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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1907)
THE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. - TUESDAY EVENING,' JANUARY 29, ' 1907. n SP0RTH1GCIIATTER Of THE DAY "In th Pugilistic" World : Many v Matches Are In theAIr at ' Present. S- JEFFRIES IS LOOKING : FOR AN OPPONENT Every Lin of Sport Tht Is Prom , . inent in the Etit It ; Touched rpoa- Lightly- Pennsylvania . . JJnkes Big Appropriation. ' . "By Manhattan. ' ' j (Joeroal Special Berries.), ' New York, Jan, JS. Thess arc daya among tha man who light burr with thalr hands for a living. Matches and rumors of matchaa All tha air In all di rt alone. Hero ara aoraa of tho notabla matches which ara made, ara aald to pa about to ba mada or may ba mada: , Jim Jeffries agalnat Bill Bqulrea or somebody alaa, with a guarantee of flO. sos for Jim, Jack O'Brien agalnat Joa Oana. Young Corbett against Tommy Mur- pny. . . Young Corbett agalnat Kid Herman. Bob Fttsslmmon against , Tommy Burns. '- ',-. - r i - Tommy Ryan against Dav Barry, .. Joa Oana agalnat Jimmy Brltt. Out of It all should- coma soma sorap ping, and doubtleas will.' Juat who and when It will ba la a question.. , -- . Matches between fighters seem to ba -sally mada and as easily broken. -'r "''' .' ". ' e a : ,- : ,''v "The University of Pennsylvania al waya has taken a moat active part In all branchaa of athletics, and proposes to devote even - mors attention to this branch of college work. . At tho first meeting of the board of athletic directors of tha Unlveralty of - Pannaylvanla, held this week, a total appropriation of 32.675 was made to cover the axpeneea of baseball, rowing, track and allied sports this spring, and the elections of the managers and cap--tain ef the. various teams - wers -ratified. The appropriation was divided as V follows: Rowing. tl.tTl; track. $,lo; baseball, ,000. and alllea sports. 3. 100, with an additional appropriation of 11,000 to cover tha expenses of the vaV- sity cricket team, which Is to make a - tour of England . this summer. This . r last sum was put at a small figure, as much of the expense of this trip Is to be borne by private subscriptions T '' It Is not alone In spending money that Pennsy Is prograaalva In athletics.- Her -track teeyn aa issued. challenge to the combined teams of. 14 of tha strongaat minor colleges . In thin section -of the country to one monster meet, an whloh ; the Quakers will be pitted against tha t' ' beat teams these colleges can muster. The date set for the meat is May II, Just two week, before the Intercolle giate. - This will be a most novel meet which : y the collega world has sver seen. The . eollegea which have been invited to sond Tr-.their teams are- Bwarthmore-. Hnrerford, Lehigh, Lafayette, Carlisle Indiana. .Dickinson, Bucknell. Virginia, - Johns Hopkins, Gettysburg. ' Pennsylvania Bute, Villa Nova, Urslnus and Franklin , and Marshsll. It la confidently believed that all' of theae Institutions will accept tha chal .. lenge. . ) ' ... ' ' a ' . '' . It Is likely that there will ba two dual meets for the Quakers in addIUentol the May It meet. These will ba with Columbia and Michigan, though tho 1st- . , tar is by no means certain. ..'.- .e - ' With the unusually large number of .- candidate 282 for the track and field - event squads. Coach Lathrop of Ha ;ard la having a buay time sorting out 'his men at present, and accordingly only the llghteat kind of work will be given them for at least a week to come. - Midshipman Henry C. Oearlng of - Plttaburg haa been elected captain of - the naval aoademy rifle team, to euceaed Midshipman Dannehower, who graduates next month. , , . . . ',-.'. There Is a merry war. In progress over ; ths queatlon of Jurisdiction over the amateur skating contests. ' After a conference of the officials of ' .tha Amateur Athletlo union, held In this city, it wss decided to Inform tha Ns- - tlonal Skating association that unless It at ones rescinded . the resolution adopted stSts meeting bald at ths New York Athletlo club ths Amstsur Atb- - letlo union would cancel Its alltanos . with tho National Skating aasoolatlon and aasums sll control over amateur akatera and ekatlog , In ths United Statea. . .. . '. . . The National Skating aasoolatlon In effect decided not to reoognlse the al liance of th Amateur. Athletlo-union .with tho Csnadlan Amateur Athletlo union, as well ss ths alliance with ths - Amateur Athletlo union with Its own - association. .. . ' John J.. Dixon, chairman of tho Na tional Registration committee, baa In . - atruotsd each member of the national a reglatratlon committee of ths Amsteur 'Athletlo union to notify sll skaters In each district of the Amateur Athletlo ' union that should thsy compete In Mon treal on February I they will be dls qualified by the Amateur Athletlo union snd ths Canadian Amateur Athletlo ion, . " e e . . " ' j , . . It Isn't every family that can boast of three generations of living oarsman. But tha Ten !yck family can. There la Captain James B., living at Peekakill, as bale and hearty as a young fallow, even though he has passed four score; Jsmss A., Sr., son of ths Peekakill watermen snd himself one of the great est professions! rowing coaches in. the country, and the two aons of tho paid roach, Kdward Hanlan, ths winner of and James A T Jr. iT. England's celebrated diamond scull of the family, who glvas rare promise of becoming a fast eculler. All the rowing members of the three genera tions srs profesalonals with the, excep tion of young Jim. who Is a. student of Syracuse unlveralty and a member of the Waehuawtta Boat club pf . Wor cester. Maaearhuaetta. They ssy sbout the Ten Kyrtt family that there never waa one of the blood, . for five generations back at least., but who could pull a boat and pull It well. En ths women who have Identified themselves with the name have been known to go out Into a Whitehall boat and with well developed mnaole and oonnuT Bcoanjrrin torn ixxwATzni.' ; ,. . O. Hlgbee, DsVlll. file., writes, F.O. 10I) "Abflut two years ago wss laid up for four months with rheumatism. I tried Ballard's Snow liniment; ons bottle cured me. I can IkMTfully rvmmend It to all Buffering from like affliction. 21c, 10 and L0 Sold br.u ArvsiMa. - ready oar put In their wake some of the local youths who Imagined that it re quired masculine brawn to win boat races, .'' . e The conditions for the New York to Bermuda race for sail vessels for ths $1,000 cup presented by Rear Commo dore Frank Maler, New Rochelle Yacht lub,- have - been Issued. 'The race Is fixed to atart on 'Wednesday. June 6. three days before the start of tha mo torboata In their race to the aame des tination. Sail craft not measuring more man ao zeac are eligible, and any rig wlU ba allowed. The boats muat ba eeaentlally cruising yachts, but there will ba no restriction ss to ths number Or character of the crew. EUGENE. BERT QUITS THE COAST LEAGUE President Bert of tho Psclflo Coast league la down and out. having tendered bis resignation yesterday Until - an other president has been chosen. Vies Eugene F. Bert, Who Resigned as President of the Coast League. President Judge MeCredle will head the league. It la quite certain that. Danny Long will be the choice of the Cali fornia . magnates. Eugene F. Bert" waa asked to resign sometime ago, but, on account of Morley'a ihoatlllty. cbs rs quested ths league to allow him to re main for several months, not caring to retire under lire. . . I 1 BRIEF SPORT ITEMS" Peter Maher said he was ' champion I because Jim Corbett told him he eould have tho tlUe. Jim having "retired." Peter went around as champion until hs. met Bob. It took Fits Juat one round to prove that Peter was mistaken. For 11 years the game has 'gone on. Maher la now training for a fight In New . Orleans, and. the aged -Robert Is talking about meeting Brusso, In those 11 years Jim Jeffries earns and conquered and went Into retirement Now Brusso claims the title.. - - Now fight fans are wondering If the old Australian would hs able to repeat ths trick. - v ..:.- -'-.-r. ' . ' " . Steve Brodio, ones with Toronto, was probably ths most - versatll'balt - piBymr in tho matter of excuses that ever dug spikes Into a diamond, saya tha Toronto our, -jm uviuu, uurinsx l urn winter sivf wss relating some startling experience of the' diamond to a orowd - of open mouthed listeners , back in ths boms town. . "It wss tbs highest bit bsU I svsr saw," declared Bteve.. "Willis Xeeler bad met one under the bottom snd from whsrsX-S Ilka a little liver pllL Higher and higher It went, and I started to gat un der it. just as i maae tno second step my foot went Into a gopher hols In the field and I waa faatened. Try as I would, I couldn't release my ahoa. . "What did I finally dor he asked. In aatonlahment, that his listeners had not heard of It "Why. I simply reached down and cut ths Isces on tho shoe, then pulled my foot out and caught the ball." ' ' . . "Yea, that's all right Steve," re marked one of tho timid townfolk. "but where did you get a knife, out of your uniform T'- "Of course, of course," stammered Steve, seeing that he was caught, "but I did not use a knife." -Well, what did fon cut the string wlthf- - "Why, you chump." replied Stsvs, '1 used a Wads of grass." '..!.'. e e , ' . "Kid Lavlgne fought Young Brno In Philadelphia the other night, the "Sagi naw Kid" of former dayt in name only. Ho was sll but put awry and yet he re ceived 11, tOO for his work. . When the "Kid' fought Jimmy Brltt May II, 1I0J, his nsms still struck' ter ror to ths hearta of those In tho light weight claaa, and yet In that fight ba lost he received but' l00. , It looks aa though It wers better to be a bss-beea" today thsn a top-notch-sr of so ins years back. ., ' ; .' ..' e i . "While It Is true that tha rsess cut Into ths attendance st ths gamea here for the past two years, -ths fact that no rivalry could be worked up In a baseball way between Seattle snd ths cities of California haa aa much to do with killing Intarast In baseball hero aa anything slse," says tbs Seattle Tlmea. "Also -there was soms very sloppy ball played at times by teams representing Seattle, Portland, San Franclaoo, Oak land, Fresno and Los Angeles exhibi tions that would maks any one doubt that tho Coast league was a class A or ganisation, i ' - "Give tho Seattls fans baseball with teams representing Seattle, Portland, Tsooma, Spokana, Butte. Helena and Oraya Harbor or Vancouver and the in. tereat will bo revived all right, no mat ter" whether the Northwest - league -Is clsss A or class X. In fact. It does not seem to -make much difference about tho class, so far as the quality of ball Is eonoerned Judging from ths make-up V ot th te"V h Co1 last year. - "If the California magnates do not toss MeCredle and Portland overboard It will causa surplse here, and If thsy do decide to stick to Fortlsnd a very few, weeks will convince ths most skeptical thst a four-club circuit with Portland on ons end and Los Angeles on ths other Is a bit ot a luxury." : , ..'. - e Notloe the resemblance In the names of Jeffries and Corbett both srs James J's. Ths resemblance extends no furth er, however. V . . , -. . e e ' When a pugilist aays that hs will give the whole proceeds of his next fight to charity. If ho falls to knock out bis opponent In leaa than Jig time, hs aoon. forgets snd engsges In ths more philanthropic work of vocabu lary building. . - ; -. 1 - . a 'e Tommy Byan wanta to fight again, so he says. The trouble with Tommy Is that about ths time a light is to sight big aaslre backslides, ptstBsnsjeejav pa, y "jaaif .da a - ?eajBSSBr0Tt'-eBt A t y W Tsjpy ..-' i I 1 ' . t ' rv " ' . - i V ' -J I 'fum..,.. -I.,.,.. YALE ID HARVARD ARE AT PEACE It l Asserted That a Suitable Ar- rangement Has Been Made . Between the Kickers. 1 NEW AGREEMENT TO BE OF LONG DURATION New Haven Authorities State That Thry Have No Intention of Cnttlng r the Price of Admission to Athletic Contests.. .., -i ,- s- (ioorasl Special BerTlra.) New York, Jan. 29. Tha Yale-Harvard athletic' altuatlon has bleared in the laat two days sufficiently to allow the statement on excellent authority that' there will be no break between tha two universities, aays a dispatch from Naw Haven. It Is known that the Harvard official a will make overtures to Yale as soon ss ths new home policy Is outlined snd that a new Yale-Harvard agreement will be drawn up with rarnmrnnnilatlfins br 1he Hf"""1 r'h letlo committee ss the basle for It. ' When the next Yale-Harvard agree ment Is signed It will be only after protracted sessions snd negotiation, but It Is expected that when It Is done It will be for a term of several years. Yals la tiring of short term agreements snd turmoil every alternate year. .. The old Tale-Harvard agreement. will never be renewed. It la too general in its terms.. Ysle'does not favor cutting ths price of admission to athletlo contests with 'Harvard down to any great ex tent Yale ndergraduatea a ecu re ad mission to athletic contests for T cents a game, and no clamor has been heard from ths publlo for cheaper tariff for the Tale-Harvard and Yale-Princeton games. " Yale will ' aeoept no - recommendation from Harvard that she give up profes sional coaches. OREGON BAIL PLAYERS BEGIN THEIR WORK Batting Cages Have Arrived and Athletic Training Will Soor Be Started. University of Oregon. Eugene. Jan. St. The batting cages for ths baseball team have arrived and the aaplrants for tha 'varsity nine ara at work learning to slue-. Coach Besdek Is not certain Just what style of play he will teach hia men, whether to make them depend on slugging or clever work Inside the dla- n v tiii.Hn. mnA h.,1 mnnlne and team work. He prefers ths Utter method, but does not know Just .what the 'men can do. Ths team last-year waa weilk on batting, snd unless they show - a grearimproveftent Ihle year, or the .w mea mgJt. some radical changes In th. jine-up. ths favorlta stylo of ..the coach will probably prevail. Anions- ths men trying for the team are six Portland boys. Hathaway of last year's nlns Is a candidate for third base and short stop, and In all prob ability will make one or the other po sition. "Dud" Clark, a freshman and member of ths last year's football team. tatloa be. brings stands a very good show. - "B!U--Hugglna of Hill Military aoademya team laat year is after aeo ond bass. Hs Is said to bo quite clever and a youngster who - learn - rapidly. Snow, K,'lts snd Noon are, three, other men who want positions in me ouinaia and who may run someone a bard race. KULTROLUH WANTS THE - BIG TRYOUT MEET Directors Make Liberal Appro priatlon for the Handling of Pacific Coast Championships,. At a recent meeting of the board ot directors of the Multnomah Amateur Athletlo club, It was decided to make an effort to pull off the Paetflo coast amateur championships In this city a bo it ths third Saturday m June. The North Paclflo Amateur associa tion will bold Its annual events at Seattle this year on tho second Satur day of Juno. Last year the events were held at Spokana, where Kelly made his world's record In ths iiO-yard dash. Now Multnomah' eoraes forth with on appropriation to bring tha athletes to Portland ons week later la tha Paclflo coast championship try-out meet tor the Jamestown sxpoaltlon. In this meet the crack field and track men of the coaat will participate and the winners will bs sent on to Jamestown, where ths ath letlo events will bs pulled off on or abou( the laat week la June. Multnomah will give B00 for expenses snd will also furnish medals for ths different events. - Bowling Postponed. ' Tbs Oregon Bowling sssoclation post poned this week's games of ths Flower league schedule owing to tha weather conditions. Ths management of the Oregon alleya took advantage of tho do lay and all ths allays arc being resurfaced.-- ' 1 : T Scheduled for Tonight, . Alex Reed Va. Jack Graham, five round, at Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania. "Kid" Goodman vs. Davs Deahler,' It rounds, at Thornton, Rhode Island. No Cure No Pay Tha lowest fee In ths city. No charge for medicines. We euro to stay cured by new methods, quick snd positive. Gleet, - Stric ture, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Gon orrhoea. Blood Poison, Lost Vi tality, Kidney and Hladder Die, eesea, Proatatlo troubles and all rhronio and nervous dtaeaaea. of Man. Examination free. If un able to rail, writs for question blank. We Cure Men PORTLAND MEDICAL DISPENSARY rxm ajts Aun rrxT. CARHATIOn DAY IN lATIDIl'SCAPITAL Memory of President McKinley Kept Alive by Wearing 'of Flowers. MEMORIAL EXERCISES ATTENDED BY PRESIDENT Congressmen and Senators to Land Virtues of Murdered President Public Schools Hold informal Ex- : erclses.-' "": , '. ' " Monro! Rpeelal Sorrlce.1 ' ' Washington. V. C, Jan. . Wash ington's observance of "Carnation Uay" today In memory ot President McKin ley waa of a more general character than ever before. Scores of setiatora snd representatives snd other public men remembered the birthday of the martyred prealdent by the wearing of red carnations ss boutonnierea. The habit of ths lats President McKinley of wearing' a red carnation was bo pro nounced ounng mi' nretime tnai niw friends would have been surpHeedTJiad he failed to. have hla favorite flower as a boutonnlere. . Since hla death the United States Historical soointy and other organisations have successively endeavored to establish the bbservance ot "Carnation Day" in much the aame way, that "Primrose Day" ia celebrated each year in England In memory of Lord Beaconafleld. President Roosevelt, Vice-President Fairbanks, Speaker Cannon and mem bers of the cabinet were, among those who wore the carnations today. . All of the Whits Houae attaches paid a simi lar tribute to the memory of Prealdent McKinley. The publlo schools of Washington held Informal exercises, papers being read by pupils on the life and publlo services of ths late Prealdent. Teach ers and pupils wore ths carnation. . Ths most notsble observsncs or the day, , however," has 1 been reserved -for thla evening, when publio memorial ex- erclsea will bs held In the Metropolitan M. EL church. . The program haa bean arranged by ths United States Histor ical society and calls for addressee by Representative Jsmes Kennedy of Major McKlnleys old district In Ohio, who will take as -his subject, "McKinley, tho Representative In Qnngrens"; General J. Warren Kelfer of Ohio, whose topic will be "McKinley.. the Statesman": Major John F. Lacey, representative from Iowa, who will tell of "McKinley, the Man"; Dr. Franklin T. Howe, who will speak on the eubject.-"McKinley.-the Soldier," snd Dr. Frank M. Bristol, pas-, tor of ths Metropolitan church, which President McKinley attended, and whose topic will be "McKinley. the Christian." I President Roosevelt, Vice-President Fairbanks snd many other men promi nent in publlo life, have accepted Invi tations to attend the exerclaes. Canton, Ohio, Jan. 9. -The McKinley tomb waa decorated today with many handsome floral emblems sent . from Washington, Cleveland, Columbus snd other places In, commemoration ol the. lata President s birthday anniversary. : Columbus, Ohio, ' Jan. (9. Advices' from sll parts- of Ohio indicate a wide observsncs of "JCsmstion Day," ths an niversary of ths birth of Prealdent Mc Kinley. Many Jhouaanda of ths mar tyred president's favorlta flower wers sold on ths streets of Columbus. - IEW-DEPARTURE- fhe Cost of Interments Has Been O real ly medaoed ky ths Kolman Voder takua Oompaay. Heretofore it haa been tbe custom of funeral directors to make ehargea for all Incldentala connected with a funeral. Tbe Edward Holroan Undertaking com pany, ths leading funeral dlrectora of Portland, beglnntnc July 1, lot. will depart from thla old custom. When the caeket Is furnished by us Its coat will Include all charges, such as conveytns the' remains to our chapel, outside box. embalming, hearse to cemetery and all services which may bs required of us ssospt clothing, cemetery and oarrlagea, thus srrecting a saving ox fit to fit on each funeral. THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAK ING COMPANY, tt0 Third street, comer Salmon, . Claim Agrata id Session. (Journal Special Service. I Cincinnati, O., Jan. 11. The National Association of . Freight Claim A genu began Its Snnusl convention st ths Hav lln hotel todsy with sn attendance of membera representing all tha leading railroads and transportation companies of ths country. The claim agents will bs In seaalon three daya and will dlsctiaa numerous questlona relating to their branch of the transportation business. An elaborate banquet will mark tha cios of ths convention, Thursday night. Mtlwaukle Country , Club. Eastern and California races. Taks Sellwood and Oregoa City cars at First and Alder. -: Motor Carnival at Palm Beach. Palm Beach, Fla., Jan. IS. With mors thsn a score of .entrlea for ths power boat races, the snnusl festival and win ter carnival which opened at Lake Worth today promises to bs ths moat successful since tho inauguration of thla midwinter svsnt three yesrs ago. Ths motor boat racing will continue four days, with three formal racea each day. The widespread Interest taken in the event ts shown by the entrlea, which come from New York, Halifax, Buffalo, Palm Beach. Bristol, Rhodo. Island. Bay City, Michigan, and other widely asp erated polnta, - The carnival features of the program also promise to eel Ipso In brilliance and attractiveness those - of previous years. One of the principal events Is to be a reproduction of tho famous Midnight Carnival of Venice. . I DT . -SnsBBSBto . sjiiaiEUJ i3 . v. a box is, Hl'DSOS, the Oalrvoyant, Proves Uarvdoas Revelations t Sktytlcs He Stands: Alone Jn His Unrivaled Power to Read the Future of Human Kind riH'OATKD IH OOCT7LT ftfY9TP.fUF.ff Aft) HINDOO PHILOSOPHY IN EOVl'l AND IN DIA. Stnuiraly fuclnstlng sre tlie words that CAtne from itie lips of tble ami Interesting man. wltuee Journey the renowned ex lire baa takes aim tlirausb all the renowned psychic schools of KxTpt, India sad Kurope. It seems. Indeed, ss If bis anowl lge siiut eooie from thst mysterlont world eC wklcb we all would team, yet. lonrlnir. cannot know. lie moKs ss isr swsy lata me dim mjs- lermtis ruiure-iue sreai Dejooe acmes tbe dr casao wnirn arparstrs-Uie trma bo. If from the flitting soul sad - Til AT WHUJU IS TU HI ts told told with s elearness and pre rUloa tbat leavae ao mom for doulrt. The uwrrrooat aecreta of jonr lire ere laid bare to hla mraterkmaly percpt- Ire tulud, and while be tires " uamea, datea, facts 'and flroree. bis -rleMoT sits diimfuuoded at there-relations aa make. Ilndsoa. the Ade-pf. Is a writer, a teaehet sud an authority oo all branches ef the oreult a,'leii(e. . Years of atudy. trarela In far Kant era lands snd emllers reeearrb. eoopled wltb rare natural ability snd payc-hleal girts hare crowned him tbe greatest llrlng exponent of bis weird and aiyttrrlous profesakm. i h, , rnrelr tniii nf j I Ihuvon will pTwiiT?eIjr tbe pa-ulna time. ouske no eparge for bis serrlrea anlraa yoa sre entirely . aa ilaf led snd ilnd hire superior to sny -palmist, .medium or rlnlrTOTsnt la the city. His honesty, teat of time and 14 years' eontlnumia succeairul rract Ice bare pro-red beyond sll dooht tbat Mr. Iudaoa Is tbe leader of hie profeaaioa. Hla extraordinary powers of second sight, combined with a au.-erior knowledge or occnit force, enable him. to read bamaa life wltb unerring (..-,.- , .. .. HUDSON r29i Morrison, Cor. Fifth SL, Near P. 0 HUDSON "-;"" With No Back Pains y T";::!. ::"7"" " . No Nervousness " "":- ' '. '....:....'.. ...-....';.,..V... No. Waste of Power- ; i 1 x No Loss of Ambition T ; - ' BUT WITH PLENTY OF LIFE AND ENERGY JIND THE VIGOI CF YOUTH To le strong and ntanly is the. aim of every strong msn, and yet how many we -find who are wasting the vitality and strength which nature gives them. In stead of developing into the strong,-rigorous, manly young fellows that nature -intended them to be, they find themselves weak, stunted and despondent no ambition to do anything. They struggle aimlessly along,, sooner or later to become victims of that dread dineate, nervous-debilityi-their finer sensibilities blunted and their nerves shattered. I Cure Men's Diseases I have treated hundreds of men who liad long suffered a. gradual decline of uhyucal and mental energy as a Tesolt of private ailments, and have been interested in noting the marked general improvement that fol lows a thorough cure of the chief disorder! My success in curing difficult cases of long standing hag made me the foremost specialist-treating men's diseases. This success is dus to several things. It is due to the study I have given my" specialty; to my having ascertained the exact nature of men's ailments, and to the original, distinctive and thoroughly scientific methods of treatment I employ, ' To those in doubt as to their, true condition who wish to avoid the serious results thst may follow neg 'lect,,l trffet-fttc cnnMiltatirm anddyiceeither at my office orjhrough correspondence. .If your case ispne of the few. that has reached an incurable stage, I will not accept it for treatment, aor wlirl tofg my servicer upon any one. I treat curable cases only, and cure all cases I treat ' " Weakness Specific Blood Poison - No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the interior, but harmless, blood-cleansing- rSm edloa that remove the laat poisonous taint. Tou'v probably been treated for so-called weakness and helped tempo rarily or not at all -Varicocple- and tne reason ia very apparent when cause of loss of power In men Is understood. Weakness Is mere ly a symptom of chronlo lnnamma ' tlon of tile pros tate gland, which my treatment re moves, thereby permanently re storing strength and vigor. Absolutely palnleae treatment that curea completely In orle week. Investigate my method. It la the only thoroughly sci entific treatment for this dis ease, being employed. FREE My colored ehsrt, showing the male anatomy and affording an Interesting study In men'a dis eases, will be given free upon application. Consultation and Advice Sg DR. TAYLOR Co. 334 J Morrison Strsset, Cornesr Second, Portland Oro. afatleata living of th cdty aad coming to Portland for treatment will b farniahod wlta sae room free of charge. Cheek yous trmaks direct So aSavi IsVocttsas ate seat OUR feeM In Any Uncomplicated Case Consultation FREE Oar Fee Neel Not Be Paid Unlets Cored In this enlightened age of the twentieth century a Doctpr's ability should bs determined by ACTUAL CURES The fU Loulx Medical Dlapenaary sassy salddls aged men. and old aaea, and to save them tbe oiaapvouitmieaa 01 isuare, oae ox suae ana aaosey oiten apetnt in aiparuaeanaf wttn ia ompeteat treatment, anhtutnaaSUk aaethoda and oeoepttv proposltloa. Th Bt. Zromls aSedioal aad aurgioal Sla-panaaxy has established n reputation as a place where all aiok and anfferiag aaea ran go with fall emrv deaoe, knowing that they will b fairly dealt with, 'sktllfnUly tsaavted, and promptly eared In th shortest time possibl and at th lowest . ' ' 4 ' ' NERVOUS DECLINE nmarxD wiiuni bt bomb. " Wa ar posltlvs the trsatmeat we employ In the our of this de-raagemeat ta tha most potent, rational, direct aad serials. Oar soleatlflo, systematl nr of treat . maavt aaa been adopted after yearn f eoooeawfal ra . tio fey ns. IX Is ths only on by whlca, a prsaaant aad absolat ear eaa k sooompllansd. . WBITB IT TOtf OABBOT ST. LOUIS 7 Ctrncr Second Big Meeting of lumbermen. Kansas City. Mo .." Jan. It. Ths South western Lumbermen's association began r o f I i y S J J A v I ' V accuracy from Infancy to- eld' age. As proof of bis wonderfnl power to all who some. pre pared for mailings this week, WITHOUT ASK i NO A QCESTIOIf, ' Without sny prerlvus knowledge snd baring ae natural means of knowing who yoa sea. whence or for what yoa came, ha wtll tell your fnll name, ocvunatloa snd me or-ject ei year -nan anso-rui Ttly free of charjre. -' LEARX WHAT IS BEFORS YOU. His adrlee pertaining to lore. h. BOSteese. wllla, estatea. buying or selling property, lation. Inmtmenta. marrlaeea. olrorco. speea- aneonaled. lie reonltee the separated, eaaaae apeady snd happy marriages with tbe owe roe tore, sires truihrnl rerelatloo. or sll lore ar- falrs. restores lost affeetiooa, sett lee ContraotsKi DlssortJesras Tou can depend upon a quick and thorough euro by my treatment. A quick euro ia desirable because a slow cure la apt to be no cure at all, and a chronlo development wll come later. I cure you beyond th possi bility of a relapse and usual time required. Rffsx Allmesntea Often the condition appearing to be the chief disorder Is only m redes: aliment resulting from torn ether dtseaae. Weakness) sometimes comee) from varicocele or stricture; akin and bone dlaeaaea result from blood pot eon taint, and physical and mental decline follow long-standing ' func tional disorder. My long experience In treating men enablee m to deter mine the exact eondltlona that exist and to treat accordingly, thus re moving every damaging cauae and. Its effects. FREE. Call orWrItcToday. s 10 X. t p. as. Sundays 10 o X. If yam as has long been established for the purpose of reertorlng to keaitb who are suffering from the evil results Specific Wlthoat tka aa of very laat taiat f symptoas Of tha dlseaaa Tanlake -1 appear n si We aaploy nai isliea kleod elsaaalag remeeUe aly, OAXU 0I7ICS EOUkt t A. B. TO I SS P. M.) ITJVSST, S TO IS MluRatcAlnd DISPENSARY and Yamhill Streets, Portland, Oregon. Its annual meeting In Kansas City to il r and will he In seeialon until Frlflav. More than 1,209 prominent lumbermen saanrela, tells how wh the msa ar worn a yaa lore, make your huabaad ae wle be trae , to yea, ereroome all yoer eweules sad make a aerauo st a distance think of yoa; tulle yon aamea ef frleods and eaemhia who IB trtae sod who ts false; tells yea whom sad when yea will marry, airing names, date, facte and location, taking ao fee la adraaee, aeer-ktla( aoae aaieae satisfaction Is glrea. KPKCfLATION ASD I!TrjtMBVT. His sdrlce la siuch soogbt for by Ihnse eon templatlng mresttog sad apaeolatlng. The dol lar properly tnreated today baa seldom failed to nuke the poor mea rich. He rharcee not sea penny foe each sdrlce sattl the bimtsml has paid a haudeeme profit. Is this not fair snd hoaestt Ureal esdoettaa this week. Aa ' s suiter of sdrertleemeut. Mr. Hndaoa will I Ire hie epaelel reading foe S rente and fl. atktfactloa sbeoitrtcly gnsraateed er ae fee accepted. Eeerythkag strictly aacred aad eoa , fldentlal. . PEBHOXAL afAONrriSM v QtlCKLX. DSValLOPBO. ' Pereensl magnetism Is the magic wand that r mlea tbe world. It trlnmpba orer obetartea a 0.1 brlugs aucceee la bualnees and social life. It opeiM to your r la Ion the greatest secrete ad life. It hi tbat msr-reb-Hie, subtle, aneera power that enables yoa to control mea or womsa and te ' baulah ill-luck. IT IS THK KEY TO -a HIGHER LIMY It ewsys tbe mlada of mtlllooe sad regulatea the destinies ef Bailees. All traly great awa snd women poaaete personal magnetism and Bee It. The rich Biaa Is rich because ha atlltoes thle iBTtolbie force: the poor maa la pone cause ba larks gneuem or the kaowii an. the ststeeman. tb low long Ita ase. The saleamaa, the etsteeman. tbe fc- ell nmfft hr the sae of the mar-re kma force. DO YOU WIXH TO POSSB- THIS ta-the- asalU. at AawdoeasV..frleBdsblwealth aad fame, oe will yoa plod along, ralnly hoping tbat tack or ebance may opea the door fa yol THE WISH fSB EVEHY MEANS TO COM PASS. VICTORY; thousands hare bees helped. It ros sre la tmnble of aay kind, anbappy, not aatlafled ta Ufa, hare domestic, ieew ee boameee trooblee, yoa will be told seer te evae eome them slL Call today. . . Hoars 10 a. si. te s. a. Sanders, 11 to 4. DR. TAYLOR The Leading Specialist In Uncompli cated Cases Hy Feels in kali tne Only p You Pay When Cured' Established 25 Yrs. in Portland Legally Licensed to Practice Medicine :. eaifTartng front Wswewan BeWStyv Blood yotoOBlag1, Tarloeeels, Kidney freaaats, Bladdf Ptaaapea, Oonorrkssa, BtrteSar, Xisa of BsTve Bewedf, 11 on mm aad g ear nomaeS, mnhlaaad ptnfsaaloael vhalo fr eg aharge- of their neglect and BSisfortauasv Clood Poison Positively . Eradicated daagaroaa drag a. Wa Tina frsa th systesa drtv th Sr on hand from va-'. kinaea, Oklahoma, I !." ar.J J, ,m.1, 0