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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1907)
19 . . . . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND.- TUESDAY EVENING. JANUARY 2V 1907- ' - ' ' rj'7. I "HELP WANTKD-lALK ' WANTED TO RENT. j FURNISHED HOUSES.' " " . FOR SALE FARMS. JFOIIJALR-MTSCELIXEOUS hot my EASY WALKING DISTANCE East Twelfth. East Thirteenth, East Fourteenth, East Fifteenth, East Sixteenth, between East Da vis and East Glisan 6treets. Lydia Buckman Addition $109 to $209 Cash . Balance Easy Terms " ' : SEE US TODAY 7 ; Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Company Lumber Exchange .Bldg. 11 SECOND ' AND STARK -STS LOWER. ALBINA $12,50078x135 feet, ' covered with -buildings; - monthly income $115. ' Can . be increased to " $135. . ;;V,; -, $15,000 50xl00,-with fine 3 storv brick, annual income $1650. Bufld jSZH lug, could not be re- placed for $16,500. W. B. STREETER : 115 THIRD STREET Grasp ThesefH THREE CHOTCa QUARTER BLOCKS ' 15 ...HOLLADAX PABK ADDITION-i-w. $1850 Each Thee ara 100x128 to a to-foot slley. mt sidewalks and parkins stripe. Buy tbem bow and mak a nice quick profit thie eprtng or noisier. Cacti quarter IU cut ap fsrautlfullr Into three 41x100 lota. Be ua at osca about tbem. H. W. LZKCXX CO., ' Main V. ' 81 its aad Washington Ste. ' SIR BUT XV OXTT. 88 acres In Lenta, cleared ready for . plttitig,$l3ai arc acre A. -Chnnce to double your mouey. Inquire 201 4 th at. . WHEN AWAY FROM HOME. ; Cnptee of Th J own a 1 aa ba obtained ta tha following eltlee aad towns outside ef Oregon. The Journal would appreciate the receipt of r-porta of failure to obula copies af tea paper at any of the place: COLFAX. WASHINGTON A. . Klna, VALLA WAIXA, WAHHrNOTOtf Walla Walla dtatluary Company : BoKfra-Boawall Oampany; " Hotel Decree Nwa Brand; Untea Clear Staad, DH Boutli Poarta atrrat. TACOMA. WASHINGTON Hotel Taeoaa Haws Stand: Oeatral Kawa Oonpaay. BATTLE. WASHINGTON ft.lnlea Orul Nawa Stand; International Nawa Arnmrf ' Nwarpr Waana; Hotel Beartla Krwa Stand. OOI.IlUKLD, KKVADA Laole Pona, Mewapapar Walton. AN U1E00. CAUPOBNIAx-Aaaaa Xewi Omv pany, Nawananer W coo. . BPOkAKB. WASHUiorON-Joaa W. (kakaa Co. HOIKE. IDABO-Jownk CbHlne. MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 1C" I. CTa arab. BO Tbfrd treat, anutb. T. Louis, miimodbi b. t. Jatt. toe oura atreat; Oaoraa L. Ackarmaa. XAKHAS CITY, MISSOURI Xodm Xawa Caat- pany. Naapaper Wafoa. CBiOAOO. ILLINOIS . a Kawa Ooaapany, ITS nearbora atraat. DBNVKK. COLORADO Cnloa Depot Kawa Stand. LOS ANOEI.KS. CALrrORXIA Aaxe Hew - Company, Kawapaper Waaanr OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA- A DMa Kawa Coavi pany. Newapaper Wafon; N. Wbeatley Kawa " SAN FBANnsrO, rALtrOHNIA If.-WlHHItlaT Nawa Coainany, Kewapaper Waaow; Foator A Orear, Ferry eelldlna;; JoDaaoa Nawa Company, 1M rillmore atreat. ALT LAKH CITT. UTAH Mra. LaTtna Kawa. paper Wagons O. L. Darlea, Hotel Kenyan; Barrow Broa, 4S Waat Second atreat. aouth. OODEN, I TAB Gray Nawa Company, Depot Nawa Stand. -OMAHA, N KB BASK A Millard. Hotel Haw Stand. KBW TOBK CITt Arthur BoUllnf. Hew. WEATHER REPORT. One ef the aeaereat Ice etnrma la the hletory ef the Pacific northweet oci uiied yeaterday In the lower porrloe ef the Willamette valley and , It ex leaded tbeace aorta te me lade port lone of the eonnd coentry. The wmdaw-ettandlnc the eturm were generally light, the klrheet being 41 mllea from the eaat at Tatooak Mand. The larwe dlaturhance yaaterday near the mouth rf the Oolumble river baa aenarated late two parta. ene of which overlie the ouuthere Rocky mouatala etatee aad the ether la central off the Waehlngton coaat. In connection with theae dlaturbanca light ralne have fallen at eca tiered pUcee la California. Oregon, aoutbeni Idaho and weatera Waehlngton. and light to amxterately heavy enow haa fallen la eaatera Waabington, nortnern Idaho, Montana, the Ia koUa. Nehraaka. Mlnneenta and Iowa. The high preaaure are yeaterday overlrtng the eaat ern atatea ha elao aeparated lute two parte, one of which la at 1 11 central over tha Canadian anrthweet. and tbe other overlie the Atlantic atatea.- There haa been a general rlee of tem perature eaat of the Rocky etountalna. which I moat pronounced went of the Mlealnatpnl river. The ladlcettooa are for rain tonight and Wedneedey tn weatern Oreeoa and Waehlngton, and for rata or anew eaat of the iieeran Rmaniaimi. ii win ne eotoer m aou th ere and eaatera Oregon and aonthern Idaho. . . ramp.- ' Max. Mtn. Prerlp. . Pinker City, Oregon.... , 4 . x m fa lieeiver, Colorado f.a fto , Kanaaa City. Mlaaoorl Hi m .0 lewlenm. Idaho i ,at Lew Aagelea. California..., M M .01 Portland. Ore.J Ml Si .:; Roeeleng. Orogoe M 4ej no Haa I'raucleco. California... M 4S Spokane, Waehlngton 2" 11 .la Tacoma. Waahinaton ltd ,S4 .on W alla Walla, Waalilngtoa. . 84 U0 MARRIAGE LICEXSFS. ft ogee Jonea. 21, and Ann I. Holme, 1. - K. !., Melaler, 2S and Margaret S. l-ee-nnv, 24, I 'slcr Certlt. M, end Snale BIm, f, tlav Covmerlev. , end Lur Rlckarda, 81. John Oilman. 3d. and Effle R rooks Lenta 3. (George I'etee Larsen ef Spokane, W. aad Maude B. Plckaon. BS. H. . tirant. M. and Flora Taylor, W. x Wedding Card. W. O. Smith Co., Waeh Insion l.i.lg., eor Fourth end Waablngtoa ate. Wedding and celling card engraved or primed. IC T. Basbfon, 40A Bteerne bldg. TtivHETH CO., FI."RIT. FOB FIOWERS or ALL KINDS. I2H SIXTH ST. Clertro Keen,, Fleets Ftee -floral eeslgoa. tea) Morrtaoa et. Fail dreea en i 'a for rant, nil at Tapering Ink, M Surb at. Ualoee Jonee To Mr. aod Mr. Willamette Jones. Ssnriqalst At SSO East Fortieth afreet. Jan uary XU, to Mr. and Mrs, C. K. BaodquUtt, Meyer At 603 Everett atreet, January 28, to klr. and Mra IWrry Meyer, girl. McMahon At 428 Harrison street. Jaauury SJ. te Mr. end Mr. Patrick MoMeuos, boy. 'Wash At lie Monro street Jaousry J8, to Mr. an Mr. Jme -A- WMh- boy Campbell At 4s Fourth street January 20. te air. and Mra. Ttaonaa I). Campbell, a bny. Peterson At 210 Seventh aveuue, south, to Mr. and Mra. Auimt I'steraon, a girl. DEATHS. OoMnair-At Salmoa lret. Jniwry . Clar iWldmaa. f U ftm o. aorUe ... u AA a M m ..lo taitaanlfall J . r liEKrn m--ja iwi n .. k-'- - ary M, Jamaa FltaaeraUL ed 30 yeara; cauaa. LUiril UI' DM. ..... . "llller At Oood Samaritan boapltal. January 13, William Blley, aed 87 yaarai eaueav aeuta parltcMtltU. . .... Adama At St. Ttneanfa hnapltal. January . fbomaa J. Adama, a red W yaara, ceuae, dlabetlr eoma. . ... v. Millard At- St. Vlneenfe boapltal. January an Ur, a n. MllUrd. a red M yaara; rauae. dat lCr ttt 4fIa"'B . " " ' " Orltamarner At sea iron aireet. aanoarx Kllaabetb (irltamarber, aed S3 yeara. T moo the and dara: cauaa. aalrular dlaeaae of toe heart. ' ' . Kuhl At ISB Parti atreet, January si. -milium O. Knnl. aged M yaara, moo tha and 10 daya; rauae, eouaomptlon. FUNERAIt NOTICES. tf i rrtemia mttA aeonalntanrea are reanect. fully melted to attend tna runerei aerrtcea of the lata William l-e. wblcb will ba held at the Kpworth Aletbodlet church. Vednea day. January SO. at a p. m. Ioteraeul at Bleerrlew cemetery. UNDERTAKERS. Donnlne McEntee A ntlbaurh. undartakara and emtiaJmera; modern la every detalL BeTeutk and rue. main aou. uiay eeatataai. A. B. Hematork. endertaker and embalmer. Rart Thirteenth end Umatilla eve. Phone SeU- 71. . Krh-kaoa T'ndrrtaklnr Co.. and embalmme. eoa Aldac at. . .Phone Main 6I3S. Lady aaalatant. 1. P. Flnley Song, Third and Madlaoa eta. Office of eooaty coroner. . Pbone Alain a. v Edward Holtnaa. andertaker, X20 Third at. anrxa vrxw oxmbtxbt. Blnale rraeea. 110. Family lota S100 te tl.000. The only cemetery In Portland which per petually malntalne and caree for lota. For full information, apply to W. R. Markenala, Wor- eaatar block, city. w. M. Lado, preaideat. BOSX PITT CEMETEBT. Bluau' araTeaT 110: fatnUe' lota." I5S te tVf. Superintendent at 'cemetery, eorner of Vreaiort at. and Cully road. Phone Tabor V. ror foil Infnrmarloa' apply to Frank HchleceL eofl Commercial blk. I' none Main ZHZS. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Jimee MrElroy to Wbilfred Morma, an- - - dinar v, or lot n, aioca a, Heiiwaoo.f euu Vlmelininn aod I. C, Brnna to Mlrmla Srgulae. lot &. block 2.1. Central Alblna Z.0D0 rank A. and Mabel B. Caaaity to P. 8. and D. O. Noyer et al., lota 1, S and S. block 1. BTerrreen Park l.50 1.860 Otto and Anna Welbel te f. U Baaa, let 11. block T. Vork addition....,... Maraarat Raker, executrli. to B. M. Lombard, lota T and B. piece lan. city, u,wt , A. and Minnie H. Knapp to K. W. Hackman, lot 8, block L Myrtle Park.. .,190 1,028 AO 1.T1S 1.000 r ss John M. end Carrie Dixon to Chrlatlan Itarl. lot o. block T, Ttltnn-g addition.. Tmcent Cook to Chrlatlaa Haii. . lota 1 and B. block D. Cherrydalr Anna M. Segal ta Lala M. Mrholaa, lot 14. block o, York E. and Altha F. Iaeer to Mra. H. C. Riley, lot . block SO, Lincoln Park Annex ,. Multnomah Cemetery company to luce Kayeer. aouthweet H el aut a, eiorg B, Multnomah cemetery Portland Realty A Trnat company to 'Kmma Kaufman, 'ha1 SuV bmch' hi In 100 Jacob and Joeepblne Mayer to Allan B. Blanenn, tiork M, Htcpaena- addition to Kaet portuna 15.000 For ahetraete. title theu ranee or mortnee mane, call on Parirn Title A Treat eoafbany, VH-i-Vt Falling building. Set year Ineerance and ahetraete te real eatate from the Title Guarantee A Trnat eoi pany, 140 Waablngtoa atreet. eorner Second. NOTICES. SEALED blda will be received, at the echool clerk' office,' city ball, up to February 1. 1907. for a certain 'tract of lawd located tn Stephen- addition, city of Portland, bounded . aa follow: By tbe Southern Pacific railroad ' track, center line of Eaat Stephen at., Eat Third aad Eaat Mill at.. Ira the lot eold to Thorn aa Colllnemt. SaM tract of land fa owned by erhool dlatrlct No. L, Multnomah . county, Oregon, end they will receive pro peaala for aame aa above atated. A depnett of 10 per cent will be mjulred with all bliHi. . Term caah. The eclmol board reserve the right te reject any and all blda. II. S. ALLEN, School Clerk. . Portland, Oregon. January IS, 1B07. XSCATATINO and grading. O. K. Cottage. 4 HO Commercial at. Phone Eaat SIM. LEVY'S Ml'SIO HOITSB I going to move. MEETING NOTICES, OEOBOR JPASHIKOTOH Camp. ' 2rtl. W. O. W.t meet every Tuevday evening -In new Wood. " man temple, on Eleventh at. between Waehlngton and Alder. All vial tor are welcome. H. S. AARON, C. C.. H. A. FRKDBICH. Clerk. KOMAH CIRCLH will give their fifth dance of tbe winter eerie next Wednesday evening. January SO. at Eaat Side Woodmen halL Eaat flith and Alder ata. All Woodmen and Women of Woodcraft aad their fr lets da" re quested to be preaent. THB card party and dance ef George Waehlng ton camp will be poarponed on account of bad weather and poor atreetcar eervtc. H. A. FREDBICH. Clerk. it. W. A. EVFRORBErt Camp, .44W, meeta Wednesday evening. Allaky bldg.. Third, and Merrlaoa eta. M. W. A. Oregon Orap Camp. Ne. ,78, Mow daya. 17th and Marshall; visitor welcome. LOST AND FOUND. porrm A place re have bah? matt re aa. a reno vated and returned earn day. 22 Front at. Main 474. Portland Cur lad-Hair Factory. H, Metayer, proprietor. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Bvery man eut ef e DnelMoa ar die. aliened with hie present vocation, to take e night course at the nennae-waiaer jinai neaa College, Seventh aed Stark ata. We will place yaa In position whan competent. DON'T work for amen salary! aee or write ractnc Aid aaaociatlon ror a food proposi tion. S24 Lumber Exchange. SHINOLRR-weeted: eteedy work, good nvloee, B. C. Ktngery, 7M Kaet Burnalde. Phone Bear num. EXPERIENCED woodturner wanted. Apply at our Portland Haah at Door Co., union are. and East Taylor at. WANTED Camnhell machine opera tors haraees ruitera. Apply John Clark Saddlery company. WANTED Experienced dlahwasheT at ' the vegetarian care. 1 Sixth at., near Wash Ington. Call early. MEN and boys wanted to learn plumbing, nta- . terlng, bricklaying, ' electrical trade. ; tree- catalogue: position seen red; Tuition sw. Coyne Trade Scbeole, New Tork end Sao r raneiaro. PARTNER, real etat. I-S Interest, 12S; eld est member retiring: experience not necea- aery. Alexander Land Cev sa4 Sixth at. near Pine. 2S PER WEEK and traveling expeoeee paid aanmien to sell good to grocery dealer; experience eaneceaaary. Partly Co.. Chicago, WANTKI A good wanner and names man at iiawinorne staniea. 420 Hawttoarae av. WANTED Roy ta learn trade. U Frent, - anrnar Davw. - , - - - WANTED A geed competent blacksmith and wig.; maker. Addrsa W. S. Vrlubla, lavent aweo, wr feofn Govenmsat Pcsltions RAILWAY MAIL ll.KUKS. at enrol an tram-a ularr islritt esMllnt nnmnitltma. Write fuc pnrtlriiiara In regard to preparln ,w wm April r.iatn. . PAt'la'lft MI'iTlrn UrMnnlJl MrKay hide., for. TUIrd and Stark !., elty. BAI.RSMRX WANTKrv Three aaleamee fnr aor new county, tnwaahlp aod railroad aurrrya or urmgrn. ineae aurveya ara .a aphMiaio compilation of facta, Auuree and drawlnaa and of wonderful value: Muiitte and towua ara fully Indexed and populattone of each are aiecni raiiroaoa puinly aliawu and alliance between all atatloua alao ehown; onnareealonal i dlatrlcta outlined, numbered' and populatlna flren. Other feature too nnioerotie to men Ion. , A aplindld oiiportnnlty for aurritetle men. nana, ucnauy at Co., LDicajo, in, WANTED AT ONCK Bound Tonnf men for Bre naen and brakamen on leading weeteru rall roada and for new roeda now belnf mm pleted; eriarlenre unuareaeary; Areubta $H per month, brakemeu 7A; noaltlooa now ' open: write, at enra for parttrulara. National Hallway Train! aaaociatlon. T.'IO Faltoa blk., Omaba, NVhraaka; or eSl Bldga bld., Kaaaaa City. Miaaourt. WAXTID AT ONCB Htare holt cut ten. wagee ir mnj unnr won. apply wuiai Cooperage Co., Staarne blilf , Portland, or Uoulton, Or. . v WANTED Salesmen: many make $100 to tt1 . per month; eom even more; atock clani grown on reservation, far from old orchard.; " caah advanced weekly! choice of terrttie-y. Addreaa Waabington Nursery company. Tog peuish, Waabington, MEN AND WOMEN to learn tne Berber trade lnUUt. aackau graduate Cxrn.irooj J0 to $28 weekly; expert Inatructora; catalogue free. Moler Sretem of Collage. U North Fourth at.. Portland. , PACIFIC STATIONKHX A PBINT1NO CO. SOS-207 Second at. Phone mala 021 We deelgn and Inatstl the moat modern and Improved office arstaoia; eempiete lis looot leaf filing devices. . . SALESMEN Experienced speclsl contract men; $100 pec month nd commission. IVmeerva- live Mutual Insurance uo.. aiga pig. WANTED Two or three flrst-ctas. altarouad machine men: permanent position, good wagee. urcgoa rnrnitore Mig. Co.. Aiacaoam roao. WB get work for our memhera: special mem ben, 12. X. M. C. A. Fourth and YamhllL AGENTS wanted. -Oregon.. California. Idaho, Washington; health and accident Insurance; y eld reliable company! good contracts; refer ence required. United States Health 4k Ae cldeut Insurauce Co., 2U0 Marquaaa. tl.oTr AatONTft -FftOTKCTS -JOIT - . - Against accident, aickneea-and deeth. ;.' - Writ or cell and Investigate. f Korttrweet - Health A Accident Association, oe-aoT McKay bldg. Agent Wanted. WANTED Cos cbmaAer. Da via. bo Front, corner YOUNG man to do hlltfng and clerical work In office: most be gooo) at furore and expert- eitfed. Apply in own handwrtttng.-atatlng .age, rererenr end salary. - Addreaa 8 be, care JournaL . WANTED Yorma man, living with parents, to team anoa nuaiaeaa. Apply Koaenthara, 1 Third at. BOY wanted over 16 yeara of age. Clarke uroa iioriata. zni uorriaon at. BOY, wholesale boo re: state age and refer ences. Addreaa u El, car journal. - YOUNO man. "wholesale house; tt age. ex- perience, refereacea Addrc M 77, JournaL NEW YORK mannfactnrera want manager for portuvn of ore eon, who wilt live in Salem or some town acuth ef Portland: must have 200. which will anon be refunded. Address it 50, care Journal. WANTED Yonng man for office Work with fire Insurance experience: atnte age, expert, ene and where last employed., Addreaa M 7ff, care Journal. T HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Every woman eat ef n position nr dissatisfied with her preaent vocation, te take a night course at the Behnke-Walker Buslnesa College, Seventh and Stark ate. We will place yoa In a poaltioa whan com petent. OIRL8 WANTED Operator ta work en nhirte and overs I la. cessona given to Inexperiencea. Apply at Standard factory No. 2, Grand ave, end Eaat Taylor at, . HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, S4S4 Waab ington bt ., cor. Beyantn, npatair. rnoa Mum 2602. Female help wanted. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. a, uraao are. anu aasx i ay aor ax. WANTED Competent girl for general house work, apply itw Eaat iota ata ' " LADIES wanted te do Bgbt work at home; good pay. 170 park at. WANTED-Mllrl for -general bonaework; family. 0U0 alarahall at. LADIES to learn garment-cutting and ladle' tailoring; special rate turn week, t 84a xam hill t. - v --; FIRST-CLASS maker, trimmer and ap prentice. Apply Miss Wasenblaat, 475 Waab ington at. WANTED Girl 'to park macaroni. Apply at . W VI ID CIS, SI St. . WANTED A young larty IS to SO, for office .work ; give reference. AiMre S S5, care WANTED Educated woman over 2S for re- aponslMe position. Apply SOU Til ford bldg. WANTED Gh-te to wrap chewing gum. Amer ican Chicle Co., ai ftortli front at. STENOGRAPHER, wholesale house: state age. experience, references. Addreaa s an. Journal. 1 MALE AND FEMALE HELP, HELP wanted and supplied, male or female. R. 6. Drake. 20BH Waabington et., Paelfla 1270. WANTED A' few good eelleitni, male and female; best proposition la Portlaad: good anoney te the right partlee. Phone Sellwood 71. Corner Eut 18th at. and Umatilla av. BKtTNED ladle and gentlemen to take part la lodge dramaa. M fiat, care Journal. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG man wonld like steady employment; fairly good carpenter. 8 S7, care Journal. STATIONARY engineer with long experience te open for engagement; food city reference, M 7S, care JournaL SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED bakery saleslady want pool. tlon. CH Pacific 394. - - OIVB me a trial; quick, aernrat atenographle work don by piece. Main 6101. If ABRTED lady wants care ef room fur room resit. Mra. Campbell. Pacific DO WANTED Nursing by the day or week by experienced nnrae. Phone Mam ISSS. WANTED AGENTS. THB Isrgeet manufarturert of alnminnm enah- ng tttensfl want representative to sell fuS Ina everywhere. H. R. Strelta Co.. Postofflr A Bot 124. Oraata Paae, Or. AT ONCE Ageata for soap, medicines and oil . blacking. H. M. Plummer. 200 Third, a'lret enee ret best territory. IMMEDIATE returns and future preferment ere offered to a few experienced life insurance gents, possessing ample grit. Intelligence and determination: mnat have good addreee and tha best credentials. Addreaa Mark J. Kady, son Oregon Ian bldg. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOR MEN. 28 North Second et. Phone Mala 182". BED CROSS EMPI-OYMENT CO Loermg ramp and farm helri a specialty, to North Second at. Phone Mala I21e$. We pay all telegraph eeeryeav- . PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE trot, Morrison at Phone Pactfi V n Hortk Beoond at Phone Paelfla I) WANTED TO RENT Iloesee. cotugee, fUt. tore, office, rooming bones, tc. Lead- lorda will do well to call on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Phone Ex. lit. 8. E. Cor. Id and Oak. I WANT to rent nnfurulabeil roomliiy-bouae of not area than 25 roorna, north of stars at.. clou iu. At 73, cre Jourual. WANTKI) To rent rotten or email flat, i yentent dlatanea and rea anna hie, by -deelrable couple; riMid rerereneea fiiriitaned. Addraaa, auiuia price, s ta, rare Jonraal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. , KHB TITLE A ABSTRACT CO.. I ' H. U. BALTHAHNIi. Managor. Loan, collection, title exnerted. JRx pert advlc on realty value. Property Jratad t oulck dlanosal. C. II. Plcgott snlTJ. A, Finch, legal counsel. Pboue I'aclno 1&40. Room 4 Mulkey bldg, 2d aud Morrison at. I WANT business property en Grand and Union area. J. J. Oeder, corner Uraad are. and Kaet Ankeny ata, WANTED lot, ala email ranch, ckx In, tor caaa. so, car Journal. WANTED FINANCIAL. A PER CENT loan wanted on improved east aide property! l, a yeara; avuo required. 8 &., care Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MAIN (MSB. CASH AND LOTS OF IT ' FOR FUnNITXTBB. PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS. 211 llrat at. - MAIN seas. MAIN BOSS. WB WILL BUY. SELL OR TRAPB ANY OLD THINO. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. 67 eae ao mi fviri wet, WANTED Furnltur and houaehold gaoda ef every oeacription bouctit, void and axhaugeo. lam a, xu rirax ax. aiain wii. m EXTATATINO end trading. O. B. Pottage, sa umaitrtai at. l oonaKast eiwa, HIGHEST caah price paid for all ktnde second aand gooua. Phone Mala 211. ta . iniro. WE haul dead horse and cattle free. Oregon Fertiliser Works. 702 Thormaa. Main lOon. I PAY caah for household rends. W, W. Savage. B4S-847 First' at. Phone Paelfla Sea, WANTED Children for motherly care! raaoa able. 27 Porter at. Reference glvea. WANTED Teams to haul wood te ears. Phone East 0S1. Sunnyalde Fuel Co. BY expert home laundress, a few mll Indi vidual washing at ti.00 doaen; lace curtains washed and stretched, 40c pair; work called foe and dellvend. - Phone. Main 2U20 week . daya, between S end 12 a, m., and I and 1p.m. AN YTHINfX. aboat the houae repaired, altered or moved, carpentering, yarda and basementa cleaned. E. W, Hood, contractor. Phone - Main Tll. . - - WANTED Washing; ar rleenlng. cr would take . nurse baby; English lady. 361 Yamhill, near Park at. CARPENTER-CONTRACTOR will build noeaee and take good, real estate in part pay. W 121. care Journal. " FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. HOTEL OXFORD, Sixth and Oak will take a - few Btore permanent roomers; all modern con venience; single rooms 84 np weak. Spe . clal ratea for suite. FURNISHED roorna, week or month; bath, gal and puune; rent reasonable. Inquire at 504 Fifth at. THB- BICHEI.IBn. 83 4 North Sixth St. Ele - gaetlr -furnished; ateam beet and bathe. - FURNISHED room and furnished henaekeepinc roorna for rent et 782 Vancouver eve. THB GRAND, 4H North Third etReom fur gentlemen, 81.25 per week and aa. PLEASANT front room In neat home, doe In. an eaat aid; rent reasonable. , taau trs, I Grand ave north. Phone East B&2. FURNISHED ronma, day, week or month: renin reasonable. ItMVh Fourth at. Pacific 2880. LA ROB front room, firmlahed: bath; atrlctly private. Inquire at 585 Commercial at. NEATLY furnished room, warm and cosy, bath, gee and naa of phone, reasoaabler sentlemen preferred. Pbone Main 2620. THB HYLAND, 400 Morrison St., oppoalt high school Brick puiiatng, areata neat, newiy furnished, boat m city l room reasonable,-by the day, week or month. FOR, RENT HOUSEKEEPING. fl.M WEEK UP, large, eleanv foralshed honee keenlnrjjooms, aaunary and naia. 1st nhec ma stuth, Portland. 11.28 WEEK UP,- clean, tarnished booaeksep- hif room, nfier, bath, laundry,, fnxnace beat, yard. 203 H Stanton. V car. THB MITCnELIy Housekeeping and trans lent room, reeaonabia. Seventh and Flanders. S UNFURNISHED boneekeeplng noma wt'h water, plum and bath;- reasonable, at 575 Aladlaoa at. . , .. - - HOUSEKERPINO noma, low eat rate, eleetrle light and phone Included. 801 M Water at. HOUSEKEEPINO-ROOM. right downtown, only 12 per week. 2H5 Third st. TWO lsrge front rooms, newly furnished for housekeeping: yas. 4Mth; eaay walking . dis tance, ill Sherman at. ' ROOMS AND BOARD. THE MARLYK, 858 Washing too Pleasant fur nished rooms; good bom cooking. Phone Main 652.1. MINNEQUA INN. S7S Yamhill et. Nice rooms, ateam beat, - splendid meals; day, week, month; new management; reasonable ratea. FOR RENT HOUSES. WE are In need ef several furnished aad nn furnlshed bouse to eetlafy tbe want of ear C Irons. Phone main 5101 or call 720 Cbsaf r of Commerce. De It now. ROOM bouse, west side, good locality, close to or. low rent te good tenant; will eall ea easy terms. Pbone Mala 1410. T6S MARSHALL ST. a-room boas, thoroughly modern, convenient and attractive, built two . yeara; rent tM per month te permanent tenant. Morgan. Sweet A Chapman. (18 Ah Ington bldg. Phone Mala 2015. FOR RENT Good Broom furnished house, close In, .'.2.V per month. Tbe Mhaw-Fear Co., 2454 Stark at. " 10-ROOM houae, rent 2fl; owner going to Cali fornia; thla must be sold. 242 Madlaoa at. MODERN cottage, 8 roome, for light house keeping, 8 on first floor; porcelain bth, ata , tlonary tuns. Phone Main 8818. S&S Lin coln at., went able. V FOB RJENT FJL1AT8. FOR RENT 8-room lower flat, eorner llevsntB and Burnald ata. 8-ROOM furrdstied flat, tin m. fine view, $10. Phone Main 8502. 32 Seventh at. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICE8. A CENTRALLY located store, with good show - window, balcony, and lease. Apply 282 Yam- hlU st. i'bons Pacific 200. 0FFICB-RO0M8. unfumtrbed room aad em-ple-rooma for rent. ieeodnoegh bldg. Apply elevator, A FEW Brst-ela offlce-cooena left at anrtbeest eorner Third and Madlaoa ata Apply room No. 8. ....... GOOD ahoproom downtown on Fifth at. In quire of ilagamana A Blancnard, 81 Fifth at. GROUND floor office downtown on Fifth at. In qnlre of Hagemann A Blancnard, 91 Fifth at. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. WB need fnrnltnre ef any price, Portland Aee tlon Kooms. 211 Flrat at. Mala 5A5B. FINB furniture of 10-ronta bone, pinat aell, owner leaving elty, $K0. ... HATFIELD A SMITH. 105V. Fourth St. FOR SALB Furaltore of a B-roma flat, all ta good condition: flat for rant. Call after Sunday, Ml North ltth t. - FOB RENT For February and Marh, saodern S-roosa furalabed house, 81 North Slat at. ' Phone Main 8i2. - FOR KENT furnished, a new room houea at 744 Clarkamaa at., eorner Kaat 2Jd. In Holla, dav Park. Call at residence between 8 and h M Tueaday, Wsdueeuay; - 1 Thursday. Kent 840. SEVEN rooms. 840, 22d and Burnalde: piano, ' fnriiac. sewlnr machine,-stiver end -line. Phone Kaat 1711. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS.' AIL and ballroom, separate or together) new and with aU eonventsnee. Phone Mala Bleu. BUSINESS CHANCES. HOMER, breeding pigeon.' 8T per doaen: larger mount supplied. . Oeorg B. Houta, ttalama, - Washington. SAVE- MONEY Anything tn printing see Mad. den. Odd Fellows', Temple, first end ldut ' at.; upstair. j 4AA BUYS 8-rooma. well furnished la good Io cs lily: west aldei low rent, Hagemaaa A ' liUnchard. 81 fifth at, PLACER gold mine, partner wanted or will sell: nilne In Idaho; atrlctly high grade; 81.50 yard digging. W. N. Bobl. Golden, . Oregon. -. " BLACKSMITH4HOP and lot for sale In Hood Hirer, Oregon; shop ,Hx84, tot 2.1x150; price $350; or will trade for good Usui young horses. Address ewner, W. E. tiodary, 8t. John. Oregon. HOTEL, furniture and long .lease, .for eale: rinse In, 00 rooms, brick building, full of steady roomers: a rare bargain for 8V0O0, A. H. Maegly, 210 Fourth at., near courtbouae, i Portland. MANUPAIU KWil buslnaaai 80 daya' InveatU gatlua berore aale; guarantee fl&o per montn clear; price $2,000. 8 50. care Journal. PARTNER wanted to take an Interest la mann- Tacturlug buslnaea; must have about 85,000 capital. . 61, care Journal. 24-ROOM bouse, well furnished, very central. steam neat, nam ann gaa. ai.ow. i HATFIELD -8MITH. 16H Fourth at. WANTED Honest man with 8.100 for fine pay Ing business; experience nnnaceaaaryi auoney secured. 8 78, car Journal. . - A TRANSIENT house ef 18 rooms a good xoooey-maxer: near union aepot; price re duced. VJHi- North ttlxth at SALOON partner wanted to enlarge roam; prontaoi noaine; eorner location; no mea dler need InvMtlgat; f.1.000 required. Alex ander Land Co.. 3Vs Sixth at., near Pine. WB have a good farm of 1,20 acre. aU under riiiiii.uwi, usu w , ipajfian m w,hu 82,ta). and we will tan a good up-to-date atock of .general merchendla of 113,000. to Iw.ono- value, and rtve rood- terms on the balancer Turner " a Walker, ' 081 Wash ington at. CASn Ilvtnr-rooma, -ell;kealn, rent; leaving city. Third at. 861 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HEW 8-room bouse, on corner, near Williams ave, tor aale cheap. Adurwa TO uaignt nve. CHOICB lot. beat Part of SunifysMe. t block from earlln. phone Eaat axjwq. SELLWOOD 8478, 100x100, I block from ear. near achoolbons. Inquire OHO a sac Aea. Pbens Union 2424. 100x200 ON Irving St., neer 14th. .Cbae. C. Myers. B1H North Sixth st. I HAVB ooM 8 place of real estate this week; I can aell youra next week, maybe; Hat what you have with me foe quick aale. -F. DUBOIS, Waabington bldg.. Boots a ALPINE REAL ESTATE CO.. 2SH Morrison. room s; pnone mam wit h diock wits 12-room bouse, clo In, IH.ftoo. 2 serea, -room house; ay terms; $2,20. v PARTIES with small amount ef eapltal desir ing a home can have eame nuiit according to TTigTrriwnti1anx uu a small payment down of 8250 to 8400, balance eame aa rent. Com municate with C 114. ear Journal. INCOME BEARING flats on eaay term 284- zne lets at., roar riats. f rs per month, por celain hatha la each, close In, easily rented; 82.000 cash, 878 monthly installments; In come will psy th Installments, ma king' re markable investment ef email capital. Mor gan, Sweat A Chapman. 213 Ablngton bldg. Pbone Main 2018. Sellwood- . Morenoo A French. 1870 I, Ufa. -Pbone Sellwood 74. City View Park iota, 8375 and apt KM Addition lots, $100 sad np: $5 down and 85 month. Homes from fnoo to 15.000, Lota 8200 aad up. In aU parta of Sellwood. List your property with as; ws win eall tt. A BEAUTIFUL BOMB. A well-built bouse of 12 rooms and S hatha, gaa and electric lights, cement baae ment In which there are 8 mora room nd hot -water beat; the grounds are lOOxlOO end tha location very good, being on n good car line aod within eaay walklag dis tance; it la worth 812.000. but can be par chaaed. If sold at once, for 88.000. SPHINX AGENCY. 205 W Stark at. - BTSINESS mt 80x100- on Union ava., 2.ono. j. t. oeder, corner uraad av, aad. East Ankeny at. . ACREAGE 8 acre for platting: clo In, on ear Hoc; all cleared. B 81, ear Journal. . MODERN 6 room hone. IZ500; f00; 28 moauiiy. Phone Eaat ejo. o0 FINE residence lot neer Hawthorne ave. Owner needs tbe money. - phone Tabor 258. 8-ROOM bouse, good condition, tot 84x70, oa canine, improves atreet ana cement walk, ''HATFIELD A SMITH. 186H Fourth at. WORTH LOOKING LP 7-room nearly new modern house, neat part aunnyaid; every thing la good condition; eorner, streets Im proved. Dice lawn; clos to care, echonla, churches and etorer; a good bargain; price $2,700. Phone owner, Eaat 4785. WATCH "TILT0K ADDITION" 0R0W. Hem balldera are buying the lot be es use they are below value. Only 88 left. Agent on ground tn morning. THOMPSON OODEN (Brsnch). Pbone Eut 4300. 800 Belmont St. TURNER A WALKER. Reel Batata, Farma and Stock Beaches, Exchange. BOSH Washington at. A BARGAIN IN SUNNYSIDE Vahtahl eorner with Improvements and room ror more, aotb and Belmont ata. : 84 feet frontage on car track. Inqnlre Geo. AL Strong, 214 Lumber Exchange bldg. Kcb Hill Hemes I bare listed for aale 8-room bona oa Ever tt, 8-room houae en Hoyt, 10-room boue on Lovejoy, 8 room hou on Johnson, root bone on Marshall, all above 23d at. If yon ara looking for a horn la this eee tloa call on , McGulre Realty Co. Phone Paclflo 1458. 818 Oregon lan bldg. 8-ROOM houae, new -end atrlctly modern, lot 40x100. two block from . Hawthorne car. Ur. $.1,000. . . HATFIELD SMITH. 105 H Fourth at. 8-ROOM bone; part cash, balance $20 month! - 8-mtnute car service; Improved street. , In quire B38 Eat Coach. Pbone Beat av7. JUST think, 1.300 lot near Salem rarlln, . no farther than St. Johna, at $15 per lot, at $1 per month; level and good soil, with house already there; yon can't bny acreage eut there for aame amount; lots wlU be S"0 - per lot in Aoguat, when care are running; there will be tha Bneet town out here la the " valley. Apply te ewner, W. Reldt, room 15 Waehlngton bldg., 270Vi Washington at. $2,750 8-ROOM honee, modem: an exceptional . bargain. W. J. Peddlcord. St. John. Or. .. $00.ROOM cottage, heat auhurb) If yon re (peculating or want tha beet bom In PertUad fr the mney, don't delay. . Call 411 Eaat 84th at. too FARMS, amall tract and lota: bargains en O. W. P. electric line, O. R. Add I ton. Lent, Oregon. Take Mount Scott car; Be. ONLY $700 buys 2 room cottage, corner lot, on Eaat Suth and Lincoln ata. Call 821 Va Morrison at., room 8. aa nota-io-ROOM house, full lot, 8 blocks south of postofflr; lot worth the money, smio Corner lot. East 28th and Belmont. ii.lftO Fin. corner, East sfoth and Aider. f.V Vine Urge tract, fit. Tabor. I. O. DAVIDSON. . 80S Chamber of Com area. HOMESTEAD. Coeur d'Alene Keaervattou will opes aooni choice laud, 25 tulle from" SiM.ksu. Coeur d'Alrua Reservation Inforinstloa Areucy, 17-18 Exrhang Hank bldg., Spokane, Wash. SUNSHINE Orange orchards, cheap-land and government Irrlicstloa. orland, t'Mllfumla, a hoooilng. fare 17 from Portland. W, W. I'ayo. uriana, t anrornia. ACRKAGB AND FARMS sear Tlxardvllle. " Washington, 8 to 10 mtles from Portland, near Portland and Salem rarlln. Farmer' Land Co.. 178' Madlsua at . Portland. Oregon. 13.201V KICB farm, clo to city; Vesa than lmproveuwiits. Box , rout 2, city. 82 ACRES to la cultivation, jj a meadow, all uader fence; 1 teem boreee, -cow, eo ehlck Its. wsgon, 2-seated aurrey, plow, all farm luiplenieate go with the plac,-young bearing i orchard. A-room boose, 2 barns and other outbuildings, all level, 2 mllea from Canby, on main rued, m mllea to school and church: price 82,xe; terms half caah, balance on time to suit purchaser. Smith Horaback. Canby, Oregon. FOR SALE 02 acres Eataeade land. 25 In annlea: 810.0U0. or exchange Hood River Im proved or Portland property, , Owner, Eaat 40,8. -.., .. ARMS. -- AI-" l.Vio 100 acre neur Gsston. ft. flna120 acres near McMuinvllla. timo 80 acre timber, Douirtie county. 4,400 40 acre coal aud timber. Coos County; good speculation. IihjuU- . . 208 POUBTH ST. . FOR 8 AXE AT A BARGAIN 800-acre farm 12 mllea .east of Eugene; 50 acres nrchsrd, mostly S year old Kpltsenherg apples; y payments, or will trade-for Portland prop- -erty. E. H. Ingham, Oregon hotel, Portland, Oregon, for a few daya TIMBER.- 8TO TUB OWNEItS OF TIMBER LANDS W f ate BiiTsra ror mngweratm or larg irseis ii almost aay part of Oregon and Washing tun; If you ar In the market and want to aell quick.- aepd us your deacrrptlou, kind of timber, estimate, and your lowest act caah price. . i. . ORBGO BROS. " SIT ahd SIS Kenton bldg., Portland. Or. . WB have parties star all the relinquishment w can get,, ix mey ar goon ones, w wn iu of them we can get. - brosC, ' 81T end 818 Fentun bldg., Portland. Or. TO OWNEB8 of Timber claims snd timber We will bny for cash any good timber innatary to Nebalem river; wlU deal with owners only; ao ether need answer. Write, giving full particulars, aa Bos 8, C. t. Button, Portland, Oregon. L WANTED Timbered land, lerge and email tracts; enrraapondene solicited. B. 8. Mat- - taaoa Co., 818 Waat 8tb sL. Loa Aagelea, CaL CERTIFIED ecetsr ay SHss, loeesat arte. W. AiV HawelV 838 Chamber of Commerce. AM (till In timber land business. W. Chesdle, agent. South Bend, Waabington. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. FOR SALB Piano, bargain; party, iaavlng la 8 day. 40S lltb St. LEAVINO CITY Have flrat-class upright plan for aale cheep. $11 Weat Park at. . MINES AND INVESTMENTS.' COEUR D'ALENE MINING STOCK I am alway la th market either te bey or sell -any. active mlnlsg atoeki loans ma its on any listed aecnritl. T. P. BROWN. 401 McKay bldg. nORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. DORSES and bugglee ' for rent by day. week end month; apeclal rata to bn.lnia houeea Sixth and Bawtbern. Eaat 12, WB bny. aell. rent, exchange borsee, wsrons, saddles, barn. Hubert A BslL 208 th L DRIVING mare, 1.100 pounds: ton buggy and harness; cheap; Sunday, 414 Fifth, r Mala 162X . TEAM FOR SALE Blsck. weight 2.700 ponnde, gentle. Call 482 Beat Washington, evening. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR SALB Cow and calf, Jersey. SO quart milk a day, 848 East 8 2d at.; Rlchatond ear. BARTER AND EXCHANGE." TWO OOOD timber clalnss to ezebang for real- denes or antmrbaa acreage; over lo.ono.otiq feet ef timber; very accaaalble. Bcglater a ' Co., 107H Third et- I WILL trad a good S-aeat ante for good mtn- xng etorx. - Addree n is. car journal. FOR S LE MISCELLANEOUS. SKEEN Eleetrle Works, 19th and Wash, ata Pbone Parlfle 1474. Kew and aeennd-bend electrical goods bought, sold aad exchanged. SEWINO MACHINES bought, gold and en chanred. $5 and ap. Western Salvage Co., 827 Washington et. SHOWC AS KS,-eountera. flxtura. -bouxht, sold or exchanged. Weatern Sslvag - Co, 821 Washington st. Paelfla' 788. 80 SLIGHTLY da tna red sewing-machine at very low price; Singer, Wheeler A Wilson, Domestic Whit. Household. Da '1a and others; to make room for new atock Wheeler A Wilaon and Ringers. 8. ,8. SlgeL 836 Mor rison at.. Marquess bldg. BOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sure 1 rheumatism. Sold by all druggtste. for CHRISTMAS BOOKS, Bible and prayer-book. riyuna nrae., szv xamuiu ax. SELF-CHANOEMAKINQ cash rrgtater for sale cheap. 211 First at FOR SALE Bargatna ta Whites, Singers, Ds vla, Wheeler A Wlleona, Houeehold snd other lightly damaged marhlnea Tha White Sew ing Machine office; H. D. Jones, SSO Yamhill at, comer Fourth. FREB FOR EVERYBODY Ring np Main 4280 or call 21 "4 Front We buy and sell fursl ture, clothing or any old thing. SHOWCASES and Bxtnree. new and aecond haad. Carlao 4 Kallstrom. 288 Coach st WANTED lot) men to wear our celebrated 820 BiafievMimw sun. I'mns .suorins VSh. 806V, Stark at Batiafactio guaranteed. - FOR SALB Steamboat 14 feet beam, 48 feet long, rapacity 14 tone, new; will aell cheap for cash. D. D. Wood, 51$ Oswego at,, Bt, Johne, Oregon. - FOB SALB Dairy, 80 eowe. bora, wagon, food mute) 80 minute drive from In loca Ion; part e-aan. Phone Main 8083. FOR SALB Chatham Incubator and brooder, 84 dayi-yfrae trial. - Gee. W. Poott, 821 Bast Morrison st, Portland. . - ltlil ajUalLllaVtflj AlLiraVAlILllJ THE ADVERTISER LEARNS FROM EXPERIENCE THE JOURNAL'S VALUE - - , ; ' 1 , As sn advertising medium The Journal stands second to none in the state in the Oregon country. The advertiser gets' results" from The Journal that's their universal experience, as they testify from time to time , . , '" ' " 1 , - tr An it . eri j ... i . " . . . . r ' . ivicn.i; a host: aaveruaera wno ao noi wisn to nave all ex perience arrd no results from advertising should use The Journal, as it gives results, and the advertising experience obtained costs " nothing. t" . ..... . HMMvMvMM.vWWfvWHvHyHTWMMMv WB print yoo? nam on 50 calling card, proper Is and style. Boc; xo business cards. A. W. Bchmal Co., 220 Flrat. Portland. Or. FOR SALB CIIKAP Ssf. $:iO; Bre eecaps, Thlrd-at building. w. tuqulr 843 Nottb INth st. BILLIARD AND POOLy tsbles for rent st for ale on ease navmenta. Til 9 ttHUNSWU'K-llALKB COI.LBNDBR 00. all . Third. sl Portland. . SECOND-HAND bar niture. pooltables. a res, tablea. chairs. . Weatera Sslvag Go., 827 Waahlngtua et. FOR SALE Old and new mannr delivered -$2.25 per load. Phone Mala bond. FOB SALB CHEAP 4 -room a cow, pertly fm nlahed; also woodshed. Call 808, foot East Salmon. . FOR SALE Scotch col I la pupa, S montha old. Phone Main 5207. , . FOR SALB CHEAP Bridge Beech rang In good eusulltlon. 211 I'rettyinan ave, Uoant Tabor. FOR S A LB Houseboat snltnhl for amall faux ily; price $75. Address S 80, care JournaL FOR SALE Largest and beat arranged poultry ranch In'stete, on-rented ground, near city. See Wolfsteln, 227 Front at. PERSONAL. SEXIKB PILLS rare all forma of per eoa es muscular weakneaa. For men or women. ' . Price $1 e bux. 8 bote $5, with full guarantee-. Addreaa or call J. O. Clemenaou, drug, gist, 8ccod and YatuhiU ata. Portland. Or. RUSSIAN BATH. 27 Third at., betwea Taylor and Salmon. Swimming pool, ateam aad not- -air bath. Hours Indies, from a, m. to 1 p. m. 1 geut. from 8 a. m. to IS p. as. GERMAN books, magaslnev, novels, etc.! Oee Jhsii,aLugHtirrvacIU-. apauisi awdle&rn4- jtaiiaa. dictionaries; roreiyn nooks . et -all kinds. Sehmal Co 2-1 Flrat at, . IF yoa have rheumatism we want te cure yoa. New York Medical 4 Surgical Institute, cor ner Sixth end 328V, Washington ata. WERFOOT oil Blacking saves the leather; ab aolutaly waterproof. HOI, DEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sure ear tor rheumatism. Sold by ah druggists. MOI.E8, wrinkle, auperftnoua hair removed. No charge te talk It over. Mra. M. D. Hill. Boom 834) Filed net Bldg. Paoo Paelfla 183. PR. BIKO CTIOONG, Importer Chraeae root meclclneai sella Chinese tea. certain cur for -all disease, 101 2d, bet. Yamhill and Taylor. DR. O. V. KETCH I'M en res promptly private diseases, kidney, nervous, skin end special ' female troubles. Call or writ. Office 17014 Third st, cor. TamhlL Phone Pacific 2228. "T BALM OP FIGS, fnr el female dls. 82) Eaat Belmont Pbone Kaat 40S4. DOLLS'- HOSPITAL Repatrtnr- and draeatng. Booan 8, 843 Va Washington at TLRKI8H BATUS, 800 Oregonlan Mdg4 ladhat -days, gentlemen strata. Mala 18A8. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberta Nerve Globule. On mooth's .treatment, - $3; S montha, $B; sent accural sealed by m1L Agents, Woodard. Clarke A Co, Portland, Or. SUITS pressed whll yon wait. BOe. Ladles skirts praam d. 50c. Gilbert, lOvHi Sixth at neat to Quelle. Pbone Mala 3068. BEST teagaxlne club ever offered; end far Klcea: geets wanted. Jones' Book Star. 1 Alder at. Portland, Or. DI8RA8E8 OF WOMEN! onfortnnat girt and bablea cared for) private hospital. Dr. At wood, roam 8. 80014 MoT. et Tel. PaetSe 1753. OWL RESTAURANT. 2KB Eaat Harrison at Meals I5e and ap; abort orders, freak enters, - J. U Tetalaff, prepriator. - 8WEDIHH trained Barae. Uentngfbrs graduate. cure rueumaiiam. atomacn irooniee, aervoue dlaordere aod sprains by hand-rubblog, etaem, swest and tub hatha. No. T East 11th at. Take Eaat Ankeny ear. Pbone Boat 200. ROSA VERA CIGARS Sold everywhere. -- H. HKITKEMUER a RON. Makers. , T2S Cortaett at Phone Pacific 148S. MH8. DR. MABT "KRAVRR, midwife; alee - quarters for pat tee t. 861 Mississippi ava. - BOT A L CLUB RESTAURANT sow ope fnr bnslnaaa; price ressooabl. J. A. Met rim a a. 83V4 North Sixth at. SCIENTIFIC mss see give treatments fn acalp treatments. , 22444 chronic dlsesaei Waehlngton at SELECTIONS Bade, Introductions given: honor. torn ladies ana gentlemen. Addreee. wits sump. Mr. H. C. -Wilbur, 408 Third t, ' , near Harrison. HOLD ON Thar hi on thing thet will ears .rheumatism. Aak yonr druggist for park tonic or addreaa or call 4, O. druggist Portland, Or. MANICURING parlors roe ladtea aad gentuy aaen. 268 Vk Morrison St., room 14. RECENTLY opened manicuring parlors! ladle ana gentlemen, mil Horrxesa at, room is ALL CHRONIC nervous and nervate disease occeaefully treated by modern eetentlft methods: hraf results, ahorteet time; consults, tlon free. Dr. W. I. Howard, Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth St. SUPPOSITORIES for Ban-led women; perfectly satisfactory. Csll or addrc Mrs. B- C. t Wilbur, 4oe) Third at, sear Harrison, Port land, Oregon. REMOVED from fN74 Alder at. tn 8O814 Wash. Ington et, room 8; face aad scalp masaag! alc-trlelty. , 1 , LADIES: Dr. La Franco's Compound: safe, apeedy regnlator; 28 cents, drurclsts or msllf booklet free. Dr. La Franca, Philadelphia, Pa. MARHIAGB PAPICR Hlrheat character: Inonr.. porated; Sltb year) 2.000 aaemhen: 12 ps re - sealed;' aend loe. . L, L. Love, Box 1800. Denver, Colo. HOUSEKEEPER wanted: matrimonial tnten. tton. 22HV4 Morrtaon at., room 8, February 2, from 10 till S o'clock. YOt'NO mas with means wishes to meet yonng . , lady between 20 and 25: object, matrimony working girl preferred. Address Bos 8X8. elty. BCSINESS PERSONALS. COMMERCIAL STATIONERY 4 PRINTING CO. Office auppllee, loose-leaf system flllng d. vice, typewriter ribbons and carbon papers K. K. KUBLI, Mgr., 228 Stark st INVENTIONrlBOUOHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co, 427 Flledner bldf. Main 2801. CHIMNEY SWEEP. D. P. Wood. Phone Main 1872. 48 Third st. ATTORNEYS. C H. PTO0OTT AND I. A. FINCH- atrorrteve-af-iaw. practice In all evmTfea I t Morrison. I d Mulkey bldg.. corner Second and i z