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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1907)
11 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. .PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 23, 1C07. LAND BOUGHT FOR NEW MILL AND WORK BEGINS . ON TWO MORE BIG. OFFICE BUILDINGS IN CITY New Enterprises Mako Realty . and " Construction Active : All Over City. LARGEST ACREAGE SALE . . r"OR SEVERAL MONTHS Ht. George's Hotel Sold by Senator Mulke j Propowrd , Front-Street Terminal of Valley Electric Line Boost Real Estate in Vicinity. ' The week Just closed iru notabU -tor the announcement of projected new building's ' and ' industrial enterprisea The - warm ' spring daye In the early part of the week witnessed the break ' ins; of ground for the foundations of two large office structures In the bust- ffi i lrrr n'ymher of smaller business structures. .. -- e .... Building srtlvlty in the residence districts, which has been unusually ac tive throughout the winter, gives every indication of exceeding that of the past year. Every architect In the city has work on hand that will take hire wall Into the year to finish. . "We have suf ftclent work on hand now to keep our , entire office forof busy until July X," remarked a member of -one of the leading architectural firms In the city. "and it Ik' my opin ion, that practically every architect in - Portland is as far behind as .we are, Of course, Uis unprecedented-building boom now on here Is responsible, for this eonseajed condition, of the archl- tecta' offices, but we could handle our affairs to much better advayitage if we couia ci onuKnumrn. n e are oner ing fine wages for draughtsmen, but they are not to be had." ,; . A .. . . - Aider Street SaUdlus;. . , The most important announcement of a projected building made during the week was- that of a six-story office tructure at the northwest corner of Perk and. Alder streetn by Dr. C. .W. Cornelius. . Dr.' Cornelius has .about closed a transaction , whereby he se cures a 25-year lease on the 64 by 100 loot ioc ai i no aoove corner, upon 'which he will Immediately erect e. handsome office structure. The prop erty belongs to a Sir Walker of San Francisco, and 'is directly across Park street from the site oft the Baldwin Downing office building,, now under way. A few months ago. Dr. Cornellut sold a quarter block on the comer of Park and Morrison streets, - Just - one block south of the property upon which he Is now seeklng'to acquire a lease. " Satisfaction ' was very, generally ex pressed that the Joint committee of the T. M. C A. and the T. W. C A. had determined to raise the remaining 1120, 000 of the 1360,000 fund necessary to erect the new home for the two asso ciations. - 1 -' The committee has agreed that the amount must be raised not later than .March 1. The campaign will be given 1 its Initial move Sunday. February . when It Is, confidently expected .. that the entire sum will be on hand. . .. srhaatlss Save to Oo. . ' The warm, spring-like weather with which the week began was signalised by the contractors breaking ground for the foundation of the new Commercial club -building at th northwest corner of Fifth and Oak streets. '.:.;. . The old wooden shanties that stood on the sits have all been torn out. A dosen teams and half a hundred men are at work on the excavation. The new structure is to be ten stories high and will cover a quarter of a block, and it is said wilt be one of the hand somest buildings of Its kind In, the country- - : ' : v , ; . : - 1H9 jramo owbiiikhi on uie sue oi the proposed Baldwin-Downing ' office building, at Alder and Park streets, are being removed preparatory to beginning the excavation. Architect Jacobberget is preparing the plans for this struc ture and will . be ready- to let the con tract for its construction within the next few weeks: The Columbia Milling company, a 're cently organized corporation, has' pur chased a half block on . East . Taylor, between Eaat First and East Second streets, from . tha Leuld estate- for 1:5,000. Arrangements are being made to erect A milling plant on the prop erty at a cost of I J 5.000. It Is pro posed to have the mill In operation by Hcptember 1. Its capacity will be, 100' barrels a day. J. O. U'Ren, the archi tect. Is drawing the plans of the mill building. The .site is advantageously located for manufacturing purposes, as it lies between the tracks of the O. R. N. and Southern Pacific lines, af fording excellent switching facilities. S. W. Swanson of Alaska and Paul Darbeart of Seattle are understood to have been the organisers of the mill company. ' I Another east side Improvement of considerable importance Is tha proposed new three-story business block st W. L Morgan to go up on the northwest cor ner of Grand avenue and -East Stark street. Immediately adjoining the Logus bkvk on the south. Ths plans for the structure sre about ready and the contract will be let In a short time. The building will cover a - - . , t. . -. ' - . 1 ' j - l . h l K Th I'.-1 j. 1.. Ujmd:-U. !Hl s :;!:! 1 " ' f "i-ssi. : r.-: ... '"" v.s ;' 9 r 0 v tf 11 1 t " '- ' 111 Mi ' ; ;-v " -itjw vr hisim weeesssssasas1 issrtj - MSMtiiitiimuiii u .y :--' use " i Residence ot Mr. B. HArkness, Corner MnltnomAh Street And Grand Avenue, quarter block and will be especially de signed for A-large retail furniture es tablishment. It will cost 136,000. ' ' - kzeavatdoas Progressing. . Work was resume the first of . the week on ths foundation for the Mitchell, liewls and - Stsver warehouse , on East Morrison street, . which wss suspended during the extreme cold weather. Kxcavatlng for the foundation of ths Willamette creamery on Union Avenue, near Eaat Davis- street- began .the first of the Week. This Is to be a three-story frame structure, with concrete basement and floors, and when finished and equipped with necessary machinery will represent an outlay of about 112.000. 'S 'Announcement waa made during the week that several new apartment-houses would be built In the early sprlng.A number. of purchases of sites for apartment-houses were msde and it was said that the work of construction would be gin aa. soon as the plans could be pre pared. : Portland- is said -to" be much behind other Pacific .'coast cities In this particular. , Tacoma " and Spokane, both much smaller than .this .city, m better equipped in this respect "'" t ., That the demand for- living part- Rlrhanl Rhenard A Co. Ths SSUIS firm sold to It U Colvln during the present week a lot 60x100 feet In tns same block as ths above for t,600, and 12 nnlmnroveit lota near the business cen ter of St. Johns for $17,000. Mr. Colvln Is a Columbia tvor logger, who has been quietly Investing conslderabls sums in St. Johns for some 'months psst. r ' r- " ' ; r BUY BIG EAST SIDE TRACT - gan Francisco Men : Will Lay Oat ' , Kew AddiUon to MontavHl. ' . ' Two big sales of Portland real estate were closed yesterday. ' One of vthem, nn acreage transaction. 'was tha largest ktralarht sale Of suburban Acreago that has been made In some months. tO. C Stlns and Fred A. Jacobs closea A aesi with Hartman . Thompson whareby they acquired .a tract of 10 acres, con sisting of a part of ths Rosa City Park addition,1 which lies near Montavilla. Messrs. Sttna . Jacobs intend to plat tO' acres ot their purchase at once;. ths remainder will be held'' and placed on . - ' 4s Residence of O. H. Johnson, 744 Clackamas Street. ments of this character is Just as grant here as elsewhere Is proved by the fsct that 'as soon As It is announced that an apartment-house is to be bull t. ths pros pective builder is swnmped with appli cations from would-be tenant a . Work will- begin soon on ths Interior finishing of the Couch building, belong- ln to Mrs. A. -1 Lwta, on Fourth street, near Washington. All of ths In terior woodwork is to be- in flat grain Oregon fir, except ths atone fronts and main entrance, which will bo In mahog any. .-.- ' St. Johns is to have a nsw Baptist church that will cost IS. 500. Ths plans have been drawn, bids submitted for Ha construction and 1(6.000 or tha neces sary money is now on hand, and tha re mainder will be forthcoming by March 1. ST. JOHNS REALTY MOVING Columbia , River Logging Man Pur chases Real Estate as Investment. H. F. ties snd It J. Colvln have par- ehssedc from Sherman A Stlns a 10x100 foot lot In central St. Johns for tlO.000. Ths lot is : covered . with a two-story frame business , house. - The purchass was made aa an investment, as ths ren tal returns equal II per cent on ths purchase price. The sals was made by the market later. It Is the Intention of the purchasers to spend about 1100,000 In improving thero party. Ths streets will be graded, cement . side walks put down and gas snd water mains laid. ' . ' Both Mr. Stlns' and Mr. Jacobs are residents of San Francisco, -where they sre heavily Interested In realty prop erty. Tbey have made a careful Inves tigation of tha real estate market -in several western d ties and have con cluded -that Portland offers ths best opportunities for investments of any western clty.-' Dr. Gustav Baar, IS. J. Daly and W. B. Btreeter purchased yesterday from Joseph Simon and Senator Mulkey ths old St. . George . hotel property at the southwest corner of First and Colum bia streets. - The sals Included ths en tire, half block fronting First street, snd tha consideration was $60,000. Ths hotel Is A three-story brick. And ths ad Joining quarter block tot ths south is covered by a frame residence. ' The new owners plan to renovate -ths hotel' building and . put a substantial improvement on ths adjoining comer. Property along First snd Front -streets In ths vicinity of Columbia la advancing In price, largely on account of the pro posed terminal of the Salem trolley 11ns at Front and Columbia. - - Frank Ludesher bas sold to a local A... Ill" ''1 ifm 1 up . -w )')'". ". fi'1 .' mmmmmmM ; . i I',., :7t: ''". '4 mmmmrn ii '..: ' "! -i i . ' ' "v."Vt.l:: OFFER ACCEPTED -T- East Siders Take Up Manager's j J Proposal for Theatre on r i ' Grand Avenue. .. PUT PLATFORH UP TO unions Union Labor . Party Will Hold a Mass Meeting in a Few ( VVereks. - ' SUBMIT PLANKS FOR RATIFICATION One Is Opposition to Proposed Bond , Issue for Enlarging City Parks Want Anll.PsrXAw7wdr!rr6faart Suffrage. . "''-,'," 1 , -. - ' " 1 ; -' ' Members of ths Union Labor party, with which every union in the city will soon be affiliated, are arranging for a labor mass meeting which will be held Inalde of A few weeks. At that time the platform adopted by ths party Wednes day evening wijl be presented for -ratification. Fully three fourths of ths unions In Portlsnd sre atvtresent Iden tified with the party. Ths platform Is aa ioiiowb. WORK STARTING Oil ' SNAKE RIVER LINE (Special DteMtch te The Jonral.t. Huntington, Or., Jan. 3. Nearly 500 men and 42 cars of material for ths construction of the Snake river road from Huntington through tha Home stead country to Lewtston are now in Huntington and ths Utah Construction company, which .has the contract for building the road, will at once start upon the fulfillment of Its contract Dirt -la already flying on the railroad. Those who are conversant with the situation dealers ths line will be opened, from Huntington" to Homestead in eight months and. that before the end of the present year ths Seven Devils copper country will have an outjet by rail. It means an outlet for ths Iron Dyke mine also. ' , . Ths road from Hunting-ton to Home stead is' to bs about 60 miles in length J snd frera Homestead ths 11ns will con tinue on to Lewlston. Idaho, croaalng pis river at some point near the box canyon of the Snake. TO ENLARGE CAPACITY OF A SCOURING PLANT (Special rtapatefe Is Tbe Journal. Pendleton, Or., Jan. it. F. K Judd. manager of the Pendleton scouring mill, has gons east to purchass new ma-' chinery l r ths plant. A nsw dryer, a tub and almost an entirely new plant will -be installed fer the opening st next season's run. When tha new machinery is placed the scouring mill will be vir tually remodeled. - According to - Mr. ' Judd ths mill should be sbls to turn out 8,000 pounds of wooj, per day, ' against its previous S.500 pounds. This means - a capacity of about . 10,000 pounds of grease wool, per day.. At present lit looks as. though ths mill will, have ths longest run next season of any In Its history. , HAWTHORNE ESTATE ' TENDERS HALF BLOCK Hew ' Playhouse Is to Be Completed -' by September of This YeAT, and ' Stock Subscriptions Will Soon Be ' Solicited. . V, ' ' ? s The. full details for Incorporating And financing ths saat aids theatre project were determined and fully decided upon last night At A meeting of a Joint com-, mittee mads np of representatives from each of tha progressiva organisations of the east side in ths rooms of ths East Bids club. Ths offer of ths Hawthorns sstats to furnish free of rent half of block 120, fronting on Grand avenue and East Sal mon street, was presented-la writing. Xt was also provided In ths document that at the expiration of tha 10 years ths ground would be open for another 10 years at a rental -of not more than I per cent interest on ths appraised value of ths ground. Tbs opera-house company is to pay assessments for street - Improvements, taxes, insurance) and other such expenses. J..F. Cord ray also submitted his offer to equip the theatre at an expense of from 120,000 to $26,000, conduct a flrst clsss theatre and pay ( per cent Interest on all stock a Ths theatre Is to seat ,200. v " . , -After a full consideration ths com mittee voted to accept ths .conditions snd authorised Whitney U, Boise to draw up the articles of incorporation and provide blank subscription paper It will bs necessary to have tbe theatre completed by September, 1007, Mr. Cord ray stated, and It is expected to have tbe full amount necessary, which was sstlmsted at about f6i,000, subscribed by February It. -. Another meeting will bs held next Thursday, when everything will be in readlnsaa to begin soliciting. This com mittee will also tako up ths rebuilding with steel of ths Madison street bridge or construction of a new bridge At Another- point nesr It, snd - steps were taken last night toward that end. Thomas Hislop of ths East Bids im provement association bas bad a bridge set prepared 'snd ths next move will bs to secure ths signatures of II per cent of ths voters In order to get a vote on ths Question At ths next June election. purchsser ths lot At ths northeast cor ner of Jefferson And, First streets for 135,000. There are frame houses on ths property. Louis Salomon mads tbs sale. B. M. Lombard bas sold about 110,000 worth of residence lots In Broadway addition during tha week. K- R. 'Ben- ham bought ths quarter block at the northeast corner of East Twenty-fourth and Hancock streets for 12.100. Mr. Benham Is making immediate prepara tions to build a bandsoms homo on his lot' C H. Parker bought. ths northwest quarter bjock at East Twenty-fifth snd HancocK for ii.ouo. til win zrao im prove bis lot st Ones. - H. Jo. wrighton purchased the south east quarter block at East Twenty ninth snd Schuyler streets -. for 11,100. Mr. Lombard sold yesterday to out of town purchasers lots 1. 4, f and t, Broadway addition for 12,400. . I I' Flelschner, Meyer ft Compants NewiWAnshouse, .at First And. Couch StresU. THREE INDICTMENTS AGAINST A. PERARD '(Special Dtspstek to The Insrnal.) . Pendleton,' Or, Jan. 20. Three indict ments have been returned by the grand Jury In . ths present term of circuit court against A. Perard. the sheepman. Ons charges him with stealing 0 Si.eep from C. A. Johnson, ons of slt'r-4 Ing the brands of sheep and ons of orfi lawful .cohabitation with a woman not his wife, to-wlt:- Jennie Dos . - Psrsrd appeared and entered pleas of not guilty to all three Indictments. . The oaas of George Schlll, accused nf having lived Vfl the earnings of sn abandoned woman, la now before -be court, '"' Tb llhertr. ecnul rlshts and wpertiinirjes to all wbk-k our enuntrr's eouatltntioe Scalar t bs oar inallanabl heritage eaa be attatnes ealy by boaaat and just laws, wblrh will allow so opprseaioB to the many or permit special favors te tba (ft. Tha spirit of liberty and km ot Justice ! inherent hi bearta or tbs Anwlcea people; but the eiprs1ow of pesnlar will la coToruaant aa always baea proraated br tba iactfea of stU and umcrapulaoa poll tlclana. who, backed by powerful combination ef corporate wealth are ever ready to oppoae tbe enactment or enforcement of any law tend ing to promote tba health, eomfurt allty ef tbe working .elasees. v , tabor Class Vast Traits. Tberoafbly schooled Is political ' trickery tbey are ever present In lulls of lerMatli sad courts of Juaclr. carer te oppose say measure calrulataa to sorb tba almost ha- limited printers ef the moBopollatle class oe thmtlla and flaht to tbe Heath anv at- tmspt st teslalattoa fswrablajta thoa who toll. . This deplorable eondltloa can only be manges r7 tas am tea srtorn or u taoonns rUaa, that It may be quickly and forerer ehana-eS b tha orsaalsstloa and enoeestratioa of their nlrbtr forces t a truth that aauat b apparent to an. ' - Tbs era-anise waxs earner ef today are tbe only intent oDstaci opposing u arrsai ct- poratlons taat sre s menacs sot eaiy m am wn Mine of economic society bat to popular government also; bnt lack ef snlty In porpoae sud actio ha hltberte prevented labor from swetln with sneceas Is It attempt to better eimdltlnn b? ballot. That tbelr forces may be bronsrnt tnarether snd se strena-rbened by harnvmlons waanlaafloo that tbelr effnrts may bring them tbe Juatlc and fair dealing wtaloa to tholr only demand tbe Labor party Is organ ised. W larlrs"tbe-Tlg effH good etttsaas (rs. (vdlem of party prefersnees In sstlosal pon tics) whe belleee In ear principles ss offering s solution of local problems sffecting oar dally lleeei - while - wekmslng aD . whe- profess at tachment tt those principle we giro notice that the dlahonest sad self-eeeklog will be rig idly excluded from oar eanfldencs. for ths ob jects we seek to attain moat sot be Jeopar dised by selfish embttloa witbla ear ranks. Vaalelpat Osseiablp. v We Aemaad rounlclpal ewnerablp ef pabHe utilities In Tbelr satnre mosonollstlc. Under municipal ewnenhlp employes will receive Jnst treatstest without strife, and the .community will -secur d-rent, erderly and economical conduct of utilities msaperabts from esmmunsl life. W advocate se suddea cbanre. We do sdvoestv scqnisltlos ef taeas stllttles smog enwervarret line, certain snd sere. W refer particularly to tbe a tree t railways, and call attention te tbe da ly spectacle of discomfort and Indeeenev on all sunurbaa lines In herd ing ef paasscgers, regardlsss of age, disabll Ity er sea. v - - - -- - WC favor tbe charter e landmen t fwanlsttnsr tbe giving or reoal ebeck to au enable to sseare seats oa streetcars. We advents a special tax en ralh-nas sad street rallwaTa, tba money SeiUed tserefmm to be Invested is bond sad stork of tbe railroad or etreet rallwer. with tbe aim ef acquiring ownership of the same. . .. f We .demand sneedr termination of the e era a ire privileges new sxeretoed by all ear- BXSnOBS. 7 - r 1 1 Ws are opposed te repeal er tampering- wtrhi tbe present Chinese exclusloa tow. We sdvo eat extenalea of tbe law to soclode Japanaas SJiu avoreami. We advnest eleetloe of tTrdted State sena tor by direct vote of the people, and we win withhold our support from all leglalatlT candidates who sre sot la favor of the, same, snd whs will not pledge tbaaaselvss te sup port tbe people's choice. v. .; Oppess Ceavlet Labsrv W ate eppoJcd to meatus; ef eosrlcts and bringing tbsia Is competlttoB with free labor. W .favor putting coBTlcts te work ea a tats and cueuty roads, ', We demand rigid enforcement ef tbe ni as ent 10-honr tow rviatlng to female employes, ItSd adTorats Its estenakMi -to roalsd thee wagearner 1 in ; reaiauraais , ana m ocean rue sstabUahmenta. .. W advocate . enactment and rigid enforee sient ef tows te prevent the spread of tuber culosis sad ether contagious er Infectious dm-ssxes. Ws demand enactment sag rlrld sjent ef more stringent rblld-tobnr Taws. Ws demand that all etty. coantr snd stats work be done by the anthorttte wherever orseUeabl. and not br contract. We dumand that not more than slrbt hour shall eonatt tuts s day's work tor ail laborers sad aieebaa 1c errrplored br the stats, county er etty. rsder the present aystewl tbs state prlsttag office has bens a snore ef polltlosl eorrap tloa snd waste. W advoests esuei ship by the stats ef a properly equipped printing plant and- that tbe state printer be given s fixed ssnual salary. W fa Tor s taw relating te Weigbbj and meaenres adeoust to protect tbe ansuapeetJng. snd the creation of aa tiles to enforce its pmvf elonSa We demand that an water retenee be raised by direct tax. We support the charter amend ment proposed by tbe Free Water sssoetatloa. . . Safeguard Romas ties. - We demand that aD nubile ntlllty eosspanlee hn bs compelled to adequately safeguard tbe II ree and property . ef all jcitUaoa, especially of tbelr employe. Free scboota, free tut books sad Compulsory educatlns. I'nreleutlng protest against tbe tstaaace and a ho m ef Injunctions. Tbe abolition of tbs photograph system er blackllatlng In any form by say company or corporation of Its employe. ' 111 abolition of the sweatshop system. Mors rlrld enforcement 'of laws relating to sanitary Inaneetloa of factories, workabopa, nliee, dwelling, puhllo Institutions sad all places open to tbe pnblle. Liability of employers fsT Injury to body or Joe of life. State control sf all telegraph, telephone and railroads. Imperative -nan-lire and right ef reran, ' Suitable ssl plentiful ptaygrossds fog chil dren In all town and cities. Contlnned sgltstloa for - puMIe nrlnel and bath systems la sll rule tnd tnwne; that 1 there shall be bathroom snd bathroom at- i tarbmenta In sll bouses or eompartmeata ased . for habitation. We sre cmphatloallr eemowd to the ere posed mllllonlollar bonding graft under tbe guise ef nl-rglng the city park an tern. We demand that untmprnTed proper ly he taxed at tbe same rate ss adjoining Improved property Is t-ied. r : We are In favor ef ss sarl-psss law, led Its enforessent. '.Woman snffrsge eoeqnal with xnaa roffrsge. Conrad Kohler DrAd. (Special Dispatch to Tbe Journal.) Pendleton, Or., Jan. 2 . Conrad Koh lor Is dead at his horns In this city from heart failure. He hsd been In - poor health for many months and was In a critical condition for some time. - He was a resident of Pendleton' for many years and was a business msn in ths City until a short tlms sgo. He Also hsd farming Interests here. He wss a member ofthe Knights of Pythias .and several other orders. - ... The only form of food made ' lrom wheat that is all nutri ment is the sodst cracker, and ; V yetthe only soda cracker of which this is really true is Uneeda Biscuit ' .'..--''. -; -.'.'.. : '. ' ';' ''. ..-' .' Tbd I only soda cracker scientincally v baked. ; ' - : - ' ; soda cracker effectually v :', protected. v ... soda cracker erer fresh, crisp and clean. soda cracker good at aty .' times.?.; '- ':'', ' E In a Just tight;'-: ( moisturt proof packagg. NATIOMAt BISCUIT COMPANY . . '1.1-.'".-'- " ",',- ."" -- , 1 only Tn only ,nxa only Ihe only ; must be prorerly dlffested and assimilated to of . any Talua to' you, otherwise it is a source of harm Instead of ffood. . - , ; If not digested, it ferments and.deoayt, eausinc eour stomach," "heart burn." nausea, headache, flatulence, bad breath and other disoomforts. : - M .. -t ... ., .v V comoels rroDe7rresUonof the food and tend the food nutriment through the blood into all parte of the body".:- . - ' . ; : ' . : The tissues are thus built-up and every organ is -restored to health and 'strength and put in perfect condition."' .'.--?.-.'' -.'.. Disease is driren out to stay out the cause Is removed, ' ' ... -.y,- - ' ? - ',- -V. . '-. . . " ': ': '-:(" 'C 'i ' t naBtrivnii,.MIii.' - X have prescribed Kodol quits cftea la my practice, tad hT found it a very . efficient remedy for all . stomach ailments. It baa always given the best ef reaulu. , . J. T. MAY, M. D. - KODOL DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Mlu keuu tola Msms as maek ea ska Hat, er se seat ataa. - MAKtO TMt ' otomaoh ewnrr. PraesS at a. It. I ersMrv e( S.O.PsWm I ao.,aaieas..s S.A. "' Sold by Slddmore Drug Co. ami Woodard, Clarka ft Co Suffers From Blood rolsonlng. ' . ' (SpceUl Dlepstch to Tbe Journal.) .' La Orande. Or., Jan. 2.--C W. Ell worth, -the Island City juatlOA of ths pence, la suffering with blood poisoning In his hand, and Is unable to attend to bis dutiss.. -lis Injured . tns band in snrrra wsy and has been in A serious con dition for soma dajrs, . .. , Do Yon Wish (0 Build, Pay Oil a Mortgage or Borrow Money on Improved City ftoperly? IF SO, NOTE WHAT ANY; ONE OF THE FOJ-LOWINO AMOUNTS WILL DO: $131 per month for 120 months 14.07 per month for 108 months 15.17 per month for 96 months 16.60 per month for ; 84 months 18.52 per month for 72 months 214 per month for 60 months 25.36 per month for 48 months 32.26 per month for ; 36 months : (Larger or smaller amounts1 in the im proportion.) Will Pay Oil $1.00? . Mortgage and Interest Money will be advanced at the building progresses and interest charged only on the amounts as advanced. When the building is - completed and ready for occupancy the regular monthly payment v commences. - - - - . . For complete information call on : , Columbia , Life & Trust Company LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDO, SECOND AND STARK STS.' W..M. LADD. President. T, B. WILCOX, Vice-President The "SAMPLE LIFE- POLICY issued y THE COLUMBIA s LIFE & TRUST COMPANY furnishes lift insurance protection at the lowest possible cost to the insured. Reliable men desired as representatives. 1 onanruT mxoosngBaTsao "to , ' ' rJHTfalATiaaX. , , O. O. ' HIgbee, Penvllle. Ilia, writes, Deo. I, 1001,: "About two years ago I wss laid - tip for four months wllh rheumatism. I tried Ballard's Snow Liniment;. ons bottle cured me. I csa cheerfully recommend It to all suffering from like affliction. See, IVo and fl.0 Bold by. All druggist . . Clarke, Woodward Drug' Co. Importing Hholcsalers & Manufacturing. Cor. 9th and Ho1 Sts. es.AOS sntisra feet nf finer sneea. A . complete analytical Laboratory.' A private switching- track from tbs terminal yards. - . . -Jbe largest And .. most .. perfectly sq nipped wbolesals drus house sn tbs ooa st. .. - . - - Buyers and bandlera of beeswax And Oregon dru products, casoara bark, crape root, sto. . . A V :4 ,tT-.-V ..