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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 23. 1907. VOn SALE FARMS. t Amv4s t(TM. 12'4 miles from Portland, In Washington county, 4l lulks from llc.l- Hle rsliroad llatlun; 15 Bores elrared. 10 seres gre-n timber, all fenced, nil level! there la jo arm mora almost cleared; Sue locattoa, beet at soil 1( .. IS arras, 12vf- mite ' from Portland. In WaeblugtoB eouuty; wilt divide ta small tracts from 10 ta 80 acrea; una halt " eerk traot cleared; level land, on main eouuty rued, M. P. D. and lelopuonei art II sell oa essy terms; If yoa want a amall place oa essy terms, will exchange for ell property; Bear acboulj beat of toil. II. too I AO gcree. mllea from Washaugal, Clara noun it, Washington; 16 acres cleared, so acrea good saw timber. milt ta eobool, oa mala county road; old houae. fair atable, family orchard; bast of aolli tblat la S snap. ILtsygv acrrf frontlnf oa the Columbia; ' 16 s s - tn -ml rrra tlon, WO" baarl ng frntt trees, -Bioat It wlotar apples; aVrooin souse, - barn, woodabad, chicken-h-mse, near boat laadlaa- - aad railroad ststton beat of soil. an county read, scar school. t ' 11.400 o acres. 13 miles fron neonrar. bum Tron ColuttiMa rlTor, a mites iron boatlandln- and tallroadt 12 acrea cleared, noma tlmtter. all traced, all level, sVroota bouaa. famllv archerd. naar BChooL floe lorn- lion, aa mala Bounty road; will give terms. '- IS.TOft aft acre ta Clarke county, Waah. 4i miles from railroad and bostlsadlng; I acrea cleared, 15 arrea aaally cleared, aofna tlmhsc, iU fenced; 6-room houee, bare bOitC'l family erensrd; good team. X wagoua, aers harases, 1 .biigcy. 4 at Ik h cowl, tma i yaarauld neiier, a rairea, iu lone or nay, cream separa tor, t barrowa. I plowa, 1 raltlrator, chickens, - amall tool; R. W. D., near -eobool; floe aoll) fealf caab, balance goad terms. P $,000 T60 acres, 4 mllea from, railroad : status, la Lha county: auO acrea la fin - state of cultivation, 18,000.000 feet of good saw timber, balance open pasture, all fenced; running water; fair buildings: family or , chord; R. P. X.. K mile to echool, 4 mile . from a town of S.B00; bast of Bull; balf caab, , balance good teroie. If yon are looking for a anap yon should Investigate Ibta before . saying. ,. .- 14.000 ISO acrea,- 14 mtlee from Portland, 1 mllea front railroad elation; 60 scree In ' flue state of cultivation. AO acrea fine aaw .timber, baluace aaally cleared; all lerel, all ' fenced; 75 acrea bearerdam swale I room : bouaa, fair barn; U-acra beartn orchard; on mala rxmoty read. R. rD., milk mat rwat ,'doar, on ulia to sawmill; team, new weave) and barnaae. bnfay, cream aevarator, 15 bead of rattle. IT cows, some bona and cblckana. 7(t tona of hay, soma grain: tba oowa are rirat-riara. This is soa of toe Beat Diiys on ; tba market: tanas, ft cash, balance years at v vr eanc. - 13.006 80 acres, ft mllea from TancotiTer; It arrea beaTardam. cleared, balance alaabed. aeeded to grasa; all fenced with good post a and wire), una Mr., on mam county raea, mile to railroad "station, aaar achool, R. P. D. i l-room boosa, fair barn, family orchard, .goad wall: new wsaou. tup btutgy, S seta bamaea. plow, barrow, ether amall tools, all Bew $50 raaga, other fnrnltnra,. sewing ma china. Will tale 1.2i0 caab, ' balancs I years at 4) per seat; WIU andante for city nroparty. - -t - - ' WsUliliigtca and OreeTcn Zl::.J- Realty, Co...... :,. 104 Beennd St., Portland, Oregon; and ' 8ut Mala St., Tancoorer, Waaolngtoa. - Close la Farras 1 acres, all Improved; bones, barn and -.- srrhard! Biles aonthwoat city; s,50O. AO acres good land; 2t acres ltuprored; -miles aostbweet-cityrt4.aoo. M acrea, rich bottom land; IS acres enltl ; ration; 14 ml la Clarkamaa etatloo! 14,200. 84 acres oa obnaon creek; bo better land . and water; tt mile south Gates stallo, oa "0, P. railroad; $3.4u0. " . J. U WP.UJI COMPAJrr. . .Sana tot Chamber of Commares. Willamette River i - - 10 a eras ralttrated. Ina Tarlarr rtta. brrrti. eTTinesr nutir ll(.Tbouo. barn, sprlkg of water; ana of the moat beautiful building spots on tba rlrer; boats ' will land oa the farm; a flue deep water front of 80 rods; a railroad Una will aooa ' be bntlt along ths Hear, affording excellent ' location for ablpplng by rail and river; now very oonrcnlent to dty by boat and electric rarllne: If anbdlTlded, affords a aumbar of - beantlfuJ building altee; a splendid iBTrsV ' Mnti anta-ha take aoaoa aofld I'octland Bmn. ...a .". - ' 1 SB j- arty on ths dsaU . . . TJtV1 ft, TJtarrtcfin -' itwuiuv uatiwvu KIT Ablngraa bldg. Bargains for Buyers ' 12.230 buys this 8-roora modern toons, ta. eluding au worth at furniture; good Vosa. 'tlo;.rent ft' 25; good tenants; this Is a No. 1 Investment; this week only. a.V buys 5-room bouse within walking gleral Inca. on Kaet Sixth, near BtirnBtde. .bath and -gas. . gemeni aaaemon V - cement m 1 . 1 lee w-rwiai . . . ,v ... wuuna u, waits lawn. I'nloa see. XI &U? A-ronm eottsea. kit SOtlOO. soar Tnlon aval 8400 . dowa, balance 111 per month. . 81.4001 acra and new 5-room plaatsred " - bonae. 8 blocks to ear line; good soU. -7BO 14 acre, s-room boose; half cssta, balance jlO per month. ., 8M0 S tots, small bouse; half cash, balance 110 pet month. DIAMOND REALTY CO., " Panne Pacific 101. 2&3 AMcr. Room 10. Dairy Farm ion grree. nearly all fenced. 40 acres eultW vsted, must of balancs pasture: 6 acres In food orchard; nice trout etream flows through arm; hense newly painted and papered; 8 barna, outbuildings. S cows, aelfera, 1 eteer, S mares, 1 colt, 8 brood sows, 8 dosra chick ens ; 8 wagons, 1 buggy, 1 mower. 1 hayfork. 1 rake, "2 barrows, 1 cream separator, all small tools: sold last year 1-140 wurtu af apples; convenient to 'river , and rail transports Hon; good community; might trade for property In Portland or a s ass 11 farm seer by. Price) sn ail sow eo.OW.. , ..; Henkle 8c Harrison i i SiT ABIN0T0N BLDO. . " ' FARMS 40 acres. IB miles from Portland, oa west aide of river, I'i miles front bostlsndlng; good bonae, barn, family orchard, IS acrea or tint Oct, io ecm anwr cuiUTetien, all Jl fencedl spaa of boraae, a cows, hogs, Tokens. good Implements; everything In good rendition : Including everything ea , glare, 13.200; terms. to acres, 18 miles from Portland, adjoin, log small Iowa; Isnd all cleared, S acres seeded to timothy, balance nearly all eeriled tn fall oats, lb bearing apple trees, barn with silo, sloes to school and church; elegsat ' llttl boniej .000. OTTO, UlOCkETT FUR ISO N REALTY COMPANY. . 14 Plrst St., bet. Wa.hlngtos sad Alder. 'yfamMmin .''V- ' 1W acres, nearly level, TO acres cultivated, TV acrss, la tlaiheri running strssrs of water; - county road; family orchard; good - eVronm - hoses, newly papered; 3 barna and outbuild- - iegar scbuolboues sod churebbouss at coraer 1 e( lend. - . flnkle'& Harrlscn - 817 ABINGT0N BLDO. 10 ACRES tn' TlHsmordi -enunryf grating or v farming Isnd; for sale very -cheap; has to , be sold at once. Address or call room 40, Ullmaa Uetel, First and Abler. , - HOMESTEAD. -rvieur d'Abjne Iteeervatloa will opea soon; choice land. 25 miles from Spokane, - Corur d'Alene heservatlon Informstloa Agency, 17-18 Etebaage Bank bldg., Spokane, Waah. l"tHHIN -ursnte orrnsroe, rnesp lend sad iirieeirjM. inwni, siiiurani, tb .aunlng. fare 817 from Portland. W. W. I'sree, Orland. (allfornls. 1 At'REAOR AND FARMS near Tlgsrdvllle. ... . a 10 Mil cuh. --. 1 , Vt BUBO'S '"" W ,-' M' ,,.,Mi rillHHI), near Portland and Salem rarllne. f armers' ' Leail Cor, !'S Msdtsen st , Portland. Oretosu ACREAGS 8 aerea for platting) rloee In,- ea ea Unai bii vn-v.Tea w v, .cere euuroat. F0.Il SALE FAR3I3. . S132II Fara Hear Pcrtlani 30 acres, all f-K..l iilnA MM mA .i-imvu, llt ctiuiTatca. a acres in paa tur. I acrea in aire bearing apvla orchard guvd 6 room bouse, new bar a, chl.kca bouaa end nark; rood team worth . t row. chlns, pigs, Iicw wagsu,. back, barneas, all farm bade s nice little farm on good road, 10 k.ii- irora ruriianu. near oa lc m electric rood. acrea. all choice' lead. Boailr lerrl. 10 miles from Portlacd. on good road; IS acres cultivated; bouse, barn, cblckenliouaee sua y eras 1 sice rrulta, barrlea. ate.; t borsea, , oowa, t wagona, cluTer cotter, harrows, plows. cultlritiMs and small tools.-, gray a quick sale wa nUl sell sll fur 40 arrva, all cboloe laud, nearly lerel, as waste) tT acres cnltlrated. balancs pasture; good bouse, good barn, good orchard, good rater, a wall sod spring; 1 mile to railroad, 10 mllea weal of Portland, on good ruad: can aell now tug much lees than Its rams l( Sold quickly. ocrsa. aoely Improesd; ales Tlneyard; fins walka, with lawn and ehrubbery and erna meiiUI trees; live house, good barn; Bear Oak Co, A. hartals, new otly-pil.0"r)." - .1S acrus. all rich, black loam, all Inml and highly euirlTated; gn-d. saw, modern bonae, well aolaned; new bara 4 dreaaed romber; cljlcken park and barna; 100 choice fro It trees beginning to bear., atrawberrles, blackberries, raspberries foose berries, cnrranU, pis plants, ato.i nice lawn, with choice varieties of rosea; uoBis en main nignway; Bice, level road lead ing Into Portland; eoovenleot te R. K. sta tion. ' Oa account of sickness most salt, A choice borne; call and ses. 124 acres, all cultivated; good boa as, bam, rchard, fronts sa good road, T4 miles eat; a2, ouu. . . 18 acrea. 10 acres cultivated, f acres airs whard, aonas. para, ale, H mllea out; 40 acrea, all Ilea ales to ealtlvsts; 8) acres Pnlttvated. He acres la ore hard; new bonae, S rooms plastered; alee aaw bam, eothulld tnga, furniture, nice piano; I horee. I Jersey row. . 100 chickens, 1 buggvjn(l. Implements; wast Orrgon City grlva to Portland; might tkesoaie good Portland property la traue; "Henkle & Haniscn 21T ABINUT0N BLDG. . HAPPINC8H AND PROSPEaUTT. M.8i Besgtlful 64-acrs gns Improved farm, 1 - mile from Kewberg college; Aral rlaae soils tine third caab, balaaee 4) per sent; , U oa see It you will buy It. . P. ruCUS, S21M itorrlaoa at, - ll.too MICR farm, does to city; lee ImprevemeBts. Sot 1)0, roata 8, dty. 8.S0ie ti ACHES. mile eaat of Clackamaa; make good dairy farm. Commonwealth Trust Company. Sixth and Anksny eta.. , 40-ACRB wheat farm. 000 acres In crop which will net SO OtlO, - , 8n acres,' HIS acres ta crop wttleh win net 14.600. The are bargains. Inveetlgete. Call on or write Lafayette Realty Cs,. SIS 14 yahlngtoa St. . ,000-ACRR stock propoaltloa, abundance water ana onirange; 'price per acre, call on or write Lafayatts) Realty Oo, SUM Waah. inaion at TIMBER. TO TUB OWNERS OP TIMBER LAKDS We nave buyers for single claims or large tracts tu almost any part of Oregon -and Washing ton; If you are la the market and vrant to sell quick, send no your descriptions, kind of timber, estimate, god year lowest act cash price. - . 0RK00 BROS?, : - SIT and SIS Pantos, bldg., Portland. Or. ' VYS have parties for all the rellnqnlshmentg we en gvi, ii iney are goou ouea, we want au of theat we can get. ORhtlO BROS. - . -SIT-aad- 1S- roton bhlg.. Portland, Or. " TO OWNERS of timber claims snd timber Ws will buy for cash any good timber tributary to Nebalem river) will deal with owners oolyi ae others aeed s new sr. Write, giving full particulars. On.. Jog-, C. 1.. SUtioa. Portland. Oregon. . WANTED Timbered mods, large and small - tracts; eorreepondens solicited. E. S. Met. . tesuu 4 Cyva SIS West 4U SU. LuS Aogslaa. CaL CRRTIPIEO scrip, s v sum. W. Howell, gag chamber of Coeimerce. M still ta timber Lead buslnros. W. . W. Cbesdle. agent, Soatb Bend, Washington.- 1 100.000,000 P1R. on Oohimbbt. for immediate loggings owners only. M as, care journal. LOW) ACRES yellow pine, cat 8,000. 000 te ouarter sscrion ran be aenpped; gi.gao pet quarter section: 8400 cash ; Lake Bounty. 84, 227V Washington at. 4.000 ACRES In Tillamook, Wsahlngtoa or Na- naiem counties; owners a, agaaia. a s cars Journal. 1 . WANTED 20 to 40 yellow pine claims. In eaatrrn Oregon. In solid body, fur caab, S4. S27H WaahtnghM St. WILL any good claims In Tillamook. Clatsop or loiomnia eouuuea, tog enan. as, iva Wsahlngtoa at. 69 ob UP, aa lower Columbia; aa - trloem. S 63, ears Journal, 100,000,000 TO yellow pine. In bodyt owners or bona Sde agents saly. It 42, ears JeamsL A 150.000,000 OR more. Wibntary to Columbia railroad or water propoaltloa ; owners or dl Vie WT U I - 1 rect representstlves only; don't answer unless 1 yoa can deliver the goods. M SS, cars Journal. ao.OOO.ono YELLOW and red Sr. n solid body. . on driving stream, la 81 south, 8 west) solid . body. Id.AoO If sold at once. Schurlemaa Co., 227 Vs Wsahlngtoa st. . , . . . . . ".."L "';" XiT" nZVi lot ton St. II ARB eh s nee for capital to back good logging f imposition; barg 200.000.000 (laud Included), arte yellow 8r, tributary re Columbia; first -- run of anas repays entlrs Investmest: will rve Intsreist In. timber aad pleat; ae agents. SS, cars Journal. S YELLOW pins timber rial ma foe Immediate location. Wheeler county; rut; soe as at ones. Room 84. 257 H Wsahlngtoa at. MUSICAIi INSTRUMENTS. WHY should yoa look for a second-bead plans , wbea yoa ' can get a beearJfn! new piano direct from the manufacturers for less money t heed-French Piano Manufacturing Company, "From maker ta player." Sixth snd Bumslds. FOR SALS flood aprtght piano, flret-claae dltlon, ebesp fug cash. 870 12th St. MB' lltV DttkAM e.e a u -.. M condition. R. B. Wataoa, 4 L'aloo are., aorta. r " ' SlTNES AND INVESTMENTS. . C0EUB DALENB MIN1N0 STOCK 1 am always ta the market either to bay or eell any active mining stock; loaae made on any listed aerurltles, . T. P. BROWN. 401 McKsy bldg. . aB. POR 8 A LB CHEAP 818,000 of 0. T. Irritation bonds; make any offer. S SS, rare Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. HORSES and Boggles for rest by day.' week ana monrn; special rates to pn-lpeaa a - nuxth aad Hawthorne. . East fk. WB bny, sen, rent, ei change horses, wagnaa, saddles, haraeea. Hubert ft Ball. 80S Its St. I HAVE for aslg a amall borsri sound snd gentlei cheap. Address J. M.. Evans, Lents, Oregon. - FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR SALE Cow and eslf, Jersey, SO smarts milk a day. 648 82d st. i Richmond est. GOOD ymtng family cow. So. B2S East 14th St., sooth. . I GOOD" trash cows. sooth. 8784 Best 11th St., FOR' SALE AnsClTLLANEOrs. POR SAI.B Cbstbsm hieubetoTS snd rvrtoders, 84 days' free trial. Use. W. Poot t, 821 Rest Morrlsoa St.. Pert Is Bd. WB print pour same oa SO calling cards, prone else snd style. She; 2IWI natal neaa cards. II. A. W. Schmals Co., 828 First, Portland. Or. POR SALE CHEAP -Safe. $: Bre escape. Third at building. ao. . loaulrs 843 North IKih st. IMARO AND pool tables For rent a fan es le on ease psymenta. TUB BRUNSWICK BALKS mt LENDER CO. i 48 Third S4, PertUad. FOn S I.LE- MISCELLAXEOUS. 8KTKM Electric Works. IHth and Wash. eta. Phone Parlfle l74. New and sv"od-hs ad electrical gboda bimght. Bold aud exebangsd. SewINU MACHINCg bonrbt. - sold snd ss changed, IS sad up. V rstera halvage Co., -'7 Washington St. 8HOWCAMKN, counters, ttirnree, bonfhc sold or eicnaufeav Westers Halvags Co, Sl'i Washington at. I'acKls T.3. aewtne. very low prlcee: Blnser. Wheeler Wilson. Domestic. White. Umaebold. Davis and others; to mske room for new stock Wbeelec W'llaoa and Singers. I. S. Slget, SSS ator neon si., aasrquaia oiag. HOI.rtEM S RHEI'MATIO CCRC Unrs care tot rbanmatlam. sold by all druggists. - CHRISTMAS ROOKS, Bibles sod prsyer-beoka. Hrlaud BroaM 22 Tamhlll St. PIVB coplae popular music. TSc postpaid. Levy's SKLP-CHANORMAKINO cash register for aale roe p. Bii.airst at. ' FOR 8ALR Baraslna ba Whites. - niaarera. rka- via. Wheeler 4k W llvons. House noioa and other ailghtly dsmaged njachlnea, TUs White Sew lag Marblne office. U. D. jouaa, 260 Yamhill at, corner fourth. PRR8 POR EVERYBODY King np Main 42P0 pr call 21814 Pros!. We buy and sell furni ture, clothing or any old thing. SHOWCAKKA and .flitnree, aaw and arcond hand. Carlaoa Kallatrom, SAP Coach St. WANTED 100 mes to wear our celebrated 120 made-to-nrder anlta. Union Tailoring CoM SOOtt Stark at SatlsraotloB guaranteed. . S400 NEW plans 1180, Decker 840, ergaa 30. asiTt rirsi at., corner aiaia. apatsira. - Pl'ENITX KB S-room cottage snd aprlght plane. cueap ioc cess. . awl eaa( Morriaoa ST. . SECOND-HAND bar Sirares. pnoltsbles, safes. isoies. caaira. weatera Baivags ue., " tun Wsahlngtoa eC POR SALB Palrr, SO cows, boras, wagon. fnoa route; go minutes- drive from ana loca lon; part agah. Pboae Uala DOSS. 1140 PKA NUT roe. tar tor S7S; perfect order, ST n Oil T e rOR SALE Old snd new manure delivered Wi.vs par soas. ruons Mala aVSsS. POR 8ALB Htesmboet 14 feet beam. 44 feet wag, rapacity i tona. new; will seu cheap for caab. D. p. Wood. 61 S Oswego at, alt. eubaa, Oregon. .... POR SALS) CHEAP -room Brow, partly for- nianeai sum woouanea, usu gov, .loot cast Rslmon. - - - rOR SALE Cash register. Call S4S Darts at. -4- 40 ACRES Cat 4.000 cords, near O. W. P., 11.800; eaay terms. 84. 217 Si Wsahlngtoa. 265 ACRES 3.500.000 good timber, lots of . cord wood, 00 Clarkamaa river; f:S0 per sere. 84. 2274 Wsahlngtoa St. POR SALE Scotch collie pops, month a aid. Phone Main. 6B7. .-, ...... , . . POR SAI.B CHEAP Bridge) Bearb mnge ' rn -good eoadltleaj. -ftll Prettymaa avvt, Mount Tabor. ..,.. , - FOR. 8AI.R Houseboat sultshla for small fam ily; pries 875. Audrees 8 89, cars Journal. POR SAUa-aegeet and "best arranged poultry rsacb In state, on rented ground, sear city. See Wolfatelu, I2T Front at. - ' BARTER AND EXCHANGE. EASTERN Oregon store building, rented for 10 , per month, at afadrae, Orerou, Crook county: they arc drridhig county; sladrasto be coun tv seat: will trade this for vacant lota In Wty; mvsstlgeta. Alexander Land Co.. 83)4 ' Sixth St., aaar Pise at. WHEAT farm and crop worth. 823.S00 to ex- change for modern residence In Portland- A4 drees 8 SO, care Journal. PERSONAL. BEST IN THB CITY Masseuse: arrvons dls eaeee, face and aeslp manicuring and rbeuma ' tlam.- not and cold baths; . also electric - vibrator treatment; pimples and freckles re . moved ; trained aurses. SM Vaalorrleon stu, second Boor, rooms SS and 17. 10 av n. ' so 11 p. as. . v SEXIVR PILLS care ail forme eg nervone muacsair weakaasa Pea - mew ae worn -- Pries 81 a box. S boxes S3, with full guar, antes. Address or csll J. O. Clemenaoa, drng f 1st. Second snd Yamhill ata.. Portland.- Or. RUSSIAN BATH. SOT Third et betwea Turlnr and Salawa. Swimming poot. stesm and bot . nlr bath. Hours Ladlee. frors I a. a. to 1 p. m.) gents, from f a, as, te 18 ba. GERMAN boohs, magasiae. aevels, etei Oer r ease, Rngllah, Frsacb. Spanish. Swedk-k and Italian dlctlonarlee; foreLro books of all kinds. Schmsls Oo, ga First sr. -- IP yea bare rheumatism wa want to cure yon. New York Medical ft So rales I Institute, cor ner Sixth, aad (828H) Washlagtoa ata. WERPOOT Oil Blacking saves the lestaeri ab solutely waterproof. . . . - , BOLDBN'S RBET'MATIG CUBE Sere sure for rhenmatlsss. Sold by -sll drngtlsta. MOIJiS. vniaklea. snpsrfruoaa hstr removed. cnartrs re ten it over. Mrs. at. o. HIIL n .... K . . " ' "u" "lus Phooe Padfle I3i. DR. BINU CHOONO. Importer Chinese reot medicines: sells Cblnrss tea. rertaln cove for an dlssasee, 181 kg. bet. Yamhill aad Taylor. DR. O. RETCHCM cures promptly priests oieeneesw. s'noey. nervous, asm and special - femals trouhlea. Call or writs, or nee 17014 Third st, cor. TambO. Phone Pacific 222U. BALM OP PIGS for aB female tUseeses. Eaat Belmout- . Phone East 4084. SM DOLLS HOSPITAL Repelling aad dn slag. a, geavb waablBgtoa st. TURKISH BATHS, Son Orecoalas bldg.( ladlea days, gentlemen sVhte. Mala 1888. 1 1 MANLY vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nerve . Globules. One month e t rostra en t. 2; I most he, IS; sent securely sealed by malL Ageata. Woodard, Clarke ft Ce Portland. Or. SUITS pr.eeed wtills yoa wait, SOc Ladwa Skirts d. 80r. Ollbert. tonv, SIxU at. aext to One lie. Phone Msln'SOAS.- . BEST msgnalne clubs ewr offered: aead for S rices ; agents wsnted. Jones' Book Store, H Alder st., Portland. Or. - . DISEASES Xlf WOMEN; snfortnnate girls snd babies esred for; private hospital. Dr. At wood, room 8. 880 hi Mor. St. Tel. PsclSe 1758. HOLD ON There ts ewe tbtng tbst will rare rheumatism. Ash your drugrlst for bark ' ton is or address or call 9. O. Clemen son. druggist, Portland. Or. , OWL RESTAURANT. .28 Eaat Morrison st . Ilea la IBs snd apt short orders, freer, oysters. - i. U Tslslaff, proprietor. SB' RDISR trained auras... Helslngfors graduate, cures rheumatism, stomach troubles, nervous 41 wot date and sprains by baad-ruhblng. steam, . sweat and tub bathe. No. T East 11th at. Take Best Askeny car. Phone East 800. ROSA VERA CIO A PS Sold everywhere. It. HFITKEMPER ft SON, Makers. TPS Corbet t sU . Phone PacISs 1433. MARRIA0R . PAPER, highest rhirscter; In. corpora ted; lltb year; XOne) members; 13 Cia-es, ssaled; send 10c. L, U Leva, Box 00. Denver, Cotorsdo. PROFESSOR O. S. POVB. phrenoloeist. scien tific character-reader ; l.ssims given la clean or private: rormerly of Sea Francises. Office 318 AlUky bldg., corner Third and Morrison. AGENTS wsnted: good salary or commission. For particulars tntpitrs Wanda, ths Fslmlst, 328 Fifth si. . REFINED lady gives manicuring, chiropody, scalp and facial treatment. 901 '4 Third St., corner Taylor. " ... FACE end scalp treatments glreo it S4S! Mor rison sr, suites 1-8. SELECTIONS mads, IntrodurtloBS given; honor- sble Udles snd gentlemea. - Address, with Stamp. Mrs. II. C. Wilbur, 408 Third St. a., near Harrleoa, MRS. 1R MARY KRAMER, mldwlte-. Bars fur patients, lull Ulsalaslppt are. quarters MANICURING narlora for ladles and gentle area. XS's Morrlsoa St.. roam 14. . RECENTLY opened manicuring parlorst ladles snd gentlemen. 3A1 Mcrrfsna at., room 12. ROYAL CLUB RESTAURANT now open for business; prices resennable. J. A. Merrlmau, a.1', North sixth tt. 1 '. . ALL CIIROXWV aarvsus and prrrite .diseases fully trested by moleru srJentKic methods; beet results, ahorteet timet ennenlta Itou free. Dr. W. I. Howard, Cummoawssltb M1, sixth It. ...... PERSONAL. Si 'PPOstiTiiltltS for married women orrfectlr satlaractory." tall or address sirs. H '. W lll.ur. eisl Third St., mar Harrison, Port land, Orefa, .A DIES: In-. I Pranco'a Compound; safe, speeily retulstor; 25 cent a, druaatats or mall; booklet free. Dr. La Pranco. Plilladelplila. Pa. SCIKNTIPIC gives treatments for chronic dlaeea Waehlngron at scalp trsatmests. 124 ts BCSIXESS PEHSQXAIJ3. COMMERCIAL STATIONERY PRINTING CO. Ofocs supplies, lotos-leaf eyetem Sllug de vices, typewriter rlhhone and esrboa paper. K. K. hlbLI. Mgr., S2H Stark st. CHIMNEY SWEEP. D. D. Wood. 1'booe Usln 147 2. 48 Third St. COVENANT CONTRACT CO., 42T Flledner bhlg. Inventions bought aad sold. Phone Mala Sl. .... ART. 1 FREE LESHON8 IN Embroidery Every Day. TBI NEK1U.PCRAPT JbllOr. 888 Washlagtoa at. ' B. H. MOOREHOI-'Ss? CO. Artlete' materlale, picture molding, picture- fremtng, alereoptl cmia. wntega elides. 818 Alder st. PROPE8HOR R. MAX MEYER.- 848 Alder St. Portrait sad landsesps artist and teacher. AUTOMOBILES. " PULLMAN -A7JT0 CAR CO.. ' Builders, designers . snd repalrera of ' ell ' makes of automobiles. Bodies, tops, fenders. ' dssbee. Ismp brackets, running boards and glass fronts. Gears and all parts of auto mobiles made to order. oa-70-71-74 North Sixth St.. corner Everett. H.T. KEATS AUTO CO.. v ATT0MOBILKS AND SI I'PLIES. Northwestern distributors for Pope Rart forda. Pepe Trtbunea, Puna Waver! re. Pope Toledos. Tbnmas. OldaDiobilea. Franklins. Bulcks. 80-82 Seventh at.. Perttaad. Oregoa, kHAVtr TOU SEEN BARER ELECTRKT uipiiai nuppiy sxo AKier sr. mono f s clflo P71. Demonstratloa by appointment. ATTORNEYS. 0. H. PIOOOTT AND J. A. FINCH :- arrorneTeir-lw. srariee tm ell m 4 Mnlkry bldg., corner Second and Morrleon. AS8ATER8. 0ARVIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO.. aad Moniaan assay ur nee. iiej Morriaoa at. BATHS MASSAGE. BATHS at EOT Third, between.. Taylor and Sal. . awn ste. We have added on S Boss las bath; : awlmmtng nooL atssm sad hot air, Hoarst Ladles, 8 a. af, ta 1 p. m.; gents. S a. as. to 12 p. M. BUTCHERS SCFPLTES. ' Bt'TCHKR SUPPLIES . Btrkenwald Co.. 804- 80 Kverett at.: largest butcher supply bouse - the const. - Write for catalogue. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES Adolpk A. Dakota. 181-1.19 Ttra-r St., tarries a full line and coua- piets seeortroent st lowest msrkst prleee. - BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. UOWI, DAVIS KILHAMv 108-dll Seeood St. Blank books manufactured) egSBts for J ones improved Loose Lear ledgers; see the new Knreka leaf, the beat oo the merkst. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A.- MELTON, the ea reenter, tog Fourth at, a tore ana since wo-x, main itsi. - -B. MELTON Office, store Situ res; general jooning. st f irst st. rnane Main ainuv CARPET CLEANING. STANDABD Carpet Cleaning Co., largest plaot on the cos at. Lotint and Hardtas sta., tele phone Eaat S0. CarDete cleaned, refitted. sewed and laid: both oteam and latest com prresfd air proeees: reaovatlnf mattreesos snd tea there a specialty. BAN IT A RY carpet cleaning, section snd eoas. pressed sir com bleed: ear pet a cleaned on float - wttnont temsvsl. Main SKSs. Msla 4200. COAL- AN t WOODr ' smithing cosi aad.. . Oosl for Ships . a specialty. STOBET ft BROOKES PCEL O0. , ' 1 (Incorporated.) Rxelndjve e rents fog r ' 1 KEMMERER COAL. COAL. COKE. CHARCOAL. . Offlcaj ead Yard Proat aad Kearney sta, THB Portland Wood ft Coal Oo. are now going In their new yard, at ths I laser of - 16th and Barter streets. - rtr, saa, slab wood ' ana ooL - rt--.. .u- OREGON FUEL CO. la bow Belling Welsh an thracite, beet goal aa tba aurket. 884 Alder . at. - Mala an. s ALB1NA FUEL CO- Dealers ta eordwuod, era end green snd dry nlsbvrood. R. R. and Alblnn are., 8 blocks east af ferry. Beat 874. STEEL BRIDOB FUEL CO Deslera ta oneL eocdwood and dry subwosd. Pboae Bsst 434. PORTLAND Sawdust ft Slsbwood Co.. SSS Front, successors so raitoa vtooa (je. am is. WESTERN PEED ft FUEL CO. Ho blacksmith coals. Phone Main 1018. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. HIIL Room 830 Fleldner Bldg. Phone Pacific ISO. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed 1 per stoats.. Tailoring Co., 80S Stark at. ' BJ. W. TI'RNER. profeasloBst dysr and clesaer. aos jetrereoe st. rasoe usin goia. . PORTLAND Steam Cleeotng and Dylaa Works, 811 Foarth st, Phcns Pacific SOT. CAFES. THB OFFICE 2ns Washington at, phons Aials ffi. namnei vignsns. . CLAIRVOrANTS AND PALMISTS. Always Consult the Best. - ' . . PH0P. E. KHIMO . ' Ores test living ssrrel drad-traneav elairv voyant of the age; adviser sn business sad sit sffalrs of Dfe; tells year full nemo ead . what yea celled for. whom yoa will marry, how to control ths one you love, even though miles twsy; reunites ths separated! gives secret powera to control; ao long drlsya la waiting, - Hours 10 ta 8. dally snd Sunday. Permanently located In - ble earn heme. 2&S FIOs st.. corner Msdleoa St. PROFESSOR WALLACE, palmist, clairvoyant . snd -medium 1 readings fiAc. - 1'srlsra 4 aad 8, The Cosmos. 2t"i Morrnvna St. DANCING. DANCINO lessen, gv, rhtseee or pvivatst warts. Int. tsre-etep. three-atep, eta. I stage dancing, ' bock and wing, clog, reel, skirt. Spanish, Highland fling, esc. Prof. Wat Wilson, ehl. et recoealaed teacher, Allsky bldg Third and Morrlsoa ste. WOODWARD DANCINO SCHOOL Clans Mnn., , Tours, and Set. era. : soclsl. fancy, sad atep dancing tsasiit; 8 asst. teschers: elsae end privets etesons dally. Westers Academy sail. . Second and Morrlsoa. eta.- I'sclfU IS30. - . PROP. RINOLER.. Mies BBCksaiiisysi tee drug sclmnl; ballmoea etiquette: rorrert danclngi claaa Tues.-Msu evs. rMldren Sst. p. m.t prlvsts leeenne dslly 8ns Aider. Mats IBM. DRESSMAKING. LADIES" tailoring and dressmaking aeatly dons; , kvw prices. Mrs. J, Berg; 718 Front St., cor ner 1 ituker. - MRS. MARY CRIPPEN, eaetern dreeemaker, Monaaates boeae, 2M6Vk First at. TBY Angeles Press raaV'ng par lorn, 843 FUtl aad Ma In, - Pad la 888. t . ELECTRICAL SUIT LIES. M. J. WAL.I1 CO., 811 Stark St. Electric and Uaa Pliturra slid Supplies. Mantels, Tiling. Orates snd boglroua. PACIPI0 El KCTltlc CO. Engineers, enitrae tore, repairers, electric wiring, eunpllea. B4 Plrst, cor. Surb. Msla 6B0. R. B. Tata. mgr. WK.iTKBN ELECTRIC WORKS, 81 Sixth St Con I factors, electric euppllea, motors snd ey as ui us; ws Install bght aad power plants. MORR1NON ELECTRIC CO.. zvt Eaat Morrlsoa at. ruturea, wiring, repairing. Eaat 11 BARRETT'S, 408 Morrison st. phone Mela 122. s-vsryuiing is electns wiring aad lighting. EDUCATIONAL. HOI.MKS BU81KEXS COI.I.EtlB. ' Waslilnttoa and 10th sis., Fllrdner bldg. Bookkeeping, fioortliaad. Typewriting aad all English brsachee taatht, both day snd night. e- BKtiNKE-WAl.KER RTSINKSS COIXEOK, DAY AND mi; HT SESHIONS. Special Classes In ttterman. Prenth, Spanish. Elks' bldg., Seventh snd Htarggtt. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WII18 A 4RON -WORKS SeoonoT and Everett sta. Puooa Mala 2oo. i-w GASOLINE ENGINES. SHEFFIELD marine enylnes, reveralng or aolld prniieUera; all makes repaired, Fairbanks, Morse Co., Plrst and Stark. CASOLINB engines, all .shwe ar.d etylee, st lowest prices. . Relrsoa Machlaery Ce 183-4-d Morriaoa St. HOTELS. THE BEI.I.ETUB. rwsrth snd Sslmea ets Rooms nOe up: rstes by , week or month out-of-town trade aollaltad. . Psclfls 310ft, . HOTEL Portland. Amdrleaa plan. 88. 8 per da BELYBDERB; Etrropeas plaBpsrh tsd Aider its. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. solicits opportun ity te quote prices. T4 Sixth st. Pacific 464 INSURANCE. ISAA0 L. WHITS, loafc bldg. ... W. L. PAOR. Insnrance; employere' liability, surety bonds, burglar sod accident Insurance. Phooe Main 82M. 204 Falling bldg. JAB. Mcl. WOOD, employers' Usblllty end ra. dividual accident security bonda of all klada. . Pbons 4T. - SOS MrKsy bldg. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and tor Bale. An kin da. Including approved forest reserve scrip 4or surveyed, aa snrveyed. timber and prairie government land. H. M.- Hamilton. "Ths Portland." Portland. ' MONUMENTS. BEO KTNOLET.-20g First at; Pertland l leading marble ang grsalts . works. MUSICAIa. THB WEBBEB STUDIO Msndolla. haajo, gat - tar Instruction; uibsoa maadollna. gbuVt . Washington . - - LESSONS SOe Piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, violin. 841 Vi First St., npstalre. Mrs. Martin. LOUIS A. CREITX. violin teacher. - Sherman, Phopel?arinu 188. Studio 811 PIANO, violin, mandolin, trombone, clarinet. Professor B. A. Smith. 254 12th. Main 4703. MACHINERY. B. TRENKMAN ft CO. Mtnlnx. aawmin, loa ' gtng machinery; bydranlle pipes, casting; all (bids rspalrad. 104 North goer lb. A. i. PAUL. 108 Pint St. Engines, boilers, , sawmill and cross-ana mschloery. THE B. C. ALBEB CO. Second-hand relnery. aawmtlla. etc. 848 Orssd ave. MONET TO LOAN. ; MONEY -TO LOAN Oa I tn proved elty property or for auDdrng purposes, for from 8 to 10 years, tiros, with prlvllere to r.pey ell ae part of loan after two o years. ' Los na approved fron, plans snd awaey advaaced as bulldlnr progrisisa; owart- gagea reken up and repiaceoi. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Afaat. r- sag start at. eie CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa aaUrles. Insursncg nollcleav dUbos. furniture, ware hones receipts. ete.t env deeervtna nereon mav aocnro s lib ers! advance, repaying by easy weekly or snontaiy tnstsirmrats. MEW ERA LOAN ft TRUST COUPANT, 808 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Just oa rour own name bo ether security! don't borrow until you see me: aiy system Is tbs beet for railroad men. clerks. 000 Keepers. . streetcar mea snd sll other employee; bust Beet strictly roafldeotlsL P. A. Nswtoa. 424 A Mnti on bldg. . MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others aooa their own namee without eecur- ' tty; cheapest rstes. easiest payments; offices In SO priacipal el t lee; ssvs you res If uxjeey r-bv getrlng rmr terms first. ' TOLMAN. 228 Ablngtoa bldg, 108H Third St. MONEY loaned to enlaried people Just ea your awa name; don't borrow until yoa oee me; my system le tbs bent for rsllrosd men. . clerks, bookkeepers, streetcar men end nil other em P loves; business strictly cMfldeattaL P. A. Newton. 424 Ablngtoa bldg. WANTED Notes, snnrtgacea sr contracts ea sny kind of real estate In Orevoa and Wash-Ina-ron: second mortcagee purchased If well secured. H. B. Noble. 818 Commerclsl blk. MONEY to loan In sums to suit. 8 snd S yeera, as low ss 8 per cent, ea Improved dry prop erty. Moulton ft Scobey. aui Colombia bldg, 80S Washlnrtoa at. DON'T borrow money on sate re rmtfi paw see Hnttcn Credit Co, , , 818 Dekam bldg. W. S. WARD, lawyer. Alleky bldg. Probate and avortgage hnalBeea enllcired; moderate fees; loans money ea BMrtgagss from 1200 apt eaay term. MONEY leaned en furniture, pianos snd other even rifles, w. A. Ms ths way. reocs iw. vraau Ingtos bldg. Pbene Pacific 1832.. MONTY to loan I Isrre bans specialty: skat building loans; lowest rates; ore Insurance. William G. Beck. 812 Palling bldg. - PRIVATB money to loan oa dty and suburban roperty at 8 snd T per cent. B. J. Oow labsw, SIT Commercial bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO.; '4JS Mohawk bldg. Money to lend on seey-paymenl plea ta wage. earners; atrlctly confldeattal. MONEY te loan oa all kinds of em irlty. William Holl, room S Washington bldg. TO LOAN Burnt to suit on chattel security. B. A. Frsms, 014 the Maronem. A LOAN for the ssklag salary or chatteL Ths Loan Co, 410 Dekam bldg. . QUICK loans on til securltlrt. S.. W- King. an weemnifou sing. Mam sits. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DR.". ADIX A NORTHS UP, 415-14-17 Dekum bldg. Third and - Wssblngton its. Phons Msln 840. - Eiamluetlea free. DR. LILLEREI.LB PATTERSON, specialist on nervous, scute aad rbronls diseases. . Office 217 Fences bldg. Pbons Paring 1100. OPTICIANS. . B. J. MILLS Optomettie and Byeataiit SnedaTlsS.. Room Bt tT. 12a Wssblngtes Street, PLUJIBERS. FOX ft CO. Sanitary plumbers, 81 Second, bet Mala asd Salmon. . Oregoa phone Mala Bail. DON N Kit BE SO A RADEMACHER, removed te. ta, ox rturnsttle et. PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. . B. BEACH ft CO. The Pioneer fatnt Cei. window ilaea asd gleslBB. led first et, Pboae 1834, . , ..... v BANKS. I TTLTOir' nRSEstaWtahsd M4 ., , oenorai Basking Businsss. Collecflons sble ,., ii -k. v. . ,Keueo sTatianis in fcurope sou an v " - S. Tl-i. 'M """; nd Telearaphle Tran.fcr. a. .Id on Sew kMrk. Wa.niottan. rai-.e-. .,M r . . ""i.""? Prsncleeo and Montana and Brltl.b Eicbange edonLondon, Paris, Berlin. IBtrorJlonat.,,, Y..k..hma. Manila and n.-e-btrg. n EECHABTS MATI0BAL BANK. P0BTXAMD. ObioOW XT J 'Bi WATSON ,Preetoent I H0YT Cashier I Traaeaets a General Beaktne Bnslneea. Ttrafta i Psrtsef the World. IT ,rI XATIS RATIONAL BANK OP M,,fT.l.T"m,''., nT"k Banking Business. PetalVee. eut,, "a Ilnnrkoe. and reealdent J c. AINHwnnvn i Yl President p.. i.Cg BARNES Assistant Cashier BANKERS' XTICBZRMEM'S BANK-PertUad. Oregon. Commercial and eavlnaw department, Interest salt! letrer. ... ii. iz.-. r nr. w-... m.u.s e.viMrffe sn C. PELTON President ill nt nt nt JO"x A. KEATINO..-.. Second Vice-President 1 iTil Alnt 0P CAmORinA gliabliahad 1 l Peld n . .M onn noo , General -Ftsnklnr snd KTchange Bnetneea Transacted. Interest en Ttms' IV posits. i'ki-ak rMKT Aeeounta may be opened of tin and opwaru. ..Portland Braa.-ti Thamher of Commerce Building. ACBAB.. ..Manager 1 9s-tr Bl'RTTWAEl.t. VrrAasveHnt afanaref WH, FRST NAXIONAI, BAJTE, PortUsd. Orsgsn. Oldest National Bank on the rscl Const. " CAPITAL A50 BCRPLUB H.SOO.OOO.Oa BE POSITS 114.000.000 oft. . ; A. U im.r .President I J. W. NEWKIRK. Cashier TRUST COMPANIES. PIBTXABTJ TRUST COVTAWT or 0RP"0B The OUeet Tmst Oeaspaay ta oves-ee, . RFSOURrps OVER 81 mo.oor). Oeneral Banking. Two per rent Interest on cheek sceosats teven knndredal on datlv halHAM nf IVI f irf eeeHlt and eaehanee eat . Ii V?.0 tbeworld. Serines accounts. Time oeuiocatss. gvw or over. 814 to 4 per rent. ' Cell for Book of 'ILLUSTRATIONS. -, rv-nttieait Corner Third gnd Oak Streets. Phone Private Ei chants T2. BENT. T. CORFV President 1 H. L .PlTTOCK. Vice-President B. LPB PAOET 7." Secretary J. O. OOLTRA Assists nt Secretary SKTOBITT SAVTNOS TBT8T COMPART .Jnaacts s Oeneral Banking Bnalneaa. sua Banngs sscounta. Acts ss Trustee ror cat. res. ursrta Baa lantan si vreaii . AvsllsMe on ATI Parts of the World... . ?f.BAW-""'"".-"--vrr:..--. . .;pvsMent f U MILLS........... .Second Vlre-Preeldent I 0E0. B. BI'HSELL N0RTBWESTTBW OTJABANTTE ft TBT8T Ct'MPABT Pevtlaad. 'Ovesyea, Lumber Bxcbenge. S. B. Corner Second end Stark Streets (eeeond leafy. '' " FISCAL AGENT FOB CORPORATIONS. State. Cooaty. Munldpsl Cnroorstloa Bonds Bought snd Sold- Near Enterprises Orgs aim! " ' '. and Financed. - Stocks and Bonda Oosranteed. . "ITU 0rARANTEE ft TRUST CO MP A NT 440 WASRIMOTOV STREET. MORTtiAGS LOANS oa Portland Reel Estate st Lowest Bs tea, ' - Trtlee Insured. Ahetrscta Furvtlebed. THORBTTRN ROSS....... Preatdent 0EOR6B H. HILL Vice-President I 1 1 BONDS AND M ORRIS BROTHERS Chamber 44 Cenunaroa Mutrldpst, Rsttrosd and Pnbllc Berries Cutporarhra Bonda, DOwTrnrO-HOPBIBS OOMPABT IstaWlahsd 1888 BROKERS. BTOCBS, BONDS. G BAIN Booth t aad Sold for Cash and ea sfaeatg. . 1. Prtvats Wires. ROOM '4 CHAMBER of COMMERCB. - Phons Mala IT. LOUIS J. WILD HOME TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCKS. 1. ' Member Portland Stock Bxcbenge. Coraer Sixth and . Washington Streets, Portland, Oregon. - Ovcrbeck. Starr & Cooks Co. ' ."" 0RATB, PBOTTSIONS. COTTON. STOCKS AND BOKIeS. ' ' -, ..' . . - .. . WZ BO ft STRICTLY OOkUaosUOif BUSINESS. i OsatiBaosM'alairkeri by Prtvate"Wirs."""fufcf BervlraCrrpERtNCES tdd"ft XUtoa. BaasT era, aad United Ststee National Bank of Portland. PRINTING. A. E. KERN ft CO, . . , . - PROMPT , -' --- " PRINTERS " Sll Second street. Phone Main BSST. THB MODERN' PRINTER Y Artistic printing. 20 Ruaeei bldg. Fourth sad Morriaoa.. Phons Pacific I82S. 1 - EVERYTHING IN PRINTING Irom circulars to catalog nee snd newspapers. Metropolitan Printing Ce 14T Front St. OGILBEB BROS., printers Cards, billheads, ete. Phone Msln 1808. 14BH First st. PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. DOANB. 28 Vamblff St.. opposite Jeer, nal office, wall paper, pslntlng and decorat ing, rnons as (or estimates, raciiic POR reliable work, reasonable prices. Sheehy Bros.. 3X2t Yemhlll. sear sta. Main soia. ROOFING. TIN BOOFIN0. guttering, repairing snd genera tohhlng. J. Loan. Xlt Jerrersos et.. rac. isze. RUBBER STAMPS. r. 0, STAMP WORKS. 848 AMet St.. pbeoe Mala 710; rubber stamps, ses I., stencils: neg gsgs, trade checks; braes signs sad plates. REAL ESTATE. ' Schuyleman & Co. PAClriC COAST TIMBER DEALERS. 22TJ WasWnjtca St. II. R. BROWN. Rssl Estate and Insurance, Nashville. Office, Millard avenue, ML Scott car line; postorries Lenta, a. t. v. no. 1, bog 138. .. ... - OEO. . SCHAEPRR, rssl eetate asd lira m ears nee. 8)7 Chamber of Commerea. "COOS BAT NEXT." ' PARR1SH. W ATKINS ft CO, Beat est sta. Insurance, rental and . -. ageata. 8bO AMer et. loan J. W. OOTI.BEB. real eetate Bad manat setah- llsksd 1883. 140H ririt et, room 11. A. B. RICHARDSON. REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAGE LOANS. Phono Msla 83PS. 823 Chamber of Commerce. SPHINX AGENCY, deslera In reel eetate aad rentals 803 4 Stark at Msbj 8184. BUTHRRFORD ft CO, SIT Commercial bldg. Kesidrcce property our epeciajty. FOR FARMS OP EVERT DESCRIPTION. W. W. ESPEY. 818 Commercial bldg. 1 1 " STREET PAVING. WARREN Construction On, street paving, aide- walks and e rues lots. 114 Lumoer gxenanga. THE Barber Asphalt Psving Co. af Port Is od. tit nee om worceeter nit. SHOWCASES ANT,FrXTURES. SHOWCASES of every deeorlptloe; bask, bar and etore nrturee maoe to order. 1 he Laths Mssnfsctuiiug Co., Portland. B. H. BIB OS ALL, deetrner; a rent M. Winter Lumner Co, T Hamilton niig. Maw mmw. SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO.. torn stents for Herring- Htll-Msrvls vsfsa snd Mantanese Sfeel Sate fe.'s benk safes. The Isrgest sasnrtmeat of Itb-grade firs end burtlar-nroof safes ts the northwest. ' 88 Seventh at. DIEBOLD Manganese and Hie-proof eefee: lock, outs opened; metal fixtures; vault and jail work; larks. J. B. Burls. 88 Sd. Msla InSa. EIGHT second-hand firs-proof ssfes sad two . eecemd-band benk aafee for sale cheap, at. TO Slvtb at.; PortrsntL Orrgon. " ' , ...... . , t .. - SIGN PAINTERS. POSTER ft KLE1SER SIGNS, We have bntlt Bp the largeet sign bsetnsas fa the city by first-clsse nork and keeping our promisee. Oar prices are right. Fifth aad Everett ste. - Chose Exebangs 08. "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT." Portland Sign Ob, 8T 8farh st. Pbons Pacific loud. W. P. BERGEB A SON, EM Yamhill et Signs ef -all kinds. Pbons Part nc 8288, SEWING MACHINES. TUB WH1TB SEWING MACHINE AGENCY. 280 Yamhill St, Cor. Fourth . Phone Mala to;. - Bargains la sll kinds sf new snd second hand aewlag mschbjee; a few elltsfly dsns aged, good as aaw, at greatly reduced prices. PHONB Parlfle 8788 and I personally will rati . and repair tour nswlnc-maehine: work guar anteed. 8. Mams, adjuster. Sol Third St. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, sosp, II per snsBth. Purtlsnd laundry ft Towel tupij Co, hlnth aad Loucs, I hoaa aid. la IMS.) 4. at all sol eta ea r.e- R. L Dl'ltUAM TW Prl.e, (JEOUOB W. UOYT Asahttsat CaslUrf aad Letters of Credit Issued A valla Me tn CnlleriLms s' BnecUltv. PORTLAND, OBEOOW. DRAFTS lR( rl AvallsblS H AM Cities of Manlls. CUectlona Made sn FavoraMe T"'-. r.i.i w aclivvrit AmlataBt'Cashi;; '.'.'.''"..l W. A. UOLt A. M. WltlOTIT - . rtarner Secoad aad Stark atreeta. - .-is - i - - - TlemrtB and "".".r1 parts 1 m. I n. I PL warts m n e woris, I V P mpars ..Ceetilef PI.ATT A PUTT ... (leneral Cooneel 1804... Head Oldse, San Ptwaelaee, Osllfee.4. flurelaa and undlvldew proSts. . . .8' ""I 4o2.S8 W. C. AtrORO... ..Assletant fsabW Second Assistant Ceshlev B, P. STEVENS... certificates. S te 4 per rent: eboet-ell special 84 Morrhvm Street. Portland. Oragsa.. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, Interest Allowed en TA7 T.FWTN.-7T7T;7.t;r.lrhwtce-1,ie1el" R. O. jr'RITZ .Secretary Assistant Secretary JNO B. AITCHIHIlN . Secretary T. T. BTTRKHART - INVESTMENTS; Build lag. (Members Chicago Board of Trade.! 10S Third et McKay Bldg., Portland, Oregon. T TPE WRITERS. DON'T eity 8 typewriter unless pes boy the beet. 'The L. 0. Smith ft Bros.' WrlMng- . In Night Typewriter is tbs best typewriter made. Also a line of sllstitly aaod traded out machines- of sll makes at your own price. L. ft af- Alexander; H. B. Stemler, masager. 170 Fifth at, opposite poatotflce. HEADQUARTERS for sew aad rebuilt type 1 writers of all mahee; see our wlndowt If yew sre going to buy a new typewriter ses uu.e- ifore buying; wo can save you money we ehave parte for repairing all mschlnei ; ttsta agenta for the Visible Fox; we buy all kinds " of typewriters. The Typewriter Eicbange. Inc., E. J. Klllsou, amnager, 84 Third at. WB aell Remlngtoon. Smrrh-Premlers. Deoa vwrea. etc, lower than any other oompenv; ' Investigate. Underwood Typewriter Co.. So ath. TYPEWRITER Reoatr ft Sunnly Co.. 400 Wash ington st. - Pntats Mala 4M84. - BLICKEN'SDERFER typewriters. 140 aad v; aupplles. repairing. Roaa ft Rosa, 201 H Stark. " TRANSFER " AND HAULING. THE BAGGAGB ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO, from hotel or realdeoea direct to destlnstloni paesangers therefore avoid rush sad annoy ance at depots. Prlvsts - Ei chases 88. SAFES, nlaaot aad furniture aroved. parked ready for shipping snd shipped sTt work guaranteed; Urge 8-story brick fire-proof werehoaae for storage,- office 80S Oak at, Olaea ft Roe. Pboae Mate 84T. C O. PICK, effice SS First st, betwvea Star snd osi era., phone nun; pianos ana mmtture moved and narked for shipping; commodious brick werrboues with separata troa rooms. Front and Clay ste. . . ROSB CITY VAN CO, office 141 first at, pbons Main 8224. Furniture snd pleas ssuvliig a apecialty; we guarantse ear work. NATIONAL TRANSFER ft S TO BAGS CO. 870 Os k st. Telephone Mala 4480, Transfer ring and storing. OREGON. TRANSFER CO, 184 North Sixth. Phono Mala fig. Heevy hauling and storage. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGE ft TRANSFER CO. Storage. - 824 Stark et. Mala 40T. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, Me. SOOVt Wtss. mtroB St. fnone Main wnx WHOLESALE JOBBERS. M. A. GTJNST ft CO, ' ' BISTBIRrrTORS OP P1NR CIGABS. PORTLAND. OREGON. SHERK. OAZB A GRAHAM (lac.) noenmlssfcsi mercheats. Jobnera of rrnits. produce, ats.4 CMsslgnmsnte solicited. 128 Proat at. EVERDINO A PARRELL, prod nee and enes- m las Inn merchanta. 140 Front at, Portland, Or. Phone Mala ITS. t - OREGON PCPNITCRB MANUFACTURING CO. . Manufacturers ot rural tars fog tea trade. Portland. Oregoa. WADHAM8 A CO, wbnleeale grocers, aniau. facturera sad oommlatlott aasrcbSBIS. Fourth and Oak Its. , , . PURNITCRB Bunnfaeturtmr end special orders. u. savenaty a rural turn fnctory. sot rrnat st. ALLEN ft LEWIS, commission and prod sea ms cbaata. Frost asd Uevla sta., rortlsnd. Or. WHOLESALE crockery end glasswsra. PrasL H stele ft uo, too to 10a Fifth, ens. gtark et. OLD MASTERS' WORK ' IS CALLED INDECENT (Journal Special Servlca.) Omaha, Jan. 28. The) Dmaha court have decided that works of art" by fa mous painters. Including Vandyke, Ttu bang and Vandnrwcrff, ara tnrlecsnt andl that reprtMuctlona from them oannot baool4 in Oman toreex For persisting -In thalr sals John Oiscnborg todsr wa s fined snd warned that on the next of (enaa ha vrould be gent to Jail. Oreenberg had on sale ooplea or Ru bens- "Judgment ofJParls." ths original of which la In the Dresden art gallery; Vandyke's "Plans," and "Oolden Reign of Jupiter.'' and Vanderwerfre "lag dalenj,' and others of that clang A polled sergtant confiscated . the re- produetlnna on the 'ground that they were) Indecent and Greenberg was fined for BAY,,n Ihem on gala. VERDICT FOR SLAUGHTER " FOR SIXTEEN HUNDRED iSprelal Clapatrk to The Journal.) Salem, Or., Jnn. 24. l he l.iry l i t;,e damage suit of ty'. W. Plaogliter .! -at re 1 . r.?Tiii na cm i.hit pir,i a ver t for It. loo for thn plaintiff who an- ' - 0.004 and S 40 attnrneva' f stilt wna an outgrnwtli ,f 1' - affray last Novsniber In M i ton shot Blnnghtor whlla 1 1 ; ploaluj la big Bs.i -