaver cut the wire a, and rescued the ambulance and' Ita occu pant, . Tha ambulance driver waa taklnf a patient to the Portland aanltariura, and carefully picking; hla way alone; Belmont street when ha suddenly became a war that he . waa . aurrounded by sputtering ,.wlre emitting weird t -( lab flames. Then It waa that the butch er appeared upon tha acene and care fully hewed a way out- for the driver and tha. horaea, which were taken out one at a time, while the : patient - w carefully Iff td out and placed In a nearby dwelling. Later four . men ; car ried her' tha remaining anile end a half to tha sanitarium. - This In only ona of almllar Instances that occurred in thla district where tha storm created so much havoc. QUiera. werwnoT'BO'-rarxonate, but sometimes were so completely surrounded that they were not - able to et out the horaea, which. In any cases, were "t lying; dead alonr tha way. . Dellveryman Robertson ef the postal department reports four dead, horses In bis district this mornln. and from oth er reports at least a dosen horses were killed In tha Mount Tabor districts yea terday from falling wires. Early In the afternoon tha - electric currents ware turned off In tha districts tributary to East ltorrisoo ant Beimont streets as a, last reaort. . - ... s -v- GETS STRANGE REWARD FOR SAVING IMS UFE Harry Howard Badly Cut by Ed Sully, an ; Intoxicated " ". Laborer; $550 PIANOS FOR...'..;$363 7-V $475 PIANOS FOR: ;-;' . .$312 $325 PIANOS FOR. -,. ..$218 v ' $225 PIANOS FOR. .$137 ' - ; : SPECIAL PRICES TO MEM BERS OF EILERS CO-OPERATIVE PIANOBUYERSV : clubs. - . :, J . - See here, Mr. Bugvmatv have won tverX stopped to think about that pianoleea home . of yourt? ' Dont you think your wife would . appreciate a little music now and then? Suppose she doesn't play ome of her ' viaitinj friends do. There's somethine; wrons In a home without a piano nows- -dxve. Can't afford It. you ssy? See here. , 'do you know that $1.25 a week will pay for ' a pretty food instrument if bought now, ' through one of our Co-operative Clubs? , . Greatest cnance in an age to buy a fine piano for little money and on little pay. ments. Better lirvestjpte it right away. Open your heart good for once surprise yocr wife enake her really happy and she won't mind thl rainy, westher that keeps her tied to the house so much now. Call. , write or 'phone for all the facta about this ' great Surplus Stock Co-operative Sale. Well present them to you -m such a way that you won't be annoyed or bothered a particle. And it won't put a cramp in your pocketbook, either. . , . , r plauvoreillevbCllr THE HOUSE OF HIGHEST QUALITY., - Busier, Bigger and Better Than Ever J " 353 WASHINGTON, CORNER PARK. " km the reault ef his attempt to essay the role ef Good Samaritan Sunday night, Harry Howard nearly suffered the lost of his left eya and received an uly cut on the hand, from a knlfa la the bands of Ed Scully, laborer, (4 years of age. Scully waa taken Into custody by Detective Bgty and . Police Electrician . Olf ford 'and lodged ''In tha city prison on a charge of aaaault with danseroua weapon. Howard, while -walking along Grand avenue, between Eaat Morrison and Washington streets, where a fill Is be ing made, saw Scully evidently under the Influence) or liquor, standing oa tha brink ef the embankment. Fearing that the man might plunge downward to hla death. Howard, with the beat motlvee, caught Scully by tha arm and. told him to be careful. Infuriated by Howard'e action. Scully struck wildly at tha young man with a clasp knlfa which he had open la his hand. Tha blade cut through Howard's hat. Inflicting a scratch at tha corner of the- left eye, and la grabbing tha weap on be ' received a deep gaab On the thumb. . . In the police court Scully was die. charged, tha evidenca showing that Scully believed he was being attacked by a highwayman. . . Piles , t ' Cured Quickly and Painlessly No kisk, No Danger. A Free !Trial Package to Convince ent by Mall to All Who Write. Common sense la Just aa necessary (even more so) in medicine aa In busi ness or tha affaire of every dav life. People are getting to knew more than,, they used to. Not ao long ego. It waa the fashion to make all aorta of claims for a medicine, and wind up by asking a reader to go to a drug atore and buy a bottle. People won't stand tor that kind of thing now. They want proof tangible proof. They want to try the remedy first and If they find It to be what la claimed they will be glad enough to go and buy It. -WW' r i A COXYIXCIXO ARGUMENT. That is why we say to every person Buffering from ptlea or any form of rectal disease, send us your name and we wtll gladly send you a free trial package. For we know what the result will be. After ualng tha trial you will hurry to yor neejoet druggiet and get a 80o doz of pyramid Pile Cure, now ad mitted by thousands -to be one of the most wonderful reliefs and cures t for Piles ever known. rPleeee excuse my delay lh writing to you sooner In regard to what your Pyramid Pile Cure has done for me. 1 consider it one of tha finest medicines In the world for piles. Z suffered un told misery for four months when my wife begged me to send for a too box. . wae half one-1 knew-I wka I better and It didn't take any begging to get me to send for a second boa. -l think T em shout well ha hnt If 1 m1 1 any symptoms o,f a return I will order i at once. X ordbr 1t front tha Pyramid j Drug Co. to bo sure of 'the euro. Tell all . about this fine remedy for piles. "And If there la anything In this let ter you want to use, do so. I received 1 your letter a few days ago. Tours for a remedy like Pyramid Pile Cure, J. I. McElwee, n Honey GrevS, Tex., R. R. I, Box it. "P. 8. I only uaed two -boxes -and don't think I need any more. PUea ef seven months' standlng" . . . - TO get a free, trial package send to day to the pyramid Drug Co., Pyr amid Building, Marshall. Michigan. It; will come bv return mall and the re- suits will both delight and astonish you. ' TO SETTLE RIGHT ISHERY Washington House Takes Steps , to End , Controversy by 1 - . r Joint Legislation. ' niHETEEN THOUSAHD FOR KE17 CREMATOHY , Council Also Considers Purchase . of an Auto for Fire Chief ' -ft -x '' ' Campbell. ' ' -:''r :.:'r. .,.s., At the special meeting of the council yesterday afternoon. Councilman Shep herd moved that a sum of not to ex ceed 119,000 bo appropriated for the construction - of a. new garbage crema tory. - , ' - f . "We must have-the money at once,'? be said in explanation of his motion. "The present crematory la likely to fall down oa two days notice. One of the laborers told me that , ha believes the building will tumble without giving him any notice at all. and he will not stay la it any longer than tha law re quires hint to be there- - - Tha motion, la the form ef a resolu tion, waa referred to the ways and means and health and police committees. Councilman Sharkey Introduced aa or dinance authorising the executive board to purchase aa aatomobilo for the chief j f the fire department,- Tha antonto- hlle la not to coat more than tl.eoo. The ordinance waa referred to the waya and means committee. An ordinance providing for the repeal of the new blasting ordinance waa la rodared." Cndr the preeent ordinance ne blasting Is permitted within 10 blocks of a schoolhouse. The proposed ordinance makes tha limit nine blocks. It was referred to the street committee. IDENTICAL STATUTES IN , OREGON AND WASHINGTON KEW IDEA Patterns Are Abso lutely . Sellable All Styles la ; All SUee . 10 CENTS Portland's Fastest Groxvin Btoro AW .at. AV ' AT VV. 'Jk --Sk . , .'a mvi:ia luouiiiiVJ Tv F.bmmxy Sugla Copy FIVE CEN1S Yearly Sab. eonpUom oe OF THE mi State Beformatory Propoaed, With r Iadetermloate Sentences and Penl : tentlar for Incorriglbles Convict '., Labor oa BuUdlngs. , '' , . " i rSfMetal TMspatch The Joeraatl Olympla, Waalk, Jan 2. Another effort la to be made to end tha long atmndinc controversies between the states of Oregon and Waahingtoa ever . I flahlng righta and privileges on tha Co-: lumbla. Tha house has paaaed a eon current resolution providing that a committee of five three from the house and two from the senate be appointed ' to confer with a 'similar -committee from the Oregon legislature to agree upon laws regulating flahlng la the Co lumbia, aucb laws to be Introduced la tha legislatures of both states, A bill ba been Introduced tit the bouse for the creation of a state reform atory, tha selection ofa aits to bo made by a commiseloa of four to be appointed by the governor. . The board ef control Is authorised, as soon as the site Is se lected, to begin tha construction of the necessary buildings, uatng for this pur pose so far as poaaibla the work of, the prisoners la the penitentiary. The con trol of tha Institution is to be rn tha hands ef a board of .managers of five members, no more than three to be of the aama political party. - The bill also provides for - indeterminate - sentences and that prisoners may be transferred to' the penitentiary In ease they prove to bo Incorrigible. Aa appropriation of 170.000 la made for carrying out the purposes of tha bill. JSorth Pakota Templars. Grand Forks, K. C Jan. II. The eighteenth anaaal conclave of the grand commandery of the Knights Templar began thla morning and will continue over tomorrow.. A ball and other fea tures of entertainment will enliven the g-thlHT'S', 4 - Many Miner home Uvea. . . Ilerlln. Jan. II. A fire-damp explo sion occurred yesterday In . tha . Redea coal mine at 8L John-on-8aar, opposite Haarbmken. and Vuaed the loss of fmnt ISO to tOS lives. The mine la earned by the ITuaelaa goverumsnl. OSTEOPAtHV SIO.OO Per Month ! Klrksvllle Inflrma ry -of Osteopathy, room if Grand The atre building; Wash ington snd Park. Dr. Sommsr, grad aata la- medicine and osteopathy and formerly profeaaor at the Still College of Osteopathy, agar. . 4 & Our . Biggest and Best January Solo ioirLestio Section " Linens, Doincstics and Bedding WonderfixUy-Rcduced - Bleached Damask A s offering of extra wide Table Damask 874inches wide, large variety of " pretty patterns. Best : $2.00 values. Special clearance price, ' d IP per yard . . . . . . . . . '. v 1 a LtJ Unerf Napkins 23 ich All - Linen Napkins ;I1 assortment of pretty patterns. Best $2.50 values." Special . ' fl y $ A clearance price, doz eyiareaaiU Linen Huck . Towels Sire 20x40 ; splendid wearing qual ity; exceptional value at reg ular price. 25c. ' Our special clearance sale price. 1fi rarh , , ,-, . .i.iyLy Wool Finished ( Suitings A line of pretty checked, and plaid effects in grays, reds, browns, blues and tans. Reg ularly sold at 20c per yard. Clearance sale ' ; v re price.... .........IOC No records of this store's previous Clearance Sales compare wjth the amount of business this great sale is doing.. The Reasons Are PlainThe quantities are the biggest and . the qualities the finest m our history, and most important, per haps,' the prices are from a third to a half less than regular; but should you wish to share in these wonderful reductions you must hasten, there's ONLY. FOUR MORE DAYS OF THIS GREAT ZICL-Kyx :J. Flannelette Greatassort-T Outing- Flannel---Our- good,- heavy: Outing Flannek : in light, medium ami dark pat terns. Regular 12c quality. Clearance sale, per ; .-1 A yard. .IIJC ment .of light, ' medium and dark patterns;; variety of de signs; our regular 12c val ues. Special clearance A- price, per yard.'..,.i.lUw arance pricjf, . : j ;. Percales 32,-inch good grade ir crcaic, in mcuium anu uara. shades ; warranted fast colors. Clearance per Dress Sateens Large assort ment - of : dark patterns, in stripes dots and figures. Reg ular price, ' per yard, 15c. Clearance sale . , , 1 1 1 e.. IL2, price Dark Comforts -Good lusort mnttxtrxieavyJ!kimfQrtsJ dark colors only.' Our regular $1.25 values. Special A clearance sale price, ea. sOL Long Cloth-50' pieces 36-in. white Long Qoth ; nice, soft White " Bed SpreadsFulI size white Bed Spreads, neat ly.' hemmed, well made, as sortment of .patterns.- ,'Regu-" lar selling price $1.00. 7 Clear ance sale price, , . QQ each................OOC White Blankets-11-4 extra heavy white cotton Blankets ; exceptionally' good lvalues. Best $1.60 quality. Clearance sale price, per . " J Table Covers 8-4 Turkey red and green fringed Table Covers; assortment of pretty designs ; $1.60 values. Sale rw ui , v awvug ytvvu a si s v w a ov i V ivuvgiuo a aAiVv vuv7- ees.i finish ; extra good qual- Q- price, , ' C OC ity. Sale price, per yard, s C each. ......... . . , . .eDl LO Extraordinary Reductions in RE5I : . Very unusual saving opportunities will prevail in our popular Suit Room for the next Four Days. We have cut deeper than usual into our January sale prices of Women's and Children's Ready-to-Wear AppareL The reductions are simply record-breaking.. Every gar ment in our establishment is reducedit is an opportunity you cannot afford to overlook. Be on hand tomorrow t ' January Clearance Sale Tailormade - ", t . SnitS There is no make-believe jSbout this sale. It is a bona fide price sacrifice of our en tire stock. Suits which did not reach us until recently we are now compelled to force them out. Therefore we make the prices 'so low that they will all go in the quickest pos sible time. ; Women's Suits An excellent collection bf swell broadcloth and Panama Suits, also-fine fancy , materials. AH late models that reached us most ly in December. Real values $25 and $27.50. January clear- ........$19.50 Women's Suits These are marked to sell at $19.50 and $22.50. All the best , styles and materials of the season "January clear ance sale price Women's Suits Men's tail ored from - fine broadcloths, cheviots, mixtures and plaids, very, desirable . fall shades, beautifully trimmed with silk braid - and ' - velvet; "- worth $17.50 and $18.75. Clearance $e..:......:.:$14.00 35 Women's Silk Petticoats Made of fine quality taffeta silks, all colors and black; have deep flounce and near silk underlays. One to a cus tomer, while AT they last. s VtJe J D we saw ovajvili $16.50 Women's Suits Tailored from fine assortment of pret ty f!?ay plaids and checks, cheviots and broadcloth, fan cy trimmed, best styles of the season. Priced at $12.50, $15 and $16.60. January dear- SS;"S..;.' $10.00 Girls Coats at $15050 Girls Winter Coats,-made of kerseys, cheviots, fancy mix tures and plaids ; all the latest models. Regular $3.50, $6.50 and $7.50 grades. All sizes from 6 to 14 - years. -Clear- ;s:.;.v..$4.50 Children's School Dresses Cleanup sale . of Children's School Dresses, entire stock on hand, including air the best selling styles, will be of fered this week in three lots, at less than wholesale price. .::;::$2.48 Long Kimonos, $1.33 Made from German flannel in pink, blue or cream wifh. handsome floral designs; plain sateen border all around; worth $1.75. ; Clearance : d IP sale price . ay 1 eO D Women's Wrappers, $1.00 About 20 dozen women's Per cale Wrappers, in colors, red, navy, gray and black, with neat figures and stripes. All size from 32- to 42. This lot comprises all of our SI. 25 trades. Clearance sale price. . .. .'..$1.00 Sateen Petticoats.' 77c Mer cerized sateen Petticoats, fast as a at Diackt, mane extra lull, deep flounce, finished with ruffle and underlay; $1.25 values. Clearance sale " 77 price 1 C Hundreds of New Skirts Away Below Hegrular JPrice All are made strictly in ac cordance with very latest fashions from materials for present and early spring wear. Here are three lots that are exceptionally good values: For W.o men's Walking Skirts worth $3.50 and $3.95; bona fide reductions; fancy check Panama and plaids; large as sortment and all sizes. $2.98 $3.98 For Skirts worth utr to $6.50. The best materials, . Panamas, black, blue. and brown; large variety of pay checks' and swell plaids; all new and fashionable. $5.00 For high grade Skirts worth uo to $3.50. The materials arc worsted and chiffon Panam.n In black and colors; a!-i Jamestown worsteds in li n -plaids, shadow p!aiH ar- ' gray checks; many rtr fects and larc;e a urt: rhoose from, llier prale f 'v.; ! cloth, vo.Ii a- 1 to cl'Tance e ; -4-