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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1907)
r;y 12 TODAY'S CUTTER 75 CENTS ROLL TODAY One City Creamery Advances Its Quotations , to a New : ; High Mark. , - - ...... - '. v OTHER CREAMERY MEN ' ." CONSIDER TRADE HURT 6r That If Any Advanco Was InTntle " It Ghonld Havo Pi Week Ago - When j" Supplies Wero Shorter Than Now. J- ft'Tr . Principal market future tod ay l ,Buttr..alA Wghcr point., K are nrm at Chtckea market la bad abas, v v , Pursr sdvsnce to be considered. , Fruit tree hurt by atorm. V Nothing doing la bop market. , v . , , rtu trad la apple market - Butt at a Higher elat, ' ' Tba prlc of bntfer readied th blghert nark todsy la hl city for about 10 yr. Ona rresmery advanced Ita wholesale quotation t STViC pound, but other rmrle did aot ' consider tli la the proper time to move value upward, for If anything, eoppliea are heifer tbaa a week afO. who there waa ovary JustlH. cation far an advance In value accord lag t the central trade. Butter ken diem are verf u wroofht up ever the advance, a , tbey consider It nnceary ana one i - do ear food to producer, aa It will aaa heavier ablpmenta of enetern Block M ttila tr ket.' It will alaa haee the effect of censing many families te struggle harder 1a order to bay batter, for the price before the advance was-already at such t height that few people could af toed teenr accustomed supplied . .. . ,: . Portland Hartat Boosted Tea Oftea. In late years the price of butler haa been Woted too often, according to tba local trade. ITtcea that bav ruled here diav beea out of proportion with other place where supplies . . . Hi. -u,rrham eltlea. where prices are irenerally considered oatrsgeoun, the price of butter did not st U compare with that ruling here. These high value are aU the result of tlfllng competition between the various creamery Tnanufscturer. who eilrance tb price oa every occaaloa with out the leaat pretext- except that they can. '. 8f mac Jealously baa existed betweeai the vsrkms creainerlea that ona will try to get ahead of tba other In order to aay that It wade k. ri ud thua enrrr fa roc with ' tba ablpper of cream. w : Outaide Butter Will Prara Bar. Te thla booatlnt of batter prlcea tba JnOm of oaatcrn hotter will prore a bar. Beery year thle atate porcoaeea a lanre amount of aatara and Cnltforaia batter eolely becanee prlcea bare - are twoated oot of line with otlier markete. A few daye ao a at of aaetera hotter waa recelTMt. bnt o great waa the demand that tt did not la.t Jonk enooirh to print a qaotatloB. The rewilt la that more eaetern batter will be bronrht la and later on caoaa oma diatom tort to local aianuCaoturera... a . L -.. An Tina Centa... ' The eK market to firmer today kt IMIc, bo "tMn OX Ttltra aimk bVlne reported, ".'.''n dm. re dmtojt he day. Itecelpta are llilit. ... " K..I Malttna with re- celpta not beary. but with demand nohealthy on account of tba irooil iipllea of aaetarai chined, whkb la eelilna at lower .a.. Bccvlpi. In the drewied meat markeU alon frvnt eu-ect are atUl ery lleht and top prlcea are therefore easily aoalalalned. . '. , Be Cabloa aad Be Flour Trade. ' No eablea were reoalred from the oolald by local flour ecilcra today, and aa a result there waa no Intereet biwlneaa airown in too tn.r. . fct. wtjaex-rejuajiia yejy ,.qitg!;j-"' a ru t me , The probable adrane of Re la the prlea oc encar here aa outlined eeeerel daye ao la The Journal wlU bo roaaldered at a meetlnf of tbe wholeaelera today. The edjance to at due to any ehanre la refinery prtcea bat to -aaa maw tit freleht A . Brief Botea. of the Trada. : There la aothhue of note In tbe bopmetet today. Some . little bnalaeaa la betaf offered at lower prlcea. but aoaa la reported accepted by (rower. Tbe market la lower la eonea qience. K aot belnf likely J" ,tv Ut could be obtained for beat gooda ,toi i. h. ar.r.1 market la oolta rood, at- "-- . ' : KnatiuMat alona Front atreet to oulrt today acooant ot 'h1'orJ Potatoes are firm but ealoea are oldht ... bared. 1 .""buTady. TbVttadPaa'i Vollowtn prlcto Frerit rtroet. PrtciTpald ahlppera are leaa rafular commbnloaa: - ffrala. nmt aad read.. CBAIN BAOS Calcutta, baylac pricel aelllna;. aaejga.a. ' . ... WHEAT New club, Sft3Te. fodl laaalaa. 3c: blueetrra. ,LT,ll'),,J!2fVa-. - '. uiwi- IZIJM: OTCked. eS8.0B par BABT.T-ew read. rillttl"W, t22 tt'in V. brewlnf. 22.O0Q28.OO. niTt N.w ireducere prlca Wo. t white. I2A IKi' aray. nateata. traia-hta. export. 31: Tallcy. 3.0; &oa fr.. on: imiob, e'-'a. . v ' . kfllXmiFfS-Bran fl 00 per ton! ; aild dllnair 12500: ahorte. conaWT. '": law; chop. U.O0ta?M HAY Predueere price Timothy. Willamette valley, fancy. $1 J.0&4J18.O0; ordinary. 0oa tY ea.tra Oreon 17.00 IS : I0.010 I10; elorer. tMti drain. WOWS.IW; cheat. A.. . ' Batter, Kcre aad Bealtry. !i:iiejic! eoar. IWUf. Bt;TTF.rV t'lty creamery, X,'int: rnitaiae ran'... .-. ' mi i K(X!H Extra fancy, eaadled, Sc; . local and earterm etoraae. S7e. t'HBICKB New Fall rreaua, flat, HKOlBe; Tonne AmeHca, 15Hftle. . 1-onLTBYMro Mixed eblrfeen. ' - lHc 1M fancy bena,- I4 lb; ennaterk, old, lOHd lie lb: old at are. 12a lb: fryer. 14faiv, per lb: broiler. li'HUt per Ih: old 'ducke. 13He ,per lb; . eprlnf dncka, I8'. P" lb: geeaa. rl0e per lb; tor keya, ITc per lb for old: dreaoed. fancy, S2e nee IV. enr-cbe. t.m per doe: plfonne. 11.00 per do, lirreaed poultry lOIHe per lb bilker. , Hope, Wool aa . Bidaa. . fIOP crop, choice, lSlfflSHe; prime to choice, ll'i'a'-: medlnia to prime, 10llc: "ulintn, instltr. " wooLiwa clip Falley, tOQ2Sef aaetera Orecon, TAr. ' ' . MOHAIR New. aomrnaL T " P11EKI'HIW Wieattna, l430e eack t. abort weot ttfltt'f'c; medium wool, a0Q7l ert I Ion word. Ti-10 each. TALIAW I'rttue. per lb. IHC0! Bo. $ aad ClllTTIM UABK 99U for ear lota; exoaO lot. flvte. I1ID1H Dry. Ho. I. Id Iba aad ap. Iu, luc m lb: dry kip. Mo. I. I to IS Iba, leu; dry calf. Mo. I. ander Iba, 13c; eelted bldea. ateera. aoaad. J0 llw and aeer. Idajllc: eowa, a nPUe: atare and bona, eoOnd. (Ia7e: kla, 15 to 0 Iba. e; calf, aoaad. a Oder lvlhe,'llr; areea. nnealted. 1 ; "". Per lb lee; bom Mrtee, eelted, each. fl.2MiH.T6; dry. eecb. 1 lorrl.iw: celt hid,- SitiM; aoat aklm. nam, , lOfilSc; Angora. aet Kcftli. . fralta aad VorataUea. , rOTATOWl noymr price, eaetera Matrno. nab and t'lackama aelect. I1.2tl.4fl; eelllnc. tnm-j,; ordinary, Sl.lo ewt; eweeta, ONIO.' Joldbnf price fto. I Orefou, 91. Sb; bo. . II, buying prl., TuVri garlic, aut'c At I If" Fancy Hood Hirer Upltrenhorg and Teii.. ,n ewlnwn. ez .i; lam-r. ii .nverte eai ler od anoiiiern Oreaxa, f I. On 4(1.70; ordinary at." k virlil.a.V H; t-sn ill I r Ortneed. new naeal, II Tmf e'j.- i. i.aneae I0e: banaai. be per Ih: lemonk. rox; j:me. Mealcaa 11.2b i.... i.t1..t.T''.'. Itntino tier diaen: grapea. l. ('.. tU Pef keg; pera. II0 7J; ,o. 6 .-(rrt fc; plaerpplea. I3.r0 per d.; t.m uianie. II itl W per box) grape fruit. 'k..rTAtlI.I.S Toralpv aow, 0l aack) MARKETS WHAT: DEALERS SAY ,: OF LOCAL MARKETS d Bv Temploton Broa. Rice. d ' - Th chicken market la rary d d weak, although U receipt hara d ! not been heavy, , .,. .Peraand ia d d light, aa retallera have large d d . atocka on band.. The egg mar-' e ket ahowa a firmer tone-, aa tno a e rccelpta the last tmo day a havo , d ' been very . light. , Ducka and dy d freeaa ar in Bood demand and d d bring; top quotation. d Veal and hoga are, very acarco e and. allu. recelpta, . clean upd d promptly. - : Potatoeat are Tory . e carce, aa tha crop waa depleted d d to a great extent by the frcexe. , d d Unleaa the recelpta ar much , e d larger during the coming week, - 4 d we expect a higher price. Tha d d recelpta of .country butter do . d d not aupply tha demand. d d '' ' , eerrota, 75cl per aack: beet, l.iS per aack; Oregoa radubee. SO pet. doa.1 cabbage. Ore roe. $1.75: ball . peppere, per lb; to mato, I3.2B: parenlps. bcri'll.oo: etrmg beana, 13c per lb.; eaallflower, 11.30 per doaea: pea, I.V: boreeradtoh. PojlUe per Ib.t artichoke 11.00 per doaeat erinaah. Tficiall.00. per box: l il ! mliml 'fra art . m rw , nnmn. klna, IMIHe; cranberrlea, U per barrel. ' URISt rHniTSApple. eeanora-tod. H Te per lb; price t. l&Vjt20e. per lb; peeebea, lL'iaiSHe per lb; aarka. He per lb leeaj prune, 80 to eu, s0c; He drop on eecb 1-10 emallet lee; figa, California black. He per lb; California white. 4j8Hc per lb: dataa. goldea, 14.80 per boa; fard. i.0l.BO per lb-lb boa. .. wiooerlea. But. Eta. aPOAB California Hawaiian Cuba, IS.27H; pow.lered.; berry. I44UH: dry Kanolated. $4..; Star, H TSH; ronf: A, Wam extra U. U.42V,; goldea C. M 0; V. yellow, U-22U.I beet rrnnllated. M.T2H - Weatern Cube. IH.Z7U; powdered. 15.1 2V4; dry rranulated, $4.02: P. 0 M.MH; eoof. A. I4.02H; extra C, l.42H; foMoa O. t4..taVa;0. yellow. l-l iSH: beet gracolated. U.TJ: bbla. lac; H bkla. Se; box, poe adeance oa aack be eta. - A bora price are (0 day sat eaah a nota tion. ) . --. IIOT-t.60 per crate." ' " - - V rOFFKB Packure brande. llS.aaOlT.Sa. T SALT foer Half ground. 100a. fl 00 per ton; 60a. tw.AO; table, dairy. Me. 1111.00: loo. IIXTM;. btilea, l,S!)j Imported I.trerpooL 60a, 1M.U0: lUOa. 117.00; iJ4. lid.OO: extra fine. bbl.ira. fta 10a, M.frii8S.60; Lrrerpool mmp rock, 118.60 per toe; .00-lb rock. la.OW 100. .00. -. , Aboe price apply ta ealea of leaa than ear lota. . Car lota at special prlcea aubject ta fluctuation.! - . BICB imperial Japan.' No, 1, del . t, Se; New Orkraaa. bead. Jet Ajat. Be; Oreol. Sile. - . JltRAKR mn . large - whit. SJU; pink. I2.00; bayoa, $3.75; Umaa, We; Mexican red. 4c .. . . M'TH Peanute. Jnmbo, tHe per lb; Trrgmla, THe per lb: roeatrd. lOe per lb: Japaoeee. bit He; roied7j7He per lh; eocoaauta, SAigiMa Fee doa; walnnta, California, let per Ih; Tench, 1.1c per Jb: plnenut. HfllV per lb; bl-kory' note, " 10c per 'A; ebeatuut. eaetern. l.'.J16e per Tb; Bra all nuta, lc per Ih; fllbena, !lc per lb; fancy pecan a. lS(20c; Imood. 1921 c. ' 7 , ' ,, ... i afaats. Foil, and rmtaioaa, :t- FBRsn MEATS Froat Street Hoga. faacy. cvpr lb: real, extra,- per lb; ordinary, 7H,c per lb: poor, Oe per lb: auttoat faacy. S(('f per lb. HAlln BACO!. ETT! Portland nek flora II haraa. 10 to 12 In, ! Ih; 14 to 10 lb. 164e in: in to m id. in; oreakraat bacon. 14ViiS0c lb; picnic, lle lb: cot tare mil. 12c lb; rexulur abort clear, unamoked. 12c lb; mokeit. IK lb clear backa, anamoked, 12 lb; antoked. 13c lb; I'nlon bntta. 10 to 13 Iba, aa amoked. Xf lh: amoked. 0c lb: clear bell lee. an- rookU 1 3i JbL tnkedJlbjufcoJaM,, ,. lb; pickled touiriie. boc ech. LOCAL l.AKO Kettle leaf, 10a, 1K lbl 9a. I3fcc Jb: r,0 lb tin. 12 lb; at re in rea- dered. 10. UK lbl O. 12t lb; compound. 10. V.c lb. CANNED WAf.UON Colnmbla rrrer. lib telle. ll.WI; l ib talla. 2.Tn; fancy, l ib rata. I1H"; Vi-lb fancy flaje. II. in: fancy l ib oral. 1X75: Alaska taJla. pink, boQIOe; red. II JO: nominal, 2a. taU. 17 00. - FISH Rock cod, 7c per lb: flounder, be per lb; halibut, 0c per lb; crab. 1 1 1.50 per dosen: striped base, 12V.e per lb; eatflab. 10c lb; salmon, freeb Columbia rleer ellrerslde. Oc:' Mecll)ed.10c per Jbi berrlng. 6e per Ibv sole, be per lb; shrlmpa, 10c per lb; perch, be per lb: black cod.' 7c per lb: torn cod, T per Ih; llrer emelt. Be per lb;- lobster. 16 per lb; treab merfcerel, be per lb; erwflh. 2e per oxen: atnrreon. IQe per lb: b'eck baas. 20c per lb; Columbia rleer emelt, He per ft. 0TKR8 ttlioalwater bar. per galloa, 12 per US-lb eaekt 14.25: olrtnpla. par galloa, $225; per lis-th aack, 15.00 to 15.50. CI.AMS HsrdahelL per boa. 12.007 ' rarer clama, 12.50 per box, " Balat, Coal Ofl. Xba. ' HOPE Pure Manila,- lb0 atandard, lSe; alaal. lie. - , COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Casaa. liAe per gallon; water white, broa bbla, 14 par gallon; wooden,' 17e per xallool aeadllgbt, 17udg., eases. 2H4c per galloa. . GA0OU.NK m-de esaaa, 24H par galloa, Iron bbla.. I Ac per aallon. . .. BES1NB AS deg. caasa.' tb par gUoa Iron bbl. ISVje per galloa, ' TURPENTINE la case. M pat gall wuodea bbla. S'tc per galloa. . WHITE LEAD To lota. r per lb; bOO-lb lots, be per lb: lea tola, fHc per lb. WIRE NAIlJl Preeeat baa la at I2.0S. - LINK ECO OIL Pure raw. ta b-bbl tota. BOci l-bbl lot, 53c ; case. B8e per gal; reooln ket tle boiled, case. nOe per gal; l-bbl lots, 4e; l-bbl lots, Cbe per gal; ground cake, car lota, I JO per to; laaa tbaa car lota. ISO per baa. YESTERDAY'S LIVESTOCK U RISES MAINTAINED . . - - -" ; t - . ' ' ' " " . ''' ' Cattle Are "Rim With Steers at Four and a Quarter :t r 7 Others Hold. ' Portland t'nloa Stockyarda, Jaa. 20. LI re stock recelpta: . . i Mora, utrie. BDeep. Today 40 Ti Sid week ago. . ... .... Tear ago. 100 1 100 Previous year............ 114 . : SO TM Althoaak .the ' llreatock market we quiet today owing to the lark of telerraphte cota mnulcatlon the tone waa eery firm In all lines at the advancee of 25e la both boas aad cattle reported by Tbe Journal yesterday. A rear aro boa were very firm with . an lDeHtiatlna to rise, cattle dull, Bbeep firm. , trrtcil iiTtora price: Ho- Best eastern Oraa-on. IT.O0AT SS: ktneker and feeder. I.75: China fats, 16 75. Cattle Heat eaatrai Oregon ateera, $4.25; best cows nd belfera. 1.50: atocker and feed ers. X2.Vua.Ai; bulla: 12.00. Hheep Jine.1, .wnc; wethcra, Bfte; ewes, 5!4l4iVc; lamba, 54,. EASTERN! H0CS DOWN nilrago Market Trop S to 10c 11 Cattle And Sheep Steady. , j Oblugo, Jsa. 29. Llreatock receipt:. .- Hora. t at He. Btieeo. Cbleaeo . ............. .3. in b.mio .22 oo Kansas City ..22.0OO SI. OK) J noon Otnah .,..13.01) 5.000 T.OtlO Dog are Be to I Or lower with 1 000 left orer. ' Prices: , Mixed. I.ii4?.05: good end beery. lrt.SOQd.85; reilgli, (l.70fl.bu light, at) 74tre).IMi - Cattle tedy. 1 , , aheep steady. v tnflTZB flTATBS OOTZKBVBNT BOM M. Kew York. Ja. 2. Official prtcee Pare. rtin. Ask. ItW lor.u, l"2"j lo.-. mi u 120? , r . itr-xr lfT. Two, reelttered. . ,T-)pt. 1II.1U do coupon. n .te, i.uli Opt. 1M .... Opt, 102 .do coutfia. .......... email bond. . . . . ... Kimr, rerlatered., .... an conrMm, ,.....,. , Ftmr. registered. . . . . . .... Upt 1024J . ... I'liV, ... 1WT ... 117 HO; ... m-jr. ia1"", .. 10A1 11".', r. n do dupou ..., I0t4 fWatrict of Columbia Itr.iZ t-blllPBlM t .... loo- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL". PORTLAND TUESDAY V7IRETR0IJBLESD0 JOT AFFECT - Telephone Shares Are Up In- ,f stead of Showing a Loss '. i . In Value. PACIFIC STATES HOME r FIFTY CENTS HIGHER Aasocinted Oil Prop Off $3 Share Mornlao; Has a Sudden Break From 6c Coeur d'Alene Stock! . .. . k- ,. , , , Are Also Down, r . . , Wire, trotiblea occasioned br tbe storm eerm Wbare poeffect nprlejboneecritlea eliarse eeeoi to be firmer with bolder aot orerwllllag to let go. In- tbatradlng today both Home and- Pacine Utatss advanced, wo la tbe bid price. Morning erldently Jumped toe fast yesterday, for It broke sharply today wttb a loss of 2.c. Msmmotb Mining Inst le hi tb aehed prlc. The Coeur d'Alene lirt waa a fraction tower. Snowstorm and bnowahoe each lost He. Associated OH net 13 a share with a aai at tbe lower price. . The first sal of Oregoa City Mill waa mail today. Ttauanctlona- Ten Oregon City Mill 4 Lum ber at .V Klueat.m at Oe. 1.000 Mora. mg at and 20 Assoc la Ud UU at w. utricmi prlcea: .. - - , BAKK STOCKS. ; 1; riia. . an. Bank of California Banker' 4k I.umbermea'B. . Merchanta' National ,.3S.OO on , ..... 105.00 , 156JW Oregoa Trust HaTtnga...... .. 123.00 ;! aob'oo 140.00 120.00 rortuno Trust Co Lotted States National: ..... . BONDS, American Biscuit Co. da..,,. Cltr ft Snburbaa 4a.......... Columbia (Southern Irrigation Home Telephone 5 I. CLee Co. m rtr: O. It. N. Ry. a. as 00 loo.oo oa.oo 05.00 wi no 07.50 PT.flO i10 oo-.OO 100.50 0. W. P. ft Ry. a loo.oo 03.00 . IKB.50 , 100.00 - 101 .00 00.00 Paeaflc.Coaat lilecnlt Co. 0 Portland Ry. 5. ................... . Soutbweet Lighting be f I8CGLL4NBOCS STOCKS. . Associated on SS 00 Home Tele&lion.T7nTtt7 27.50 J. C. Lee Jo.. ...,:... .......;."Sll.50 Oregoa City M1U ft Lumber..,.' 4.75 Oregon JournaL preferred,,..'... 115.00 Pacific btate Telephone 107.00 Pucet Sound Telephone-,.....'. '03.00 0.60 liV.oo 50.00 Sonlhwesl Lighting ................. iaqnln Bay Telephone. ...... . 8.00 t r , MINING STOCKS; S. Alaska Petroleum ...... .11 Blueatoo .00 British Cohtrobl Amal.. ....... ,.fW4 ' Rrltteh Yukon .22V4 75.00 , .1 ".10 .o , .2.1 2S .25 .tr2 : jo .05 .ot .11 Caaradla ............. ......... .20 , Iiixle Meadow Ml Hol.lflrUi Trotter ....... .14V, tlreat Nortbero XII , LkeTbw Lee s Creek Cold. ....... .v . .01 Msmmotb .10 .. . Morning .0314 North ralrriew ...... Oregon Aecuritle ,............ .OtlVi - Standard (onaolldated 10 Tanoaia ateel .10 ' COEtB D'ALENE DISTRICT. .... ...i. .0TV4 .oa , Bullion .00 .OS -.2 .0HU i07 ' .00 .Ad 10 Bnrko w,... Oitiper Krag ,,,. Happy Day t. Park Copper Reindeer .......... Anowebo' ..... .', . . , , Snowstorm 0. K. Consolidated. .20 ,. .03 ' .onij XVk no , ...... S.on ....... M2 WHEAT-SHOWS A GAIN Chicago Recovers Part of Monday's loos Others JPollow. V 1 . RELATITI WHEAT VALUES. v '. - ' ' "1 Jan. 90. Jan. ?,. Oaln. Msg .74 $ .77TAAI .00 July ,. .77 .77ii .001? September ............ , .T7H .. .TTH-' Mm Chicago, 7o. 29. The wheat market regained fiart of Ita loss or yesterday, all options doi ng higher. May and July added kt and September e to yeaterday' bid. ' Cora and oa ta followed wheat and each closed with a net gain to It credit 1n all option. . - Preelalone were down ov account at tb lower bog pr)c la tb yards. Official (roots Hong Cooks comnsar: by" OTerberk Starrft WHEAT. ''.'':.. ' Open. High. May T '. TH4 Jnly TT4 . 7 September ...... 77! 7T CToa. 7H THH. 77 774 . n . . 77 . , . . CORN May ray , 454 : -4rll illy , 451 "- 4t,-l rptember ..... 40 ' 46 'A . 454 401 46 Vi " 45'Z 46 40'4 : ST SgU : 5vl 5I Z2k 82V.B 104B . i 1046 . 1075 175 loud 1680 '" Ml ' 0W ' 007 P"7 , B70 8S0 Wi pT a7 030 - 050 46 043 J n September , oiTs iTS. Sti S2"J May STf, July 854 SepUmber ..... 24 , ; . - MESS PORK, January .......IMS - 1M May 15 HIM , July lttbT 197 '' LA BP. January. .' m boa - Hay l" , July .......... W7 075 8ptmbr x una ; SHORT RIBS. January--....... 07 ' MT May o July .......... boo : 50 - ; LIVERPOOL tllll MARKET. Lfrerpool, Jan. 20. Official price f WHEAT. Open. Cloee. lea. SS. Lea. March n BSd As bd SHd ... Msy ..... 4d la 4 lid - 0 Hd -' i . CORN. " Jsmtary 9"4u , 1 .. March a zka ju aa za ,a ' I POtTLAHD XAVX St ATXMEKT. ' ' Clearing today ... Clearings year ago. 0tH today ' .i... Balance today .... BaUnci year sgo.. ..$Tiiia rr ., 661.046.82 ..I B0.2rt 55 ..I 64.20.50 . 147.871.82 Jtaw Tork Bead. New York, Jan. Official price Bid." Ask. L. ft N. unified 4gwaS..u.u... 1004101 N. ft W. Con, 4.,,.,....,....... .. 09 I,, ft K. CU. 4 mk ' O. H. ft N. 4. ....... ...... ....... 0 Bnrllngtoa Joint 4s. 3U 05 H .i. '. k ' Tarelga Zxchang Rates. New York. Jav 20. ExThxng rstes: Bsat bnrg. 40h: Paris, BIliX; Antwerp, 521)4; Am sterdam, 40 116; Stockholm. 26.60; sterling 00 dny. 48H4; denwnd. 4H5. . , Hew Terh-Lendoa Sllrar. KW Tork, Jan. 20. Bar llrer, 6THei 11011- don. aiVi. i . - - - New Tork Cash Coffee. New York. Jaa. 20 Cash coffee: Na.. T Rio, T'Ae; Wo. 4 Santos. te. ; VKW TORK COTTOsT MARKET. New yk Open, High. Low. Jan. Jan. ,. , ' . 2S 2T January 1 im Ml p om or: February .,..,.n0 , 0.11 02H fl 0.1B March ........015 046 O.iO 044 April 044 053 Msy 015 OSS 030 ovi June 5.I oon July ., .-.002 'PCI 056 b 5 Aiigdat ...... .B-,T 1"T,-1I5I 05-r fwo September .....wr,, :. on . om oho October .....f.077 ,' 077 071 ' 070 ' 00 Ixcewber ......4 W Wl H OlrO Prices Have Again Advanced in he Local Creamery Butter Market, Thus Placing Val ues at Highest Mark'foF Fully Ten Years. lEGURITY 18 SI LOWER Even Old Timer Fail to Hold Their Own In the Mining Share Market. . SAN FRANCISCO PRICES k v CLOSE BADLY MIXED Tonopab, Nevada, Wops 73c tinder . Monday's Price Some Fair Re coveries Are Made Jumbo Ex tension 27 He Vp. Saa Francisco, Jaa. to. A earring dispo sition ts still shown Ijl Nevada, share ou th IocTecSangcvBouie quite geed recoTerles were made but there eeem no' stoppage te the v loose In value ceused by llquldatloa. Such an old-timer like Mobswk doe not eerm able to hold it awa. for today'a lose in Talus amount to II a share. Tononah. Nevada. dropped bark 75c aad Lsguaa eoc a shars. . To. aay- net cnange:. Losses Belmont. 12V4e: Goldea Anchor, le: Jim Butler. 2Wr: Montana. 5c: Ohio, le: Ton- nsh", exun,, 12Hc; Nevada, T5j Diamond field. 2c; Kendeli. 1c: Lagnns, 80c: Mo. hawk, .11.00; Couaoltdated Caillornta.ft Vir ginia. 7c; Opblr, 10c: Mexican, 0c: Caledo nia, 4c; Norrrues. 5c; Wonder. 1c; Gold Crown, lc; Original Bull Frog, 2c; Sunset. 2c: Manhattan Cos.. le: Dexter, 20e; tiold Wedge, le: Ureal aflnd, lc; Uttl Joe. lc; Jumping Jack. 2c. . Gain Cb Boy, 2c; Midway. c: North 8tr; lei Atlantar 2c; Bluebell, let Column! Mountain, 6c: Jumbo cxUn., 2THe; St. Ivea, 2c; Great eBnd. 2He; Montgomery Moun tain, ' le; Granny. 8c; Denver. 2c; N. T. Conenl., 2c ;. Maubattan Con.. 2c; Mayflower, le; Mustangs 2c; Bull Frog Mining, ,2c ." . ' pfflclilbldprlce" bf DverWk,8Urr"' uoke oo, t - Belmont- .... ..lO-TaVi Cob,- Cal V. $..08 1.75 J.TO .05 ' .M V.M . .00 ' ,. 1.25 .10 "TIB -BiJ Golden Anchor. Home Jim Butler .... Mcnsmra . - Midway. Montana '.,;;. Nona Star . .., Ohio 1- Ophir . ........ Kewsns , Mextcan - .41 .15 1.22H .02 . 2.10 Caledonia ...... fCxcbequer . ..... Norcross S.0O .41 (iold Crown .... (Great Bead .... .21 Hrscu . . .j, . . .j Black St"' ex: . Tonopan" eaten.' B..17K evada Montgomery Mt. Sunset ........ Scepter Manhattan ..... : .4 - .14 -.40 .IT .IS .M - .as , .ss .20 :..ia.... .11 .ao .11 S.S7V4 .07 .OS .61 ,.2S ,SS , .80 .40 A- .T4 ,2T West Ead 1.7:. .2:1 , .00 .57 l.6 1.15 .27 .67 65 Adam ........ Atlantic Bluebell i..,., Boolb ...I..... Columbia Rt... Con. Quarry . , . IHamondflrld .. N ev. Guld, (Say lee Hump... llexte Granny ......... Gold Wedge -. .. Lone Star. ,.. ! treat Bend ex.. Dixie 16 IGt. Bend annex. Goldfleld ..... 1.50A Oeecent .... Cowboy rtenver annex... Rlark Rock .... lumbo 4. is Ininbo exten., S 5 Kendall ........ M Lsgun - ... 1.40. Mar Qneea 2 Mobawk ...... 17. 00 Itrd Top ..... 4.1.5 Randntorm .70 Silver Pick .... 1.46 St. Ive 1.00 NaHnnal Bank. .ST Gold Bar ..... .55 Itsf'ey Gold. u ..... Manbattaa Con., Little Jo.,.... Mayflower ..... Jumping Jack ., Red Sop ex..... Mustang ....... Bull Prog Mln.. rrlangl ....... line Not sVanaaa STOCK MARKET FAILS TO KflLD ADVANCE ' daaaaaaaa-nwag. I fe - -,- Initial Gain; Is Too MucK to Carry-e ReguIarDivTdend on Steel Preferred. The following opening: Anaconda :V. ; '; Anuilgamsted ... Sugar Car ft Foundry.., Locomotive ..... Brooklyn Baltimore ...... Colo. Fuel ..... are the ebai ebagge front from tb GAINS. i 1 St. Puf ......... -a ("snsrtlun SlLoulsvlU Northern Pc1fle.. 'Missouri Pscifle... N. T. Central .... V South Pacific,, r-mil, S. SteeL pre!. XOSSKS HtResdlng .......... , I Rock Island , 2H' Southern Railway. , 1H!D. 8. Steel Atcbrsoa Smelter ..a..... Erie Pennsylvsnla .... People Gas i - , ... , ..... : . New Tork, Jan, 20. Tb stock market bad a sudden edvaace this- morning bnt failed to bob! It and closed mixed. Tbe regular dividend oa L". S. Steel, preferred waa declared. Official quotation by Over beck, Starr ft Cook ke Co.: ... Closing Open. Bid. A ma Ira mated Copper Co. .....HHi -JU American Car ft Foundry, com..... 42)' 42 American Car ft Foundry, pfd 101 American Cotton Oil. com SOU SO American Locomotive, ...,.... 714j. 71 H American rinrar, com. i.fiia i.u Amerlcsn Smelter, com....... l4 American Woolen, com .... Atchison, com... ,' 102 Baltimore ft Ohm, com. .......... .116 1441 S2 1U1H li v Baltlmoab ft tlhlo. pro., Brooklyn Rapid Transit Canadian Pacific, Cora. ilt..... 74 H 7'tt ..In2. I sou tern, com.... 164 16 Iilcan ft Great Western, Chlcsgo, Mllw.nkee ft St, Pnl....l46 lflSJ Chicago ft Northwestern, aom., in 5 " 1H5 0t4 60U 4 4li 0 Chesapeake ft Ohio 50 Colorado Fuel ft Iron, com......... 4 Delaware .ft Hudson. ..... ......... 310 Denver ft Bio Grande, com.... S7 Denver ft Rio Grande, pro. .... Erie, com. ........... ..,,,,.,. Krie, second pfd... Erie, first pfd Illinois Central !oulavlll ft Naahvllle... Manhattan Railway Mexican Central Railway...... Mlasonrl. Kansas ft Texas, com MlamnrL Kama ft Texaa. pfd S0H 6011 11 104 , 1.16 141 U ..104 ..135 22S .. seZ 86 00 Distillers .. TOVt 70 Great Northern ..........itii Mlasonrl Pacific , Sfl National Lead .................... 00 New York Central....;.. 120 1T 12 ? J26 861, New York. Ontario Wester. , North American Northern Pacific, com. Pacific Mall Steamship Ce Pennay Irani Railway -. txr-nr.-, People's Gss, Light ft Coke Ce., Reading, com. Reeding, second pfd. ......... .. Reading, first pfd Republic Iron ft Steel, ema.,;.-, Republic Iron ft Steel, pfd...-, Rock Inland, corn.............. Rock Island, pfd.' St. Ixwl ft Southwestern, com St, fouls ft fionthwestern. pfd.. Southern Pacific, com. ........ Trxss ft Pacific. ..,.,,, I'nlon Pscifle, com............. fnlon Pacific, pfd ., Tnlted Ptste Rubber; cam.... ( nlted Ststea Rnhlier. pfd Pnlted Slate Steel Co., cora.., I'nlted Stat-s Bteel Co., pfd... Wabaah, com , Wnbaali, pfd..'. Weatera Vales Telegraph. i, 44 1 S3 ..152i? ait ' 85' . OAlZ .122J 121 'I . .... 00 . .... OS -Si A e .. P t ' 50 : 28 56 01 . 82 v .170Vi 0V 82", . 01 40 V, 105 V. 44H 105 lfl S . S3 - 68 - 44H 104 ., Vreferretl. sTtoek Caaned Oooda. ' Allen Lavwla' Beat Brand. , , ... Balanl Is Bound Oyer, v . Alberto Ratlna, who waa arrestee br Detectives Mallet and Hill several days aro on a charge of burglary, waa bound over to the grand Jury thla morning by Judge Cameron, wllh, bond fixed 'at IT50, Falnnl la accused of having atolen 140 and a cold watch from the home of I.eo Perry In Brooklyn addition,. tier are many Waa Aft la todayf rottraal that will la Va real yon .. filOHAWKS EVENING. JANUARY 3, JISIUKE HI LOCKS PURCHASE BILL Jonev Finds Clerical Error Made in Copying Measure for Ac- quiring Locks. NO PROVISIpN MADE FOR CONDEMNING PROPERTY Omission Entirely, an Oversight and am Amendment Will B Offered Tomorrow to Supply Deficiencies la Original MeMiireV , V i (By a Staff Cnrrsapondsnt.) Salem, Or.,' Jan. 29. J one' bill, pro vldlnr for tbe purchoaa or condemna tion of tha loclca at Oregon City. 1 tha victim of a clerical error. In tha opinion of B. F. Jonea, aponaor for tha bill, and it will be amended when It cornea up for epectal order of consideration tomorrow morning;. , , . In tha tltld of tha bill It Is provided w ati tsasV ' sVMbVI'-ii 1 04 Mflr"Haa4 Ts'IW ncre rf-4 Willamette locka be empowered to build, construct and maintain building a and appurtenance at tha locks and operate them, and to purchaae and pay for grounds on tha east bank of the river, or to condemn the same, or to purchaae by "private contract or condemnation, tba preaent existing; locka on the weat side, providing; tbe purchase can be made for leaa than 1400,000. In the body of the bill no provision Is made for aecurlng tha old locks on tha waat bank. In har mony with the title statement of the bill. ..,,.' - Jones maintains that tha omission la an overalgrht. entirely and muet bo a clerical errar. Ha says that Judge M. Is. PI pea of Portland drew the bill, after a full and careful conalderatlon and dis cussion. It waa amended to Incorporate the condemnation or purchaae provisions at the end of Aha first aectlon of the bill, and Jonea maintains that tha omis alon must be a clerical error of the stenographer in making; the first draft of tha bill or in making a copy coming to the dealt of the house, jonea was go aura of all tha material, provisions being- Incorporated that ha never noticed the omission until today, whan he hunt-, ed up the bill to asaure himself that criticism of the bill was notwell. founded.' " 7 y Jones will offer an amendment Wed nesday morning, when tha bill cornea up for final paaaage under special order. He will ask the house to Insert at the end of tha Jlrat section provisions taken from tha title of tha bill, stipulating that tha. "board of commissioners of the Willamette locka shall be author- Ixod at Ita discretion to purchase and pay for tha locks now existing on the west bank of the Willamette river, at the aald Willamette falls. If the some can be purchased for. a leas sum than that required to construct tha locks on the east bank, of tha river at the aald point,"" ' . ' . ' Mr. Jonea feela that thla amendment will put tha bill on aolld foundation, andit..wui pass the house with au good vote. , j . ,.- . .... .,1..;,' .. ,. -;: MMIT WORK HOURS Bill to "Limit Trainmen's Day to ;;;V Fourteen Honrs. a'' Salem, Jan. 19. A measure to pro tect travelers from accldenta Caused by overworked trainmen was Introduced In the senate todaybyMaiarkey,It pro- Jilblta trainmen from working more tnaa it consecutive noura, and railroads rrom racjuinna; employes to work long, er than 14 hours consecutively. New street car employes are required to have Seven days' aDDrentlceahln un der competent Instructors before taking marge 01 ears, oy a Mil introduced by Bailey. Tha bill also problbita ear eom- panita from employing habitual drunk- arda under penalty of a fine of fto to 1000. WILSON LOSES FIGHT Resolution Providing for Increased Committee Turned Down. J - -(By g Staff Correspondent,!"" " , Salem, Or Jan. It. It waa sklddoo for the Wilson resolution, providing ror an increase or tha committee on assessment and taxation from five mem- Ders 10 seven, tnis vnornin;. it wss lost after a favorable report with 11 favorable votes. - . Tha queatlon came up In an effort to get two Multnomah men appointed on tha committee, , Bayer and Wilson were slated for the places. The resolution waa lost -after much discussion, the op posing argument being that Multnomah needed no representation to secure Jus tice. It Is the belief that tha move was made In an effort to block any assess ment legislation unfavorable to cor porate lntereata. . . 1 The resolution of Wilson was re ported favorably by Campbell, chairman of the resolutions committee. Newell of Waahlngton oppoaed tha report. He said he was in tha minority, but ob jected. He said It was necessary for Multonomah to have these members In order to get Justice. - Jonea oppoaed. -He said it was a bad precedent. Others, would want repre sentatives. Moore aald there were enough on the committee now. Davey aald he wanted to be fair with' the house. There was an understanding that two Multnomah men should be put on the committee. It waa not, in his opinion, a, matter of geographical position. . . . fi . Northup aald ba had ho lack of con fidence In tha members, but Multnomah bad constituents to represent, " ITpmeyer, who wanteds to be on the committee, aald Lane waa tha third county in tha state. - Rodgera -aald Marlon,the second county .wanted to be on. The resolution .wss) lost with il affirmative votes. - TO RELIEVE COURT' Snpreriie Court Commissioners Pro vided For. (B? a Stiff Corrctpondcnt) -Salem. Or.a Jan. It. Two . supreme court commissioners with the powers of supreme Judges are provided for m a bill introduced today by Senator Cooke. Its object Is to relieve the su preme court of part of its work until the constitution, whloh now limits the number' of supreme Judges to three. can -be so amended as to permit more Judges to ba elected. Tha bin provides that tha governor shall appoint two commissioners, to be approved by tha supreme court, to hold 1 office for two years. They are to per form such services in ssslstlng In the trial of cases pending before the su-, preme court aa the court -directs. Hcnator cooke aaya if three supreme Judges were necessary 10 years ago mors are needed now, , as the business 1S07. of-lW" court has mora trebled alnoe then. He aaya aleo that cones before the court now are more Import ant than they were earlier and. ought to havo the moat careful consideration. . INDIAN WAR PENSIONS . a - Joint . Memorial - to. Congress - for " . ; .7" Increuse.'"' ' (By a Staff Correspondent.) j Salem. Jan. 3.-To Increase the jen alona of Indian war veteran from t to til a month ia the object of a Joint memorial to congress introduced in the aenate this morning by Miller -of Linn, and- with the memorial was a petition from the camp of the veterans at Al bany asking that congreaa be memorial ised to Increase tha pensions from the fact that civil war veterana many of whom are younger than veterans of tha Indian war receive 111 a month for age disability alone. The memorial to con gress waa referred to the committee on resolutions. . COUNTY DIVISION FIGHT : Wat Renewed Over Partition of :-.. ' Wasco. .'.'-; : - ' (By a Staff Correorjondant.) S ? Salem. Or.. Jan. 29. The - fight over' tha partition of Waaco county to form Caacade county, with Hood River as the county seat, was renewed in the legis lature this morning by the Introduction of a bill by Smith of Marlon county, creating Cascade oounty. Representa tives Hendrlck and ' Knowlea have de- felared thynr a opposed to tha hill, flen- ator Wheaidon aaya ha haa never been solicited -to introduce the' bill, ' The senator, ' with the remainder ' of" tha Waaco delegation, heard arguments of people petitioning for tha i hew county, as well as the remors trance of thoaa oppoaed to division, at the Perkins ho tel. Portland, before tha legislature con vened. .l ; . . -.- -. Wheaidon will not ' aay he oppoaea division, but he opposed a similar tHll at the last, seaaion, and though he Is non-committal. It Is believed he will lead the opposition forcea at the pres ent session. ',;.--.. "' -- - . 'Increase for Carriers. (By a Staff Corresse-wlent) . Salem, Or., Jan. 28. That rural mall carriers aro much-underpaid la the be lief of Holt, who Introduced a concur rent reaolutlon today, asking congreaa to provide a" aalary of )l,000 a year for all rural earners.' . . Abolish Death Penalty. (By S Staff Correspondent.) - Salem. Or., Jan. St. Abolition of the death penalty is provided bya bill In troduced - by Beverldg thla" morning. The bill - provides .that t death - penalty be abolished for- all crimes, and . that Ufa Imprisonment ba aubstituted , In stead. .. a ' ,; . i ., . Jnte Mill Conference. Salem, Jan, It. A conference on tha Jutn mill bill la being held this after noon in a aesslon of aha committees on penal and reformatory Institutions. W. P. Keady favoring the bin, is preaent at the conference, also President Oram of" the Stat Federation ot Labor. and Tom Leah a, both favoring the- convict labor road bill. Another conference will be bold this evening. . . : , ' . . : - - ' f :. , ,'; - ' 6chooners. - The word achooner, meaning a sailing vessel, is of American origin. It orig inated at tha launching of a vessel at Gloucester, Massachusetts, In 1711. Aa -tha hull slid off the stocks Into the water, a man who was standing br ax claimed. "Oh, how aha acoonat" (sklmsk, and Robinson, who waa tha owner of tha vessel, hearing tha remark. Instant ly replied, "A scooner let her be." Tha name haa been universally adopted: but strangely It Is spelled in the Dutch fashion though .of provincial origin. - iwfexwtf.Tto4re Allen Lewie" Beat Brand. --. Supported by ITis Pen. Sena Mr Bavartdm of Indiana Is the Industrie aagln wrltsr te congress. He contribute regularly to certain publleatlona, and aaya that but for the money be- rae In that way It would fee anprofluble for Mm t remain hi tbe senate.. t ... 1 . . . ; , . ' ' Young Senator Smith. William Aldea Smith, the new United, State senator from aflcnigas. Is a comparatively young man. though 0 haa served lx terms la eongrea. .. Be wad bora la 18.10- and wa ad mitted te tbe bar when 84 years old. - ; OAasxa atxo -Y.-;" certainly smashed a -hole In the bat rooma of Kansas, but Ballard'e Hore hound Syrup baa amashed all records as a cure for coughs. Bronchitis, In fluensa and all Pulmonary dlaeaaea T. C, H- Horton, Kansas, writes: "I have never found a medicine that would cure a cough an quickly aa Ballard'a Horehound Syrup. I have used It for' yeara." Bold by all drug gist a ... The Portland . PORTLAND, OREGON. ' KUROPatAN FLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERC1AI. ' .';.', . TRAVELERS. ETverythtns to eat and drink, and it eoata no mora in the , Portland Hotal Rstnskanor than elsewhere In the city. Every weekday night from t:lt to II. - at, O, ISTni,' Kanare. 1 ,l I r, Uf Li TJUXSI-OnTATION". r kj m I Ot "TO cJi Ail afat-Sw V Siioipiiirin r -Trains to the East Daily -J Tbioagb r-llmaa standard aad tjartat eleas ms-eer dally u Omass. CUIoase. Speksaeg tou.-i sleepingarf dally to Kaaaas C4t. Tbrongk reclining ehslrcakr (seats trasl S tn Ksst dally. , . Union Depot . latta Arrive, CJ.lcaao- Portland Special fa the Keit .via Huntington, dly. S.W am t'M PSS -J.?".'kV "lye for gsstera . . . ; Waahingfoa. Walla Walla. ' ,' , , Iwlaton. Cnenr d'Alene and reet Northern polnta. d11y. THM pa .00 Sal f'ta'te "xpree for tn,at . Wa Runftneto, dally... S:lt pm 1:10 few-sad-ni,,, loeet: for sTI . r-dn;s nstweea Bigg and . "ortland. dsllv... SrIB am BtdBpal cor.nMniA rivbs rtvisio. - ne Astoria and way point, connecting wins ffer for llwaen and Nortb Peach. Steamet Rseaslo, Asht. dork. Vases S . at. eellr. except Snndsyi Sarnrdav. 10 p. m. , ArrleeS bout S p. hh.. eveepe Snnday. . ,, TiMntt 1. stvrs nnrrra i 'for Dayton, Oregon City and laaibin points, stssraers Rut and Modo. Aah-at- i eev fan. dalle, a. cent a-mtae (water dock. "Itt ling). Arrive 10- p. m. dally. xs Sndy. ' . armrrKXj niWfn millTB. -1 r- a rr Lewtetnu, Inahs. and way potata frees, rtlperta. Wash., ter Spoksa snd Lewlea ton lesve 5:40 a. at- ar nnoa arrival Trala We. . datlr .eveept Satnrday. Arrive p. aa, -dstjr eveent rrldsv. Ticket Offfc. VMrd end Wsshlngtoa) eta. Tolenhon Main Til. . : 0. W. atiNOFH. Cite Ticket Agent. " Wm. McMLRRaT- O-oeral Psaaeacer Agsat, EASTu SOUTH tlnna Depot -rortland and . ft. - emo Itxnrsa Stop only at bmwi iinportoat statloa netweea Cortland and Sa ' rrsBclsen mmm,! . Ssn rrsnclsro for aU points ' ' Cast and Souths, " .vt-U!S pat-UlM Pas Overland KipreeaC. Tralaa , . for ll local polnta Sootk. Sseramento, San rrsnclsee ' ' sad points East end South. 7:44 pa S:St Pal morning mm eonaects at - 1 Woodbura dsllv uent ; . : . ... v Sanday wttfc Mount' Angel " : and Sllvsrton local., . S;0 aa; t:S pa Cot tag a Grove - passeogef - ennnect St Woodbura and ' . " ' - .Albany daily, except Sun-. ' . . " 1 will iraine lor paaw en woodourn-Sprtngfleld aad Aineny-uDaaoa arancaea., Cor va ilia passenger..,. .... 4:15 ntn oil 00 sa T:tOsm e0pa d:10 am e'.0:M aa - cueriuap paaenev. roreet oreve nsser....l ...1111:00 aa V-on aa forest Ore passenger.... lS:s0pa lt:0 pa .TUsJiy. llf-11- aaeent Snndar. JRrFKU80N-e"TliK.T slTATIOrir for Dallas and latarmedlat polnta dally, TrPt ' aa, aad 4:10 P. Arrive roruaae I 10;1S ' a. tn. and S:25 p. m. For time and card of flewega mfcnrhae trstae apply at City Ticket Office, or etatloa. - Ticket te Suet ere points and Paro! a lansa. China. Hooolulo and Anernlla, CTty Ticket t'rnce comer Tniro ana waaas rngtoe m. Phone hl'--TH. 0. W. ST1OSIt, War MeMdltBAT. Ctty Ticket Agsat Oa Pass. Are. , Astoria & Columbia i: 4 River Railroad Ca, 'Uaka Depot ' ' leave. Anivsa : Far hUygera. Balnler. Cuts. ' ' -ksnl. Westport, Clifton, Aa '. tori. Warren to. r la-el '" , " ' " Hammond, Snrt atsrsas. Oear- kart Park, fieaalhe S:00 a tl:SS sag ' Astoria aad Smshore. axe rial dally . ....... .. t.-OOaa S:SSpa U trains esiiy. J. C MA TO. 0. r, and P. A Astoria. Or. C. A. STCWAKT, Commercial Ageat, Set Alder' ereeet. Phone Ms In oa 7 - - - a . ,,,-g-yg IE WO Portland's I 5 looord. snAgtal 1 lall aouTi. JOl letave. Antvaa rrsa.- v -, -- i - v. .... - t kit! a , 5 wiaeiy ivnowa - .. i ... snd Successful Chines) ... Ml eW L iiism'8 naiisa s Medicinal, s Root, and Herb Doctor ' III ,fmoa ramedle. tb tngredleatt at which we Import direct from tb Orient ta large enaatltle aad prepar aad pet ap for as ta km ap-tsdt labatory. M asieary. potsoae er Stage f ear klad aseeV . rarl . . eegetebl. f . The Doctor treat weeeeefntly and gaarsntese te rare sll tmaefe rrnable. eatarrk. asthass, - tan, throat rheamarlea. ssiinwaia. Uvea, . kidney sad test asnhsod. Ilaill TKOCBT-FS A ICO ALL VUTATS , SISIASES. - tl fabx er mtslesdla etotsasets a the flcted. A saf ad lasting cora la tha gale. t eat possible Use and at the Wweet eaat pes. alhTe for honest treatment, tf ym eenawt can. write tor aywmtaa Uaall end etrenler. . Tneleae 4 eenre le stem. s " " COKSntTATIO! ' flrt She 0. 0 We Ckiaeae Medleia O im , . tint St., Oer. Marrtsoa, rertUad, Oa, - - PI mitlea thle-aap. - . - - Every Voman ISlnssrssUdsnd bonld kaew ... ahout ut woodarfnl MARVEL VUtrlina Sorav . XfcH VV k Tlw ,nw Tsttssl Syeaw. me dscfto, Uet Uf. I Most Convenient, AaysasVnMiaj,M. TV If ha eannoi aucnlv tha XI ' . MARV al,. aooent no ' other, hnt send stamp for Illustrated book seal,, tft. full nrtlulrnd dtreetioa in. alustllola.lie. sitRVKI, rOXa 44 "t. ed ar.. ih s. WOOPAAO, CLAa-aa CO. aKD LA0A-OATIS DSUO 004 BT0SES. Scctt's Santal-Pepsin Capsulss A POSITIVE CURE ror Inflammation or Catarrh of tbe Blsdderand Dlaesssd Sit leys. oooggaorAT, Cures uirxiy and perms maaentiy the orst rasee of oi snd aiea4- a anattae n kna long stsnaing, 4 bsolalelf rmtea. Soid by druggtsta v ii 'a. w oy mail, poaae paid, 1.00, 1 box, ILIA, THE SANTAL-PEPSIX CO. ' v1Vasr-. " BallgeUIf3lnJ, Sld hy All DmggUta. , - :i: f