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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, -PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 3. " 1CS7. SILVER THAW SCENES IN THE PARKS OF PORTLAND -v. """" v 1 ', .' '' l V - . .'V A v i . i Elm Tres Crushed Under Load ot Ie v . !vVh; ' ;V;mi III' " sx' ' . ' ' ji. ' r,' " .... ; , V JWrocVagt-Tr4tt-liPlaMi-iQ-Front -ot-CaurtIouiU ..i Continued from Fas On. : The east ia jievtr presented ucn Krang; pparano. TbousaniU wr trudging Into tba oity tnrouch tha mlat that ha ben hancinr orer th city for the laat three day a. and dodging; fallln Irlrea, limb and itrar iolclea. 8om rara compelled to walk many mile. . - TYoin St. 'John an hourly boat r- 1ce to the foe of Waahlngton treet ha been substituted. Til run la mad In 40 .minutes. Residents ef Mount Ta- kot. whar the dma Is ratet, ralked over the Ice-covered ground to the O. W. P. Junction on tn soutn Idetmly to find tMat that line was out f oommlsslon and that their walk bad nly been lengthened, while Uios living In the districts tributary ts tbe Union 'avenue and WUllams avenue line had no ope whatever of any other moans of reaching th city except by foot. Both these tnorougnfares are literally a net Work of fallen wires. -f No place In th-lty ts s st th mercy or tn starm as jaoun iwwn however. ! Mot a wire 1 in its1 place and residents stat 'that ear" servlo tannot be resumed for three days. A compact shroud has enrapt th entire kill three Inches thick, covering the grass and tineveo surface of the ground Southerly winds wilf be blow ing soon and before them the straggling remnants of the silver - thaw will vanlah as quickly as the Ice storm came. Even the northerly winds of this morning war milder tnan uose or. yester- , 9 day. from the east, snd gradually 1 41 they started th undoing of th icicle. ' l ' District Forecaster Beala of th I "local weather bureau ays tn silver thaw Is over, and by even- lng normal conditions will again prevail. ; Tn temperature-, re- mained at II an II degree moat of th dsy, hut predictions are that tt will-gradually climb - higher. ' Oceaslonal ralir 48 pr dieted for tonight, and with th winds from th south th danger of t recurrence of th Strang 1 4 1 phenomenon Is prirtstlcally over.. ,- Regular reporta were . received this morning from all th out- lying weather bureau stations, excepting that at North Head, OUR WINTER SALE - . You will get just as big Eargaihs, just as full Values a if we had used a fall page to advertise this sale. . Tomorrow, three. 'different styles of shoes will be on our bargain counter at $2.86. The wet-proof , shoe, . the business shoe ana the dress shoe they were $3.50. ';-... ClothinqCo GxuKuhnPi Men' nd Boti'. Outfitterg Mohawk Building. -168 and 163 Third Street." " : " and they ahowed nothing out of ' th ordinary. . . . i $ ; . , v . if very Umb, and Jeft as bare as a flag pole. Along Mill street, west from Third,' the streets nd sidewalks are a mas of tangled wires, poles and trees. From Porter street, south along Third, the wires seem - to have suffered but little. Many of the beautiful elms that surrounded the block on which stands the Children' home are either down or tripped of limbs and foliage. crews of linemen are being rushed over the railroad lines to repair damage as fast ss Doaalble under the difficult con' dttlons that attend Ice-covered poles and J equipment. But little effort ha a been made yea- terday or today by railroad to move freUht trains. Not a freight train has reached Portland from the east alnce yesterday , morning. .The fuel question remains a serious problem with th p. R. A N. company. . , NERVOUS HEADACHES wzuimi' mrx ram 'vrxub . CUM XMT OABXg. , . TRAINS ARE MOVING SLOWLY so that It is almost impossible to walk. It has even encased the hour-1 and the windows are doubly protected by - gro tesque panes of loe. - - . , HEAVY TELEPHONE LOSSES Damage Will Amount to Two Hun- ' ; 7 dretl Thousand. ' r ' Th Pacific States Telephone A Tele graph company was by far th heaviest sufferer' from yesterday's "silver thaw." ' Its loss will probably reach 1200,000 and may go to a much higher flgur when U the- return are in, ac cording to th statement of - District Manager J. H. Hickman. . , "We cannot gtv an accurate estimate of our losses until we get Into It," said Mr,- Hickman, v "All that -w-- are at tempt In c to do this morning Is to clear th streets of faUen wires and poles. It is probable that th damage will reach 1200,000 and may go much higher when uie return are an in. TV know' that hundreds of tele phones are burned out, that miles of wire and poles are down and that many of our underground cables are out of commission. It will be several days be rore w can mass any. progress in straightening up tha system." v -. The Vancouver telephone system is re ported to be tn wo rue condition than the Portland system. ' Th frees along th Columbia was severer than a, few nilles dsck rrom the river. Tn- ic was thicker and th poles and wires went down more generally than 'here.. .Aboye Miiwaukle, along the Willamette, the damage to tha telephone lines Is said to be nominal. . In -fit. Johns th system Is (entirely out of commission. ., - The big Milwaukl caHe I down In th street for a mils, putting every tele phone in that section out of business. Between Portland and Bridal Velth condition la very bad, nearly ah the wire reported as going down early yes terday morning. Mr. Hickman states that every effort will, be mad to get the Portland and suburban systems In hap with-the utmost possible speed. : shade treesInjurep - Foliage Broken b Storm Cover th .. ;- Sidewalks. ;... On Third street, aouth to Hamilton avenae, hundreds of shade trees hsvs been destroyed. In the vicinity of Col lege, Unooln end Orsnt streets a num ber of big. fin elms war enrooted. 'While many othri wr . stripped of O. B. JT. and Northern. Pacific Ex- . 5 pcrience Mnch DlfflcnJtjr .J : Railroad trains are operating today on Unes entering Portland, but are run ning behind time from general causes attending the weather. The Icy tracks and ice-clad locomotives and equipment rendered operating slow, and trainmen hav had to get their tralna throne-has best they could. Schedule time resumed as soon as the telegraph wires are repaired, and th train service can be straightened cut .j. O. R. N. passenger train No. S from Spokane, held by snow at Multnomah Falls yesterdsy afternoon, : reached Portland at 8:J0 last night booked ss train No. (. Tralna Noe. 1 and 6. from Huntington, ' came in consolidated this morning at S:1S. o'clock. -.The usual east-bound trains wers dispatched today on tha O. R. ft N. lines. The Southern Paclflo In Oregon has had but little trouble from the storm, and Its. trains ar running as usual. Northern Paclflo trains Into Portland hav been arriving late because of de lays on mountain divisions east of Ta coma. Th early mornnlg exprtss from St. Paul and Kansas City this morning did not pull In until 10 o'clock. Serious trouble Is not expected on th Northern Pacific, although trains may run more than usually behind time because of se vere weather lit the mountains and the consequent delays at connecting point. Th worst trouble today that the rail road operating departments experience Is from th crippled condition of tele graph service, making It Impossible to despatch trains on sny resrular schedule. Wires ar down in all directions, and LIGHTS TO SHINE TONIGHT Expected That Car Service on West Side Will Also Be Normal- Officials of ; the Portland ' General Electric company announced thin morn ing that resilience llghte and the street arcs on the west side will be on tonight. Throughout the main portion of th east side the residence, light will be on also. It Is hoped, too, to have the street sres going, but this Is doubtful and res idences in the outlying districts, which are cut off by th fallen trees and poles. wlU be In darkness until, the lines can be cleared. , .v Street car service on th west sids of th river. It Js believed, will be normal, as th tracks were practically - all cleared thla morning and " the broken wires spliced. - On the east side, how ever, the service Is badly broken. ! From HoUaday avenue- north on Williams to Russell, covering a distance of 49 block, the soles - are all . down, and south, so, Cn Ion avenue fqr saves, blocks me wires no on in ground. . r , .JTew stout to St. John'.' '' . , .w- of th great damage-done In these districts and. th blockade which haa resulted,; the Bt John's service was practically.'' discontinued -yesterday. This afternoon the cars to the suburb were, again put on. but over 'a new route. Prom now until the old route is placed tn condition again -for-trafflc, St. Johns cars will go up HoUaday av enue to Union avenue, thence north on Union to Russell or Killings worth -and out to 8t. Johns. ., --.' The resumption of both th car ser- servlce end 01001110 lights tonight, as announced - this morning, - is given out with a Question mark attached ' to It. With every available man working to clear up th wreckage and more, line men being added to the forces hourly, the company hope to fulfil It promises to have everything In a normal condition by nightfall, but there la a stronr pos sibility that tha clearing away will no be carried on as rapidly as expected and that further delay may result., F. O. Sykea, superintendent of con struction of the Portland General Elec- trlo company, stated thl morning Hat th storm had proved the most disas trous and costly In the history of the oompaiiy. The damage to tne electric llsht department will amount -to--be tween 110.000 and $15,000. - - : Generators Barm Out. . Tea terday afternoon a small wire fell! ever the high voltage transmitter near Oregon, City. A short circuit resulted and three of the company's largest gen erators at. the Oregon City plant war burned, out. 'This resulted In a general break, wljlch cut off all th power from Portland for some time. 'Aside from th loss at Oregon City, the balance of tbe damage has been con fined to soles and wires, and th small Wires - of th telephone and telegraph companies have been the cause of most of ths damage to tbe electrlo company. Th latter wires ar heavier and would have, withstood the strain had not the amaller wires. In breaking, fallen across th larger ones . and caused short cir cuits- '-T- 1 !" ' . Th company this - morning divided the city, into four .divisions.-two on each sids of th river. - A- general fore man was placed in charge of each di vision and as large a force of linemen a could be mustered went early to work clearing the lines, Ths broken poles will b replaced as rapidly as possible.. : .",.." i ; , , LIVE WIRES SHOCK THE . "TREES AND LATTER BURN ' Liv wires started several 4 blazes last night In a clump Ot ; 4 e fir trees on a vacant block at 4 eGrandr avenue and Ellsworth 4 4 ' Street. Th flames could be seens 4 for flulte a distance, and attract- - ed a large crowd. Th fir grad- 4 ually burned Itself out e GRANT COUNTY SHEEPMAN . COMPLAIN OF PINCHOT . i (Special DUpatcb ts Tbe JeeraaL) - Canyon City, Or.. Jan. . 19. J. ' El Snow, secretary of tbe Grant County Stockgrowers' association, states that it Is . an Injustice to ' th people of Grant county to refuse graslng permits In th forest reserve for a portion or all of th stock of residents of this county. It Is his intention to call a meeting of th advisory board at one and consider th matter of protesting to th head of the forestry department against such a practice. Practically all of Grant county Is within th temporary or permanent "reserve and Mr. Snow thinks it no more than Justice that th stock owned by residents of Grant coun ty should be provided with range befor any band of sheep from ths Columbia river ar admitted to th reserve with in th county, ; .- r . atarved sTervea Are th Cause and the Toulo Treatment Ibould Interest ', livery gufferer. . '. tt , I 'Are-You -Weak?. Then try the Bitters. It's impossible ' for anyone to feel "'. strong a nd healthy whose stomach - and diges tive ' organs are . in bad shape. Your foods remains undigested and ferments, v IIOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS bemg"-an absolutelypure medicine is the only one you need to strengthen and tone ' the entire digestive system and thus cure Poor Appetite, Belching, . Heart burn, Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Costlveness, Bilious ness, Colds, Female Ills or Malaria. "Try it today. 3 OLD SOLDIERS PETITION" ; FOR REMOVAL OF HOME ' ' (Speelsl Plspatch t Tbs Vcaml Olympla, Wash., Jan. 2. A bill was Introduced In th house this morning providing for th removal of th stat soldiers horn from Ortlng to a new location on th tidewaters of ' Fuget sound, th selection to be made by th state board of control. - The bill was Introduced at the request of many of the Inmates of th home, who ar dis satisfied with the present location. ' Th bill providing for th substitution of electricity for the rope in th execu tion of criminals will be Indefinitely postponed, th committee on Judiciary having decided se te recommend. JOHN BELL LEFT NOTE ' HINTING AT MURDER ' " (Journal Speetal tervtre.) New Tork, Jan. J?. It was found to day that John Bell, accused of the mur der of Townsend. left-a letter to his brother, ordering th disposition of his body. This letter In taken by the police to Indicate that BeJl contemplated sui cide after some act, possibly th Town send murder, for which tn th letter he expressed hope that relative would see that h la justified. , . - FifnHm'g BodlM Found. -'; (Jmtrsat "peelsl Servles.) ' Buffalo, N: T., Jan. It Two of three of the firemen's bodies remaining In ths ruin of th Seneca- building were recovered this morning. Comrades ar king th body ..of th third victim. ,lo Tolstoi la Dying. , .A. (Josrnst Special Service.) St. Peterbburg, Jan. St. It Is report ed thla morning that Tolstoi la dying. Nobody who haa not endured th suf fering caused by nervous, headache can realise the awful agony of Its victims. Worst of ell, ths ordinary treatment cannot be relied upon to core no even to give relief. Some 'doctors- will say that If a person Is subject to theee headaches there ts nothing that can be done to prevent their recurrence. Nervous headaches, ss well as neu ralgia, are' caused by lack of nutrition the nerves are starved. . TkeT only way to feed the nerves Is through ths blood and it la In thla way that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have accomplished so many remarkable cures. .. t , .Mrs. , Addle Merrill, of I Union Street, Auburn, Me., says: "For years I suffered from nervous headaches, which would com on me every five or six weeks and continue for several days. Tbe pain was ao severe thst I would be obliged to go to bed for three or four days each tlra. It was particularly In tens over my right ye. . I tried medi cines but got no .reUef,; I had no appe tlte and when the headache passed away I felt as if 1 had been sick for a month. My blood waa . thin and I - was pale. weak and TedUOTd 1n weiirhtu- ; - "I read about Dr. Williams' Pink Pill in a paper and derided to try them. I first noticed that they began to glv m an appetite and I commenced to gain In weight and color. My headaches stopped and have not returned and I hav never felt so well s I do -now." Dr. Williams Pink Pills act directly on the biood, purifying It and making new .blood. They are for this -Mason also an Invaluable remedy In diseases arising from bad or deficient blood, as rheumatism, anaemia after-effects of the grip and fevers. Tha pills ar guar anteed to be free from opiates or any harmful drug and cannot , Injur , the most delicate system. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ar sold by all druggists or sent, postpaid, on re ceipt of price, 80 cent per box. six boxes f 1.50. by ths Dr. Williams Medi cine Company. Schenectady, N. Y, , Send for book of curea. frea.--- ,-:--t,-,, j-?-' HOURLY STEAMER FOR. - PEOPLE OF ST. JOHNS e -. Owing to tt break In th ' streetcar service between this e city and St. Johns, th United . e 'States steamboat line haa placed e , tbe steamers Multnomah and Re- e publlo on an hourly schedule be- t ween the St John dock and e -ha foot -rof -Washington street. These boats will also, ear ry The e Journal to points along ths river -. end on th peninsula. e Tha servlo Is greatly appc- e .elated by th people depending ' 4 e upon th treetcar for getting 4 e into the city. The first boat e leaves Portland at (:30 a. m. and . leaves St. Johns at 7 a, m. - ' , WILL HAUL LUMBER yfr INSTEAD OF LOGS (Special Dispatch te Tke JoareaU 8umptr, Or Jan. !. It is" authori tatively reported that President David Eccles of th Sumpter Valley railroad, a lumber king, baa completed plana for th building of a large, modern saw mill at Austin station, including a planing mill, and that he will extend th 6umpter..Vaaiey railroad. toPralrla City in th John Day country. . This 'means that instead of hauling th . logs from th forest into Baker City and cutting them up there, th finished lumbar wUl b hauled down and reshlpped from ' th. South Baker jarda to the east. .Th manufacturing will be done clos to th timber and the expense of operation will be saved. NO COPPER STORED BY - AMALGAMATED AT BUTTE I Tvns-sa.l ntnevs.l --- Mont, .T&nv SS. Tb UtTient Butt, of the Northeastern Metal Dealers' soctatlon that MOO tons of copper have been stored in Butt by th so-oalled copper trust, la a canard. ' Th only smelter here, th Butter-reduction works, has no surplus. It Is stated on good authority that no copper la stored any where in the state. Bank Statements Asked. ; j; ' (JeorwU RperUl Sei-rice.) ' ' Washington, D. C, Jan. Jl Th comptroller has called for national bank statements to January II. , Owing to the numerous requests from hundreds of our pa ' trons who find It impossible to come down town owing to the storm '. - , . v : . THE BIO Mill and its hundreds of record-breaking bargains ad- s ' " . . ' ;-' ; vertised : Sunday . will be ; v ' Wedneoday' and : Thursday mimifo IIE17 0EPM1B1T JTGilE S K ON YAMHILL PR0M11 vTReraemljer Only 2 Days niore-- As at the prices advertised it is simply impossible to continue . them on .sale at such reductions, for in most instances- they ; V-cost more wholesale and "irisrohly in fespohsVto the niariy7 "requests from our patrorts that the sale is continued. . Look -t up )urbig Sunday- ad and - On the Bargain3 ; Only two days longer Wednesday "and Thurs day. It's the greatest bargain harvest ever adver tised, and you want'to be here. . .:v - w V.. . ......... .J The Kind Toa Hare lway Bought and which has been' ' In use fcr over SO years, has borne the signature cf and; has been made under his per-. sonal laperrision since Its Infancy . ' Allow no one to deoelre you in this. . ' - All Ccunterfeits, Imitations and JtutM-good are but ; ISxperlmentL ttat trifle with and endanger the health of Irfant: and Chldr :i Experience - against Eiperiment. - , What is CASTORIA ' ' Castxia Is a harmless substlta e for Castor Oil Fare .' Corl.. Drops and Socthlnsr Syrups, It. Is Pleasant. ' It ' . . contains neither Oplnm, Morphine nor other Narcotl anbstanco.- It ag is its guarantee It destroys Werme---;. and auays rcverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind olic. It rellevec JTeeiolnsr Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. .. It assimilates the Food, regulates the . ' Stomach and Bowels string healthy and natural sleeps - The Children' i PanaceaThe Mother's Friend. - CEnUIMETCASTORIA 7AMVAY0 Sears the Signature of ' The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years, a PHEW .-.(..-'.... . .-' ' ' , .V- :4-r r---rr:i7: HFTY-rOURTH ANNUAL STATEMENT ASSETS. Cash in banks and office". .$ 990,210.62, Real Estate (market value) 568,000,00 U, S. Borftls (market value) Bonds and Mortgages. .... Loans Secured by Col- lateral . . . .. . '. . N; Y. Consolidated stock (market value) Bank, Railroad and other Stocks and Bonds1 (mar ket value) V. Rents due Interest and and accrued .Reinsurance..' Losses y. . ,', Premiums in v Collection (net) 16300.00 48,000.00 63,000.00 400,000.00, 6,267,404.00 ...... qn ...Paid. Course of 10,06S.9 ' 63,083.89" 968,357.10 V : v . LIABILITIES. earned Premium ....... $5,290,103. 10 Reserve Fund for Unpaid : r ' Lo s s e s, Commissions :?and all other Claims. .. J. 1,084,394.43 ' Cash Capital : 1,500,000.00' i- NET SURPLUS L666.823.87 : ; . $9,541,321.40 ; SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS, $3.166,823.87. ' ' ALL SAN FRANCISCO LOSSES PAID J.-H. LENEHAN, GENERAL AGENT, CHICAGO, ILL. 7 $9,541,321.40