The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, January 26, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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Collegians Outclassed Their Op
. portents In Every Depart
ment of the Game.
Leader in th Race for Basketball
. j . Honor Will Make Thing nam
This Evening In the Club Gym.
nMinnvLine TJp of the Team.
r The Dallas coller basketball tesr
eutclassed and outplayed the T.. M. C.
A. team last evening to the tun of If
to JO. The local lads wars not In tha
' same ao far aa class and scoring- waa
concerned, aa tha . . collegians . played
with aa accuracy and a snap that were
.wall worth witnessing.
"The eon teat waa rougher than moat
football games. . It la safe to Bar that
if tha rough work ta not eliminated soon
in baaTcetball tha rulea ooramlttaa will
be requested' ta revise tha playing
coda, ao that tha aport may ba brought
to the modest and gentlemanly plan of
football. . f .. j .
tin laat eight's match Umpire Wins.
low waa too lenient In tha first half.
.and n l eonaequenea tba flayers de
veloped a etrenuousness-that would
' have .made President Rooaevalt green
with envy. It required, tha severest
kind of penalties In tha opening of tha
eecAnd half to bring th big atrong
nrui down to th proper kind of playing:
In tha flrat half Dallaa acored 10
points, while the . best that th locals
eould do waa to register . In the. aeo
end naif the, visitors added IS more to
their score, making th grand total of
tt, a number not . appreciated by tha
losers. The beat that tha locala could
, do waa to secure T mora In tha eacond
half making a. total of 10 (or tha game.
Tne lineup vrss: ... -" v '
Y. M. C. A. . . Dallaa.
Oates, Omay O..,. ...... Arnold
Teung, Oordon.....O Morton
' Forbes. McKeralfl..C ..... 8 haw
Russell ...... ...,rv.,.(cpt) Launer
Hartmaa (Capt,) ... .F. ........... Craven
Umpire Walter "Wtnslow. . , --
onlgkt'g Katok," . Z:'-
- This evening there will be a great
game-Of basketball at the Multnomah
club's gymnasium when the two uade
'rested teams. Dallaa collece and th
"""Hultnomah: club-f Hrewlll aontest-f or
' aupremacy. The eollegiana hare five
straight victorias to their credit, while
the club men have four In their list
There ran b no doubt about th eplen-
'did class that wtlr be-displayed In to
night's match. Hera la the lineup "of
tonight s game:
M. A.A. C Position. Dallas. '
. Parton. -. .O. . " a Arnold
Allen ..... . , .O.v ... Morton
.Bellinger ........ .C. ....... t . . Shaw
.Reach ............ F....(capk.) Launer
Dent (oapt)....,..F.. Craven
'"i mearaf ?Cews y Loosest Leased Wire.,
The Willamette I'niversUy basket-
ball team .Invaded Portland laat eve
ning and defeated the Zeniths, " who
represent (he Marshall-walla Hardware
- company. The score was II to I In
fuvor of th eo-eds.7" Th . superiority
of tha vlaltoia was due tu Ore fact
that they have been playing together
for some time, while thla waa the Ze
nith's first attempt in a match game.
The players were; '
,ti ZenithsLois Alderson, Helen Thajr-
r, Clara MoQIlL Anna O'Brien. Mar-
. iraret McDonald, Agnes Llnd, Sophie
Huff. . ' .:
l Willamette Anna Shepard. Alia 8ol
r' omn. Maybe! - Magnus. - Ruby - Coryell.
Stella Belkney. . - a r
(Special Dispatch a The Joernat.) :
. Seattle. Jan.,, The Northwest
Baseball laagu magnate met bare yes
terday In annual aeealon and were ao
overwhelmed by applications from cities
wishing membership in the organisation
that th gathering decided to consume
It days In which to consider th matter.
It. la known that Seattle, Tacoma, Spo
kane, Butte, Grays Harbor and Vancou
ver, British . Columbia, win be In the
league. . ,a.-- ,
Seattle was accepted In- the 'league
through its ' manager. D. H. Dugdal.
Tacoma was formally presented with
last year's pennant, . The magnates are
In seaalon today,. '...
Jack McCarthy has signed a" Brooklyn
contract for '47 and says he is good for
.too with the stick again next seaaon.
, ' -.- e a :-: , -V
'.'Quit a, few who know a thing or
two In baseball are of the opinion that
the American league mad a mistake
when It dropped Milwaukee and re
tained Detroit. It la about a Stand-off
in population, but1 Milwaukee has Sun
day ball, is only a short dlatanoe from
Chicago and 1 known aa a good patron
ot toe national game. . , -
William Kvana, known as "Wild Bill."
will no longer stir them up In the
Southern league. He will play the com
ing season in Springfield, Ohio, which
means some excitement in th Central
league. , . ,
President Taylor of the Boston Amer
icans has issued a statement In which
ha says that he ' will pay Robert Vn
glaub exactly th same salary as "Bob"
received in the Trl-State league. ,
' a a ; ' ' , ,
: Umpire Carpenter, is not A selling
plater but a silver plater in Roches
ter, N. T. Be more careful next time.
'.''.' - e a, .
The ?i CM. league will' employ pu
gilists to act as umpires and h In
structions will be, "No yrowdylanv if
you have to lick every maa , in the
league." ..- . -; ' f J,
I The Indlanapolla ball-club- would like
to have the veteran juiuy jLiingman to
cover short next season. , Toledo has
aaked waivers on the old sport '
nrifh'tnalrfna- mi rll latin matohaa. run
ning a hotel, dabbling in real estate,
buying gold mines and writing a book,
"Philadelphia Jack" O'Brien manages
to )ieep pretty busy theae days.
-The -program for the racing meeting
to be given next June at Overland
park, Denver, will Include racee-for
luui harness and running horse,
T . . , .
Annual Election of Officers Is
: Held and Important Busi-"
; ness Is Transacted.
: As forecasted In Wedneaday's Jour
nal. Dr. Emmet Drake waa elected laat
night prealdent of tha Rlverelde Driv
ing dab at Its annual meeting, held
in the office of th Rural Spirit. The
other officers were: Vice-president,
Henry Drennen! secretary, Paul Dick;
treasurer," Uua Rosenblatt, The report
of the retiring officers showed the club
to be In a flourishing condition. A
dlacuaalon was held regarding a scheme
to purchase ground suitable for a aite
where the club could build a home and
also wher th annual race would ne
held. The member feef that the club
la financially abla to undertake such a
proposition and the following commit
tee wU look after the matter:. Dr.
Drake, J. M. Mann, M. D, Wisdom, A,
C Uhmlr and W. Clark. .
Retiring ITesldent A. ' It ' Lohmlre
was preaented with a pair of handaome
elk-toeth cuff buttona as an evidence
of tbe members' appreciation for. his
good work. . , , ;.
(Jeans Speelsl Service.) "
ban - Franclaco, Jan. Ji. Races nt
Oakland: ' '.. ,,
Three furlongs Billy . Myer j won,
Rhinestone second, Irish . Mike third;
time, 0:4 1-8. t f-- :.
FlYS. and. a half furlonga-yLa Ross
won. Anna Ejirennla aecondr Duke cf
Orleans third; time, 1:I.
Futurity courseJohnny Lyons won,
Fred Neugent second, Avon third; time,
Mile and CO yards, ' selling Crow
shads won. Roll second. Cherlp thirl;
tlm. I:J --
Mil and 10s yards, selling luclaa
won, Ed Sheridan second. Captain Bur
nett third; time, 1:41 t-i.
Six and a naif furlongs Gateway
won, Dolly Dollar second, Hedgethorn
third; tlme,. l: v;
:-' "A Los Angeles.
(Jooraal Special Servlee.)
Los Angelea, Jan. II. Races' - at
Ascot: r v -
Six furlongs The. Major won, -Mas-apan
second, Bonnie " Beg third L time,
1:15. - -
1 Seven and a half .furlongs Ampede
win." Green Seal seond. Common Sue
third; time, 1:07 1-1.
Brook's course Jack Little won.
Gold Spot second. Kombo third; time,
J:0T. - . . .
Owners'-- handloap,-- mils pantoafl
won, Don Hamilton second, Oorgalette
third; ume, ....... .
Seven furlongs Belvolr "won. Med
dling ' Daisy second,- Carmlnal - Sarto
third; tlm. 1:21 8-4. ... '
Mile Treasure Seeker won, Plrakln
second, Irish Mail third; time, 1:44 1-1.
(Jnarnsl Special Service.) ' '
New' Orleans, Jan. Ji. Testerday's
summary:. : 4
Three and a half furlongs Lattlo
won. Dew 'Of Pawn second. Ruby Wlok
third; time. 0:41 1-S.
Six furlongs Reflned won. Impart I
neno second, Bert Mont third; time.
" Mile and a sixteenth Mortl Boy won,
Granada second, Rickey third; -time.
Mils and a alateenth. selling Oainara
won, Daphle second., Mahogany third;
time, 1:61 -S.
Ilrt and a half furlong Bo serrlan
won, Monere second, Voting third;
time, 1:00 4-0.
Mil end 70 yards Delestrome won.
Terns Rod second, Qrosgratn ' third;
time, lies -.
Koainonth Is Beatea.
Salem. Jan. 10. The " Monmouth
state normal school basketball tossers
proved essy for ths local T. M. C A.
Ave last night, so much so that the
gam was too tarn to suit th root
ers. The final score was II to 0.
A preliminary game was played be
tween the T. M. C. A. Juniors and the
team from the Deef Mutes', school.-resulting
In the score of it to S In fsvor
of th former, - -.
' ryaeraal gpeclsl Service. ).'
New York. , Jan. tt.--The various
committees of ths big mass meeting to
be held-tomorrow night at ths Hippo
drome, to protest against French spoli
ation, have . completed all arrangements
for what will undoubtedly be one of the
greatest, if not the greatest, sssemblsge
under Romsn Catholic auspices held In
New Tork In half a century. Th meet
ing, while held under Roman Catholic
auspices, will be addressed by some of
the foremost publlo men In the country
outside of that church. Every organi
sation of Roman Catholics of -all nation
alities are taking an active Interest In
th meeting and will send big delega
tions to swell the ranks of the sssem
blsge, which will renew its loyalty to
the pope and Rome and adopt resolutions
protesting against the recent occur
ranees In ; francs under the present
ministry. . . ( .
("pedal Dtapatrh ts Tb Jeoraal.) -
JCelao. Wash.. Jan. Si. F. O. Shots
wall of Chehslia has purchased ths
Maccshee building, across - the road
from . the-, Metcalf Shingle company a
big mill,- snd will immediately-install
an up-to-date steam laundry. Steam
will be supplied direct from the big
shlngl mill. The laundry win be mod
ern In every detail.
Mr. Shotsweli own the laundry al
ready, bu. the business has Increased
so rapidly that the present plant has be
come entirely Inadequate. He la an
experienced laundryman. . ' 1 ..
. . Dies From Football Injury.
'.aerial Dtanetaa Tbe Joornal.)
Pendleton. Or.. Jan. it. Claud In
msn, XT rear of age,- died at tbe hospi
tal In thla city yesterday from the ef
fect ef an Injury received In a football
gnme here about two years ago.
Clear the voice. Allaythe
irritation caused by , cough
ing Uie.wnen required.
Marriott Machine ' Speeding at
Two Miles a Minute, Turns
Several Somersaults. : ,
Sttamer Was Going at Terrific Bate,
Whew a Slight Lift In the ISand
Cauacd It to Shoot Up in the Air
Yesterday'; Bummary.-
(Joqraal Special Servic.)
Ormond, Daytona Beach, Fla, Jan.
The great speed king Fred A. Marriott
came very nearly meeting his death
yesterday during th automobll races.
That Marriott was not killed instantly
and mangled beyond recognition la
the greateat miracle. He was speeding
along in his cigar shaped steam racer
in an endeavor to break the mil reo-
ord. Tbe machine struck a small ridge
in the sand, which caused the car to
shoot us in th air at a terrlflo clip,
finally landing In a heap. Marriott tried
to lump, but was found unconscious In
the pile of wreckage. At first it wss
thought that he waa killed, but upon ex
amination it was found that no bones
were broken and that bs would soon be
all rla-ht asraln. His left ere waa bad
ly-torn, and he may los th sight of
that organ. . : r-- u..
Before - tha accident Marriott had
made a mile In to S-S seconds. 1 1-5
seconds slowsr than his record mads
last year.
The final race will be pulled off this
afternoon, v
Testerday's Summary.
Six-mile match race Won by X.
Doughlln, 0 h. p. gasoline; time. Till
1-5. Second. R. M. Bond, 10 h. p. gas
oline; time, 7:48 J-5.
Twelve-mile race Won by- Button,
Englleh, 30 h. p. gasoline; time, 11:11
t-i. Second. Stlnson, 10 h. p. gasoline;
time, 14:S2 4-i. .
Five-mil club championship Won
by Loughlln, 00 h. p. gasoline, handi
cap . one minute six seoonds; elapaad
time, 10:10 1-6; corrected time, 0:01 S-S.
Second. Bond. SO h. p. gasollns. handi
cap' (0 seconds; elapsed time. 10:1T 4-1 1
corrected time. S :1ft 4-1. Third, Rose,
10 h. -p. gasoline, handicap ons minute
23 seconds; elapsed time, 10:10; cor
rected time, 0:47. Pain, scratch, Bn
ished last. In this event the limit
maa". had a handicap of three minutes
14 seconds. ' .
Mile trials Marriott, SO h. p. steam.
First trial. 4:11 4-5; second trial. 0:10
4-5 (within 1 1-0 seconds of tbe world's
record.) H. E. Rogers. 21 h. p.. steam.
0:05; L. F. N. Baldwin, 00 b. p. steam,
0:41 4-6. (Thia la touring car world's
record for the distance.)
Motor cycle raoe--Wllllam Ray, double
cylinder, lowered world's mil two
cylinder, motor record to 0:44 t-i. "
flenrnat Special get ilte.) '
Berlin, Jen. JO. Seldom does It occur
that two members of the sams family
have their .birthday anniversaries oome
so closely together as is tbe case with
Emperor William and bis son. Prince
Augustus William. ' The emperor will
old tomorrow, while Piliius
Augustus entered upon his twenty,
fleet year today. Tbe double annlveA
sdry waa made an occasion for a happy
family party and an exchange of greet
ings snd presents at Potsdam. No data
has yet been fixed for the wedding of
Prince Augustus to Princess Alexandra
Victoria of Schleswlg-Holstsln, though
It-is understood' thst the event, will
not Jong b postponed.
(ffeeHal Wepateh ts The Jeoraal.)
Kelso, Wash.. Jan. IC Mayor Cagwin received a telegram from Repre
sentative W. L. Jones in Washington,
Instructing htm that Mr. Jones haa a-
eured a provision In th river sod har
bor bill for th survey of th Cowllts
river as far as Castle Rock. Until the
survey Is made there is no chance vt
getting permanent improvements, but
now thst the survey Is to be made, it
opens tb way for permanent improve
ment In th channel.- There is now no
reason why Kelso should not have a
deep channel to the Columbia and then
become a port for ocean shipping.
(Social Dltcerrh te Ths Jonrnal.)
- Aberdeen, Wash., Jan. 10. By the
provisions of ths proposed occupation tax
law. compiled by th polio committee
every kind of business that Is not-al
ready taxed will have to pay In future,
Including professional men.
To Preach 1b Boms.
' ' (Journal gneHal Service. 1
Newport, R. X.,-Jan 20. Tomorrow's
sermon of Rev, waiter J-Owrle In Trin
ity church wlir- be the last h will
preach ss. rector of that church. Next
week he will stsrt for Rom to become
th rector of th American church la
that city.
. . ;-' Th CharaiBAr Woman - "
Is not necessarily one of perfect form
and feature. Many a plain woman who
could never serve ss an artist s model.
poaaeaaee tnose rare qualities that all
...a world admires: neatness, clesr evaa.
clean smooth skin and that sprlghtll-
neaa or step ant action nat accom
pany good health. A physically weak
woman is never attractive, not even te
herself. Eleotrlo Blttere restore weak
women, give strong nervee. briaht evaa.
smooth, vslvety skin, beautiful oom-
lexion. .uuaraaieea at Hea Cross
nnrmacy. mc
1 .rp "n
'i AST
' (Journal Special Service.)
. Washington, D. C, Jan. 14. Every
sou of the Wolverine state realdant in
the national capital, or at least every
one who la a member of the Michigan
state aaaoclatlon, la expected to gather
about the festal 1 board at Rauacher's
tonight to Join in a celebration of tha
seventieth, anniversary of ths admission
of their native commonwealth to the
union. Incidentally the banquet will be
in the nature of a celebration also of
the election of William Alden Smith to
the United States senate. The Michi
gan state association, under whose au
spices the affair takes place, has been
in continuous existence for over 00
years. Th present president is Lucius
EL Gritfley, a brother of the late Cap
tain Ortdley of the United States navy,
and Judge Benjamin A. Harlan of the
Interior department has been its secre
tary for many years.
' Berlin, Jan. 10. The government won
a victory in th general election for a
new relchstag. Tba Liberal. Radical
and Conservative partlea. auDDortlnk
Prince von Bulow's colonial policy, have
won at leaaC 0 aeata. More important
for the government than the success of
Its colonial plans, hows ver, is the defeat
administered to the Socialists, who will
los IT or It. They have loat eapeclall
in several large cities, among the places
being Breslau, Halle, Madgeburg, Lelp
Slg and Koenlgsburg.
Th Clerical Center party holds al
most all of its rormer 100 seats, having
lost on or, two of th Poles in Silesia,
h Uncomplicated
My Fee Is Only
Yon Can Pay
When Cured-
I Ism's (DiMlTI
the serious complex, and stubborn ones that others neither cure nor compre
hend. I have confined my efforts to diseases of men exclusively, and there is
no ailment belonging to this dsss that I cannot fully conquer. I make broad
and definite claims. I tell men that I can cure-them, even though others have
failed. Jealous doctors have charged me with claiming too much. But, I ask,
wherein hare I failed to fulfill a promise? My practice is now fully twice that
of any other specialist upon the Pacific coast treating men's diseases. It has
frown to these dimensions because I have made promises and fulfilled them..'
ach cure I have effected is a triumph and a manifestation of skill that has
had its part in the making of my success. ' Each day new cures are com
pleted, and my present growth of practice is more rapid than ever before.
Consultation Is free. If you are afflicted, consult me. You can rely upon
what I tell you, and if I accept your case you can rest assured that a complete
and permanent cure will follow my treatment y.. , . ,; , - r-
AH necessary X-Ray
lately fret to patients. My
equipment for X-Ray
work Is the finest and
most complete ever pro
duced, and equally per
, feet results are not posst
big with an inferior appa-
- ratus. '1- -ui. '
AO medicines are pre-.
pared from sUndardixed '
drags In my own private
laboratory and are sup
plied to patients at actual
- cost, ' - -" . '
nef U W
In Any
' Our Need Not Bt PId
Unlwtt Cured
Gonorrhoea, ' . Kidney and
Gleet. i Bladder DUeaies,
Stricture, Prostatic Trouble,
Hydrocele, ' All Forma
Varicocele-. of Rectal :
Blood Poison,
Loat Vitality,
Office Hours 8 a m to 8:30 p. m. Sunday. 9 to 12
Corn-r Second and Yamhill Streets, Portland, Oregon.
(Special Dlspstca ta Tse JeerasL)
La Grande, Or Jan. St. George B.
Stoddard and C W. Nlbley, prominent
members of the Mormon church, are
arranging to purchase the Hotel Bomner
In thla city, which ts one of the oldest
and best patronised hotels in this sec
tion. , The growth of the country is
bringing a great many new people to
Orande Rondo valley, especially Mor
mons, who are largely investing in
real estate. -
. Ui Tata VOBU '
Is a stage, and Ballard's Snow Liniment
play a a moat prominent part It haa no
auperlor for Hi umatlam, stiff Joints,
cuts, apralns and all palna. Buy it. try
I and you will alwaya use it Anybody
who haa uaed Ballard's Snow Liniment
is a living proof of what it does. Buy
a trial bottle. 2 Sc. to and IL00. For
sals by all drus-g'sta .
cvlat. Aikfcwl'lll.-lfklm.'rraM
r 1 1.1. a, ,, sa
J'r, nrwMari a, artat. Alwar Sa.
bla. Sale ar Drmuunmak,,.
the FnO J
a ()
I txzuve
Oarsl CoM Is Osm Day,
htm. 3S
I4IIMI A . T r Drag-tat w AX
t U .Saa We lMJhr..A
Fills la sua aa4 1I4 auauitcXV
hoiaa. aaaM wllk Mine Rtbtea, V
Take eiaer. Bar mf wmmr
I have the largest prac
tice because I invaria
bly fulfill my promises
Succeos isn't attained at a bound. It is mad-up
of many little triumphs. A large medical prac
tice doesn't await the young physician at the col-
leg door,-; He must prove hirpoelf, He m8,
work toward succeos day after day, doing well
each day'o tasks. . . , (
It has always been my rule to promise nothing
that I am not absolutely certain of accomplioh-.
ing. Realizing that no one physician can suc
cessfully undertake to cure all diseases, I entered
apecial Courses of otudy in preparation for my.
present work. Foraixteen yearg I have been
proving my ability and building my success- I
have mastered, first the simpler diseases, then
bgO-tttfceriC Insri U'aa. w'I XTaar-r
234 Morrison Street, Corner Second
Poriland, Oregon
. L ' ' i
' Tatieaw irVtag eat ef the eity ead eeailag e' ri.
. lead far tnatsaaat will ke f araUhed with faw eeesa free
ef eaarae, check yew trash a (tract ta SMM Kerrlsea at.
This disease is the most dreaded by all mankind ; and
Its effects are known to be of the nature of an entire
degenerative nature. . falling out of the hair, sores, ul
cers, sore throat, even goes so far as to cause a diseased
condition of the bones and tumors in the brain. If you
of your own free will permit your condition to reach the
advance stages, you have no one but yourself to blame,
unless you have nbt received the proper medical atten
tion, which is very often the case, and it is a fact that
many so-called specialists give you an inferior treat
ment that only aggravates your case instead of curing
'ou- V, ' ; . . V, : ' :.v.
, . ' " ' -
" The weakening of the vital powers. of man with Its
depressing effects upon his mental as well as physical
body, not only unfits you for work, pleasure, society. of
your fellow-beings, but makes you despondent, loss of
sleep, nervous, irritable and Incompetent These condi
tions will be rectified if you receive the proper care and
treatment, building up the .nervous system as, well as
the physical condition. Our treatment for the same is
euperior in every way-to-tha common methods and we
are the originators of auch a treatment The best is
none too good for you, and why not have the best? :
A Full Dollar's AVorth of
Free For a Dime
p,r,'i a pmpasltlon, Bn, that atkff H amay
CNOCOil tut any weak aiaa te try MAS MEL1-
IHt a a dime rirat aew asters thla whale
Onllar'a worth by retura auit esd get wall at
hvnie tilat l f.
MAN MlcuiCINS. beys. Is TII STfry fne
the week, weary aaa. It Is the reautt nt years
at esperienre sad aludy ef niea's waakacaara.
It la ecieaiifle and It is hareilaaa, bat Ha quick
sctioa ta lAn bulMlDS work Is a wenaef.
MAN MEUlClhS Hts the "nerve" Into s
in,: it takae the Slnrblns out et bli eyes sen
strale-btena h backbone. It will make yea salf-
aaaarllve. Hinn. . iwat..
vabeaaat with tbe aiaaly eoaOdruce tbat bub
blae aa ta the stroos-aarvad body. Be that
kind ef a sua 7n can.
h4 aa a dime tudar: we will send yoa a
Oollar la MAN MKlUClNE--worth a "nnllaf
a roe" aoBM people say. IWt aVIay thare't
Bothlns oa the sr"a Motat.j teat win en
the work (or yoa Uke Maa MWIclne. It mats
yoe a alms to try tba iwat of tha parkaae
to s-t a fall4lad dollar parkas of MAN
MsnielKg aent tree to your bom la
i plain, ao-
Uck bids.,
trait, Mtcblgaa.
Scoffs SaW-Pej'sia Capsules
For In Oaaiaaatloa orOatarrh of
tha Bleddar ani Dlaaaaad E 14-
rs. so ca so raw. larae
ulckly and Darmanentir tbe
rorst raaM of ae)errbe
ad la4. aomaiuirot how
f o( atandlne, A bsolately
traikes. gold by amaf lta.
rtoa 11 .00. or by BialL, puss
naid. tl JO, I boxaa. $1.1.
BeUVSentalaa, Ohia, -
by Ail Srasgists.
- The Xawdlag gpaclaJlst-
' Te preface teaporsry aeUrlty -ef
the functions la caaea ef so
called araakaese la a simple mat
ter, bet te permanently reetnre
atrensth and visor la a aroblem
that but tew pbyelrtane bare
solved, f never treat for tam
porary etreels. Coder any sye
tesa of treatment, every bit et
improvement la a part ef a per
manent rare. Tnoace other
physicians have, tbronah my sue
eeaa la effecting permanent
enres, been convinced of the fact
thst premstoreneas, kwa of pow
er, etc., are but symptoms ro
an It Ins from chronic uiflamma
tlon or eooeeatloa la tbe proatate
(land, none bare es yet bees
able to dnpllrate my enres. My
Mrar- treatment lstbe
only effective aieans yet knows
tor rea torlpf tbe prostata to Its
normal state, which always re
snlts In full snd complete retura
of strength snd visor. Such a
care la absolutely permanent, be
es nee the condition reeponelble
for 'the rand Ion al disorder Is en
tirely., removed. It Is tbe only
kind of s care a patient deal rea,
snd Is tbe ealy kind ef care I
will , treat for. ,
t state aothlng la my an
aoancemeots bat the etralfht.
aqnare truth. It will enat yoa
nothing te caU aad talk ever
year ease. Toe can find oat all
a boat yonr trouble end yoa ran
later srrsace to begin treatment
any time yoa like. My offices,
eemprlslag tea rooma, are the
Urseat, most aleaant aad seat
eoalpped la the west.
iJralos to the East Daily3
Thioarh aHiin . . . ... ,Mui
kas-eare dally to Una ha. Chkasa. Ssokaoat
BMopina-carf dally he aasaae mi,
U t'lt "'"'" ehalraalre (araia basl
tJsioa braot-.
Lasva. Srrlea,
the Kaat la Hantlnston. Sir
Waa TJ0aJ
3 riyer for Kaatera
" i inaTOB.
-wlatnn. oa, 4'aim, and
Or-.t Northa points, dally. f:00 fat 0:00 aa
dtlantv Riprea for Ue laat
WontWrfoa. dally i:U aj , 0 aai
Portcsatt-ntrea lorri. fnr all .
Jnte btrweea Bltrs sad
Portland, dallr.... .... g ig eia ': pal
minum , t nivtrns
rnr Aatorl. snd way points, eoaneetlnt wltg
efaamer (or Ilwaee and Norti gaeeh, StesmM.
Raaaaio, aaht. dork. .Waaee S p. sa, dallr,
except tnodayi Satarday, 10 a. at. Arrives
.km. .
' TAMniLL Rivr.a Korm. -
for Oaytoa. Oresoa City and Tamhtn rives
points, stesmere Ruth sod Modoe. Aahat. dock,
move T a. m. dai, eicept Sunday Iwster aae.
mlttlBO. . arrive T J a. av sally. aseaaS
Sanaa. . k
for Lewntaa, Idaho, aad way points frost
Rlperla. W,,h., steamers Spokane and Iwnw
ta leave S:0 a. m.. ee apoa arrtvsl Trala
Mo. 4,. dairy eveent Satetdsy. 1 Arrive p. as,
dally .scent Prlday.
Ticket Ctttc. Third and Traablaatee eta.
. Telephone Main Tl.
ft. W. RtiNnRR. ottv TW-krt A rent
Waa, MeMUBBA. Oeaeral Psaaeasee A reef.
Csloa Depot-. "v
Pocllaud- sad Baa
aisce Kapraas Stops ealy
el aaoat Important atatlona
hetwaaa Fortiaad and gaa
rraolaco; eosMctlooe at
Baa rranclaee for all points
East and South
Overland Exureee Trains
U Jepai :a
for all local points South.
Saeremeato, Baa Prenclnce ' "
and polata gaet and Soath. tielSal ; t:M pal
Morulns traia eciaaacts at , .
Weodbura dally exraot ' -Sunday
wits ktoont AnsI "" ""
and Sllvertoa local I MtS tflpa)
Cottaaa Grove paaaangar ?
eonorcte at Weodbura and
Albsny dally, except Suo- -
dar. with tralna for nolnta '
en Woodbnrn-Sprlnsfleld ssd
antany-Lienanoa arascBaa.-. -:ispm iim
Corvallla paaaanror 7 0 am BO pna
Sheridan naaaenser :! pa "30:20 am
Poreat Pro, a paaa,nsar.v.t1tv) am IIS -On ens
roreat Grove paaaenrer. .. . I S SOpm 13:0tm
aDally. t!Tally except Monday.
Poe Dallas sod intermediate points dally, T:SS
a. sa. snd 4:1 p. as. Arrive Portlsag 10:1
a. m. and S:2S p. ss.
Por time end csrd of flawese ennarbae trams
apply st City Tlraet urnee. or atanoa
Tickets to Eastwa pofors ana
J,m. flilne Hnnnlnln and Anatealla.
City Ticket Office corner Third aad Waal
tnftna atr.-,.. Pkane Mln Tli
O. w. arinjuurt, wm. mcmuhrat.
City tieket A sent. Qm- Paaa As s.
Astoria & Columbia :
River Railroad Co.
Osma Depot Leave. . Arrtva,
Por aiayrerm. Rainier. Clats
kanla. W eat port, dittos. As
toria. Warreatoo, flavea, -
Hammond, rort Staraaa, Uea . .
hart Park, Beeafhe.... S:0sm 11:SS aai
Hinu aad oaaaowva. WHiaa
dally frOSaae t:SSsaS
All trains dally.
I F. e atATrFrf.-
O. A. STEWART. Commeeelal Aaaax.
Alder atraaL Phoae Uala SOS.
North Pacific S. S. Co.a
Steamship Roanoke
Sails tor Eureka, San . Frsnclsea - emt
- ls Angeles direct, and
Balls for Ban Francisco direct, ' . '
Saturday Eve.;" Jan. 26 at 8 P. M.
From Martin's 'tfork,- foot SewatoftntT.
trt Ticket olflr 133 Third 1 strMt
nvaar aiuvu "-a. i n
H. TOTJNO, Asrent.
atite a.
Widely Known
and Successful
' Cbinesa
Medicinal, '
Root and 4
1, ! v a.
Us tasaaaa remedw the raaredlHts et
which we Import direct tram the Orient ha
larse enantltlea aad prepare aad pat Bp tee
aae la hie a p-to-d. ts lahatory. He Sverenvy,
pelaoae er iraaa ef IU kind ase& raraiaS
The Doctor treats saeeeaafally aad
ta ears all etomaeh tmahlee. easarrh. aethma,
lane, tbroat. rtMaaaatlem. sinueaaass, Hear,
ktdoey sad Vat m.nheoS.
. sisxAsca
He false ar mtelradloa? etaraaaeata a eke
afSleted. A safe end leetlnt enra In th. eeicke
sat aoaalbre time and at the tewaet east see
alhla tot honeat rreatmeat.
It re eaasut rail, write fne eyanfaas Masai
sad etrealer. TneVwa 4 nr. fa atamaa. -
Ska a wee Ve Chinese Kedi.uie Oe., lOm
firs St.. Oe. Btarrlaaa. PerUaad. 0a,
Pleaee saaailaa tfela aatw.
Every Wcmn
liInlMMii TimT i'niBiil
rout(h aroiMarfvl
m aarn'xi, h-tt H,fw
aaU N rM CorivaiilAnt.
UUMMN tswmWU),
If h fsannui ttf nl tha
n tm hi,, a,fpt mo
Oilktir, btu mna tmn fn
lllllBtraitHl bdwk . mmmU U arrwake.
lutl Mrticiilr and -1irvHi.r)a in.
-.luabia t Uo i-tj, ltHM, f
as T. lli. nan I !.
viautt vt m viuiti.
1 1
ff suaatr. "v
I Q loOOl M. SnMHal i
Mave. Antve.
mWvert fcr Ka 4
tv r Mt
w -
.. . ?: