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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 23.' 1907. 7 AHT. . FRKB MCXKONN J v ' Fnil.r.'Mery Frery !. thb nkkui.kchaft miar, txt Washington at. . n. Mooiirnoctd to. Artists' sister tale. bi.'tur molding, plctura framing, alereuptl coua, lantera aliilrs. gig aldar at. UtorKSSOR B. MAX MRTFR, UH 1M rormMi anl lanriarap artist anil Inrtith Fortrslt and lam AUTOMOBILES. " PULLMAN AUTO CAR CO., Builders, designers and repelrar f all Blase of uUiBttbtle. Boole, top, fenders, eaehe, lamp bracsele. running boero au4 H" fronts. Uoara and all parta of asto mohiles mad to order. MTu-iate North giith at., comer Eertt. H. L. KETS A I-TO CO.. - AlmiMOBU.KS AND SI'Pl'LIFS. Nnrthweatern distributor, for l'..p Hart - rorde, fop Tribune. Hoi Waeertrs, Pope Toledo, Thotnas, Oldatuobtlr Frsnklln. Bulck. S0-8S aVseuth at.. Fori land. Oregon. Howard M..wjvrr. . ... Arnot Pierre Great Arrow. l,ocoroobllee, Cad illac, and Kno. Temporary location Club Oarage. 16th and Alder ata. HAVaj VOtJ SKEN BAKRR - BLFrTRIOST Oenltat Supply (V.. 4A Alder at.. Phon Fa rm an. I'eraonsrrnilou by appointment., ASSAYERS. OAnviN rvANinn kxtr action oo.. aad Montana Aaeey office. 1 SO Morrison at. BATHS MASSAGE. BATHS at 207 Third, between Taylor and Hal; anon ata. Wa base added on a B ties Is n battot swimming Bool, ataam and hot air. Hoara: 1-adles, t a. a te t . ..! gsnt. ( a. aa. to m . p. a. - v BUTCHERS' BCPPIJES. BITTCHKR SUPPLIES S. Illrkenwsld Co., So. MM Eeerett at.t largest botcher supply boas oa lb eoaat. Writ for ctlogu. ' BUTCH PR' SUPPLIRS Adnlnh A. bekaa. 131183 rirat at..' carries a roll Una and eon Plata assortment at loweet market price. BLAXK-BOOK MAKEBS, HOWS, PAVIS at Klt.HAM, IOS-111 Second at. Blank boo, manufactured: agents for Jobs Improved I.ooee Leaf led-era aaa til Nf Forek leaf, tha beet aa) tha mart at. CLATRyorAXTS AND PALMISTS. .always Conaalt the Brat. , PROr. K. KH1MO. : Oreetest Urlng astral dead-trance elalr. eoyant -of tha air aortaer on trustees and all sffslreW life: tall your fall mtna and ... ht aoo-aallad (ar-. whom ym will marry, -. (oar to control tha on yoa loaa. aaaa t boo ah ml Ira away; rranltaa tha aaparatrd: flaaa ajrrat pawrra to control; no loaf drlaya la - - waltlnir. Hoora HV to , dally- and Bunda. , , fermanantly loratrd In bla oara. boma. fifth iU cornar MadlaoB aU PBOFEMOR WAll-ArS. patmlat. rlalrroyant and mrnlum; rradlnra V. Parlon and i na loam, xom' uorrmoa af. CARPET CLKASTXO. STANDARD Carpet Clannlnf Co., larfaat plaat oa tha roaat Ixrlna and Harding ata., trio, phone Eaat ISO. ('arnata cleaned, rant tad. aawad And laid s-both aleaai and tataat eaa praaaad air praewa; raooaaUnc aMltraaa m " aad faathara a apaclalty. - f . SANITARY rarpat claanfne. antloa and eon prawd air rooibtned: rarpata claanad on floor . wlthont tamoral. Mala B5U. Mala S200. CARPENTERS AVD Bt'LLOERS. 1. A. MELTO-. tha rarpanter. Sn rowU at. tora aad afflca work. Mala 17kT.. K. MKLTON Offlra, ator Bitnrrai raaaral Jobhliif. 6T. Flrat at. Itiona Main 1X. COAIr AXD WOOD. THR Portland Waod Oal Oo. ara sow 'dotnc haalnaaa In tbalr. naw yard, at tha.roroar of ' 16th and Saalar atraata. Fir, aaa. alabwoad and ooaL , ' URRT.OT CO. la near aalllnj Wrlah an ' thraclta. brat coal aa tha aoarkat.. W. Alder at. Mala CS. ' .AI.BINA VVKU CO. Dealrra hi aordwood. coal and creea and dry alabwnod. R. R. and All)ln ira I bkxka aat ct farry.Eaat 74. STEEL BRIDOR FUEL CO. Pealer la anal. , aerdwaod and dry alabwood. Phoa Eaat 4X4. ' PORTLAND Sawdnet Klabwood Co.. 8!l Froat. auccaore t Fnltoa Wood Co. Mala 1S30. WESTERN FEED FUEL CO Ro blarkainlth eoala. Phono Mala I01S. aad CHIROPODISTS. i ClflROPODT and Pedleorlnf. Mra. M. T. Bin. Room S-tO PleMaer Bid. Pbn Paclfbt ISO. CAFES.: THB OFFICE 93 Waabteftoa at, phoa Mala 171.- A1 Via. ' CLEANING AND DYETNQ. CLOTHES cleaaed and praaaed 11 par awatk, L'nlqua Taltorin Co.. V Stark at. B. W. TrRNKR, profeaalonal dyer and cjaaaar. 50S Jaftaraoa at Pboow Mala ZS1S. PORTLAND Steam Claanlm and PytnR Wrka, til roortb at. Poena Pacific 807. DANCING. BANCINO leeao. SV claaae ar arrratat wl ta in. twotep. thr-tepv te. at ace dancing, ' hock and wine clog, reel, aklrt. Spaalah, Highland fling, at. Prof. Wal Wlwoa. oht- " aat recognlaad teacher, Alleky bldf.. Third and Morrlaoa ata. WOODWARD DA NCI NO BCHOOre-Claaa Moo., Tli or, and Sat. ere. I aoclal, faary and a tap dancing tenght: S aaat. teacbera; rlaaa ami Erlrate aona dally. Waatern Academy hall, erood and Morrlaoa ata. Pacific 1630. .PROP. RI NOLER, Mlaa Bockaameyer ldlg echool; ballroom etlqoette: correct dancing; clean Toe. -Rat. era.: children Sat. p. m. prleat leaaona dally. KW Alder. Mala 19S1. dressmakIng. TRT' Anrelet Dreeamaklnf Farlora, S4S Fifth . and Main. Pacific S13. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. J. WALSH CO.. Sit Stark at. Ileeirl and Oa Fll'nrea and Supplies. Mantel, Tiling, Orate aad Uoglroo. PACIFI0 ELECTRIC COEnglaaer. enntrae i , tor,. repairer,, electric wiring, enpplle. -S4 Flrat, cor. Stark. Mala S.". R. H. Tata, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. l Sixth at. , Oontractora, electric auppllee. motor -aad d -aamoai we InetaH Hgbt and power plate, MORRISON ELECTRIC CO.. 1 Eaat Morrlaoa at. Flitarea. wiring, repairing. Eaat SI 2s. BARRETT'S. 40S Morrlaoa at, Phone Main 12S. Eeerythlng In electric, wh-lng and lighting. , EDUCATIONAL, fTOLMES BTTSTNESS COr.t.FOB. tTaahlngtoa and loth ata.. bMg. " Bookkeeping, Sbortband, Typewriting and nil Bngllah branchae taaght. both day aad algbt. BEHNSCE-WALKER BJ'SlSr-HB COIXBQ1. . . DAT AND NinRT 8KSHI0NS. , Special Claaaaa In Oerman, French. Spanlah. Klka bKlg., Saeenth and Stark ata. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WTRS IRON WriS KS Second aad E'erett ata. Phone Main Snoo. GASOLINE ENGINES. SHEFFIELD marine anglaaa. raeeratng or anlld propellera; all make repaired. Falrbaaka, Mora a, Co., Flrat and Slark. ' . CAROLINE engine, all alee ar.d etyle. at I loweet prtrc. Balraoa, MachlBary Cav iSS-44 . UortlaoB' at. , HOTELS. THB PKI.l.KVCn. Fonrth and Salmon ata. KuoRi ooc np: ratea by week or moattii outKr-Uma aolk-ltad. l artflc 3100. , HOTEL, Portland. America a plan, t-1. 3 per day. BKI VFDKKB; Rnropaan plaa: ath and Alder ata. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HAHOWARR CO, altlra aopoataa 11 r lo quota prlcee. 7a Ulith at. Pacific 4.'.. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITR. Ara loaairaaea. kick kldc ,-. , - - - . . t4 Ibar IF. K PAOB, Inanranca; enlployra Uahlliry, anrety boDda. bnrclar and accident Inaaranoa. Pbona Main XM. 204 Fallllif bbl. AB. Mrl. WOOD, employere' Hablllty aad ro dividual accident eeenrlty booda af all klada. Phoiir 47. W2 McKay bid. LAND SCRIP. WANT'.n and for aala. All ktoda. tnclndlnc approead foroat'raaarTa acrlp for eorawyed. an anrrayad. tlniher aad prairie yoTernment land. H. M. IlanilltoB. "The Portland." Portland. a111. "CT8" ri V M WVW.r j '13 MONUMENTS, MKU EINOftLEY. XI Flrat at. ParUaad'a . leadlny aiarhle and granite worka. MUSICAL TUB WEHHKB 8t did Mandolin, banjo, (al tar Inatrnctloat Glbaoa piandulloa. . 4&u Waalilnatoa. - LOI'III A, CRRITZ. alolla teacher. Stodlo SU Rhcroian. Phone Pacific 1K9. "TA!fO, TtoHoj, Biandolln. fromlwoa, clarlnat. Profeaaor K. A. Smith, 2M 12th. Main 4708. MACHINERY. B. TIUNKMAW ft CO Mlnlnr. aawmlll. toa (ln biachlnery; bydraallc pipe, caatlac; aU In da repaired. 104 North 1 north. A. J. PAUL. 10 Flrat at Rnclnae. boiler, aawmlll and croeaHirm machinery. . . THR H. C AI.REB CO. Beeond kaad aa chlnery, aawmllla. ate. t8 Ore ad are. MONEY TO LOAN. - MONET TO UAI Oa Improved city property or for bafje'tn , parpoaee, for from I to 10 year, time, with frlrllea to repay all ar part of loan after wo year. 1an approrad' frma plaaa and I anonry adeaaced aa bnlldtnf pracreaaaai aaurt- fa fafe f f4tJH' 9fr Wa1- ft I B CJf3." 11 1 , FRED H. BTROKO. Vlnaaelal AfeoU X12 Stark at. , : CONFIDRNTT AT. LOANS oa ea'.arlea, tnaaranc pollrlea, planoa. furnltnra. warebooaa receipt,, etc.! any deaervrDk" neraoa nay aecore a lib eral adraace, rep, ring , by eaay yeekly or monthly Installmanta, NEW ERA 'OAV A TRTTST COMPART. BOB Abtng-toa bld(. MONRT. LOANED TO SALARIED PBOPI.E Jttat on yonr wain natna un ether eeeorlty don't borrow antll yoa aa The; any arateaa la the beat for railroad men. clerk, bookkeeper. etreetFar ie and all other employee; bol eea arrlctlr eoofldentlaL F. A.- Newtoa. 424 Ablnctoa bldf. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLR and , BThera aioa their own name without a, ear Ity; cheaoeet rate, eaaleat payment: offleea In principal ell lea: a a re yonreelf 0By -be ret'lea; owe Ulna flratr - - -TOLMAN. S2S Ablnctoa bid.. lOSVk Third at. MONET loaned to aalarted people I oat aa yoar awa name; don't borrow , antll yo aa aia; air ayatem la the beat for railroad men. ebrke, bookkeeper, atreetear men and an " other employe; bnatoeaa atrtrtl eonfldaottal. '. F. A. Newton. 424 Ablnctoa bid. WANTED Korea, rooctyar ar CMtlraeta oa any kind f real eatate In Oreeon and Wah tneton: aeeoad aenrtaaye fmrchaeed tf wl eeenred, H. R. Noble. SIS Commercial blk. MOtBT la hma IB wffrrt -antr-.-S -- aa low aa S per cent, oa Impmeed dry prop. . erty. Menltnn A Hcobay. but Colombia bid-.. Mo Waehmxtoa at. DON'T boeeow money on ralerr antO " ' Hcttcn Credit Co. ..' SIS Dekaai bM. ' W. R. WARD, lawyer. Alleky bid. 4robata and atoctaaita boalneaa aol Id ted; moderate feea; loan money oa njortaajee fro $200 ' np; eaay ternaa. . - MONET loaned on fwrtilfnra. , piano and other aeenrltle. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Waah lngtoa bl.lg. Pbone Pacific 1S32. ' MNET to loan; urge ruana apeclaltyi a lea . hnlHmg loan,: loweet rafeai fire Inanranca. William O. Beck. BIS Falling hldg. . - . CRESCENT LOAH CO., 4SS Mohawk bMg V Money t lend oa aaay-nayment plaa to waga aarnera: atrletly confidential. MONET to loaa oa all kmda of aecnrlty. - William Boll, room t Waablngtoa bid. TO LOAN Soma to nlt oa chattel aecnrlty. . H. A. Fraaia, 814 tha Marqnam. A IIAK for tha aaktng eatery at chattel. Tha Loan Co., 410 Dekom bid. " QCICK loan a all aeenrltle. S. WL King, iiim iW"'l"rr"iiin11'iiiiMl"iii?iii''i'i ir - r OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. t)RS. API A KORTHRtTP, 41S-16-TT 'Peknm bl1g.. Third and Waablngtoa ata. I'fton Mai S48. Examination free. .' , DR. MI.LEBPT.LB PATTERSON, epedallat on neremia, acute and chronic dlaeaxe. OfAc 1T Fnton bid. Phon PaclSc llKO. OPTICIANS. DR. B. I. MILLS " Ontomrtrfat and Eeeatght Snectallet. Roaa ''lj- MW,h'j!2-J-!!lft' ' PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. roANE. SX4 Tamhlll at., oppoelt Joor nal afflc. wall paper, painting and decorat ing. Phvne aa for aetlmate. Pacific z3S. FOR rallakl worh. naatmllt prleea. Sheehy Bro.. Tamhlll. near 4th. Main S07& PLUMBERS. FOX A CO. Sanitary prnmber. 131 Second, bet. Mala aad Salman. Oregoa phoa Main 2001. DONNERBERO A RADEKACI1EB. No. SOS Burnalde at. . PAJTS; OIL AND GLASS. , P. SJ. BEACH A CO. The Pioneer Paint Ca.l window llaaa and glaaln. , 1SS Flrat at. Phone 1M4. v PRINTING. E. KERN A CO., - PROMPT : PRINTERS - " Sit SJrflfflJ I Phose Mala SSST. THE MODERN PKINTERT Artlatl printing. . trt K'laael hld Fourth and Morrlaoa, Phono Pacific 162S. . BVERTTHINa II PRINTING -From circular to relalognea and aewapanen. Metropolitan Printing Co., 14T Front at.. 0OILBER BROS., printer Tarda, billhead, ate. rboca Mala l.SM. 145V, Flrat at.. RUBBER 8TAirS. P. 0. STAMP WORKS. M Alder at., pbon . Mala 710; rubber atampa. aaale, atenelle;. bag. gag, trade rhaekat braa algna and platea. STREET PAYING. WARREN Conatrnrtlon Co.. afreet peeing, aide. walka and rroaalnga. 814 Lumber Eachanga. THE Barbae Aephatt Faeln Co. of Portland. OfSea eUA Woreeeter blk. 8HOWCASES1 AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of eeery deeerlptlon; bank, baf and atore Stturea made to order. Tha Lntk -Manufacturing Cov, Port land. R. R. BIRDSALL. dr1rer; agent M. Winter Lnmbar Co I BamUlaa bid, tula S6M. BANKS. LADD i A TILT0W, fa li . ' ' ' ...f. ."'? Oanaral Banking Bu.laa.a. Collrctlona made at all po1ntaoa t Ktata. Hl.hi i V k 'reillt l-atied arallahle lit Euro. and all nolota In aoid on inaZ.'"i'' . San rraoclaco and Montana and Brltlrh Colunihla. - ,'i'-'-L5r1 Herltn. Kr,nf,rt. Ilonnkorfg. Yokohama. Manila and lLmolnln (It (..a. bjiiu 1 PIC BTrfi tin lr I riinnrarl tsailtl " aBF Tnrl wV HT1 1 1'SI ie m l Jm ..." tICWl BAMX. PORTLAND. OBEOOW. . . ' R io5?WT8r Pre-MeM I R f. DI'RHA V w",,rr,,'l,;"! ' W' ,i0iT Caahler I UEOHOB W. HOYT Aaalatant taabler rocta g, Oanaant Benkreg Bira1ne.-nrft -nd Tertertl of-r.d1t Haoad" Aeallabl llFarf of the VP.-ld. Collecck.iia a Specialty. J TES KATI0NAL BANS of' the Preal Vl- U-. STATES KATI0NAL BANS OF PORTLAND. 0REOOM. r.... North wert Corner Third and Oak S'ree'e. a the PiltL a, , "neral Banking Btielneae. PR.t FT8 ICSIKD Aeattable In ATI Ctrle. nf Prel.l"nt "''' hd . Enron., aad Manila. Collectloaa Made en Forahle Terma Vll'roeide.i ' J C- AINSWOKTn I Ca.hl.r R. W. KflMF'" -e-irealdeat n l!KA R A RNES Aaalatant Caahler .... .W. A. HOLT - Aaalatant Caahler A M wmfirtT ' BAKKERS a, trratBERMESS BANK Pert land, Oregoa, Corner Second and Star treat. leri"nm"p,Tl 1n department. Intereat paid " aaelnga accoanta. Drafta and D C prr-rnV laaued arallahle to all parte of the emrid. ' FRFn n iZJel.U;.' Prealdent I E C. WFA.. .Caahler JOHN KEIT"n,Dir,r", "re-Pre-Vent STOR R Y . ..1 It.! ... .Aaalatant Caahler THr.BHK F CA""0RiriA-. Xatakllabad 14.- Read Oftoa. Seaj franclao. Callfcreu! il" ?" 2 T. .,u.,.M.onn Paroltt and oadletnW aroSra. ,S.nSS.4ra.8 . S7w,vV""k ' " Frehanae Bnalneea Tranaacted. Intereat on Tim Pcpoelta. ri.M,8 rEPARTMITNT Acoonntw may be onened of Sin and upward, Wf ..n - me., - Portland Branch Chamber of Commerce pmildln. . - . ' "y Manager ) 1. T. BI'RTCIIAVI.L. .. ...Aaettl.n Manacer PST JfATIOMAt BAKK. Portland, Orgn. 01dt Katloaal Bank oa the rartfle Conat. ' " , CAPITAL AND 8CRPI.VS 1.60o".0n0.l0. DEPOSITS 14.OO.0On.(aV v l' if' VlV!-''''-''"'-iv'frMMtt I W. C. AT. vonn..... Aalatent Caimler 4 r K ' " S VCnah ler B. F. STEVENS. f. Second Aaalatenjaahjee TRUST COMPANIES. P JJ'A TRTjaT OOafPAKT OF OK OK The OMaat Traet Oempany la Oregoa. , REROI'RCES OVER 1 nnnnno. General Banklnr. Two per cent Intereat ori cheek eeeonnt, ' Jr hnnoVedal en dally balancea of .V)A or orer. . Letter of credit and eirhapee-o n J.i.-' .rr111' Sarloira aceounla. Time certificate, a to '4 per eet: ahort.e.11 aperlal cert lDc tea. rw or orer. SHto 4 per cent. Call fo Rook of "ILT rSTRATIONS.' a,v, . Corner Third and Oak Street. vPhooe Prieata Eicbanr Tt. 5 r e! Vl".--'""' PreeMent I H. T, .P'TTOCTl Vlce.Preelrlent i- t-K't FAOET-. J Secretary I J, O. OOT.TR A.. Aalatant Secretary ltCTJRITT SATTW0S A TBTt..00tPATr J i;""" "eneral Banking Bnalneaa. SAVINOS DEPARTMENT. Intereet Allowed on Sa1n Account,. Acta aa Tmatee for Eetetee. - Draft and Letter of Credit Avatl.r.1. an . ah. pMl C P. ADA MS ...... ' m A, L. MILLS...... fleoen ru'.I.M..I OEOE-.RL'SSEIX , NOmTHw-EaTEEW OTTARANTFj; A TRUST Cl'MPAWTPeetland. Oragan. Lumber Bxchanre, 8. R Corner Second end Stark Street fcond floor). ' . ' ' FISCAL AflENT FOR CORPORATIONS, tata.. Ccaaty. . MaalHpal Corporation Bond Bought and Sold. New Enter prlae Organ! aad and Financed. , Stocke and Bond Onaranteed. rTm.Z OrjASAMTTE A TRTTST COMFANY . . MOBTOAOB LOANS oa Portland Real Eatate at Lowrat Rata.' mao.e.w i Title Inanred. Aba tract Fnrnlahed. - oa.!UIJl5'7JI..ROS8-"" Prealdent JN6 E. AITrniKON.......-.;.-..,... 0EOR0E H. HITX. Vlc-Prealdcr-t ( T.VBrRKHART. ...... .......... BONDS AND M 0H1IS BROTHERS Chamber af Oeasaaro ' 'WnnMn!' Railroad and Pnhllc Serai ce Corporation Boar!. DOWKIlTO-HOPiailS eOatPAjrr EataMUhed STOCKS. BOKDB. ORA1N Bought FTiTate wire. BOOM 4 CHAMBER Otni . WrtDaV-HOMI TELEFHOSE BOWDS BANE STOCKS. Member Portland Ittoeb Ewhao. Corner Sixth end Waablngtoa Overbeck. StaiT & ronke rn. (mbeT cbieg Board f Trd , UiWaVC CU. !0a Th,ra M(.E,7 Bldrt portigod. Oregoa. T ' .. '.' . .'.". .' wRATaT, PKOYTSIOltS. 00TT0W. STOCKS SWT) BOKDS, - -- II 4M JL. IIHU COM Coattnnou Marketa by Prieata Wire. Quick Brnrle. ' REFERENCES Ladd A Tlltoa. Beat, era. aad United State National Bank of Portland. . ROOFING. , TRANSFER AND HAULING. TIN ROOFINO. gntterlng, repairing and genera) THB BAOGAOB A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. Jobbing. J. Loall. til Jeffereon at.. Pec. 1424. cor. Sixth and Oak ata.; baggage checked ' 1 from hotel or redden ce direct to destination) , . paaaangera therefor nld rnah and annoy. REAL ESTATE. . i anca at depot.. Prirate Exchange SS. M. S. BROWN. Real Eatat and In mra nee, Afi'; ' Jj!"?!.. Toltnre awred. peeked Kaahrllla. Office. Millard aeenu. ML Scott b'p"Jn ;nM"l: all work - car line; poatofflc Leata, B. F. D. o. A, l. r?h" , J' 7, '"T,-, brtr 'Z?".1 ho, via. warobouae for atorage. Or" re SOB Oak at. vm M- - " - ; Olaen A Ro. Phono Main 647. GEO. t. SCHAEFER, real eetat aad fir r n . . htaaranc, SIT Chamber of Com mere. - 0,,i Xly.J'''1 kTJ, t, ' ' "COOS BAY NEXT " "a bhon SOS; piano and furniture iw ci moeed and packed for chipping; commodloaa r PARRISH. WATKIK8 A CO.. - tTL", TA"? .TlUl "nt " . Beat aatat. Imakrane. rental and loaa C'F at. ., agent. S50. Alder at. BOSB CITT - FAN CO.. nfe 141 Flrat at.. J. W. 0011 BEE. real eatat and loan: eetab- r'Zletlit'i,?' Hi lFao',i,'t i llbd 18X3. 148V Fir it mU room 11. a npocwtyi we guarantee nor, worh. A. B. RTCHA EPSON. REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAflll LOANS. Phone Mala t23 Chamber ef Oommerca. SPHINX AO ENCT. dealer In reel aetata aad rental. SOS Stark at. Mala S1S4. RirTHERFORD A CO., SIT Commercial hldg. ReaUlence property anr ipeclalty. LrOR FARMS OF EVERT DESCRIPTION,. W. W. ESPET.-SlB Commercial bid. ' SAFES. FORTLA-ND SAFE CO., aole agent for Herring. Hall-Marrta eafo and Manganeae Steel Safe Ce.'a bank earea. Tha laraeat aaaortmant of high-grade Sr and burglar-nrMf apfea la tb northwoat. SS Serenth at DIEBOLD Manganeae and fire-proof aafea; lock. ante opened; metal nature, ; ennlt and Jail work; Jack. J. B. Da Tie. SS Sd. Main ISM. BIGHT eeeond-kaad fire-proof aafea aad two eeeond-band bank aafea for Sal cheap, at Sixth at., Portland. Oregon. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER A KLEISER 8I0NS. W her bnllt np tha largeat algn amines In the city by flret-claea work and keeping our prnmlaea. x Our prloa are tight. . Fifth and Ererett ta. Phon Exchange SO. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT." Portland Sign Co., 2x7 Stark at. Phone raclftc Ibod. W. P. BERGER A SON, 24 Tamhlll at. of all klada. Phone Pacific KXX. Sign SEWING MACHINES. THB WHITE 8BW1NO MACHISB AGENCY. 280 Timl.lll St., Cor. Fourth. Pbonc Mata 102. Bargain la all kind af aew and aacoad band arwlng machine; a few (lightly dam aged, good aa aew, at greatly reduced price. PHONB Pacific STSS and t peraomlty will call and repair yonr aewlng-machln: work guar anteed. 8. Same, adjuster. Ittl Third at. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN T0WEI4 DAILY Comb, break, ennn. SI per month. Portland Laundry A Tewel Supply Co.. Ninth and Coach. Pbon 410 TYPEWRITERS. DON'T .uy typewriter nnlea yon bny tb beat. The U C. Smith A Bra.' Wrltlng- , lo-SlcBt Typewriter le th Heat typewrite made; Also a line of allxhtly need traded ont machine of all makea at yonr owa prior, L. A M. Alexanders fl. K. Stem ler. ' manager. 1'tO Fifth at., oppoalt poatofflc. HEADQUARTERS for aew aad rebuilt typ. . writer of all makea: ae nr window; If you a re going t bay a aew typewriter ae ae bo , fore boring; we can aa re yon moneyf we bar parta for repairing all machines; state agents Tor the Ylslhle Fox; we bny all kind of typewriter. Th Typewriter Exchange, la., SL J. Elliaon, manager. S4 Third at. WB aa Remington. Smith-Premise, Den. more, etc., lows than ny other company; - tnTxetlgat. rnderwood Typewriter Cov.sS Stlt TYPEWRITER Repair A Supply Ca., 4S0 Wash Ington at. Phone Main 4KM. BLfCKENSDERFER typewriter. $fl end !! enpnllee. repairing. Koa Ro, mar WHOLESALE JOBBERS. M. A. 0VNT A CO.. OISTRIBTTORS OF FINE CtOARS. PORTLAND. 0RE0ON. SHBRK, OAIB A GRAHAM (!.) Oommlealo merchaata. Jobber of fralta. prodnca, t. .. consignments solicited. . 128 Front aL. . BYERDINtt A FARRELL, pmdne and coat tnlaalon merchants. 140 Front it Portlaad, Or. Phone Mala ITS. r . OREGON FrPNITL'RE MANI'FACTCRINO CO. Manufacturere 4urnltar for th tra Portland. Oregon. WADUAMS A A?0.. wbolenal grneeia. men, facturer and aommlsaloa aMrchaata. Foarth and Oak ata. Fl'RNlTCRR maeafactnrln and anerisl ardera. L. HuTanaky'a furniture factory. aoT Front t. Al l EN A LEWIS, eommtaeloa and prodnc mee. - chant. Front aad Usl ataw Forltand. Or. WHOI.RSAI.SI crockery and glaeawar. PraeL Uagai A On 100 la lot FUlh. cat. BUk (, PORTLAND. 0REOOM A. M. wnicnr - "".Teriiaiu Strt PartUnd Oral . . t' fl Vi-Afro"" Flrat Tlca-Preeldent ...........Secretary . Aaa1atant Secretary 440 WASHINGTON1 STREET. Seeretarr HPlayHnlaVfVPfXef INVESTMENTS. Bafldag. 18SS BROKERS. aad Bold for Cart aad 'jrs . Uargla. of COMM ERCE. Phone Main ST. Brreebi, Portland. Oregon. IhWIIIJt. MUUiMkUt. STO Oak at. Telepbon Mai 4440. Tnnaferl -ring and storing. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 14 North Blxth. Phon Main SB. Henry hauling and etorag. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE A TRANSFER CO. Storage. S24 Stark at. Mala 407. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. N SOOU Wash - lagto at. - Phone visla Sfll. AT. THE THEATRES Comic Opcr at the Hcilig Theatre. stirs ct ton at the Helllg thratr. foar tnth and Washington streets, tonight and tomorrow ateht win h. . - W1IHM7 oraaiic own. "Sergeant Klttjt." Thla beautiful mosl- 1 WT H presented by tb dainty lyric earn. niwfinB Vla& mk. w m 1Y .1 an. . ,, i '-" "i "eo n;riv aopperted by aa excellent eaat of principal and a good choeee TV . . . - . lunemi ena caicsy aad th hook .TMnllAull. . . - . Seat Sale Thnrsday fop Uncle Tom. Th adranca seat aal will open next Thar, day awning, January SI, for th alwaya wt- " ... .. ,om e tame," at tb hox. "fn th Helllg theatre. Foarteentb and Vlaautngton at reel a. Thla famona eld play will be tb attraction at tb a bore theetre next Saturday afternoon and Bight, February S. . . . per.,, m tne arttraooa aad popnlar price at algbt. Isabel Irving Coming to Helllg. Tha distinguished American artraaa, Isabel Trrlng, and her excellent company of pUyers will present Jerome K. Jemme'e dellghful theae-eee enmejtv I . . . -. . - - - - , . ".m ,n . ' n VI . I U. band. at tha Helllg theatre neit Tneaday Wednesday and Thursday algbt, Fehmary S, S and T. Tha adranca et sale will ope, next . . u. u . wiiiuie, rrunjar, a. . , r MOregon" at the Baker. "Oregon." tb histories I romantic drama by Inn McMillan- Ontwee. will k. .-J . "... n f.rwH.VUSI th Baker theatr by th entire stark company "wni ior we Bt'tisia i ime on ny stag. Th Hat of patrona la lang and tbla will he a society rent as well a an Important theatrical scene. renc. "Oregon" ha I a krre story aad aronnd thla a charming plot baa been constructed, Tb character . ar tb early pioneer and aid light ar throw oa condition In the 'vw th drama. ' ' Salnpolls Best Part. Beginning next Thnreday "Bight, "The Mid dleman" will be played by tb Baker took company for tha remainder nf th week. Thla la th play In which Joha Salnpolla made hi greatest personal triumph. Aa tb aid rnrentor be" gae a performance second nly to B . g. WUlard. ' "Tb Middleman" follow Ongoa." "Yoa Yonson" at the Empire, The greatest Swedish plsy of them all la at th Empire thla week. Thla lav "Yoa Y osteon, and that It I fTnrt la mora than proved by th crowds that ra attending at every par form a ace. Mist Lolt Arnold, th vteaeloa little antibrette. who piers . th rel of th female book ageat, doe soma clsrsr tftrpsicbor aaa wrk la th flrat act. y : "The Help Apparent. At th Lyric thla week Rearing A Flood ar presenting tb . stock company la "Tb Hear Apparent." a romantic play wrlttea by a local writer, Johnston McCullr, It I a story which baa much Imagination aad lb plot la well con structed, toe altuatlone new and the dialog brbrht.. . Th clay mad a laatlue y eater day and waa reeelred with faror. 1 Great Grand Bill. Cleretness la found In erery act on th bill al the Urand thla Week. The vaudeville pro gram la attractive and fall of aoveltle. Th Noetael family , of wtr-walkra feave aa art which la la tb front rank sf midair perfnrna ancee. There ara laagh Isnnmerahl tm "M Kepna's Reception," played by (cordon, Tldocaj aad Flynu. - - - - In "Love and Law. Hand or ran ar ahanlet. bat they am good for a hinab whenever heard-- A- band organ play an Important part thla week tn "Love and Law," tb ffrtog tha Allen stock ..'. Steamship Columbia, Imprisoned Near .. . ; . , MARION'S TAX LEVY HIGH BUT HASY APPROVE At, Meeting, of. Influential Men Public Necessities Are r v .. Weigfied. " (Special Dispatch t Tha Joornal.) Salem, Or.. Jan. tt. At a meeting of some of the taxpayers of Balerq, tb Marlon eaunty members of the legisla ture, the county court and representa tive from tha r Balem -Buslness 'Men's league, In splta of the protest that had come -from the BusTneas Men's learue of this city' and another protest from the cltisens of Bllverton It was agreed by a nearly unanimous vote that the Im provement of the courthouae should (O on as planned by the county court, There was some lively discussion of the proposed Improvements but thr ma. lorlty of the county officials who were present at the meeting stated that the .vault room In each of tha rooms was unaat 1 a f a c t ory and -that- Inv many of the offices It 'was said the documents were not placed In fire-proof vaulta.. The condition of the Jail, too, was declared unsatisfactory. ' As to the high levy, which Is the highest in year. District Attorney John McNsry gave It as his opinion that Inas much as the law provides for the levy of taxes to be read at the January meet ing of the court there is no way by which.tho levy..can bs aitered. Bom feeling was manifested between the county Judge and the assessor aa te a . so-called "tacit understanding with the county court and tha city council that there should be no Increase In the levy. i Tha levy this year la t mills, whloh If made according to the old system, would amount to t l mills. . i SIX KILLED, ONE HURT, 1 : . IN REAR END COLLISION (JoornsI Special Servtc.) Northampton, Maaa., Jan. IS. 81s trainmen-were- killed and one passen ger injured la a rear end collision be tween a freight and a passenger on the Boaton A Maine road near Westdor fieJd this morning. Te Cure a Oold la Oae Jly Tak LAXATIVB BROMO Quinine Tablets. tragglt refund money If It falls to car. B. W. uaOVE 8 signature la oa each box. SSo. HELEN BYRON 1 1" l The dainty lyric comedienne, as "Sergeant Kitty, in tne comio opera of that name now playing at the Helllg Theatre. eompsny at tb Star theatr. Th orgs la need by Mr, Witt while Impersonating aa Italian. alias ve-na reime M tn adopted daughter et the I tall, although, s bet saUaaa. a. .1 a Warrior Rock, la the Columbia River Tne uan in unitorm is uapiain jjorao. PASSENGER BOATS REACH PORT Columbia, From San Francisco, apjd Alliance Frorn Eu- Jz. , reka Arrive. , FIRST VISIT SINCE - BIG ICE BLOCKADE Officers Say Passengers oa the Im prisoned Columbia Enjoyed Their Experience Because Each Day Had Its Pleasing Features. The Harrlman steamship Columhla returned from Ban Francisco last night after one of th mosTeveiilIut voyages ever made out of this port. It waa oh her way south that she was caught in tha toe blockade near BL Helens ana held prisoner for four days, two hours and IS minutes. From is to it icei of thick -ree-surrounded-her. and she was extricated only through- the as sistance of the oriental liner Aragonm, which broke the ice from the lower end nt tho Ifim. ' The officers ofthe steamer say nonM of the SO paaaengers minded the tlelip a bit. for they bed a Jolly good time during their Imprisonment. Concerts and dances were the order of the day and In this respect they. were fortunate, for among tha lot waa a mandolin and guitar club that eoon furnished all tha muslo desired. Q004 singers, too, vol unteered their services, and It was really with regrets that seme , of the passengers saw the craft finally work out of her Involuntary berth. 1 " Coming up from San . fYanclsco th Columbia encountered fljie weather- aU the way. She brought It passengers and a full cargo of freight It waa 7:15 o'clock -when she-reached - Ainswortn dock last night. m - Captain Do ran has secured a few photographs taken of the steamer wniie in the ice. The one printed herewith shows Captain Doran In the foreground. At the time this picture' was taken tne Ice waa fully a doscn feet thick and ex tended for nine miles up the river. .The steamer Alliance also reaehed port last night. She waa crowded with paaaengers. so naving secures oerins, and brought all the freight her hold would accommodate. Included In the cargo are St cords of matchwood, (0 tons of coaL 1,000 eases of salmon, 40 boxes of frosen fish, 15 tons of peas and 1.600 doors, the latter for shipment east. One carload of doors Is, assigned to a portiana oesier. - The officers of the Alliance report having had a fine run up from Eureka; smooth water prevailing all the way, excepting for a few minutea on the Co lumbia river bar. The Alliance sails Thursday night and the Columbia tomorrow night. ICE IN RIVER AGAIN ahnaajtwasSM Steamers Unable to Reach ' Wash- ougal Because of Big Floes. The Columbia river la again obstruct ed by drifting lee near the mouth of the Willamette river ana up rtver noats are having trouble getting through. The steamer lone returned to ner aocx at tha foot of Washington street after having made an Ineffectual attempt to get to Wsahougal. It Is not thought thattrie-leewrrnemiInIong In the river, as it Is gradually movlrnj on to ward the sea. Officers' or' stasmsrr-Tomlng-Trom points on the lower Columbia report having run Into large ice floes at -various places. The steamer Alliance, from Eureka, struck one last night. with such force that she trembled from stem to stern.. The Columbia, too, encoun tered several large, floes, but ner snarp prow eut them with ease.- , MNQ THE WATERFRONT The shin Oriental will be at the mills of the Portland Lumber oombany thle afternoon to load a return cargo of lumber for Baa Franclsoo. The schoonnr Virginia rrivec up to day and went to the mills of Inman, roulaen and company to Ud lumber for Ban Frandaoo. - Tha lighthouse tender Heatber was Sut to work this morning, placing spar uoys where the beacon lights were carried away by tne recent ice nrirt. Contracts for replacing the beacon lights have . ben awarded to Astoria contractors. Tha new freight tariff ht has been leaned by th Sh Krsncist-o and Port land t'!'-Jim!.I? company, showing tb Ice Block ade a Few Days Ago. rates which became effective en the 26th of this month. The regular weekly concert will be given at the Seamen's Institute tomor row evening. A fine program naa been prepared. . , , - MARINE-NOTES Astoria,' Jan. IS. -Arrlvrd at t A m. and left up at 13 noon, schooner Rod erick Dnu. in -tow or tug Lraunuess. from Taooma. Arrived at g and left up at 10:t a. ra., steamer Johan Poulsen, from San Francisco. - Arrived at 1 a. m. and' left up at IS o'clock, steamer Alli ance, from Cooe bay and Eureka. Ar rived at t a. m. and left up at all, steamer Columbia, from Ban Francisco. Bailed at 11 a. m. steamer Santa Maria. Balled at 1:10 p. m., steamer F. A. Kll-burn,- for San Francissco and way porta. Arrived down at 1 p.m., British ship Qlenerlcht. - Astoria, Jan.'; It. a. m., wire trouble. San Pedro, Jan. tt. Balled, ship Sin--tram, for Portland. TO REVEAL (Continued from Page One.) bit's head. He called It "The Eternal young, lovely girl, with a throat like the a talk of a wild flower and the un sullied mouth and big, unafraid eyes ot ' a vestal. "Today, aa Evelyn Thaw aat huddled la her chair, veiled and muffled and crushed, she was asking the same eter nal questton of the Jurors, ehosen to try her husband for bis life. Her eyes rested on impassive faces which told her nothing. . ' " "But sM wrsmo-Tonger-the gtrr who posed for Glbnonv -8(v bad grown old. and haggard. Trouble had worn her to a gray, lifeless shadow, drooping her mouth at tha corners, sharpening and deepening the hollows of her eyes, stretching her cheeks upon bones, where once they bad been rounded In faultless contour." soke BJesblt's Ponae Friend. Subpoena servers from the district sttorneys office have thrown their drag net over New York to locate Mra. J. J. Cain, who was an early friend ef Evelyn Nesbtt Thaw, The prosecution thinks . It will be able to throw light upon the first relations ot the chorus girl and White- and reveal the motive of Thaw -for killing the architect. Mrs. Cain, the . buyer for a Boston millinery house, lived In the same house with Evelyn and her mother when the Nesblts came to this city. The mother and daughter were in hard strait, and Mrs. Cain helped them. All efforts to find Mra. Cain have failed. All the members ef the Thaw party were present at the trial this morning. The prisoner was In an apparent happy frame of mind, tn contrast to the mo rose attitude he maintained yesterday. The roll of 100 new talesmen was called and the examination proceeded In the hunt for the last three Jurors. A num ber were examined ensuccesefully. During the examination of veniremen. Evelyn read a number of letters. Thaw read one which pleased him greatly. He chuckled audibly a number of times. John B. Dunne, a traveling freight agent, aged 40 years and married waa aelected as the tenth Juror at 11:4$ o'clock. PRESIDENT LOSES (Continued from Page One.) his sratrf Foraker was called on. He spoke euletly a fw minutes, but soon grew more Intense, and as be warmed up he paced up and down between the tables and finally shaking his finger St the president, declared that so long as he was senator he would never con sent to permit a man, white or black, lo be condemned and punished without a trial or hearing somewhere, no matter whetherthe.presldentJiketlU- or noU and he added that although he differed with the president on the rate bin, ir he cofinldcred It his duty to call at th White House next morning he would do so. feeling sure the president would re ceive him graciously. The president was apparently era- raged, according to reports, at Foraker'e audacity, and hlaned between his teeth. While friends , tried to dissuade bint from arising to reply, be declared he would respond whether they liked It or not. When, at laat, Foraker ceased talking. Roosevelt got on his feet, but the eu- dlence wss relieved whan he mad mm. remarks In the way of placating rath-r than further enraging the senator from Ohio. Championship fckalln; Hare. (Journ Special Service ) Baranac Iatke, N. ., Jan. 2 i score of the faetest akatera I . . Vnlted Btntea and Canada ate i . the opening recce In th ar. plonahipe of th" hallonal rw-latlon. Th prn.-ri.n e days and provides n . . , ' teurs snd piorca. i W fit votir ;a $1.00. Ihi'ti-r A.. ' K.V