The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 26, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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j 4c;:j
L -
All Department Can Now Re
Retched TbroDgb Number.
Call Main T17I when you wish
to telephone to sny department
of The Journat '
A private exchange lies beea
installed In The Journal office
with enough trunk Una to .
accommodate the coastsntly In
creasing demand opon th tele
phone service.
Tell the operator whom yeti
wlah to apeak to, and aha will
connect you at once.
Remember, Main 71TI la the
new number of all departmenta
of-The-Joernsl. '
. BeiHg ....."Bed Feather"
linker .i,."Bow Baxter Butted In"
Umpire...., 'The al Ida If lit Flyer"
Oreud VaodeTllle
pter . . - ...... . "Dad's Girl'"
I-jrle ,"Tb Pulse ef haw Tora"
""The Men's Methodist Social union la
to hold Ita first reception and banquet
lor the year at Grace Methodist church
naxt Wednesday evening. January
he-drrmer la to lie lui va-pyTnTq
dlea' Aid society of . the church. A
i' AA annUta n ha - rhlirrh. - A
large and) moat - Interesting attendance
of the aoclai union la promised by the
unusually Interesting program which la
arranged for the evening. The addreaaea
on "Oregon's Debt to Methodism," by
the gifted authoreaa and blatotian of
Oregon, lira. Eva Emery Pye. Hon. W.
. IX- Kenton,presldent of the Oregon His
torical aoclety, Hon. J.C. Moreland) and
Mr a. Smith French of The Dalles, as
aure an evening of great pleasure and
profit. The aoclai union la also delighted
to have Bishop Moor at home' once
more and to have him on tbla occasion
'a ari honored guest and apeaker. A
. number of out of town guests, - from
Seattle and other cities In Oregon and
Washington will alao be present. The
reception will be held from :10 to 7
p m. under the charge of O. F. Johnson,
chairman of the reception committee of
the Men's Methodist Social union, and
the dinner served at T o'clock. Special
muslo has been provided for the occa-
Hiram W. Pickey, a pioneer woll
known throughout the Pacific northwest,
died at hi home at 414 Hall street yea-
terday. -He waa a native of Ohio and
- -nerved aa a Union4 soldier during the
Civil . scar. He crossed tha plains with
a wagon train la 1867. In be went
to KaUama and took a contract with
- tha Northern Faciflo railroad to furnish
laborer for tha workof jconatructloa
on . ho -4lne-Trtm " Kalama to Tacoma.
He lost his fortune. In tha eraah that
carried down the Jay Cook bank, which
waa backing the Northern Pacific road.
. At th Jme of hla death. Mr. Pickey
waa - Interested in the Alaakan Btaam
' ahlp trade. He leaves a wit and four
" children, the oldest of whom ia W. M.
.. Pickey. , Notice of funeral arrange-
menu will be- mads later. - " - -
To the many young women in Port
' land who wlah an attractive and help-
f ul place to spend tha Sunday afternoon,
the Young Women's Christian Associa
tion, with Ita hospitable "at borne"
' hours from 4 to o'clock, offers a warm
; welcome. Tha "Little Journeys" hour.
, under tha leadership of Professor
Thome, and story group will meet at 4
o'clock aa usual. The general secretary,
' Miss MaoCorkle, who has Just returned
fron the east, will make the address.
.The musical program will be: Piano
solo. Miss Beeale Bridewell; soprano
solo. Miss Edwlna , Mastlck; contralto
rlo, M Is s Cathleen Qeor
Mr. Katiibone. ,
Pr. 8. E. Joseph!, who In point of se
- tolorlty is the eldest member of the
v water- board, oultted the aervlca of the
olty last Wednesday. . Pr. Josephl was
appointed a member of tba wetter com
mlttee In the early nineties and served
on it . until the water board waa In
stalled under the new charter. He was
Kvin v .at lunnirai im l liw ,u
101 for the full term of four years.
His term expired on January 2. Mayor
Lane said this morning that ha had not
appointed a successor to Pr. Josephl and
would probably not make an appoint
ment until soma time next week.
i-. , - - - S .w . .
' Fifteen members of tha Portland Ad.
, ' Men'a league went to - Spokane last
i night to attend the annual meeting ot
the Pacific Coast association. Tha dele
gates were entertained at luncheon to
day by tha Spokane Chronicle and to--r
night they will be banqueted by the
Spokesman-Review. - The Portland dele
gates are: Fred Johnston, O. C. Chap
man, R. It. Routledge, W. H. Chatten.
1 B. J. Paly, J. A. Osburn, C. A. Warren,
A. K. Blocura, W. J. Hoffman,- S. J.
Jaeger, IL W. LitUe. B. E. Wrignt. V.
C Freeman and R. M. Halt
Larry Sullivan, whose .spectacular
Nevada Trust company has carried htm
"Into prominence tha past few weeks,
has left Goldfleld to "make nta home
for a short tims In Los Angeles. From
' the latter place he will return to Port
land. Peter Grant, the former treasurer,
will also come to Portland. Both have
' ' severed all active - Interest with the
company. - ' , , , "' ( ...
The funeral ef Mra. Johanna Jantsen
Vreeland, wife of Thad W. Vreeland,
' was held this afternoon at 1:19 o'clock
from the Forbea Presbyterian ' church,
Alblna, followed by services at the cre
matorium. Mrs. .Vreeland died Tbura-
If that is the height of your ambition you will be dependent on your
. ' - ' , tng a deposit today, a Savings Account
here drsws 4 per cent interest compounded twice' each year. .
couvms or Yarmouth disdaius eu
Tls' Oountese ef Yarmouth ones plain Boasa
No Iuukt ears "Tea," but Instead she esyi
' l-S-W, '
And now h U sot eoett to bar sliter-la-lsw,
lum Count-as of XsruMuts, ,ence plats Suaaa
Pile Bald for bar hnebeed a BjllUoe or Bare.
Thes bardd a steasier fur JvAnay boll'
Ne, the price ef bar title earn eat of bar
And U fattened the pride ef ptala Susan Thaw.
It's sot much fas, bar brother's ea trial tor
bla Ufo
F killing tba Samoa who mined bla art fa
Bnt It a mifhtj Important to Bueenna Thaw
That aba toft ar above bar young eleiec-am-law.
We eap
that la baaTra li both span
aee In
will sever aekaawlsdge her
Vat will say te It. rater, "By
once Thsw,
Aad I cannot remain wltb air stater -la-law."
"t'Beat Laundry so Eartb."
TaL Mala aw. Second and Columbia,
day night at her home on Ballwood
street, after a brief Ulneaa of pneu
monia. She was a native of Penmarb
and waa . but 2S years old. Bbe was
married seven years ago and 'leaves
three children. She bad a wide circle of
friend in Alblna.
Testsrday waa eelelrrated a claaa day
by members of the February graduat
ing elasa of the high school. Fifty
members visited the Oaks, 'where the
skating rink was chartered specially
for ' their entertainment They spent
( tiie...lnnt.-tha.-xeBort and cnjnysd (."c.
ln . th, evsnlns. Pinner waa served
J ... . . . . - ..
at the. yacht club and many Interesting
features were enjoyed. Tba cnaperones
of the Dartv were Mrs. George Orton
and Mrs. Charles T. Field.
The' following civil service examina
tions have been announced, for -Port
land: "Logger. February 27, salary !
a month: mason, February VI, salary
$720 a year; wagon Maker, February ST.
salary S7S0 a year. Appllcanta can se
cure complete- Information concerning
the examinations by applying to Z. A.
Leigh, at the postoffJce.
As the result, of an explosion of
illuminating gaa In a room at 1H
Fifth streot last night, Ernest Hedley
was so badly burned ' about, tha - face
and arms that ha was removed to tbo
Good Samaritan hospital for treatment.
Hla Injuries, although painful, are not
regarded aa sertous, unless complica
tions result. , , " i;
" Give Va a Chance. We've been think
ing about you for -some time wonder
ing why you didn't coma in and have us
call for a suit of - your clothes each
week, clean, press and deliver It. and
giro you eight shlnea a month, all for
11 per month. . Unique Tailoring Co.,
tut Stark. . Main -61 4. . -
' A pile of waste papers on tha top
floor of tha chamber of eommarca
building teecarae Ignited"" In" aorne un
known manner at 10 o'clock laat night
and brought out the fire department In
response to an alarm from box 141. The
blase was onlckly extinguished and no
damage dona. .
- There wtn be an all day' meeting
Tuesday, tha Itth, at Memorial eburch.
East -Eighteenth and Tibbatta ati eets.
under the auspices of tha, Oregon Hell
ness association. -' Services 10:84,- 2:S0
and T-.80. Tha public,- is cordlaily In
vited, to attend, J ' .. .
r a'- whntt-partyand danca wtll' be
given' by George Washington camp.
Woodmen of the World, at Woodmen's
ball. Tuesday evening. Prlsee will - be
offered and refreshments served.
Steamer - Jessie Barklna for Camas,
Washougal and ferny landings dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
doc at t p. av - ; -
Wtlhoit mineral water and salts.
Acme OH Co. sells the best safety eoal
)U and Una gasoyna- Phone East ft.
-Woman's Exchange, 111 Tenth street,
lunch 11:10 to I; business men's lunoh.
Two KUa Baoea ' Sunday to establish
STew World's ateaora. , -Tha
big six-days' meet at tha Oaka
stink la fast drawina? to a elaaa. Tha
meet has been a successful one In all!
ways, and has been full of life at all
times. The rscera have covered . (2
miles In tha five nights and will no
doubt cover 11 .more tonight. , Four of
the racers still claim aba race and will
assert their rights tonight. Brent and
Holt are a lap ahead of Harrison ytS
Farrel. Brent finishing first last night.
The racs tonight will be the best of the
weekv . . , - ,
On 8unday afternoon at' 4 pr m. 'and
on Sunday night at I p. m. there will
be a mils race run by tha winners of
the meet, to break past world s records.
This will be a hot racs and well worth
seeing. .... Don't miss tha last race to
night - v -
Are You Sick? '
X sick person's Ufa often depends on
two men tha doctor and the druggist
Tour recovery depends .on having the
prescription filled lust as tha doctor
writes . It Getting year prescription
filled at Howell Jones' drug store
means carrying out your doctor's wish
to tha letter, and a speedy recovery to
you. Tour prescription called) for and
delivered. Phone 781. :': .
aref erred StxieB Oaaaed )ooca
Allerk A larla' newt Brand.
relatives, mends or the community in
' your old age, and will die In poverty. '
Every year of the earning period o.f
your life should show a surplus laid away
to protect your oldvage. The surest way
. a. : a. . i j '
your earnings In bank and, pay your bills
by checking against your account.
Every time you sign a check you are
-- reminded of the size of your account.r It
makes you careful and begets the habit el
.saving. .--v : , ,
We will help you to provide that sur
plus. You can't begin too soon, for your
j own good. Start the good work? by mak-
Juvenils Court Turns Child Dis
ciple) Over to Aid .
Society. V
Foster Father, W. A. BUngerlaad,
( Admits JThat His Method of Mak----
lux Moafjr la Xo Borrow ItCan't
v Keep Wife From Working.
T do not oars what these people
do who cut up wild antics and call It re
Ugion. but this little- girl shall, not
grow up a candidate for : the insane
asylum." This is tha statement made
by Judge Fraser In the Juvenile court
yesterday afternoon, when, he' decided
to take 11-year-old Edna Sllngerland
from her foster parent. W. A. Sllnger
land, a disciple of tha "Tongues of,
Vtrmv Breed.
Tranoea of religious frensy. speaking
In the "tongue of fire" aud pursuing
fancied angels about tha rooms of their
home are said, to have made the little
girl a nervous wreck. After tha police
became so vigilant In -watching the
meetings at 13a Second street, some of
tha disciples of the new creed sought
refuge In tha 'Sllngerland home at a
private boarding house at 114 Holladay
avenue. Three young men, C F. Wil
liamson, Frank Graves and M. St, John
observed tha weird antlea of the child
and reported It to the Juvenile court.
Judge Fraser directed an Investiga
tion and Sllngerland and the girl, whom
he had adopted six years ago, -were
taken to the court room yesterday af
ternoon, Tha three men appeared ia
court and testified to having seen the
girl in religious trances, hearoj her speak
the alleged -unknown tongue, seen her
pursue Imaginary- angels and writs
strange scrawls. While sha pursued the
angels, Edna was followed by, her fos
ter father, a negress and several oth
ers, said tha witnesses.
Sllngerland said ha had no business
and that his method ot making money
was ' to borrow it He admitted that
his wife works, but said that ha could
not make her stop working. Judge Fra
ser told him he was not a fit -man to
have a child, nor -to live with any one.
When tha Judge directed that Edna be
taken to the Boys' and Girls' Aid soci
ety," the girl began crying and sobbed;
"Oh, please let me stay with papa."
Boon after her father left, however,
she became calm and quietly accompa
nied Officer Hawley to tha home.
Club Wants Legislature to Over- L1
-com Discrimination Against
Women Employes.
" 7 .;"--.,k-- , , , "ii-"".-,,.',.""v - '.
At yesterday's meeting of tha Wo
man's club a resolution waa passed to
petition tha legislature to amend the
bill now pending for the Increase of
salarlea ef county, employes to over
come the discrimination against woman
In tha matter of compensation. .
! The leading. faaturof-4 ! prof rAni'
waa tha paper by Miss Christina Mac
Cannell. who has been known for years
aa one of Portland's foremost educa
tors. Her topio waa -"New Things In
Sclenoe," and her scholarly and careful
paper was heard with great Interest
-Tba report from the committee hav
ing tha card party in charge showed
At A . A AA.. Aa .
mi me arum oi waa realised
for tha state -educational loan fund.
This gratifying result Is evidence of the
earnest work or tha committee. - A. ris
ing vote of thanks waa Rendered the
president Mrs, Johnson, for the suc
cess or tha undertaking. ; . .
ra. Lailu Pa hi Miller was tha soloist
of tha afternoon, and her rich contralto
voice waa heard with much pleasure in
"Shadows" and "I Love You," by Carrie
Jacobs Bond.
- - a " '
Appeal of Red Cross to Oregon
; " Is Already Being An
- '.; twered. '. - ,V:
Tha appeal from tha secretary of the
National Red Croes society to Governor
Chamberlain that Oregon send (.000
bushels of seed wheat to tha famine
stricken districts of Chins for distribu
tion there Is already being answered.
So far T. B. Wilcox has made the
largest donation, ha having promised to
send one-fifth of the total amount asked
for.'- ',-'-
Other smaller contributions "ar be
ginning to come in and It la tha wish
of tha governor that those sufficiently
Interested In the cause af humanity te
contribute will send notloe ef their will
ingness to hint by Monday nest in order
that be may answer tha appeal, ot the
Had Cross society on that day.
- O. W. Wllcor, ana ef tha pioneers ef
Oregon, Is visiting at tha home of M.
R, Van Horn, 191 East Taylor street.
Mr. Wilcox came to Oregon In 14 and
has been prominently Identified with
the development of tha atate. Ha has
been engaged In farming; mining and
other' occupations. Sever! years ago
he-lived in this city and - conducted a
grocery store on Union avennar At the
present time ha Is engaged In farming
near Heppner.
Mrs. Jtdward A. Baals left this morn
tng on a short, visit la Tacoma, Seattle
and Olympla. -
B. Bs Edwards, United State Inspector
ef hulls. Is- til at hla home with pneu
monia. His physician says his patient
Is well en tha read to recovery, al
though the sttack was a severe one,
, BaUdlng Prrinlta. ,
-; Building permits Were Issued today
U follows: Oeorge N.. Howell, two-
story dwelling. Kearney street, between 1
Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth, 17,500; 1
tha King estate, repairs. Fifth street.
between Stark and Washington, 11,000;
John N. Shepherd, two-story dwelling.
Twenty-first and -Everett streets,
11,100; John Clayton, one-etory dwell
ing, Mississippi avenue, hear Simpson
(street, MOO; the Bannister estate, one
. story dwelling, ' East Thirteenth and
J Claciiaajaj streets, 14V - '
. . - BaFnit.
arlets B, John Pmiiien, pastas. Sonday
aeliool, 10 s. as. Junior Loloa. p, a.; B.
i. P. D, 4.80 p. an.; praavbiotf, 11 a. n. sod
T'M . s., addrnaa bt CbaiUe fclcAUUlar,
"'roni Boaap Tuld to Pulpit' ,
Third rumnw aaanue and Knott street;
Rev. E. M. Bllaa, paaiur. Sunday srnool, 10
a. av: prencutuf, 11 a. at. sad 7: P. .
Mrs. B. H. Uarmiatoa will apeak ai tba
SBornlnf aarrlra. i
liifUUnd Alberts and Sixth streats. FreaeH
tng at .UO p. m. and 1:30 p. a. by Evangelist
K. K. Bamlatoa; buudaf acLaoJ at 1:40 n. an. -
Ba U wood Taocxaa and Bkarentb strantsi Bar.
George A. Laaxa. Sunday acbaol, 1U a. B-i
BTMctatnc, 11 a- sa. and T:S0 a. aa.
Calaary Kaat El(aa. and Urant streets; Bav.
A. Lawrence Black. Bible acbool, 10 a. ai t
presenilis, ll a. si. and l:ao a, mv . ky
Itnuiellat H. W raa Jonaa.
eavond Barents and Kaat Aakeny streets:
Bar. Stanton O. Lapoam. Sanrlrea at 10:0
a. m. and T:XO p, n.i morning aarmoa, "Tba
Peace of rbiiat"; Bible avbool at noun; You us
feople's Union, 6:oO n. as. I STanlng ear moo.
"A Picture ot Ood." V
Immanuel 8eennd and Ifeada streets; Bv.
George W. Grlfdn. Bundar acbool. 10 a. m.r
Junior Union. 4 p. aa.; B. If. P. U, :30 p. m.
praacalns at 11 a. m., "Cbaerfiilnaaa"; T:B0
P. na-. rrear"s baptlaual erdlnaace at eveaing
Uraca Montarlllat Mat. , aUmea Parker.
Preacblng at 11 a. m., "Tia Lokawarm
Churen"; aarmoo st T:S0 p. aa. by Bar. O. A.
Cook of New Jeraay.
CanhraJ iCaat Xwantlatb and Askeny streets;
W. T. Jordau. I'ra.rhlng, 10:80 a. a.) Yoaug
People e BHwtlog, M a m.1 Sunder scbool at
13 m l erenlng serrl-ae at lito o clock.
e ck
UDiTeraiir rark Bar. A. B. Walts. Sunday
ai ,u-a.
!i. 10: worship atll m. tajn-
The Sewet -or-I" Tuir Cfcurch"; B. T.
r. u., o:o p. m.; STenlng
sarrles, 1M o'clock.
sermon .by Rev. A. w. Rldar
riraa Tbe White Temple, eornar Twelfth and
Taj-lor streets; Her. J, Whltoomb Brongber,
D. D., paator. at'irnlns worablp, 10:30 e'elock,
sermon br Pr. E. U Houee; Bible arhool,
12:10, brlgbt smile, lotaraatlng ezardaaa,
Tlnltors UiTltad; men's mass nteeung, S p. si.,
William Edgar QtU will apeak; B. X. P. V.
sarTlces, t:16 . m.) popular arening serTlee,
T :80 e'cWk, UjL.bell will apeak ee rle Wrong
Krer Bight . ........ .
Lenta At Besld-nca of William Kneeland,
Ninth svenoa. Addraas by Baa. i. U Whirry.
8avlsr-Btr-e Betwaaa " Twenty-Orat and
Twenty-second. Sunday school, a. m. .
.. . " PBUBTTEmiAat. --' - "- '--mapah
-East Thirteenth and Powell streets;
Bev. Jerome R. McUlida, D. D. - At 1U 80
preach lug. subject, "The Wltnaa of the
Church"; T:30 p. m., preaching, "The Beauty
ot the Lord"; special swale swralag aad even
ing- ,
Calvary Eleventh and Cla atraetst Bev.
Baa Kara Btllea Ely Jr, D. D. aarrleaa, lU:0j
s. m.. with aermoni gunday school. 12 aa.: ser
mon st 7:80 n. m.
Faurtb (-tret snd Olbba streats: Bev.' John
nw raica. rraacning
Praachlns at 10:80 a. m. and 7:80
p. m., by Kev. I. l. Drlrer; Bui
12 U.I Y. P. S. C. Hi. 0:30 B. aa.
m., by Rev. 1. D. Drlrer; gunday school.
Hawthorne-Park Twelfth aad Bast- Taylor
eires; aver. b. nsiaoa alien, snnoay ecaoni.
ia m., prsacnmg, juau a. m.; jag p. am.,
sermon: I . P. H. C. E.. 4:80 n. aa.
Porbes Bellwood street snd Gsntenbeta $ ve
nue; atev. tiarry u. frail. rreacniug,- ll
a. ta. and 7:30 p. m.: dnnday scbool. 10 a. m.i
Chrlatlaa Endeavor, g:30 a. m.: Mr. Snyder
will apeak at evening eervtce ea 'The Peaat ef
Piedmont Cleveland ' svenae snd Jarrett
atroet; aaajr. U Mroa Buoaer. Preaching at
11 a. sa.: Snnda; arbooL I2:lg p. m.1 7:80
p. m., aermoo. tsneciai muaic.
Waatmlnater Bart Tenth and Waldler streeU;
Bev: Henry Ia Marootta. Morning aermoe. 11
e'elock; eeeiilng seraaon. T.-UO e'elock; Bnnday
sehaoL 12:0 p. am.; T. P. a. C JL. S:)
p. m. c
First Twelfth and Alder streats. At 10:80
a. sa.. serrlcea: 1:1a a a... areachlaa br Be.
t. B.
fcllt-lttM. - -
Pulton kai.
A. B. Burt holder, gars
T:40 p.. m. a
Marahall-Btreet Marshall sad North Bevea,
teentb etraets; Be. C. W. Bsys. Suadaf
scboeeatlO a. BWi-nracblDg. It a. am. I sarmue,
7:80 p. m.t T. P. 8. C 6:4ft p. m. - -Mount
Tabor Belmont and Pretfrman atnets:
Be. Edward M.-Bkarn. Sermoa at 11 a. am.:
service at T:30 p. ot. Special amoale.
- Anabet Rev. . Geo. W. Arms, Jr. ' Bandar
sebool. lu:au a, mt: preaching, 11 do av as. -
- gollwood Corner Eat Seventeenth and Spo
kane avenue: Be. O. A. Tbompsea. paator.
Sabbath acbool, 10 a. aa.: morning service, 11
a. m.. theme, "Prayer"; evening earrlee, 1:4ft
. Third Bast Thlrteestb snd Pine streets; Bav.
Andrew J. Montgomery, paator. At 10:80 a.
m., "The Church la the bouse"; erenlng sub
ject. i'A, CrtaU la One Man s Ufa,'7 7:4
o'ctoek. - . 1 '
- Vrraoei Bast Twentieth and Wygaat." New
chatMl ready today. P res china at 11 a. si. sad
TM p. am.
PiacofAx; 1
St. David's Twelfth and Belmont streets;
Bev. tieorg B. Vaa Waters, It. O.,' rector.
Hoi eommunlon. g a. am.: morning nrayer snd
sermoa, 11 o cioce; evening prayer ana sermon,
1:30 p. m. Bunaay scnoot, :o a. m.
All Salnta' Twentr-aeeond snd Reed streets.
Sunday abhooL 10 a. m. Bishop Bcsddlng will
bold service and preach st 7:80 p. m.
8U Mark's Nineteenth snd Qiilmhy streets)
Bev. J. B. R. 8unpaau Holy communion, 8 a. m.t
Sunday school. 10 a. m.l morning prayer and
litany, 11 e'elock; evensong snd sermon, 7:80
e cioca.
Bt. Andrew's TTntverslty fsrk: Be. W.
Powell. Hervlee aad sermon. 7:80 p. m.t Sun
day school, 8 p. m. : HlWe claaa. 7 p. m. i
Good Shepherd- Xellwood tract aad Vaa;
rouver avenue. Alblna; Be. John Dawaon,
Holy eommunlon. 8 a. m.l Sanday school.
a. m. morning service, 11 e'elock; evening
aai uevr :ov o ciora. i
Bt. John's Memorial Hcllwood: In. W. B
Powell. . ftonday school, 10 m.; sermoa and
service. II s. nm,
Bt. Paul's woodajere;
C. V. Parker. ' lav
reader la charge.
service 1 ana sermoa. 11
Trinity Bev. A. A Morrison, rector. Holy
communion. S a. m.t morning prayer and ser
mon. 11 ocmrh; erenlng prayer snd sermon,
7:80 o'clock: Kev. T. C. Williams will Drench
at both morning and evening services.
went Hide Mt, aiattnew a, First and Carets
era streets; Bev. W. A. M. Brack la charge.
Sanday school, 8:48 a. m.t serrlcea snd ser
men, ll a. m. I serTlee and sermon, 7:80 p. sa,
lilnletere' esd Medlume' ProtsctJee Aesaeta.
rlnn Beeular rellrlous services la W. O. W.
hell. Eleventh street, between Wsehlorroa snd
Aiaer, sr i:ao p. m.; si i.oo p. ra. Her. Dr.
IMckey will lee rare, followed by Gertrsde Weod
Drld. spirit meeeage-hearer.
rirat Spiritual Bnrl,ty Arties a halL 10tt
Third street. Conference, 11 n. si.: lyceurn,
12:80 p. m.i M. and D, eluh, 1:80 p. m ;
P. B. Coulter will lecture oa "When the Spirit
Upon Me Is, What Shall 1 Dor' at 7:45
p. m., followed by Mra. V. Rowe of Jacksoa,
Michigan. '
lad-pendeat Sptrltaal Boetety remwa. Ufa's
Belenro Mathematical. Chemical and Emlntloa.
ary ChaBges"; leaplrarloa followed br John A.
J ah natoa, one ef the oldeet pbenonmenai mcdlmna
In teats snd eomrsunleattom, at Logua hall, 81 Vi
East Grand avrsn, corner ef Whahliiftoa,
Bsndsy st 7:80 p. m.
Berrlce at Drew hall, SOI, Banday, T:45
p. m. Lecture by Mra. M. C. Wlleon, from
subject selected by tbe sndlenca, followed by
spirit messages, snalness teats and' character
readings by Mrs, WUaoa and Miss Boss M.
af. -.. . . .a ,. r .
tTnlTeralty Park Artlaana" temple; Rev. 9.
B. Gray. Bermon st 11 s. m., ''The t'Bdsmg
ef the Covetous Mas": imlf school. 10 a. m.
Mlaa1aalppt.Aenae Mlaetaalppl arenne and
Fremont street; Bev, William l t'pahaw. Bun
day school. 10 s. m.i sermon, 11 a. m., "Good.
Bad and Indifferent'1; Chrtatlea endeavor.. S:30
p. m.t eermos, 7:80 p. m., "A Sure Care for
anrelwend . Arista kail: Bav. D. B. Cray.
Wm. Edgar Geil
Koted Explorer and I-actnrer,
HieWliite Temple
- Const Twelfth and Taylor Streets,
""Subject. TDAVIjyS MULIC
MririVAJi btcbtici, too r. xt,
"Is Wrong Ever Right?"
MR. GEIL goes straight to the point
Drives home from the ahouldcr.
Beats and standing room Free, Come
. . early. - ... --- -
Sunday s-booL 10 a. a. T. P. S. 0. ., :W I
p. m. i eeraioa st T NO p. m. ,
Ilaaaalo-tttraet East. Eeaanth and Basaalo.
S-nooo, 10ttua "Tba Haoa ot Life"; Bon
day -i bool, noon: Chrlatlaa Endraaor, i
p. m. J ar.Dlug aarrlve. .a o'clo k, "Char-I
aiter." Bar. Veraoa W. Coohe will eonduot
tba eeevWa.
suauralda Corner ef Bast Taylor and Beat
Thlrtr-fourtb atraata: Baa. 1. j. 8lanh. paator. 1
Morning a-rrlce st 11 e'clork, "Eplatlea m rirab
aad Blood"; eTeuing aerrlca T:o e'cloch, aub-i
h", '"lhe hLaklng of a Man"; Bandar acbool, '
i a. m.; juowr (Drmtlaa Kndaatur. !,;
eVnlor Kndraaor. 6 15 . aa."
slrat Madlaoa and Park; Bev. B. L. Hooaa,
P. D.. paator. Morning aaroton br Bar. 1.
Whlteomba Bronglier, 10:80 e'elock; arening
eertnoa. T:S0 o'ekirk, "Nebulas Chaos and 0e-moa-j
Sunday school, 1-:18 p. m., 9. H. Whit.
Said, suparwcanilaatl T. P. g. C. V.
p. m.
nighland-T-Kast ilith street aorta sad Pres
oott: Baa. B. g. Bolllngar. ennday arheoL 10
a. m. ; morning aeralre, 11 e'elock, "Bringing
the Mountain Gliary Down"; Junior Eadaaror.
p. av Y. P. B. O. .. :80 p. m.; erenlng
serTlee, t SO e'elock. autijact, "The . jreltow
With a Detective aitar Blm."
TVTlor-S treat Dr. grands ftafwetta Bhort.
CUaaea, :80 a. aa.; aaruoa. a. by
Bar. T. B. Elliott; Bnnday school. W IS p. S3. ;
Lpworth Laegne, .du p. m.: scrmoa, T:80 p.
aa., fcj -Hr. S. H.- Uewart. ' T
Bellwood fifteenth and Tacoma streets; Bev.
A. D. Wagner. ..Sunday acbool. 10 a. m. ser
mon, 11 s. a., subject, "Metbodlam"; claaa
meeting, 12:1ft p. m. ; claaa meeUng, I:SO p.
m. ; Eaworth Laaiue. :S0 p. u.; CTealng
seraica, T:30 o'clock.
Grace Twelfth and' Taylor streets, Clareeot
True Wilson, D. D. : Dersioa, 10:30 a. n.,
dual, alias Lytic end Mlee ebea; sermon.-T:80
p. m.; Busday acbool, 12:1ft p. m.: Kdward
brake at the - kpworth League, 0 p. m.;
aiale ctwma alnga at e renin Aorrlee, Prufeaaor
W. M wuder wtU he tba organkit at tbe
aervlcee. ... . ,
Snnnyalda East Tsmhfll street, hetweea
Thlru-ffb and Thlrtr alitb: T. H. Fard. paa-
w. rarawnasv too myaai inmy-rtitn . street
ai some aumaar erenlng and
I iftrrnmna, Sunda aarvl-aaK A--
I m.. buuday acbouL Dr. Hollopeter.
At-IO g.
Intendeat; 11 a. m.. sraacb lug by the
paator; claaa stealing follows tbe preaching
s-rrlca; s:aop. m.. Junior league, Mary Bbarar,
aupexlntendent; chlldren'a claaaea, Mrs. Luta
snd -Mrs. Ha In line. Icadera; e;15 p. m., Ep
worth League demrloaal meeting. W. H. War
ran, president; T:S0 p. m., aernion by tbe paa
tor; prayer meeting Tbaraday erenlng Strangers
cordially trelcomed to all oar avrrlcee.
Leurelweod Mount Scott earllne; Charles H.
Woolby, paator.. Sunday serrlcee: At 10 a.
mv, Buaday school; 11 a. m., aermon, 1J:1
p. m., claas meeting; S p. St., Bpworth
LsagM: t:80 p. m., aerrlees.
Bt. John's P. L. Young, paator. Sunday
school, 10 a. m.; preaching. 11 a. m., by Be.
w. tu Auea or aanaaa; Kpworth Laagae -s:m
Central Bast Twentieth aad Bast Salmon
street; Bev. J. T. Ghortnley, D. D. At 10:4ft1
'Tw InSdeJ a Tsak." sanday
I scbool. 19 m.1 senior Endeaaor. :BA n. am-i
J union Endeavor, S:M p. m.; T:S0 p. m., re-
viral serTloea, Bvangellet L. t. Btevsns win
speak snd Mrs. Stevens will sing, stirring
goauei aonge or urge chorus. -
Itodney-Ansnue Itodnay - aaenoe and Knott
stieet; Ke. t. Blme Boblnaoa. At :4ft a.
m., . Bible sohool; 11 a. m., serxaoa, "Tba
TwssUeth Centurr Church"; 4 SO p. am., T.
P. 8. a B.; 1M p. sv. Samoa, The Tire
Moant Bcoct Serrlees 1st sail at Kara Park,
S p. m-i Be. 1. r. Ubormiey will speak.
Weodlawa Busday school, 10 a. m-i prssch
Ing, 11 a. m.; ,krtetlsa Endeevor, 7 p. m.i
serrlcee I p. sa.. with epeela, maale.
Flrat Corner Park and Columbia a tracts; Bev.
B. S. Muckley, mtnlater. At 10:80 a. m..
Salvation Through Loss"; Bible school, 12 m.:
Christian Kndearor meeting. 8:80 p. m.i -7:80
grace Lettsi Be, a. O. Headersoe. Preach-
log. 11 a, a-, and I a. at Young I'eeple's Ai-
liases, f p. sa. Bsnday school, 10 s. am.
k'lrat GermaaTenth anT CUf streets; Bev,
Thee, gchauer.' Busday acbool. t:80 a. m.)
sarmoe, 10:45 a. am.j praarblng. 1 :3- p. m.)
T. P. A.. 7 p. m.
North Portland Twenty-Brat "an- Pel tig-are
atreeta; Bev. B. O. Kornschnch. Snsdar school,
8:48 a. m.l Dreaeblns. 11 a. m.l Y. P. A.
nrogrsm. T p. m.; preaching. T:so p. as.
First Knalleb East Siath and' htarkat atraeeat
S. A. lewert, eaetnr. At 11 a. nx, "A Pe
culiar Mlaalon Field"; Bandar school, 10 a. m.;
Tnnng People's Alliance, 6:45 p. m.l "A I
Without a Wedding Garment. f T:45 p. m.
Bmeaael Mllwankte; P. M. TUbar, pa
ne ator.
Bandar scbool. 80. m.i T. P. A. service. 7
p. m.; worablp and sermon. p. St.; Uaraoaa
Iteacos-Harmonr 5. M. Flaher. naatnr. Bun.
aay scnooa. 10 a. m. 1 presching, 11 a..m. ; z,
r, r:ao p. sa.
Bwedlab " Tmmanuel Nineteenth and Irving
arreets. Bervicea. 11 a. an. ana a a.
Sundar schooL w:45 a. m.
Norwegisa synod East Teeta and ursnf
erreets. uundaychi
11 a. m. and 7;8o p. m.; T. P.
Thuradav evenlna st 8:15 e'elock.
Betanla Danish Union avenue aad Morris
street! Bevr- esdmund OrllL - BitBday ac
12:15 n. m.: sal rices 11 a. an. and 8 av. s,
Bt. Jarnea' Eaglleh West Park and J -ff ar
son atreeta. 1. Allen Leas, pastor. Services
at 11 a. m.; evening aarrleaa at 8 e'clork.
ee lections from Mendaiasohn s oratorio, "nt.
Paul," by tbe cbolr, la the morning; Lather
League, 7 p. am.; Buadsy scboot, 10 a. am.
First Beat Tenth and Bheraran e treats I Bev,
A. A. Winter. At 10 s. .. Busdsy school;
Drenching, 11 a. m. and 7:90 a, m.. Br Bev,
EL L. Pratt; P. M. L. ef C. B. Bmeetlng, 8:80
p. a.,
BecoBd Farge and Kerby streets; Bev. J.
Bowereo. At 11 a. o., preaching; Sunday
school, 10 s. m.; a,,
eermoa. '7:80 B. m.
L. C. E., TP. Sm.
rmoa. t:w p. m,
SU Johs'a Ivanbos and Jobs atreeta
B. B. MeVlcker.
Sunday school, 10 a.
Drea china. 11 a. m.; 1
a .. S 80 p, m.l
B. K. U C B, 8:80 p.
; prsaeniBg, T-aa
rtrat . rim tif nhrlst. Mentlat Bmtrlah
Ntlte cathedral. Morrlsea snd Lowasdale streets.
fcrvleaa at 11 a, m. and a p. m., aanjact or
sermon, "Love"; xnnaay scbooi at close of
morning aervlca, Wednesday erasing meeting
8 n. m.
Second Church ef Christ, Sri en flat Elks'
temple. Stark snd 8 Tenth, streets, Sunday
services st 11 s. as. and p. m.. eubj-rt.
'xTe't Bneday scaoot, 11 a. am, weeneaday
ameeung, a p.
Eloa Ocatiel Mlavlon Allaky aatL Thtrd and
Morrmmos streets: ' Be. Charles A, Hoy, elder.
At a n. m.. Bible atonr; a a. m.,- iaa Cleans.
lug Power of Ood's PI Tine Fire"; sa srter
aarvtm aril! be held Tor eleanaing or spirit,
healing of body and power to lira s holy life.
te ablcB su uoa s cniiarea are laviiea.
. Tnrrrr pbesbttzbiaji.
Church ef the Btraagara Wasco street sad
Grand avenue: Bev. B. Barl IluHols. , Mornlna
serTlee, 10:45 e'elock, with sermoal Banday
scnnol. 11 m.t sermon. i; p. m.
First Hiith and Montgnmerr atreers; Bev.
A. W. Wlleon. Morning sermon. 10:80 a. am. I
Banday school, 12 av; aermoa, 7:80 p. m.
rnrrriD BmrrHBiai nr okbiit,
First Eaat Ftrteanth aad Mornaoa streets 1
ne. mm. 1;. Boarier. nioia awe ai 19 a. m.z
ennoo at 11 a. m. J aermoe at 1M p. m. ; X,
P. 8. C. B., 7 p. m.
Badloal Sixth snd Mernsnle street! Be, a.
BL BUnchsrd. Sunday school. 10 a. m. aermoe,
11 m, a. aaa i:sv p. m.
Church ef Oar ttttttr Corner nf TsmhlTt snd
Berenlh street a: Be. W, O. Eliot Jr.. an In la-
: Be. T. L. Eliot. D. v.. minister emerllns.
Servlcea at 11 a.. m snblect of sermon, 'Tlis
Child Labor Problem": Bsnday school, 8:48
a. m.; kindergarten, ll a. m.i adult elass,
12:80 p. m. . P. F 8.80 p. m. .
'"' T. K. 0. A.
afaas martins for mea only arfll ee held In
the- White Temple, at Twelfth and Taylor
streets, st S p. m. Orchestra concert, followed
by address Br William A. oeiL the famons
explorer of A fries and Boraso, who will sneak
00 the subject. "David's Mais." Meeting
Is free end all sees Isrlted.
'tint ITlVt Second street, roreaters' kail;
Bev. B. H. Mowre. At 10 a. m.l Bnsday
acheaL 11 s. m.i 8:10 p. am., Epworth Leagual
7:50 p. sm, . .. ,
- 1CXB-S KXSOBS. - 1
Men's Resort and People's I eerlmte Fourth
snd Burneld streets. Stereoptlcnn Bible stady
boor, g p. m.t men's meeting with sddreaa, 4
p. m. I people's gospel service with special
esle, T:45 p. as. - -
rhureh ef Jesus Cbrlat ef Lattsv-Pay Saints-
Hall 4(10 Allaky talldlng. Third and Morrlaoa.
SerTtcas 11:80 a. Bh snd 7 p. m. Suaday
sohool, 10 a. m. .
" FTe sTetbAdiat Eaat Mulh ssd Mill streets.
Preaching. 11 a. ja.; Basday shao, 10 a. as.
Tbe Oregon UoUnsea assoclatioa holds Services
"A CmniTvatlo CuMtodlan"
4 Pcr CenL
For the. convenience of
-its -customers on Satur
day evenings From 6 to 8
li4 SccondS!.
Corner Wastlaalon
each' Sunday arterneoa at o'clock, at the
Church of the Neearene. 428 Bnrnalde atnet.
i lM lira one at. ttaiowin, pr-aincDlc Zuia
f aetla ila- "hiteraenooXnati
onax, i
cordially tSTitsd.
Bav. Jo ha Ovall wtll speak at tbe folio el tig
places today: At the Bwedleh mlaalon church,
earner Oilman and Heventeeuth, 11 a. am.; at
Bwedleh Eraageltcal Lntheraa church, eerasg
Itodnar and Blantoa ; streets, Alblna, ti80 p.
m.; at Bt. John's Braagelteal church, Bt.
Johns, at 8 p. m.
Drrtna Trath Chapel Hall 901. AH amy bafld.
tng, corner Third and Monieoa streets. Berv
Icea. 11 s. m., Thaddlua M. Mlnard, pastor;
EL BL Martin. aoloiaL Sunday school at 12 am.
" TrBTTXBIAillT. "
Plrst Bast Blgbth and Couck streeta. At
11 a. m., sermoa by ata. T. W. Butler oa
"Oatnlpraaent Ufa"; Sunday school, 10 a. an.
' Icveatk-tHiy Jdrantlata JU Third street,
hetweea Taylor sad Balmon; Bev. Oeorge A.
Snyder. Preaching. 7:50 p. am,
" FBIXBUB. "- ' :rr '
- Pi lands Chare Bast Tblrtyrrh end Mala
streets; Bav, Lewis L Hadtey. Preaching at
11 a. m. and 7:80 p. sk; gunday scheoC la
a. am.; Xadaarer, 8:80 p. am. . ,
SWrazmOBOXAW, .''-.'':
Kew Ctrarek Boclery Bteveata and Alder
streeU; Be. Hiram vroomaa. At 11 a. me.,
"Symbolical Meaning ef rorty"; Sanday school,
10 a. sm.
' ' azTOBitzo.' ' . - - -1. :
PI ret German Tenth and Stark streets; Bev.
B, Hefner. Services st 10:45 S. m. aad-5
p.- sa.; T. P. B. 0. B-. p. sv. - ,
t Greek end Buasiaa Ortbodng Chares East
Twenthieth snd Morrison streets. Bagulu
saailcaa at Ufual Un-a, - . ,
, i KnXBrBTlX BAtTW.'
At 0. A. B. hall, sortheast eorner Baonaa
aad Mon-laoa streets. Barvtcss et 1:80 p. am,
Outsiders Eger at Tax Salcs&.
. - (Rneetal Wapatrh te The JoomaLt .
Aberdeen. Wash.. Jan. . At tha
sale of tax lands at Montasano. prop-
arty aggregating 116.000 or $15,000, lo
cated at Weatport waa eold. mostly to
I Spokane parties. They ran the lota no
I to auch figures that local people Who
wanted :.them w.r. unabl. f tout
SB. bT. . XTUXTOaT, Battiropata.
Your Poor Stomach Ought
to Have a Rest
It Is worn out from constant mastica
tion of the food yon feed It- It Is sick.
and 7011 are to torment It further by
dosing It with poisonous drugs.
I give te the stomach the coveted respite
from Ita unceasing toll, and then under
my sctentlflo treatment - - .
My Patients Get Well
foot perfectly ' healthy, strong, alert.
happy and contented enlivened with
new vigor, new activity, new hopes, new
The druggist does not figure la the
ease at all. In common parlance, "He
1b out and ' Injured." But the patient
isn't He Is Droflted. both In Docket
and In health, and.
My treatment Is antl-polson, antl-
depletlon ef the purse, anti-surgery,
Thousands ef living testimonials may
be heard from by any one with Imper
fect vitality "
Dr. IM. J. Fulton
Corner 07, eae block from BL Q, sa,
aaa from 13th street ear, froxa Jef
ferson, ea. Teispiyona Kala 1133.
1 ii 1 111M1.IM fan-l 1 1 in ...... mi, ft J
a) , 1
S--f wxr 8 y Mr -
aw emwr-A. . Our pr$t3t mm J
tjf mrt tit amyey ssV tl-A
dot, W .ft, nsi tlmim Ar
tk ; ewA PrtHtin i trmm
it 4V Wdf -, hutwd
Uam tha m tmn't U
Phoni Mb 5S00
ISo Portland
.,. TlVAVlwlASiAa, ..... ,
' Bverythlng ta eat and drink, aad
It costs no more In tba
; PortJand Hotel Ratltskanep
than elsewhere In the city. Krary
weekday night from 8: to JJ.
'- at. O. BO) w BatS, Btaaagaa,
MtTzoER a conn sixmsi
14th aad Th. H.I1M Tt,a.a4.
Wsshtegtsa Hit 1 t .Male 1
. Xbe Bomaatle Comic ( I para, -'
' With the FaaHnatlng Prima Doaaa
00 People 0. Augmented Onhsstta.
;' " Pretty fltrls-Oatrby Moxto Fmm, :
Erenlng Prices lie te S1.&0. Mstises Be
te 51-00.
Beats Selling at Theatre Car Engagement.
14rh sad .ncif ir TnClTTC
Wsshiagtoa uut.iti sut-niika. suist.
Ton-arrow, Monday, Tnesdsy, Wedneeday
Nights, the Dainty Lyric Prima Tonaa, Males
Broa, Ja tha Military Comle Opera .
Prices Lower Floor, 8L50. fl.nOj aukeny.
II .00, Toe, one. Usuery and ge.on.
aeata Vow Sailing at Theatre.
Phone Mate 100T.
Oregoa Theatre Ccv,
Oao. L. Baker. Mgr.
Extra Mstlnee Wedneeday.
k Feae Mcjflllea Ord way's Bsw Flay,
A story ef the Old Emigrant Trail, sresented
by tha Incomparable Baker Theatre Stock Caen-
Kny, staged under the direction ef John
Inpells snd Arthur Mack ley. Angmentad
eaat. Scenery by William Ore bach.
rmt k rog thib rHuuimon
MTOHT PRICES: Lower Flosr Psrqnet aad
Lnges, 51.00; Parquet Ctrcka, 51. Baleen
First d rows.iboe; next 8 rows, 80c, eauery,
inc. Box 8-w.ta. 52.
MA TINE B Entire Lower Floor. Bfte.' Balnaay
airsi e rows, aoc; next n mra, moc
Baker Theatre
Oregon Tbestre Os-. Leeaea
Oenra-o L. Baker. Manager.
Borne ef the Famous Baker Stack Comseay.
Every Might This Week, the Startling and
T Tranona roriTy.
A great New Xerk maslcsl fsrea eoenedy saw.
aa. ULrecUoa Arthur Macklsy. - Matinee gat-
Brentag' Prlrn tBe, SV, Bfte. Mat
15c 8O0. Beat Weak, "Oregon, "
afsfam 1VT. Milton W. Baaman. Hajmagwr.
Playing Only the Btalr-Harlla Eastsra Bead
. Attract tone.
Tvnllht, All This Weak, Msttneee Wednesaaf
. aaa pamrtiay, nis fi'enic rronucuoa,
la Fear. Acta and Six Scenes. Five Big .
Specialty Acts,
kegular Empire Prices.
Baa AUraetiea. "YOB T OS SOB."
The Grand
lib VI Atlu Klas Clalra Maynars.
Tsadavflle da Luxe. MaaaUta. ,
Martynns, Xlmaall Bros.
The Parisian Mirror Sanf fmaa Siataca,
. Dancer. ' Harold Boff.
' Pealtleely a - "Jail hire, er How Ba
. -. 5500 Aetv - : - -' Haw."
Week ef January tl. Telephone Mala Btoa,
, The Allen atocs cemnaay rrsseata
The Famons Annie Ptxley Comedy-Drame.
Matlaeaa Tuesdays. Thsradays. Haturdara and
Buadaya at 50 S. sa. Prices 10 snd fie.
Every erenlng at 8:15. o'clock. Prices luc, sue
aad 0c. a a . a . -
secure sea is nr asiepaeast Mam save.
Oaks Skating Rink
Last Race of Meet
Mile Race Against
A.A,trrtovj -a, r---A,
t'llJJI W ll Ul, V
t '